January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord St. Pius X Christmas events. Photo top middle: Christmas In Our Hearts Choir performing at Regency Park. Photo top right: St. Pius X Choir performing at the Grotto Festival of Lights. Photo bottom left: Christmas In Our Hearts Concert. Photo bottom right: Midnight Mass. San Pio X eventos de Navidad. Foto medio superior: Navidad En Nuestros Corazones coro realizando en el parque de Regency. Foto derecho superior: San Pio X coro realizando en el festival de las luces en el Grotto. Foto abajo a la izquierda: Navidad En Nuestros Corazones concierto. Foto abajo al derecho: Medianoche Misa. St. Pius X Catholic parish 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR 97229 (503) 644-5264 www.stpius.org MASS SCHEDULE Horario de Misas Saturday Sabado Sunday Domingo 4th Sunday 5:00 pm 7:00 pm en Español 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 1:00 pm en Español 5:30 pm Youth 8:30 pm Contemplative 2:45 pm Adapted Mass Daily Mass Misa Diaria 8:15 am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat Wednesday Miercoles 8:15 am (& also 9:15 am during the school year) Thursday Jueves 7:00 pm en Español Communion Service: 6:30 am Monday - Friday RECONCILIATION Confesiones Saturday 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm or by appointment Pr ayer Chain Email requests to [email protected] or call the parish office (503) 644-5264 Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Questions - Roberta Schreck (503) 645-4607 or [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm We are Called to be the Eyes and Hands and Hear of the Risen Jesus. Leadership parochial vicar’s note CHURCH Today, we celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord. In the Gospel, we hear that Jesus allowed himself to be baptized to show his profound willingness to submit his life to the will of the Heavenly Father, to accomplish his mission, to be the compassion of God in the world. Rev. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] People came to John to be baptized to seek repentance and conversion from their sinfulness. But Jesus Christ, who is absolutely sinless, who needed no repentance, humbly allowed himself to be baptized to show his solidarity with the sinful humanity as the compassionate Savior. Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 / [email protected] We may ask, how do we make sense of the Word of God today? Certainly, we can neither become as great as Jesus, nor receive the very baptism that Jesus Christ received. But as Christians, our own baptism calls us to imitate Christ. That is He humbly submits to the will of the Father and accepts his mission as the compassion of God in the world. As his followers, we must share in His mission. We must also become the compassion of God in the world. ADMINISTRATION As our world today is confronted with many crimes that degrade the dignity of many human beings, crimes we hear that are committed from conception until death; such as, human trafficking, euthanasia, and most especially the killing of the unborn, our baptism in Christ calls us to action. It calls us for a response. Please join in spreading the word… On Thursday, January 15, 2015, we open our doors to the community and encourage people to consider sending their children to St. Pius X School. You can help with this effort by inviting any friends, colleagues, neighbors and family who have potential students to attend our Open House on Thursday, January 15, 2015, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. HELP US GROW! But like Jesus, we must realize that we can only genuinely address the many offenses against human dignity when we begin to show our sincere compassion, when we understand the sufferings of the victims, feel the wounds of those who were hurt, sympathize with the death of the unborn and share in the brokenness of others; not by begetting hurt with another hurt, showing hatred with another hatred, indifference with another indifference. Prospective families will be able to take a tour with our students and parents. They will learn more about our academic and spiritual curriculum including elementary and middle school, music, Spanish, physical education, extra curricular activities and more. Contact the school office at (503) 644-3244, or view our website at stpiuspanthers.org. Jesus showed us the greatest example of compassion by embracing suffering and laying his own life on the cross for all. As a supporter of our community, we appreciate your willingness to help us grow. With God’s Grace, Fr. Francisco Bringuela Parochial Vicar 2 administration, cont. Please Join us in Celebrating the Education Center Groundbreaking Sunday, January 25, 2015 Following the 10:30 am Mass This is a very exciting time in the history of St. Pius X. Please join us for Mass and groundbreaking celebration. Mass will be celebrated by Rev. Sean Weeks and concelebrated by Rev. Pat McNamee. Following Mass, proceed across the parking lot to where the new East Wing of the Education Center will be built (previously the playground). Following the groundbreaking ceremony, outside of McMahon Hall we will have hot chocolate and donut holes, hosted by the Campaign Committee. If you would like to make a gift in support of the East Wing Expansion of the Education Center and the future update of our Youth Center, please contact Molly Washburn, [email protected], or (503) 213-1450. 