Eden United Church of Christ Order for Worship Candlelight Noche Buena Christmas Eve Service Saturday, December 24, 2016 7:00 p.m. WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS Eden United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming congregation. We believe that all people are children of God; that persons of all ages, races and sexual orientations are part of our increasingly diverse culture. We welcome all persons into the full life and ministry of this church. Children’s bulletins are available upon request from the ushers. Thank you for muting your cell phone, pager, and PDA during worship. Thank you for bringing no food or beverages in the Sanctuary other than sacramental elements and bottled water. PRELUDE Global Christmas Kees Schoonenbeek * THE LIGHT ENTERS WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT * GREETING The Rev. Dr. Arlene K. Nehring & Stephanie Spencer * CALL TO WORSHIP (All who are able may stand) 1 L: R: L: R: Toda la tierra espera al Salvador All earth is waiting to see the Promised One, y el surco abierto, la obra del Creador; and open furrows, the sowing of our God. L: R: L: R: es el mundo que lucha por la libertad, All the world, bound and struggling, seeks true liberty; reclama justicia y busca la verdad. it cries out for justice and searches for the truth. L: R: L: R: Dice el profeta al pueblo de Israel: Thus says the prophet to those of Israel, “De madre virgen ya viene Emmanuel,” “A virgin mother will bear Emmanuel”: L: R: L: R: sera “Dios con nosotros,” semilla será, One whose name is “God with us,” our Savior shall be, Con el la esperanza al mundo volverá through whom hope will blossom once more within our hearts. 1 Reprinted under Eden UCC’s OneLicense.net #A-708960. * CAROL Es ist ein’ Ros entsprungen (Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming) NCH № 127 (Verses 1 & 2 in English) * INVOCATION (in unison) The Rev. Pepper Swanson O Mighty God, on this special night of celebration, we lift our hearts to you with anticipation. May the words and languages we hear and sing together reassure ourselves and one another that we are all your people, claimed by the birth of Christ and sustained by the mystery of the Holy Spirit that gathers us in this place. Teach us, yet again, the meaning of Emmanuel–God is with us!–and the power and the glory of your Love. Amen. READING 1 Prophecy Isaiah 9:2−7 (p. 555) 2 El pueblo que andaba en tinieblas ha visto gran luz; a los que habitaban en tierra de sombra de muerte, la luz ha resplandecido sobre ellos. 3 Multiplicaste la nación, aumentaste su alegría; se alegran en tu presencia como con la alegría de la cosecha, como se regocijan los hombres cuando se reparten el botín. 4 Porque tú quebrarás el yugo de su carga, el báculo de sus hombros, y la vara de su opresor, como en la batalla de Madián. 5 Porque toda bota que calza el guerrero en el fragor de la batalla, y el manto revolcado en sangre, serán para quemar, combustible para el fuego. 6 Porque un niño nos ha nacido, un hijo nos ha sido dado, y la soberanía reposará sobre sus hombros; y se llamará su nombre Admirable Consejero, Dios Poderoso, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de Paz. 7 El aumento de su soberanía y de la paz no tendrán fin sobre el trono de David y sobre su reino, para afianzarlo y sostenerlo con el derecho y la justicia desde entonces y para siempre. El celo del SEÑOR de los ejércitos hará esto. * CAROL It Came upon the Midnight Clear (v.1 & 2) NCH № 131 READING 2 Annunciation Luke 1:26−38 (p. 831) 26 Y al sexto mes, el ángel Gabriel fue enviado por Dios a una ciudad de Galilea llamada Nazaret,27 a una virgen desposada con un hombre que se llamaba José, de los descendientes de David; y el nombre de la virgen era María. 28 Y entrando el ángel, le dijo: ¡Salve, muy favorecida! El Señor está contigo; bendita eres tú entre las mujeres. 