ST. ANNE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY BASILIAN FATHERS ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA ANA PADRES BASILIANOS ARQUIDIÓCESIS DE GALVESTON-HOUSTON We, the Catholic Community of St. Anne, aspire to follow the example of Jesus Christ. We foster holiness by encouraging each other on our journey of faith. We seek the kingdom of God as a Eucharistic community. We witness the presence of the living Christ by our profound hospitality, respect and love for all. Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de Santa Ana, anhelamos seguir el ejemplo de Jesucristo. Engendramos la santidad alentándonos mutuamente en nuestro caminar de fe. Pretendemos como comunidad Eucarística buscar el Reino de Dios. Revelamos a Cristo vivo a través de una bienvenida calurosa, con respeto y con amor a todos. III SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME III DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO In today’s Gospel, Jesus leaves Nazareth and goes to Galilee when he hears of John the Baptist’s arrest. Matthew interprets this event as the fulfillment of the prophecy in the first reading: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light... the yoke that burdened them... you have smashed.” At times we feel that we live and walk in darkness and bear heavy burdens. Today’s readings tell us that we “have seen a great light” through our faith in Jesus, who lifts our burden of sin. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús se va de Nazaret a Galilea cuando oye de la detención de Juan el Bautista. Mateo interpreta este evento como la realización de la profecía en la primera lectura: “La gente que anduvo en la oscuridad ha visto una gran luz... tú quebrarás el yugo de su carga.” A veces sentimos que vivimos y caminamos en lo oscuro y llevamos cargas pesadas. Las lecturas de hoy nos dicen que “hemos visto una gran luz” a través de nuestra fe en Jesús, quien levanta nuestra carga del pecado. ST. ANNE CHURCH / LA IGLESIA DE SANTA ANA 2140 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3276 Church office hours: 9 AM-noon, 1-5 PM Ministerio Hispano: Lun., Miér., Vier, 1-5 PM; Mar., Juev., 9-12, 1-5 ST. ANNE SCHOOL / LA ESCUELA DE SANTA ANA 2120 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3279 For more information / para mayor información: St. Anne Catholic Community PASTORAL MESSAGE La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana MENSAJE PASTORAL Jesus calls his disciples. A rabbi or teacher does not seek out his followers, rather followers or students seek out the teacher. Jesus does not say, “Come and learn the Torah from me,” which is normally what a teacher would say. Jesus does not ask them to stay in a particular place to be his disciple. They will be on the road. Jesus uses the life of these men, fishermen, and calls them to a new life. They left everything immediately. They enter into a personal relationship with Jesus. Follow me- but also join me, live with me, eat what I eat, meet whom I meet. Share my life. Each disciple was called individually, as we are called individually. Jesús llama a sus discípulos. Un rabino o un maestro no busca a sus seguidores, al contrario, los seguidores o estudiantes buscan al maestro. Jesús no dice, “Ven a aprender la Tora de mí”, que normalmente es lo que diría un maestro. Jesús no pide que se queden en un lugar en particular para ser su discípulo. Ellos estarán en el camino. Jesús utiliza la vida de estos hombres, pescadores, y los llama a una vida nueva. Ellos dejaron todo inmediatamente. Ellos entran a una relación personal con Jesús. Sígueme – pero también únete a mí, vive conmigo, come lo que yo como, encuentra a quién yo encuentro. Comparte mi vida. Cada discípulo fue llamado individualmente, como somos nosotros llamados individualmente. STEWARDSHIP LA ADMINISTRACIÓN CRISTIANA To sign up for online giving, please go to the Faith Direct website: . Our parish number is TX629. Para inscribirse a donar en línea, favor de ver al sitio de Faith Direct: . Nuestro código es TX629. Number of Envelopes / No. de sobres Number of Loose Checks / No. de cheques sueltos