February 19, 2017 - Holy Family Parish

February 19, 2017
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus the Teacher Stained Glass Window
Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica - Chicago, Illinois
The Lord Is Kind And Merciful!
Psalm 103:1-2
7:00 am Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel 7:30 am Sacred Heart Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
12:10 pm St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica 7:30 am St. Patrick Church (Español)
12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
5:00 pm St. Patrick Church
6:00 pm Our Lady by the Sea Church
7:00 pm Mary, Star of the Sea Church
9:00 am Holy Rosary Church
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
9:30 am St. Patrick Church (Young People’s Mass) 5:30 pm Benediction
11:00 am Sacred Heart Church
6:00 pm Mass (Español)
12:10 pm St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica
Holy Family Parish Office
1010 35th St. Galveston, TX 77550
Fr. E.J. Stein, OFM,
[email protected]
Fr. Maynard Tetreault, OFM,
Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Fr. Richard Goodin, OFM,
Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Fr. Orrin Halepeska,
Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Sam Dell’Olio [[email protected]]
Doug Matthews [[email protected]]
John Pistone [[email protected]]
Robert Standridge [[email protected]]
John Carrillo [[email protected]]
Director of Religious Formation
Tammy Juarez [[email protected]]
Director of Liturgy
Jonathan Wright [[email protected]]
Director of Communications
Tom Hoyt [[email protected]]
Communications Assistant
Shaun Bolen [[email protected]]
Martin Briones
Parish Secretary
Sarah DiPier [[email protected]]
Parish Receptionist
Vera Gavlik [[email protected]]
Business Manager
Heather Foster [[email protected]]
Asst. Business Manager - Finance
Renee Sims [[email protected]]
Holy Family Catholic School, Principal
Rita Hesse [[email protected]] (409) 765-6607
SUNDAY, February 19, 2017
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
SATURDAY 2/18 Vigil Masses
5:00 pm †Ida Jo Morse
6:00 pm For Vocations
7:00 pm For Vocations
SUNDAY 2/19 Masses
7:30 am †Cezar Fermin
7:30 am (esp.) †Deacon Henry (Enrique) Herrera
(1st Anniversary of Death)
9:00 am †Deceased and Living Members of the
Chambers Family
9:30 am †Margie Macklin
11:00 am Gabby Martinez (For Improved Health)
12:10 pm For the People
MONDAY 2/20 Masses
7:00 am †Fr. Neal Antle
12:10 pm †Celine Viernes (Anniversary of Birth)
TUESDAY 2/21 Masses
7:00 am †Tony Bustamenta
12:10 pm †Maria Alicia Garcia (Anniversary of Death)
WEDNESDAY 2/22 Masses
7:00 am For Vocations
12:10 pm †Fred and Carrie Wimhurst
6:00 pm †Guadalupe Salinas
THURSDAY 2/23 Masses
7:00 am †Dan and Marijo Dickson
12:10 pm †Salvatore and Maria Distefano
FRIDAY 2/24 Masses
7:00 am †Tony Bustamenta
12:10 pm Benjamin Israel (In Honor of Birthday)
St Patrick Church
Saturday, 3:30 - 4:30 PM
(via Office 409-762-9646)
January 29th: $29,225.72 Online Giving: $939.36
St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica - 21st & Church St.
Sacred Heart Church - 14th & Broadway
St. Patrick Church - 34th & Ave K
Holy Rosary Church - 31st & Ave N
Mary, Star of the Sea Church - 16626 San Luis Rd, Jamaica Beach
Our Lady by the Sea Church - 2400 Hwy 87, Crystal Beach, Bolivar
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel - Between Church and School building at
St. Patrick. Sign for “Chapel” on rear of school near handicap ramp.
On The Cover:
Jesus the Teacher Stained
Glass Window
Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica
- Chicago, Illinois
Parish Calendar
Priest Perspective
SUNDAY 2-19-17
11:00 am
5:00 pm
Religious Education All Classrooms
(Parish Life Center)
Religious Education All Classrooms
(Parish Life Center)
MONDAY 2-20-17
5:30 pm Genesis Choir Practice (room #2)
7:00 pm ACTS Retreat Meeting Esp. (cafeteria)
TUESDAY 2-21-17
6:00 pm Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena
(OLG Chapel)
6:30 pm RCIA (room #2)
7:00 pm
Genesis Meeting (cafeteria)
7:00 pm Bible Study (small conference room)
7:00 pm Cathedral Choir Practice
(St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica)
THURSDAY 2-23-17
7:00 pm Legion of Mary Esp. (small conference room)
FRIDAY 2-24-17
10:00 am Communion Service (Gulf Healthcare Cntr.)
SATURDAY 2-25-17
10:30 am Gulf Coast Interfaith Meeting (room #2)
Sacred Heart Church Closure!
Dear People of God,
It's time to be Irish again on March 17th and 18th!!! I
can't believe it's almost time for the festival to happen
again. We need many volunteers to make this festival fun,
unifying, and successful for the Parish. It is essential to know
that all parishioners are called to help us with this event.
Please contact us if you have special talents, have ideas, or
would like to just help with the process of the festival. Look
deeper within the bulletin for further details.
No matter what culture we come from one of the
many unifying things that make us Catholic is our belief in
the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Here are a few things to reflect on:
1. Many folks come to the Church who are not Catholic and
may not know what we believe about Eucharist. For those
who are not Catholic, or not prepared to receive can cross
their arms over the front of themselves and we will be happy
to give you a Holy Blessing. We offer classes to bring folks
into the Church. Call us if you need information.
