February 5, 2017 St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church 25 Ocean Avenue, Center Moriches, New York 11934 -3698 631-878-0009 | Fax 631 -874-2466 r e c to r y @ s j e c m . o r g Parish Website: www.sjecm.org Facebook: Welcome Home-St. John the Evangelist Office of Faith Formation (Located in Red Barn): 631-878-4141 Office of Youth Ministry (Located in Red Barn): 631-874-4910 Parish Outreach (Located in Red Barn): 631-874-3617 PASTORAL TEAM Reverend John Sureau Pastor [email protected] Reverend Felix Akpabio Parochial Vicar [email protected] Reverend Dennis D. A. Suglia A. Suglia Parochial Vicar [email protected] Our Lady Queen of Apostles Regional School: 631-878-1033 arewith the light the He will baptizeYou you the of Holy SpiritMatthew andworld. fire. 5:14 Matthew 3:11 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Sunday of Advent February 5, 2017 December 4, 2016 John Pettorino Deacon [email protected] Sr. Ann Berendes, IHM Director of Parish Social Ministry [email protected] Michael Clauberg Director of Youth Ministry Youth Minister [email protected] Jane David Delassalle Erlanger Music Director Regional School Principal [email protected] [email protected] David Erlanger Michelle Pirraglia Regional School Director of FaithPrincipal Formation [email protected] [email protected] Michelle Pirraglia Katie Waller Director Faith Formation Business of Manager [email protected] [email protected] Katie Waller PARISH OFFICE Business Manager HOURS [email protected] Monday 9 a.m.— 9 p.m. PARISH OFFICE Tuesday 9 a.m.— 9 p.m. HOURS (Spanish translator available on Tuesday evenings) Wednesday 99 a.m.— a.m. – 99 p.m. p.m. Monday Thursday a.m.— 99 p.m. p.m. Tuesday 99 a.m.— (Spanish on Tuesday evenings) Fridaytranslator available 9 a.m.— 4 p.m. Wednesday 91 a.m. – 94 p.m. Saturday p.m.— p.m. Thursday 9 a.m.— 9 p.m. Friday 9 a.m.— 3 p.m. Saturday 1 p.m.— 4 p.m. St. John the Evangelist CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST SUNDAY MASS Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. + 7:30 p.m. (Spanish Mass) Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. (Children), 10:30 a.m. 12 Noon, 5:30p.m. (Life Teen) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. and 8:00a.m. + Saturday Morning: 8:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Monday—Saturday: Following Daily Mass Saturday Evening: 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., 7:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Spanish) Sundays: 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact the Rectory (631.878.0009) for a priest to celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick with the seriously ill or those preparing for surgery. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursdays: 12 Noon - 8:30 p.m. DEVOTIONS ROSARY: We pray the Rosary every day after Daily Mass in Our Lady’s Chapel and on Sundays before the 7:30 a.m. Mass and after the 12 Noon Mass. MONDAYS + 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. (unless otherwise noted in the Bulletin) Devotions begin with the Novena to our Blessed Mother, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS Confessions begin at 7:30 a.m., followed by Mass and devotions at 8 a.m. Afterwards there is a continental breakfast in the cafeteria. www.sjecm.org Page 1 February 5, 2017 Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal $99,500 SJE Challenge Goal Pledge: $__________ Down Payment: $__________ Balance: $__________ Parish:_St. John the Evangelist Center Moriches Name: ________________________ ___________ ___ Address: ______________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________ Phone:___________________ E-mail _______________________@_________ Donor Signature: ___________________________________ Date_____________ Place in weekly collection basket, drop off at the Parish Office make your donation or use the donation options listed above. Make Checks Payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Page 2 February 5, 2017 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL: A Win-Win Dear Parish Family: I write today to ask for your help and participation in this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal. I ask you to participate, not only because I have and do, but because I believe it is a “win-win” for our parish and the larger Church. Let me work backwards on that last sentence. Efforts like the Catholic Ministries Appeal remind us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. As Catholics we belong, not only to St. John the Evangelist, but to the Diocese of Rockville Centre. As