Academic Content Standards Grade 7 Ohio Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004 STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES Communication: Communicate in languages other than English. Benchmark A: Engage in oral, written or signed conversation on familiar topics. Interpersonal 1. Engage in oral, visual or written exchanges to obtain and provide information related to target language cultures or topics from other content areas. Student Edition: 22-23, 44-45, 68, 82-83, 100-101, 108, 111, 120-121, 185, 194-195, 222-223, 235 ¿Comprendes? 117, 191, 203, 231, 242, 245 Investigaciones 200 Teacher Wraparound Edition: T14-T15 Benchmark B: Express personal preferences and feelings, and support opinions. Interpersonal 2. Express, discuss and support feelings, emotions or opinions about familiar topics. Student Edition: 215, 217, 219, 224, 225-227, 232, 234 Entrevista 241 Codes used for Teacher Wraparound Edition pages are the initial caps of headings on that page. STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES Benchmark C: Request and provide clarification. Interpersonal 3. Clarify meaning (e.g., restatement, asking questions). Student Edition: 23 #5, 104 #11, 105 #16, 109 #4, 138 #3 Teacher Wraparound Edition: T14 Benchmark D: Give and follow multistep directions. Interpersonal 4. Give and follow a short series of oral, signed and/or written requests. Student Edition: 12-13, 139 #4-#5, 156 #2-#3, 157 #4, 219 #13 Teacher Wraparound Edition: P 30, 80 Benchmark E: Use culturally appropriate language and gestures in a variety of social settings. Interpersonal 5. Use appropriate language and gestures when interacting with peers and adults in a variety of social settings. Student Edition: 2-3, 4, 12-13, 65, 194 #3 Nota 70 Vocabulario 17 Teacher Wraparound Edition: ASL 59, 115; LP 3 Benchmark F: Follow multistep directions. Interpretive 6. Respond appropriately to complex directions (e.g., making accent marks on the computer, completing a report). Academic Content Standards Grade 7 Teachers may use the following activities as an opportunity to present complex directions. Student Edition: Conexiones 53, 167 ¡Hablo como un pro! 54, 94, 132, 168, 206, 246 Teacher Wraparound Edition: O 130, 166, 204, 244 2 Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004 STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES Benchmark G: Derive meaning using aural, visual and contextual clues. Interpretive 7. Derive meaning through the use of various clues (e.g., prefixes, suffixes, root words, cognates, intonation, word order). Student Edition: 20, 24, 26, 35, 72, 112 Formas 34, 102, 110, 140, 146, 176, 184, 214, 216, 224 Nota 31, 172 Repaso 42, 80, 118, 192, 232 Rompecabezas 126 Vocabulario 55, 95 Teacher Wraparound Edition: O 19 Benchmark H: Identify a speaker’s or author’s purpose and discuss the main idea, characters and supporting details in a variety of media. Interpretive 8. Outline information gathered from a nonfiction source (e.g., newspapers, magazines, Web sites, historical texts). Student Edition: Investigaciones 49, 88, 93, 127, 162, 200, 240 Plegables 51 Writing Strategy 235 9. Predict the outcome of a story from ageappropriate media (e.g., print, audio, visual). Student Edition: 250-251, 252-255 Reading Strategy 190, 230 Teacher Wraparound Edition: P 40-41, 78, 116, 150, 152-153 Benchmark I: Narrate an event, a personal experience or an original story. Presentational 10. Write, tell or dramatize an original story using description, narration and detail. Academic Content Standards Grade 7 Student Edition: 101 #5, 102 #7, 109 #5, 120, 121 #4, 235 #5 ¡Hablo como un pro! 168, 206, 246 Teatro 161, 199 Teacher Wraparound Edition: H 22; WD 100, 174 3 Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004 STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES Benchmark J: Present original work and cultural material. Presentational 11. Produce and share informal and formal communication (e.g., fliers, posters, videos). Student Edition: 45, 83, 195 #4 Manos a la obra 1, 200, 240 Teacher Wraparound Edition: MO 48 Benchmark K: Apply age-appropriate writing process strategies to publish a document for a range of audiences. Presentational 12. Apply age-appropriate writing process strategies (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing). Student Edition: Plegables 241 Writing Strategy 83, 121, 157, 195, 235 Teacher Wraparound Edition: T20; WS 45 Cultures: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Benchmark A: Investigate, discuss and report on practices and perspectives of the target