29 Pero ella se turbó mucho por estas palabras, y se preguntaba qué clase de saludo sería éste. 30 Y el ángel le dijo: No temas, María, porque has hallado gracia delante de Dios. 31 Y he aquí, concebirás en tu seno y darás a luz un hijo, y le pondrás por nombre Jesús. 32 Este será grande y será llamado Hijo del Altísimo; y el Señor Dios le dará el trono de su padre David; 33 y reinará sobre la casa de Jacob pará siempre, y su reino no tendrá fin. 34 Entonces María dijo al ángel: ¿Cómo será esto, puesto que soy virgen? 35 Respondiendo el ángel, le dijo: El Espíritu Santo vendrá sobre ti, y el poder del Altísimo te cubrirá con su sombra; por eso el santo Niño que nacerá será llamado Hijo de Dios. 36 Y he aquí, tu parienta Elizabeth en su vejez también ha concebido un hijo; y este es el sexto mes para ella, la que llamaban estéril. 37 Porque ninguna cosa será imposible para Dios.38 Entonces María dijo: He aquí la sierva del Señor; hágase conmigo conforme a tu palabra. Y el ángel se fue de su presencia. ANTHEM READING 3 Christmas Lullaby Magnificat John Rutter Luke 1:39−55 (pp. 831-832) 39 En esos días María se levantó y fue apresuradamente a la región montañosa, a una ciudad de Judá; 40 y entró en casa de Zacarías y saludó a Elizabeth. 41 Y aconteció que cuando Elizabeth oyó el saludo de María, la criatura saltó en su vientre; y Elizabeth fue llena del Espíritu Santo, 42 y exclamó a gran voz y dijo: ¡Bendita tú entre las mujeres, y bendito el fruto de tu vientre! 43 ¿Por qué me ha acontecido esto a mí, que la madre de mi Señor venga a mí? 44 Porque he aquí, apenas la voz de tu saludo llegó a mis oídos, la criatura saltó de gozo en mi vientre. 45 Y bienaventurada la que creyó que tendrá cumplimiento lo que le fue dicho de parte del Señor. 46 Entonces María dijo: Mi alma engrandece al Señor, 47 y mi espíritu se regocija en Dios mi Salvador. 48 Porque ha mirado la humilde condición de esta su sierva; pues he aquí, desde ahora en adelante todas las generaciones me tendrán por bienaventurada. 49 Porque grandes cosas me ha hecho el Poderoso; y santo es su nombre. 50 Y de generación en generación es su misericordia para los que le temen. 51 Ha hecho proezas con su brazo; ha esparcido a los soberbios en el pensamiento de sus corazones. 52 Ha quitado a los poderosos de sus tronos; y ha exaltado a los humildes; 53 A los hambrientos ha colmado de bienes y ha despedido a los ricos con las manos vacías. 54 Ha ayudado a Israel, su siervo, para recuerdo de su misericordia 55 tal como dijo a nuestros padres, a Abraham y a su descendencia para siempre. CAROL READING 4 Mary, Woman of the Promise (v. 1-3) The Birth NCH № 123 Luke 2:1−7 (pp. 832-833) Y aconteció en aquellos días que salió un edicto de César Augusto, para que se hiciera un censo de todo el mundo habitado. 2 Este fue el primer censo que se levantó cuando Cirenio era gobernador de Siria. 3 Y todos se dirigían a inscribirse en el censo, cada uno a su ciudad. 4 Y también José subió de Galilea, de la ciudad de Nazaret, a Judea, a la ciudad de David que se llama Belén, por ser él de la casa y de la familia de David, 5 para inscribirse junto con María, desposada con él, la cual estaba encinta. 6 Y sucedió que mientras estaban ellos allí, se cumplieron los días de su alumbramiento. 7 Y dio a luz a su hijo primogénito; le envolvió en pañales y le acostó en un pesebre, porque no había lugar para ellos en el mesón. SPECIAL MUSIC READING 5 8 O Holy Night Jesse Acker-Johnson, Guitar arr. Kevin Gallagher Shepherds Luke 2:8–12 (p. 833) En la misma región había pastores que estaban en el campo, cuidando sus rebaños durante las vigilias de la noche. 9 Y un ángel del Señor se les presentó, y la gloria del Señor los rodeó de resplandor, y tuvieron gran temor. 10 Mas el ángel les dijo: No temáis, porque he aquí, os traigo buenas nuevas de gran gozo que serán para todo el pueblo; 11 porque os ha nacido hoy, en la ciudad de David, un Salvador, que es Cristo el Señor. 