Resultado Final

Thirtieth Sunday
in Ordinary time
October 26, 2014
1835 - 2014
Trigésimo Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
26 de octubre de 2014
Parroquia de Santa María
Saint Mary Parish
Santa María de Waltham
26 de octubre de 2014
133 School Street, Waltham, MA 02451
Email: stmar [email protected]
Website: stmar ywaltham.or g
RECTORY/Rectoría 781-891-1730 (Fax 781-209-0555)
Rev. Michael Nolan
Parochial Vicar/V icario Par.
Rev. David Martin Ssentamu
Parochial Vicar/V icario Par.
Rev. Agustín Anda
In residence/En residencia
Rev. Timothy Murphy
In residence/En residencia
Rev. Daniel Hennessey
Carmen Kapishnikov
Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Mary McCarthy
Michael Welch
Lila Cleary
Choir Coordinators/Coordinadores de Coro
Ivan Colon (Español) , Michael Mukisa (Uganda),
Lila Cleary (Gregorian Chant)
IMMIGRATION CTR/Centro de Inmigración 617-817-7544
Deacon/Diácono Eduardo Mora
Offers assistance to those seeking support for immigration issues - citizenship, housing, ESL classes, and more.
Ofrece ayuda para aquellos que buscan apoyo para asuntos de
inmigración - ciudadanía, vivienda, clases de inglés como segundo idioma, y más.
Office Hours (Rel. Ed. Bldg.)/Horario de Oficina
Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
or by appointment/o por cita
Administator/A dministradora
Nilvia Hernández
Adam Redjinski
AFTER SCHOOL PROG./Programa Después de la Escuela
Jennifer Acuña, Christine Dufresne, Patsy Gillespie
ANOINTING OF THE SICK/Unción de los enfermos
First Monday of the month - 12:10 p.m. Mass
El primer Lunes del mes durante la misa de las 12:10 p.m.
First Wednesday of the month - 7:00 p.m. Mass
El primer Miércoles del mes durante la misa de las 7:00 p.m.
First Friday of the month - 8:00 p.m. Mass
El primer Viernes del mes durante la misa de las 8:00 p.m.
or by appointment/o por cita
hogares y enfermos
Call Ann Faulstich at 781-893-8953.
Llamar a el Diácono 617-817-7544.
Call the Deacon to schedule the celebration. The young adult
must be participating in the Confirmation Program.
Llame al Diácono para programar la celebración. La joven
debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación.
The church is open every day from 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas
Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. Español
1:30 p.m. Luganda
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 12:10 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday/Lunes, Miércoles,Viernes
7:00 p.m. Español *
8:00 p.m. Luganda *
Friday/V iernes
Holy Days/Dias de Precepto
7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Español
MORNING PRAYER/ Oración M atutina
7:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.
PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 11:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. Español
Friday/V iernes
Friday/V iernes
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.*
12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.*
12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
a.m. - 12:00
a.m. - 12:00
p.m. - 9:00
p.m. - 3:45
a.m. - 11:20
* Chapel/Capilla
BAPTISM/Bautism o
Third Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. for children under age
seven. Parents must call the rectory to arrange for baptism.
Preparation is required.
Español: Padres y padrinos deben asistir a la preparación el
primer domingo del mes en el Edificio de Educación Religiosa y el Bautizo se llevara a cabo el primer domingo del mes
siguiente, después de la misa de las 11:30 a.m.
Luganda: First Sunday of the month during the 1:30 p.m.
Mass for children under age seven. Parents must call the rectory to arrange for baptism. Preparation is required.
SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación
Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must
attend preparation classes. Call the rectory for information.
Los adultos y niños (mayores de siete años) que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Confirmación o la Primera Comunión pueden tomar clases de preparación para
los sacramentos. Llamar a la rectoría para información.
Call the rectory to arrange a meeting.
Llamar a la rectoría para información.
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
St. Mary Parish, Waltham
October 26, 2014
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
Recently, I received two letters sent to the St. Mary’s
parishioners. I want to share parts of them with you. The
first was from the patients at Children’s Hospital Waltham
(formerly Waltham Hospital). They sent a note of thanks for
the parishioners who visit them on a regular basis. The note
included personal messages from many of the residents.
They wrote:
Thank you so much for sending your special angels
(Irene, Anne and Anne) to perform a spiritual service
for us/with us each Sunday. They do the readings for
that day, read from various books and then explain
things so each of us understands them. They bring
humor to the group when appropriate. Please accept
our heartfelt thank you. We are so grateful for these
special woman who donate their time to give to us. With
great appreciation, Alcott Unit Patients (here and those
that have gone and those to come).