Collection January 10-11 / Colecta del 11 de enero January 10-11 Budget / Presupuesto del 11 de enero Over/Under Budget / Más de/menos del presupuesto January 10-11 / 11 de enero 474 111 $ 87,803 $ 69,000 $ 18,803 Year-to-Date / Este Año $1,798,984 $1,741,000 57,984 Peter and Andrew, James and John all respond immediately to the call of Christ. May I be open to God’s call and as ready to use my talents in His service as those first disciples were! Pedro y Andrés, Santiago y Juan todos responden inmediatamente al llamado de Cristo. ¡Que yo sea tan abierto al llamado de Dios y listo a utilizar mis talentos en Su servicio como fueron los primeros discípulos! January 24 & 25 2015 25 de enero de 2015 IN THE PARISH EN LA PARROQUIA ANNUAL MISSION APPEAL PETICION ANUAL PARA MISIONES PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The missionary who was assigned for our mission appeal from LAST year will finally visit with us next weekend. Sister Lisa Marie Valentini, MSC, a Missionary Sister of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, has been serving as a missionary for more than 30 years. Sister just returned from the Dominican Republic this past Wednesday, where her Congregation was hosting a group of young people for a Mission Immersion Experience. Sister Lisa lived and worked in the Dominican Republic from the year 2000 until 2009 and she still plans mission experiences for groups of young people from schools and parishes throughout the United States. In fact, in the past two years, young people from St. Martha’s in Kingwood and St. Paul’s in Nassau Bay have experienced “mission” with her. Sister Lisa was chosen by our Mission Office to come to share some of her stories with us. By supporting the missionary work of our Church, we are able to actively participate in spreading the Good News of a God who “so loved the world” that He sent His own and only Son as our Savior. Sister Lisa will speak to us on behalf of her MSC Congregation, who has Sisters serving in 22 countries throughout the world. As Catholic Christians we are constantly called to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth. We will also have the opportunity and the blessing of participating in the Sisters’ service to the “poorest of the poor” by giving generously in the second collection. Thank you. God bless you! La misionera que estaba asignada a nuestra petición para misiones del año pasado finalmente nos visitará el próximo domingo. La Hna. Lisa Marie Valentini, MSC, una Hermana Misionera del Sacratísimo Corazón de Jesús, ha estado sirviendo como misionera por más de 30 años. La Hna. acaba de regresar de la Republica Dominicana el miércoles pasado, donde su Congregación albergó un grupo de jóvenes para una Experiencia de Inmersión Misionera. La Hna. Lisa vivió y trabajó en la R.D. desde el 2000 hasta el 2009 y todavía planea experiencias misioneras para grupos de jóvenes de escuelas y parroquias en todos partes de los Estados Unidos. De hecho, en los dos años pasados, jóvenes de Santa Martha en Kingwood y San Pablo en Nassau Bay han experimentado “misión” con ella. La Hna. Lisa fue escogida por nuestra Oficina de Misiones para venir a compartir algu-nas de sus experiencias con nosotros. Al apoyar al trabajo misionero de nuestra Iglesia, podemos participar activamente en derramar la Buena Nueva de un Dios que “amó tanto al mundo” que envió a su propio y único Hijo como nuestro Salvador. La Hna. Lisa nos hablará en nombre de su Congregación MSC, que tiene Hermanas sirviendo en 22 países en todo el mundo. Como cristianos católicos estamos siempre llamados a derramar la Buena Nueva hasta los confines de la tierra. También tendremos la oportunidad y la bendición de participar en el servicio de las Hermanas a “los más pobres de los pobres” siendo generosos en la segunda colecta. Gracias. ¡Que Dios le bendiga! Almost 50 prayer shawls were given away this fall. The knit/crochet groups will gather twice this week to plan and exchange ideas: Monday, January 26, 10 AM and Tuesday, January 27. 