Ohavay Zion Synagogue Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin Vol. 93 No. 93-February 2015 Published Monthly by Ohavay Zion Synagogue 2048 Edgewater Court Lexington, Kentucky 40502 859-266-8050/http://www.ozs.org/ Bulletin Shevat/Adar - 5775 February 2015 SISTERHOOD PRESENTS: SUPERWOMAN: HOW TO STAY ENERGIZED & HEALTHY TO BE THE BEST SUPERWOMAN YOU CAN BE! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 at 7:00PM OZS SOCIAL HALL Come meet Wendy White, The Broccoli Hugger! Wendy works with individuals to add in more whole and healing foods for optimal health, illness and disease prevention, and weight loss. Sisterhood Members: no charge Non-Members: $8.00 Please RSVP to [email protected] by Monday, February 2 Raven Run Nature Sanctuary 3885 Raven Run Sunday, February 8, 2015 2:30-4:30 In honor of Sh’mitah year of TuB’Shevat OZS will be doing a “Clean Up The Trails” community service project at Raven Run. We hope many of you will be able to come out and help. Dress for the weather and gloves are recommend. If you can help please RSVP to the office at [email protected] Sex in the text Mature audience Friday, February 13 at 6:00PM Dinner & discussion Vegetarian/Dairy Potluck Drinks, wine & desserts provided RSVP to [email protected] FROM THE RABBI Shevat/Adar 5775 - February 2015 Your vote counts. Do you want an Israel that embraces all Jews and in welcome the pluralism within Judaism? Do you want an Israel that recognizes weddings performed by Conservative rabbis? Do you want an Israel where an egalitarian minyan may have a place to gather at the Western Wall? If you do, then please vote Mercaz in the elections for the World Zionist Congress. Voting is easy; just go to http://www.mercazusa.org/election-2015/email-registry.html It is a bit more complicated to understand the involved organizations and finances, and I will try my best to explain as succinctly and as accurately as possible: The Jewish Agency is a non-governmental organization (an NGO) that distributes more than 300 million dollars to various Jewish organizations and causes. The Masorti Movement (the Conservative Movement in Israel and the rest of the world) receives about 2.5 million dollars a year from the Jewish Agency. For example, Machon Shechter, the Conservative rabbinical school in Israel, receives about a third of its budget from the Jewish Agency. How does the Jewish Agency decide who to support and how much to give? Since half the governance of the Jewish Agency comes from the World Zionist Organization (WZO), the WZO has a tremendous role to play in determining who gets funding. But how does the WZO determine who to support and how much to give? That is based on how many delegates each of its member organizations can gain from the World Zionist Congress elections. Who represents Ohavay Zion Synagogue in the World Zionist Congress? Mercaz is the Conservative Movement’s member organization in the World Zionist Congress. So, the long understanding of the process is: voting for Mercaz leads to greater representation in the World Zionist Congress, which directs the decisions of the World Zionist Organization, which helps determine the decisions of the Jewish Agency, which distributes money to the Masorti movement in Israel. (Voting may cost $10, but it is well worth it for the huge financial benefit that Masorti movement receives.) The short version of all of this is: voting for Mercaz is a vote for the Masorti Movement and a Jewishly pluralistic Israel. This Rosh Hashannah, I asked for your help. I asked that to whatever degree we are able that we help the Masorti Movement prosper. So, please support the Masorti Movement, and help Israel to be a home for us all. For more information and to vote, go to: http://www.mercazusa.org Rabbi Moshe Smolkin Shabbat Services: February 2015 February 6 Community Shabbat w/ Stewart Home 5:30PM February 20 Kids Shabbat 5:30PM February 7 Shabbat - 9:30AM Yitro Birthday Aliyah February 21 Shabbat - 9:30AM Terumah February 13 Sex in the Text Potluck 6:00PM February 27 Shabbat at Home w/ Family & Friends February 14 Shabbat - 9:30AM Mishpatim February 28 Shabbat - 9:30AM Tetzaveh PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE + Shevat/Adar 5775 - February 2015 = Sh’mitah “Six years you shall sow your land and gather in its yield; but in the seventh, you shall let it rest and lie fallow. Let the needy among your people eat of it, and what they leave let the wild beasts eat. You shall do the same with your vineyards and your olive groves.