The second note came from a resident of Marist Hill (and a
Marist Hill Sister) who previously worshipped at St. Mary’s.
Sister had been given a prayer shawl that was handmade by
members of St. Mary’s Prayer Shawl Ministry which meets
monthly and knits and crochets shawls. These shawls are
given to people who are ill or experiencing crisis. In Sister’s
letter she wrote:
I love the shawl I received and I want to become part of
the prayer group but while you will be praying for the
recipients of the shawls, my prayers will be in gratitude
for the good people who not only knit the shawls for the ill
but pray for them as well. The shawl brings additional
comfort by bonding me with my former parish and friends.
I am amazed as I read through your bulletin of your
intensive outreach, and I am especially pleased that I have
been made part of it! Peace, joy, and gratitude, From a
Sister at Marist Hill.
Many thanks to the parishioners who bring out hope and
gratitude in others. This is a great glimpse of Christianity.
– Father Michael
The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week:
Saturday, October 25
4:00 p.m. - Thomas Greaney - 4th Anniversary
Sunday, October 26
8:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners
10:00 a.m. - John & Rita Connearney
Monday, October 27
12:10 p.m. - Anne Virginia Power
Tuesday, October 28
12:10 p.m. - Donald Connelly
Wednesday, October 29
12:10 p.m. - Robert & Dorothy Delaney
Thursday, October 30
12:10 p.m. - Deceased members of the Gorman family
Saturday, November 1
4:00 p.m. - Parish & Parishioners
Sunday, November 2
8:00 a.m. - Patricia Bolton
10:00 a.m. - Deceased members of the Faulstich family
Christians throughout the world begin every day praising
God for life and blessings. We invite you to join us on
Sundays for this brief communal prayer of Psalms, Readings
and Hymns. It takes about 15 minutes. You don’t need to
bring anything. You don’t have to be familiar with the
format. You don’t have to be Catholic. The Morning Prayer
begins at 7:30 a.m. in the church. Please know that you are
welcome and that people are praying for you at this time.
In this Sunday’s Gospel we find the truth that loving God
isn’t merely a matter of fervor in our hearts, but that it must
be expressed in doing good for the sake of others.
Thanks to everyone who has made a contribution to the
Parish Semi-Annual Appeal. So far we have collected
$12,344. Please consider making a donation to this
collection if you have not already done so.
We pray for so many who are hungry and have no means of
support; for the sick and the poor who wait for healing; for
those who are saddened by the burdens of life; for the grace
to love God with our whole heart, mind and soul, and our
neighbor as ourselves. Amen
Those requesting a weekend Mass Intention may serve as
gift bearers for that liturgy. Please speak to the celebrant
prior to the Mass.
Thank you for your generous offering to our parish.
• 840 people participated in the first four Masses last
weekend and contributed $4,690 to the weekly collection,
and $1,106 to World Missions.
• 200 people participated in the 1:30 Mass on October 12
and contributed $624 to the weekly collection.
Gena, Richard, June, Carrie, Herb Finley, Maureen Sullivan,
Marie, Frank Maloney, Elsa, Barbara McGurl, Heather
Wood, Rick, Alicia Lara, Jeanne, Helen, Teresa Cosgrove,
RIP: Martin Coleman, Raymond Keaveney, Rosalie Fucci,
Thomas Monahan, Dolores Rodriguez, Brian Wenckus
When we pray and give alms to the poor, we allow God’s
mercy to be poured into their hearts. Through your gift to the
St. Vincent de Paul Society you also can give God’s mercy
to your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless, alone and
frightened. Please place your donation in the Poor Box.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Santa María de Waltham
26 de octubre de 2014
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
St. Mary Parish, Waltham
October 26, 2014
Every October, the Church across the United States observes
“Respect Life” month as an expression of our commitment
to the value of every human life from its beginning stages in
the womb to the end of earthly life. This year’s theme is
“Each of us is a MASTERPIECE of God’s creation.” During
October we will feature articles related to this topic.
The great feast of All Saints Day is Saturday, November 1. It
is not a holy day of obligation this year because it falls on a
Saturday. The US Bishops made that decision. We invite
everyone to a Mass at 9:00 a.m. at St. Mary’s on this day.
