Holy Family Catholic Church Holy Family Catholic Church 1453 N. Road Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 PASTORAL STAFF Reverend J. Victor Gournas…………………………Pastor Rev. Amaro Vasquez Ortiz………………..Parochial Vicar Rev. Deacon George Stonikinis Mrs. Cee Cee Petruncio ............................ Parish Secretary Ms. Joan Bryant ........................................... Choir Director Mr. Sonny Baccus ...................................................Organist Ms. Marianne Schwartz ............................... Bulletin Editor Mr. Pete Ferland, 252-312-9029…….Sound & Webmaster COLLEGIAL BODIES Mrs. Terry Gregory ...................... Pastoral Council, Chair Mr. Donald Witosky ................................... Finance Council Ms. Eileen Chaney, 252-338-8145……...Secular Franciscan Order LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Holy Family: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday: 10:15 AM; 12:15 PM (Hispanic Mass) Daily Mass: 8:00 AM except Tuesday, 12:15 PM St. Katharine Drexel Mission ......................... 252-453-6035 154 Maple Road, Maple, NC 27956 Mass: 7:00 PM Saturdays; 8:00 AM Sundays; 6:30 PM Wednesday Services SACRAMENTAL LIFE Parish Office: .................................................. 252-338-2521 Office Hours: ........................ Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Office Fax: ....................................................... 252-338-4183 Parish House: (Emergencies Only Please)…..252-335-4419 Faith Formation & Hispanic Line: ............... 252-338-5566 E-Mail: ................................ [email protected] Web Page: ............................. http://www.holyfamilyec.org Catholic Charities…………….……..………………..252-426-7717 Parish Office is closed Sat., Sun., Holy Days, and National Holidays RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Sharon Lupton .................................DRE, Grades K-5 Mrs. Cathy Terranova ........................... DRE, Grades 6-12 Mrs. Karen Hamilton, St. Katharine Drexel: ..........................................................................DRE, Grades K-12 FAITH DEVELOPMENT HF Nursery: Every Sunday during 10:15 AM Mass HF Grades PreK-5: Sundays, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM HF Grades 6-8: Sundays, 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM HF Confirmation Classes: Designated Sundays, 11:30 AM 2:00 PM St. Katharine Drexel Mission meets Sundays following Mass Classes are held September - May Baptism: Please call Pam Barber at 252-722-3235 to register for a Baptismal Preparation Class when you are expecting a child. Classes are held by appointment. Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:00-4:30 PM or by appointment. Marriage: Contact the Pastor at least 8 months before your planned wedding date. Anointing of the Sick and Ministry to the Shut-in: Please call the Parish at times of illness or hospitalization. Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.): All adults interested in becoming Catholic should contact: Rev. Mr. George Stonikinis at 252-330-1395. Classes are mid-Sept until Pentecost. Holy Family & St. Katharine Drexel Mission Child and Youth Safe Environment Program (SET): Safe Environment Team: Karen Hamilton, 252-338-2521. New to the Parish? Returning to the area? Don’t miss out on important events. Take a moment and complete a church registration form. Be sure to let us know if you are available to help in any of our many ministries. The blank forms are located in the container on the wall next to the parish office door. Deposit completed forms in the container on the door. Thank you. A Catholic Community MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday December 13th Holy Family 5:00 pm St. Katharine Drexel 7:00 pm Sunday December 14th St. Katharine Drexel 8:00 am 10:15 am Holy Family Holy Family (Hispanic) 