6:30 PM, both in St. Theresa Room. Come to either one or both if you are interested in this ministry. DRAMA DE LA PASIÓN Y VÍA CRUCIS Invitamos a toda la comunidad a participar en el drama de La Pasión y el Vía Crucis. Los ensayos comenzaran el día domingo 25 de enero después de la misa de 12:45 PM en el gimnasio. Los interesados pueden anotarse después de la misas de español los días 11 y 18 de enero. SUNRISE MEN’S BIBLE STUDY will begin the study of Mary: a Bible Walk with the Blessed Mother on Monday February 9 at 6:30 AM- 8:00 AM in St. Christopher Room in the Parish Center. In this study you will come to see what life was like for Mary, and experience what she felt at each dramatic moment in Scripture. It will help you to deepen your devotion to Mary as you discover our Blessed Mother in a uniquely personal way. Come be drawn closer to Christ as Mary leads you to a more profound and personal relationship with her Son. The study will be held for eight weeks, a fee of $30. This study is open to all men of the parish. For more information, call Mike Frankovich, (832) 506-8454; [email protected] or Cary Ann Nunn, (713) 525-4234 [email protected]. Check This Out… Today we celebrate the Conversion of St Paul the Apostle. But did you know it’s also the Memorial of St Bretannion, Bishop of Tomi? He was exiled by Emperor Valens in the 300’s for opposing the Arian Heresy against the Church. But he was so liked and his congregation was of such strong faith, they forced the emperor to restore him to his see in Scythia which is now Constanta in modern Romania on the Black Sea PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: POR FAVOR ALIENTE NUESTRO PATROCINADOR DE LA SEMANA: Sell Us Your Calculators We buy used calcs! For more parish news, go to St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana IN FOCUS ENFOQUE “I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me...”“Truly, as you did it to the least of my brothers, you did it to me” Mt. 25:36-40. We don’t have a food bank or a soup kitchen at St. Anne. We don’t have a clinic for poor people, a halfway house for women, or a ministry to visit prisoners in jail. We can’t coordinate hospital visits all over Houston. We don’t train new priests here, or develop curriculum materials for CCE or RCIA. But we ARE doing this work, and much more. OUR support for the annual Diocesan Services Fund enables us to achieve all these good works in our community. There are over 60 diocesan programs serving the young and the old, the sick, the hospitalized, and the imprisoned. Many programs serve people like us, enabling our children to make their sacraments, and enriching our faith through formation. The diocese also provides support to our excellent liturgical ministries here at St. Anne. The theme of this year’s Diocesan Service Fund is “Be rich in good works and ready to share.” We are extremely blessed at St. Anne. We WANT to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and visit the sick. Not all of us are active volunteers, but we can ACT by supporting the work of the Diocese, by giving to the Diocesan Service Fund, funding God’s work in our community. Cardinal DiNardo and his team estimate that it will take about $13.5M to continue this good work throughout the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston over the next year. In support of this target, the Cardinal sets a goal for each parish, based on our annual collection. God has blessed us with a sizeable collection at St. Anne, so our goal is substantial: $358,000. We hope to raise this goal through pledges to Diocesan Service Fund. But if we don’t, the shortfall must be paid out of our parish operating budget. This could result in cuts to our own parish services and goals. We just barely made our goal for 2014, but we will EASILY raise this goal if every family participates in the Diocesan Services Fund. Don’t leave this to your neighbor. God will surely bless each of us in our generosity. It’s easy to give- You can give once, or you can make a pledge for the year, and contribute toward it until the end of the year. You’ll receive reminders to keep you on track. Maybe you can give $1 per day. It does not sound like a lot, but that would be $365 for the year. That would be amazing. Or