3 ADAPTED LITURGY administration, cont. You are invited on January 25 to the St. Pius X Adapted Liturgy, a shorter Mass that celebrates the lives and gifts of all people, including those with physical and developmental disabilities and illnesses. Every effort is made to accommodate the inclusion and participation of each person. The church is accessible for wheelchairs, and listening devices are available. The Adapted Liturgy is offered the 4th Sunday of every month at 2:45 pm at St. Pius X, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR; call (503) 644-5264 for more information. Future dates are February 22, March 22 and April 26. All are welcome to this joyful gathering! DID YOU KNOW… Your weekly bulletin is provided at no cost to the church by the generosity of businesses who advertise on the back of the bulletin? Bulletin advertising provides an inexpensive and effective opportunity for you to promote your products or services within your parish community. It’s true… people like to do business with people they know and trust. If you would like to advertise in the bulletin and support the church, please call Tom Ott at (503) 650-6347. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL REFLECTION After Jesus was baptized, he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and a voice was heard “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” As we give to the poor, we also can hear these same words. When you donate your resources or time to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them reason to believe and to trust. Support the businesses that help make this bulletin free to the church. The Advertiser of the Week is: Gibran N. Zogbi, State Farm Agent (503) 649-9514 CHANNEL YOUR DESIRE TO DO GOOD DEEDS – Come and see what St. Vincent de Paul Society is all about. Our next meeting is Monday, January 19, at 7:00 pm in the Church Hall. Worship and Liturgy WEEKDAY MORNING MASS TIME CHANGE: 8:15 AM SCRIPTURE JANUARY 18 1Samuel 3:3-10, 19; 1Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20; John 1:35-42 This month, the weekday morning Mass time has been changed to 8:15 am, Monday through Saturday. The 8:15 am time will include all weekdays, including Wednesdays. The disciples search out Jesus but are not sure what they want from him. How would I answer if Jesus asked me, “What are you looking for?” Without altering the Mass time, the parking lot will not be able to accommodate increased congestion due to the expansion of our school. CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY The Wednesday School Mass time has been moved to 9:15 am. The Chaplet is prayed at St. Pius X on Wednesdays at 3:00 pm in the Church. This hour recalls the hour of the Great Mercy of Christ’s death on the cross, the hour of grace for the whole world when mercy triumphed over judgment. In this hour of prayer you can pray for others and for yourself. OLD TESTAMENT VIDEO SERIES Due to the change in the morning Mass time, we will move the series to Thursdays at 8:45 am. For information, call Kris Steven (503) 297-0524. 4 WORSHIP AND LITURGY, CONT. ST. PIUS X LITURGICAL MINISTERS’ GATHERING EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the holy Eucharist. At St. Pius X people pray in our chapel in one hour segments, from 6:00 am to midnight, 7 days per week, except when Mass is being offered in church. You can sign up online at www. stpius.org. We invite all St. Pius X Liturgical Ministers, as well as all interested parishioners, to a gathering on Saturday morning, January 31, 2015, in the Community Center. After the 8:15 am morning Mass, we will have an egg casserole breakfast, followed by a presentation by Ken Canedo on The Evolution of Liturgical Ministry, from the Early Church to Vatican II to Today. We will conclude by noon. SCRIP GIFT CARD PROGRAM Please RSVP on our website at www.stpius.org, click on Mass and on Liturgical Ministers Gathering. FUNDRAISING FOR ST. PIUS X CHURCH AND SCHOOL PRAYER CHAIN 2015 New Year’s Resolution #1: Use more Scrip gift cards for your everyday purchases! Our St. Pius X Parish provides prayer support for the critical needs of parishioners and their loved ones. If you have a request for prayer, or if you can be one of the people praying for the requests of others, please send an email message to [email protected]. Still don’t “get it” when people say “scrip”? It’s easy! You purchase gift cards to hundreds of local and national merchants at face value and use them just like you would use any other gift card to make purchases. So why buy St. Pius X Scrip gift cards? Because St. Pius X earns a small percentage of profit with each card sold (because merchants sell the cards to St. Pius X for less than face value). The pennies add up, and St. Pius X wins! All you have to do