St. Bartholomew 3601 Altamesa Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Parish office is located in the building on east side of church. CATHOLIC CHURCH “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Parish Mission: Mass Schedule Daily Schedule for January 26-30: Masses : Monday and Friday - 8:30a.m. Wednesday , ~6:30p.m. Thursday, 12: 10p..m. Liturgy of the Word: Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament : Friday after 8:30a.m. Mass until 2:00p.m. Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:30 p.m.– English Sunday: 9 a.m. - English; 11 a.m. - English; 1 p.m. - Spanish A nursery is provided at the following Masses: 4:30p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m., 11 a.m. & 1p.m. Sunday. Weekly Calendar/Calendario Semanal Sunday: 25th Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Special Collection: Church in Latin America Coffee and Donuts Youth RCIA at 10:30a.m. in the Youth Room. RCIA at 10:30a.m. in the Office Library. The topic will be :” Mary and the Saints” taught by Linda Fowler Spanish Choir Practice CCD classes (K-4th grade) . Session 1 –10:30a.m., Session 2 -11:45a.m. in the parish life center Adult Scripture Study, 10:30a.m. in the church building, room 23 Spanish Scripture Study, 11:30 a.m. in the church building , room 21 Talleres de Oracion Registration, 1p.m. Mass in the Narthex Redescubre el Catholismo Class, 2:15 p.m. in the church building, room 23 Confirmation Class, 3:30p.m. in the youth room YSN, 7p.m. in the Youth Room Sunday Night Bible Study, 7p.m. in the church. Joe Winterling is leading this Bible study on the Book of Mark. All are welcome, Monday: 26th Folklore Dance Class, 5:45 p.m. in the Great Hall Hispanic Prayer Choir Practice, , 6p.m. in the church building, room 23 Talleres de Oracion y Vida, 7p.m. in the parish life center , room 4 Spanish Ultreya , 7p.m. in the church building, room 14 Catechism-Bible Study, 7p.m. in the parish life center , room 1. This study is led by John Tharp. All are welcome. Tuesday: 27th ESL Daytime Classes , the parish life center. Nursery provided. ESL Night time Classes , 6-9p.m. in the parish life center Spanish RCIA, 7p.m. in the church building, room 23 Estudio Biblica en Espanol , 7p.m. in the church building, room 14. This Bible study is led by John Contreras. Gethsemane– Young Adult (ages 18-29), 7:30 p.m. for location and more info. Wednesday: 28th Men’s Morning Prayer Group. All men are welcome to join us at 6:00 a.m. in the church. Doors open at 5:30 a.m. ESL Daytime Classes, 9a.m.-12p.m. in the parish life center. Nursery provided. Wednesday Women’s Bible Study, 9:30a.m. in the church building, room 14 Prayer Group, 9:30a.m. in the chapel CCD Classes (Grades5&6) 7p.m. in the parish life center Discovery Class (Gr.7 & 8), 7p.m. in the Youth room, Doors open at 6:30p.m. Spanish Scripture Study, 7pm. In the church building, room 14 Music Rehearsal, 7p.m. in the church Thursday: 29th ESL Daytime Classes, 9a.m.-12p.m. in the parish life center. Nursery provided. ESL Nighttime Classes, 6p.m. in the parish life center Spanish Choir rehearsal, 6:00p.m. in the church Spanish Lectors Meeting, 7p.m. in the church building, room 14 Joy of the Gospel Class, 7p.m. in the Great Hall, led by Fr. John Robert. This is a 6 week series that repeat s on Friday mornings. Friday: 30th Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 9:15a.m-2:00p.m. in the church chapel Joy of the Gospel Class , 9:30a.m. in the Great Hall, led by Fr. John Robert. This is a 6 week series and a repeat of Thursday night. Hispanic Prayer Group, 6p.m. in the church building , room 14 Confirmation Evening of Reflection, 6p.m. in the Great Hall Saturday: 31st Saturday Morning Bible Study, 9:30a.m. in the church building, room 14 Confirmation Ceremony, 10:00a.m. in the church with reception following in the Great Hall Confessions/ Confesiones, 3p.m. in the chapel Next Sunday: 1st Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ 40Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Pantry Sunday RCIA at 10:30a.m. in the Office Library. The topic will be :” Catholic Practices, Customs, Traditions” Coffee and Donuts Youth RCIA Redescubre el Catholismo Class