ASC--2015 Plan - College of Arts and Sciences

ASC 2015 Plan
2005 - 2015
An Alliance for Excellence
In 2003, with the establishment of the federation of the five colleges of the arts
and sciences at The Ohio State University (Arts, Biological Sciences, Humanities,
Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences) into the
Colleges of the Arts and Sciences (ASC), the university set forth a mandate for success.
We accepted this mandate as recognition of our historic strength as the academic core of
the university and also as acknowledgement of our future potential as an important
lever for the university’s aspirations. With the support of the university, we are
dedicated to working cooperatively as the academic core to accomplish more together at
higher levels of success than any one of the colleges has the capacity to do on its own.
The ASC Mission
Framed by the White Paper that established the Colleges of the Arts and Sciences
and shaped by a series of strategic planning initiatives beginning in 2003, the mission of
the ASC is two fold:
To provide a coherent mechanism for helping to assure the academic quality of
the university, and
To enhance the capacity of the five arts and sciences colleges to work
cooperatively and collaboratively together and with others I order to:
1. deliver the highest quality undergraduate and graduate education;
2. build knowledge; and
3. bring arts and sciences knowledge and expertise to bear within the
university community and beyond in defining, addressing, and solving
complex problems and issues locally, nationally, and internationally.
Priorities for the Office of the Executive Dean
With 2015 serving as an anchoring time frame for reaching a high level of success
in carrying out the ASC mission, we have developed an ASC 2015 Action Plan. The
plan will be executed with the leadership of the Senior Vice Provost and Executive Dean
of the Colleges of the Arts and Sciences (referred to subsequently as the Executive Dean)
in collaboration with the five colleges of the arts and sciences. Together, we have
identified two central priorities for the Office of the Executive Dean:
To provide the level of leadership that will facilitate the ability of the five colleges
as the academic core of the university to achieve, both individually and
collectively, in accordance with the ASC mission and the university’s goals, and
To build an appropriate infrastructure for the common concerns, operations, and
opportunities of the five colleges.
ASC Leadership Goals
The leadership goals of the Office of the Executive Dean are listed below. In
order to fulfill our mission, each of the goals must be implemented well. They are not
neatly hierarchical with regard to priority for engagement. They are, instead, intricately
linked. Successful implementation of the ASC mission requires a simultaneous effort on
all fronts, and it also requires that the Executive Dean provide an enabling leadership
for dynamic relationships to form through a clustering of resources and a deploying of
them strategically and cost-effectively.
Goal 1: To facilitate interdisciplinary innovation in curricular offerings, monitor the
implementation of such initiatives, assess the ongoing quality and impact of them, and
develop mechanisms for sustaining quality.
Goal 2: To facilitate interdisciplinary innovation in research.
Goal 3: To enhance the learning experiences of undergraduate and graduate students.
Goal 4: To chart and coordinate effectively the landscape of technology uses across
the five colleges and identify mechanisms for cooperation and collaboration.
Goal 5: To strengthen existing communication and participation networks across the
five colleges and beyond and to create new mechanisms for enabling success and
Goal 6: To work closely with the five colleges in the recruitment, hiring, and retention
of top quality faculty and staff, paying particular attention to the view that there is
strength in diversity.
Goal 7: To maximize the fundraising capacity of ASC Development in collaboration
with the five colleges.
Goal 8: To advocate for high quality spaces for the operations of the arts and sciences
colleges and to monitor and manage the uses of ASC space.
Conditions for Success
In order to carry out the ASC mission, the most critical thing that the Office of the
Executive Dean and the five colleges of the arts and sciences will be called upon to do is
to work together. We will need to bring new and highly energized levels of commitment
to the complex tasks of cooperation and collaboration. As suggested by the preceding
sections, the need for cooperation and collaboration will cluster in two important ways:
In our facing with high spirit, good will, and hard work the challenges of
identifying an enabling vision and mission; identifying meaningful goals; creating
an effective and efficient operational infrastructure in support of those goals;
setting in place adequate levels in human resources, physical facilities, and
financial resources.
In committing ourselves to using the synergy generated from this work to achieve
the ultimate goal of alliance, i.e., enhancing and sustaining the highest levels of
excellence possible in all that we do: research, teaching, and outreach and
If we can meet the conditions of highly energized cooperation and collaboration across
the arts and sciences and beyond, then we can certainly expect to help the University to
accomplish and perhaps even exceed the vision of excellence articulated in the Academic
Plan, the Diversity Plan, and the President’s Leadership Agenda, as well as in the articles
of federation for the Colleges of the Arts and Sciences.
Jacqueline Jones Royster
Executive Dean
June 2005