is shop like you regularly do, but remember to pay with Scrip gift cards! PRAY THE ROSARY Please join us in praying the Rosary. We meet every Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 pm in the Community Center Room S1, second small room on the right as you enter the Community Center. Questions? Email [email protected]. PARISH LIFE DECEMBER EVENTS Baptisms Anniversaries Len and Jo Cooper Irene and Dean Herman 57 Years 46 Years Marilyn Rosalie Lobatos Emiliano Castaneda Pat and Jeanne Wieber 35 Years Quinn Silas Adams Danny and Peggy Lee 32 Years Oliver Michael Jansen Bella Yen Nguyen New Members Lena Elizabeth Roberti Nicholas and Kimberly Smith Funerals Geary Becker Daniel G. Kalfayan Carole Bertrand 5 YOUTH MINISTRY OUTREACH/PEACE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE BABY CORNER AT ST. PIUS X As you are cleaning out your closets, please remember Baby Corner. Baby Corner provides assistance to mothers for babies and young children who are in need in our local community. Middle School Youth Nights: January 11: We are Family: Adam and Eve Current Needs of Baby Corner: strollers, PACK & PLAYS, books, used clean clothing newborn to size 4T, diapers (especially sizes 3, 4, 5), diaper cream and wipes. Please no car seats, cribs or stuffed animals. January 18: No Youth Night due to Martin Luther King holiday. Questions: Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Youth Ministry, [email protected]. Bring donations to St. Pius X Church office Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Questions? Call Marty (503) 614-9630, or Jennifer (971) 404-8040. High School Youth Nights: January 11: Guest speaker Martin Gay (licensed Marriage and Family Counselor and former Youth Minister) will speak to the topic of Communication in relationship – we will focus on how by making small changes in our lives, we can better communicate with family and friends. MOTHER AND CHILD EDUCATION CENTER FUNDRAISER Baby bottles will be distributed after all Masses January 24 and 25. Please gather your spare change and keep them for the mothers and their babies who will most appreciate our financial aid and prayers. January 18: No Youth Night due to Martin Luther King holiday. Questions: Kristin Mombert, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, [email protected]. All proceeds will go to Mother and Child Education Center (formerly called Birthright) who provides support and services to women facing unexpected pregnancies. Bottles will be collected the next week, February 1. If you have questions, please contact Jo Cooper at [email protected], or the Mother and Child office at (503) 249-5801. Their website is momchildpdx.org. Mothers and babies thank you! VOCATIONS COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS BUILDING A CULTURE OF VOCATIONS PARISH HOSPITALITY PRAYER FOR MY VOCATION Heavenly Father, You have a great and loving plan for our world and for me. I want to do my part in your plan. Help me to see the signs that You give me. Open my heart to respond to You. Grant me the courage to follow your call. Give me the strength to serve You and your people with generosity and love. Amen. All parishioners are invited to attend Parish Hospitality in the Community Center after the 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. Coffee, donuts, bread and bagels will be served. Please join us for this opportunity to meet new and old parishioners. 6 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. ST. PIUS X WOMEN’S CLUB MEETING NOTICE THE SPIRITUALITY OF LIGHTER LIVING BOOK STUDY The next meeting of the Women’s Club is scheduled for Monday, January 12, 2015, from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, in the Community Center. Please note, this is a DAYTIME meeting. Are you looking to start the New Year with a lighter load, or perhaps it is time to downsize? This book study will help identify the burdens weighing you down inside and out, and choose another path. Join Mary Jo Saavedra as she unpacks the secrets of simplifying your life and introduces the spiritual practice of letting go of stuff. All women of the Parish are invited to join us for a fun and informative time. The meeting starts at 1:00 pm with a presentation by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office on “Financial Abuse of Seniors”. Our regular business meeting will follow at 2:00 pm. Come at 12:30 pm for some social time. All parishioners are invited to the program, so bring your friends and neighbors. Hope to see you there! Book Study Dates are: January 13, 20, and 27, 2015; February 3 and 10, 2015, in the St. Pius X Community Center, from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm. Please call The Franciscan Spiritual Center to register at (503) 7948542. Cost is $75 for the 5 week series. Purchase book separately, “How to Simplify Your Life”, by Tiki Kusttenmacher. ADVANCE PLANNING - ST. PIUS X WOMEN’S CLUB RETREAT Be safe! Protect yourself! Knowledge is power! All women are cordially invited to “An Interior Pilgrimage” Retreat on February 20-21, 2015, with Retreat Master, Father Gary Smith, S.J, at Our