St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church 13935 Telegraph Rd ◊ Whittier, CA 90604-2536 Parish Office: 562-941-0115 ◊ Fax: 562-941-3785 Website: What did God do for me at my own baptism? ¿Qué hizo Dios en mi bautismo? How could I celebrate such an important event? ¿Cómo puedo celebrar tan importante evento? January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord El Bautismo del Señor REV. BRIAN NUNES Administrator REV. JOHN LEE Associate Pastor REV. FINBARR DEVINE In Residence Religious Education Program Located at the Faith Formation Center Localizado en el Centro Faith Formation Telephone: (562) 944-8311 Elementary Coordinator: Candace Pedroza Extension 775 Confirmation Coordinator: Leticia Negrete Extension 224 St. Gregory the Great Catholic School Escuela Católica de San Gregorio Magno 13925 Telegraph Rd., Whittier, CA 90604 Ms. Paulette Clagon—Principal Telephone: (562) 941-0750 Fax: (562) 903-7325 MASS SCHEDULE ◊ HORARIO DE MISA SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday/sábado: 5:30pm English /Inglés Sunday/domingo: 7am,8:30am & Saturdays and the Thursday before the 1st Friday of each month 4pm—5pm 10:30am English/Inglés 12:30pm Spanish/Español 5:30pm English/Inglés Monday—Saturday: 8:30am (Rosary after Mass) 1st Friday Mass and 3rd Wednesday Mass: 6:30pm (Confessions) SACRAMENTO DE PENITENCIA (CONFESIONES) Todos los Sábados y, el Jueves antes del primer Viernes de cada mes 4pm—5pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS HORAS DE OFICINA Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 9:00 am—12:00 pm and 1:00 pm—6:00 pm Saturday/Sábado 9:00 am—2:00 pm Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am—2:00 pm St. Gregory the Great Catholic Community January 11, 2015 Page 2 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact the Parish Office between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday at least six months prior to the date. SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO Es necesario comunicarse con la Oficina de la Parroquia de 9:00 de la mañana hasta las 5 de la tarde, al menos seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de la boda. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Must contact the Parish Office to Pre-Register for Baptism between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday (Except Holidays /Holy Days) Baptisms take place on the 1st Sunday of each month at 2 pm. The cost is $50 and includes the Pre-Baptismal Class. SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO EN ESPAÑOL Necesitan acercarse a la Oficina de la Parroquia de 9 de la mañana a 5 de la tarde para registrarse para el Bautismo (Excepto Días Festivos / Días Santos). Los Bautismos son cada cuarto Domingo del mes a las 2 de la tarde. El costo es de $50 e incluye la Clase Pre-Bautismal. PRE-BAPTISMAL CLASS If you are interested in attending our Pre-Baptismal Class held on the 3rd Sunday of each month (Except Holy Days / Holidays /Church Events) at 2pm in the Msgr. Ruddy Center , Room “A”. The attendant must pre-register at the Parish Office no later than 5 days before the class date. No one will be allowed into the class without the proof of Receipt of the Registration of the Pre-Baptismal Class. If you have any questions please call the Parish Office at (562) 941-0115 Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm. CLASE PRE-BAUTISMAL Si usted está interesado en asistir a nuestra clase Pre-Bautismal que se lleva acabo el Segundo Domingo de cada mes (Excepto Días Santos/Días Festivos/ Eventos de la Parroquia) a las 2PM en el Msgr. Ruddy Center, Salon “A” Las personas deben registrarse. No se le permitirá entrar a la clase si no tiene el comprobante del Recibo de Registración de la Clase Pre-Bautismal. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia al (562) 941-0115 de Lunes a Vernes de 9 am-5 pm. QUINCEAÑERAS-PRESENTATIONS Must contact the Parish Office Monday-Friday 9am to 5 pm at least 4 months prior to the date. Deben comunicarse con la oficina de la Parroquia de Lunes a Vernes de 9:00 de la mañana a 5 de la tarde con 4 meses de anticipación a la fecha deseada. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Formerly called “Extreme Unction” or “Last Rites,” this sacrament is to be administered at the beginning of a serious illness or before surgery because it provides strengthening and healing. Contact the Parish Office at (562) 941-0115. UNCION A LOS ENFERMOS O COMUNION A LOS ENFERMOS Formalmente llamado “Extremaunción. La administración de éste Sacramento es para la persona que enfrenta el principio de una enfermedad grave o antes de una operación. Por favor llamar a la Parroquia al teléfono (562) 941-0115 INTENCIONES DE MISA PARA LA SEMANA Monday, Jan 12 8:30 am: Stella Glancy+ Tuesday, Jan 13 Wednesday, Jan 14 8:30 am: Marisela Gonzalez 8:30 am: Bertha Ochoa+ Thursday, Jan 15 Friday, Jan 16 Saturday, Jan 17 10:00 am: Julio Enrique Flores+ 8:30 am: Fernando Mercado Jr. 8:30 am: Evelyn Bagaybagayan, Joyce Reesling, Luis Mosquera+ 5:30 pm: Genevieve Weseloh+ Sunday, Jan 18 7:00 am: Eileen Madden+ 8:30 am: Godfrey Ybarra+ 10:30 am: Josephine Ocampo 12:30 pm: Por las Almas del Purgatorio 5:30 pm: For all our Parishioners & Benefactors + : Deceased /Fallecido(a) St. Gregory the Great Catholic Community January 11, 2015 Page 3 A note from Fr. Brian Hello from the Holy Land! As you read this, I am on a combination pilgrimage/retreat, following in the footsteps of countless others who have gone before me. As amazing as the experience is, I also hold all of you in my heart, you who have become my family, you who join me week after week (sometimes more often) making this parish our home. After all, home is not only the place where we were born, but also the place where we know we belong, the place where we know we will always be welcome. Today, as we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we might want to recall the great gift of our own baptism, because through that powerful sacrament, we were given the gift of being able to call heaven our home. Jesus did not need to be baptized, of course, but by allowing himself to be baptized in the Jordan River, he acted like a big brother, leading the way and showing us what we must do. Because baptism is so powerful, in a very real and special way the place where we were baptized should have a special place in our hearts. For many of you, that place is here at St. Gregory the Great, but no matter where it is, that place is truly a “home” for us because it is where we were given life, the new life of baptism. Speaking of the gift of life, next Saturday is the OneLife LA event in Los Angeles. It begins at 10 a.m. at La Placita Olvera and moves through the streets of downtown L.A., ending in Grand Park (near the Cathedral) with a celebration including speakers, exhibits, music, and good food. The program should finish at 2:30 p.m. Even if you have not signed up for our bus, you are welcome to join in the celebration. I am due back in Los Angeles on Friday, the day before the event. In my absence, Father Joe Donovan is preaching at all the Masses today on behalf of the Maryknoll Missions. Please welcome him and support him! I am praying for you. Please pray for me! ¡Hola desde Tierra Santa! Cuando ustedes esten leyendo este mensaje, yo me encontraré en una peregrinación/retiro, siguiendo los pasos de cuantos han ido antes que yo. Asi como sorprendente es la experiencia, asi también los mantengo a todos ustedes en mi corazón, ustedes que se han convertido en mi familia, ustedes que se unen a mi cada semana (a veces más a menudo) haciendo de esta parroquia su hogar. Después de todo, el hogar no es solamente el sitio donde nacimos, sino también donde sabemos que pertenecemos, el lugar que sabemos que siempre seremos bien recibidos. Hoy estamos celebrando la fiesta del bautismo del Señor, y talves deseamos recordar el gran regalo de nuestro bautismo, porque por medio de este tan poderoso sacramento, se nos dió el regalo de poder llamar el cielo nuestro hogar. Por supuesto, Jesús no necesitaba ser bautizado, pero dejándose bautizar en el Río Jordán, él actuó como un hermano mayor guiándonos al camino e indicándonos lo que debíamos hacer. Ya que el bautismo es tan poderoso, de una manera real y especial, el lugar donde fuimos bautizados debería ser un lugar especial en nuestros corazones. Para muchos de ustedes, ese lugar es aquí en San Gregorio Magno, pero no importa donde sea, ése lugar es verdaderamente un “hogar” para nosotros porque es donde nos dieron vida, la nueva vida del bautismo. Hablando sobre el regalo de vida, el próximo Sábado se celebra el evento UnaVida LA en Los Angeles. Se iniciará a las 10:00 de la mañana en la Placita Olvera y continuará por las calles del centro de Los Angeles terminado en el “Grand Park” (cerca de la Catedral) con una celebración que incluirá oradores, exibiciones, música y muy buena comida. El programa terminará a las 2:30 de la tarde. Si ustedes no se registraron para viajar en nuestro bus, son bienvenidos a unirse en esta celebración. Regresaré a Los Angeles el día Viernes, un día antes del evento. . En mi ausencia, el Padre Joe Donovan estará predicando en todas las Misas de hoy acerca de las Misiones Maryknoll. Por favor , ¡recíbanlo y ayúdenlo! Estoy orando por ustedes. ¡Por favor oren por me! January 11, 2015 St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church Page 4 READINGS FOR THE WEEK TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Behold my servant with whom I am pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11. Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Isaiah 12:2-6. Second Reading — God anointed him with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1 John 5:1-9. Gospel — You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11). Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; LIVING GOD’S WORD REHEARSAL At baptism, the Spirit came upon you in the presence of the Christian community, claiming you in Jesus’ name, and God said: “You are my beloved son/daughter.” Spend some time praying over these words. What do you say to God in return? How does it affect what you do in life? Father we pray for peace, healing and strength for: Dios Padre oramos por la sanación y fuerza de: Jean Wimer, Linda Jubida, Margaret Kinney, Judith Miller, Maritza Luna, Benjamin García, Mikaela Campos, Carina Cruz, Joyce Heldridge, Pamela Carreón, Refugio Garcia, Angela McEwan, Faith & Jacob Salazar, William Cuellar, Arcelia Herrera, Jesus Plascencia, Romero & Plascencia Family, Aide Sanchez, Baby Berlyne Delgado, Anali Gonzalez, Benjamin Garcia, Angie Nogal, Gilbert Garcia Sr. & Jr., William Rangel, Sandy Schlutter, Joe Kennedy, Oscar Garcia, Daniel Vargas and all those listed in the Daily Intentions of the Blessed Sacrament and the Names in the Book of Intentions. 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Psalms are sung in the home and rehearsed in the streets. —St. Ambrose Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Help keep this beautiful self-giving expression of love for Jesus alive in our parish by spending an hour of your time with Him. The Chapel needs adorers: Sunday 12am-1am., 8am-9am., 1pm-2pm., 4pm-5pm, 6pm-7pm. Monday 6am-7am., 3pm-4pm., 4pm-5pm., 6pm-7pm., 7pm-8pm., 10pm-11pm. Tuesday 2pm-3pm., 5pm-6pm., 8pm-9pm Wednesday (T.B.A) Thursday 10am-11am., 4pm-5pm., 5pm-6pm., 6pm-7pm., 10pm-11pm. Please remember in your prayers the recently deceased of our Parish. Por favor recuerden en sus oraciones a los fallecidos . Alexa Bailey Sarah Tobin Lorraine Sylvia Stern December 28, 2014 December 29, 2014 January 4, 2015 COLLECTION FOR Sunday, December 28, 2014 Weekly Contributions «««««««.$ 9,834.25 Maintenance Fund««««««..««..$ 1,734.25 Christmas«««««««««««««$ 1,321.00 Total «««««««««««««««.$ 12,889.50 Friday 1am-2am., 2pm-3pm., 8pm-9pm. Saturday 5am-6am., 4pm-5pm., 5pm-5pm., 6pm-7pm., 7pm-8pm., 8pm -9pm, 9pm-10pm. Please contact: Albert Hernandez 562/945-5878 or COLLECTION FOR Sunday, January 4, 2015 Thank you for your generosity Weekly Contributions«««««««$ 11,991.75 Maintenance Fund««««««««. $ 2,287.50 Christmas««««««««««««.$ 259.00 Total««««««««««««««.. $ 14,637.50 Gracias por su generosidad Thank you for your generosity Gracias por su generosidad January 11, 2015 St. Gregory the Great Catholic Community Page 5 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY LONGEST MARRIED COUPLE PROJECT Have you nominated a longest married couple? Now is the time to honor couples who have had long marriages. This annual search is sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Is the Lord calling you to pro-life ministry? The Respect Life Committee invites you to join us in our pro-life work. We meet the Second Sunday of the month after the 10:30 Mass in the “Faith Formation Center.” For more information contact Bill Scianni at (562) 941-8972 For more information go to: WOMEN OF FAITH FELLOWSHIP SANTO NIÑO GRAND CELEBRATION All devotees of the Holy Child are invited to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in honor of the Holy Infant Jesus - The Santo Niño at the Historic Faith Center of the San Pedro Region (SS, Peter and Paul Church) at 1015 Lagoon Avenue in Wilmington on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 10:00 am. Bishop Joseph Sartoris will be the main celebrant. This will be immediatelly followed by a Grand Procession featuring the Holy Infant of Prague carroza and anda for the Santo Niño de Atocha. Children dressed as Santo Niño from different parts of the world will also join the caravan. Complimentary lunch at the Sullivan Hall will be offered after the Procession and Mass. For inquires and more information, please call Mr. Jun Hingoo at the parish office by phone at 310-834-5215 ext. 23 or e-mail us at: [email protected] Ladies! Join us for a time of friendship through praise, prayer, scripture and reflection. We meet the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Msgr. Ruddy Center “C”. For more information please call Mary Frances García 562-652-8982 NAIM GROUP FOR WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS We meet at St. Gregory the Great Church on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm in the Msgr. Ruddy Center. Please join us for refreshments and Dime Bingo. Meet with other local widows and widowers and all those who have lost their significant others. Gather for grief sharing, healing and have fun. Call Kay Lesandrini for information: 562-693-3496 562-693-3496 ONE LIFE LA There are still seats available for this event which will be on Saturday, January 17th. The cost is only $15 and it includes a T-shirt. Don’t miss the opportunity to partake in this prolife event. There will be a procession, speakers, information booths, entertainment and food booths. ROSARY MAKERS St. Gregory the Great Rosary Makers invite you to join them on Thursdays from 9:00AM -11:00AM In the Msgr. Ruddy Center Room “C” For more info contact: Marie Alarid (562) 941-2607 Lydia Curry (562) 941-3630 For more information please call: Mary Frances Garcia (562) 652-8982 [email protected] I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parishioners of