Spanish Choir Practice Marriage Enrichment CCD classes (K-4th grade) YSN Adult Scripture Study Spanish Scripture Study taught by Coletta Maksimik Reflexión Magnánima de Padre John Robert Skeldon Hay tres puntos importantes sobre el evangelio de hoy que se deben para este tercer domingo de tiempo ordinario. Primer punto, el llamado claro de Jesús en el evangelio de Marcos se resume en la poderosa palabra Metanoeia / te (metanoeite) -que normalmente traducimos como Arrepiéntanse, pero tal vez se represente más poderosamente como Conviértanse o Transfórmense. Literalmente significa más allá de la mente. En otras palabras, Jesús, al comenzar su ministerio público, está llamándonos a todos a ir más allá de nuestras maneras anteriores de pensar y de comprender y percibir al mundo. ¡Ir más allá de nuestro propio entendimiento! Ver con otros ojos; escuchar con nuevos oídos; pensar de una manera nueva... porque algo nuevo, el Reino de Dios está a punto de entrar en nuestra realidad. Tenemos que abrazar la virtud evangélica de Metanoia-conversión, transformación, para abrazar el reino, que sin embargo está a nuestro alcance. Segundo punto. Después de la llamada a la primordial conversión constante con la palabra metanoia, Jesús sale a buscar y llamar a ciertos individuos abiertos a abrazar el Reino de Dios. Es interesante que tenemos al Maestro de maestros, el rabino-que sale a buscar a los estudiantes, a los alumnos, a los discípulos. De hecho, la costumbre del antiguo Oriente era que el estudiante buscaba al profesor, al maestro, al gurú, del que aprendían las costumbres. Y, de hecho, hacemos lo mismo hoy en día. Vamos a un colegio, una universidad, buscando a un maestro, instructor, profesor-maestro, rabino. Ellos no vienen a buscarnos. Pero, aquí está Jesús, el Profesor, el Maestro, en busca de discípulos que se unan a él para construir el Reino de Dios. Aquí está Dios buscando a quienes quieran abrazar la virtud del evangelio de Metanoia para comenzar a cambiar la humanidad en un mundo mejor. Y él nos llama a seguirlo. Tercer punto. ¿Qué estaban haciendo las dos parejas de hermanos cuando Jesús los llamó? Pescando, ¿verdad? Si… pero, ¿qué es exactamente lo que estaban haciendo? Es interesante enfatizar los dos elementos de la pesca que estos dos grupos de hermanos estaban haciendo cuando Jesús los llamó para seguirlo. Simón Pedro y Andrés estaban echando la red. Santiago y Juan estaban remendando una red. Ha sido durante mucho tiempo un símbolo de la iglesia: la red del pescador. Cuando Simón y Andrés echaron su red, ¿creen que estaban siendo discriminados por el tipo de peces que iban a acarrear? ¡Por supuesto que no! La atarraya solo iba a acarrear en el agua, lo que estaba en el agua. Esto es muy parecido a una parábola en el Evangelio de Mateo (13: 47-48) en el que el reino de Dios se ve que es como una red que se echa en el mar y recoge en una tirada todo tipo de peces. Sólo después de que el botín está en la tierra, los peces se separan. Creo que la sabiduría espiritual que reside en este aspecto atarrayar la pesca es que en la iglesia hay siempre una amplia red. Se trae a todo tipo; no hay divisiones ni lealtades partidarias. Porque eso es lo que significa la palabra católico: universal. En cuanto al elemento de reparación, lo que Santiago y Juan estaban haciendo cuando fueron llamados, es muy evidente que si una red no se atiende, se rompe se vuelve inútil. La captura de peces en las redes es difícil no sólo para los pescadores, sino también para la red. La red tiene que estar constantemente cuidada y remendada, cosida y vuelta a coser. Así también la iglesia. El amplio elenco de la iglesia atrapa a todo tipo, y todos esos tipos no siempre se llevan bien. Por eso siempre hay que remendar. Por lo tanto, tenemos un Dios que nos va a buscar, nos llama a la conversión (metanoia), de modo que podamos estar comprometidos en el trabajo de atarrayar y zurcir, atarryar y remendar. Cuando el pueblo de Nínive en la primera lectura de Jonás escucha el llamado al arrepentimiento, a la conversión; lo hacen con sus acciones. Se convierten y lazan la red con los arrepentimientos remendados por su ciudad. Nosotros debemos hacer lo mismo. Tal vez, a la luz del