Lady of Peace Retreat, 3600 SW 130th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97006. AVOID FINANCIAL ABUSE Elder Safe is a program that helps victims ages 65 and older avoid abuse and protects those threatened with physical, financial or psychological abuse. • Come to a free program offered by Elder Safe. • Learn the facts about the #1 problem – Financial abuse of seniors. • Help get the word out to those at risk of abuse and those in unique positions to observe signs of abuse and neglect. • Learn more about how we can love and care for each other by being informed. Accommodations: Overnight lodging provides single rooms with shared bath all on main level. Check-in 1:00 pm, February 20, 2015. Conclusion 3:00 pm, February 21, 2015. Pre-registration Required: $80.00 for retreat, 3 meals and lodging. $50.00 for retreat, 3 meals and no lodging. Payable to St. Pius X Women’s Club, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR 97229. Questions, call Jan Duggan at (503) 646-4252. KIDS PLAY Video: “Financial Abuse of Seniors” Marcia Langer, Washington County Sheriff’s Office Are you a parent or caregiver to a child age newborn to 5? Are you looking for a play-based group to be a part of? If so, we meet most Mondays in the Youth Center from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. Monday, January 12, 2015 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm St. Pius X Community Center Sponsored by the St. Pius X Women’s Club If you would like to join our email list, please contact Lisa Williams at [email protected]; or Kat Wright at [email protected]. Additionally, we are always looking for gently used toys. Please email us if you would like to make a toy donation. 7 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. St. Pius X Knights of Columbus Crab Feed Saturday, January 17 St. Pius X Community unity Center 1280 NW Saltzman Road, oad, Portland 5:30 p.m. social hour, 6:30 p.m. dinner Come hungry for an all you can eat buffet of dungeness d crab, tossed salad, baked beans, cole slaw slaw, and dessert! Tickets Only $30 Beer and wine available at additional cost. Only 300 tickets available! 1VSDIBTFZPVSUJDLFUJOBEWBODFBUUIF1BSJTI0GĵDFPSDPOUBDU Tim Cooch ([email protected]; 503.848.6275). Reserve your table by sending your name & the number in your party to [email protected]. Tickets sold at the door if available. All proceeds support the Knights’ charitable endeavors. 8 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. 8,000 pounds of food delivered $7,200 dollars donated by St. Pius X Parishioners for gifts 400 Volunteer hours during the Christmas food and gift programs, including: The Girl Scouts of Washington County, St. Pius X Youth Group, St. Pius X Boy Scouts and Parishioners, Knights of Columbus and St. Vincent de Paul 327 Individuals served due to your generosity 1 to spread the love and fellowship of Jesus Christ to our neighbors by assisting them in their time of need THANK YOU ST. PIUS X The members of your St. Vincent de Paul Conference would like to thank each and every one of you for making the Annual Food Drive and Christmas Gift programs tremendously successful. Food and gift certificates were delivered to 70 families (259 individuals) on December 20. Each family received 3 large boxes of food, including a Christmas ham. We were also able to distribute over $7,200 in gift certificates donated by St. Pius X parishioners to these same families, giving them the joy of shopping for their own holiday gifts. We would like to thank the St. Pius X Boy Scout troop for delivering 17 sets of food boxes to Camp Azul this holiday season. Thank you Pat Pitz and Molly Washburn for helping us coordinate this joint effort. We would also like to give a special thanks to Jo Cooper’s Bible Study group and the St. Pius X Faith Formation classes. These groups along with many more generous parishioners collected stocking stuffers, toys and candy that were distributed with our food boxes. We continue to be blessed by an outpouring of support for the less fortunate in our community. As always, the parishioners of St. Pius X did more than we could have hoped for by donating both their money for gift certificates and their time to spread God’s love by delivering the gift certificates and food boxes to the families that we sponsored. Once again, thank you for your tremendous generosity and may God bless you and your families in 2015 and always! ~St. Vincent de Paul’s St. Pius X Conference LADIES OF LIGHT MOM’S FAITH SHARING GROUP ST. PIUS X SCHOOL FREE THROW CONTEST Ladies of Light is a Mom’s Faith-Sharing and Bible Study group that has been meeting at St. Pius X for over five years. Join us as we explore our faith, strengthen our families and share the light of God. We meet Tuesday mornings, 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Meetings run through the end of May. Newborns are welcome to join us and childcare is available for those over age one. The St. Pius X Knights of Columbus are excited to announce the 2015 Free Throw Contest. Each year, the Knights organize an event with the 10-14 year old students (as of