12:15 pm Monday December 15th Holy Family 8:00 am Tuesday December 16th Holy Family 12:15 pm Wednesday December 17th Holy Family 8:00 am Thursday December 18th Holy Family 8:00 am Friday December 19th Holy Family 8:00 am Saturday December 20th Holy Family 5:00 pm St. Katharine Drexel 7:00 pm Sunday December 21st St. Katharine Drexel 8:00 am Holy Family 10:15 am Holy Family (Hispanic) 12:15 pm Robert DeBoer Parish Family Parish Family Rivaldo Barbosa Parish Family Margaret Ambrose Patrick Onwu Thomas Jones Parish Family Parish Family Patrick Onwu Sergio Acero SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND (DECEMBER 13 & 14) is for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Your support and generosity are appreciated. Sylvester and Gertrude Fritz Alvin Meter Clara Ambrose SPECIAL PRESENTATION BY THE HOLY FAMILY CHOIR, this Sunday, 7 p.m. "Rise Up! A New Light A-Comin" written by Lloyd Larson and Pamela Martin. In addition - a love offering to benefit "Habitat for Humanity" will be collected. DON’T MISS IT! BABY BOOMERANG. BOTTLES ARE DUE BACK THIS WEEKEND (DECEMBER 13 & 14). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANGEL TREE GIFTS DUE BACK TODAY NO LATER THAN NOON! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Santa & Mrs. Claus will be in the Family Life Center after 10:15 Mass, this Sunday! Free Cookies & Juice for the children! Coffee and Donuts for the adults! DECEMBER/JANUARY Sunday 14 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT ST. KD Mass 8 am HF Mass 10:15 am HF Hispanic Mass 12:15 pm Choir Practice, 9:30 am Religious Education Classes, Pre-K-Grade 5, 9 - 10 am Confirmation Class 11:30 am - 2:00 pm, SH Monday 15 HF Mass 8 am Boy Scouts, 7 pm, Classroom Zumba, 5:45 6:45 pm, Classroom Tuesday 16 Las Posadas begins/ Hanukkah begins at sunset HF Rosary 11:30 am HF Mass 12:15 pm RCIA 10:30 11:30 am, Library Choir Practice, 7pm Dance, 7 pm, S Hall KofC hosts Coffee & Donuts after 10:15 Mass, FLC Wednesday Thursday 17 HF Mass 8 am 18 HF Mass 8 am Bible Study, 10 am, Library TOPS Mtg., 9-1:00 pm, FLC Zumba, 5:45-6:45 pm Classroom Reluctant Singles, 5 pm, 3 Amigos KofC Officers - No meeting this month. Santa & Mrs. Claus will be in the Family Life Center after the 10:15 Mass Women's Prayer Group, 6 pm, Chapel Friday 19 HF Communion Service, 8:00 am 20 HF Mass 5 pm ST. KD Mass 7 pm Adoration-8:30 to 10 am Benediction-10 am Children’s Play Practice, 9 am 12 Noon, FLC Quinceanera Dance Practice, 10 am - 12 pm, Social Hall Moms’ Bible Study, 6:30 8:30 pm, Classroom RCIA, 7-8 pm, Library KofC Bell Ringing for Salvation Army, Farm Fresh (10 am to 7 pm) Children’s Christmas Play, 6 pm KofC Bell Ringing for Salvation Army, Farm Fresh (10 am to 7 pm) SFO Mtg/1 pm/Classroom Christmas Cantada, 7 pm, Sanctuary 21 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT ST. KD Mass 8 am HF Mass 10:15 am HF Hispanic Mass 12:15 pm Choir Practice, 9:30 am No CCD, All grades 22 HF Mass 8 am Boy Scouts, 7 pm, SH Zumba, 5:45 6:45 pm, FLC 23 24 Vigil of Christmas HF Rosary 11:30 am HF Mass 5 pm HF Mass 12:15 pm ST KD Mass 8 pm HF Hispanic Mass 8 pm HF Mass 12 Midnight RCIA, 10:30 11:30 am, Library Choir Practice, 7pm Dance, 7 pm, S Hall 28 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH ST. KD Mass 8 am HF Mass 10:15 am HF Hispanic Mass 12:15 pm Choir Practice, 9:30 am No CCD clases - All grades Saturday 29 HF Mass 8 am Boy Scouts, 7 pm, Social Hall Zumba - 5:45 6:45 pm, FLC PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 30 HF Rosary 11:30 am HF Mass 12:15 pm RCIA, 10:30 11:30 am, Library Choir Practice, 7pm Dance, 7 pm, S Hall PARISH OFFICE CLOSED PARISH OFFICE CLOSED (reopens January 2, 2015) 31 New Year’s Eve HF Mass 5 pm HF Hispanic 8 pm (No Mass at ST KD) PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 25 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Day) ST KD Mass 8 