12 Y esto os servirá de señal: hallaréis a un niño envuelto en pañales y acostado en un pesebre. HOMILY “The Real Good News” SPECIAL MUSIC The Rev. Dr. Arlene K. Nehring Prelude in G BWV1007 J.S. Bach LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE CHRISTMAS PRAYER PRAYER RESPONSE The Rev. Pepper Swanson Silent Night SCRIPTURE READING 6 Kings arr. Paul Johnston Matthew 2:1-12 (pp. 783-784) Después de nacer Jesús en Belén de Judea, en tiempos del rey Herodes, he aquí, unos magos del oriente llegaron a Jerusalén, diciendo: 2 ¿Dónde está el Rey de los judíos que ha nacido? Porque vimos su estrella en el oriente y hemos venido a adorarle. 3 Cuando lo oyó el rey Herodes, se turbó, y toda Jerusalén con él. 4 Entonces, reuniendo a todos los principales sacerdotes y escribas del pueblo, indagó de ellos dónde había de nacer el Cristo. 5 Y ellos le dijeron: En Belén de Judea, porque así está escrito por el profeta: 6 “Y tu, Belen, tierra de Juda, de ningun modo eres la mas pequeña entre los principes de Juda; porque de ti saldra un Gobernante que pastoreara a mi pueblo Israel.” 7 Entonces Herodes llamó a los magos en secreto y se cercioró con ellos del tiempo en que había aparecido la estrella. 8 Y enviándolos a Belén, dijo: Id y buscad con diligencia al Niño; y cuando le encontréis, avisadme para que yo también vaya y le adore. 9 Y habiendo oído al rey, se fueron; y he aquí, la estrella que habían visto en el oriente iba delante de ellos, hasta que llegó y se detuvo sobre el lugar donde estaba el Niño. 10 Cuando vieron la estrella, se regocijaron sobremanera con gran alegría. 11 Y entrando en la casa, vieron al Niño con su madre María, y postrándose le adoraron; y abriendo sus tesoros le presentaron obsequios de oro, incienso y mirra. 12 Y habiendo sido advertidos por Dios en sueños que no volvieran a Herodes, partieron para su tierra por otro camino. OFFERING OUR GIFTS Offering Invitation The Rev. Pepper Swanson Offering Dedication (Please use the blue card in your worship bulletin for submitting prayer requests.) Offertory Angels We Have Heard On High Joy to the World Traditional SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Invitation The Rev. Dr. Arlene K. Nehring Prayer of Blessing Hymn of Approach Angels We Have Heard on High NCH № 125 Spanish Án-ge-les can-tan-do es-tán tan dul-cí-si-ma can-ción; las mon-ta-ñas su e-co dan co-mo fiel con-tes-ta-ción. Glo - - - - - - ri-a in Excel-sis De-o. Glo - - - - - - - - ri-a in Excel-sis De-o English An-gels we have heard on high, sweet-ly sing-ing o’er the plains, And the moun-tains in re-ply, ech-o back their joy-ous strains. Glo - - - - - - ri-a in ex-cel-sis De-o. Glo - - - - - - - - ri-a in ex-cel-sis De-o. Words of Remembrance Pepper & Arlene Distribution of Elements (The congregation is invited to come forward for communion and receive a candle from the confirmands. The ushers will guide worshipers around the perimeter of the Sanctuary for candle lighting, “Silent Night” singing, and the Benediction. Please bring your worship bulletin with you.) (Por favor traiga su boletín de culto con usted.) Communion Music Christmas Art Music Prayer of Thanksgiving Various Composers Pepper Lord’s Prayer (in unison) Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos Santificado sea tu Nombre Venga tu reino Hágase tu voluntad En la tierra como en el cielo Danos hoy el pan de cada día y perdona nuestras deudas como nosotros perdonamos nuestros deudores y no nos dejes caer en tentación sino que líbranos del mal. Amén. Our Father/Creator, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. * SHARING THE LIGHT OF CHRIST * CAROL Silent Night Pepper & Arlene Jos. Mohr/John F. Young (English v.1 - German - Spanish - Chinese Mandarin - English v.3) Silent night Holy night All is calm all is bright ’Round yon virgin Mother and Child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht! Alles schläft, einsam wacht Nur das traute hochheilige Paar. Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar, Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh, Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh Noche de paz, noche de amor, Todo duerme alrededor entre los astros que esparcen su luz viene anunciando al niño Jesús Brilla la estrella de paz Brilla la estrella de paz. píngānyè, shèngshànyè! wànàn zhōng, guānghuá shè, zhào zhe shèngmǔ yě zhào zhe shèngyīng, duōshǎo cíxiáng yě duōshǎo tiānzhēn, jìngxiǎng tiāncì ānmián, jìngxiǎng tiāncì ānmián. Silent night, holy night, Child of God, love's pure light; Radiant beams from thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus Christ at your birth, Jesus Christ at your birth. * BENEDICTION Arlene * RECESSIONAL Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Traditional Hark! the her - ald an - gels sing, "Glo - ry to the Christ-child bring; Peace on earth, and mer-cy mild, God and sin - ner rec- on- ciled!” Joy- ful, all you saints a - rise, join the tri-umph of the skies; With the an - gel host pro- claim, "Christ is born in Beth-le-hem!" Hark! the her-ald an-gels sing, "Glo-ry to Christ-child bring!" Christ, by high - est heaven a - dored, Christ, the ev - erlasting Lord! Late in time the Sav-ior comes, off-spring of the Vir-gin’s womb. Veiled in flesh, the God-head see; hail, the in-car-nate De – i - ty: Pleased, on earth with us to dwell, Je - sus, our Em- ma- nu - el! Hark! the he-rald an-gels sing, "Glo-ry to Christ-child bring!" Hail! the Bear - er of God’s peace! Hail the Sun of Righ- teous-ness! Light and life our Sav-ior brings, risen with ra – diant, heal-ing wings Mild-ly lay-ing glo-ry by, born that we no more may die, Born to raise us all from earth, born to give us sec-ond birth. Hark! the her-ald an-gels sing, "Glo-ry to Christ-child bring!" The scriptures printed in tonight’s worship bulletin are from LA BIBLIA DE LAS AMERICAS®, Copyright © 1986, 1995, 1997 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. The lyrics printed in tonight’s worship bulletin are in the public domain or are covered under Eden’s OneLicense # A-708960. Worship Leaders The Rev. Dr. Arlene K. Nehring, Senior Minister Pepper Swanson, Associate Minister Debby Andrade, Krista Coburn, Dianne Dorn, Herb Graw, Athena Malloy, Darcy Malloy, and the Rev. Rob Parrish, Readers Miriam Hutchison & Carol Roach, Deacons Eden Church Musicians Dr. Jessie Wenchieh Lo, Music Director & Organist Jesse Acker-Johnson, Guitarist Peggy Apperson, Suzie Hasselkuss, Susan MacDonald, Marie Rodriguez, and Miles Vetrovec, Sopranos Debby Andrade, Mary Bradford, Esther Garrity, and Athena Guy Malloy, Altos Rob Parrish, Tenor, Reuben Rodriguez, Baritone, and Charlie Smith, Bass The ChYLI Mascots, Acolytes Dianne Dorn, Jan and Bill Schumann & Lynda and George Cumming, Greeters Jan & Bill Schumann, Stephanie S. Spencer, Scott Swanson, Theressa Collier, and TBD, Ushers Mary Graw, Flower Coordinator Quinn Malloy & Lia Swanson, Candle Crew The Rev. Dr. Arlene K. Nehring & The Rev. Pepper Swanson, Chalice Bearers Suzie Hasselkuss & Sabrina Bratt, Bread Servers Nacimiento Artistas/Christmas Village Artists María Cisneros, Andrea de la Cruz, Fernando de la Cruz, Jr., Imelda de la Cruz, Ruby Gutiérrez Contreras, Andrea Orea, Javier Orea, Julián Orea, Tito Orea, Edith Sánchez, Cecilia Suarez, Corina Vasaure, María Uribe, and Victoria Sánchez Vivaldi Hospitality Patricia Payne, Fellowship Chair Jacob Smith, Fellowship Captain Suzie Haselkuss & Sally Kusalo, Reception Servers Bill Adam, Daniella Prym, and Bob Turner, Trustees on Duty Dawn Coburn, Sexton Welcome Welcome to Eden United Church of Christ! If you are searching for a spiritual home, please consider becoming part of our congregation. Eden welcomes members who seek a deeper relationship with God in a caring community and who strive to make a difference in the lives of others. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism and the Rite of Church Membership four to five times yearly during morning worship. Please see one of our pastors or an usher, deacon, or member of the E-Team if you seek baptism for yourself or your child, or if you would like to be received into church membership. We will celebrate infant and adult baptism and receive new members several times each year. Christmas & Epiphany Events Christmas Day Worship, Dec 25: This year Christmas Day falls on Sunday! In keeping with our tradition, we will have worship on Sunday, Dec 25 at 10 am in Pioneer Chapel, our 19th century church home. Pioneer Chapel is perfect for small weddings, memorial services, recitals and . . . our own traditional Christmas Day worship. Tomorrow’s worship will be the debut of our new folk art Holy Family art installation, which was handmade by members of the congregation during Advent. Come enjoy a special morning service of Scripture, art, poetry, and music. New Year’s Day Worship, Jan 1: The Christmas season continues with our New Year’s Day (Jan 1) celebration in Pioneer Chapel. This simple service will feature gospel and spiritual songs like “Rise Up, Shepherd and Follow!” and “I’ll Fly Away,” as we explore the deep meaning of the Holy Family’s migration story from Bethlehem to Egypt. Worship begins at 10 am and will be followed by a tailgate reception in the PC parking lot. No matter who you are (or what you did on New Year’s Eve!), you are welcome here. For more information, contact Pastor Arlene. Tres Reyes Worship & Fiesta: The Kings are Coming! Three Kings Day/ Tres Reyes Magos will happen Sunday, Jan 8 at Eden Church. Three Kings is the celebration of the Magi who come to visit Mary, Joseph, and their newborn son, Jesus. The Kings bring wonderful gifts for Jesus and his parents. The Three Kings Celebration is an opportunity to celebrate the partnership between Eden Church and the Cherryland community by sharing this important religious holiday together. Everyone is invited to join in celebrating the Three Kings Celebration/Fiesta de Tres Reyes Magos, which will include a free lunch (with both kid-friendly and not-spicy options) served to all by participants in our Compañeras/os Ministry, and fun entertainment for the whole family. Whether you’re a church member, church youth, or a community member, everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this event! All in attendance can take part in the activities. Gifts will be shared by the Three Kings with all of the children present, ages 0-12. For more information, please contact Corina Vasaure. Announcements & Upcoming Events Congregational Care Circle (CCC) Brunch: The CCC will start the New Year with a “working brunch” on Wednesday morning, Jan 18. Newcomers and long-time CCC participants are invited to gather at 11:15 a.m. in the Fireside Room for tea and conversation. Brunch will be provided by Pastor Arlene and available at 11:30 a.m. After our repast, an overview of the CCC’s current ministries will be provided. Participants will be invited to share updates on their holiday outreach to homebound and nonresident members, and consider “re-upping” for various ministries, including meals, phoning, visiting, greeting cards, baby showers, memorial receptions, etc. RSVP via the church office by Sunday, January 15. For more information, please speak with Deacon Sally Kusalo or Pastor Arlene. Join the Choir: Come and join the Eden Choir! Dr. Jessie Lo will be leading and teaching music during rehearsals to be held on certain Sundays beginning at 11:30 am. See “Coming Attractions” in the Sunday bulletin for our upcoming rehearsal and performance schedule. In general, rehearsals will be the two Sundays preceding each performance in worship. Come join a fun-loving group, learn some music, and be a vital part of our Music Ministry. Seekers Book: Seekers will continue their reading of New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander (Chapter 2) on Wednesday, Jan 4 at 10 am in the Community