January 1) during their PE class. Each student competes within their respective age, gender category, and is given 15 chances to shoot a free throw. This same contest is held at each parish in the district, and the winners qualify to compete in the district and then state competitions. For information, contact Jennifer Bateman at [email protected], or Molly Washburn at [email protected]. The competition will take place January 20-22 during the school day, and winners will be announced in the parish and school bulletins. Good luck! 9 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS March For Life 2015 Please join us for a peaceful prayer vigil and fellowship at the annual Roe v. Wade Memorial Rally and Walk, in solidarity with people around the country as we commemorate the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion in America. This is a great way to provide peaceful public witness and support our Parish to pray for the more than 56 million lives tragically lost though abortion and to intercede for the conversion of those who misguidedly perpetuate it. This event features many prominent pro-life speakers lead by our beloved Archbishop Alexander K. Sample. Location: Pioneer Square Courthouse, Downtown Portland. Date: January 18, 2015 This location is readily accessible via Trimet Max lines. The Knights of Columbus is also sponsoring bus transportation to and from the event. The bus will be leaving St. Pius X Parish at 1:00 pm PST. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. Please spread the word and invite your family and friends. It is guaranteed to be a positive, fun and fruitful experience. Please contact [email protected], or (503) 645-1529, if there are any questions. Upcoming Events: • Saturday, January 17, 2015: Annual Crab Feed • Sunday, February 15, 2015: Knights Café Country Breakfast • Saturday, March 14, 2015: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner ST. PIUS X SCHOOL ST. PIUS X SCHOOL 2015-16 K-8 OPEN HOUSE Love Respect Knowledge Justice THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015 6:00PM—8:00PM Take a tour with our students and parents. Our teachers will provide information on our academic and spiritual curriculum including elementary and middle school, music, Spanish, physical education, extra curricular activities and more. Applications for 2015-16 accepted online at stpiuspanthers.org From January 16 through February 6 1260 NW Saltzman Road, Portland, OR 97229 503-644-3244 ext 210 10 la Nota del vicario parroquial Ministerio latino REFLEXIÓN Hoy nos celebramos el baptismo de Dios. En el evangelio, escuchamos que Jesús permitió ser bautizado para mostrar su profundo deseo de someter su vida a la voluntad a la Padre Celestial, para cumplir su misión, para ser la compasión de Dios en el mundo. La gente vino a John para ser bautizado para buscar el arrepentido y la conversión de su pecaminosidad. Pero Jesús Cristo, que es sin pecado, que necesito no arrepentido, humildemente se dejó ser bautizado para mostrar su solidaridad con la humanidad pecadora como el Salvador Compasivo. Las lecturas de este Domingo I del Tiempo Ordinario del ciclo B nos invitan a centralizarnos en el Bautismo, ya que este domingo celebramos el Bautismo del Señor. En Isaías 55, 1-11, anuncia que todos los pueblos de la Tierra serán reunidos por Jesús, todos aquellos que están dispersos, sedientos o hambrientos que vengan a Jesús, porque Él les dará de beber y de comer para que nunca más vuelvan a tener hambre y sed. El profeta insiste en que busquemos a Dios mientras podamos, que nos demos cuentan que los caminos del Señor son muy diferentes a los caminos de este mundo; a cambio de esa búsqueda, Dios nos dice: “Sellaré una alianza perpetua”. Este es el punto más relevante de la primera lectura, ya que en Jesucristo Dios establecerá una alianza eterna con la humanidad, una alianza en la cual ya no habrá más intermediarios como en el Sinaí, donde Moisés intercedía por el pueblo de Israel y fue quien recibió las tablas de la ley, las cuales establecerían las reglas de ese pacto; NO, ahora es Dios mismo quien asume ese papel, divinizando la Naturaleza Humana, y lo más sorprendente, esa alianza perpetua no es solo para Israel, si no para toda la Naturaleza Humana, es ahí la grandeza y donde entramos cada uno de nosotros, bendito sea Dios. Podemos preguntarnos, ¿Cómo podemos hacer sentido de la palabra de Dios hoy? Ciertamente, no podemos ser gran como Jesús y no podemos recibir el mismo baptismo que Jesús Cristo recibió. Pero como cristianos, nuestros propios bautismos nos llaman a imitar a Jesús Cristo, que es el humildemente somete a la voluntad del padre y acepta su misión para ser la compasión de Dios en el mundo. Como sus seguidores debimos a compartir en esta misión. También debemos a ser la compasión de Dios e este mundo. En el mundo hoy, nos enfrentamos a los crímenes que degradar el dignidad de muchas personas, crímenes que oímos que son enfrentamos desde la concepción hasta la muerte. Crímenes como la trata de personas, eutanasia y especialmente matanza de los no nacidos. Nuestro baptismo de Jesús Cristo