Chickasha Public Schools Enrollment Form Student Information Social Security Number: ________________________________ Grade: _________ Gender: ____M ____F Student’s Full Legal Name: ______________________________________________________________________ (First) Birthdate: _________________ (Month/Day/Year) (Middle) (Last) Birthplace: __________________________ (City/State) Birth Certificate: ___Y ___N Physical Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ (Address) (City) Mailing Address SAME as Physical Address? ____Yes (Zip) (If not, please complete mailing address information) Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ (Address) Home Phone: ( (City) ) Cell Phone: ( (Zip) ) Last School Attended: ___________________________________________________________________________ (Name of School) (City/State) Special Education: Is your child on an IEP? ____Yes ____No Race: (choose all that apply) What is the student’s race? ____American Indian or Alaskan Native ____Asian ____Black or African American ____Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian ____White Ethnicity: (choose only one) Is the student Hispanic/Latino? ____No, not Hispanic/Latino ____Yes, Hispanic/Latino Transportation How will your child get home daily? _____Bus Rider _____Car Rider _____Walker My child can go on school sponsored field trips: ____Yes ____No Parent/Guardian Information Is address the same as students? ___Yes ___No (If not, please complete address information) Father/Guardian: ____________________________ Phone Number: ( ) Address: _____________________________________ City/St/Zip:___________________________________ Place of Employment: ________________________ Work Phone: _________________________________ Mother/Guardian: ____________________________ Phone Number: ( )__________________________ Address:_______________________________________ City/St/Zip: ____________________________________ Place of Employment: _________________________ Work Phone:___________________________________ Step Father’s Name:___________________________ Step Mother’s Name:__________________________ Phone Number: ( ) Phone Number: ( )__________________________ Place of Employment: ________________________ Place of Employment: _________________________ Work Phone: _________________________________ Work Phone:___________________________________ Please indicate with whom the student lives: ___Parents ___Single Mother ___Single Father ___Grandparents ___Mother & Step Father ___Father & Step Mother ___Foster Parents ___Other _____________________________ Emergency Contacts In case of an emergency, we will attempt to contact parent/guardian first. In the event we cannot do this, please provide the name of a relative or close friend that we may contact. These contacts are also able to pick student up from school. Name: ___________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ Relation:____________________ Name: ___________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ Relation:____________________ Name: ___________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ Relation:____________________ Health Information Does the student have any major health problems or take medication on a regular basis? ____Yes ____No If so, please explain:_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Doctor’s Name:___________________________ Phone Number:________________ Hospital:________________________ K-12 Student Accident Insurance Although the school system assumes NO financial responsibility for medical costs of any accident occurring to a student while participating in a sport or other school activities, a special accident insurance policy underwritten by Nationwide Life Insurance Company is available should you wish to purchase it. If you have other insurance, student accident insurance can help with deductibles and copays. If you feel you have adequate insurance and do not wish to participate, please initial here:___________________ Acceptable Use & Internet Safety Policy I have received a copy of the Acceptable Use & Internet Safety Policy. I have read the policy and agree to abide by the rules in the policy. I understand that any violation could result in loss of networking privileges, school disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. User/Student Signature:__________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Section I have read and understand the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy. I understand that Chickasha Public Schools will take reasonable precautions to limit access to offensive material. I realize, however, that it is not possible to completely prevent access to such material. I understand that loss of networking privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action may result if this policy is violated. I accept responsibility for providing guidance to the above student on the computer network including the Internet. I grant permission for the above student to access Chickasha Public Schools computer network including the Internet. I hereby release Chickasha Public Schools from liability in the event that my child acquires offensive material through use of the computer network including the Internet. Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________________________________ Permission for Photo & Videoing Students During the course of the school year, there are newspaper articles, school website articles and videos, celebrations, and other promotions that include students’ pictures. Do you, the parent/guardian, give permission for your child to have his/her pictures published in the newspaper, school website, or other publications used by the school? Please check one: _____Yes, I agree that my child may have their picture published in a newspaper, website, video or other publications used by the school _____No, I do not want my child’s picture published Parental Refusal of Authorization to Release Student Directory Information The Chickasha Public School District has a policy designated to assure parents and students the full implementation, protection and enjoyment of their rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. A copy of the school district’s policy is available for review in the office of the principal of all of our schools. You have the right to refuse the designation of any or all of the categories of personally identifiable information as directory information with respect to your student provided that you notify the school district in writing. If you have no objection to the use of student information, you do not need to take any action. If you direct Chickasha Public Schools to withhold student directory information for the 2014-2015 school year, please check the items you would like withheld: ____Student’s name, address, phone number ____Names of the student’s parents ____Student’s major field of study & class designation ____Student’s date & place of birth ____Student’s extracurricular participation ____Student’s photograph ____Student’s achievement awards or honors ____Student’s dates of attendance ____Student’s electronic email address ____Student’s weight & height if a member of an athletic team ____Most recent education institution the student attended prior to enrolling in this school district Other Your child may be eligible for additional educational services through Title X, Part C McKinneyVento Assistance Act. Eligibility can be determined by completing the following questions. Where are you and your family currently living? (Please check one) ____Rent/Own my own home or apartment ____Temporarily with another family member or friend until we can locate affordable housing ____In an emergency or transitional shelter ____In a vehicle, park, campground, or on the streets ____In a house, building, or trailer WITHOUT running water or electricity ____In a hotel or motel ____With an adult that is not a parent or legal guardian ____Alone or in different locations, without an adult serving as a caregiver ____Wherever I can find a place to stay at night ____Other, Please explain:___________________________________________________ Please list all children in the household: Name Birthdate School _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I, the undersigned, do hereby authorize officials of the Chickasha Public Schools to contact the persons named on the enrollment information and do authorize physicians to render such treatment as may be deemed necessary in an emergency, for the health of the above named child. In the event that persons named on this form or parents cannot be contracted, the school officials are hereby authorized to take whatever action is deemed necessary in their judgment, for the health of said child. I will not hold the school district financially responsible for the emergency care and/or transportation for said child. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Legal Parent/Guardian Signature Date ************************************************************************************* For office use only: ____Birth Certificate ____Shot Record ____SS Card ____Proof of residency ____Release of records request ____Transfer student (from:____________________) ____CDIB ____Homeless Entry Date:________________________ Janet Barresi State Superintendent of Public Instruction Oklahoma State Department of Education 20___ - 20___ HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY FOR PRE-K-12 SCHOOL DISTRICTS Name of Student: Last Name First Name Student ID #: Gender: Middle Name Male Female School Site: Grade: Date of Birth: Place of Birth (City/State/Country): Is the student of Hispanic or Latino culture or origin? Select one or more of the following races: Yes No African American/Black American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: Parent’s/Guardian’s Address: Street Parent’s/Guardian’s Telephone Number: ( City ) Cell Phone: 1. Is a language other than English used in your home? If NO, go to numbers 6 and 7. 