Page 2 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 “My beloved." Why was Jesus baptized? Even for the early church, as the canon of scripture itself was being formed, it seems to have been a controversial question. If Jesus goes before John for the “baptism of repentance,” it seems that Jesus himself is a sinner. The account from the Gospel of Matthew suggests as much when giving voice to John’s reluctance: “It is I who need baptism from you, and yet you come to me!” Mark’s Gospel begins with John’s proclamation, “for the forgiveness of sins,” and the promise that “someone greater than I is to come.” The next moment, we see the “someone,” whose sandal straps John is not worthy to untie, receiving the sign of repentance from John, not giving it. It is not only a special irony. It is a central image of the redemptive mystery. Jesus enters into radical solidarity with all men and women, taking upon himself even the condition of our sinfulness, himself having not sinned. The “one more powerful” assumes the position of weakness. It is precisely in this that he is beloved. And it is from this baptism sign that he is sent. He was like us in all things but sin, the author of Hebrews reminds us when discussing Jesus’ high priesthood. And yet we balk at the statement. “If he did not sin, how could he really be like us? How could he be fully human?” We misunderstand this because we misunderstand our humanity as well as our sin. Christ has come not only to reveal the divinity to us; he has come to reveal us to ourselves. Not only is he truly God. He is truly human. And he is truly human precisely because he does not sin. All of our sin is nothing other than the rejection of the truth of our humanity. Jesus’ utter acceptance of our humanity, his drinking of our cup fully, his sharing of our wounded condition, reverses our sinful rejection of our creatureliness. His baptism, then, is at the heart of his mission to heal us. He enters even the wounds of our self-rejection, without having made the rejection himself. He accepts full solidarity with us even if it means being seen as sinner. Jesus’ baptism is one of his earliest great transformations of our human condition. The first was that the Word itself could take human flesh. All the further implications would follow: that he would be tempted to reject this mission of transformation; that he would undertake all manner of healing and disarming of devils; that he would announce a kingdom to transmute all blindness, poverty, imprisonment, and darkness; that he would, at last, suffer the very fate of sin in death. Just as we now baptize our children to announce a new fate for the human body, the baptism of Jesus is the inauguration of that fate. Announced as sinner, wholly one with our condition, Jesus, hovered over by the very spirit of God, is gazed upon by the Father who sent him and who now says to him and all of us who share his flesh—“This is my beloved, in whom I am well pleased.” —John Kavanaugh, S. J. Father Kavanaugh was a professor of Philosophy at St. Louis University in St. Louis. Pope Francis has declared a Year for Consecrated Life which began with the start of the new liturgical year. Continue to pray this prayer throughout this year. Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.” – Mark 1:7 We are put on this earth to love God, love our neighbor and make disciples. How many times does our own pride and ego get in the way on fulfilling God’s plan for us? Humbling ourselves before God and putting Him first in all things should be our top priority. Page 3 The Baptism of the Lord Mass Intentions Saturday………….........January 10 5:00PM………………….†Juanita Perez Diaz Sunday………….....…...January 11 8:30AM……...…....….…†Javier Granados 10:00AM………………..†Olive Smith 11:30AM……...….……..People of St. Didacus Monday………………...January 12 7:30AM…….…………...†Eileen Hornsby Tuesday………..…..….January 13 6:00PM………………Joel & Hilario Alcazar, Spec. Int. Wednesday……......….January 14 8:30AM……………..…..Gibbons Family, Spec. Int. Thursday………...…….January 15 7:30AM………….……...†Julian Olmscheid Friday…………...……...January 16 7:30AM…...…...……....…†Julian Olmscheid Saturday………….........January 17 5:00PM………………….†Teddy Matranga Weekly Events at St. Didacus Sunday, January 11, 2015 Spanish Choir 10:00am Take down Christmas Decorations 12:30pm Immigration Talk with Joe La Costa 12:30pm Monday, January 12, 2015 Leadership Meeting 5:30pm Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Youth Night 6:30pm Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Eucharistic Adoration 7:30-8:30am Religious Education 5:30pm Choir 7:00pm Thursday, January 15, 2015 Adult Ed/RCIA 7:00pm Pastoral Council 7:00pm Friday, January 16, 2015 Quinceanera Class 6:00pm Saturday, January 17, 2015 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 or Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11 Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 We tend to think of baptism only as a ritual lasting a few moments. Actually, baptism is an ongoing immersion in the identity and mystery of Jesus and requires lifelong commitment. GIFTS OF OUR TREASURY THE WEEK OF January 4, 2015 General Collection for January 4, 2015 Building Fund for January 4, 2015 Total Income: $4,863.00 $2,106.00 $6,969.00 Please Pray For Welcome to St. Didacus Parish! Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English 11:30am in Spanish Daily Mass Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt. Baptisms: Arrangements must be made 3 months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for information. Weddings: Arrangements must be made at least 9 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office. Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor Parish Office 619-284-3472 Location Hall Church Hall Location Office Location Hall Location Church School Church Location Hall Office Location Hall Location “In our poverty we will pray for our needs. We will study the sayings of your prophets and apostles, Lord with unflagging attention and knock for admittance wherever the gift of understanding is safely kept. But yours it is, Lord, to grant our petitions, to be present when we seek you, and to open when we knock.” —St. Hilary of Poitiers Readings for the Week of January 11, 2015 Sunday: January 11, 2015 Rosalba Alarcon Maria Luz Arrellano Diann Bauer Dan Bauer Herbert Baxter Martha Becerra Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia Brignoni Ibeth Brignoni Ruben Campos Marie Cavanaugh Eileen Connolly Irene Davis MaryLou De Luca Cecelia Dueber Mary Farrell Santiago Fontes Susan Guenzel Sharon Ihle Bernie Kober Marilyn Kober Virginia Lantry Juanita Lopez Maria Lopez Anthony Martinez Rosalie Martinez Dolores Mediano Esteban Mediano Sylvia Paiz Dominick Palestini Gladys Palestini Diane Porter Antonia Raya Dolores Robertson Atina Rodriguez Aaron Rodriguez Alette Rodriguez Jeff Salazar Christine Segura Alice Sergi Mark Silke Michael Smith Raymond Sparks Mary Sutton Angel Tapia Pedro Tapia Therese Tucker Carol Verdon Adalina Zarate Josephine And the special intentions in our Book of Needs Page 4 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 2014 Tax Statements are available by request only. To request your tax statement, please call the Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity throughout the year! 4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116 284-8730 Mark your calendars for the following important school dates: Sunday, January 25 - Beginning of Catholic Schools Week School Mass at 10:00 a.m. Open House 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Friday, January 30 - Grandparents' Day 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday, January 31 - Applebee's 8th Grade Breakfast Fundraiser (Hazard Center) 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Saturday, March 7 - Annual Gala and Auction, "A Night At The Hamptons" at the Southwestern Yacht Club Registration for prospective new students (Preschool to Grade 8) for the 2015-2016 School Year will officially open on Sunday, January 25. For more information, please contact the school office. Mrs. Tollefson and her brother Fr. Mike Zuffaletto. Fr. Mike was visiting from the Diocese of Buffalo and celebrated Mass here at St. Didacus last Sunday before returning home after his two week visit. Join us to pray a Rosary for Life NEXT Sunday, January 18th 9:35am Between the 8:30am and 10:00am Masses The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has designated Thursday, January 22nd as a day of fasting and prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. As a community we will make this our focus by praying a Rosary for Life on Sunday, January 18th. Help us take down the Christmas decorations in the Church on Sunday, January 11th at 12:30pm following the Spanish Mass. Remember way back in October when we watched Fr. Robert Barron’s DVD “Catholicism: New Evangelization”? We only had time to see half of it in that showing and we are set to watch the second half on Thursday, January 15th at 7pm in the Parish Hall. You don’t need to have seen part one, to join us for this showing. This program is beautifully filmed on locations around the world and is a visual treat. Join us! Save the Date! Movie Night Friday, February 6th 6pm in the Parish Hall We’ll see the movie “Mary of Nazareth” that tells the story of Mary from her childhood through the Resurrection of Jesus. The movie underscores her special role in God’s plan for our redemption, her unique relationship with Christ, and the tremendous suffering that she endured in union with his passion and death, as well as her serene joy at his Resurrection. 