nos llama a la acción. Nos llama para un responder. El Santo Evangelio según San Marcos nos muestra el día de hoy al personaje del que hablaba el Profeta Isaías. Juan el Bautista, el precursor de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, les aclara y profetiza a sus discípulos que detrás de él viene alguien a quien no merece desatar la correa de sus sandalias, y les afirma: “Yo les he bautizado con agua, pero detrás de mí viene alguien que los bautizará con el Espíritu Santo”. Tiempo después Juan observa que de entre la multitud que venía a bautizarse se encontraba Jesús, cuando Jesús recibió el bautismo de Juan, se vio el Espíritu Santo descender en forma de paloma y se escucha una voz de lo alto que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado; Yo tengo en ti mis complacencias . Sin duda este es un momento muy importante en el ministerio de Jesús, ya que con el bautismo iniciará el anuncio del Reino de Dios en la humanidad; es una manifestación pública y hermosa de la Santísima Trinidad, por eso Juan advirtió a sus discípulos que Jesús los bautizaría con el Espíritu Santo. El bautismo Trinitario ha sido siempre el inicio de nuestra vida cristiana, en él volvemos a nacer de nuevo y es el que nos impulsa y prepara a cumplir la voluntad de Dios. Dejemos que este mismo Espíritu de Dios recibido el día de nuestro bautismo nos anime a dejar lo malo y seguir a Cristo cumpliendo su Palabra, que llevemos esa Buena Nueva a todos los que nos rodean y así seamos esas piedras vivas que llevan el mensaje de esperanza a la humanidad. Pero como Jesús, debemos darnos cuenta de solo podemos abordar realmente las ofensas de la dignidad humana cuando empezamos a mostrar nuestra compasión sincera, cuando nos comprender el sufrimiento de la víctimas, sentir las heridas, simpatizar con los que no nacido, y compartir en la quebrantamiento de los demás. No por hacerse daño con otro daño, no por el odio con otro odio, o indiferencia con otra indiferencia. Jesús Cristo enseño el mejor ejemplo de compasión por el sufrimiento que abarca y poniendo su propia vida en la cruz por todos. Con la Gracia de Dios, Fr. Francisco Bringuela Parroquial Vicor La segunda lectura de la primera carta del apóstol san Juan nos invita a descubrir la grandeza de nuestra fe, ya que (Continua en la pagina 12) 11 ministerio latino cont. RETIRO DE EVANGELIZACION PARROQUIAL. Invitamos a todos aquellos que deseen tener un encuentro personal con Dios a que reserven su espacio para nuestro próximo Retiro de Evangelización Parroquial, el 20, 21 y 22 de Febrero del 2015. Mayores informes en la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano o con cualquier miembro del Ministerio de Evangelización Parroquial. creyendo en el Mesías, creemos en el Padre que lo envió y por tanto podemos cumplir sus mandamientos, ya que solamente cumpliéndolos demostramos que amamos a Dios. Juan resalta tres elementos principales de Jesús en su sacrificio en la cruz: el Espíritu Santo, el agua y la sangre. Fue el Espíritu Santo quien lo movió y fortaleció a llegar al lugar del sacrificio, ese Espíritu que vimos descender en su bautismo; estando en la cruz, en sus últimos momentos, vimos como brotó de su costado el agua y su sangre, de esta escena completa fue donde sin duda salieron todos los sacramentos que son sus signos visibles mediante los cuales recibimos la Gracia Santificante para la vivencia de nuestra fe; por eso termina san Juan diciendo: si aceptamos el testimonio de los hombres, el testimonio de Dios vale mucho mas y ese testimonio es el que Dios ha dado de su Hijo. Por eso hacemos nuestras las palabras del salmista: Sacaremos agua con alegría de las vertientes de la salvación. MINISTERIO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO ST. PIUS X. A todas las parejas, casadas y no casadas, les invitamos a nuestras reuniones los días Domingos a las 7:00 pm. Venga y comparta con otras parejas la Fe, la experiencia de Familia y la ayuda mutua. Mayores informes con Don Pablo y María Salcedo o la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. CLASES DE FORMACIÓN DE LA FE. Introducción a las Sagradas Escrituras. Las clases de formación son todos los Miércoles, Jueves y Domingos. Los Miércoles estamos desarrollando el curso sobre La Biblia, tanto a las 9:00 am como a las 7:00 pm. Los Jueves estamos desarrollando el curso La Luz de la Fe. Domingos a las 3:00 pm estamos estudiando el curso de Los Sacramentos. Hay cuidado de niños. En Jesucristo Jaime Sevilla PLÁTICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES • • • • • • • • • La plática es de 9:00 am a 1:00 pm. Solamente tiene que asistir a una sola plática. No tiene que registrarse antes para tomar la plática/clase. Traer una copia del acta de nacimiento de su hijo(a). Durante la plática se le darán los documentos necesarios para bautizar. Si va a bautizar fuera de nuestra parroquia, le daremos un comprobante de pláticas. El cupo para tomar la plática/clase no es limitado. Padrinos de fuera, pueden tomar su plática de donde son, y traer un comprobante. No tenemos cuidado de niños. Favor de dejar sus niños con alguien