culture. Practices 1. Research and report on a variety of topics from the target culture (e.g., entertainment, nutrition/health, gender roles). Student Edition: Investigaciones 49, 93, 127, 162, 200, 240 Plegables 51 Benchmark B: Participate in and discuss age-appropriate cultural practices. Practices 2. Interact verbally and nonverbally in a variety of situations using culturally appropriate etiquette (e.g., at a celebration, in a restaurant, as a guest in someone’s home, at a sporting event). Student Edition: 2-3, 4, 12-13, 44, 65, 82 #2, 83 #3, 121 #4, 139 #4, 156 #2, 157 #4, 175 #5, 194, 235 Benchmark C: Investigate, discuss and report on products and perspectives of the target culture. Products 3. Identify important symbols associated with the target culture (e.g., Roman eagle, French fleurde-lis) and explain their significance. Academic Content Standards Grade 7 Student Edition: 8, 146 Cultura 14 Teacher Wraparound Edition: LP 64 4 Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004 STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES 4. Discuss impressions and perspectives gleaned from film and video (e.g., how people treat each other, the ways they view their families, the places where they live). Various forms of media may be used as a starting point for discussing impressions and perspectives. Student Edition: 82, 106-107 Conversación 38, 76, 114, 150, 188, 228 Cultura y lectura 78-79, 116-117, 152-153, 230-231 Teacher Wraparound Edition: T29; SO 18; TR 134D Benchmark D: Identify significant contributions and historical figures from the target culture. Products 5. Investigate and discuss how ancient cultures influence modern cultures (e.g., legal practices, holiday celebrations, architecture). Student Edition: Cultura 8 Más cultura y lectura 164-165 Teacher Wraparound Edition: HC 71; LP 123, 222 Connections: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information. Benchmark A: Investigate, analyze and present concepts from across disciplines. Integrated Studies 1. Identify and/or demonstrate styles of authentic music or dance. Student Edition: Diversiones 48-49, 86, 124, 160, 198, 238 Más cultura y lectura 52 2. Convert U.S. units of measurement to the measurement system of the target culture. Student Edition: Conexiones 204-205 Cultura 11 3. Research and discuss health issues of adolescents in the target culture. Student Edition: Conexiones 244-245 Investigaciones 200, 240 4. Create and present a project about a target culture community that incorporates interdisciplinary content (e.g., graphics, artwork, maps, points of interest, authentic music). Student Edition: Manos a la obra 50, 162, 200 Plegables 51 Academic Content Standards Grade 7 5 Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004 STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES 5. Investigate and share findings on how geography and climate influence the lives of people in the target culture. Student Edition: Investigaciones 88, 200 Más cultura y lectura 90 Plegables 51 Teacher Wraparound Edition: LP 68, 81; SC 57 Benchmark B: Obtain information and discuss viewpoints from the target culture using authentic sources, and apply understandings to concepts from across disciplines. New Viewpoints 6. Summarize coverage of a current event from a target language news source. Teachers may emphasize summarizing current events as part of the following projects. Student Edition: 235 #6 Investigaciones 88, 127, 162, 240 7. Interview a target language speaker to obtain information for a project in another discipline. Student Edition: 121 Teacher Wraparound Edition: NS 121, 157, 200 Comparisons: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture. Benchmark A: Identify and discuss linguistic structures of the target language and English. Linguistic Comparisons 1. Identify prefixes and suffixes to determine word meanings. Student Edition: 102, 110, 119 #5, 184, 233 #3 Rompecabezas 126 Teacher Wraparound Edition: ASL 59 Benchmark B: Compare and contrast how linguistic structures carry meaning and vary across languages. Linguistic Comparisons 2. Compare and contrast grammatical categories such as tense, gender and agreement in the target language and English. Academic Content Standards Grade 7 Student Edition: 24-25, 34-35, 65, 72, 102, 104, 110, 112, 140, 146, 148, 176, 184, 224 Teacher Wraparound Edition: ASL 59, 65, 111, 146, 181; UA 26 6 Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004 STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES Benchmark C: Compare and contrast practices and perspectives of the target culture