Rev. Daniel I. Kubala, Pastor E-mail: [email protected] Assisting Priests: Rev. Msgr. Franklyn Casale, Fr. Julio Estada, Fr. Robert Vallee, Fr. Jairo Tellez, Fr. Frank Permuy, SJ Pastor’s Assistant: Rosario Bergouignan [email protected] Director of Religious Education: Barbara Woroniecki [email protected] Parish Secretary: Lois Montanarello [email protected] Sacraments CONFESSIONS - 3:00PM Saturday and by appt. BAPTISMS - Every Third Saturday at 11:00 AM. Call the Parish Office for more information. BAUTISMOS - En Español: Los Segundo y el Cuarto Sábados del Mes a las 11:00 AM. MARRIAGE - By appointment with the pastor. Please make arrangements six months in advance. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION If you have questions concerning the Catholic Faith, call the Parish Office (954) 458-1590. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMS - K-I thru High School. Two years of religious instruction required for Sacramental Programs. Pastoral Services and Ministries Please notify the Parish Office when someone is hospitalized or homebound and unable to attend Mass, as the Priests and Eucharistic Ministers would like to visit. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: First Friday of every month during the 8:30am Mass or by calling the Parish Office anytime. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Every Monday from 7:30 - 10:00am PERPETUAL NOVENA TO ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON, First Native Born USA Saint Every Tuesday at the end of the 8:30am daily Mass LEGION OF MARY (English): Meets 9:30am every Tuesday in the Parish Hall LEGION OF MARY (Spanish): Meets 7:00pm every Thursday in the Parish Hall ST. MATTHEW USHERS: [email protected] ST. MATTHEW FESTIVAL: [email protected] EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS: [email protected] TREASURE GROUP: [email protected] ST. TERESA OF CALCUTTA MINISTRY [email protected] St. Matthew CATHOLIC CHURCH 542 Blue Heron Drive, Hallandale, FL 33009-5799 (954) 458-1590 * Masses Monday - Friday 8:30am Daily Rosary Monday - Friday 9:00am Saturday 9:00am Saturday Vigil 4:00pm Sunday 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am & 6:00pm 1:00pm, Spanish Holy Day Vigil 7:00 PM Holy Day 8:30 AM & 6:00pm English; 7:00pm Spanish Page Two January 15, 2017 From the Pastor’s Heart and Desk: ~~~~ A young soldier was utterly humiliated by his senior officer. The officer had gone beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior in disciplining the young soldier and knew it, so he said nothing as the younger man said through clenched teeth, “I’ll make you regret this if it is the last thing I ever do.” A few days later their company was under heavy fire and the officer was wounded and cut off from his troops. Through the haze of the battlefield he saw a figure coming to his rescue. It was the young soldier. At the risk of his own life, the young soldier dragged the officer to safety. The officer said, apologetically, “Son, I owe you my life.” The young man laughed and said, “I told you that I would make you regret humiliating me if it was the last thing I ever did.” That is God’s kind of revenge. “Behold the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world …” Something happened on Calvary that bridged the gap between a holy God and unholy humanity. We see Christ in his majesty but also in his mercy. ~~~~ Two months before his assassination, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke to his congregation at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta about his death in what would oddly enough become his eulogy. “Every now and then I think about my own death, and I think about my own funeral,” Dr. King told his congregation. “If any of you are around when I have to meet my day, I don’t want a long funeral. And if you get somebody to deliver the eulogy, tell them not to talk too long. Every now and then I wonder what I want them to say. Tell them not to mention that I have a Nobel Peace Prize, that isn’t important. Tell them not to mention that I have three or four hundred other awards, that is not important. I’d like someone to mention that day that Martin Luther King, Jr. tried to give his life serving others. I’d like someone to say that day that Martin Luther King, Jr. tried to love somebody. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try to feed the hungry. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try, in my life, to clothe those who were naked. I want you to be able to say that I did try to visit those in prison. I want you to say that I tried to love and serve ... - Continued on Page 3 Del Escritorio y Corazón del Pastor: ~~~~ Un joven soldado quien fue totalmente humillado por su Oficial Superior. El Oficial fue más allá de sus límites de conducta aceptable en disciplinar al joven soldado y él lo sabiay no hizo nada cuando el soldado murmuró : "Haré que te arrepientas de esto, aunque sea lo último que yo haga". Unos dias más tarde su Compañía estuvo bajo un duro ataque del enemigo, el Oficial fue herido y abandonado por su tropa. A través de la bruma del campo de batalla, el Oficial vió una silueta que venía a rescatarlo. Era el joven soldado, arriesgando su vida arrastró al Oficial a un lugar seguro. El Ofcial le dijo en tono de disculpa. "Hijo, te debo la vida". El joven se rió y le dijo : T e dije que te haría arrepentir el haberme humillado aunque sea la última cosa que hiciera". Es como la revancha de Dios ; "He aquí el Cordero de Dios que quita los pecados del mundo.." Algo pasó en el Calvario que acerca el abismo entre un Dios Santo y una humanidad no santa. Vemos a Cristo en su majestad pero también su misericordia. ~~~~ Dos mese antes de su asesinato, el Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. habló a su congregación de su Iglesia Bautista Ebenezer en Atlanta sobre su muerte, lo cual extrañamente sería su eulogía : "De vez en cuando pienso en mi propia muerte y pienso acerca de mi propio funeral" El Dr. King dijo a su congregación: "si uno de ustedes está presente cuando llegue mi dia, no quiero un funeral largo, Y si encuentran a alguien que hable un mi funeral, diganle que no hable mucho. A veces me pregunto lo que quisiera que digan. Diganle que no mencione que ovtuve un Premio Nobel de la Paz, que no es importante, Diganle que no menciones que tengo 300 o 400 premios, que no es importante, me gustaría que ese dia alguien mencionara que Martin Luther King Jr., trató de dar su vida sirviendo a otros, me gustaria que diga que Martin Luther King trató de amar a al- Continúa en la Página 3 guien, que traté Page Three MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, January 14, 2017 4:00 PM †Frank Cardassi by Carolyn Bekoff †Jeannine Poulin by husband Arnold & daughter Cheryl (L) Frank Nuñez by Olimpio & Christina Bongolan Sunday, January 15, 2017 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30AM †Douglas Salmon by Adele & Alma Luccioni People of St. Matthew 10:00AM †Jenny Vicario by Mary Vicario †Maggie Dembrowski by Fanny Valente †Clara Lubowiecki by Robert Latarewicz †Judith Lagonikos & Mary Reyes by Linda Shamlian 11:30AM †Teresa Marmolino by her husband Sal †Ana & Ramiro Franky & Rosa Toledo by Al Franky †Dr. Michael Fusco by Francine & Jim Allen & family 1:00 PM †Steve Rojas by his mom & Dayana †Margot Valcarcel by Aurora & Elias Luna Victoria †Covadonga Pontigo & Ramon Del Valle by Maria Belen (L) Manolo Taboada for health & his birthday by his friends Acción de gracias por Flia. Yilo Alvarado 6:00PM †Mr. & Mrs. Wailenko by family & friends Monday, January 16, 2017 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 8:30 AM For the intentions of John Sammon †Marta Rossi by Joseph Avallone †Katherine Sobeck †Bernie Jenkins by Rose Fernandez (L) Fr. Daniel Kubala on his birthday by the Parish Council Tuesday, January 17, 2017 St. Anthony, Abbot 8:30AM Intentions of John Sammon (L) Dr. A. Correra & Victoria by Claire Polk (L) Jessica Acocella by Irma Acocella (L) Stephanie Mundo by Irma Acocella Wednesday, January 18, 2017 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Begins 8:30 AM †Carmen Toro by her children †Holy Souls in Purgatory by John Sammon †Jorge Lodena & Ana Luisa Morel by his mother & her son Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:30 AM †Tommy Tercilli †Holy Souls in Purgatory by John Sammon (L) Humberto Foronda