a cuidar. CATECISMO. Les recordamos a todos los padres de familia que no habrá clases de Catecismo el 17 y 18 de Enero por el feriado de Martin Luther King Jr. RETIRO PARA LIDERES DE LA PARROQUIAL. A todos los lideres de nuestra Parroquia de San Pio X se les invita a nuestro retiro cuaresmal durante el mes de marzo. Mayores informes en la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. BODAS. Si usted piensa contraer matrimonio, por favor comunicarse a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano con 6 meses de anticipación. Fecha de Próximas Platicas Febrero 7, 2015 Junio 6, 2015 Abril 11, 2015 Julio 11, 2015 Mayo 9, 2015 Agosto 8, 2015 MONOGUILLOS. Si su hijo desea ser un monaguillo, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al tel. (503) 213-1446 o con la Señora Patricia Hernández. Fecha de Próximos Bautizos Los Bautizos inician y son a las 10:00 am. Es obligatorio estar en la iglesia a las 9:40 am. Enero 17, 2015 Mayo 16, 2015 Febrero 14, 2015 Junio 20, 2015 Abril 18, 2015 Julio 18, 2015 SANTA MISA PARA PERSONAS CON NECESIDADES ESPECIALES. Les invitamos para el Enero 25, 2015 en San Pío X a la Liturgia Adaptada, la celebración eucarística, que celebra la vida y los dones de todas las personas, incluidas aquellas con discapacidades físicas y de desarrollo y las que está enfermas. Se han hecho todos los esfuerzos para acomodar la inclusión y la participación de cada persona. La iglesia es accesible para sillas de ruedas, y dispositivos de escucha están disponibles. La liturgia adaptada se ofrece el 4o domingo de cada mes a las 2:45 pm en San Pío X. Dirección: 1280 Saltzman Rd, Portland, OR 97229. Para mayor información llame al Tel.(503) 644-5264. Las siguientes fechas de las Misas son: Febrero 22, 2015; Marzo 22, 2015 y Abril 26, 2015. ANUNCIOS RICA/RCIA. No ha recibido aun los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Confirmación o Primera Comunión y es mayor de 18 años? Le invitamos entonces a las reuniones todos los Viernes a las 7:00 pm en el Centro Comunitario. Mayores informes con José Flores. 12 contacts and resources Parish Office (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Administration Fr. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 Fr. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 Fr. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence (503) 644-5264 Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Adult Education and Enrichment Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Annulment Advocacy Bob Little (503) 213-1447 Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (503) 234-5334 Baptisms Tom English, Sacristan (503) 213-1442 Baby Corner Voice mailbox (503) 213-1376 Bereavement Arlene Lee (503) 579-9822 Bookkeeping Jennifer Brown (503) 213-1445 Bridge Group - Social Hilary Hutchinson (503) 526-0650 Bulletin Items Cheryl Hopkins (503) 213-1449 Burnside Meals Rebecca Gaerlan (503) 372-9176 CYO Anthony Vuky / Don Verzani (503) 213-1444 / (503) 690-9850 Centering Prayer Linda Tombaugh (503) 641-2059 Confirmation (Adult) Bob Little (503) 213-1447 Confirmation (9th - 12th grades) Kristin Mombert (503) 213-1448 Elizabeth Ministries Jennifer Radosavljevic (971) 404-8040 ESL (English as a Second Language) Jaime Sevilla (503) 213-1446 Facility Reservations Jim Shaffer (503) 644-5264 Peace and Justice Mary Ryan Hotchkiss (503) 646-5449 Faith Café Joan Andersen-Wells (503) 642-2764 Prayer Shawl Ministry Geneal Kanalz (503) 646-9547 Faith Formation Molly Washburn, Little Saints - Preschool - K (503) 213-1450 Chris Kirnak, Sacramental Preparation (503) 213-1463 Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation-Elementary (503) 213-1460 Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Ministry (503) 213-1454 Kristin Mombert, High School Ministry (503) 213-1448 Secretary - Faith Formation (503) 213-1461 RCIA / Returning Catholics (Landings) Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Filipino Community Melliza Palazo (503) 804-6510 Reception / Parish Office / Mass Intentions Jackie LaCasse (503) 644-5264 Sanctity of Life Jo Cooper (503) 646-2250 Serra Club Dan Jones (503) 645-2172 Special Needs Committee Mary Ann Hassold (503) 617-4965 Funeral Coordination Evelyn Gibbons (503) 614-9415 Habitat for Humanity Patrick Wheeler (503) 645-1645 Knights of Columbus Paul Butler (503) 533-2018 La Casita Pat Pitz (503) 806-0389 Latino Ministries Jaime Sevilla (503) 213-1446 Liturgy and Worship Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Loaves and Fishes Anne Fornay (503) 646-0487 Stewardship Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 St. Francis Dining Hall Debra DiPaola (503) 533-0984 St. Pius X School Mary Thompson, Principal (503) 644-3244 Mary Beth Anderson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 Fran Wilson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 St. Joseph Toolbox Knights of Columbus (503) 644-5264 St. Vincent de Paul Bob Weisend (503) 629-2014 Sunday Nursery Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation/Outreach (503) 213-1460 Mary’s Pantry Mike and Nan Fey (503) 626-8772 Vocations Art Diederich (503) 645-6142 Meals on Wheels Tess Pimentel (503) 645-3728 Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Music Ministry Wendy Reimann-O’Hearn (503) 213-1468 Outreach Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation/Outreach (503) 213-1460 Parish Nurse Ministry Fran Breiling (503) 645-3775 13 Wedding Coordination Barb English (503) 643-3144 Women’s Club Colleen Lucas (503) 645-5646 Community Resources: Care to Share-Food Assistance (503) 591-9025 Child Abuse Reporting (800) 275-8952 Pregnancy Resource Center (503) 643-4503 Housing Assistance (503) 846-4794 St. Pius x community calendar Sunday January 9:00 am 1:00 pm - Patricia Ann Sackinger Peace for Venezuela 11 Monday Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School High School Discipleship Team Meeting 1:00 pm - Parish Office Conference Room Youth Choir 3:30 pm - Church Youth Ministry Activities 6:45 pm - Community Center, Etc. Wednesday 8:15 am 9:15 am - 8:15 am 5:00 pm - Women’s Club Meeting 1:00 pm - Community Center Latino Bible Study 7:00 pm - Youth Center Ladies of Light Bible Study 9:00 am - Community Center Social Bridge 10:30 am - Church Hall Knights of Columbus General Council 6:00 pm - Community Center Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm - Church Confirmation Class 7:00 pm - McMahon Hall ESL Class 7:00 pm - School RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center 8:15 am - Latino Adult Faith Formation (Parents) 9:00 am - Community Center Women’s Club Board Meeting 10:00 am - Community Center Funeral: Tom Smith 1:00 pm - Church and Community Center Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:00 pm - Church Shared Leadership Night 6:00 pm - Community Center Youth Choir 6:30 pm - Church Confirmation Class 7:00 pm - McMahon Hall 17 Aniceto Carvalho Mark and Sharon Powers Coyote Club 7:30 am - Youth Center Latino Preventative Dental Care 10:00 am - Youth Center Funeral: Bill Wilson 11:30 am - Church and Church Hall Latino Adult Faith Formation (Parents) 5:30 pm - Youth Center Knights of Columbus Crab Feed 6:00 pm - Community Center 13 8:15 am - 14 Thursday Lazaro Prince Tim and Colleen Tevens Saturday 12 Tuesday 8:15 am Eugene and Darlene Klecan 15 Oscar Varela Ray Powers Friday 8:15 am - 16 Anna Nguyen Thanh Ha Old Testament Video Series 8:45 am - Parish Office Conference Room Al-Non 10:00 am - Youth Center Latino Youth Choir 5:00 pm - Church St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 7:00 pm - Church Hall Latino Adult Choir 7:00 pm - Church Latino RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center Latino Marriage Encounter 7:00 pm - Community Center Sunday Intercessions 7:30 am 9:00 am 5:30 pm - 18 TC Smith Steve Marietta Dawn and Jim Coe Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School Youth Choir 3:30 pm - Church For additional information regarding our calendar, visit our website -www.stpius.org. For those who are suffering illness . . . For those who have died . . . TC Smith Tom Smith Sharon Chubb Lucy Pean New members Adelino and Mary Lorenzo Margaret Huff-Huffman Cathy Do and Jason Bump 14 BEYOND OUR PARISH WALLS OUR LADY’S LUNCHEON TEA AND SILENT AUCTION PREPARING FOR MARRIAGE? The Franciscan Missionary Sisters at Our Lady of Peace Retreat in Beaverton invite you to attend OUR LADY’S LUNCHEON TEA AND SILENT AUCTION on Saturday, February 7. Always Faithful is a course for couples considering marriage. It provides couples with an opportunity to discern their readiness to marry, learn important skills to be successfully married, and to gain an appreciation for marriage in the Church. It includes two private counseling sessions. The Auction begins with bidding at 11:00 am, followed by a luncheon from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Cost is $35 per person; tables for 6 OR 8 are available for purchase. To reserve tickets, please call (503) 6497127, or email [email protected]. This event is a fundraiser for the renovation of the Retreat House Chapel. A new series begins on February 5, 2015, at Northwest Family Services, 6200 SE King Rd, Portland, OR 97222. To register or for more information, call Northwest Family Services at (503) 546-6377, or e-mail service@ nwfs.org. You may also register online at www.nwfs.org. A LIFELINE FOR MARRIAGE ASH WEDNESDAY RETREAT Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide the tools to help get your marriage back on track. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels, including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about, or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on January 16-18, 2014, please call (503) 225-9191, or visit www.helpourmarriage.org. Please join us February 18 for our annual ASH WEDNESDAY RETREAT at Our Lady of Peace Retreat in Beaverton. The theme is “Return to Me with Your Whole Heart,” with Retreat Master Fr. John Boyle. The day begins at 9:00 am and ends at 2:30 pm. Doors open at 8:15 am. Cost is $40 per person for the day, including lunch. To register, call (503) 649-7127, or www.olpretreat.org, or email [email protected]. 15
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