and students’ own culture. Cultural Comparisons 3. Compare and contrast cultural attitudes and perspectives about various topics (e.g., physical fitness, driving, education). Student Edition: 8, 11, 82 #2, 120 #2, 235 #6 Cultura y lectura 40-41, 78-79, 116-117, 152-153, 230-231 Más cultura y lectura 128-129, 164-165 Teacher Wraparound Edition: ASL 59; FF 116, 221; LP 175 Benchmark D: Compare and contrast products and perspectives of the target culture and students’ own culture. Cultural Comparisons 4. Compare products and perspectives from the target culture and students’ own culture (e.g., clothing, automobiles, cosmetics). Student Edition: 145 #6 Conexiones 204-205 Cultura y lectura 152-153, 190-191 Más cultura y lectura 164-165, 202-203 Teacher Wraparound Edition: FF 4, 67, 143, 221 Communities: Participate in multilingual communities and cultures at home and around the world. Benchmark A: Provide information or services to individuals, the school or the community using knowledge of the target language and culture. Outreach 1. Present information about the target language and culture to younger students (e.g., celebrations, holidays, the arts). The following activities would be suitable for presentations to younger students. Student Edition: 235 #6 Investigaciones 49, 88, 93, 127, 162, 200 Manos a la obra 50, 125, 162, 240 2. Participate in activities for the school or community (e.g., service projects, assisting speakers of other languages). Student Edition: 44 #2-#3, 120 #2 Academic Content Standards Grade 7 7 Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004 STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES Benchmark B: Perform for a school or community event. Outreach 3. Perform for, or participate in, school and community celebrations of the target culture. Student Edition: 8, 195 #5 Teatro 199 Teacher Wraparound Edition: NS 195 Benchmark C: Engage in communication with people locally and around the world. Outreach 4. Communicate with e-pals or pen pals about topics of personal and/or community interest. Student Edition: 45 #4, 83 #3, 121 #4, 235 #4 Benchmark D: Exchange information about, and personal reactions to, various products and media of the target culture. Enjoyment and Enrichment 5. Play sports or games from the target culture. The teacher can use the descriptions of sports and games to assist students in playing them. Student Edition: 210-211, 212-213, 220-221, 222-223, 235 Cultura y lectura 230-231 Juego 161, 239, 240 Más cultura y lectura 242-243 6. Listen to and discuss music, sing songs or play musical instruments from the target culture. Student Edition: Diversiones 48-49, 86, 124, 160, 198, 238 Más cultura y lectura 52 Teacher Wraparound Edition: T29 7. Read short narratives or poems and share with others. Student Edition: 27, 70 #6, 103 #8, 105 #14, 177, 185, 217, 250-251, 252-255 Benchmark E: Attend, participate in or view target culture events and describe to others. Enjoyment and Enrichment 8. Attend, participate in or view via media, target culture events (e.g., fairs, festivals, exhibitions, holiday and family celebrations) and describe to others. Academic Content Standards Grade 7 Student Edition: 8, 82 #2, 99, 195 #5 Teatro 199 Teacher Wraparound Edition: GC 6; NS 195 8 Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004 STANDARDS PAGE REFERENCES Benchmark F: Identify and present information about various careers that require understanding of another language and culture. Career Exploration and Skills 9. Investigate and present how second language skills are used and what level of proficiency is needed in various local and worldwide careers. Student Edition: Career Opportunities xxvii Teacher Wraparound Edition: CC 93, 131 10. Investigate and present work norms (e.g., schedules, salary, vacation, women in the work force, retirement age) in a variety of cultures. Student Edition: 11 Teacher Wraparound Edition: CC 93, 131 11. Identify career interests and abilities and evaluate career choices. Student Edition: Investigaciones 93 Teacher Wraparound Edition: CC 93 Benchmark G: Prepare and implement tools to facilitate group projects. Career Exploration and Skills 12. Work cooperatively (e.g., set goals, prioritize tasks, select resources, evaluate results) to complete tasks on a given theme (e.g., purchase a wardrobe for a planned trip based on climate, activities, budget, culture). Academic Content Standards Grade 7 Student Edition: 139 #4, 156, 194, 234 Manos a la obra 69 9 Glencoe Middle School Spanish ¿Cómo te va? A © 2004
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