members of the diocese we have a responsibility to support the work of the larger Church on Long Island. I know because of our commitment here how much we desire to reach and support those in need— whether financially, materially or spiritually. So many people here do amazing things at St. John the Evangelist. Indeed, blessed are we here at SJE! At the same time, we are limited in who we can reach and how we can impact their lives. That’s why we rely on the larger Church— the Diocese of Rockville Centre—and support their efforts. For example, as a parish we cannot run a seminary, but we can support seminarians. We cannot run an island wide housing program for veterans, but we can support their work through Catholic Charities. We cannot form young people on college campuses but we can support those efforts. We cannot communicate and organize with all the prisons on Long Island but we can support the work of those who do. That’s why I support the Catholic Ministries Appeal and I would like our parish to take an even larger effort in supporting this appeal. Here’s the second part! We benefit too. As of this writing, St. John’s will receive back over $23,000 from the 2016 CMA. That’s great and thank you to those who were part of last year’s efforts. I am hoping this year, we can raise that rebate and that this might be a significant fundraiser for the parish. Our goal from the diocese is $99,500. After talking over with our Finance Committee, they suggested that our parish have a challenge goal of $130,000. That could help us to raise nearly $40,000 or more for the parish. (That’s more than what we raise through our Summer Raffle!) You might ask, “Fr. John—just have another raffle. I’ll support it.” Well, I don’t want to do more fundraisers. (I’d actually like to do less of them!) You see, in this effort, we receive back from what we give. And in this effort, what we give helps something greater than ourselves, which is our responsibility as disciples. So that’s the story this week, particularly as we are called to let our light shine (Matthew 5:14) and called to give all we have for those in need (see the first reading). We are given a great opportunity by our participation in the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Let’s have a “win-win” for the parish and this local Church! With gratitude, P.S. Can I ask one other favor? I would prefer this effort for the CMA not to drag out too long in the months ahead. We have too many other good things to work on together! If you, can you make your pledge, whatever it is, as soon as possible? St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Page 3 February 5, 2017 MEET OUR NEW BISHOP Bishop Barres wants to meet you!!! MASS WITH OUR NEW BISHOP Bishop John O. Barres This Monday, February 6, 2017 12 Noon Our Lady of Snow R.C. Church Blue Point, NY Bishop Barres is inviting everyone in this local area of parishes, a deanery, to come and meet and pray with him. Msgr. Fink, the Pastor of Our Lady of the Snow is the area dean and will host us on the 6th. (As the dean, Msgr. Fink came to SJE to install Fr. John as our Pastor in November). Our Lady of the Snow is located at 175 Blue Point Avenue, Blue Point, NY. What about having a couple of friends meet here at SJE and car-pooling over to Our Lady of the Snow? PLEASE NOTE: So that our staff may attend this Mass, parish offices will be closed from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, February 6, 2017. Thank you for your understanding! PREPARING FOR LENT Our Pastoral Team met a few weeks ago to look at our plans this Lent. Getting Ready for We will celebrate additional Masses on The ashes used on Ash Wednesday come from the previous year’s palms. This year, we would like everyone to be a part of that transformation. Over the next few weeks, please bring last year’s palms and place them in the baskets by the doors of the Church. Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. And Thursday afternoons at 12 Noon during the season of Lent. If you would like to remember a loved one at Mass, please visit the Parish Office. We will celebrate Stations of the Cross at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. ASH WEDNESDAY We will burn the palms at the end of Mardi Gras on February 26th. on the Fridays of Lent! (Students at OLQA will lead the 1 p.m. service and our parish priests and deacons will lead the 7 p.m. service each week.) St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Page 4 February 5, 2017 OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Mr. David Erlanger + [email protected] School Principal