Room. Newcomers are always welcome to this weekly book discussion group. New Time! Yoga in the Afternoon: Yoga classes will resume on Jan 3 and will be held on Tuesdays at 2 pm in the Fireside Room. Join Yogi Amanda Sharpe and Eden members and friends. Cherryland Computer Café: Need a computer for schoolwork or study? Need to complete or print a job application? Apply on-site to regularly use our Google Chromebooks to print, scan, and send documents, access thousands of free language and study apps, and free Wi-Fi, and learn how to create and access email, Google applications and social media accounts. All ages welcome and mentors available to help you succeed. Open hours for Jan 2017 are scheduled for Mondays, 4 to 7 pm and Comida Wednesdays (2nd & 4th), 1 to 4 pm. Hours are subject to change; please call our Office at (510) 582-9533 to confirm availability. Comida para Cherryland: Eden’s just-in-time food pantry, Comida para Cherryland, serves around 225 families per month. The Comida operates on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, from 1:30— 4:30 pm or until the food is gone. Every dollar contributed goes directly to the purchase of food. A contribution of $4.50 buys one bag for a family of 4 to 7. To volunteer or for more information about the food pantry, please contact our Compañeras/os Ministry Coordinator, Corina Vasaure. Bible Study: On Monday, Jan 9, our daytime Bible Study Group will resume their reading of the Acts of the Apostles at 10 am in the Community Room. Evening Bible Study will resume on Monday evenings (biweekly) in February and will embark on a new adventure: studying the Book of Revelation. Eden Stitchers: Quilters and others with sewing projects are invited to join the Eden Stitchers on Tuesdays at 10 am in the Jensen Room. Contact Suzie Hasselkuss ([email protected]) or Shannon Whitney ([email protected]) for the date of the next meeting. Flowers for Worship: The 2017 Flower Calendar is posted in the Church Office. Several Sundays are available for dedications. Stop by to sign up for a date to match your occasion. Flowers can be provided by: 1) Cut or purchase flowers and arrange them at home or church and place them on the communion table; 2) Make arrangements with Eden’s Flower Coordinator Mary Graw to provide flowers and she or another member will arrange them; or (3) Order flowers delivered from a florist to the church on the Saturday prior to your date. Bulletin dedications are due to the Church Office by 12 noon on the Wednesday before your date. For information, contact Mary Graw at 510-581-5536. Coming Attractions – Mark Your Calendars! New or amended items are in italics. Dec 25 Dec 28 Jan 01 Jan 08 Jan 11 Jan 14 Jan 16 Jan 18 Jan 22 Jan 25 Jan 29 Christmas Day Service, Pioneer Chapel, 10 am Comida para Cherryland New Year’s Day Service, Pioneer Chapel, 10 am Tres Reyes Worship & Fiesta Comida para Cherryland NCNC Mid-Winter Camp (Grades 6-8) in Fresno MLK Birthday Celebration—Eden Campus Closed Congregational Care Circle “Working Brunch” Congregational Meeting-Strategic Plan Teams Report Comida para Cherryland Confirmation Class Joys Three high school students (Rodrigo Abad, Roxana Abad, and Miriam Oseguera) provided 123 volunteer hours to serve as peer tutors in the Cherryland Computer Café this fall. Seventeen children and youth participated in our Christmas Pageant on Sunday, Dec. 11. Halleluiah! The Eden Campus Community survived several surprise maintenance projects in recent weeks. Running water has returned to our village. The collapsed water main and gas leak adjacent to Oliver Hall were repaired. The two failing furnaces on the second floor were replaced, and the failing circuit board on the Norberg Room furnace was replaced. The pilot light in the OHK has been relit. Utopia marches on! Linda Joost became a member of Eden Church on Dec 18! Eden Church was pleased to welcome the Mt. Eden Choir Chamber Singers to worship on Dec. 