maybe just $1 per week would suit your budget. Think about how much good work you can afford to do this year. Please pray while you consider your contribution. When the Lord calls on St. Anne parish, we will answer. We ARE rich in good works and we are ready to share. Next weekend, we will act on our faith by filling out our pledge cards, and by making good on our pledges. May God bless us all in our efforts to support his work. Amen. READINGS FOR THIS WEEK LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Monday Lunes Deuteronomy 18: 15-20 2 Tm 1:1-8; Mk 3:22-30 2 Tm 1:1-8; Mc 3:22-30 Tuesday Martes 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35 Heb 10:1-10; Mk 3:31-35 Heb 10:1-10; Mc 3:31-35 Wednesday Miércoles Heb 10:11-18; Mk 4:1-20 Heb 10:11-18; Mc 4:1-20 Mark 1: 21-28 Thursday Jueves Heb 10:19-25; Mk 4:21-25 Heb 10:19-25; Mc 4:21-25 Friday Viernes Heb 10:32-39; Mk 4:26-34 Heb 10:32-39; Mc 4:26-34 Saturday Sábado Deuteronomio 18: 15-20 Heb 11:1-2,8-19; Mk 4:35-41 Heb 11:1-2,8-19; Mc 4:35-41 1 Corintios 7: 32-35 LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Marcos 1: 21-28 January 24 & 25 2015 25 de enero de 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS After Masses Strake Jesuit Raffle Sales Church Plaza AM Masses Babysitting Nursery, Parish Center 9:00 am BOW for RCIA & CCE Dismissal during Mass CCE Classes-PK-1st Grade Various Locations 10:15 am CCE Classes Grades 2-5 Various Locations 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 12:00 pm SAYA Meet, Greet & Eat St. Teresa Room 12:30 pm SAYA Sports Playing Field 1-5 pm Adult Confirmation Retreat St. Teresa Room 2:00 pm RICA Salón Sur de La Casita Ensayo Pasión de Cristo Gimnasio 2:30 pm Cursillistas—Ultreya Salón St. Paul 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 10:00 am Prayer Shawl Ministry St. Teresa Room 5:30 pm Ensayo de Serafines / Padres Salón St. David / St. Paul 5:45 pm Tai Chi St. Anthony Room 7-9 pm FTCM Class Semester 2 St. Christopher Room 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal St. David Music Room Middle School CCE/EDGE St. John Bosco Room 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Programa de Nutrición Salón St. John Bosco Prayer Shawl Ministry St. Teresa Room CALENDARIO DE EVENTOS 9:30 am Moms & Tots St. Elizabeth Room 6:45 pm Lectio Divina St. Teresa Room 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice St. David Music Room Confirmation Class Various Locations 7:00 pm Prayer Sponsor Meeting St. Teresa Room 7:30 pm Misa Templo 8-10 pm Grupo Vía Crucis Casita Salón de Conferencia N. 9:30 am Altar Society Sewing Group St. Elizabeth Room 10:15 am Moms’ Spiritual Discussion St. Anthony Room 7:00 pm Praise & Worship with SAYA Church 6:30 pm RCIA St. Christopher Room St. Teresa Room 8:40 am CCE First Reconciliation Church 5:00 pm STHS Raffle Ticket Sales Church Plaza 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous St. Christopher Room After Masses STHS Raffle Ticket Sales Church Plaza A.M. Masses Babysitting Nursery, Parish Center 9:00 am BOW for RCIA Dismissal during Mass 10:15 am Coffee & Donuts Parish Center 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 2:00 pm RICA Salón Sur de La Casita Ensayo Pasión de Cristo Gimnasio 5:00 pm LifeTeen Mass Church 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 5:30 pm Ensayo de Serafines / Padres Salón St. David / St. Paul 5:45 pm Tai Chi St. Anthony Room 7-9 pm FTCM Class Semester 2 St. Christopher Room 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal St. David Music Room 10:00 am First Tuesday Group St. Teresa Room 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Taller de Oración y Vida Salón St. John Bosco Adult Confirmation Class St. Christopher Room 7:00 pm Moms’ Family Rosary St. Teresa Room 9:30 am Moms & Tots St. Elizabeth Room 6:45 pm Lectio Divina St. Teresa Room 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice St. David Music Room Confirmation Class Various Locations 7:30 pm Misa Templo 8-10 pm Grupo Vía Crucis Casita Salón de Conferencia N. 10:00 am Altar Society Meeting St. Teresa Room 10:15 am Moms’ Spiritual Discussion