Spaghetti Dinner A great pre-game for Catholic Schools Week at Our Lady Queen of the Apostles, our regional Catholic school. Hundreds turned out for our Spaghetti Dinner in support of OLQA. Thanks to the many hands and hearts who offered their time "up front" and "behind the scenes" to make the night a wonderful one for all involved and a successful fundraiser for our school. OPEN HOUSE Last Sunday, OLQA hosted its annual Open House. Thanks to all the faculty, parents and staff who helped to make the day a success. More people came to this year’s Open House than in other years and a great spirit filled the day. Want to learn more about our great Catholic School? Visit their website at www.olqany.org or call at 631.878.1033 St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Page 5 February 5, 2017 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT SJE! Whether you are young or not so young, you’ll have a great time at our first annual…. SJE Mardi Gras! (The great feast before the Lenten fast begins!) Sunday, February 26, 2017 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. School Auditorium Immediately following the 12 Noon Mass Come and celebrate with our parish family for an afternoon of music, games, food, and fun for all ages! Mardi Gras will conclude with the burning of the palms which will produce the ashes we will use this Ash Wednesday. Please bring an appetizer, a 1/2 tray of “something” or a dessert to Mardi Gras (you can drop it off before Mass). To RSVP and to let us know what you can bring, contact Elaine Zukowski at [email protected] or call at 631 878-0565 . MARDI GRAS REPLY FORM Family Name _______________________________________________________________________________ ____ #of adults _____# of children & ages__________________________ Telephone number:___________________ Email Address:______________________@___________ Covered Dish/Appetizer/Dessert you are bringing _______________________________________________ Please RSVP by contact Elaine—contact info listed above—or return this form to the Rectory or in the collection basket ASAP. All donations accepted. St. John the Evangelist 5 www.sjecm.org Page 6 February 5, 2017 YOUTH MINISTRY Michael Clauberg + [email protected] Michael Clauberg + [email protected] Hours Sundays: Hours vary with Sunday Director of Youth Ministry Director of Youth Ministry Boy Scouts: Pat Hahn [email protected] Boy Scouts: Pat Hahn [email protected] Masses Mondays: 3:30 to 9:30 p.m. Cub Scouts: Michael Hayes + [email protected] Cub Scouts: Michael Hayes + [email protected] Tuesdays: 7:30 to 11:00 a.m./ EDGE (Middle School Youth Minstry): EDGE (Middle [email protected] School Youth Minstry): [email protected] 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Life Teen (High School Life Teen Youth(High Ministry): SchoolMichael Youth Ministry): Clauberg +Michael [email protected] Clauberg + [email protected] Wednesdays: 3:30 to 9:30 p.m. SJE Service Corps: Fr. John Sureau SJE+Service [email protected] Corps: Fr. John Sureau + [email protected] Thursdays: 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Young Adult Ministry: [email protected] Adult Ministry: [email protected] Serving Justice Excellently LIFE TEEN WILL NOT MEET ON FEBRUARY 5th. ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH YOUR FAMILIES ON SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! YOUTH SERVICE CORPS ATTENTION: TEENS AND PARENTS! Another Component of Youth Ministry at St. John the Evangelist! There is such a great need for service in the life of our parish and often a huge number of young people who want to help those in need. This new Service Corps is one way to make this connection. Here’s how it works: 1. ANY middle school, high school and college aged students send their contact information to Fr. John at [email protected] (You do not need to already be a part of Life Teen or Middle School Youth Ministry to be part of the Service Corps.) 