“ Parshat Mishpatim Exodus 23:10-11 Happy Tu B’shevat /Sh’mitah! In Israel, this is the 7th year in the agricultural cycle. Akin to a sabbatical year, it is the time when Israelis let the land rest. It is a wonderful time to explore the ethics and dilemma’s that would occur if we all had to let our land rest for an entire year. How could we possibly live for a year without crops of vegetables, fruits and olives? How would that impact our economy? How does Israel cope or deal with this event? Explore this issue further yourself by exploring the following link http://hazon.org/shmita-project/overview/ I hope everyone joins me in a Sh’mitah Community Service Project on Sunday afternoon, 2/8, (weatherpermitting) at Raven’s Run Nature Center to support land conservation and lend a hand to our local community as we help clean up trails in the park. Check out the rest of the bulletin for our other February events: Tu b’shevat, Superwoman, Sex in the Text, Cooking traditional desserts - that’s quite a variety of topics covered at OZS this month. Shirley Stern Bryan Looking for a few good “reps” We are in need of OZS representatives for the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass board. If interested please contact Shirley [email protected] Save the Date: JFB Super Sunday - 2/22 OZS & TAI Masquerade Purim Ball - 3/7 OZS Purim Carnival - 3/8 Genealogy speaker at OZS -3/22 JFB’s For Women Only Dinner - 3/19 at OZS 5:30PM JFB’s One Book Jewish Lexington - 3/24 at 7:30PM OZS First Night Congregational Seder 4/3 Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend MONTHLY THOUGHTS FROM THE RELIGIOUS COMMITTEE Moving and Shaking, part 2 This month, we’ll continue the discussion of the various traditional movements and gestures during the service. Those of you who come early enough on Shabbat for the Pesukei de-Zimrah know that at the Baruch sheh-amar we hold the front two tzitzit. While there are several mystical reasons for this, the most reasonable seems to be that in a certain sense, this prayer, which has ten blessings, is a stand-in for the Ten Commandments, and the two front tzitzit have a total of ten knots. The number of blessings and the number of knots help us to remember the ten commandments. Also, according to some, the two tzitzit serve as witnesses to our praise. One more explanation is that the Baruch sheh-amar does not mention God’s name, but the ten knots in the two front tzitzit are formed from 16 strings (8 in each), and 26 (10+16) is the numerical equivalent of God’s name, which we therefore include in the blessings even without saying it. It is part of the tradition to kiss the tzitzit at the end of the blessing before releasing them. One line of the Ashrei, recited both in the Pesukei de-Zimrah and at the end of the Torah Service, deserves particular attention: Poteach et yadecha - “You open your hand and satisfy the needs of all the living.” We are told to concentrate on that verse, but there is also a tradition, particularly strong among the Sephardim, but also widespread among Ashkenasim, of opening up our hands (or at least one hand, if the other is busy holding the siddur) at that line. When the Torah is carried around the sanctuary, many people reach out to touch the cover with their tzitzit, their siddur, or their hand (the latter is actually the most common in many orthodox synagogues), which is then kissed (some orthodox kiss the torah mantle directly). We do this simply to express our love for the Torah. After the torah is read, it is held up for the congregation to see (the early tradition, still usual in Sephardic synagogues, is to do this beforehand, so the congregation can see where the reading will begin). It has become common to point at the torah during this hagbaha, perhaps because we are singing at that point Vezoht ha-torah, “This is the Torah.” Usually the little finger is used to point, to indicate humility, and one of the tzitzit is wrapped around it so it can be kissed afterwards. At some point we will consider the traditional movements associated with the Shma, but next month we’ll look at the customs and laws of Purim, which is March 4 this year. Jon Glixon Camp Fair 2015 2/8 Join our Lexington Jewish community for a regional Jewish Summer Camp Fair Sunday, February 8, 2015 at OZS We’ll have lunch available for purchase from 12 noon to 1 pm. A "campfire" chat will be at 12:30 pm, with camp presentations and opportunities for campers to share about their experiences. Camps invited to participate this year include: Camp Shalom, Goldman Union Camp Institute (GUCI), Camp Young Judaea Midwest, Camp Ramah Darom, Camp Livingston, and BBYO Perlman Camp. This event is jointly sponsored by Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, OZS & TAI. For more info please contact Tamara Ohayon at (859) 268-0672 or [email protected]. Families with kids under 4: Come play! 2/8 Join us Sunday, February 8 from 10:15-11:30 at OZS as we come together as a community for a playgroup with our littlest kids and parents/guardians. We’ll have time to informally play, eat a light snack, and perhaps sing a song, create a craft, or read a PJ Library book. Please RSVP to [email protected] so we have enough snack. PJ’s not required. Backpacking for God’s Pantry 2/8 & 2/22 We will do a collection of apples and oranges for Mary Todd Elementary beginning Sunday, February 8. You can drop off your donations of apples & oranges that day or Tues-Thurs so they can be delivered to the school on Friday. We will then do God's Pantry backpacking on Sunday 2/22 @10:30. OZS Board Meeting 2/10 Tuesday, February 10 at 7:30PM in the OZS Library Hadassah 2/28 The Lexington Chapter of Hadassah invites the community to share in the celebration of Hadassah Shabbat Zachor on Feb. 27-28. Held on the Shabbat preceding Purim, this annual program honors our namesake, Queen Esther and commemorates the founding of our organization by Henrietta Szold, during the Purim season of 1902. This meaningful cross-community observance will begin on Friday evening, Feb. 27 at Temple Adath Israel at 7pm. Hadassah members will participate in the service and host the Oneg afterward. On Saturday morning at the 10AM Torah service at Ohavay Zion Synagogue, numerous Hadassah members and associates will read from the Torah and be honored. Everyone is encouraged to stay for the Kiddush lunch sponsored by the chapter. A combined choir from OZS and TAI will be performing at both services under the direction of Lorne Dechtenberg and Jaemi Loeb. For more information or if you have questions, please contact Evalyn Block at [email protected] or Kathy Feinberg at [email protected]. Foster Closet 2/1-2/20 One of our congregants, Francesca Hessing, is starting her own not-for-profit organization, Foster Closet. Please help us support her and foster children by bringing in new or gently used children and teen clothes to our February 20th Kids' Shabbat (or before). Donation boxes will be in the OZS entrance as of February 1st but tax deduction forms will only be available during Kids' Shabbat. If you have any questions, please text or call Dominique Olbert at: (859) 229-5790. Garbage Bag Fund for Sunrise Children’s Services 2/1-2/20 Very often, when foster children are moved around from home to home, their belongings move with them in garbage bags. They and their families do not have money to buy suitcases. Donations of new or gently uses suitcases and storage boxes would be very helpful in making them transition to new homes with a bit more dignity. Donations will also be accepted as of February 1st, in the OZS