December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph 28 de diciembre de 2014 La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish Announcements / Anuncios Pastor’s Letter / Carta del Párroco Celebrate Life/CELEBRAMOS LA VIDA -pg. 3 Perpetual Adoration Invitations Follow up on guest speaker, Fr. Victor Warkulwiz -pg. 4 Marriage Matters January 9th 7:30 p.m. Mike & Sharon Phelan - Speakers -pg. 6 Knights of Columbus Sunday Breakfast Sunday, January 4 After all the Masses -pg. 7 Sunday, December 21 Come and See Sunday/ Vengan y Vean New parishioner registration/ Registracion para nuevos miembros -pg. 5 The Nativity La Natividad “My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples.” - Luke 2:30-31 “Mis ojos han visto a tu Salvador, al que has preparado para bien de todos los pueblos.” - Lucas 2:30-31 PASTOR PAROCHIAL VICAR DEACONS / PÁRROCO FR. SERGIO M. FITA / VICARIO PAROQUIAL FR. DAVID MBIMADONG / DIACONOS DCN. KEITH BOSWELL DCN. BOB CAREY DCN. JOE SPADAFINO DCN. RICK NEVINS 2 Parish Information/ Información parroquial SAINT ANNE ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Address: 440 E. Elliot, Gilbert, AZ 85234-5989 Phone: (480) 507-4400 Fax (480) 507-4800 Web Page: Email: [email protected] Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina Monday & Thursday/ Lunes y Jueves: 10:00am-6:00pm Tuesday & Wednesday / Martes y Miercoles: 8:30am5:00pm (closed daily from 12pm-1pm) Friday & Saturday / Viernes y Sábados: Closed/Cerrada Sunday/Domingo: Closed/Cerrada Weekend Mass/Horario de Misas Saturday: 4:30 pm (English Vigil) 6:30 pm (Vigilia español) Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am High Mass, 5:00 pm Domingo: 1:00 pm (español) Holy Days of Obligation/Dia de Guardar Please refer to page 5 - Liturgy & Worship for Holy Days of Obligation Mass times. Weekday Mass/Durante la semana 7am: Monday/lunes– Saturday/sabado—English/inglés 12:00pm: Monday/lunes - Friday/viernes - English/inglés 6:30pm: Monday/lunes - English/inglés Tues. & Fri./ Martes y viernes - español/Spanish Wed. & Th. /Miercoles y jueves - Latin Morning Prayer & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7:30am – Monday – Friday Oración de la mañana y traslado del Santísimo Parish Holy Hour/Hora Santa parroquial Thursdays/Jueves – 7pm Reconciliation/ Horario de Reconciliación Monday & Thursday/lunes y jueves: 6:25am - 6:25pm Friday/Viernes: 4pm - 6pm Saturday/sábado: 4pm - 6pm Sunday/domingo: 10:30am - 12:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday: no confessions Martes, miércoles: no hay confesiones Sacramental Anointing of the Sick/ Unción de los Enfermos For persons who are gravely ill or close to death, phone 480-507-4400 (Option 1). This number is to be used in a hospital emergency or if someone is in danger of death. Para personas que están en estado grave ó en peligro de muerte. Llamar al 480-507-4400.(Opción 1). Este número debe ser usado cuando hay una emergencia en el hospital o alguien que está en peligro de muerte. Ministry of Care Home Visits For persons who are homebound, hospitalized or in a care facility desiring Holy Communion or for serious illness, wanting the Anointing of the Sick, please call (480) 507-4495 (non-emergency situations only). Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa Sunday, December 28, The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, Joseph 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Rosendo & Sara Herrera Estaniscao Clemente High Mass - St. Anne Parishioners Saul Hernandez Jr. John Daiza Monday, December 29___________________________ 7:00 am Stephanie Gastelum 12:00 pm Daniel Roberson 6:30 pm Lazaro Villa Tuesday, December 30___________________________ 7:00 am Delores Demko 12:00 pm Eleanor McLean 6:30 pm Bob & Betty Lucas Wednesday, December 31; St. Sylvester I, New Year’s Eve 7:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm Jason & Lisa Boswell 6:30 pm Voluntarios de Santa Ana Thursday, January 1; Mary, the Holy Mother of God; New Year’s Day 2015______ 9:00 am Don Windmuell 11:00 am Sylvia Fitzpatrick 1:00 pm Tomislav Kurayca Friday, January 2, St. Basil the Great; First Friday 7:00 am Delores Demko 12:00 pm St. Anne Staff 6:30 pm Miguel Calzada Saturday, January 3; First Saturday_________________ 7:00 am Delores Demko Saturday, January 3; First Saturday__________________ 4:30 pm Pauline Alcorn 6:30 pm Romelia Abelar Sunday, January 4, Epiphany of the Lord___________ 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Manuel & Mary Cavalho The Stilwell Family High Mass - St. Anne Parishioners Para las almas del purgatorio Dcn. Joe Spadafino Hearing-Impaired Assistance /Worship Aids If you have a “T” coil in your hearing aid, we have a lanyard that will plug into a unit and transmit immediately to your hearing