by Claire Polk Friday, January 20, 2017 St. Fabian, Pope & Martyr; St. Sebastian, Martyr 8:30AM †Manuel Villalta by Isabel Villalta MASS INTENTIONS CONTINUED The offertory collection for Jan. 8, 2017 was $12,920.00. God bless you for your generous support. Archdiocese of Miami Office of Planned Giving Imagine a gift that gives forever. That is what happens with an endowment. What you give today will strengthen our parish family by providing perpetual financial support. For more information on how to leave a legacy, contact the Office of Planned Giving at 305-762-1110. Imagínese un regalo que dure para siempre. Eso es lo que sucede con un legado. Lo que usted dé hoy fortalecerá a nuestra familia parroquial, proporcionándole un apoyo financiero perpetuo. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo dejar un legado, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas, llamando al 305-762-1110. Continued from Pg. 2 humanity.” Dr. King continued with these words: “I won’t have any money left behind. I won’t have the fine and luxurious things of life to leave behind. But I just want to leave a committed life behind.” Viene de la Página 2 de dar de comer al hambriento, que traté de vestir al desnudo, que dijera que traté de visitar a aquellos en prisión, que digan que traté de amar y servir a la humanidad" El Dr. King concluyó con estas palabras: "No tendré nada de dinero para dejar, no tendré las cosas finas o lujosas de la vida que dejar atrás. Pero solo quiero dejar atrás una vida cometida". MASS INTENTIONS CONTINUED †Nedda de Arias by Lulu Arias (L) Cecelia Stramiello by Dee Oakley Saturday, January 21, 2017 St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr 9:00AM †Fr. Bob Kemmery by Ralph Berkowitz †Salvacion Pohticano Flores by Christina Bongolan & family PLEASE REMEMBER ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH/ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI IN YOUR WILL. Page Four January 15, 2017 Many thanks to everyone who so generously contributed to St. Matthew’s Annual Collection. May God reward your generosity. So far, $58,287.00 has been collected. Muchas gracias a todos los que generosamente han contribuido a la Colecta Annual de St. Matthew. Que Dios premie su generosidad. Hasta el momento $58,287.00 ha sido colectado. 2017 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL HERE AT ST. MATTHEW Sunday, February 19th 9:00am - 5:00pm Dear Parishioners and Friends, We are preparing for our upcoming annual Parish Festival. This is our largest fundraising event of the year. Please review the list of items below and consider donating to make this event a success. As always, we hope to have every item donated. Thank you for supporting your St. Matthew Parish. God bless, Fr. Daniel Kubala REFRIGERATOR TRUCK $500 AMERICAN BOOTH $500 DECORATIONS $200 LATIN BOOTH $500 FOOD & RAFFLE TICKETS $300 POLISH BOOTH $500 ITALIAN BOOTH $500 KIDS’ BOOTH $300 MUSIC $400 EMPANADA BOOTH $500 SODA/WATER/BEER/WINE BOOTH $1000 BAKERY/DESSERT BOOTH $500 PAPER PRODUCTS $500 SIGNS & BANNERS $300 10X10 CANOPY TENTS $500 RAFFLE PRIZES CASH RAFFLE PRIZE $1000 CASH RAFFLE PRIZE $500 CASH RAFFLE PRIZE $200 CASH RAFFLE PRIZE $50 OTHER PRIZES ON OUR WISH VENDOR TABLES AVAILABLE FOR LIST: Flat Screen TV-Jewelry-Gift RENT (SORRY NO FOOD ITEMS) cards for goods & services-Sports Memorabilia-New Toys-New BicyclesALL NEW ITEMS ARE WELCOME CONTACT JOAN OCHOA, FESTIVAL CHAIRPERSON festival or leave a message at the Parish Office 954-458-1590 ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH 2017 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL DONATION SIGN-UP FORM NAME: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY:_____________________________________________ STATE:____________ ZIP:_______________________ PHONE:_______________________________ EMAIL:___________________________________________________ I WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR A BOOTH: ____________________________________________________________ HERE IS MY DONATION FOR $_________________ FOR ______________________________________________ HERE IS MY DONATION FOR $_________________ TO BE USED AT THE COMMITTEE’S DISCRETION. OTHER