Fr David will be available to visit cemeteries and pray for
your deceased in Luganda on November 7. Please arrange
the specific times for the visits to cemeteries with him. Mass
at 8:00 p.m. will be offered for the souls of your loved ones.
During November, the Church calls us to remember the
dead. As the days shorten and the ground hardens we are
reminded to pray for those who have passed from this life to
the next. We pray for their souls asking the Lord to have
mercy on them for their sins. We ask the Lord to remember
the good that was done through their lives. We remember the
dead by listing their names in the Book of the Dead placed
near the baptismal font. Our hope for their eternal salvation
isn’t just consolation. It is based on the fact that God offered
them eternal life through baptism. We remember our
beloved dead by visiting the cemeteries and graves. Many of
you do this on your own. We invite all parishioners to do
this together if you are able. Please see the dates and times
below. We also remember to pray at the cemeteries for all of
the dead who have nobody praying for them. Eternal rest
come unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon
them. May they Rest in Peace. May their souls and all the
souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace.
Please consider joining us to visit the cemeteries. We gather
in a central location to pray for all the dead buried in that
cemetery. Then we make our way as much as possible to the
specific graves connected with those people who are present
that day. We sprinkle the specific graves with holy water,
say a brief prayer for the dead buried in that grave, and then
move on to the next location. Many parishioners are helped
by these visits. It can be hard for some to visit the cemetery
on their own. The visiting schedule is as follows:
CALVARY CEMETERY - Sunday, Nov. 2 at 11:30 a.m..
We will meet at the Crucifix after the 10:00 a.m. Mass.
Many adults have not completed their initiation as Catholics.
There are also many Christians baptized in another
denomination who wish to inquire about Catholicism or
enter into communion and become Catholics. (Protestants
who become Catholics don’t convert. They are already
Christians). We are beginning classes in October to help and
accompany adults who wish to begin this process. If you or
someone you know wants to join us in October, please call
the parish office or speak to one of the priests. If you know
an adult or child who was never baptized and wants to learn
about Christ and/or become a Christian, please speak to one
of the priests as this process is slightly different from
Confirmation classes.
Fr. Tim Murphy will be leading a study of the Gospel of St.
Mark on six Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
beginning on Sunday, October 26. We will be using A
Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: The Gospel of
Mark by Mary Healy. All meetings will take place in the St.
Mary’s Religious Education building on the first floor. The
text costs $15 and will be a valuable reference to you in
praying and reflecting on this gospel. Beginning on the first
Sunday of Advent we will be reading St. Mark’s Gospel
every Sunday at Mass. Please contact the rectory if you plan
to attend and we will get you a copy of the text.
Our St. Vincent de Paul food pantry is in desperate need of
donations of non-perishable food items, particularly canned
goods. Your donations enable us to provide those in need
with a bag of these items to supplement the food vouchers
we also provide. Please leave your donations at the back of
the church.
Please bring your gently used, but clean, winter coats for
women, men and children to church during October. Please
leave them in the back of the church where members of the
St Vincent de Paul Society will pick them up for distribution
in November to those in need.
Bring your children to a safe location on the Day of the
Dead (Halloween). Come and join us for an All Saints Day
Celebration on Friday, October 31 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00
p.m. in the lower hall of the Church. Children are
encouraged to come in a saint costume or other appropriate
costume. We will have games, prizes, costume contest, food
and more. Admission is free! Donations accepted! Children
must be accompanied by an adult.
MOUNT FEAKE - Sunday, Nov. 2 at 1:00 p.m. We will
meet at the flagpole at 1:00 p.m.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Santa María de Waltham
26 de octubre de 2014
Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Recientemente, recibí dos cartas dirigidas a feligreses de
Santa María. Quiero compartir parte de ellas con ustedes:
La primera es de los pacientes del Children’s Hospital
(antes Waltham Hospital) dando las gracias a los feligreses
que los visitan regularmente. La nota incluye mensajes
personales de muchos de los residentes:
Muchísimas gracias por mandar a los ángeles especiales
(Irene, Anne y Anne) para darnos servicio espiritual y estar
con nosotros cada domingo. Ellas leen las lecturas de ese
día y leen de varios libros y después nos explican para que
cada uno las entendamos. Ellas traen su sentido del humor.
Por favor acepten nuestro agradecimiento desde el fondo de
nuestro corazón. Estamos tan agradecidos por estas mujeres
especiales que donan su tiempo para compartirlo con
nosotros. Con gran aprecio, Pacientes de la Unidad de
Alcott (los que están aquí, los que ya se fueron y los que
están por venir).