aid. If you do not have the “T” coil, you can sign out a headset at the sound board. St. Anne Gift Shop/Tienda de Articulos Religiosos Phone:480-507-4409 Hours/Horario: Mon & Wed./Lun. & Mie. 8:30am-1:30pm Tue. & Thurs./Mar. & Jue. 8:30am - 1:30pm; 3pm-6pm Fri./Vier. - Closed Sat./Sáb. 3:30pm - 6:00pm Sun./Dom. 7am - 2:30pm Letter from the Pastor / Carta del Párroco 3 CELEBRATE LIFE Just over two years ago, the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship approved a blessing for babies in the womb. It is an eloquent sign of respect that as Catholics and followers of Christ, we all deserve human life in whatever state you are in, from conception to natural death. As a priest, I have been asked on numerous occasions by parents to bless their child yet unborn, for their health, and a happy birth. In view of this, and after consulting with the clergy of the parish, we have decided to impart this blessing on 4 occasions throughout the year, coinciding with four events related to the origin of human life. Those days are: 1. Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (December 8). The day on which we celebrate our Mother's conception seems an ideal opportunity to bless the children already conceived but not yet born. 2. Solemnity of the Incarnation of Jesus (March 25). It is, perhaps, the most important celebration: the day that, being conceived in the womb of Mary, the Word became flesh to save us. 3. Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24), who leaped in the womb of his mother Saint Elizabeth before the arrival of Jesus. 4. Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (September 8). I hope these blessings serve to renew our commitment to the Gospel of Life, and serve as a chance for us to unite together as the great family of this parish to celebrate the joy that brings the mystery of life that grows and develops within all pregnant women. May God Bless you all, Father Sergio CELEBRAMOS LA VIDA Hace poco más de dos años, la Sagrada Congregación para el Culto Divino aprobó una bendición para los niños en el vientre de sus madres. Es un signo elocuente del respeto que, como católicos y discípulos de Cristo, nos merece toda vida humana en cualquier estado en que se encuentre, desde su concepción hasta su muerte natural. Como sacerdote, además, en numerosas ocasiones me he encontrado con padres que me han pedido la bendición para el niño todavía no nacido, por su salud y por un parto feliz. En vista de ello, y después de consultar con el clero de la parroquia, hemos decidido impartir esta bendición en 4 ocasiones a lo largo de todo el año, coincidiendo con cuatro celebraciones relacionadas con el origen de la vida humana. Esos días serán los siguientes: 1.- Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción (8 de diciembre). El día en el que celebramos la concepción de nuestra Madre parece una ocasión inmejorable para bendecir a los niños ya concebidos aunque todavía no nacidos. 2.- Domingo siguiente a la Solemnidad de la Encarnación de Jesús (25 de marzo). Es, tal vez, la celebración más importante del año: el día en el que, siendo concebido en el seno de María Santísima, el Verbo se hizo carne para salvarnos. 3.- Domingo siguiente a la Festividad de la Natividad de san Juan Bautista (24 de junio), quien saltó de alegría en el seno de su madre santa Isabel ante la llegada de Jesús. 4.- Domingo siguiente a la Festividad de la Natividad de la Virgen María (8 de septiembre). Espero que estas bendiciones sirvan para que renovemos nuestro compromiso con el Evangelio de la Vida, y que sean una ocasión para que, juntos, en la gran familia de nuestra parroquia, celebremos la alegría que siempre trae el misterio de la Vida que se gesta y se desarrolla en el seno de todas las mujeres gestantes. Que Dios os bendiga a todos, Padre Sergio 4 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística Perpetua The Holy Eucharist The enrollment of new adorers to the St. Anne Parish Adoration Chapel was a huge success. There were over 500 invitations turned in, and many thanks to all those who are newly signing up or at least thinking about it. Father Victor Warkulwiz was a huge inspiration to the organizational team that will be formed for the first time here at St. Anne. It is so vital to have a community of adorers, and the support of an organizational team. The team will assist with smooth transition of new adorers into open slots where an adorer is needed. The teams form a “Prayer Team” of adorers. Yes! The teams can get together and pray for the success of this beautiful ministry. Prayer Teams consist of adorers who are scheduled to make their Holy hour, the same hour of the day, for the entire week. This will always have the benefit of having coverage throughout the week by at least one member