St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm RCIA St. Christopher Room St. Teresa Room 7:30 pm Misa de Viernes Primero Templo St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM BAUTISMOS Parents are required to take a class. To register for this mandatory class please contact Lupita Franco (713) 526-2936; [email protected] . If you are a registered member of St. Anne and have taken a baptism class in the past three years, contact Gwen to schedule a baptism date. The next available baptism classes are Feb 7; March 28; May 30. Para miembros inscritos. Se requiere tomar un curso de preparación. Deben registrarse mínimo un mes antes de la clase y después ya puede elegir la fecha del Bautismo. Para más información y fechas, favor de llamar a la oficina de Ministerio Hispano ANOINTING OF THE SICK UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS First Saturday of the month after 8:15 AM Mass, or call the church office. Primer viernes del mes en la misa de 7:30 pm o cuando se solicite llamando a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano, ext. 4277. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK FAVOR DE REZAR POR LOS ENFERMOS Our ill family and friends written in our Book of Prayers. Nuestros familiares y amistades enfermos inscritos en nuestro Libro de Oraciones. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SOULS OF: FAVOR DE REZAR POR LAS ALMAS DE: Al Ordoñez; Martha Manihañ our deceased family and friends written in the Book of Prayers. Nuestros familiares y amistades difuntos que están inscritos en nuestro Libro de Oraciones. RECONCILIATION CONFESIONES Monday and Friday: 11:30-11:50 AM; Saturday: 4:15-5:15 PM. Los sábados a las 4:15 PM THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE EL SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO The sacrament of marriage at St. Anne Church is reserved for Catholics who are registered, attending, supporting members of St. Anne Parish and live in the parish boundaries. Those not living in the boundaries must be registered, attending, and supporting the parish for at least six months before securing a wedding date. Call the church office. El sacramento del matrimonio en la Iglesia Santa Ana está reservado para Católicos que están inscritos como miembros, asistiendo, apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia y que viven dentro del área de la parroquia. Personas que no viven dentro del área deben de estar inscritos, asistiendo y apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia por un mínimo de seis meses antes de iniciar el proceso. Llame a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The Responsorial Psalm today says, “Teach me your ways, O Lord!” Do we allow the Lord to teach us His ways so that we can love and honor our spouse more each day? Let the Lord strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on February 13-15 or April 17-19. Register early to reserve a spot. Contact Brian & Tina Little at (281) 773-4014 or [email protected] for more information. Or go on-line to ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL El Salmo Responsorial de hoy dice, “¡Enséñame tus caminos, O Señor!” ¿Dejamos que el Señor nos enseña Sus caminos para poder amar y honrar nuestro esposo más cada día? Deja que el Señor esfuerza y renueva su sacramento de matrimonio asistiendo a un fin de semana de Encuentro Matrimonial el 14-16 de febrero. Para mayor información sobre Encuentro Matrimonial en Houston, llame a Antonio y Rachel Morales. (713) 270-9024. REGISTRATIONS INSCRIPCIONES If you are new to the parish, we would like for you to be a registered member of St. Anne Church. The next membership meeting is Sunday, February 15, after 9 AM or 5 PM Mass, in the St. Joseph Room in the Parish Center. People 18+ should register on their own. Students away at college or university should register there. You must be a registered member in order to be married in this church, to obtain a letter to be a sponsor for a sacrament or to have your child baptized or enrolled in CCE. Si usted es nuevo en la parroquia o no es miembro inscrito, le recomendamos se inscriba a la parroquia. La siguiente reunión