2. As requests for help come from or come into our parish, you’ll be contacted to see if you can help. 3. If you can help with a particular project, great! If not, no problem. You’ll be contacted for the next one! It really is that easy!!! SIGN UP TODAY by completing the form below or e-mailing Fr. John at [email protected]. WANT TO SCORE A TOUCHDOWN WITH JESUS? CALL MIKE @ 631-874-4910 TODAY AND VOLUNTEER IN YOUTH MINISTRY. ST. JOHN'S MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY WEDNESDAYS ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST PARISH INVITING ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH STARTING FEBRUARY 15th! 7:00-8:30 (IT'S FREE) FREE FOOD & BRING YOUR FRIENDS!!!!! A FUN SOCIAL NIGHT FOR ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUENTS IN THE 6th, 7th & 8th GRADE LEVELS ON THE WEDNESDAY DATES BELOW! February 15 March 1 , March 15 March 29 , April 12 April 26, May 3 May 17 , May 31 YES!!! Sign me up for the Youth Service Corps at SJE Name____________________________________________ Home Phone # ________________________________ Cell Phone #____________________________ E-mail________________________@__________________ As of September 2016, I am in (list grade) ____Middle School ___High School St. John the Evangelist QUESTIONS…Contact- | Michael Clauberg, Director of Youth Ministry| |631-874-4910 | [email protected] | |Instagram: StJohnlifeteencm| |ST. JOHN YOUTH MINISTRY| 25 OCEAN AVE. | CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934| ___College www.sjecm.org Page 7 February 5, 2017 FAITH FORMATION Phone: 631-878-4141 / Fax: 631-874-6065 / Website: sjecm.org + Facebook: StJohn FaithFormation Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 12Noon-5:00PM Saturday by appointment only THIS WEEK: Level 2 First Penance Services Level 2 First Reconciliation services will be held the week of February 6, during our normal class times. Parents are asked to accompany their child/children to the Church instead of attending classes this week. Level 2 parents whose children are on Home Study should consult their 1st Communion letter for their day/time. If you have any questions, please contact us at 631-878-4141 or [email protected] Last week, our Level 2 students prepared for the Sacrament of Penance in prayer. In special prayer services, our Level 2 students and their families reflected upon the sacrament of Baptism and the mission we have to never be far from the hand of God! Reconciliation Service—Level 4 1st Reconciliation Service Last Saturday, our Level 4 students and their parents attended a prayer service and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A special thank you to all who came. What a blessing to see so many families experience God’s mercy through this Sacrament! Our Level 6 Reconciliation Service will be held on Saturday March 11 @ 11:30AM in the Church. St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Page 8 February 5, 2017 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Sister Ann Berendes, IHM + [email protected] Director of Parish Social Ministry SJE HOMELESS INITIATIVE In these days of such coldness, I think of, and I invite you to do the same, of all the people living on the street, hit by the cold and often indifference. Unfortunately, some have not made it [survived]. We pray for them and ask the Lord to warm our hearts to help them. -Pope Francis, Angelus, January 8, 2017 St. John’s is about to embark on a new endeavor to help the homeless in our local area. Those who attended our meeting in the Fall, were contacted this week with the latest information about what is happening here! Because of the incredible response we have received, we are going to split work on our efforts and desires in two directions: Street Ministry/Van Ministry: This ministry will form and develop an effort that will meet the homeless and poor where they are staying presently. Alex Finta, our Social Work Intern, will coordinate this aspect of the ministry. Our first planning meeting took place last week. For more information, contact Alex at [email protected]. Meal Ministry: This part of the Homeless Initiative will work to offer some type of meal here at SJE. This meal will be for the homeless, those in need of a meal, and those in need of fellowship. Fr. John will begin the work of coordinating this aspect of the ministry. Our first planning meeting will take place on February 8, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. For more information, you can contact Fr. John at [email protected]. Interested in learning more about the overall effort of this initiative, contact Alex Finta, our Social Work Intern, at [email protected] Prison Families Anonymous “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36 Prison Families Anonymous welcomes anyone who now has, or ever had, a loved one involved in the juvenile or criminal justice system. At meetings, we share our experience, strength and hope. Here we offer information and assistance in navigating the criminal justice system. We encourage members to exchange phone numbers and when possible to carpool to upstate prisons. Prison Families Anonymous (PFA) Life becomes more difficult and stressful for family and friends when a loved one becomes incarcerated. Relationships and