Pastoral Staff/Parish Directory Claudia Avila Torres, Director of Evangelization/Adult Faith Formation Fred Balak, Director, Crypt Mausoleum Eileen Bonaduce, Business Manager Sr. Christine Bowman, O.S.F., Director of Cathedral Relations Frank Brownstead, Director of Music Deacon Gus Catipon, Director of Cathedral Outreach Margaret Chirivella, Volunteer/Tour Coordinator Isabel Loriente, Gift Shop Merchandise Manager Bea Martinez, Coordinator, Children’s Tour Ramiro Montes, Facilities Manager Cecilia Mora, Wedding Coordinator Gabriela Esparza-Reitzell, Director of Liturgy Samuel S. Soria, Cathedral Organist Michelle Youssef, Director of Faith Formation Sacraments and Special Services Cathedral Outreach Ministries Reconciliation: Monday–Friday, 11:00am-12:00pm Please call the Parish Office at (213) 680-5200 regarding Mass Cards, Anointing of the Sick and Funerals. Please contact the Cathedral Pastor in writing regarding Weddings and Baptisms. Wedding dates must be reserved at least six months in advance. For more information, visit our website: The Outreach Office is located on the corner of Temple and Hill Streets and is open Monday–Friday, 8:30am-12:00pm. For more information or to donate, please call (213) 680-5231. Cathedral Crypt Mausoleum For information, visit our website: The Crypt Mausoleum is located on the lower level of the Cathedral. For information about interment, please call (213) 680-5226 or email [email protected] The Cathedral Gift Shop Galero Grill The Gift Shop features an ever-changing selection of sacred art, statues, Bibles, rosaries, devotional medals, cards and inspirational gifts for all occasions. Phone: (213) 680-5277 Store Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Saturday: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm; Sunday: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Please check the Cathedral website for extended special event hours: Shop online at for a selection of the store’s offerings. All proceeds support the works of the Cathedral. Operated by Levy Restaurants, The Galero Grill offers breakfast and lunch items. Hours: Monday–Friday: 7:00am-4:00pm Sunday: 7:00am-4:00pm. Please visit our website for extended special event hours: Volunteer Opportunities at the Cathedral Cathedral Tours Tours are free and available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1:00pm., and Wednesday at 1:15pm. Meet on the lower plaza near the fountain. To schedule special organized group tours (for 10 or more), please call (213) 680-5215. Music at the Cathedral Sunday 10:00am Mass features the Cathedral Choir; Sunday 12:30pm Spanish Mass features the El Coro de la Catedrál. Free Organ Recitals every Wednesday at 12:45pm. If you are interested in joining one of the choirs, or for further information please call (213) 680-5205. Cathedral Concert Series information: Levy Restaurants at the Cathedral Conference Center From small meetings to large gala’s and weddings, box lunches to multiple course dinners, the Levy Team is on hand to assist with all your catering needs. For additional information, please call (213) 680-5271. Visit our website at Parking (Entrances on both Hill and Temple Streets.) Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday: 6:00am-9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am-8:00pm; Sunday: 7:00am-8:00pm. Monday–Friday: 90 min. free validated parking with Mass attendance. Regular parking rates: $4 per 15 minutes, $18 max Saturday: $8.00 flat fee Sunday: 3-hours free with Mass attendance; $8.00 flat fee after 1:30pm. JOIN THE CATHEDRAL ASSOCIATES — This exclusive membership organization of Cathedral donors helps to ensure that the Cathedral continues to thrive and grow in providing pastoral care, educational programming and outreach ministries for the community. Membership benefits include a Cathedral Gift Shop discount; parking pass; annual recognition on the Cathedral Associates’ Donor Wall; special members-only Mass and reception in the Residence; exclusive Lenten and Advent Liturgical Retreats with the Cathedral Pastor; reserved seating at select holiday liturgies; and more. To join or for additional information, please call (213) 680-5219. A Unique and Special Gift: DEDICATE A CATHEDRAL PAVING STONE — The Cathedral floor is graced with over 60,000 paving stones—each laid by hand. Celebrate births, baptisms, confirmations, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries or honor the memory of someone special. Information about this unique program is available throughout the Cathedral at the visitor’s tables or at the Information Booth located on the Lower Plaza. To dedicate a paving stone or for more information, please call (213) 680-5219. Photography: Cover (clockwise from top:) Brianne Sanada, Rich Villacorta, John Nava The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is a welcoming community of prayer, worship and service seeking to teach and reconcile God’s people through Jesus Christ. NOVEMBER 2014 CATHEDRAL WELCOMES A NEW DIRECTOR OF EVANGELIZATION AND ADULT FAITH FORMATION Filling this newly created position is Claudia Avila Torres. With a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Theology from Loyola Marymount University and rich ministerial experience, Claudia has a dedication to adult lifelong formation and a conviction that theological studies are an avenue to holistic and spiritual growth. She will oversee the development and implementation of the adult faith formation programs of the Cathedral, including RCIA, Adult Confirmation, and Baptism Preparation. We welcome her to the Cathedral Family. If you have questions about adult faith formation, Claudia can be reached at [email protected] Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 8 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 27 Nov 28 NOVEMBER LITURGICAL EVENTS 8:30 am Solemnity of All Saints 4:00 pm All Souls Evening Prayer, and Concert 12:00 pm Girl Scouts / Camp Fire Girls Mass 3:00 pm Young Adult Ministry Mass 3:30 pm Vietnamese Mass 9:00 am Thanksgiving Day Mass 4:00 pm Notre Dame - USC Mass ORGAN RECITALS & DEMONSTRATIONS (Free on Wednesdays) Nov 5 12:45 pm Recital Gary Desmond Nov 12 12:45 pm Recital Edith Ott Nov 19 12:45 pm Demonstration Samuel Soria Nov 26 No Recital Today - Happy Thanksgiving! For information, contact Samuel Soria, Cathedral Organist [email protected] ALTAR DE LOS MUERTOS/CHAPEL OF ALL SOULS You will find the Altar de los Muertos/Chapel of All Souls, dedicated to the faithful departed, in the south ambulatory of the Cathedral. Bring your written prayers and leave them in the basket that is placed in front of the altar. Your departed loved ones will be remembered in Masses throughout the month of November. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2014, 4:00 PM ALL SOULS EVENING PRAYER & CONCERT The Cathedral will celebrate All Souls with Evening Prayer and a performance of the moving Duruflé “Requiem” for chorus and organ. Frank Brownstead, Director of Music at the Cathedral, will conduct, with Samuel Soria at the organ. Evening Prayer will begin at 4:00 pm followed by the concert. After the concert, the Choir will sing in the mausoleum while family and friends visit their loved ones. Admission: A free will donation will be accepted. Secure parking is available in the parking structure for $8.00. For more information, please visit or call (213) 680-5205. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2014, 7:30 PM SERAPHIC JOY Immerse your senses in the tonal purity of the National Children's Chorus inside the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. With music by Bach, Rachmaninov, and Handel, as well as John Rutter's electrifying Gloria, experience the power of brass, percussion, and the Cathedral's majestic Dobson pipe organ, accompanying more than one hundred phenomenal young voices. Don't miss what promises to be an enchanting evening of soaring joy and heavenly jubilation! Ticket information available at: CATHEDRAL OUTREACH FOOD DRIVE “For I was hungry and you gave me food…” As the number of families seeking food from our Cathedral Outreach Office continues to grow, we need your help. On Sunday, November 16th, after all the Masses, grocery bags will be distributed outside the Cathedral entrances. A list of needed items will be included with each bag. Please fill the bag with items from the list and return it to the Cathedral on Sunday, November 