St. Gregory the Great Church for their generous monetary contributions and donations of food items. I am happy to have been able to help out and progress in my effort to achieve the Eagle Rank for BSA. God bless you all! Benjamin Garcia LOS ANGELES ARCHDIOCESAN CONCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN The Eastern District of the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women will have its district meeting on Monday, January 19, 2015 at St. Benedict Church, 1022 W. Cleveland Ave., Montebello, CA 90640. The day begins at 9:30 am and includes a speaker, Rev. Eugene Lee speaking on “The Cross is the Gateway to Heaven,” mass, lunch and concludes at 1:30 pm. The charge for the day is $12.00 per person. Make checks payable to Altar Society of St. Benedict and mail to Dolores Perez, 1400 Via Camile, Montebello, CA 90640 before Thursday, January 15th deadline. For more information call: Dolores Perez at (323) 722-2563 or Eleanor Payan at (562) 698-3528 January 11, 2015 St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church Page 6 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (R.C.I.A.), RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM & CONFIRMATION PROGRAM NEWS R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Are you thinking of becoming Catholic, but have too many questions? Are you Catholic but need to grow in your understanding of your Catholic faith and tradition? Were you only baptized and never completed your other Sacraments of Initiation? Were you baptized in another Christian Tradition? Were you denied the gift of faith by your parents? RCIA is present for you here in our parish community. Our process is year-round and is meant to meet you where you are and work with you to address all your concerns and false concepts about the Catholic Church. Contact Byron Sharp at (562) 322-0371 CONFIRMATION NEWS -High School ConfirmationNEXT CLASS, TODAY, JANUARY 11, 2015 3PM to 5PM Youth Mass at 5:30 following class -ADULT CONFIRMATIONNext class in the Faith Formation Center For any questions, please call 562-944-8311, x224 to speak to Leticia Negrete, Confirmation Coordinator or email inquiries to: [email protected] LOS ANGELES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONGRESS 2015 The Religious Education Congress is ready to enrich and revitalize us once more. Join us March 12, (Youth Day), March 13 - 15, 2015 at the Anaheim Convention Center. If you have never before attended Congress, you are assured of a wonderful experience. All are welcome to attend! The Congress, sponsored by the Office of Religious Education at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, offers a variety of opportunities for personal faith enrichment, prayer and entertainment. We offer 310 workshops, covering topics of interest from spirituality and personal development to biblical studies, theology and catechesis - there is a topic of interest for you. In addition to workshops, participants will enjoy morning praise, evening liturgies and a variety of noon time and evening concerts. Come and be renewed by these Congress experiences. Don’t miss out! Register now for this spirit-filled and enriching weekend! You may access the book on line and register by visiting To obtain a Registration Guidebook contact your religious education office at your parish or call the RECongress information line at (213) 637-7348 to request your own copy of a Registration Guidebook. The Senior Club of St. Gregory the Great Church invites you to a trip to: PACHANGA CASINO Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Cost $10.00 Bus leaves from the lower parking lot at 10:30 a.m. and SAN MANUEL CASINO Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Cost: $10.00 Bus leave at 10:00 a.m. from the lower parking lot For more information or Reservations, please call: Tips for Choosing Safe Toys for Kids Millions of toys are out there, and hundreds of new ones hit the stores each year. Toys are supposed to be fun and are an important part of any child’s development. But each year, scores of kids are treated in hospital emergency departments for-toy-related injuries. Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind when toy-shopping: Toys made of fabric should be labeled as flame resistant or flame retardant. Stuffed toys should be washable. Painted toys should be covered with lead-free paint. Art materials should say nontoxic. Art materials should be washable. Crayons and paints should say ASTM D-4236 on the package, which mean that they’ve been evaluated by the American Society for Testing and Materials. For more information visit: Gil & Elva at (562) 698-4450 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WHITTIER COUNCIL 1898 Did you know? The Knights of Columbus was the fraternal organization that put the words “UNDER GOD” in the Pledge of Allegiance. Would you like more information about the Whittier Knights of Columbus? Go online to or Call me, Bob Deaves (562) 715-1320 January 11, 2015 St. Gregory the Great Catholic Community St. Gregory the Great Catholic School