entrance. Kids Shabbat participants are also welcome to bring donations on February 20th, at which time taxdeduction forms will be available. If you have any questions, please text or call Dominique Olbert at: (859)229-5790. CPR/First Aid Training We will be hosting CPR/First Aid training covering infants, children & adults, through Bluegrass Health & Safety, for our religious school instructors on Sunday, March 1 & 15 from 12:30-4:30. We thought we would open the class up to any congregants that are interested in participating as well. The cost is $60.00 for the class, if you need financial assistance please be in touch with the office. Lunch will be served. Limited space available. If you are interested in attending please RSVP to the office [email protected] Sisterhood/Women’s League Join Sisterhood at the One World Film Festival showing of The Jewish Cardinal Thursday, February 12 at 7:00 p.m. At the Kentucky Theater - The film showing is free. Shake, Rattle, and Roll will be coming in time for Purim. If you would like to help with this fundraiser or if you would be interested in helping our Sisterhood team to help plan programs and activities please contact me at [email protected] Mark your calendars for the Sisterhood Regional Conference being held in Cincinnati, Ohio April 19-21. Let's take a carload!! OZS CHOIR (MAKELAH) NEWS The OZS choir, Mak'helah, has a new Facebook page, Ohavay Zion Mak'hela!! Visit and "like" us :-) Under the direction of Maestra Jaemi Loeb, the Mak'hela is working toward singing on Hadassah Shabbat, February 27 and 28. Friday night we will be singing with the Temple Adath Israel choir at the TAI evening service, with Lorne Dechtenberg conducting, and Shabbat morning the TAI choir will join us in helping lead services at OZS. It will be a community-building Shabbat--Please join us!! OZS Gift Shop One Stop Shop for Every Occasion BAR/BAT MITZVAH - WEDDING - NEW BABY BIRTHDAY - ANY SPECIAL OCCASSION Please contact Ronit Eres to set up your registry today [email protected] or 797-8505. As always, we are open to new singers on all parts. Since we're an a cappella group, members need to have a good ear, and to be able to hold a harmony part against other parts. The ability to read music is helpful, but not required. The Choir will be practicing Sunday’s from 6:00-8:00 in the OZS social hall. Sunday office coverage Haven’t yet signed up to cover the office on a Sunday? Not to worry, we still have opportunities available for February and for March! February dates: February 8. March dates: March 1, March 8, March 15 and March 22. Hours are from 9 a.m. (10 a.m. if your child does not come for Hebrew School) until 12 noon. Duties are minimal (answering the phone if it rings and helping / directing any visitors), but it assures we have a presence in the office and someone to help keep an eye on the front door while children are in the building. If you can cover any of the listed dates, please contact Debbie Aminoff via email: [email protected] or by phone: 317-3839. Thanks! Hebrew Classes Rabbi Smith’s Biblical Hebrew Class is held Thursday evenings at 7:00PM The class will not meet on February 5 but will resume the following week at 3479 Winthrop Dr., Please call 859-223-9682 to RSVP. Aaron Shub’s Hebrew classes here at OZS are held on Sundays Beginners from 10:00-11:00AM - Library Intermediate/Advanced from 11:00-12:00PM - Library Youth Group Fundraiser The Youth Group will have a fundraiser on Saturday, February 14 from 7:00-10:00 First child is $20.00 second child $10.00 For more information contact Ilona. NOW AVAILABLE - FREE APP Is there an app for prayers? Now there is! The Rabbinical Assembly has introduced "Sanctifull" The Rabbinical Assembly is excited to present a new app for ios: Sanctifull. It includes Hebrew, English, Transliteration, and audio examples of the traditional blessings (from blessings before and after food, seeing a rainbow, and many other experiences) and new kavvanot for each. We have also commissioned prayers to offer in a variety of other