responsibilities can become strained and the dynamics within the family often change dramatically. The PFA Support Group provides a safe, non-judgmental place where those in similar situations can connect with each other. It provides compassion, support and information to family members during their very difficult times. The Prison Families Anonymous Support Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month starting at 7:30 P.M. at the Community Presbyterian Church 1843 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park, NY 11729 Northeast corner of Deer Park and Lake Ave. Parking lot entrance on Lake Ave– Use rear door closest to parking lot. St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Page 9 February 5, 2017 Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal $99,500 SJE Challenge Goal St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Page 10 February 5, 2017 Comité De Obispos Para La Migración Presidente Se Opone Fuertemente A La Orden Ejecutiva Porque Perjudica Vulnerable Refugiados Y Las Familias Inmigrantes WASHINGTON-El presidente Donald J. Trump emitió hoy una orden ejecutiva abordar el programa de admisión de refugiados de Estados Unidos y la migración a los Estados Unidos, por lo general. La orden ejecutiva prácticamente se cierra el programa de admisión de refugiados durante 120 días, reduce el número de refugiados para ser admitido en los Estados Unidos este año de 110.000 a 50.000 individuos, y suspende indefinidamente el reasentamiento de refugiados sirios.Además, se da prioridad a las minorías religiosas sufren de persecución religiosa, deprioritizing con ello todas las demás personas que huyen de la persecución; pide una barra temporal de admisión a los Estados Unidos a partir de un número de países de especial preocupación (todos de mayoría musulmana); e impone un nuevo proceso de selección aún por determinarse para todas las personas que deseen entrar a los Estados Unidos. Comunidad Hispano de San Juan Evangelista, Center Moriches MINISTERIOS Y SERVICIOS Dirección de la Oficina: 25 Ocean Ave. Center Moriches, NY 11934 Teléfono: 1-631.878.0009 Horas especiales para asistencia en español: Martes- 7 PM – 9 PM Santa Misa: Sábados - 7:30 PM Confesiones: Sábado - 7:00 PM en la Iglesia Bautismos: Segundo Domingo a las En cuanto a detenerse y la reducción de los ingresos de la Orden Ejecutiva, 2p.m. en la iglesia y Cuarto Sábado de Obispo Joe S. Vásquez, de Austin, Texas, presidente de la Comisión de cada mes durante la misa. Migración, declaró: Clases pre-bautismos es el tercero martes "Estamos totalmente en desacuerdo con la admisión de refude cada mes. giados de acampada de la Orden Ejecutiva. Creemos que Locación – en el Granero rojo a las 7 ahora más que nunca, la bienvenida a los recién llegados y refugiados es un acto de amor y esperanza. Vamos a seguir PM. para acoplarse a la nueva administración, ya que tenemos Favor de traer el certificado de nacitodas las administraciones para la duración de el programa miento del niño dos meses antes del actual de refugiados, ahora casi cuarenta años. Vamos a trabautismo. bajar vigorosamente para asegurar que los refugiados son recibidos con humanidad en colaboración con Catholic CharRequisitos: ities sin sacrificar nuestra nuestros valores fundamentales 1. Certificado de nacimiento del niño o/ como los estadounidenses de seguridad o, y para asegurar de la niña. que las familias pueden reunirse con sus seres queridos. " 2. Certificado de inscripción de su ParEn cuanto a la prohibición de la Orden Ejecutiva sobre los refugiados sirios, roquia (padres y padrinos) la priorización de las minorías religiosas sufren de persecución religiosa, el 3. Los padres deben traer estos documenObispo Vásquez agregó: tos a la oficina de San Juan para fijar las "Estados Unidos ha proporcionado durante mucho tiempo el fechas de charla pre-bautismal liderazgo en el reasentamiento de refugiados. Creemos en (OBLIGATORIA para padres y paayudar a todos aquellos que son vulnerables y huyen de la drinos) y la fecha del Bautismo. persecución, independientemente de su religión. Esto incluye Matrimonios: los cristianos, así como Yazidis y chiítas musulmanes de Siria, rohingyas de Birmania, y otra minorías religiosas. Sin Parejas que planean su matrimonio, embargo, tenemos que proteger a todos nuestros hermanos y deben hacer una cita con uno de los sachermanas de todas las creencias, incluidos los musulmanes, erdotes antes de su boda. De este modo que han perdido la familia, el hogar y el país. Ellos son hijos tendrán suficiente tiempo para recibir las de Dios y tienen derecho a ser tratados