News Page Five_ ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE PLEASE COME AND JOIN US ON JANUARY 25, 2015 11:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. Or visit our Website at https:/ School Tours available upon request Contact School Office 562-941-9750; ext.771 Support our school by saving Box Top Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter ZUMBA AND YOGA CLASSES Beginning January 5, 2015, Zumba and Yoga at St. Gregory the Great Parish Hall. These sessions are open to all those interested. Come and join us to start out a new year in health. Mondays - Zumba—6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays - Yoga—6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. $5.00 PER SESSION Sessions given by Jessica Rollins. Contact information via email: [email protected] Page 7 Enero 11 del 2015 Iglesia Católica de San Gregorio Magno Página 8 Ministerios Hispanos SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS El Grupo “Sagrado Corazón de Jesús” es un grupo de oración e intercesión. Nos reunimos el segundo Sábado de cada mes en el Msgr. Ruddy Cent, Salon “C” de 3pm a 6pm.Tenemos una hora de exposición del Santísimo Sacramento y alabanzas. Vengan y adoremos junto al Señor. Para mas información llamar a: Lourdes Plasencia (562) 941-4558 APOSENTO ALTO Les hacemos una cordial invitación a participar en Oración y Alabanza todos los Viernes de 7pm a 9pm en el Msgr. Ruddy Center. El primer Viernes de cada mes nos reunimos en la Iglesia para la Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento de 7:30pm a 9:30pm. Para mas información llamar a Emilio Jr. Gonzales al (562) 500-8371 o Guillermo Topete al (562) 946-9371. ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL ¿Quieren a su esposo (a) pero no siente ese amor vivo de recién casados? ¿Cuando salen solos no encuentran de que hablar? ¿Le dan más importancia a la Televisión o a otras actividades, que a su relación? ¿Le gustaría que sus hijos crecieran mas felices? Usted no NECESITA un ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL, usted se lo MERECE! Para mas información llamar a Jesus y María Lopez (562) 536-3374 ó a Joaquin y Jennie Salazar (562) 964-7673 DEVOCION A LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA El grupo de la Divina Misericordia les da la bienvenida a sus reuniones los Miércoles a las 7:00 de la noche en el Msgr. Ruddy Center Salón “A.” Como grupo rezamos la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, oramos por nuestras necesidades y también por las de otros. El centro de nuestra reunión es la reflexión sobre el Evangelio del Domingo. Para más información llamar a Sarita Castillo (714) 270-8833. GRUPO MUJER Este es un grupo de apoyo para mujeres. Como mujeres latinas estamos siempre preocupadas por todos en la familia, pero necesitamos también pensar en nosotras. En este grupo nos damos la oportunidad para compartir nuestras experiencias y esperanzas. Nos reunimos los Martes a las 7p.m. en el Msgr. Ruddy Center, Salon “B”. Para mas información llamar a: Celina Topete (562) 946-9371 QUINCEAÑERA Información para las Quinceañeras: ¿Está planeando celebrar una Misa de Quince Años para su hija en el futuro? ¿Su hija tiene 12 años y no ha recibido su Primera Comunión? Si contestó “sí” a cualquiera de las dos preguntas, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial para más información, al teléfono (562) 941-0115 COMITE DE GUADALUPANOS Les hace una cordial invitación a las reuniones para acompañarlos a continuar con la devoción de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el tercer Jueves del mes de 7:00 a 9:00 pm en el Faith Formation Center, Green Room. Todos son bienvenidos. Comunicarse con Bertha Vargas para más información al teléfono 562-278-5103 CLASE DE CRECIMIENTO BIBLICO El grupo de oración “Aposento Alto” les hace una cordial invitación a la clase de Crecimiento bíblico en Español todos los Lunes de 7:00 a 9:00 de la noche en el Salón “C” del Msgr. Ruddy Center. Esta clase se ofrece principalmente para principiantes. No importa si usted no sabe leer o escribir, siempre será bienvenido, nosotros con mucho gusto le ayudaremos. En estas reuniones todos podemos participar y aprender juntos. Para más información puede comunicarse con Lilia Valencia (562) 233-8003 “SOLO POR LA GRACIA DE DIOS” Los invita a sus reuniones que se llevan a cabo los días Lunes desde las 10:00 de la mañana hasta las 12:00 del medio día en el Msgr. Ruddy Center Salón “A” de la Iglesia San Gregorio el Grande. Tenemos juntas para los familiares y amigos de las personas con problemas de alcoholismo. No se solicitan cuotas ni honorarios. No se permiten niños. Las reuniones son confidenciales y se protege el anonimato personal de cada miembro. Se recomienda asistir al menos a seis reuniones. Todos aquellos afectados por el alcoholismo de otra persona son bienvenidos. Información: Antonia Robles (562) 944-4849 R. I. C. A (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) ¿Ha pensado en convertirse a ser Católico, pero tiene muchas preguntas? ¿Es usted