DONATION $__________________ On behalf of Saint Matthew Parish, THANK YOU for your generosity. In the spirit of “Stewardship” time, talent, treasure: know that you are helping us help others. Your kindness has given life to St. Teresa of Calcutta’s thought that “Together we can do something beautiful for God.” If you would like to volunteer your time to the festival, please contact JOAN OCHOA, Festival Chairperson at festival@saintmatthewcc or leave a message at the Parish Office. Page Five A REMINDER TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS! OUR ANNUAL PARISH MISSION WILL BE HELD FROM JANUARY 28 TO FEBRUARY 1. FR. JIM SICHKO FROM THE DIOCESE OF LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY WILL BE GIVING THE MISSION. YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS IT! Todos los voluntarios deben tomar las clases de VIRTUS. Las clases se darán aquí en San Mateo en las siguiente fecha: Español: el sábado 21 de Enero a las 1:30pm en el salón parroquial. Todos deben de inscribirse a través del Internet en Gracias por todo lo que hacen por la Parroquia de San Mateo. TREASURE GROUP at ST. MATTHEW St. John Paul II, in one of his addresses to an elderly group, called them the “TREASURES OF THE CHURCH.” We are starting a group here at St. Matthew beginning Thursday, January 19, 2017. We are planning monthly get-togethers so we can better know one another. Our first get-together will include a CATERED lunch with Fr. Vallee as our Inspirational Speaker! MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 11:30am in Parish Hall If you are interested in attending, RSVP by phoning the Parish Office at 954-458-1590 before Monday, January 16th. Be sure to include the names of ALL attending. 2017 ARCHBISHOP’S CHARITIES AND DEVELOPMENT DRIVE (ABCD) Understanding that we are made in the image and likeness of God can help us to understand why God put into the humanity of every man and woman the vocation - and thus the capacity and the responsibility - of love and communion. To live out this vocation requires a growth in virtue that leads us to make gifts of ourselves to God and to others. Your faithful and generous participation in the ABCD flows from God’s many blessings to you and to those you hold dear. Next weekend is the 2017 ABCD Commitment weekend. The ABCD supports all of the vital ministries and programs throughout the Archdiocese of Miami, and it is our one opportunity during the year to support all the people of God beyond the boundary of our own parish, St. Matthew. Please prayerfully consider supporting the ABCD. Your gift directly helps our parish to pay its share of the important work of the Archdiocese. Let us strive for 100% participation: not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice! We invite you to join us to be One in Faith, One in Hope and One in Charity. El entendimiento de que estamos hechos a imagen y semejanza de Dios nos puede ayudar a comprender por qué Dios puso en la humanidad de cada hombre y de cada mujer la llamada - y por lo tanto, la capacidad y la responsabilidad - del amor y de la comunión. Para vivir esta vocación se requiere de un crecimiento en la virtud que nos lleva a hacer donación de nosotros mismos a Dios y a los demás. Su participación fiel y generosa en el ABCD fluye de la muchas bendiciones de Dios para usted y sus seres queridos. El próximo fin de semana es el Fin de Semana del Compromiso con el ABCD 2017. El ABCD es la fuente de apoyo de todos los ministerios cruciales y programas que existen en la Arquidiócesis de Miami, y es nuestra única oportunidad durante el año para dar nuestro apoyo a todo el pueblo de Dios más allá de los límites de nuestra propia parroquia, St. Matthew Catholic Church. Por favor, considere en oración el dar su apoyo al ABCD. Su donativo ayuda directamente a nuestra parroquia a pagar su parte en la importante labor de la Arquidiócesis. Esforcémonos por lograr una participación del 100%: no se trata de hacer donaciones iguales, sino de hacer el mismo scrificio! Le invitamos a permanecer con nosotros Unidos en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza, Unidos en la Caridad.
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