101-41 91st Street, Ozone Park, New York, 11416 Tel: 718.845.3691 • Fax: 718.845.8978 www.nativityststans.org Email: [email protected] Fr. Paul C. Palmiotto, Pastor Rev. Andrzej Salwowski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Reinaldo Saldarriaga, Parochial Vicar Rev. David Ahiahorny, Parochial Vicar Rev. Angelo B. Pezzullo, Retired & In Residence Deacon Andrew A. Marchello, Retired Deacon Edward J. Guster, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Perretta, Religious Education Director Jonathan Mercado, Organist MASS SCHEDULE Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday - Friday 7:00 am ~ 9:00 am English Saturday 9:00 am English 5:30 pm English 7:00 pm Spanish Sunday 7:30 am English 9:00 am Italian 10:30 am English 12:00 pm English 1:30 pm Filipino 3rd Sunday of each month 6:30 pm English Holy Days - As announced in the Bulletin St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Location-Rockaway Blvd. & 88th Sunday 9:00 am English 11:00 am Polish 12:30 pm English RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday Saturday 9:00am - 12noon 9:00am - 12noon 1:00pm - 5:00pm 1:00pm - 4:00pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Nativity: 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month St. Stanislaus: 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each month (Original birth certificate and must be a parishioners with envelopes for at least 6months) SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples should contact the parish office at least six months in advance to make the proper arrangements. MUST BE A PARISHIONER WITH ENVELOPES SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Nativity only. For confession at other times you can make an individual appointment SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Saturday of each month during the 9:00 am Please notify a priest whenever anyone is seriously ill to receive this special sacrament. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE To register or for any information (718) 845-1524 This office provides Religious formation and also the sacramental preparation for children of our parish who wish to receive First Penance, First Eucharist and Confirmation must be a parishioner (receive envelopes) SCHOOL Divine Mercy Catholic Academy 101-60 92nd Street, Ozone Park, NY 11416 Tel: 718-845-3074 • Fax: 718-845-5068 Sister Francis Marie, C.S.F.N., Principal MISSION STATEMENT The Parish of Nativity of the BVM & St. Stanislaus B&M is a community of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Our purpose is to evangelize and to provide a home for all who seek to deepen their Faith. We will continue to respect our cultural traditions while responding to the changing needs of our community. October 12TH Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time atà|ä|àç Éy à{x UÄxááxw i|Üz|Ç `tÜç 9 Saturday, October 11TH Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00AM (Living) Patty Mahoney By Hobbs Family Eugeniusz and Barbara Krowicki By Jozefa Kula and Family 5:30PM Joseph Sposato By Maria and Marisa Sposato Mary Lindsay ~ 3rd Anniversary By Catherine Lindsay 7:00PM Karcsi Agoston Molics By Erika Agoston and Family October 12TH Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Frank Torre By Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perretta 9:00AM (Italian) Santo Ieraci By daughter Tina 10:30AM Holy Name Society 12:00NOON Bella and Louis Buonocore By Hobbs Family 6:30PM Maryanne Rossi By Gerald D’Ambrosio Monday, October 13TH Columbus Day NO MASS AT 7:00AM 9:00AM In honor of St. Anthony By Miller Familiy Tuesday, October 14TH Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr 7:00AM Adam Kosiorowski By Mokrzycki Family 9:00AM Joseph Szewczyk By Theresa Maglione Wednesday, October 15TH St. Teresa of Avila, Virgin and Doctor 7:00AM Joseph Allocco By Woods Family 9:00AM Richard F. Leo By wife Bernadette fàA fàtÇ|áÄtâá U|á{ÉÑ tÇw `tÜàçÜ October 12TH Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00AM