2. All those receiving should receive the Host in front of the
Eucharistic Minister. It is not proper to take Jesus away from
the front of the Church without receiving. It is the
responsibility of all Eucharistic Minsters to make sure all
Host are received and that it is shown respect.
3. All those receiving should proclaim an "Amen" after the
EM offers the Host or Wine to the Person. This is to show
that you believe and are open to the many graces available in
this sacrament.
4.We as Catholics believe in the true presence of Jesus in the
Eucharist. Believing that we are receiving His Body and His
Blood for our salvation and the salvation of the whole
world. With this in mind, make sure to keep a respectful
awareness that the Eucharist is kept within the tabernacle in
the front of the Church. Genuflect and show respect to the
presence of our Lord.
Parishioners and visitors, please take notice!
Sacred Heart Church,14th & Broadway will be
closed for renovations.
Monday, February 13th - Sunday, February 26th.
7:30 am Mass will be held at St. Mary's
Cathedral Basilica, 21st & Church
11am mass is moved to St. Patrick Church,
1010 35th street.
There will be no services at Sacred Heart.
With all this in mind, make sure to prepare yourself for the
great gift of the Eucharist. Have a clean prepared heart so
that all God's graces can shower upon you in this great
sacrament. I know that you and I may not understand this
great mystery but God has promised us that he will help us
experience His love and mercy!!! The good news still is that
this love and mercy is for us all!!!
May God bless you with His abundant love,
Fr. Orrin
[email protected]
Update on St. Patrick's Day Festival
March 18, 2017!
The meeting on Sunday, February 12th was very well attended!
Thanks to everyone who shared their Sunday afternoon!
The Plant Stand Booth, an exciting addition to this year's
event, is seeking donations of...you guessed it, PLANTS!!
Small, medium, and large, potted or hanging, will be accepted
beginning, Wednesday, March 15th and will be watered and
cared for in the garden of St. Patrick's Rectory...then placed
in the booth for the Lucky Winners for Saturday, March 18th
Festival. Contact Vera Gavlik:
[email protected] or 409-762-9646
There will be two more planning meetings:
Sunday, February 26th & Sunday, March 12th, 2pm,
Parish Life Center, Room #2!
More Volunteers Are Welcome!
Flowers of the Week
Scripture Study Group February Calendar
02/23/17 7:00 pm OLBS Thursday Scriptural Study
Meetings are open to all parishioners and guests, and
non-Catholics who want to know more about what we
believe.. For more information please contact:
Gary William Wollman 3335 Prides Way P. O. Box
2773 Crystal Beach TX 7650-2773 401-419-3017
[email protected]
Your Flower Donations Will Appear In
This Box
To request a flower donation
Contact: Martie J. Terry
713-504-4202 [email protected]
Presented by the Altar Society
Ministerio Hispano
Queridos hermanos en Cristo,
Hoy les quiero compartir un poco sobre lo que nos corresponde a
cada uno de nosotros como hijos e hijas de Dios. Nuestro Papa
Francisco nos ha comentado sobre la mundanidad espiritual en la
“Alegría del Evangelio”, 93-98. El nos deja saber que cuando
buscamos la gloria humana y bienestar personal, no estamos buscando
la gloria del Señor. Estamos buscando nuestros propios intereses y no
los de Cristo. Por fuera todo parece correcto cuando estamos con el
cuidado de la apariencia y tenemos que resistir esto. Nuestra misión
tiene que ser centrada en Jesucristo. Todos pertenecemos a la Iglesia y
no a tal o cual grupo que se siente diferente o especial. Hay que decir
no a la mundanidad espiritual, no estar centrados en nosotros mismos,
y no escondernos en una apariencia religiosa vacía de Dios.
Aquí en esta comunidad somos los del “Si”. En unas pocas
Imagen en la Capilla de La Virgen de Guadalupe
semanas vamos a tener una oportunidad de ensenar lo poderoso que somos cuando trabajamos juntos
en apoyando la parroquia de la Sagrada Familia.
Una Cosita más sobre el Evangelio de Hoy
La santidad si es alcanzable para todos los cristianos. No es solo destinado a unos
cuantos privilegiados. Estamos todos llamados a ser santos. La Santidad proviene de Dios. El
nos da la fuerza necesaria par vivirla. “Ustedes, pues, sean perfectos, como su Padre celestial
es perfecto.” Mt 5:48
Que dios me los bendiga.
Su servidor,
Diacono Juan Carrillo
Reglas para Bodas
Para casarse en una de nuestras iglesias, la novia o el novio La familia debe de estar registrada en la Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia
debe ser un católico bautizado con una prueba de su registro sacramental.
La niña debe de estar asistiendo al catecismo (clases de
Doctrina) o ser estudiante en nuestra escuela
Si están disponibles, las bodas se pueden reservar en cualquiera de nuestras iglesias los sábados.
La niña debe de ver cumplido los 15 años al tiempo de la
Los feligreses de la parroquia de La Sagrada Familia deben
empezar las pláticas de preparación para la boda con el
Las misas de quince años se celebran Febrero 11, Mayo
sacerdote o diácono, seis meses antes de la fecha de la
27, Agosto 12, y Noviembre 11, 2017
Bautizos en Español
Las pláticas se llevan a cabo el cuarto viernes del mes a las 7:00 pm en el Parish Life Center
El Sacramento se realiza el cuarto sábado del mes a las 10:00 am en la Catedral Santa María de Galveston
No habrá Bautizos en Marzo, Abril, Noviembre, y Diciembre del 2017