Católico pero necesita crecer en el conocimiento de su fe Católica y su tradición? ¿Usted fue solamente bautizado y nunca completó sus otros Sacramentos de Iniciación? ¿Fue bautizado en otra Tradición Cristiana? ¿Sus padres le negaron el regalo de la fe? El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana está aqui presente en la parroquia de su comunidad. El proceso continúa todo el año y trabajaremos con usted acerca de sus intranquilidades y la preocupación sobre el falso concepto con respecto a la Iglesia Católica. Puede comunicarse al teléfono (562) 941-0115 Ext. 553 Enero 11 del 2015 Iglesia Católica de San Gregorio Magno LECTURAS DE HOY Página 9 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA . Primera lectura — He aquí mi siervo a quien he dado mi espíritu. (Isaías 42:1-4, 6-7) o Isaías 55:1-11. Salmo—Te alabamos, Señor (Salmo 29 [28]) o Isaías 12:2 6. Segunda lectura —Dios ha ungido a Jesús por el Espíritu Santo y el poder (Hechos 10:34-38) ó 1 Juan 5:1-9. Evangelio — Tú eres mi Hijo, el Amado, al que miro con Lunes: Heb 1:1-6; Sal 97 (96):1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mc 1:14-20 Martes: Heb 2:5-12; Sal 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mc 1:21-28 Miércoles:Heb 2:14-18; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Mc 1:29-39 Jueves: Heb 3:7-14; Sal 95 (94):6-11; Mc 1:40-45 Viernes: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Sal 78 (77):3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mc 2:1-12 Sábado: Heb 4:12-16; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; Mc 2:13-17 Domingo: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Sal 40 (39):2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 cariño (Marcos 1:7-11). VIVAMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS En tú bautismo el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre ti en presencia de la comunidad cristiana, te reclamó en nombre de Jesús y Dios dijo: “Tú eres mi hijo amado (hija amada).” Pasa un tiempo orando y reflexionando sobre estas palabras . ¿Qué le respondes a Dios? ¿Cómo afectan esas palabras y tú respuesta a lo que haces en la vida? Consejos para elegir Juguetes Seguros para los Niños Existen millones de juguetes en nuestra sociedad y cientos de juguetes nuevos llegan a las tiendas cada año. Los juguetes son una parte importante del desarrollo de cualquier niño. Pero cada año, decenas de niños son tratados en las salas de emergencia de hospitales por lesiones relacionadas con juguetes. Aqui hay algunos ejemplos generales a tener en cuenta al comprar juguetes: Juguetes de tela deben ser etiquetados como resistentes al fuego. Los juguetes de peluche deben ser lavables. Juguetes que estén pintados deben ser cubiertos con pintura sin plomo. Materiales de arte no deben ser tóxicos. Los paquetes de lápices de colores y pinturas deben de decir ASTM D-4236, lo que significa que han sido evaluados por la Sociedad Americana para Pruebas y Materiales. Visite: CONGRESO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA DE LOS ANGELES 2015 El Congreso de Educación Religiosa está próximo para renovarnos y nutrirnos una vez más. Acompáñanos el 12 de marzo (Jornada Juvenil), 13 al 15 de marzo del 2015. Si nunca ha asistido al Congreso, tenga por seguro que tendrá una experiencia maravillosa. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Este Congreso anual es patrocinado por la Oficina de Educación Religiosa de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles, y tiene una variedad de oportunidades para enriquecimiento en la fe, oración y entretenimiento. Ofrecemos 310 asambleas, que cubren temas de gran interés; desde espiritualidad y desarrollo personal a estudios bíblicos, teológicos y de catequesis; hay un tema de interés para cada persona. Además de los talleres, los participantes disfrutarán de la oración matutina, liturgias vespertinas y una variedad de conciertos al mediodía y por la noche. ¡Venga a renovarse a través de estas experiencias del Congreso! ¡No se pierdan esta oportunidad de inscribirse para asistir a este enriquecedor fin de semana! ¡Para inscribirse hoy! Visite la página Para adquirir un libro de inscripciones póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa de su parroquia o llame a la línea de información del Congreso al (213) 637-7348 para solicitar una copia del libro de inscripciones. ENSAYO Los salmos se cantan en el hogar y se practican en las calles. —San Ambrosio Adoración perpetua de la eucaristía Ayúdenos a mantener esta hermosa expresión de amor por Jesús, comprometiéndose a ofrecer una hora de su tiempo para acompañarlo. La Capilla necesita adoradores: Domingo 12am-1am., 8am-9am., 1pm-2pm., 4pm-5pm, 6pm-7pm. Lunes 6am-7am., 3pm-4pm., 4pm-5pm., 6pm-7pm., 7pm8pm., 10pm-11pm. Martes 2pm-3pm., 5pm-6pm., 8pm-9pm Miércoles (*******) Jueves 10am-11am., 4pm-5pm., 5pm-6pm., 6pm-7pm., 10pm-11pm. Viernes 1am-2am., 2pm-3pm., 8pm-9pm. Sábado 5am-6am., 4pm-5pm., 5pm-5pm., 6pm-7pm., 7pm8pm., 8pm-9pm, 9pm-10pm. Por favor llame a: Dora Huerta 562/233-5012 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Is this film suitable for my children? THE GOOD SHEPHERD Reviews and ratings of an extensive list of movies, both current and archived is available at: Catholic Supplies-Books-Gifts Open Mon.-Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-5 1240 W. Whittier Blvd. Ste. A (562) 690-3688 La Habra SAN JUAN MUFFLER SHOP Complete Engine (562) 941-5086 & Transmission Overhaul Parishioner 11827 Valley View, Whittier, CA 90604 This service is provided by the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting ADVERTISING VIRAMONTES ELECTRICAL COMPANY (562) 696-9614 YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND ABOUT THE TRAFFIC IN PORNOGRAPHY He who has a thing to sell and for information on what you can do write: goes and whispers in a well, is Morality in Media, Inc. not so apt to get the dollars as 1100 G Street NW, Suite 1030, Washington, DC 20005 he who climbs a tree and hollers. (202) 393-7245 Raul Viramontes Parishioner Se Habla Espanol Lic #507258 SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... Contact BERT AVELLANA today at (800) 231-0805 • [email protected] Your ad could be in this space! CATHERINE M. JANOWICZ Certified Public Accountant Accounting & Tax Services 901 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite C (Above Howard’s) (714) 449-0387 (562) 943-9548 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 519940 St Gregory the Great Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” – Matthew 5:4 HELPING YOU REMEMBER, HONOR, CELEBRATE & HEAL Se Habla Español FD 217 13304 Philadelphia Street, Whittier, CA 90601 • 562-698-0304 • L AW O F F I C E S O F EMPLOYEE RIGHTS VIOLATED? RICHARD A. MILLER • REASONABLE RATES • PERSONAL ATTENTION 7956 PAINTER AVE. WHITTIER, CA WILLS • FAMILY LAW • LIVING TRUSTS • PROBATE (562) 698-9941 Angelo Plumbing Pizzamania 13547 E. Telegraph Rd. Cor. Telegraph & Mills Next to Wilburns Call 944-8803 Carry Out or We Deliver Young Einsteins Preschool ... Where Intelligence Grows! Call or visit our website for a complete list of classes by age, starting at 2.6 years old! (562) 906-3594 Lic. #1980175653 Wrongfully Terminated? Unpaid Overtime/Wages? No Meal & Rest Periods? Discrimination? Harassment? VERACRUZ RESTAURANT Mexican Food For FREE consultation call: “Don’t CUSS - CALL US” Good Food Good Prices (626) 793-0433 14748 Whittier Blvd. Residential / Commercial LAW OFFICE OF GARY OCH Whittier & Mills Water Heater - Garbage Disposals 693-3274 Open 7 Days [email protected] Gas leaks / Water leaks / Sewer SUN-THURS 11-9 | FRI-SAT 11-10 Rooter Service and Much More Toll Free (866) 687-8865 * FREE ESTIMATES* (M-F) CHINESE CUISINE & SUSHI BAR Your neighborhood plumber! Private Parties & Special Occasions With This Ad 10% of Redeemed Ad 10% OFF MEALS 562.941.5600 (EAT IN/TO GO) Donated to St. Gregory 13473 Telegraph Road • Whittier, CA 90605 IN SANTA FE SPRINGS PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER WHY IS IT “HONESTY***SERVICE***EXPERIENCE” Millicent Kennedy Realtor - Parishioner Since 1956 (562) 941-5989 Hm. Off. (562) 400-2790 Cell. CORNERSTONE Following Jesus Every Day: Locally Owned and Operated Since 1976 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING 13604 Whitter Blvd. • Whittier, CA 90605 Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! (Corner of Laurel) A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. 800-566-6150 • ✂ PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers PUSH TALK ........... Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al nion Persoyner Compa r u o through 2030 Y Pra Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 519940 St Gregory the Great Church (A) CROSSROADS BARBER SHOP Open 7 Days M-F 8 AM-8 PM Sat. 8 AM-5:30 PM Sun. 9 AM-5 PM Tuesday & Wednesday Senior Days Certificates for Child’s First Haircut Forced to relocate. We are now at 15844 Imperial Hwy., La Mirada, CA 90638 At the Rite AID, Marshall’s Shopping Center. Hope to see you soon. The Barbers WHY IS IT? 562-902-3920 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 St. Gregory the Great Parish DIRECTORY Parish Office «««««««««......................(562) 941-0115 Website: Parish Office Hours/Horas de la Oficina Parroquial Monday through Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday/Sábado: 9:am to 2pm Sunday/Domingo: 9:00am to 2pm Rev. Brian Nunes, Administrator......................... «««..Extension 552 Rev. John Lee, Associate Pastor….………………………...Extension 222 Della Yañez, Business Manager ...................... ………...Extension 225 E-mail: [email protected] Receptionist…………………………………..…………………....Extension 221 Parish Office………………………………………………………...Extension 226 St. Gregory the Great School«««««..««...