Stella Obohoski By Gertrude Gwadjak 11:00AM (Polish) Bronislawa Dworniczak By Syn z Rodzina 12:30PM Franciszka and Antoni Woinski By Son and Family October 19TH Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00AM Leonard Smith By Family 11:00AM (Polish) Special Intention By Agata Drzewicki 12:30PM Kate Walter and John Magda By Jozefa Kula and Family Stewardship Collection for the weekend of October 4th and 5th, 2014 Nativity Church St Stanislaus Church th Saturday October 4 5:30pm $658 7:00pm $534 Sunday October 5th 7:30am $692 9:00am $167 9:00am 10:30am $969 11:00am 12:00pm $770 12:30pm 6:30pm $379 TOTAL TOTALS $4,169.00 $959 $726 $287 $1,972.00 The Mass is a truly and unique special gift!!! Thursday, October 16TH St. Ambrose 7:00AM (Healing) Madge Contino By Divine Mercy Catholic Academy 9:00AM Louis Buonocore By Hobbs Family We have a new priest, father David. Hence, we are happy to announce that the Mass at 8:00am is on the schedule again starting in November For intentions please come to the rectory. Friday, October 17TH St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 7:00AM Intentions of the Priest 9:00AM Roman and Kazimier Krysiuk By Gloria Supek Saturday, October 18TH St. Luke, Evangelist 9:00AM Eugeniusz and Barbara Krowicki By Sokolnia Rocco and Maria Cirotti By Daughter 5:30PM Salvatore Alesci By Frank Alesci and Family Michael Herbert By Brother 7:00PM (Spanish) George Gonzalez (Bendiciones en su Cumpleaños) Intención de la Familia October 19TH Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Intentions of the Priest 9:00AM (Italian) Madonna di Pompei By Maria Angieri 10:30AM Mary Jean D’Falco By Louis D’Ambrosio Madelene Finn 12:00NOON By Bennett Family 1:30pm (Filipino) Intentions of the Priest 6:30PM Rita Rizzo By Judy Rizzo Please Pray for the Sick Eleanor Martuscello Barbara Martuscello David Diaz Frank Caracciola Erminia Vegas Antoinette Saravo Anna Scotti Carmen Navas Fatima Joseph Kellen Peter Burgardt, Jr. Shirley Aguilar Richard Steimle James Smith Margaret Ambrocesshie Patrick G. Burns Anthony Madonna Mario LoMonico Lisa Gottuso Kai Sawe Rose Jagai Vela Quiroz Britney Duran Jean Basumak Shelly Lora Tomás Milián Luis Camacho Tony Titone Victor Molé William Sepe Jackie Kingsley Zoe Bonowitz William G. Tandazo Maria Remache Prayer for Healing Merciful God, we remember before You all who are sick this day. Give them courage to live with their disease. Help them to face and overcome their fears. Be with them when they are alone or rejected. Comfort them when they are discouraged. And touch them with Your healing Spirit that they may find and possess eternal life, now and forever. Amen. Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis for October Pray for the Deceased May they rest in Peace Angelina M. Conti, Josephine Genco, Isabel M. Urban, Biagio Notario, Piedad Morales, Muriel M. Jarvis, Peter Giaquinto, Michael Guerrieri, Vincent La Regina, Steven Curattelo, Joan Ramanna, Giuseppa Beltempo, † 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal Nativity of the BVM/St. Stanislaus B&M is once again please to participate in the Brooklyn Diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. Our goal for this year is $58,850. To date our Parish has achieved : Pledged $48,934 83.15% Received $44,084 74.91% Donors 268 –12.20% of Parishioners Rosary Altar Society ǡ ͚͘ǡ ͚͙͜͡ ͙͚ǣ͘͘ Ǧ Ǥ Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. ♦ World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. ♦ Sacred Heart Society invites for Pilgrimage to American Czestochowa (Pennsylvania) Sunday: November 2nd 2014 Bus: Rockaway Blvd / 89th Street at 7:45 AM Ticket: $40.00 (person) All invited dŽǁĂƌnjLJƐƚǁŽ ^ĞƌĐĂ :ĞnjƵƐ ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjƵũĞ WŝĞůŐƌnjLJŵŬħ ĚŽ ŵĞƌLJŬĂŷƐŬŝĞũ njħƐƚŽĐŚŽǁLJ ǁ EŝĞĚnjŝĞůħ Ͳ Ϯ >ŝƐƚŽƉĂĚĂ ϮϬϭϰ KĚũĂnjĚ ĂƵƚŽďƵƐƵ͗ ZŽĐŬĂǁĂLJ ůǀĚ ͬ ϴϵƚŚ ^ƚƌĞĞƚ Ž ŐŽĚnj͘ ϳ͗ϰϱ D ŝůĞƚ͗ ΨϰϬ͘ϬϬ ŽĚ ŽƐŽďLJ COLUMBUS DAY The Parish Office will be closed Monday, October 13th, in