aniversario de Roe vs. Wade, y cuando pensemos en la vida este fin de semana, podamos redoblar nuestros esfuerzos por ser personas que de respeto, reverencia y amor por la humanidad; los ancianos y los que están enfermos y moribundos; los discapacitados física o mentalmente; el inmigrante indocumentado; los pobres y los indigentes; el ladrón y el prisionero condenado a muerte; y sobre todo, los que están en el vientre; los que aún no han nacido... ¡pero que ciertamente están vivos! Tú y yo, a imitación de nuestro Maestro y Señor, estamos para buscar, encontrar una amplia red de amor y dar una mano misericordiosa de remedios a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en el mundo. Se necesita nada menos que la conversión y transformación de nuestros mezquinos corazones egoístas para amar con el corazón de Cristo, con el corazón de Dios. Esto es metanoia. Metanoi/ete (Metanoiete) !Conviértanse! Daily Readings First Reading Responsorial Second Reading 1Cor 7:29-31 Sunday Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jon 3:1-5,10 Ps 25:4-9 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 2 Tm 1:1-5 Heb 10:1-10 Heb 10:11-18 Heb 10:19-25 Heb 10:32-39 Heb 11:1-2,8-19 Ps 96:1-3,7-8a,10 Ps 40:2,4ab,7-8a,10-11 Ps 110:1-4 Ps 24:1-4b,5-6 Ps 37:3-6,23-24,39-40 Lk 1:69-75 Dt 18:15-20 Ps 95:1-2,6-9 Next Sunday Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel Mk 1:14-20 Mk 3:22-30 Mk 3:31-35 Mk 4:1-20 Mk 4:21-25 Mk 4:26-34 Mk 4:35-41 1Cor 7:32-35 Mk 1:21-28 Magnanimous Musings of Fr. John Robert Skeldon There are three important points about the gospel today that must be made for this 3 rd Sunday of Ordinary Time. First, the clarion call of Jesus in Mark’s gospel is summed up in the powerful gospel word Metanoei/te (Metanoeite)—which we usually translate as Repent, but perhaps is more powerfully rendered as Convert or Be transformed. It literally means beyond the mind. In other words, Jesus, as he begins his public ministry, is calling all to go beyond their previous ways of thinking about and understanding and perceiving the world. Go beyond your mind! See with new eyes; hear with new ears; think in a new way… because something new—the Kingdom of God—is about to break into one’s reality. You have to embrace the gospel virtue of Metanoia—conversion, transformation—to embrace the kingdom that is at hand though. Second point. After the primordial call to constant conversion with the word Metanoia, Jesus goes out to find and call specific individuals who will be open to embracing the Kingdom of God. It is interesting that we have the Master—Teacher, Rabbi—going in search of students, of learners, of disciples. Indeed, the custom of the ancient Near East was that a student went in search of a teacher, a Master, a guru from whom he or she learned their ways. And, indeed, it is the same today. We go to a school, a university, to seek out a teacher, instructor, professor—Master, Rabbi. They don’t come seeking us. But, here is Jesus the Teacher, the Master, seeking disciples who will join him in building the Kingdom of God. Here is God seeking those who will embrace the gospel virtue of Metanoia to begin to change the world of humanity for the better. And he calls them to follow him. Third point. What were the two sets of brothers doing when Jesus called them? Fishing, right? Yes…but, what specifically were they doing? It is interesting to note the two elements of fishing that both these sets of brothers were engaging in when they were called by Jesus to follow him. Simon Peter and Andrew were casting a net. James and John were mending a net. It has long been a symbol of the church: the net of the fisherman. When Simon and Andrew cast their net, do you think they were being discriminating in what types of fish were going to be hauled in? Of course not! The cast net would just haul in whatever was in the water. This is much like a parable in Matthew’s Gospel (13:47-48) whereby the kingdom of God is seen to be like a net that is cast into the sea and brings in a haul of all kinds of fish. Only later after it is hauled ashore are the fish separated. I think the spiritual wisdom that lies in this casting aspect of fishing is that we in the church