para inscribirse será el domingo 8 de febrero después de la misa de 12:45 PM en el salón St. Joseph del Centro Parroquial o después de la misa de 7 PM en la iglesia. Ser miembro inscrito en Sta. Ana es un requisito cuando solicitan algún sacramento como bautismo o matrimonio, para clases de educación religiosa, o una quinceañera. Todo joven mayor de 18 años debe inscribirse individualmente. January 24 & 25 2015 STAFF DIRECTORY MASSES MISAS Sunday / Domingo 7:30 AM • 9 AM • 11 AM • 5 PM Español: 12:45 PM y 7 PM Weekdays / Entre semana Monday—Friday 7:00 AM • 12 noon Español: Miércoles: 7:30 PM y Viernes Primero: 7:30 PM Saturday / Sábado 8:15 AM • 5:30 PM (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days / Días de Obligación See bulletin; Vea el boletín INTENTIONS INTENCIONES January 24-31, 2015 25 de enero de 2015 DIRECTORIO DEL PERSONAL Church Office (713) 526-3276 Fax (713) 525-4365 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH STAFF Fr. Alvin A. Sinasac, C.S.B., Pastor Fr. Jay F. Walsh, C.S.B. Fr. René Espejel, C.S.B. Deacon Jean-Paul Budinger LAY PASTORAL STAFF DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MUSIC DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS ED COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY MINISTRY TO SENIORS PASTORAL ASSISTANT / MARRIAGE PREP SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Jim Ross x4232 Matthew McCue x4211 Cary Ann Nunn x4234 Isabel Van Strien x4273 Monica Aquila x4223 Betty Boatman, [email protected] Joan O’Leary x4254 Mary Singleton x4291 MINISTERIO HISPANO (713) 525-4390 Fax (713) 525-4359 Sat/Sáb 5:30 Int. All Parishioners Sun/Dom 7:30 Int. Wanda Walker 9:00 Faithful Departed 11:00 Dallice Spagnoletti 12:45 Antonio Sedano , Elena Cobo de Sedano 5:00 Ophelia Tully 7:00 Ismael Martínez , Xochitl Tamayo Mon/Lun 7:00 Special Intention 12:00 Mary Konieczny Tue/Mar 7:00 Int. Donald Sweeney 12:00 Int.Fabian Garcia Wed/Miér 7:00 Sam Sacco, Jr. 12:00 J.C. & Robert Ermis 7:30 Thurs/Jue 7:00 Sam Sacco, Jr. 12:00 Paul Strelkow Fri/Vier 7:00 Jacque Frank 12:00 Angie Jansen Sat/Sáb 8:15 Special Intention 5:30 Dennis Glomb = deceased/ difunto Int. = Intentions of / Intenciones de VICARIO PARROQUIAL Padre René Espejel, C.S.B. COORD. DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Sylvia Salinas x4247 FORMACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Sylvia Salinas x4247 COORDINADORA DE MÚSICA SECRETARIA Beatrice García x4248 Patricia Herrera x4277 OFFICE STAFF ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTANT Paulette Golden x4239 Jerry Aucoin x4297 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Kimberly Riffle x4253 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Madison Woods-Bernardine x4272 PARISH SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST WEBMASTER MANAGER OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS RELIGIOUS ED RECEPTIONIST Gwen Rossel x4256 Brenda Esparza Isabel Saucedo [email protected] Jerome Baumeister x4269 Lupita Franco x4235 ST. ANNE SCHOOL 2120 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77098 (713) 526-3279 Fax (713) 526-8025 Email: [email protected] PRINCIPAL Kathleen A. Barnosky ST. ANNE SCHOOL FOUNDATION (713) 525-4301 Fax (832) 553-1008 Email: [email protected] DIRECTOR Sharon Current x4301 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS 12 NOON ON MONDAY IN GWEN ROSSEL’S OFFICE OR BY EMAIL TO: [email protected]. Favor de entregar anuncios para este boletín a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano antes de mediodía el lunes. St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana ST. ANNE SCHOOL NEWS Third Grade Pays Tribute . . . Judy Heumann, Ruby Bridges, and Cesar Chavez all have something in common. They are citizens who made a difference in their community. In Molly Duncan’s third grade classroom, the students are learning about these great Americans by making human monuments. The students are teaching their classmates what these citizens did to improve their community. Ms. Duncan said “we started by building a class monument to Rosa Parks and then split into small groups”. The students then