sacred moments that call out for sacred connection. http://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sanctifull Preschool An Early Childhood Program for Toddlers & Preschoolers at Ohavay Zion Synagogue Now enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year Hurry... Registration ends February 20th * Flexible Full Day and Part-time Programs * Warm, Nurturing Environment * Special Enrichment Programs Ages 12 months to 5 years (pre-k) Quality, Licensed CHILDCARE and PRESCHOOL Programs Included in our wonderful curriculum is a weekly fitness program and music program Real Life Activities, Hands-on Learning, Cultural Awareness Highly Qualified Teachers, Small Child/Adult Ratios Jewish Identity is explored through integrating Judaic experiences into a child’s life through song, story, art, cooking and movement. Jewish traditions are enriched through additional holiday and Shabbat activities. For a tour of our school or for more information please call 335-9922 www.ganshalom.com DONATIONS-Ohavay Zion Synagogue extends special thanks to those who have made contributions during the past month . GENERAL FUND Macki Bobys In Memory of Harriet Cooper & Rabbi David Wortman In Honor of Jonathon Salomon’s engagement In Honor of Benjamin Ezrine’s engagement Sheila DeKosky In Memory of Harriet Cooper With Love & Best Wishes to my OZS Family Gail Cohen In Memory of Harriet Cooper Eleanor Sutter A Thoughtful Donation Arthur & Simone Salomon In Memory of Jeanette Ezrine Jared & Shirley Bryan In Memory of Jeanette Ezrine In Honor of Lucille Barnes 100th Birthday With Great Thanks to Rafi Finkel & Kathy Feinberg for helping with Challah Cooking Class EDUCATION FUND Gilson Capilouto In Memory of Rabbi David Wortman In Honor of Sue Westerman’s Retirement Marilyn Cherson In Memory of Arnold Cherson Jared & Shirley Bryan In Honor of Bennett Bayer & his Leadership w/ JELLI In Honor of Liza Goldenberg & her Leadership w/ JELLI SISTERHOOD Jacquelyn Johnson A Leaf on the Tree of Life in Honor of Lucille Barnes 100th Birthday RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Clarence & Lana Weddle A Thoughtful Donation Vivian Bitensky In Honor of Hanna Smith’s Birthday Jan Fernheimer & James Ridolfo In Honor of the birth of our son Lior Devash Gilson Capilouto In Memory of Harriet Cooper Bernie Rosenthal In Memory of Bob Rosenthal, Ida Rosenthal & Jack Rosenthal Ellen Guyer In Memory of Bernard Collins George & Laura Szekely A Thoughtful Donation Bob & RaeTaj Berger A Thoughtful Donation Marcia Blacker In Memory of Harriet Cooper In Honor of Hanna Smith’s Birthday Wishing Jay Hancock a speedy recovery KIDDUSH FUND Marilyn Cherson In Memory of Arnold Cherson KITCHEN FUND The Aminoff/Kraman Family In Memory of Harriet Cooper Leon Cooper In Honor of Lucille Barnes 100th Birthday TORAH FUND The Aminoff/Kraman In Memory of Rabbi David Wortman Ohavay Zion Synagogue Donation Form 2048 Edgewater Court Lexington, Kentucky 40502 Name: __________________________________________ Check enclosed ____Charge my credit card _____ Credit card information Address: ________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________________________ Card #: __________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ Expiration Date:_______________ Sec Code:___________ Contributor: In Honor____Memory____ of: Donations may be made to the following: Name: __________________________________________ Occasion: _______________________________________ Please Notify: Name: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________________________ ___ Building ___ Chevra Kaddisha ___ Education ___ Endowment ___ Gan Shalom ___ General ___ ___ Green Campership Kitchen/Kiddush ___ ___ Joseph’s Dream Child Care Library ___ ___ Rabbi’s Discretionary Torah/Prayer Books ___ ___ Sisterhood Tree of Life ($75 min) ___ High Holidays ___ Other OZS Thanks you for your donation! YAHRZEITS FOR FEBRUARY 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/9 2/9 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/11 2/11 2/11 2/11 2/11 