con dignidad humana. Creemos que al ayudar a reasentar a los más vulnerainstrucciones prematrimoniales y obtener bles, estamos viviendo nuestra fe cristiana como Jesús nos ha los documentos necesarios. Para más retado a hacer ". información llame al oficina. En el futuro después del anuncio, el Obispo Vásquez llegó a la conclusión: "Hoy en día, más de 65 millones de personas en todo el mundo están obligados a abandonar sus hogares. Teniendo en cuenta este extraordinario nivel de sufrimiento, los Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos redoblará su apoyo y esfuerzos para proteger, todos los que huyen de la persecución y la violencia, ya que sólo una parte del trabajo perenne y universal de la Iglesia en esta área de preocupación ". St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Exposición del Santísimo (adoración): Jueves, 12:00PM - 8:00PM Renovación Carismática: Domingo 7:30Pm en la Iglesia. R.I.C.A (Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos): Padre Suglia 1-631.878.0009 Page 11 February 5, 2017 PRAYER AND WORSHIP REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES…. Living and Deceased We are often looking for ways to remember our loved ones—whether alive here on earth or living with God. Often, the items we use at Mass can be memorialized in honor of a loved one. Devotional Candles Sanctuary Lamp—located in the Sanctuary which informs us that the Blessed Sacrament is present. Sacred Heart Candle—located in the Southeast corner of the Church Blessed Mother Candle—located in the Northeast corner of the Church St. Joseph Candle—located in the Northwest corner of the Church St. Gerard Majella Candle—located in the Southwest corner of the Church These candles remain burning for approximately one week. They bring an added beauty to our Church and highlight the beautiful saints that adorn our Church. An offering of $15.00 allows those candles to burn each week. Please consider remembering a loved one while also helping our Church with some necessary expense. For more information about assisting with this project, please contact the Parish Office. Next Week’s Readings Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading I: Sirach 15:15-20 We may choose life or death. Responsorial Psalm: PS 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 God reveals his wisdom through the Spirit. Gospel: Matthew 5:17-37 or Matthew 5:20-22A, 2728, 33-34A, 37 Jesus comes to fulfill the law. Discussion Questions 1. Which do we choose, life or death? Good or evil? Do we always know which is which? When you don’t know for sure, do you trust in God and go with your best guess? Why did God give us free choice? 2. How is it that the Spirit can scrutinize the depths of God? Discuss ways in which the Spirit scrutinizes you. 3. Jesus is critical of the Pharisees’ type of righteousness, which focuses on externals. They make sure everyone sees when they fast, pray on street corners, wash hands, etc. How do these things relate to the inner Spirit of the law? How do they relate to loving God and neighbor? Stewardship How can I repay the LORD for all the great good done for me? Psalm 116:2 MUSIC @ SJE! The psalm and readings for today’s liturgies are found at #1121 in the Worship Hymnal. Scheduled Hymns for 2/4 and 2/5 Entrance Hymn: #734, A Fire is Meant for Burning Preparation Hymn: #741, Build Your City on the Hill Communion Hymn: #951, All Who Hunger Closing Hymn: #584, Christ Be Our Light St. John the Evangelist Sunday 1/29/17: $13,884 (2016: $16,440) Each week, we provide envelopes for specific areas of parish life. This allows us to focus our stewardship in certain areas. Ideally, we would love to have a strong regular collection which would make these envelopes unnecessary. Next week, please make use of the Parish Improvements envelope and/or place your offering in the regular collection. PLEASE NOTE: Effective January 2017, tax reports can only be produced for those who use envelopes (or eventually electronic giving). If you are in need of envelopes, please contact the parish office. www.sjecm.org Page 12 February 5, 2017 PRAYING FOR AND WITH ONE ANOTHER Praying for our Military We Believe In your generosity, please pray for our parish family members serving abroad in the military. Family members, please call the rectory to add or update your loved one’s status if they have returned. Baptism incorporates us into Christ and forms us into God’s people. -Rite of Baptism, 2 Our Newly Baptized Benjamin Joseph Uchmanowicz Maisy Jean Rutan Ryan Robert Risolo US Army Sgt. Justin Sikorski US Air Force Lt. Col. Stephen D’Amico, SSgt. Jason