must always cast a wide net. All types are brought in; there are no divisions and party loyalties. Because, that is what the word catholic means: universal. As to the element of mending, that which James and John were engaged in when they were called, it is very apparent that if a net is not tended to, it will become torn and useless. Catching fish in nets is hard not only on the fishermen, but also on the net. The net has to be constantly cared for and mended, sewn and re-sewn. So too the church. The wide cast of the church catches all types, and all those types do not always get along. Their must always be mending. So, we have a God who goes in search of us to call us to conversion (metanoia) so that we may be engaged in the work of casting and mending, casting and mending. When the people of Nineveh in the first reading from Jonah hear the call to repentance, conversion, they act. They convert and cast the mending net of repentance over their city. We must do the same. Perhaps, in light of the Roe vs. Wade anniversary, and as we think about life this weekend, we can redouble our efforts to be people who respect, reverence and love all human life. The elderly and those who are sick and dying; the mentally and physically disabled; the undocumented immigrant; the poor and the destitute; the petty thief and the prisoner on death row; and especially those who are in the womb; those not born yet…but who are assuredly alive! You and I, in imitation of our Master and Lord who seeks us out, are to cast a wide net of love and a mending hand of mercy to all our human brothers and sisters. It takes nothing less than conversion and transformation of our petty, selfish hearts to love with the heart of Christ, with the heart of God. This is metanoia. Metanoi/ete (Metanoiete)! Be converted! Divorce and Beyond February 5 – March 26, 2015 Saint Andrew Catholic Church Thursday evenings 7:00-9:00pm Divorce and Beyond is an 8 week parish-based self -help program for divorced people who are divorced or who have already filed for divorce; and is based on the premise that sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences with others in the same or similar situation is one of the most helpful ways to move beyond the pain of divorce to a life of wholeness and joy. For more information or to register, Call Delphine Exman 817-292-1453 or Alice Curran 817-927-5383 or email [email protected] “La oración es vida, y es para la vida” TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA Según el método del Padre Ignacio Larrañaga Es un servicio que te ayuda a: Aumentar tu relación con Dios, aprendiendo y profundizando en el arte de orar. Afianzarte en la fe para superar angustias y ansiedades, miedos y tristezas, recuperando la paz interior y la alegría de vivir. Dar sentido y eficacia a tu labor apostólica Inscripciones: Domingos, 18 y 25 de enero después de la misa de 1 pm Comenzamos: Lunes 26 de Enero a las 7 pm En el Centro de Vida Parroquial Catholic Schools’ Open Houses Many area Catholic Schools are hosting their annual Open Houses and Registrations this month. Prayerfully consider whether the Lord is calling you to give the gift of a Catholic Education to your child or grandchild. Tuition Assistance is available. Contact the church office. Parents of returning students need to contract the office every year. Saint Andrew Catholic School will have its annual Catholic School Week Prospective Parents Tours/Open House on Jan. 25, Sunday, from 10am-1pm for grades preschool 3 & 4 to 8th Grade, 3304 Dryden Rd, 76109 (TCU area) 817-924-8917. New this school year ALL DAY 3 and 4 year old preschool and M-F 8am-noon half day. Questions please call Rose Hall, SAS Development Director, at 817-292-4355. Holy Family Catholic School will be holding our an- nual Open House January 25th from 10 am-2 pm. We offer complete academic programs for students in Kindergarten through Eighth grade, as well as a fun and enriching Pre-Kindergarten program for 3 and 4 year olds. Please join us to learn more about our rich history of teaching the way of Jesus Christ. We are located at 6146 Pershing Avenue. Please contact our Development Director, Alma Hernandez-Blackwell, for additional