2. Is that language spoken in the home Zip Code Yes No If YES, what is that language? MORE OFTEN than English? LESS OFTEN than English? 3. What language is spoken by adults in the home? 4. What was the first (1st) language your child learned to speak? 5. What was the date (month and year) your child first enrolled in a school in the United States? 6. Parent/Guardian Signature: 7. Date: FOR SCHOOL USE ONLY THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED EVERY YEAR WITH CURRENT TEST DATA FOR STATE ACCREDITATION. If a language other than English is spoken MORE OFTEN (see question #2), the student automatically qualifies as bilingual on application for accreditation. OR 1. 2. 3. If a language is spoken LESS OFTEN, student qualifies as bilingual on application for accreditation if he or she meets ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Scores 35% or below on norm-referenced test (NRT) on the composite reading score. Scores limited knowledge or unsatisfactory on Reading Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCTs). Designated Limited English Proficient on an Oklahoma English language proficiency assessment: WIDA ACCESS for English language learners (ELLs) Test, WIDA Placement Test (including K W-APT, W-APT, and Kindergarten MODEL), or the Oklahoma Pre-K Language Screening Tool. Documentation of a test result for students who marked LESS OFTEN: 1. NRT Test Date: Name of the NRT: 2. Reading OCCT Date: Score on Reading OCC T: Reading Total Composite Score: Limited Knowledge 3. ACCESS for ELLs Test Date: Unsatisfactory Satisfactory 1 2 WIDA Placement Test (K W-APT, W-APT, or Kindergarten MODEL) Date: Score on K W-APT, W-APT, or MODEL: 1 2 Oklahoma Pre-K Language Screening Tool Date: Score on Pre-K Language Screening Tool: Note: Have test score documentation available for regional accreditation officer review. Score on ACCESS for ELLs: Advanced 1 Composite Score 2 Literacy Score Janet Barresi State Superintendent of Public Instruction Oklahoma State Department of Education 20___ - 20___ ENCUESTA DEL IDIOMA HABLADO EN CASA PARA LOS DISTRITOS ESCOLARES GRADOS PRE-K-12 Nombre del Estudiante: Apellido(s) Primer Nombre Número de Identificación: Sexo: Segundo Nombre Femenino Masculino Grado: Escuela: Fecha de Nacimiento: Lugar de Nacimiento: Ciudad Es el o la estudiante de la cultura u origen Hispano o Latino? Seleccione una o más de las siguientes razas: Sí Estado País No Africano-Americano/Negro Indio Americano o de Alaska Hawai /Isleño del Pacífico Caucásico/Blanco Asiático Nombres de los padres/tutores: Domicilio de los padres/tutores: Número y Calle Numero de teléfono de los padres/tutores ( 1. Ciudad ) Código postal Cell: ¿En su hogar se habla otro idioma aparte del inglés? Si contestó NO, vaya directamente a números 6 y 7. Sí No Si contestó Sí, ¿cuál es el otro idioma? 2. ¿Hablan el otro idioma en el hogar? 3. ¿Cuál es el idioma que hablan los adultos en el hogar? 4. ¿Cuál fue el primer idioma que aprendió a hablar su niño? 5. ¿En que fecha (mes y año) fue matriculado su niño por primera vez en una escuela en los Estados Unidos? 6. 7. ¿Con MAYOR FRECUENCIA que el inglés? ¿Con MENOR FRECUENCIA que el inglés? Firma del padre/tutor: Fecha: FOR SCHOOL USE ONLY/ SOLO PARA USO EN LA ESCUELA THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED EVERY YEAR WITH CURRENT TEST DATA FOR STATE ACCREDITATION. If a language other than English is spoken MORE OFTEN (see question #2), the student automatically qualifies as bilingual on application for accreditation. OR 1. 2. 3. If a language is spoken LESS OFTEN, student qualifies as bilingual on application for accreditation IF he or she meets ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Scores 35% or below on norm-referenced test (NRT) on the composite reading score. Scores limited knowledge or unsatisfactory on Reading Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCTs). Designated Limited English Proficient on an Oklahoma English language proficiency assessment: WIDA ACCESS for English language learners (ELLs) Test, WIDA Placement Test (including K W-APT, W-APT, and Kindergarten MODEL) or the Oklahoma Pre-K Language Screening Tool. Documentation of a test result for students who marked LESS OFTEN: 1. NRT Test Date: Name of the NRT: Reading Total Composite Score: 2. Reading OCCT Date: Score on Reading OCCT: Limited Knowledge Unsatisfactory Satisfactory 3. ACCESS for ELLs Test Date: Score on ACCESS for ELLs: 1 WIDA Placement Test (K W-APT, W-APT, or Kindergarten MODEL) Date: Score on K W-APT, W-APT, or MODEL: 1 Pre-K Language Screening Tool Date: Score on Pre-K Language Screening Tool: Note: Have test score documentation available for regional accreditation officer review. 1 Composite Score Advanced 2 2 2 Literacy Score
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