of the Prayer Team. This helps greatly for coverage since team members are most likely available that time everyday or most of the days during the week. Having the teams brings enthusiasm to the adorers and their teams, and brings such joy to the Lord! It is so crucial to be aware of the fact that the Holy Eucharist cannot be left alone! Let us follow the ways of Saint John Paul II as he said. . “Seek him without tiring, welcome him without reserve, love him without interruption; today, tomorrow, forever. Make an effort to be there for the Eucharist, the rosary, for our Lord.” Saint John Paul II The Great, His Five Loves by Jason Evert, 2014; Totus Tuus Press 2014 Thank you to the new Adorers who signed up for Adoration! We must never leave Our Lord unattended. Sign-up sheets are in the COME! Chapel or go to [email protected] LET US ADORE HIM! La Sagrada Eucaristía La inscripción de nuevos adoradores para la Capilla de Adoración en Santa Ana fue un gran éxito. Hubo más de 500 invitaciones entregadas., Muchas gracias a todos aquellos que se han enscrito reciéntemente. Padre Victor Warkulwiz fue una gran inspiración para el equipo de organización que se formó por primera vez aquí en Santa Ana. Es tan vital para tener una comunidad de adoradores, y el apoyo de un equipo de organización. El equipo va a ayudar para una suave transición de nuevos adoradores para establecer a que hora se necesita un adorador. Los equipos forman un "equipo de oración" de adoradores. ¡Sí! Los equipos pueden reunirse y orar por el éxito de este hermoso ministerio. Equipos de oración consisten de adoradores que están programados para hacer su hora santa, la misma hora del día, durante la semana. Esto siempre tendrá el beneficio de tener cobertura durante toda la semana por lo menos. Esto ayuda mucho para la cobertura ya que los miembros del equipo estan disponible a ese tiempo todos los días o casi todos los días durante la semana. Tener los equipos trae entusiasmo a los adoradores y a sus equipos, y trae tanta alegría al Señor! Es importante ser conscientes del hecho de que la Sagrada Eucaristía no puede ser dejado solo! Sigamos el camino de San Juan Pablo II como dijo. . . . . "Búscalo sin cansarse, darle la bienvenida sin reservas, amarlo sin interrupción; hoy, mañana, para siempre. Haga un esfuerzo de estar allí para la Eucaristía, el rosario, y por nuestro Señor ". Saint John Paul II The Great, His Five Loves by Jason Evert, 2014 Gracias a los nuevos Adoradores que se inscribieron para una hora de adoración! Nunca debemos dejar a Nuestro Señor solo. Hojas para inscribirse están localizadas en el santísimo o puede mandar ¡ VENID, un correo electrónico a ADORÉ[email protected]. Yes, I am willing to spend one hour, once a week, with Jesus, Who is truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Si, estoy dispuesto a pasar una hora al la semana, con Jesús, quien esta presente en el Santísimo Sacramento Name___________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________________________ Email___________________________________________________ Nombre_________________________________________________ Teléfono________________________________________________ Correo Electrónico________________________________________ I would like my time with our Lord to be: (day)______________________(time)_________________ (am / pm) Me gustaría que mi tiempo con nuestro Señor sea: (día)______________________(hora)_________________ (am / pm) Would you be able to serve as a substitute adorer?_______________ ¿Quisiera suplir una hora?__________________________________ Please place your completed form in the box in the Adoration Chapel. Favor de dejar esta hoja en a la caja localizada en el Santísimo. Liturgy & Worship/Liturgia y actos de culto Readings for the Week + Lecturas de la Semana M/L: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps/Sal 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk/Lc 2:22-35 Tu/Mar: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps/Sal 96:7-10; Lk/Lc 2:36-40 W/Mie: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps/Sal 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Th/J: Nm 6:22-27; Ps/Sal 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk/Lc 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps/Sal 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 F/V: Sat/Sab: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps/Sal 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Sun/Dom: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph/Ef 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Jan. 1st /1 Enero Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God; La Santisima Virgen Maria, Madre de Dios. 9:00 am Eng. Fr.David 11:00 am Eng. Fr.Sergio 1:00 pm Sp. Fr.Sergio Reconciliation/ Horario