information at [email protected] or by calling the school, 817-737-4201, ext. 109. Our Lady of Victory Catholic School, Open House, Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015, 6:00-7:00 p.m. OLV has immediate openings for grades PK-3-8th grade. Now enrolling for 2015-16. Specializing in full day PK-3 and PK-4 classes Mon-Fri 8:003:15 p.m., multiple ability grouping and small class sizes Extended care available in a.m. and p.m. 2014-15 Tuition Rates PK3 &PK4 $572.73/month, Grades K-8 $515.90/month. Our Lady of Victory Catholic School, 3320 Hemphill St., Fort Worth, TX 76110 For further information and inquires contact Deanna Lopez, Director of Development at [email protected] or school office 817-924-5123. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School in White Settlement Joy of the Gospel Classes by Fr. John Robert Starting January 29 Pope Francis has been taking the world by storm since his election in March, 2013. One way to begin to understand him and his vision for the church is his first document as pope: The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium). Fr. John Robert will lead a reading and discussion about this most substantial papal document that we have seen in a long time. Beginning Thursday, January 29th at 7 pm and repeating on Friday, January 30th at 9:30 am, the member s of the par ish will have the opportunity to read, discuss and interiorize The Joy of the Gospel. We will meet weekly for six weeks. You are encouraged to purchase a copy of the document for yourselves. In particular, there are two versions that are quite good. The first is by The Word Among Us Press. It has good study questions with it. The second is the Image edition with a foreword and afterword by Frs. Robert Barron and James Martin. They are easily available from, Barnes and Noble, or other on-line book sellers. The church will also have books available for sale in the office before the classes for $10 (exact change please or check). Reading The Joy of the Gospel is another way for us as a community to live magnanimously and extraordinarily the Christmas message even in the Ordinary Time of our lives. All are invited! Mexican Food Sale On Sunday, February 15, 2015 in our parish Great Hall from 9 am to 3 pm. come and enjoy a delicious pozole, sides and pastries. The proceeds will be for the ACTS retreats funds. Come join us. God bless you. Venta de Comida Mexicana Este 15 de febrero 2015 en nuestro Gran Salón parroquial de 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Venga y disfrute un delicioso pozole y pasteles. Las ganancias serán para los fondos de los retiros de ACTOS. Vengan y ayúdenos. Que Dios los bendiga. invites you to its Open House on Sunday, January 25, 2015 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Visitors can tour the school, meet faculty members, and learn more about registration for the 2015-2016 school year. Established in 1952, St. Peter the Apostle serves students from 4 –year-old pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. For more information, call the school office at 817.246.2032. Knights of Columbus Council #2813 Monday, January 26th— Mass for the Unborn at 7:30p.m. at St. Francis Village. The Rosary will be beforehand at 7:05p.m. Tuesday, January 27th- Presbyterian Night Shelter Sandwich Making Evening at 7p.m. at St. Francis Village Have you signed up for Faith Direct yet? Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your Church contributions through either direct debit from your checking/ savings account or through your credit/debit card. Please enroll by responding to the mailing you will received , or by visiting to enroll securely online. Our parish code is TX653. There are also enrollment forms in the racks at the back of the church. Estudio del libro: “Redescubre el Catolicismo” - Autor: Matthew Kelly En una época en que muchos católicos están desilusionados, cuestionando su fe y llenos de dudas sobre la relevancia del catolicismo en el mundo actual, un hombre levanta su voz a la comunidad de fe más grande del mundo con una claridad que es singular e inspiradora. Redescubre el Catolicismo nos lleva hacia una aventura de proporciones trans... more »formadoras