2/12 2/12 2/12 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/14 2/14 2/14 2/14 2/15 2/15 2/16 2/16 Robert V. Courant Fannie Epstein Annie Goldberg Albert Kaplan Nathan Morris Dorothy Moss Jeanette Tenner Max Cerel Morgan Miller Ethyl Simmos Paritz Lawrence Dworkin Harry Greisman Shayne Kroll Jacob Frank Belin Ruth Chupack Joe Levy Hya Etta Rosenberg George Rosenkranz Louis Shudnow Yetta Kleinman Bea Westerman Lucian W. Barnes Monroe Bayer Moses Garmarnik Fanny Goldberg Moses Goldberg Israel Rosenberg Arthur Allweiss Allan Archer Tzvia Eres Hyman Miller Sylvia Singer Libby Kirsh Fleishman Edwin Louis Hoseus Robert A. Kravetz Florence Cohen Belin Evelyn Gall Bessie Goldstein Rebecca Hain Dora Celia Krasne Winifred E. Levy Susan Slaton Norma Dabby Myer Levine Waldo B. Newell Joan Wolfsdorf Sam Beker Phillip Rosenberg Fannie Cohen Sonia Green Feigin Shevat 12 Shevat 13 Shevat 14 Shevat 14 Shevat 14 Shevat 14 Shevat 14 Shevat 15 Shevat 15 Shevat 16 Shevat 18 Shevat 18 Shevat 18 Shevat 19 Shevat 19 Shevat 19 Shevat 19 Shevat 19 Shevat 19 Shevat 20 Shevat 20 Shevat 21 Shevat 21 Shevat 21 Shevat 21 Shevat 21 Shevat 21 Shevat 22 Shevat 22 Shevat 22 Shevat 22 Shevat 22 Shevat 23 Shevat 23 Shevat 23 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 25 Shevat 25 Shevat 25 Shevat 25 Shevat 26 Shevat 26 Shevat 27 Shevat 27 Yahrzeit Observance begins at sundown of the previous evening with lighting of the yahrzeit candle. The traditional act of tzedaka, honoring a loved one, is often performed at this time. 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/18 2/18 2/18 2/18 2/18 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/20 2/20 2/20 2/21 2/21 2/21 2/22 2/22 2/22 2/23 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/28 Sam Matlin Eleanor Rudman David Shechet Esther Goldberg Ira Hirschberg Stanley Mellion Helen Edelstein Norman Grossman Joseph Koenig Isidor Liebman Rebecca Rudman Beulah Capelouto Avzaradel Anna Brooks Nehemiah Grossman Liz Levy Bruce Plattner Henry Ravvin Sam Rozen Anne Bersofsky Joseph Green Max Spiegel Bob Breitbart Sylvia Skuller Cohen Jennie Liebman David Cohen Victor Gertelman Emma Goldman Bruno Schapira Leon Sperling Zelde Alperin Sophie Bloomfield Otto Elias Cerka Farber Joseph Farber Chaim Fertig Bernard Levine Tobias Blaustein Esther Congress Rebecca Golton Anita Morris Stephan Ross Isadore Bitensky Joseph Dworkin Benjamin Eshel Hya Bessie Green Betty Grossman Robert Jonas Rebecca Gitelson Kaplis Fay Koenig Trudy Broudy Shevat 27 Shevat 27 Shevat 27 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 29 Shevat 29 Shevat 29 Shevat 29 Shevat 29 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Adar 1 Adar 1 Adar 1 Adar 2 Adar 2 Adar 2 Adar 3 Adar 3 Adar 3 Adar 4 Adar 4 Adar 5 Adar 6 Adar 6 Adar 6 Adar 6 Adar 6 Adar 6 Adar 7 Adar 7 Adar 7 Adar 7 Adar 7 Adar 8 Adar 8 Adar 8 Adar 8 Adar 8 Adar 8 Adar 8 Adar 8 Adar 9 Continued on next page OZS MAZAL TOV ADDITIONAL YAHRZEITS FOR FEBRUARY 2/28 2/28 2/28 2/28 Viola Collins Maude Jacobson Leila Shapiro Sol Tannenbaum IN MEMORIAM Adar 9 Adar 9 Adar 9 Adar 9 WE MOURN THE PASSING OF… Jeanette Ezrine mother of Barry Ezrine Alan Levy father of Judy Levy Mazel Tov to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gayle Bourne Misha Meerkov Stanley Saxe Emilie Tackett Gilson J. Capilouto Andres Gedaly Joshua Solomon Ross Moosnick Mitchell Barnes Kainan Kash Jennifer Rice Michael Ziegler Jonathan Glixon 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/3 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/9 2/10 Darcie Jarman Jared Bryan Dylan Foster Katrina Knight Brian Derer Davida Isaacs Ana Szekely Rachel Belin Tamara Ohayon Ira Cooper Will Bourne Jessica Ziegler 2/10 2/11 2/11 2/14 2/15 2/17 2/20 2/22 2/22 2/25 2/26 2/27 To Sue & Barry Ezrine on the engagement of their son Benjamin Ezrine to Jessica Portugal. To Simone & Arthur Salomon on the engagement of their son Jonathan Salomon to Caroline Kirk. TEN-FOR-TEN CLUB Mazel tov and Todah rabah to the following OZS members who have already