de Reconciliación Monday & Thursday/lunes y jueves: 6:25am - 6:25pm Friday/Viernes: 4pm - 6pm Saturday/sábado: 4pm - 6pm Sunday/domingo: 10:30am - 12:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday: no confessions Martes, miércoles: no hay confesiones no confessions/no hay confesiones Dec. 25/Dic 25 Dec. 28 - Jan 3/Dic 28 - Enero 3 no confessions/no hay confesiones What does it mean to have a Mass offered for someone? A Mass may be offered for many reasons: in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (a birthday, anniversary or health), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul. Are you interested in joining our parish of St. Anne? We welcome those interested in joining St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish to attend our monthly “Come and See Sunday” in the Parish Hall, Sunday, January 18th after the 11:00 am Mass. Please note that parish registration is required for enrollment in religious education and sacramental preparation programs. ¿Estás interesado en ser miembro de la parroquia? Invitamos cordialmente a aquellos interesados en registrarse en la parroquia de Santa Ana a que asistan a la reunión mensual de orientación “Vengan y Vean.” después de la Misa de 1:00 pm en el Salón Comunal de la Parroquia 18 de enero. Tenga en cuenta que estar registrado como miembro de la parroquia es un requisito para la inscripción de educación religiosa y programas de preparación sacramental. 5 Liturgical Ministries Ministerios de Liturgia Interim Music Coordinator Art & Environment Eucharistic Ministers Ministros Eucarísticos Funerals Hospitality Lectors Lectores Ministry of Care Music Ministry Cantores Sacristans Sacristanes Handmaids of the Lord Altar Boy Formation/Training Kevin Solinsky 480-507-4461 John Hernandez 480-495-1100 Scott Puente 602-370-0053 Maria Puente 602-721-7820 Hna. Elisa Monroy 480-507-4443 Contact the Parish Office Bruce Schacher 480-236-2673 Mary Schultz 480-386-2746 Hna. Balbina Retama 507-4432 Fran August, 480-507-4495 Kevin Solinsky 480-507-4461 Francisco Santos 507-4463 Jim Elia 602-292-8957 Hna. Elisa Monroy 507-4443 Mary Schultz 480-386-2746 Rick Nevins 480-399-8882 Parish Office Christmas Holiday Hours The parish office will close on Wednesday, December 24th and remain closed until January 5th, 2015 in observance of the Nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ and for the New Year’s Holiday. THANK YOU! ¡GRACIAS! St. Anne Liturgy Committee wishes to extend Christmas blessings to all of our families and guests. May the holidays and the new year bring much joy to everyone. Heart-felt gratitude to all of our volunteers who made St. Anne’s liturgies beautiful and meaningful this year. Thanks so much to our Ministers of Music and Hospitality, servers, lectors, sacristans, and Art and Environment – To all who worked behind the scenes with love for our community, we extend our deepest appreciation. El Comité de Liturgia de Santa Ana desea extender las bendiciones de Navidad a todas nuestras familias e invitados. Que la Navidad y el año nuevo les traiga felicidad a todos. Nuestro profundo agradecimiento a todos los voluntarios que hicieron la liturgia en Santa Ana tan hermosa y significativa en este año. Muchas gracias a nuestros Ministros de Música y Hospitalidad, todos los lectores, sacristanes, servidores y Art and Environment. Todos que trabajaron detrás del escenario con amor por nuestra comunidad, a ellos nuestro mas sincero agradecimiento. The Art & Environment Team needs your help with taking down the decorations. Take Down Christmas Sunday, January 11, 2015 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm Meet in church. For more information call Pat at 480-985-7032. 6 Parish Life/ Vida parroquial Your Marriage Matters January 9, 2015 Married? Engaged? In a relationship? Hoping to be in a relationship? All are invited! “The Birds and the Bees for Parents” Ready for “the talk” with your children? Don’t swat away the birds and the bees! Join us for insights into explaining the gift of human sexuality to our children. Mike & Sharon Phelan have been married for 20 years and are the parents of six children. Mike is the Director of Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of Phoenix and he and Sharon are the marriage preparation coordinators at All Saints Newman Center in Tempe. Jan. 9th 2015 Here at St. Anne at 7:30pm in the Church. No Cost - Free Childcare and Hospitality provided … el agua que yo te daré se convertirá en ti en fuente de agua que brota para vida enterna. - Jn. 4, 14. Enero 9 y 10 Salón de la Parroquia Para más información: Luis (480) 720-6780 5th Annual Phoenix Catholic Women's Conference Saturday, February 21, 2015 "That which is True, Beautiful and Good" Xavier High School. What a special Christmas gift for