17th Annual Divine Mercy Conference February 6th & 7th San Juan Diego Center at Mission San Antonio De Pala, Pala CA. For more information and registration visit Page 5 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 Many thanks to everyone who helped us decorate the Church for Christmas! Welcome! If you’d like to help us un-decorate, please join us on Sunday at 12:30pm after the Spanish Mass to put it all away! In 2014, we welcomed those listed below into the family of God and into the parish community of St. Didacus through the sacrament of Baptism: Elias Adrian Nequiz Valverde Beatrix Julianna Murphy Yulma Ximena Garcia Jimenez Kelly Jeannette Aparisio Victoria Celeste Betancourt Emma Mae McPherson Christian Pierce Seda Olivia Caroline Holscher Samuel Barajas Chavarin, Jr. Cameron William Martens Kristin Leigh Riley Paul Thanh Nguyen Williams Logan Mario Gonzales Mayara Haze Della Rocca Isabella Eden Valle Anthony Osoria Kaylin Mary Tennyson Jack Sullivan Riley Xavier Acuna Avila Joseph James Kirschbaum Christopher Timothy Thanh Chang Nicholas Riley Boeh Bridgette Marie Boeh Rosemary Jimenez Strambi Henrik Valentin Machado Genevieve Torres Arebalos May the Lord give his angels charge over you, to guide you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11 Prayer for the New Year God of every time and season, you give us another year to fill with new beginnings. We have so many dreams for this year, so many promises we want to keep, so many new habits we want to learn. Yet so much from last year is still left undone. Erase our failings of the old year, clear away the decay left by our complacency, and wipe clean the slate of broken covenants from the year gone by. As the calendar changes and the old gives way to the new, help us not to dwell on the past but to use its memory to move us ever forward to your kingdom. Renew our hope and strengthen our resolve so that we may serve you faithfully through every season and walk joyfully each day of the year. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Pagina 6 El Bautismo del Señor 11 de enero de 2015 La festividad del Bautismo del Señor es la fiesta que celebramos el domingo siguiente a la Epifanía y con la que se cierra el Tiempo de Navidad, comenzando el Tiempo Ordinario, en que meditamos a Cristo, Salvador del mundo. El bautismo en el Jordán fue para Jesús dejar la vida silenciosa de Nazaret y el comienzo de su misión mesiánica. Isaías habla del elegido que promoverá el derecho y la justicia, curará y librará. El "elegido" fue investido como Mesías en las aguas del Jordán donde se escuchó la palabra del Padre. Acompáñenos a Rezar el Rosario por la Vida El domingo 18 de enero después de la misa de español La Conferencia Estadounidense de los Obispos Católicos designó el jueves 22 de enero como día de ayuno y oración para pedir por la Protección Jurídica de los Niños no Nacidos. Como comunidad que habla español, los invitamos a rezar el rosario el domingo 18 de enero después de la misa de en español. Declaraciones de Impuestos 2014 Las declaraciones de sus donativos para hacer sus impuestos del 2014 están disponibles, necesita llamar a la oficina para solicitarlas. CLASES DE QUINCEAÑERAS Los requisitos para las candidatas que quieren misa para las quinceañera son: estar en el grupo de jóvenes para la preparación de la confirmación y deben tomar unas clases especiales para quinceañeras. Deberán estar registradas para estas clases. Si tienen alguna pregunta puedes buscar a Silvia Galván, o llamar a la oficina parroquial. Por favor ayúdanos a quitar las decoraciones de Navidad de la Iglesia, necesitamos hombres fuertes después de misa, solo será unos minutos. !Gracias por su ayuda! Oración para el Año de la Vida Consagrada El Papa Francisco ha declarado el Año de la Vida Consagrada, que comenzó al inicio del año litúrgico y nos invita a continuar orando esta oración a lo largo de todo este año, para pedir por la vida consagrada. Oh Dios, tú que a través de los tiempos has llamado a mujeres y hombres a fin de que vivan la caridad perfecta por medio de los consejos evangélicos de la pobreza, la castidad y la obediencia. Durante este Año de la Vida Consagrada te damos gracias por estos valientes testigos de la fe, que son también modelos de inspiración. Con su empeño por lograr la santidad ellos nos enseñan a ofrecerte nuestra vida de una manera más perfecta. Te pedimos que continúes enriqueciendo a tu Iglesia con hijos e hijas que, habiendo encontrado la perla de gran valor, atesoran el Reino de los cielos por encima de todas las cosas. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. El Abogado de Emigración Joe La Costa vendrá a responder sus preguntas hoy domingo 11 de enero después de la misa. S T. 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