selected one of four people to learn NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA SANTA ANA about, Ruby Bridges, Judy Heumann, Lois Marie Gibbs, and Cesar Chavez. The students read about their person in their social studies books and then designed their monuments and chose appropriate locations based on their research. In English/Language Arts class, the students furthered their studies by reading biographies of other citizens that improved their community. Citizens like Sally Ride, Temple Grandin, The Wright Brothers, Jackie Robinson and Sam Houston were just a small sampling of the many citizens the “Estuve desnudo y me vistieron; enfermo y me visitaron; preso y me vinieron a ver… En verdad les digo que cada vez que lo hicieron con el más pequeño de mis hermanos, lo hicieron conmigo” Mateo 25:36-40. No tenemos un banco de comida o una cocina para los pobres en Sta. Ana. No tenemos una clínica para los pobres, una casa para mujeres en problemas, ni un ministerio de visitar a los prisioneros. No podemos coordinar visitas a los hospitales en todo Houston. No entrenamos a nuevos sacerdotes aquí, ni desarrollamos materiales para el catecismo o RICA. Pero SI estamos haciendo estas obras y muchas más. NUESTRO apoyo para el Fondo Anual de Servicios Diocesanos nos permite alcanzar todas estas buenas obras en nuestra comunidad. Hay más de 60 programas diocesanos sirviendo a los jóvenes y a los ancianos, los enfermos, los hospitalizados y los encarcelados. Muchos programas sirven a personas como nosotros, permitiendo que nuestros hijos reciban sus sacramentos y enriqueciendo nuestra fe a través de la formación. La diócesis también provee apoyo para nuestros excelentes ministerios litúrgicos aquí en Sta. Ana. El tema de este año del Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos es, “Sean ricos en buenas obras, y estén listos para compartir.” Somos sumamente bendecidos en Sta. Ana. QUEREMOS vestir a los desnudos, dar de comer a los hambrientos, y visitar a los enfermos. No todos somos voluntarios activos, pero podemos ACTUAR apoyando el trabajo de la Diócesis, contribuyendo al Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos, financiando el trabajo de Dios en nuestra comunidad. El Cardenal DiNardo y su equipo calculan que se llevará $13.5M a continuar estas buena obras en toda la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston para el próximo año. third graders chose. Following MLK day, the students learned how MLK changed his community and built another class human monument and plaque to him. Para apoyar a este objetivo, el Cardenal establece una meta para cada parroquia, basado en nuestra colecta anual. Dios nos ha bendecido con una colecta considerable en Sta. Ana y por eso nuestra meta es sustancial: $358,000. Esperamos levantar estos fondos con compromisos al Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos. Pero si no lo hacemos, tenemos que pagar lo que falta de nuestro presupuesto de operaciones de la parroquia. Esto puede resultar en recortar nuestros servicios y metas parroquiales. Muy apenas alcanzamos nuestra meta para el 2014, pero FACILMENTE alcanzaremos esta nueva meta si cada familia participa en el Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos. No deje esto a su prójimo. Dios de seguro nos bendice a cada uno de nosotros por nuestra generosidad. Es fácil donar. Puede donar una vez, o puede hacer un compromiso para el año, y contribuir a su compromiso hasta el fin del año. Usted recibirá recordatorios para mantenerse al corriente. Tal vez puede donar $1 por día. No se oye como mucho, pero serían $365 por el año. Esto sería increíble. O tal vez sólo $1 por semana se ajusta mejor a su presupuesto. Piense cuántas buenas obras puede hacer este año. Por favor ore mientras considera su contribución. Cuando el Señor llama a la parroquia de Sta. Ana, responderemos. SOMOS ricos en buenas obras, y estamos listos para compartir. El próximo domingo, actuaremos en nuestra fe llenando nuestras tarjetas de compromiso, y cumpliendo bien nuestro compromiso. Que Dios nos bendiga a todos en nuestros esfuerzos por apoyar su trabajo. Amén. January 24 & 25 2015 