the women in your life!!!! There are also new break out sessions for young Catholic women ages 16-22! Speakers: Leah Darrow, Leila Miller and Ruth Ristow. Vigil Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted. Cost: Early bird - $50, after January 15th $60 Hosted by the Phoenix Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Call Roberta at 602-471-1944 or go to THE GIVING TREE Christmas Projects Respect Life Articles and Links • The Example of Three Women in the Bible • Mother Tereasa's Words♠ of Wisdom • Mother's Rarely Make an "Informed Choice on Abortion • The Wonderful Work of Crisis Pregnancy Centers There are many more ProLife "articles" and "images" on the web site The Giving Tree would like to thank everyone who put their time, talent and money into Christmas projects. The thoughtfulness and generosity of the St. Anne community is and always has been a joy to experience. THANK YOU! St. Anne, May God fill this holy season with joy for each of you! La Giving Tree desea extender las bendiciones de Navidad a todas nuestras familias e invitados. Muchas ¡Gracias! Santa Ana. Que la Navidad y el año nuevo les traiga felicidad a todos. TITHE WHILE YOU SHOP AT FRY'S FOOD STORES Fry's has a community program that benefits nonprofits. When you sign up, a percentage of your purchases will be donated to St. Anne Parish. It’s simple to do, doesn’t cost anything extra and benefits our parish. For more information and step by step instructions for enrolling, see our parish website Thank you for helping the St. Anne community share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! Parish Life & Faith Formation/ Vida Parroquial y Formación en la Fé 7 CGS is will be on Christmas break starting the Membership - Are you interested in becoming a Knight? Call Sir Knight Ruben Duran (480) 688-4479 Ladies Auxiliary - For more information call President Cynthia McAdams @ (480) 813-1394 ————————————————————————–—–——————————————————————————————————————————–——————— All Knights - We are required to complete the Called to Protect classes and Annual Recertification. Council Meeting - January 7th, 7:00 PM in Saint John Paul the Great Meeting Room. SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sunday January 4th after all morning Masses Join us in building our community while enjoying Tasty Breakfast food with Fellow parishioners! ~~~ All are welcome ~~~ Only $6 for Adults & $3 for 12 years and younger! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WOULD LIKE TO WISH EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & A SAFE, HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! ——————————————————————————— KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS! Knights of Columbus Council "Day of Recollection" Knights of Columbus 10540 invites all Knights Saturday, January 17, 2015 at the Parish Community Hall 7:00 am - Registration 7:30 Opening Prayer/Welcome/Introductions 8:00 Father Sergio M. Fita 8:45 Holy Rosary led by SK Ed Deppert Chaplet of Divine Mercy led by SK Michael Higashi 9:45 Recess 10:00 Stations of the Cross led by Deacon Joe Spadafino 10:45 SK Dave Birosh - "The Father McGivney Guild" 11:00 SK Omar Capodiferro - "Where are we in our relation ship with Christ?" / GROUP DISCUSSION 12:00 LUNCH 12:30 TO 3:00PM - ADORATION RECONCILATION - Father David between 4 to 6pm 4:30pm - MASS dedicated to Venerable Father Michael McGivney/ Please bring your Family and Friends. All Knights are encouraged to volunteer as Ushers/EMs/Lectors/Alter Servers. Please wear Council Shirt or Name Badge. Sir Knights may wear Tuxedo if sitting with their Families. There is no closing prayer as "Day of Reflection" ends with Blessing at 4:30 Mass. There is a 4th Degree Call Out for Mass at 4:30pm. Muster at 4 pm. Please call or e-mail for early registration: SK Omar Capodiferro - (602) 549-8413, [email protected] SK Manuel Trujillo - (480) 497-1483, [email protected] week of December 22nd - January 9th. Sessions resume the week of January 12th. Have a blessed Christmas! HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NIGHT All high school youth 14-18 are invited! Sundays after 5pm Mass in the Hall - Dinner included! The Legion - High School Youth Group Through Apologetics, Bible, & Prayer! More info Claudia Lopez 480-507-4441 or [email protected] Norma Guzman [email protected] 480-507-4442 Faith Formation - Attention Parents of Confirmation Candidates: Confirmation packets have been distributed to parents of the children and teens who are in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation. If your child has NOT received a packet, please stop by the Faith Formation office and pick one up during the week. Class reminder for Junior High students: Classes will resume on Monday, January 12, 2015. Class reminder for