observance of Columbus Day. There will be one Mass at 9AM. Our office will reopen on Tuesday, October 14th at 9AM. SAVE THE DATES !!! PARISH FELLOWSHIP FAIR Saturday, October 18th 5:00-7:00pm Sunday, October 19th 8:30am-1:30pm in Nativity Church Hall Have you ever wondered how you and your family can become more engaged in the life of our Parish family? The Parish Fellowship Fair is a golden opportunity to meet your fellow parishioners and learn more about the various organizations, societies, groups, activities, apostolates and communities that play a vital role in the life of our Parish. Come explore: Boys Scouts, CYO Basketball, Catholic War Veterans, Columbiettes, Confraternity of Christian Mothers, Ferrini League, Holy Name Society, Hook and Needle Circle, Knights of Columbus, Nativity BVM Alumni Association, Nativity BVM-St. Stanislaus Seniors, Nativity BVM-St. Stanislaus Youth Group, Ozone Park CSA, Religious Education Program, R.C.I.A, R.C.I.A. for Teens, Rosary Society, Squires, Squirettes, Usher Society, Filipino Apostolate, Hispanic Community, Italian Apostolate, and more... We invite all parishioners to offer flowers in honor of a Saint or in memory of a loved one for our church St. Stanislaus. Let us know about your flower donation so that it can be announced in the weekly bulletin. Thank you Invitamos a todos los feligreses a ofrecer flores en honor de algún santo o en memoria de un ser querido para nuestra iglesia de San Estanislao. Déjenos saber su donación de flores para anunciarla en el boletín semanal. Gracias DIVINE MERCY CATHOLIC ACADEMY DMCA will be having their Annual Fair on Sunday, November 9th, 2014 From 9:00am to 4:00pm Please call (718) 845-3074 ext. 3 for vendor information Zapraszamy wszystkich parafian do ofirowania kwiatów do naszego kościoła - Świętego Stanisława aby uczcić wspomnienie jakiegoś świętego lub dla upamiętnienia ukochanej osoby. Prosimy o GIANT INDOOR FLEA MARKET poinformowanie nas aby ofiara w formie kwiatów została ogłoszony w tygodniowym biuletynie. Dziękujemy Nativity Church Hall ~ Sunday November 23rd 9:00am to 4:00pm Holy Name Society MEETING Oct. 12, 2014 at 9:00am Nativity Hall 10:30am Mass Follow Raffle Tickets: To win $25.00 Supermarket Gift Certificate For Table Rental Call: Marge Colace (718) 843-4680 or Charlotte (917) 337-7613 Journey for Christ/Jornada Youth Group meeting October 17, 2014 at 2PM at St. Stan’s Hall 88th and 102nd Street All youth are Welcome! Come join, see what fun, and check it out, meet friends bring a friend, light snacks and games, plus more! God is alive and is cool More info contact Walter Strack-718-808-3704- Yo hablo Español. Youth Group Jam sponsored by Journey for Christ/Jornada Nativity-St. Stanislaus Group Virtus Training If you work or volunteer in the parish you need to be Virtus Certified. That is being made aware of child and elder abuse and the sign. It will be offered in Spanish on October 15, 2014 from 7:00PM to 9:30PM in the Nativity Church Hall It will be offered in English on October 22, 20 14 from 7:00PM to 9:30PM in the Nativity Church Hall You must register at https://www.virtus.org Music, snacks and fun St. Stan’s Parish Hall 102nd Ave & 88th Street October 24 at 7 PM till 10 PM For more info contact Walter Strack 718-808-3704 Yo hablo Español. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Built of Living Stones Art, Architecture, and Worship Sacred Arts Policies2010 § 124. Plans for seasonal decorations should include other areas besides the sanctuary. Decorations are intended to draw people to the true nature of the mystery being celebrated rather than being ends in themselves. Natural flowers, plants, wreaths and fabric hangings, and other seasonal objects can be arranged to enhance the primary liturgical points of focus. Follow steps for registration, we are in the Brooklyn Diocese. Then pick out Nativity ~ St. Stanislaus Any questions please feel free to contact me: Walter Strack (718) 808-3704, Yo hablo Español. The altar should remain clear