de vida. Comenzando con nuestro común anhelo de felicidad, Kelly revela en su libro la esencia de la auténtica espiritualidad católica, al tiempo que se refiere a algunas de las preguntas más importantes que enfrentamos hoy en día, como individuos y como Iglesia. El Ministerio Hispano de San Bartolomé te invita a unirte a las pequeñas comunidades formadas para el estudio de este libro. Comenzaremos el primer ciclo la Semana del 25 de enero, 90 minutos semanales por 6 semanas. Las Inscripciones se pueden hacer a la salida de la misa es español del domingo. Blessing of the Children On Monday, February 2nd, at 7p.m., Fr. Hector will have a Blessing of the Children in celebration of the Feast Day of the Presentation of the Lord. All are invited to bring their children to receive a special blessing. Bendición de los niños El lunes 2 de febrero a las 7 pm el Padre Héctor tendrá una Bendición de los niños en la celebración de la Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor. Invitamos a todos a traer sus hijos para que reciban la bendición. Special Collection this Week for Church in Latin America. Your generosity supports pastoral projects in Latin America and the Caribbean that encourage and enrich the lives of the faithful who are faced with the challenges of violence and poverty. Next Weekend is Pantry Sunday Please bring non-perishable food items next weekend, Jan 31-Feb1 to distribute to the needy through our St. Vincent de Paul Society. Monetary contributions are also collected for this ministry each Pantry Sunday. Collection boxes are placed in the aisles as you enter the church. Thank you for your donations of food, cash and plastic bags. Check out the New St. Bart’s Website A new added feature is the Daily Readings. Also Fr. John Robert’s homilies, some Deacon homilies , and the bulletin are there. We also have a mobile version. New events are posted there. If your parish organization or ministry has an event you would like posted on the website, contact Cheryl Brooks in the office , 817-292-7703 or email, [email protected] Natural Family Planning Classes at St. Bart’s St. Bart’s will be hosting Natural Family Planning classes starting Friday, February 6, at 6:30p.m. There is a fee for this 3-part series and there is financial assistance available. Register at www.Live-the – or Mary Kouba, 817-370-9193 Coffee and Donuts This Weekend after the 9a.m. and 11a.m Masses in the Church Hall.. Come join with your fellow parishioners for fellowship. If you would like to volunteer call Shane Chubbs at 214-9145636 BULLETIN DEADLINE THIS WEEK: WEDNESDAY, 10a.m. Sacrament of Baptism (newborns - age 6): Parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism should be either living within parish boundaries or be registered in the parish. Parents and godparents are expected to attend a baptism class for an infant to be baptized. Parents are required to bring a signed photocopy of the child’s state-registered birth certificate to the baptism class. Godparents who are not registered at St. Bartholomew must provide a letter from their parish which verifies that they meet the godparent requirements. All paperwork must be turned into the office before scheduling your child’s baptism date. The next class will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 12th in the church hall. Call the office to sign up for this class. Parents also need to call the office if you need to use the nursery while attending this class. For more information, call Art and Cecilia Villa, 817-292-3897. The next English Baptism ceremony will be Saturday, February 7th at 10 a.m. in the church for those who have attended the class. Sacramento del Bautismo (Recién nacidos hasta 6 años): Los padres que soliciten el bautismo deben vivir dentro de los límites de la parroquia o ser miembros registrados. Los papas y los padrinos deben asistir a una clase pre-bautismales. Por favor pase a la oficina parroquial para obtener el paquete con la información y formas necesarias antes de asistir a la clase pre-bautismal. Los padrinos que no estén registrados en San Bartolomé deben proporcionar una carta de su parroquia en donde verifique que están registrados y que cumplen con los