am HF Mass 10:15 am HF Hispanic Mass 12 Noon PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 1 New Year’s Day/World Day of Prayer for Peace/ The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord, Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God/Holy Day of Obligation ST KD Mass 8 am HF Mass 10:15 am HF Hispanic Mass 7 pm 26 HF Mass 8 am Adoration-8:30 to 10 am Benediction-10 am PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 2 First Friday HF Mass 8 am Adoration-8:30 to Noon Benediction-Noon PARISH OFFICE OPEN 27 HF Mass 5 pm ST. KD Mass 7 pm Quinceanera Dance Practice, 10 am - 12 pm, Social Hall Girl Scouts 10 - 11:30 am, Classroom 3 HF Mass 5 pm ST. KD Mass 7 pm Quinceanera Dance Practice, 10 am - 12 pm, Social Hall December 6 & 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8,027.30 Weekly Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,212.00 Thank you for your generosity. ADORATION & BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT December 19, 2014 Adoration: 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. Benediction: 10:00 a.m. Please use the signup sheets at the entrance of the Church to indicate your intention to spend an hour in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Every hour must be covered. The Blessed Sacrament cannot be left unattended during the period of adoration. Readings for Week of December 14, 2014 Sunday: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lk 1:46-50, 53-54; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; Mt 21:23-27 Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Wednesday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Thursday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Friday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 Saturday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 IT’S NOT TOO LATE - YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO BRING IN YOUR CHRISTMAS ANGEL TREE GIFTS. The tree is located in the gathering area. Please wrap each present in wrapping paper and attach the Angel to the outside of the present. Do not exceed $35.00 per gift. Place your gifts under the Angel Tree no later than noon on December 14th. Thank you!! HOLY FAMILY DECEMBER 24, CHRISTMAS EVE: 5 p.m. Children’s Mass 8 p.m. Hispanic Mass 12 a.m. Midnight Mass (with the Choir) DECEMBER 25, CHRISTMAS DAY: 10:15 a.m. Mass 12:00 p.m. Hispanic Mass DECEMBER 28, SUNDAY: Masses will be held at regularly scheduled times. DECEMBER 31, NEW YEAR’S EVE: 5:00 p.m. Mass 8:00 p.m. Hispanic Mass JANUARY 1, NEW YEAR’S DAY: 10:15 a.m. 7 p.m. Mass Hispanic Mass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ST. KATHARINE DREXEL DECEMBER 24, CHRISTMAS EVE: 8 p.m. Mass DECEMBER 25, CHRISTMAS DAY: 8 a.m. Mass DECEMBER 28, SUNDAY: Mass will be held at regularly scheduled time. JANUARY 1, NEW YEAR’S DAY: 8 a.m. Mass (NO New Year’s Eve Mass at St. Katharine Drexel.) A CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PLAY Still time to purchase your Christmas Cards. Proceeds will go towards supporting our two Seminarians, plus one additional Seminarian. These cards are in English and Spanish. Please help support this worthy cause. KEEP ‘CHRIST’ IN CHRISTMAS! will be performed Saturday evening, December 20th, immediately following the 5 p.m. Mass. Practice for the play will be conducted Saturday morning (Dec. 20) from 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. Spend some time in song and celebration of our Lord’s Nativity with the children of our parish. Those in nursing homes: Dorothy Dods, Edney Whiteside, Thomas Britany, Theda Mahboub, Bill Nolan, and James Campbell (in Barco). Those in the Carolina House: Pat Weaver, Rose Henry, Helene Liles, Marguerite Frost, Eileen Mohr, Ruth Haerich, and George Byberg. Those who are ill and/or are in need of our prayer: Barrett Sturtevant, Ron Hellberg, Amanda