M. Hermes SRA Ryan Kerstiens, SRA Timothy Kerstiens Cpt. Salvatore Sferrazza, Jr. We Celebrate “The sacrament (of Matrimony) is a gift given for the sanctification and salvation of the spouses, since “their mutual belonging is a real representation, through the sacramental sign, of the same relationship between Christ and the Church.” —Pope Francis, The Joy of Love, 55 II. Thomas Patrick Eilers and Jenessa Marie Donovan US Marine Corps Pfc Sean Brady, Patrick Kimes, Cpl. Kevin Oettinger Lt. Col. Robert K. Maldonado. L/Cpl. Quentin Montemarano We Pray… “In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials…” -1 Peter 1:6 US Navy STGCS Brian Holzmacher Andrew Ponzio Mike O’Brien Anne Minelli Carolyn Corcoran Nancy Firneisz Vivian Orofino Nicholas Stoia Brian Walker Frank Kollman Fergus Mcdemott Michael Peppe Judy Gooding If you would like have someone serving in the military placed on the list above or if a name should be removed, please contact the Parish Office at 631.878.0009 or e-mail to [email protected]. Names will be announced at Mass the first week they are submitted and will remain on this list for approximately four weeks. If you would like a loved ones name placed under Prayers for the Sick, please call the rectory at 631.878.0009 or e-mail to [email protected] JOIN SJE MUSIC MINISTRY! Children’s Choir— Stephanie Lengyel—[email protected] Practice Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Adult Choir— Sister Ann Berendes, IHM– [email protected] Practice Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Life Teen Music Ministry– Tess Austin— [email protected] Practice at 4 p.m. on Sundays See contact information above to learn more about music ministry. St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Page 13 February 5, 2017 PREPARING FOR THE WEEK AHEAD MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Please note: RBMR—Red Barn—1st Floor Meeting Room RBUR—Red Barn Upper Room MASS SCHEDULE Monday, February 6, 2017 St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs Monday, February 6, 2017 7:00 a.m. Richard Norton Walter Berky 6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous RBMR 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Thrift Shop Sorting Thrift Shop 4:45 p.m. Level 2– First Reconciliation Church Tuesday, February 7, 2017 Weekday 7:30 p.m. Devotions– Holy Hour for Priests Church Tuesday, February 7, 2017 6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous RBMR 9:30 a.m. Scripture Study RBMR 4:45 p.m. Level 2– First Reconciliation Church 7:00 p.m. Divine Will Prayer Group RBUR 7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Church 7:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous RBMR Wednesday, February 8, 2017 6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous RBMR 9:30 a.m. Thrift Shop Open Thrift Shop 4:45 p.m. Level 2– First Reconciliation Church 6:00 p.m. Children’s Choir Church 6:00 p.m. Troop 800 Cub Scout Meeting Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. Troop 800 Boy Scout Meeting Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. Community Meal Auditorium Thursday, February 9, 2017 6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous RBMR 4:00 p.m. Legion of Mary RBMR Friday, February 10, 2017 7:00 a.m. Edward Erhardt 8:00 a.m. Ernest Vigliotta Wednesday, February 8, 2017 Weekday St. Jerome Emiliani; Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin 7:00 a.m. The Special Intentions of the Formisano Family 8:00 a.m. Edward Garzero Thursday, February 9, 2017 Weekday 7:00 a.m. Carol Ann Kelly 8:00 a.m. Donald L. Bergen Friday, February 10, 2017 St. Scholastica, Virgin 7:00 a.m. Mary McCadden 8:00 a.m. C. Thomas De Masco Saturday, February 11, 2017 Weekday Our Lady of Lourdes 8:00 a.m. Ernest Vigliotta Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous RBMR Mass of Anticipation 7:30 p.m. Encuentro Hispanic Ministry Auditorium 5:00 p.m. Poor Souls of Purgatory 7:30 p.m. Alberto Mendez and Rosa Encarnacion Perez Saturday, February 11, 2017 6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous RBMR Sunday, February 12, 2017 Sunday 7:30 a.m. Myrna Koolman People of the Parish 6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous RBMR 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous (Men’s) RBMR 10:30 a.m. Evan Reilly 7:00 p.m. Life Teen/HS Youth Ministry Auditorium 12:00 p.m. Jean Kelledy 7:30 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group Church 5:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist www.sjecm.org Lillian Bach Page 14
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