and free-standing, not walled in by massive floral displays or the Christmas crib, and pathways in the narthex, nave, and sanctuary should remain clear. Also: USCCB’s Art and Environment in Catholic Worship. The document states in part that: 102. Flowers, plants and trees – genuine, of course – are particularly apt for the decoration of liturgical space, since they are of nature, al§ 129. The use of living flowers and ways discreet in their message, nevplants, rather than artificial greens, er cheap or tawdry or ill-made. Decoserves as a reminder of the gift of life ration should never impede the apGod has given to the human commu- proach to or the encircling of the altar nity. Planning for plants and flowers or any of the ritual movement and should include not only the procure- action, but there are places in most liturgical spaces where it is appropriment and placement but also the ate and where it can be enhancing. continuing care needed to sustain The whole space is to be considered living Things. the arena of decoration, not merely the sanctuary. XXVIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO, 12 de Octubre de 2014 Mateo 22, 1-14 ¿Qué significa prepararse para la fiesta de bodas que habrá al final de los tiempos? ¿Qué tipo de “traje” hemos de llevar para el banquete de bodas del Cordero de Dios? Antes que nada, tenemos que responder positivamente a la invitación de Jesús. No te equivoques, querido hermano: Tu Padre celestial te ama sin medida y quiere que tú seas su invitado especial en el banquete final. Dios anhela que todos se salven y lleguen al conocimiento salvífico de su Hijo (1Timoteo 2,4). Cuando el Espíritu Santo se mueva en tu corazón, especialmente al comienzo de tu caminar con Cristo, ¡dale la bienvenida! No permitas que ninguna distracción ni atractivo del mundo te impida responder a la gracia de la llamada de Dios. Deja de lado cualquier cosa que te desvíe la atención y entra en el banquete de inmediato. Segundo, cerciórate de estar bien preparado para la ocasión. No seas como el hombre que respondió a la invitación, pero no llevaba la vestimenta debida, es decir, no se dedicó a seguir fielmente a Jesús día tras día. Mantente revestido de la sangre del Cordero. Acércate a Cristo cada día en la oración y en la meditación de su palabra. En tu oración diaria pídele al Espíritu Santo que te ayude a examinar tus pensamientos y acciones. Cuídate de no ser sólo oidor de la Palabra de Dios, sino hacedor también (Santiago 1,22). El Espíritu Santo te está esperando todos los días para llenarte de su amor y su gracia hasta el día final, cuando tomes tu lugar en la mesa del banquete con Jesús. Cada día, el Padre te está invitando a integrarte al banquete de bodas de su Hijo. Ahora mismo, ya hay santos que están con él en el agasajo, y allí hay un lugar especial reservado para ti. ¡Qué espléndido festín va a ser ése! Ese día, verás al Señor tal como es y estarás con él para siempre compartiendo su gloria. ¡Responde ahora mismo! Y no te olvides de ir vestido adecuadamente. “Señor, Espíritu Santo, haznos puros e irreprochables delante de Dios. Ayúdanos, Señor, a estar bien preparados para el banquete.” Amen. Isaías 25, 6-10; Salmo 22, 1-3a. 3b-4. 5.6; Filipenses 4, 12-14. 19-20 The Parish Fellowship Fair “La Feria Seguidores de la Parroquia” Sábado, Octubre 18: 5:00 pm – 8:45 pm Domingo, Octubre 19: 8:30 am – 1:30pm En Sótano de la Iglesia Comunidad Hispana Ven y Visítanos ¿Alguna vez se preguntó cómo usted y su familia pueden participar dentro de las diferentes actividades en la parroquia? Esta feria es la oportunidad para conocer como está trabajando tu comunidad y aprender más acerca de las diversas organizaciones, sociedades, grupos, actividades apostólicas, que actualmente trabajan voluntariamente en la parroquia y que desempeñan un papel vital en la vida espiritual de nuestras familias y comunidad católica. TE ESPERAMOS ANTES Y DESPUES DE LAS MISAS DOMINGO 23 DE NOVIEMBRE 2014 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM MERCADO DE PULGAS / SOTANO DE LA IGLESIA 101-41 91 STREET AND ROCKAWAY BLVD. - OZONE PARK, NY 11416 Si te interesa rentar una mesa de 30” x 72” para que ese día puedas hacerte tu negocito vendiendo ropa de hombre, mujer, niños, en buenas condiciones, cosas de casa, libros, revistas, juguetes, artículos que están en tu hogar y ya no los utilizas y que le pueden servir a otros y además generarte a ti unos INGRESOS, llama a Miriam Pinillo al 646-327-4087 para pedirle información como hacerlo. Habrá rifas, venta de café, dulces, panes, etc. Reservaciones hasta el 16 de Noviembre. Lic. # B01553 Si parla italiano Mowimy po polsku Hablamos español Dr. Vincent Evangelista Podiatrist - Foot Specialist 96-05 101st Ave., Ozone Park, NY 11416 Phone: (718) 880-1644 Fax: (718) 880-1606 Frank Pantina, R.Ph., Owner www.crossbaychemist.com WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR INSURANCES AND CREDIT CARDS Breast Pump Rental • Surgicals Board Certified 97-15 101 Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 Tenemos Una Flota De Carros Modernos Y Contamos Con Nuestros Choferes Certificados En Tlc. Con Mas De 17 Anos De Experiencia Para más información visite nuestra página www.citylinecarservice.com 718-848-5700 GRACIAS FOR PREFERIRNOS Victory Plumbing & Heating, Inc. For All Your Plumbing Needs Tel: (718) 850-7066 Victor Rodriguez NYC Master Plumber License #1743 Marlowe Jewelers Est. 85 yrs. Specializing in Remounting Diamonds & Remodeling Jewelry Ave.160-55 Crossbay Blvd., Howard Beach, NY 843-1987 • 323-8730 My car went to Heaven! 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ROBERT & WAYNE ZANATTA 641-5007 NATIVITY OF THE BVM, OZONE PARK, NY 04-1009 JAMES ROMANELLI – STEPHEN FUNERAL HOME Main Office Branch Office (718) 845-5151 5RFNDZD\ %RXOHYDUG &URVV %D\ %RXOHYDUG Ozone Park, NY Ozone Park, NY James Romanelli-Stephen Funeral Home is owned in whole by James Funeral Home of Queens Inc. IMMIGRATION FAMILY LAW REAL ESTATE WILLS & ESTATES BANKRUPTCY LANDLORD / TENANT 158-01 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 Tel. No. 718-322-7772 718-848-2000 OFFICE 718-848-3045 FAX 917-887-3608 CELL E-mail address: [email protected] PAUL P. NAPOLITANO OWNER/BROKER COLDWELL BANKER NAPOLITANO REALTY, INC. Joanne M. Lowkis, Esq. Attorney at Law Notary Public 94-09 101ST AVE., OZONE PARK, NY 11416 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation WE’VE MOVED Cassese Funeral Home, Inc. Affordable Burials and Cremations Family Owned & Operated 101-07 101st Ave. Ozone Park, NY Serving the Community Since 1932 www.simplexmv.com H.I.C Lic. No. 0674951 DANIEL KOGAN Attorney At Law OF MIDDLE VILLAGE, INC 75-10 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, New York 11379 WINDOWS • DOORS • AWNINGS SIDING • BLINDS • SHADES For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative 94-09 101 Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 Paul Kerwick at 800-888-4574 x3427 or Email: [email protected] Tel: 718-845-2881 Fax: 718-848-8164 JOHN NAPOLITANO [email protected] ATTORNEY LAW Corner of 101st Avenue & Woodhaven Blvd. Free Estimates FREE CONSULTATION Over 80 Years in Business Grosso Dental Care Joe Today’s Home Decor Personalized & Comfortable All Phases of Dentistry • SINKS FAUCETS • SHOWER DOORS • MEDICINE CABINETS 92-05 Rockaway Blvd. Ozone Park 718-843-5544 www.grossodentalcare.com Visit Our Showroom 137-07 Cross Bay Blvd., Ozone Park, NY 11417 Tel: (718) 835-7400 • Fax: (718) 845-0057 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 AT 917-952-7106 • 718-845-3070 718-894-9480 Nancy This Space Available Wills Bankruptcy Estates Practice RADIATOR ENCLOSURES • TABLE PADS • KITCHEN & BATHROOM • CABINETRY • COUNTERTOPS A PROFESSIONAL FUNERAL PLAN 718-845-5970 Large Private Parking Facilities The Pre Plan © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. Serving the Community Since 1977 AUGUST 26, 2014 10:00 AM NATIVITY OF THE BVM, OZONE PARK, NY 04-1009
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