all RCIA children and teens: Classes will resume on Thursday, January 8, 2015. Are you a Catholic in need of the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or First Communion? Do you know someone who needs these sacraments? Adult classes will begin on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 and will continue for nine weeks. Classes run 6:15pm until 7:30pm. Register for classes, please contact Donna 480.507.4430 [email protected]. RCIA and ADULT FAITH FORMATION / RETURNING CATHOLICS is a welcoming ministry for anyone who, for various reasons, has drifted away from the Sacraments and the full practice of the faith. Because of our Baptism, we are members of one family – come take another look at the church of your childhood, we will never judge or condemn; let’s walk together in good times and in bad, through laughter and through tears! Come back home… we miss YOU, and frankly… it’s not the same without YOU! Welcome Home! Let’s talk, call today! Aurora: 480-420-PRAY (7729); 480-507-4433 [email protected] If you know someone who has left the church, reach out to them and pray for them… often times all they need is an invitation from someone who cares… How about coming home for Christmas? If you have left the Church for whatever reason…Jesus wants you back! There is a place for you at the table…this is what FAMILY is all about – sharing the good times as well as the bad, the laughter, and the tears! Coming back has never been easier – call 480-507-4433, or [email protected] 8 Parish Life / Vida Parroquial Grupo PROVIDA Santa Ana AROUND THE DIOCESE Los invitamos a unirse al Rosario por la vida, todos los miércoles en la Parroquia a las 7:00 pm. Welcome Gathering The St. Clare Fraternity of Secular Franciscans join us Thursday evening, January 8th 7:00 P.M. At Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Rm #3. Located at 3550 W. Knox, Phoenix, AZ 85044. Our goal is to draw closer to Jesus by following the spiritual vision of St. Francis of Assisi. For more information, call Carol at 480-785-5976. The Legion of Mary meets every Friday at St. Anne in Conference Room A from 10:30 to 11:30 am. For more info, call Sally Basiks @ 480 298 6448. St. Peregrine's Prayer Partners For intercessory prayer, please call Jane Mintzer (480) 813-4611 or email [email protected] Clases de Inglés cada martes comenzando 6 de enero Aprendan inglés todos los martes desde las 6:30 - 8:30pm en el centro comunitario. Favor de ponerse en contacto con Paul Raynoha 480-209-5684 [email protected] or Sr. Balbina Retama 480-507-4432 [email protected]. English Classes Tuesdays beginning Jan. 6th Learn English on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:30pm in the hall. Please contact Paul Raynoha 480-209-5684 [email protected] or Sr. Balbina Retama 480-507-4432 [email protected]. Vocation Moment “For we are God’s co-workers..” How are you being called to build the kingdom of God as His co-worker? Consider the generous service of priesthood or consecrated life. Call Father Paul Sullivan at (602) 354-2004 or visit Escuela de Evangelización San Andrés Hacemos una cordial invitación a todos los participantes que han vivido el retiro de Nueva Vida a nuestros seguimientos, se estarán llevando acabo cada viernes a las 7:30pm en el Hall. Favor de contactar a: Alondra St. Peregrine Mass of Anointing The St. Peregrine Mass of Anointing will be celebrated at the Church of the Holy Spirit, 1800 E. Libra Drive, in Tempe, Tuesday, January 13th, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. All those afflicted with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses are invited to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. The event is sponsored by Friends of St. Peregrine & Fr. Thomas J. Hallsten, KHS. Call (480) 838-7474 “Tears Speak…But Spirits Soar” … A support group for women suffering the loss of a child to abortion and wish to take a step on the healing journey. The next two meetings scheduled Jan. 13, & Feb. 10, 2015. Meetings held Mount Claret retreat Center, 4633 North 54th Street, Phoenix (Pope John Paul II Center) 7:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to discuss, confidentially, may call 480.838.7474 ask for ‘Patty’. Christ the King Catholic School OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 25th 10 am - 1 pm OR Monday, January 26th 9 am - noon. Talk with parents, students and teachers about the benefits of our preK-8th grade Catholic Education. Find out why our students love our school! More info or 480-844-4480. Spiritual Exercises for Women based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Silent retreat comprised of guided meditations, personal reflection, and daily Mass, with confession and spiritual direction. Directed by the Legionaries of Christ; sponsored by