23 (food bins located at entrances) or on Thanksgiving Day at the 9:00 am Mass (food bins located near the altar). For more information, call Deacon Gus Catipon, Director of the Cathedral Outreach, at (213) 680-5225. Please join us on THANKSGIVING DAY MORNING AT 9:00 AM as we give thanks to God for the blessings in our lives. At the same time, we reach out to those in need and encourage everyone to bring non-perishable food items with them to Mass and place them in the food bins located near the altar. These items will replenish our Cathedral Outreach Food Pantry. Thank you! NOTRE DAME – USC ALUMS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS MASS AT THE CATHEDRAL As we remember the long standing tradition (a football game), come and celebrate a new tradition of unity in the Eucharist!! All alums, family and friends of Notre Dame and USC are invited to this special Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on the day after Thanksgiving: Friday, November 28 at 4:00 pm GO IRISH!! FIGHT ON!! ADVENT SEASON / TIEMPO DE ADVIENTO 12/04 7:30 pm Obra Presentada por Latino Theater Company Our Lady of Guadalupe “Dios Inantzin” 12/05 7:30 pm Obra Presentada por Latino Theater Company Our Lady of Guadalupe “Dios Inantzin” 12/11 NOCHESITAS A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CELEBRATION 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Veneración de la reliquia de la tilma Veneration of the Relic of the Tilma 8:00 pm Danzantes (Plaza) - Dancers (Plaza) 9:30 pm Danzantes con la Virgen (en la Catedral) Dancers honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe (Cathedral) 10:00 pm Rosario con el Coro Holy Rosary with Spanish Choir 10:30 pm Cantos con Mariachi y Serenata a la Virgen Mariachis and Songs to Our Lady of Guadalupe Media Noche Santa Misa - Mass (Midnight) 12/15 6:30 pm Simbang Gabi Mass, Filipino Tradition 12/19 7:30 pm Christmas Concert – National Children’s Chorus 12/20 7:00 am Adopt-a-Family Gathering on Plaza 7:30 am Adopt-a-Family Opening Prayer in Cathedral “JOYFUL LIVING, GRATEFUL GIVING” INCREASED OFFERTORY PROGRAM Six weeks ago we began this program, and we are beginning to see signs that our Sunday offertory collections are growing through the generosity of many, many parishioners. Soon, you will receive a Summary Report detailing the results of the Program. Thank you so very much to all who have chosen to participate in this very important program. Your generosity shows your willingness as faithful stewards to be a part of the ongoing missions of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Looking for an additional option for contributing to the Cathedral? How about ONLINE GIVING? Simple, convenient and secure, it is available to anyone wishing to make a donation online. For information, please contact Sister Christine Bowman, Director of Cathedral Relations, at (213) 680-5219 or [email protected] To access our secure Online Giving site, please visit: or scan the above QR code. CATHEDRAL YOUNG ADULTS (C-YA) “We are a welcoming, Catholic young adult community at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, providing young adults with opportunities to experience and witness God's love by journeying together in faith through knowing, loving, serving and sharing God with others." Join us at our upcoming events: Nov 2 C-YA @ Mass 9:30 am Rosary in St. Vibiana Chapel 10:00 Mass in the Cathedral Nov 15 Feeding the Homeless - Volunteer Service 7:00 am, St. Francis Center Nights of Discipleship Meeting Special Guest Speaker: Fr. Francis Mendoza 7:30 pm, Cathedral Conference Center Nov 19 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Soon we will see downtown LA dressed in its holiday finery, but looks can be deceiving. Venture past the high rises with their twinkling lights and fancy Christmas trees, and you will find the desolate streets of Skid Row. Our Adopt-A-Family Program brings hope to families living on Skid Row. Through the generosity of many volunteers and donors, the graces of our newborn Savior find their way to parents and children living in even the bleakest of neighborhoods. Won’t you join us? Visit our website to learn ways you can participate: (click on the “Adopt-A-Family” link) Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: Laid to rest in our Cathedral Mausoleum in September 2014 Genesis Janice Rosales May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. CATHEDRAL GIFT SHOP NEWS Fr. Mark Haydu, Coordinator of the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums will join us on Sunday November 2, after the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Masses to sign his latest book Meditations on Vatican Art – Angels. This beautiful new book presents the frequent depiction of angels in art, and offers reflections on the meaning we can draw from their presence in Scripture and the history of salvation. An exquisite gift for any admirer of art and angels. IF YOU MISS THIS EVENT, STOP BY THE GIFT SHOP OR SEE OUR WEBSITE TO PICK UP YOUR COPY. Celebrating Advent can make Christmas more meaningful! Stop by the Gift Shop for Advent Candles and Wreaths, Advent prayer books, (for you and a friend), Nativities and more. Check us out online at All purchases benefit the Cathedral and its mission. We are very grateful for your patronage. The Cathedral is proud to present: SIMON TOPAROVSKY: VESSELS AND CHANNELS, a major exhibition of new artworks and installations by Simon Toparovsky, the internationally acclaimed contemporary artist who created the Cathedral’s beautiful bronze crucifix. Vessels and Channels, Mr. Toparovsky's new, sitespecific exhibition, explores ephemeral narratives of the human spirit and celebrates the human condition through sculptural works and compositions inspired by the devotional function of sacred images in early Renaissance paintings and sculpture. The wall-mounted and freestanding cast bronze and mixed-media installations are conceived as conduits—portals and gates to the personally profound and sublime. Vessels and Channels will be on view from November 9, 2014 through February 15 2015 at the Cathedral. Please watch the Cathedral website for information on additional events associated with the exhibit. This year marks the 18th anniversary of Celebrating Young Adults in Ministry - an event which recognizes the contributions that young adults make in the life of our local faith communities. Join us on November 15th at 3:00 pm for a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop José H. Gomez.. ALL ARE WELCOME!! DID YOU KNOW? Talk with your children about safety at school “Back-to-school does not have to mean back-to-worrying. Though safety inside school is ultimately the responsibility of the principal and school staff, parents can take a few basic steps to ensure a safe school experience.” Talk with your child about safety. Be specific. Talk about instinct and paying attention to funny feelings of fear. Explain what to do if she doesn't feel safe (find a teacher, call 911, etc.). Make sure she knows how to contact you or a trusted neighbor who is likely to be at home. For more information, please visit: Personal Pastoral/Directorio Parroquial Claudia Avila Torres, Directora de Evangelización y Formación de Adultos Fred Balak, Director del Mausoleo Cripta Eileen Bonaduce, Gerente de Negocios Hermana Christine Bowman, OSF, Directora de Relaciones Frank Brownstead, Director de Música Deacon Gus Catipon, Director de Servicios Communitarios Margaret Chirivella, Coordinadora de Voluntarios/Excursiónes Isabel Loriente, Gerente de Mercancia, Giftstore Bea Martinez, Coordinadora de Excursiónes par Niños Ramiro Montes, Gerente de las Instalaciones Cecilia Mora, Coordinadora de Bodas Gabriela Esparza-Reitzell, Directora de Liturgia Samuel S. Soria, Organista de la Catedral Michelle Youssef, Directora de Formacion de Fe Música en la Catedral Coros: Nuestros coros de la Catedral participan en las misas de los Domingos, con el ‘Cathedral Choir’ en la misa de 10:00am en Ingles, y el Coro de la Catedral en la misa de las 12:30pm, en Español. Si usted está interesado en ser parte de uno de los coros, o si desea más información, por favor llame al (213) 680-5205. Recitales/Conciertos: La Catedral ofrece recitales de órgano cada miércoles a las 12:45pm. Para información sobre conciertos, o eventos especiales musicales, visite nuestra página de internet, Ministerio de Asistencia La oficina de Asistencia está ubicada en la esquina de las calles Temple y Hill. La oficina está abierta de Lunes a Viernes, de 9:00am-12:00pm y de 1:00pm-3:00pm. Para más información o para hacer donaciones, por favor llame al (213) 680-5231. Mausoleo Cripta de la Catedral El Mausoleo Cripta está ubicado en la planta baja de la Catedral. Para información sobre entierros, por favor llame al (213) 680-5226 Sacramentos y Servicios Especiales Reconciliación: Lunes a Viernes, de 11:00am-12:00pm Bodas/Bautizos: Por favor comuníquese con nuestro Pastor en escrito con respecto a bodas y bautizos. Las fechas para bodas se tienen que reservar por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación. Servicios Especiales: Por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia al (213) 680-5200 para tarjetas de misa, ungimiento de los enfermos y funerales. Oportunidades para Voluntarios en la Catedral Para servir en la Catedral como voluntario, por favor llame al (213) 680-5215. Tienda de Regalos de la Catedral Nuestra tienda ofrece una gran selección de regalos religiosos, de inspiración y de colección. Tenemos biblias, libros de temas espirituales y más… Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00am a 4:30pm Sábado de 10:00am a 5:30pm; Domingo de 9:00am a 5:30pm Ubicado en la plaza por su conveniencia o, visítenos por Internet: Visitas a la Catedral Las visitas a la Catedral, ‘tours’, son gratis y están disponibles a la comunidad de Lunes a Viernes a la 1:00 p.m. y los Miércoles a la 1:15 pm. Para programar una visita organisada especial, por favor llame al (213) 680-5215. Galero Grill Operado por el Restaurante Levy, el Galero Grill ofrece desayuno y almuerzo. Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 7:00am a 4:00pm Domingo: 7:00am-4:00pm Visite nuestra página de red para información sobre horarios prolonga-dos para eventos especiales: Los Restaurantes Levy en el Centro de Conferecias de la Catedral Operado por el Restaurante Levy, nuestro centro de conferencias ofrece salones elegantes para todo tipo de evento. Nuestros salones acomodan banquetes, reuniones, conferencias para grupos grandes y pequeños. Para reservar y más información, por favor llame al (213) 680-5273. Visite la página web para ver los horarios de eventos especiales. Estacionamiento en la Catedral Las entradas al garaje del estacionamiento están ubicadas en las calles Hill y Temple. Horas hábiles: Lunes a Viernes de 6:00am-9:00pm; Sábados de 8:00am-9:00pm; Domingos de 7:00am-8:00pm. Validación para misas selectas: Lunes a Viernes: Al asistir a la misa,el estacionamiento con validación es gratis por 90 minutos. Domingos: 3 horas gratis al asistir a la misa. Tarifa de estacionamiento: Lunes a Viernes: $4/15min, $18 max. Sábados: $8 tarifa fija; Domingos: $8 tarifa fija después de las 1:30pm. Un Regalo Único y Especial: DEDIQUE UNA LOSA EN LA CATEDRAL Más de 60,000 losas adornan el piso de la Catedral-cada una colocada a mano. Celebre nacimientos, bautizos, confirmaciones, cumpleaños, aniversarios o honre la memoria de alguien especial. La información sobre este programa único se encuentra disponible por toda la Catedral ya sea en la mesa de información para el visitante o en el puesto de información ubicado en el primer piso de la Plaza. Para dedicar una losa o para más información, por favor llame al (213) 680-5219. HAGASE SOCIO DE LA CATEDRAL Al convertirse en socio de esta organización exclusiva de donantes de la Catedral ayuda a asegurar que la Catedral continúe prosperando y creciendo al proporcionar atención pastoral, programas educativos y ministerios de alcance exterior para la comunidad. Los beneficios de ser socio incluyen: un descuento en la Tienda de Regalos, un permiso para el estacionamiento, un reconocimiento anual en el muro de los socios donantes de la Catedral, una misa para solamente socios, una recepción en la Residencia, retiros cuaresmales y de advenimiento litúrgico con el pastor de la Catedral, asientos reservados durante liturgias festivas selectas y más. Para hacerse socio o para más información, por favor llame (213) 680-5219. Fotografia: (La portada) Brianne Sanada, Rich Villacorta, John Nava
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