requisitos para ser padrinos. Necesita entregar una fotocopia del certificado de nacimiento del bebe emitido por el estado. La próxima clase de bautismo en español será en el edificio de la iglesia, el jueves 19 de febrero a las 7 p.m. Si no trae todos los documentos necesarios no podrá tomar la clase. Habrá cuidado de niños disponible. Los bautismos en español se realizan el primer sábado de cada mes a las 11 a.m. La próxima fecha para bautismo en español será sábado, febrero 7, 11 a.m., en la iglesia. Sacrament of Confirmation: Students wishing to prepare for this Sacrament must be in 11th grade and are expected to be in religious education (i.e. YSN, bible study or religion class at school) for one year before registering for Confirmation. This class is closed for this year. The Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Saturday, January 31st at 10a.m. Para la Confirmación el próximo año, se va a requerir un año de educación religiosa (YSN) antes de inscribirse para la Confirmación. Un adolescente que necesita recibir la Confirmación y las clases posteriores debe inscribirse y asistir regularmente al programa YSN un año previo a las clases de Confirmación. Sacrament of Matrimony: Please call Deacon Gary Brooks at least six months before you wish to marry. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Saturday: 3-4 p.m. in the chapel. Welcome Newcomers Jose Carranza Lidia Hernandez Fermin & Brenda Razo Elbert Young Flavio & Miriam Martinez Mark & Ma Jocelyn Russell Juan & María Gonzalez Filiberto & Maria del Rosario Ramirez Pat Young Kevin Young Sergio & Cynthia Lozano Gabriel & Sayra Salazar Staff Fr. John Robert Skeldon, Pastor Fr. Hector Medina, Parochial Vicar Gary Brooks, Deacon Pastoral Associate Reyes Tello Jr, Deacon John Coe, Deacon Sister Yolanda Pineda, MCSH Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Parish Office: 817-292-7703 FAX Number: 817-292-2568 Office Hours: Youth RCIA today, Sunday, January 25th at 10:30 a.m. in the Youth Room. Confirmation Class today, Sunday, January 25th at 3:30-5:30p.m. in the Youth Room. Confirmation Reflection Evening, Friday, January 30, at 6p.m. in the Great Hall. YSN (Youth Sharing Night- Grades 9-12) today, Sunday, January 25th at 7p.m. in the Youth Room. No YSN on Sunday, February 1. Join us at the Big Game Party, Sunday, February 1st, at 5p.m. in the Youth Room. Any parishioner who would like to join us is welcome. Also we LOVE homemade snacks and hot dishes!!!! Discovery Class (Grades 7&8) this week, Wednesday, January 28th, at 7p.m. in the Youth Room. Doors open at 6:30. All are welcome. Confirmation is Saturday, January31, at 10a.m. The entire Church community is welcome to attend the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our youth. Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-8:00p.m. Friday: 9a.m.-2p.m. Sunday: 9a.m.-3p.m. E-mail: [email protected] Website: Deacon Brooks’ Residence: 817-238-1869 Office Staff: 817-292-7703 Linda Dinsmore, Office Manager Olivia DeLeon, Bookkeeper (Bilingual) Karen Amaya , Secretary (Bilingual) Bertha Olmos, Secretary (Bilingual) Maria Keña Rivera, Secretary (Bilingual) Marie Tamulevicz, Secretary Lenora Thompson, Secretary/Data Entry Communications Director & Facilities Coordinator: Cheryl Brooks: 817-292-7703 e-mail: [email protected] Director of Religious Education Charlie Gappa: 817-966-2378 CCD Office: 817-288-4005 CCD E-mail: [email protected] Maintenance Dan Patterson: 817-361-8720 Minister of Music Michael Sawey: 817-292-7703 e-mail: [email protected] Nursery Director Teri Kolodechik: 817-292-8748 Youth Minister Eric Hernandez: 817-480-5471 e-mail: [email protected] Annulments Deacon Gary Brooks Ministry to the Sick Pat Ward: 817-294-0954 Call Pat or the parish office for hospital or home visits. On Sundays the Eucharist will be brought to those who desire it. Prison Ministry Ed Brady: 817-309-3302 Service Committee: Call Cheryl Brooks at the Office Spanish Marriage Enrichment: Abel & Bertha Olmos: 817-201-6336 St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry: 817-361-8420 Hours: MWF, 1-4 p.m.; Th,6:30-8:30 p.m. Sat, 9-11 a.m.; Tues & Sun--closed
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