25 de enero de 2015 FAITH FORMATION CHILDREN February CCE Class Dates: Feb 8th, Feb 22nd Contact: Isabel van Strien / (713) 525-4273 / [email protected] YOUTH We will have Life Teen Mass at 5 PM on February 1st. However, there will be no Family Life due to Super Bowl that evening. The dates for Jr. High Day Camp 2015 have been scheduled: July 6th-10th, 2015. Registration packets will be out soon. Contact: Monica Aquila / [email protected] or Natalie Mendieta / [email protected]/ ADULT COUPLES COMMUNITY CONVERSATION Join fellow Saint Anne’s couples, Saturday, February 21, at 5:30 for the annual Couples Retreat. Enjoy a wonderful meal, interact with other Catholic couples and learn more about how you and your spouse communicate. For a special blessing, attend Mass together at 5:30; cocktails and dinner begin at 6:30 in St. Basil Hall. Cost is $50.00, payable beforehand; unfortunately we cannot accept walk-ins. Checks payable to Saint Anne Catholic Church, mail to: Religious Education Department, Saint Anne Catholic Church, 2140 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX, 77098. Limited to the first 50 couples Questions, call Religious Education Office; 713-526-2936 or [email protected]. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) This session is for adults over the age of 18 who want to join the Roman Catholic Church. The person seeking to come into the Church may be someone who was baptized in another Christian faith or someone who has not been baptized The sessions are held on Thursday Evening at 6:30 PM in St. Teresa Room of the Parish Center. For more information please contact Cary Ann Nunn, Director of Religious Education at 713-525-4234 [email protected] Adult Confirmation Sessions These sessions are for practicing Roman Catholics who have received their sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist but have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a six-week course, which begins with a Day Retreat on January 25. The classes will meet on Tuesday evenings beginning on February 3. Please call Cary Ann Nunn at the Religious Education Office, 713 525 4234, to set up the required registration interview. SPONSORS FOR RCIA—Our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process has begun. At this time we have 16 individuals who are seeking to join the Roman Catholic Church. Many of these who are thinking of entering the Church are in need of a sponsor. The role of a sponsor is one who will serve as a bridge for the candidate or for the catechumen to the greater community of the Church. Your role is to become the extension of the parish and the universal Church to them. You are not expected to know every aspect of the Church’s teaching, but rather simply to be a guide, an example of a Catholic living your faith as best as you can. Some of the ways that you will do this is by sharing prayer, listening, and walking with them through the formation process to become Catholic. A sponsor is to be over the age of 16, to have been Confirmed, receives Holy Communion and who leads a life of fait h in keeping with the Church, and whose marriage is recognized by the Catholic Church, if married. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, a meeting will be held on Thursday January 22 at 7:00 PM in the St. Anthony Room. Please contact Cary Ann Nunn, at 713525-4234 or email [email protected] The following projects are in need of volunteers to assist in bringing them to the community. To help with an upcoming project and for more information please contact Cary Ann Nunn, Director of Religious Education at 713 525 4234 or [email protected] ACTS Retreat (Adoration, Community, Theology and Service), a team to help bring the ACTS Retreat to the parish for men and women, is needing people who have been a participant of the ACTS Retreat. Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained by Augustine Institute is a DVD series that is that will provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of the Catholic faith. This program will be designed for small group discussion and reflection.
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