Regnum Christi. Feb. 13-15 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery. For more info: Terri Hofmann 480-247-6961 Catholic Charities counseling staff at the Holy Cross parish in Mesa provides support to strengthen families and assist those in crisis. Fees are based on ability to pay. Counseling is available Mondays and Thursdays from 12 to 5pm. To schedule call 602.749.4405 (602)832-6967 o Laura (480)232-7793 “JESUS TE ESPERA NO FALTES” 1st Way Pregnancy Center is a pro-life pregnancy center. If you are interested in volunteering or donating any baby supplies, please contact 602-261-7522, or visit online at SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S FELLOWSHIP The St. Anne and St. Mary Magdalene Combined Men’s Fellowship meets every Saturday morning at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Gilbert. Our goal is to grow through a deeper understanding of Scripture. Sessions begin at 6:45am and end by 7:55am, prior to the 8:00am morning Mass. Great burritos are served! Prayer for the Unborn - Join us as we pray every Saturday at Planned Parenthood, 1250 E. Apache Blvd., Tempe at 9:15am for the unborn & their mothers. Call Ray, 480.820.2553 or Dick 480.235.7118 Worldwide Marriage Encounter can help you make your marriage Christ-centered. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in Phoenix is Nov. 14-16. For more info contact Scott and Aurora Hicks, at 480-8092976 or visit Retrouvaille provides marriage help! Retrouvaille is a Catholic organization to help struggling couples rediscover hope and purpose in their marriages. Next weekend 1/1618. For information, call (602) 254-6723 (English) or (623) 877-9105 (español) or visit Diocese of Phoenix Prison Ministry—Do you have one hour a month…to take His Word and visit incarcerated children 8-17 years? Volunteers are needed to serve at the East Mesa and Phoenix Juvenile facilities Saturday or Sunday only! Many are from Catholic families. To learn more call Gloria Tirone 602-791-7315 Listen to the Bishop’s Hour each Monday at 11am and Catholic radio programming 24/7 on Immaculate Heart Radio 1310 AM Escucha “En Familia Radio” 740 AM para conocer sobre tu fe sobre diferentes temas de importancia desde los valores del evangelio. TV Mass for the Homebound live from Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral on Sundays at 9am on AZ-TV7 or cable13. HOUGH LAW OFFICES PLLC Air-Conditioning & Heating Sales, Service & Installation 24 Hour Service Joe Wierz (480) 539-9350 John G Hough Michael H Hough Jacqueline Hough Frame Notre Dame ’58 Harvard Law ’61 St Bridget Parishioner Notre Dame ’90 Denver Law ’94 St Andrew Parishioner USD ’92 USC Law ’96 WILLS • TRUSTS • PROBATE • ESTATE PLANNING Lic# 128931 Ins. & Bonded 2500 S Power Rd., Suite 114, Mesa AZ 85209 (480) 396-4949 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. DALE KUCHINSKI HOME IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIR Mobile ( 6 0 2 ) 758-4376 WHY IS IT? DRYWALL/CARPENTRY/PAINTING SCREEN REPAIRS/CEILING FANS REASONABLE RATES CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers KOBAR’S AUTO SERVICE “Family Owned & Operated” Complete Auto & Light Truck Repair & Preventative Maintenance 1021 N. Gilbert Rd. 813-6400 10% Discount to All Parishioners John & Marisa Kobar • Parishioners 967397 St Anne Church (C) Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Following Jesus Every Day: Lic. # 59403/ 158835 • Interior • Exterior • Bonded/Insured GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Residential / Commercial Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including (480) 464-1552 a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and Catholic Parishioner Randy Fornoff a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • Walt-Colleen • Parishioner Family Dentistry Dr. Paul J. DiMaggio Gentle Personalized Care KIDS WELCOME! 892-8199 1757 E. Baseline Rd. #109 3100 N. San Marcos Chandler, Arizona Serving the Parish Since 1986 480-507-4620 all your plumbing needs 24/7 Marsha Livingston, CPA BBB Ethics Award Winner Tax and Accounting Services 1844 E. Enid (480) 497-0907 Mesa, AZ 85204 (602) 616-0705 ROC250620 Parishioner Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 967397 St Anne Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Your ad could be in this space! Catholic Psychotherapist Joseph Sullivan, MA LAC Individual and group counseling for adolescents and adults with a universal perspective in the Catholic tradition. Phone: 480-668-8301 [email protected] "We understand…and we can help." 6402 E. Superstition Springs Blvd., Ste. 208, Mesa, AZ 85206 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. ESTAMOS SOLICITANDO GENTE PARA TRABAJAR (480) 497-8226 PREGANTA POR JESUS Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Jesús V. Ortiz, DDS Ana T. Ortiz, DDS, MDS St. Mary Magdalene Parishioner 480.963.1856 Orthodontics 793 N. Alma School Rd. Ste. 12 • Chandler, AZ 85224 Elizabeth A. McMorran NP Blessed Insurance Child Psychiatry • Life, Health, Medicare plans • IRAs and Pension Rollovers • International Travel Health 690 East Warner Road, Gilbert (480) 682-5800 St. Timothy Parishioner PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 967397 St Anne Church (A) Find us on Facebook Let us be a Blessing! CLINT LEONARD, MD LISA McDANIEL, PA-C SARAH ADAMO, PA-C Joe Milburn (480) 926-6881 3499 S. Mercy Rd., Gilbert YOUR COMPLETE BIKE HEADQUARTERS NE corner Val Vista & Guadalupe 480.641.0819 Mountain View Funeral Home and Cemetery Our Catholic Owned Family Serving Your Family Since 1951 Traditional Services Cremation Services Advanced Planning Service Crematory on Premises Cemetery and Mausoleum Catholic and Veterans Discounts Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week BIKE CENTER 929 N. Val Vista Dr. #B115 Gilbert, AZ 85234 Phone: 480-355-8525 Promoting the dignity of women and the sanctity of life Se habla español 480-832-2850 A-1 Mention ad for 10% discount on parts & accessories Full Service Repair & Parts Expert Technicians Trek Bikes Red Line, W.T.P. BMX Bikes 7900 E. Main St., Mesa Professional Wheel Builds For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Clergy and Staff/ Clero y personal de la parroquia Pastor: Fr. Sergio M. Fita Phone: 480-507-4410 Email: [email protected] Parochial VIcar: Fr. David Kofi Anatu Mbimadong Email: [email protected] Deacon. Dcn Rick Nevins Phone: 480-399-8882 Email: [email protected] Deacon: Dcn Bob Carey Phone: 480-507-4400 Deacon: Dcn Keith Boswell Phone: 480-507-4400 Email: [email protected] Deacon: Dcn Joe Spadafino Phone: 480-507-4400 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected] Administration Director: Andrew Gilliland Phone: 480-507-4420 Email: [email protected] Director of Parish Administration Please support the businesses advertising in our parish bulletin. They make the bulletin possible for all of us! Liturgy & Music Priests' Secretary: Margarita Molina Phone: 480-507-4422 Email: [email protected] Parish Receptionist: Marina Gutierrez Phone: 480-507-4400 Email: [email protected] Music Coordinator: Kevin Solinsky Phone: 480-507-4461 Email: [email protected] Coordinador de Musica: Francisco Santos Phone: 480-507-4463 Email: [email protected] Pastoral Council: Adelaida Severson, Claudia Lopez, Ivan Rojas, Manuel Trujillo, Gayle Ware, Katrina Winn, Fr. Sergio M. Fita [email protected] Finance Council: Mark Belanger, Scott McCamman, Bill Scalzo, Frank Vaughan, Fr. Sergio M. Fita Stewardship & Development Committee: Jim Montgomery, Ronda Berkey, Earl Brockert, Judy Gaitan, Theresa Keel, Mike McAdams, Julio & Nora Mercado, [email protected] Aurora Sarmiento, Jennifer Seaberg, Sergio & Maria Velarde, Fr. Sergio M. Fita Faith Formation Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sacraments Director: Donna Kano Phone: 480-507-4430 Email: [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Marlene Norwood Phone: 480-507-4457 Email: [email protected] CGS Coordinator Infant Baptism: Jim Colasanti Phone: 480-507-4435 Email: [email protected] English Baptism Coordinator Assistant: Norma Guzman Phone: 480-507-4442 Email: [email protected] Admin Assistant to Youth Ministry Micheal McConnell Phone: 480-507-4451 Email:[email protected] Childrens’ Sacraments Coordinator Bautismos: Hna. Elisa Monroy Phone: 480-507-4443 Email: [email protected] Coordinadora de Bautismos Español: Hna. Balbina Retama Phone: 480-507-4432 Email: [email protected] Lourdes Santiago Phone: 480-507-4455 Email: [email protected] Coordinadora de CBP Marriage: Jean Estes-Gonzales Phone: 480-507-4439 Email: [email protected] Matrimony/Matrimonios Youth Ministry Claudia Lopez Phone: 480-507-4441 Email: [email protected] Doris Gastelum Phone: 480-507-4454 Email: [email protected] CGS Office Assistant Coordinadora de Catequesis Familiar Outreach Merci Hernandez Phone: 480-507-4466 Email: [email protected] Director—Friends of The Needy RCIA/Returning Catholics Aurora Sarmiento Phone: 480-507-4433 Email: [email protected] Technology IT Director: Mike Zazick Phone: 480-507-4477 Email: [email protected] Bulletin Submissions: Please send bulletin submissions to [email protected] 10 days prior to the date you would like them to appear. Space priority is given to St. Anne ministries. Please be brief. Electronic articles given priority. Maintenance - for assistance on campus, please call 480-507-4472 Maintenance: Joe Reed Phone: 480-507-4470 Email: [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor Mark Jasken Maintenance Nathan Cushman Maintenance
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