(562)941-0750 13925 Telegraph Rd., Whittier, CA 90604 Website: Ms. Paulette Clagon, Principal School Business Hours: Monday through Friday: 8am to 3:30pm St. Gregory the Great Before & After School Daycare Provided for Students who attend St. Gregory the Great Elementary Daycare Hours: 6am to 7:30am and 3pm to 6pm After School Hours may vary depending on school dismissal Religious Education Office ............................... (562) 944-8311 ***Please call to make an appointment*** Leticia Negrete, Confirmation Coordinator:……………………………..Ext. 224 Email: [email protected] Candace Pedroza, Elementary Coordinator…………………………….Ext. 775 Email: [email protected] ADORACIÓN PERPETUA DE LA EUCARISTÍA Dora Huerta..........................................................(562) 233-5012 COMITE DE GUADALUPANOS Bertha Vargas…………………………....…… (562) 278-5103 COORDINADORA DE LECTORES Eva Lozano ……………………………….…...(562) 941-0544 COORDINADOR DE MINISTROS EUCARISTICOS Y SACRISTANES Fernando Torres..……………………………...(562) 522-4064 COORDINADORA DE MINISTROS EUCARISTICOS A LOS ENFERMOS (Para personas de habla Hispana) Emma Rodriguez………………………......…..(562) 941-9003 COORDINADORA DE MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Rosana Javier Ly ………………..…...(562) 941-0115 ext. 553 Email: [email protected] ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL Jesús y Maria Lopez………..……….....….........(562) 536-3374 Joaquin y Jennie Salazar……………………(562) 964-7673 ALLIANCE OF THE TWO HEARTS Mary Ramirez…………………...……….….….(562) 706-2387 BEREAVEMENT COORDINATOR Bill Pilkington…...……………...……….….….(562) 447-3696 Email: [email protected] BULLETIN EDITOR– Email: [email protected] Bulletin Announcements are due 2 weeks prior to the date of the event if you wish for your announcement to be published in the Bulletin. Announcements must include date, time & address of the event plus a name of a contact person, phone number &/or email for additional information. Please keep your announcement brief (approximately 50-70 words in length). Deadline for Submitting Bulletin Announcement is Friday at 5pm. . CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY OUTREACH MINISTRY Neighbors Helping Neighbors Family Assistance Center Be a Helping Neighbor by making a tax deductible donation to: Neighbor’s Helping Neighbor’s 13935 Telegraph Rd. Whittier, CA 90604-2536 Rosana Javier Ly, Director……..……….……..(562) 777-2475 Email: [email protected] EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO THE SICK Fernand & Julie Goulet………...…………...…(562) 946-1077 FILIPINO MINISTRY Gloria J. Garcia……………………………..…(562) 941-7332 GUADALUPANOS COMMITTEE Bertha Vargas……………………..….…..……(562) 278-5103 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WHITTIER COUNCIL 1898 Bob Deaves……………………………………………...(562) 715-1320 LEGION OF MARY Daniel Ramirez………………………….……...(562)694-2804 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers, Katie Rubly………………..…...…(562) 883-5222 Email: [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers, Sanic Javier ………….…(562) 881-9152 Email: [email protected] Lectors, Alma Pepito ……………………………(562) 696-7445 E-mail: [email protected] Sacristans, Bill Pilkington …………………........(562) 447-3696 Email: [email protected] Ushers, Bob Mazon …………………………..….(562) 254-9326 MUSIC DIRECTOR Frank C. Navarrette............................................. (562) 441-3332 Email: [email protected] NAIM CHAPTER FOR THE WIDOWED Mary Torres…………….………..…………….(562) 943-0747 PASTORAL COUNCIL Cynthia Lopez Email: [email protected] PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Albert Hernandez..................................................(562) 945-5878 PRESENTATIONS “QUINCEAÑERAS” Parish Office Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm.........................562) RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS 941-0115 Byron Sharp…………...…………..…………...(562) 322-0371 E-mail: [email protected] GRUPO DE LA “DIVINA MISERICORDIA” Sarita Castillo……………….…………...….....(714) 270-8833 RESPECT LIFE GRUPO “MUJER IMAGEN DE DIOS” Celina Topete………………………...…...……(562) 946-9371 Marie Alarid……………………………………(562) 941-2607 Lydia Curry………………………………….. (562) 941-3630 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN—”APOSENTO ALTO” Emilio Gonzales Jr. .……………………….…. (562) 500-8371 Guillermo Topete………………….………..…(562) 946-9371 . GRUPO DE ORACION—”SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESÚS” Lourdes Plascencia...............................................(562) 941-4558 MINISTERIO DE HOSPITALIDAD Jesus Galvez………………………………………...(562) 658-8343 QUINCEAÑERAS Oficina de la Iglesia Lunes -Vernes 9am a 5pm….(562)941-0115 RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (R.I.C.A) Rosana Javier Ly………..…………....…(562) 941-0115 Ext. 553 William Scianni…….…………….…………….(562) 941-8972 ROSARY MAKERS SCOUTING REPRESENTATIVE John Malvaez…………..….……….…………...(562) 309-1662 SENIOR CITIZENS Dora Martinez………………………….…….(562) 903-7488 VOCATIONS……………....(213) 637-7515 WEDDING COORDINATOR Alexandra Sandoval………………………...…..(562) 631-1988 YOUTH MINISTER Leticia Negrete..………………………….(562) 944-8311 Ext. 224 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION– [email protected] Candace Pedroza…………………………..(562) 944-8311 Ext. 775 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN……………..(.562) 944-8311 Ext. 775 Maritza Granda-Luna……………………………… (562) 458-2066
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