met the annual goal of attending ten weekday minyans in a year as part of the 10-for-10 Club! Cindy Derer, Jon Glixon, Erle Levy, Brent Smith & Sue Westerman Thanks to them and the other Club members, we have managed to have a minyan just about every Tuesday, but more members are always welcome! To join the Club, all you need to do is come to minyan Tuesday afternoon at 5:45pm or Friday morning at 7:30am, and sign the sheet. Address changes for Directory If you have moved or had a change in any directory information please don’t forget to let the office know. Below you will find updates that have come in during the last month; Alison Courant - address change - 751 Spring Meadows Drive, Lexington, KY 40504 IF YOU HAVE A SIMCHA (COLLEGE GRAD, WEDDING, BIRTHS ETC.)THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE CONTACT THE OFFICE AT 859-266-8050 OR [email protected] UK Jewish Studies Program The U.K. Jewish Studies Program presents the annual Luckens Lecture Monday, February 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m at the Young Library Multipurpose Room (B108C). Yitzchak Schwartz from the Center for Israel Studies at Yeshiva University will present on "The Lisbon Workshop’s Hispanic Society Bible: Jewish Art and Identity on the Cusp of Modernity." Mr. Schwartz will discuss a fifteenth-century illuminated Hebrew Bible at the Hispanic Society of America in New York, and will demonstrate that by participating in Portuguese artistic conventions of its day, the Workshop produced the first fully modern Jewish art. The Hispanic Society Bible also reflects the negotiation of a distinct Jewish identity by its patrons in this new modern context, and the continuing identification of Lisbon’s Jewish patrons with Iberian Islamic culture. Kroger Shoppers Help OZS Thank you to all that have signed up for our Kroger Community Rewards program, we received our first check in the amount of $867.00. If you haven’t signed up yet but are a Kroger shopper you can help OZS earn fundraising dollars at NO COST TO YOU!!!! All you will have to do is present your Kroger Plus card and then we get the proceeds. Please go on line now to krogercommunityrewards.com to register, be sure to have your Kroger Plus Card and OZS #10198. If you have any questions about it please call or email the office. PLEASE SUPPORT THESE COMMUNITY BUSINESSES (CLICK ON WEBSITE LINKS WITHIN THE ADS TO ACCESS BUSINESS WEBSITES) Janice Brock, ABR, CNHS, CRS, GRI [email protected] Harold Sherman www.janicebrock.com www.BuckMarkLLC.com Phone/fax 859-271-4284 Available for Bookings: Available for Lessons: Solo PianoA. S. de Movellan Real Estate Fred Moore Music 171 Prosperous Place Piano/Vocal Hurst Music KY 40509 Vocal/Sax Lexington, with Tracks -Accepting adult students Cell 859-533-7669 Bus 859-266-0451 Jazz Duo, Trio or Combo flexible schedules. Fax 859-268-2636 VMwith 859-293-9451 -Available for morning & early afternoon lessons. Cindy M. M.Derer, Derer,P.L.L.C. P.L.L.C. Cindy Cindy M. Derer, Derer,D.M.D. D.M.D. Cindy M. Family Dentistry Dentistry Family 698 Perimeter Perimeter Drive, 698 Drive,Suite Suite102 102 Lexington, Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40517 40517 859.268.9090 859.268.9090 An Independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Web Sites: Schennberg.com Schennbergrealty.com Miss Gayle Catering and Personal Chef Services Catering for your Simchah events at OZS or TAI Personal Chef Services for parties or events at your home [email protected] Affordable catering offering kosher or kosher-style meals prepared to your specifications: Meat, dairy, or pareve menus Gluten free or non-allergen menus Special medical diet friendly menus Your favorite recipes can be adapted! Leah Gayle Bourne LFUCG certified food service manager Kitchen committee chair at OZS Kosher cooking classes & lessons Kitchen Kashering Services Event planning & Management No fee for a one hour initial consultation! Phone: 859.312.0359 Email: [email protected]
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