Brown, Seth Soria, Becky Jordan, Teri Crowe (September 1st-December 31st) Baby Jeremiah, Alivia Sutton, Janice Foster, Jeanette and Jack Donohue, Herman Stutts, Robert McFarland, Frank Pala, Anna Roback, Debbie Cheek, Pam Lucas, Bob & Bette Murphy, Liz Taylor, Diana Knapik, Patty Davis Christie, Audrey Nell, Peggy Tufano, Jim McGarrigle, Travis Wright, Scott Seigel, and Elizabeth McGinty. (Please contact the Parish Secretary to add names to the Prayer List.) HAVE YOU HAD YOUR FLU SHOT YET? Albemarle United Way and FamilyWize have partnered to offer free flu shots. Individuals who are uninsured or underinsured may be eligible for a free flu shot. Applications for the free flu shots can be accessed at www.familywize.org. Whether insured or not, you are eligible for a free discount prescription card to save money on prescriptions. Anyone who needs help in accessing or completing the forms, please contact Monica Raynor with Catholic Charities at 252-426-7717. It's that time of year again! St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Mission is holding their Annual Christmas Kielbasa & Pieroghi Sale. The savory pork Kielbasa is locally made by members of St. Nicholas while the Pieroghi comes from the Perla Bakery in Parma, Ohio. Together they make a delicious combination! You can purchase them on-line at http://www.saintnicholas raleigh.org/kielbasa__pieroghi_sale/ , by emailing [email protected] or by calling 919-342-8777. Please state your name, email, phone number and the number of pounds/dozen you would like to purchase. Kielbasa is $8 per pound or $15 for two pounds. Pieroghi is $8.50 per dozen. New for this sale, we will have multiple sites for order pickup. Please visit our website to locate the one closest to you. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Mission Building Fund. Thank you for your support! Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Council Events & Activities December 17 - Officers meeting has been canceled. See you in January. December 18 & 20 - Bell Ringing for Salvation Army at Farm Fresh from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sign-up sheets are available at HTTP://mysignup.com/mysignupforbellringing. AROUND THE DIOCESE Washington D.C. March for Life - Join faithful from across the Diocese for the North Carolina Mass and March for Life on Thursday, January 22 in Washington D.C. This year, in the Diocese of Raleigh, over 30 buses from parishes and schools are expected to make the trip. The day begins with Mass with Bishops Michael Burbidge of the Raleigh Diocese and Bishop Peter Jugis of the Charlotte Diocese along with hundreds of priests and deacons at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception at 11:30 a.m. The march on the mall follows with several hundred thousand people from across the United States. For information about getting a seat on a bus, contact the Office of Human Life and Dignity at [email protected]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Live Streaming of Diocese of Raleigh Masses is available. The Office of Communications for the Diocese of Raleigh has begun live streaming Tuesday and Thursday Masses from the Catholic Center Chapel at 11:30 a.m. Masses will not be streamed on days the Center is closed. The Mass is available to anyone with an internet connection and a computer, tablet, or smartphone. To learn more or check on schedule updates, go to DioceseofRaleigh.org/LiveMass. Searching for the Longest Married Couple. Worldwide Marriage Encounter is searching for the longest married couple. One national winner and winners from each of the 50 states will be recognized. This project is being done to honor the commitment of married couples and to inspire younger couples with the beauty in a long and lasting marriage. Nominations must be received by January 10th, 2015. For more information on nominating a couple