La segunda nota viene de un residente de Marist Hill, y
una Hermana religiosa, que anteriormente venían a St. Mary.
A la Hermana le fue dado un chal que fue hecho a mano por
el Ministerio Chal de Oración de Santa María que se reúne
mensualmente y tejen chales. Estos chales son obsequiados a
personas enfermas o que están pasando por momentos muy
difíciles. En su carta la Hermana escribió:
Me encanta el chal que recibí y quiero ser parte del grupo
de oración pero mientras ustedes estarán rezando por las
personas que los reciben, mis oraciones serán en gratitud
por la gente buena que no solo teje los chales por los
enfermos si no que además rezan por ellos. El chal me
reconforta al acercarme con mi anterior parroquia y amigos.
Me siento sorprendida al leer en el boletín sobre su intensa
difusión, y estoy especialmente contenta que formo parte de
ella. Paz, alegría y gratitud, De una Hermana en el Marist
Muchas gracias a los feligreses que traen esperanza y
gratitud a los demás. Esta es un gran vislumbre de
Padre Michael
Por favor considere unirse a nosotros para visitar los
cementerios. Nos reunimos en un lugar central para orar por
los difuntos que descansan en el cementerio. Después vamos
de tumba en tumba de los familiares presentes ese día.
Rociamos la tumba con agua bendita, hacemos una breve
oración por el difunto y continuamos con el siguiente. El
horario es como sigue:
CEMENTERIO DE CALVARY - Nos reuniremos enfrente del
crucifijo a las 11:30 a.m. después de la misa de las 10:00 a.m
CEMENTERIO MOUNT FEAKE - Nos reuniremos en el asta
de la bandera a la 1:00 p.m.
840 personas participaron en las primeras cuatro misas del
fin de semana pasado y se recaudo un total de $4,690 y
$1,106 para las Misiones en el Mundo. En la misa de 1:30
p.m. participaron 200 personas y se colectaron $624.
Agradecemos a todos los que han contribuido a la campaña
semi-anual de la parroquia. Hasta hoy se han colectado
$12,344. Si aun no lo ha hecho, pongan su contribución en la
canasta de la colecta o envíala por correo a la rectoría.
Se les invita del 24 de septiembre al 4 de noviembre a unirse
a los 40 días de oración y ayuno para protestar contra el
aborto. Unete a orar de las 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. afuera de
Planned Parenthood, 1055 Commonwealth Ave., Boston.
Además, los jueves a las 7 p.m. habrá vigilia en español
hasta el 30 de octubre. Visita
La votación por los Premios Elección del Cliente ha
comenzado. Pedimos a los cuentahabientes de Watertown
Savings Bank que voten por el Programa Después de la
Escuela de Santa María. El año pasado recibimos $1,823.
Puede votar vía correo electrónico o en persona en las
oficinas locales del banco. Gracias por su consideración.
Del 13 al 22 de noviembre del 2015. Visitaremos lugares
sagrados y basílicas. Iremos a Belén donde nació Jesús, a
Galilea donde Jesús predico e hizo milagros. Visitaremos
Jerusalén donde tuvo lugar la Pasión de nuestro Señor.
Precio estimado $2,699. Para mayor información
comunicarse con el Diacono Eduardo al 617-817-7544.
Se invita a todas las personas que de alguna manera u otra
han estado involucradas en años anteriores en la
organización de la fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe, a la
junta de preparación de este año. El 2 de noviembre a las
3:00 p.m. en el sótano de la iglesia.
Traiga a sus niños a un lugar seguro en el Día de los Muertos
(Halloween). Vengan y acompáñenos en nuestra celebración
de Todos los Santos el Viernes, 31 de octubre de 6:00 a 8:00
p.m. en el sótano de la Iglesia. Animen a sus niños a venir en
un traje de santo(a) u otra vestimenta adecuada. Tendremos
juegos, premios, concurso de disfraces, comida y más. La
entrada es gratis! Se aceptan donaciones! Los niños deben
estar acompañados por un adulto.
La fiesta de Todos los Santos es el 1ro de Noviembre. Este
año no se considera día de obligación por que cae en sábado,
(esta decisión fue tomada por los Obispos de Estados
Unidos). Invitamos a todos a la misa de las 9:00 a.m. que
tendremos este día aquí en Santa María.
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario