Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine 135 North White Horse Pike, Lindenwold, New Jersey 08021 Telephone: (856) 627-2222 Fax: (856) 627- 8210 Website: www.guadalupeparishshrine.org/ www.facebook.com/OurLadyofGuadalupeNJ Email: [email protected] Saint John Paul II Regional School Telephone: (856) 783-3088 www.jp2rs.org The Nativity of the Lord La Natividad Del Señor December 25, 2016 25 de Diciembre de 2016 Rev. Vincent G. Guest, Pastor Rev. John Yu Seo, Parochial Vicar Rev. James Bartoloma, Chancellor, Diocese of Camden Rev. Wilson Paulose, Chaplain, Kennedy Hospital Mr. Thomas Fargnoli, Deacon Mrs. Helen Persing, St. John Paul II School Principal Ms. Maria Nieva, Director of Liturgy & Music Mrs. Gelen Hernandez, Director of Hispanic Ministries Mrs. Michele Salvino, Director of Faith Formation Mass Times / Horarios de las Misas: St. Luke: Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 11:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. St. Lawrence: Monday to Friday 7:00 p.m. Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass Reconciliation: Mon. to Fri. 6:30 p.m., Sat. 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Stephanie Greco, Director of Shrine Services Mr. Francisco Torres, Sacristan Parish Office Hours / Horarios de Oficina: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. “A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. For today a great light has come upon the earth.” John 1:1-18 “Nos ha amanecido un día sagrado; vengan, naciones, adoren al Señor, porque hoy una gran luz ha bajado a la tierra.” Juan 1, 1-18 From the Pastor’s Desk Del Escritorio del Pastor Dear parishioners and friends: Queridos feligreses y amigos: MERRY CHRISTMAS Merry Christmas to you and your family! Whether you are with us every day at Mass, visiting our parish for the first time, or are a member of the parish who we see occasionally, I welcome you and am so happy you joined us for Christmas Mass. You are always welcome and are always a part of our parish family as together we strive to have the light of Christ Jesus shine in us. I pray you can find some time today and this week to recognize the “reason for the season.” It is proclaimed in the second chapter of Luke’s Gospel: “Do not be afraid, for behold I proclaim to you good news of great joy…For today a Savior is born for you who is Christ the Lord.” Our God of all creation chose to be one among us, not as a full grown, powerful king, but as a helpless infant born in poverty. To appreciate the meaning of Christmas I think we first have to acknowledge that we need a savior. We have to recognize that there our places in our life that are broken and in need of healing. Take some time this week of Christmas to imagine that you are in Bethlehem and in the cold stable with Mary and Joseph as they tend to their new Son. Listen to the Angels as they say to the shepherds “do not be afraid.” Give the Lord praise and homage and honestly tell Him your needs. Christmas is a time for family and friends but most especially a time to rejoice in the Birth of Our Savior. I pray you can take some time this week to enter the stable in Bethlehem to whisper a quiet prayer of thankfulness and petition to Jesus. Allow Jesus, our new born King, to save you. ¡Feliz Navidad para ti y tu familia! Si usted está con nosotros todos los días en la Misa, visitando nuestra parroquia por primera vez, o es un miembro de la parroquia que vemos de vez en cuando, le doy la bienvenida y estoy muy feliz que dos acompañe Misa de Navidad. Usted es siempre bienvenido y sera parte de nuestra familia parroquial y juntos nos esforzaremos por tener la luz de Cristo Jesús brille en nosotros. Oro para que pueda pueda tener tiempo hoy y en esta semana para reconocer la "razón de la temporada." Que Se proclama en el segundo capítulo del Evangelio de Lucas: "" No temas, porque he aquí que yo os anuncio buenas nuevas de gran gozo ... Porque hoy nace el Salvador para vosotros, que es Cristo el Señor. " Nuestro Dios de toda la creación eligió ser uno entre nosotros, no como un rey poderoso y poderoso, sino como un niño indefenso que ha nacido en la pobreza. Para apreciar el significado de la Navidad creo que primero tenemos que reconocer que necesitamos un salvador. Tenemos que reconocer que hay lugares en nuestras vidas que tenemos la necesidad de curación. Tómate un tiempo esta semana de Navidad para imaginarse que está en Belén y en el frío establo con María y José mientras tienden a su nuevo Hijo. Escuchen a los ángeles que dicen a los pastores: " No tengáis miedo". Dad al Señor Alabanzas y homenajes y honestamente cuéntenle sus necesidades. La Navidad es un tiempo para la familia y los amigos pero sobre todo un tiempo para regocijarse en el Nacimiento de Nuestro Salvador. Oramos para que usted pueda tomar algún tiempo esta semana para entrar en el establo en Belén para susurrar una oración de agradecimiento y petición a Jesús. Deja que Jesús, nuestro Rey recién nacido, te salve. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Fr. Vince Feliz Navidad para usted y su familia, Padre Vincente Mass Schedule & Intentions S- St. Luke L- St. Lawrence Monday, December 26, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. John P. Murphy r/b Mrs. Irene Wolick & family L 7:00 p.m. Reynaldo Nieva r/b loving family Steven Pollock r/b loving family Tuesday, December 27, 2016 S 8:00 a.m Jean Glass r/b loving husband L 7:00 p.m. Karen Boyer r/b loving family Wednesday, December 28, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. Rita, Edward W., & Edward C. Joyce r/b loving family L 7:00 p.m. Teofila Torio r/b Amy Tori, loving daughter Thursday, December 29, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. Charles McGonigle, Jr. r/b Anna DiGialleonardo L 7:00 p.m. Marty Wasley r/b Wasley family Saturday, December 31, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. Bob Hopkins r/b John Flynn S 4:00 p.m. Raymond Murtaugh, Sr. r/b Dick & Jini Knowlton Eleanor Heft r/b Marroletti family Eleanor Heft r/b Kristen & Erin Magee L 5:30 p.m. Rev. James Kruc r/b Dan & Elaine Farr L 7:00 p.m. Spanish - Pro Populo Sunday, January 1, 2017 L 7:30 a.m. Clark family r/b Mrs. Irene Wolick L 9:30 a.m. Becky Somers r/b loving husband, John Roberta Pepe r/b Dan & Elaine Farr Rev. James Kruc r/b Dan & Elaine Farr L 11:00 a.m. Spanish S 11:30 a.m. Giuseppe & Carmella DiNoto r/b Maria & Steven Michaud & family Alice Francis Young r/b John Rigaut & family Friday, December 30, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. Margaret Hutchinson r/b Linda Bond L 7:00 p.m. Helen “Becky” Somers r/b loving husband, John Somers Please pray for those in the military: Brian Axelrod, Thomas Backenson, M.D., Michael Barikian, Mark Bergman, Kevin Bradley, Dylan Brodie, Brandon Carney, Jessica Carney, Off. John Causey, Ryan Dougherty, Trevor Dunkelberger, James Early, Jr., John Early, Sr., Thomas Early, Jr., Drew Hance, Jarrod Haschert, Jonathan Haubrich, T. J. Homan, Justin Jackson, III, PV2 James E. Keen III, Rev. Christopher Kopec, Emily Ann Krowicki, Matthew Krug, Benjamin Kyler, Thomas J. Mackin, Joseph Morett, Michael Mortka, Jr., Taylor Naphys, David Osisek, Jaime Brinn Redmond, Chris A. Roesch, Eric Shook, Jr., Robert, Terry & Michael Turner. “Kindly update us when our officers have come home!” In Loving Memory: St. Luke Sanctuary Lamp: Stephen Pollock r/b loving wife St. Luke Blessed Mother Candle: Joseph DeBrielle r/b loving wife & family St. Luke St. Joseph Candle: Thomas & Marie Halligan r/b Halligan family St. Lawrence Sanctuary Lamp: Frank Cifone r/b loving family Readings of the Week Christmas Stewardship Every Day Monday: Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 Tuesday: 1 Jn 1:1-4: Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Wednesday: 1Jn 1:5-2:2; Mt 2:13-18 Thursday: 1 Jn2:3-11; Lk 2:22-35 Friday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14; Mt 2:13-15, 19-23 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1:1-18 Sunday: Nm 6:22-27; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 “And the Word became flesh” John 1:14A Jesus is God’s ultimate gift of love to us. The countless other blessings that God showers upon us are nothing compared to the gift of His only Son. The only appropriate way for us to respond to such generous love is with our own generous love. When we become His Stewards, we dedicate our lives to sharing all the gifts God has placed in our hands, the peace of Christ truly will control our hearts and we will know Christmas joy every day. We Pray For The sick of our parish: Georgette Abadie, Catherine Adams, Victoria Affrunti, Veronica Ahern, Joseph Allen, Rosanne Agyll Amatorio, Eileen Anderson, Carmela Baccari, Helen & Robert Bacisin, Frank Bada, Chris Bakey, Jean Barber, Daniel Barrett, Aidan Barth, Joyce Baus, Adam, Charley & Karynlee Berstecher, Samuel J. & Veronica Black, Helen Bowman, Peggy Brooks, Eileen & Maureen Brown, Jeffrey Brown, William & Elizabeth Buehler, Juanita Byrd, Fran Cann, Fr. Joe & Mr. Anthony Capella, Joseph Caporelli, Mary Carroll, Marie Case, Jane Caspermeyer, Nick Catania, Nevio Celestino, Anthony Cerminaro, Dawn Cherry, Robert Cimino, Valerie Cohen, Maryann Coleman, Domenic Cosenza, Jose Cortes, Christiana Cooper, Joann Curialo, Angie Dabbenigno, Joseph D’Agostino, Marie D’Amico, Hank & Rosalia Davis, Kathleen Dawson, Emily Degen, Carol DelMastro, Joe & Liz DeNardo, Daniel DiBartolomeo, Mary Ann DiMarcantonio, Anginita DeRanus, Thelma Donnally, Maximiano Dosado, William Dougherty, Dorothy Duffy, James Dugan, Blanche & Leonard Fanelli, Annette Favieri, Brian & Kurt Gahm, Manny & Maryann Galone, Amanda Gaus, Mary Gavin, Steve & Jayne Gismonde, Charles Gold, Anna Gloria Gonzalez, Horace Goodfellow, Maria Hagge, Veanna Hall, Kathryn Harte, Jodi Harvey, Richard Hepp, Yolanda Hernandez, Gertrude Hoff, Joanne Hoffman, Shirley Holt, Raymond Horner, Mary Houndslow, Margaret Infanti, Leon Johnson, Lorraine Kaminski, Carole & Mary Katz, Anne Marie Kelly, Roseanne Kimball, Amanda Kingett, Maryann Kirchner, Joseph Kneble, Nancy Knowles & family, Jessica Laidley, Joseph Michael Lala, Rose Lanciano, Alicia LaScala, Joanne Lazzaro, Caroline Lewis, Angeline Lopez, Thomas Lopez, Tanya Lugo, Virginia Mailahn, Carmela Mangano, Pat Manko & family, Philomena Marquis, Mary Marrone, Louise Martin, William Martin, Dan & Maureen Mastrobuono, Carol Massimiano, Donald McMullin, Sr., Chuck McAinley, Msgr. Patrick McCabe, Dot McCall, Robert McCarthy, Dominic McDowell, Mary McGroarty, Jack McGuigan, Ed McKemey, Savannah Lynn McSorley, Tom & Betty Miller, Rose Monaco, Frank Monaghan, Sue Moreno, Charles Morgan, Marty Moritz, Kenny & Kristina Moroni, Dan & Erin Murphy, Stephen James Murphy, Fred Naphys III, Bob O’Dowd, Eileen O’Malley, Constance Onorato, Kay O’Keefe, Vince Pagano, Matthew Petrongolo, Walter Perilli, Johnny Pflugfelder, Justin Phillips, Joe Pilla, Rosemarie Piotti, Judy Polidano, Thomas & Collin Powell, Mary Quigley, Joseph Ranieri, Jeanne Renshaw, Dorothy Rein, Millie Reinert, Jack Revaitis, William & Natalia Reyes, John Ribechi, Jerry Roderick, Steve Robbins, Rick, Monica, Herman & Faith Rodriguez, Jayden Rosendale, John Sachs, Frank Sabatini, Jr., Barbara Santoro, Bob Schaffer, Tori Schmitzes, Joan Schules, Mark Scott, Richie Seibert, Stanley Sellers, Carol Shander, Krista Sheehan, Thomas Simon, James Solly, Vicente Sontillano, Anna Sperandio, Monica St. Maur, Sophie Staab, Geoff Steiert, Lillian Stiles, Christina Sturigis, Cathy Sweeney, Christopher Tama, Eleanor Tartamosa, Jesse & Sarah Thomas, Betty Tobin, Carolyn Trioli, Lorraine & Victor Trocine, Diane Trofino, Trudy Tucker, Frank Turchi, Maria Veith, Natalie Vitarelli, Joan Vivian, Mary & Bob Volsony, Bill Waples, Kathy Watkins, John Welsh, Debra Winder, Margaret Wolick, Barry M. Wright, Victoria Rose Yates, Lawrence Yoka, Rudi Alberto Yuarez, Tom Zadjeika, Elwood Zievis, Baby Garrett Nickles & family, Baby Mia Noelle & Baby Lucas Watkins. Please pray for those in the nursing home: Gail Capriotti, Ann James, Theresa McCann, & Theresa Taylor. Please pray for those who have died: Pasquale Cavallaro, Robert Christ, Maryellen Fargnoli, Aurelia Lopez, Joseph Massaro, Louis Mueller & Pauline Palumbo December 17 & 18 Basket: $14,752 Online: $1,145 Christmas Flowers: $795 Christmas Offering: $1,010 Upcoming Collections: Jan. 1, 2017: Initial Offering Register now for Pre-Cana Classes February 24 and 25, 2017 Facilitators: Frank & Carla Hanley For more information email: [email protected] or call Frank @: 856.287.4621 Next Distribution: 2nd Tue., January 10, 2017 4th Sat., January 28, 2017 Distribution will be from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Location: Our Lady of Grace, Somerdale 856-627-8824 We accept monetary donations, canned goods, tuna & cereals. Thank you for your generosity!!! Spiritual Life Formation / Formación Vida Espiritual All 8th Grade Confirmation Applications, copies of Baptismal Certificates and Sponsor Eligibility Forms are now due to Mrs. Salvino at the Parish Office or Mrs. Pardee at JPII School. All Faith Formation classes are off for the Christmas holiday and will resume on Sunday, January 8 and Monday, January 9. There is an important meeting for all parents of children who are receiving their First Reconciliation and their First Holy Communion on Tuesday, January 10 at St. Luke’s Church beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. Merry Christmas! Sacramental Completion Classes: RCIT - Ages 13 to 17 Tues. 6 - 7 p.m. RCIA - Ages 18 & over Tues. 7:30 - 9 p.m. St. Lawrence Conference Room Contact Barbara Buehler: 856-784-8940 Worship and Liturgy / El Culto y la Liturgia Infant Baptism 2nd Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m., St. Lawrence , or during 11:30 a.m. Mass, St. Luke. Baptismal classes, 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m., St. Lawrence Church. Please email Dan Farr, [email protected] or call (856) 783-1586 Prayer for Life Rosary prayed in reparation for abortion every Thursday @ 11:30 a.m., St. Lawrence Church, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, led by the Beloved Daughters Women’s Faith Sharing Group. Bautismos: Cada cuarto domingo durante la Santa Misa, 11:00 a.m. (padres y padrinos) Charlas pre-bautismales cada segundo míercoles del mes a las 7:00 p.m. en la capilla. Para mas informacion por favor llamar a Francisco y Lucy Cruz al. [email protected] (856) 858-9345 Holy Hour After 7:00 p.m. Mass every Monday Marriage Arrangements for marriage should be made one year in advance. Because of the preparation needed, six months notification is mandatory. Please call parish office for details. Horario Misas en español: Todos los jueves, 7:00 p.m., y todos los domingos, 11:00 a.m. Confeciones antes y despues de las Misas jueves y domingos. Movimiento Juan XXIII Todos los martes, reunión en la capilla en Lindenwold 7 p.m. a 9 p.m. Matrimonio: Por favor, hablar a la oficina para mas información sobre las Charlas pre-matrimoniales y cuales son los requisitos para la boda religiosa. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia de la Parroguia y santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Todos los viernes a las 7 p.m. en la capilla. Eucharistic Adoration Every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 6:45 p.m., St. Lawrence Church Sabado Reunión Carismatica, en la iglesia de San Lucas, los martes, hueves y sabado, de 7 p.m. a 9 p.m. December 31 4:00 p.m. St. Luke December 31 December 31 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. St. Lawrence St. Lawrence Spanish January 1 7:30 a.m. St. Lawrence January 1 9:30 a.m. St. Lawrence January 1 11:00 a.m. St. Lawrence Spanish January 1 11:30 a.m. St. Luke Fr. John Fr. Vince Fr. Vince Fr. Vince Fr. Wilson Fr. John Fr. Vince D. Fanelle F. Caramiello Cl. Stiles J. Jackson D. Cutter F. Hanley O. Sánchez R. Morales Ch. Stites A. Garbarino C. Cagno A. Odorisio J. Lentini T. Steinert S. Ryan M. Chezik M. Ebling TBA J. Considine L. Denardo A. Esposito A. Bakley C. Cutter C. Hanley O. Hernández M. Hallam R. Harman J. Swanson O. Hernández J. Filipkowski B. Maslowski R. Freiling A. Pleis TBA C. & C. Ejianreh TBA N. Vargas M. Mendez E. Méndez L. Marinero M. & J. Tiedge A. Klingenberg L. Soriano L. Rocha E. Mendez J. Funk A. Fitzgerald A. Fitzgerald P. Ripa Parish News & Notes / Noticias y Notas Parroquiales From Our Parish Family To Yours! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Fr. Vince, Fr. John, Fr. Wilson, Fr. Jim, Deacon Tom and OLG Staff & Volunteers The Parish Office will be closed on: Monday, December 26, 2016 Monday, January 2, 2017 February 5: Café Guadalupe 1st Sunday of every month after all morning Masses Parish News & Notes / Noticias y Notas Parroquiales Interested in serving our parish as an usher? Thank you to all who helped, organized Please contact the Parish Office at and donated to Our Lady of Guadalupe’s 856-627-2222 Christmas Gift Giving Projects. God Bless you for your generosity and continued support! Eucharistic Adoration Knights of Columbus: Nativity Council 2976 American Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Guadalupe—School Cafeteria 100 South Ave., Lindenwold, NJ Walk-ins are welcome or call 1-800-733-2767 for an appointment Please bring some form of photo I.D. www.facebook.com/OurLadyof GuadalupeNJ Will be at Our Lady of Grace Chapel from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. beginning January 5, 2017 Theology on Tap Theology on Tap is an exciting speaker and discussion series for women and men in their 20s and 30s, married and single. Topic: Youth Homelessness: Our Response & Responsibility Guest Speaker: Mandi Cruz is the co-chair of the Homeless Network and Planning Committee of Camden County and also has extensive experience working with homeless and Disadvantaged youth through Covenant House in Camden, NJ. When: Tuesday, January 10, 2016 Where: Tir Na Nog, 482 E. Evesham Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 Time: 7 – 9 p.m. It’s a great chance to hear a dynamic speaker and engage in meaningful conversation in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. No cost to attend. Participants are welcome to purchase food and beverages. For more info: (856) 583-2908, [email protected], or join “Theology on Tap – South Jersey” on Facebook or follow “Theology on Tap SJ” on Twitter.
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