you know, please visit: http:// NCMarriageDiscovery.org/communitynews.php. The World Awaits You and so does the Pope! It’s official…Pope Francis is coming to the 8th World Meeting of Families! Plan your trip to Philadelphia, PA for September 22-27, 2015. The city will come alive with multicultural familycentered activities, a congress for youth and for adults and a Papal Mass. Register NOW! For more information see: http:// www.dioceseofraleigh.org/worldmeeting. Benefit for Teri Crowe A Long-Time Holy Family Parishioner Bring your family and friends to enjoy some awesome music featuring “Women of Praise,” a women’s choir composed of Albemarle area residents. Our very own Holy Family Choir will open the event. The benefit concert is for Teri Crowe and will be held on January 25, 2015 at 4 p.m. The concert is free but a love offering will be collected for Teri Crowe who needs to raise funds for a heart transplant. Please prayerfully consider leaving a donation at the door. Thank you. SEE YOU THERE!!! MINISTERIO HISPANO – TIEMPO DE ADVIENTO - DICIEMBRE 14, 2014. ¿QUIENES SON LOS GRANDES TESTIGOS DEL ADVIENTO? Son tres: El profeta Isaías, Juan el Bautista y la Virgen María. Isaías anuncia cómo será el Mesías que vendrá. Sacude la conciencia del pueblo para crear en él actitud de espera. Exige pureza de corazón. Juan el Bautista señala quién es el Mesías, que ya ha venido. Él mismo es modelo de austeridad y de ardiente espera. María es la figura clave del adviento. En ella culmina la espera de Israel. Es la más fiel acogedora de la palabra hecha carne. La recibe en su seno y en su corazón. Ella le prestó su vida y su sangre. María es Jesús comenzado. Ella hizo posible la primera navidad y es modelo y cauce para todas las venidas de Dios a los hombres. María, por su fidelidad, es tipo y madre de la Iglesia. Las actitudes fundamentales del adviento 1. Actitud de espera. El mundo necesita de Dios. La humanidad está desencantada y desamparada. Las aspiraciones modernas de paz y de dicha, de unidad, de comunidad, son terreno preparado para la buena nueva. El adviento nos ayuda a comprender mejor el corazón del hombre y su tendencia insaciable de felicidad. 2. El retorno a Dios. La experiencia de frustración, de contingencia, de ambigüedad, de cautividad, de pérdida de la libertad exterior e interior de los hombres de hoy, puede suscitar la sed de Dios, y la necesidad de «subir a Jerusalén» como lugar de la morada de Dios, según los salmos de este tiempo. La infidelidad a Dios destruye al pueblo. Su fidelidad hace su verdadera historia e identidad. El adviento nos ayuda a conocer mejor a Dios y su amor al mundo. Nos da conocimiento interno de Cristo, que siendo rico por nosotros se hace pobre. 3. La conversión. Con Cristo, el reino está cerca dentro de nosotros. La voz del Bautista es el clamor del adviento: «Preparad el camino del Señor, allanad sus senderos; elévense los valles, desciendan los montes y colinas; que lo torcido se enderece, lo escabroso se iguale. Y todos verán la salvación de Dios... » (Is 40,3-5). El adviento nos enseña a hacernos presentes en la historia de la salvación de los ambientes, a entender el amor como salida de nosotros mismos y la solidaridad plena con los que sufren. 4. Jesús es el Mesías. Será el liberador del hombre entero. Luchará contra todo el mal y lo vencerá no por la violencia, sino por el camino de una victimación de amor. La salvación pasa por el encuentro personal con Cristo. 5. Gozo y alegría. El reino de Cristo no es sólo algo social y externo, sino interior y profundo. La venida del Mesías constituye el anuncio del gran gozo para el pueblo, de una alegría que conmueve hasta los mismos cielos cuando el pecador se arrepiente. El adviento nos enseña a conocer que Cristo, y su pascua, es la fiesta segura y definitiva de la nueva humanidad.
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