4, and to host the Mt. Eden Music Department Winter Concert on Dec 8. Prayer Concerns For all those who are not experiencing the Christmas season as “the most wonderful time of the year.” One family in our congregation and three families in the Eden Area have asked Eden Church for help finding affordable housing. If you have a lead on a room, apartment, or house to rent, please contact Pastor Arlene. For members and friends who are seeking gainful and meaningful employment. For the loved ones of those who died in the Ghost Ship fire on Dec 2 and for the survivors, first responders, and other caregivers who have been ministering to the needs of all who are suffering from this tragedy. For Patricia Payne, the hardworking chair of our Fellowship Committee, who is recovering from a broken ankle incurred last Sunday evening. For members and friends who are living with mental health challenges. And for Mary Bernstein, Juanita Chavez, Ann Dodd, Regina Fischer, Clyde Howell, Arden Keune, Wesley Moniz, Jan Richards, Ruth Schaap, Marilyn Sundberg, June Staley, the Wiebe-Freed family, and Terry Wilkerson. Wiebe-Freed Family Support: Eden members and friends have resumed our practice of providing Friday night supper for the Wiebe-Freed family. Volunteers are needed to coordinate, cook, and deliver meals. Please contact Keith Smith to learn more and get involved. This Week At-A-Glance Saturday, December 24 7:00— 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 8:15— 9:30 pm Christmas Eve Fellowship Sunday, December 25 9:00— 9:45 am Music Rehearsal 10:00— 11:15 am Christmas Sunday Worship Sanctuary Oliver Hall Pioneer Chapel Pioneer Chapel Monday, December 26 – Eden Campus Closed Tuesday, December 27 – Eden Campus Closed Saturday, December 28 6:00— 6:45 pm Music Rehearsal 7:00— 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship Sunday, January 1 9:00— 9:45 am 10:00— 11:15 am Music Rehearsal Christmas Day Worship Sanctuary Sanctuary Pioneer Chapel Pioneer Chapel Eden Church Campus Holiday Schedule Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25, Pioneer Chapel open, 9:00 to 11:30am Christmas Holiday, Monday & Tuesday, December 26 & 27, Campus Closed New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1, Pioneer Chapel open, 9:00 to 11:30am New Year’s Holiday, Monday, January 2, Campus Closed The Lovely Poinsettias are Gifts From. . . Bill and Lenore Adam, in memory of Michael and Emily Adam, Gene and Barbara Mamer. Emily Autenrieth, in memory of David Adams. Peggy Apperson, in memory of Dan Apperson a.k.a Mr. Christmas, in honor of her mother Kay Crosby and in celebration of her brother Terry Wilkerson. Jan Bass and David Wallace, in memory of Jerry Bass and in honor of the Bass and Wallace families. The Smith- Bove Family, in memory of Todd S. Bove. Mary Bradford, in memory Clarence Kamps and in honor of John Kamps, Jeanne Lindwall and Jane Kamps. Krista and Dawn Coburn, in memory of Cheryl Borges, Loris Coburn and Bill Coburn. Linda and George Cumming, in memory of Mary Elizabeth Cumming. Michael Freed, in honor of those standing at “Standing Rock” in opposition of the “Black Snake” which threatens the water of us all. The Graw Family, in memory of Richard and Ann Mary Graw and Will and Bess Pierson. Mary Haro, in memory of Marilyn Silveria. Patricia Henderson, in memory of Tony Henderson. Sally Kusalo, in honor of her grandchildren: Ryland Cheff, Simon Kusalo and Samantha Jammal. Charlotte Lusschen. Susan MacDonald, in memory of Christopher MacDonald, Ervin and Vera Klassen. Janice MacGowan, in memory of John MacGowan, Ralph Paulk and Don Mary. Athena Malloy, in memory of Roger Malloy and Ang Se Kian. The Rev. Dr. Arlene K. Nehring and Stephanie Spencer, in memory of August Nehring, Doris Nehring Russell, Earl C. Russell, Mary Murray Spencer, The Rev. Charles Spencer Sr., Mary and Alfred Thomsen, Lance A. Nehring, Paul E. Norman Sr. and Mabel Norman. Russ and Susie Newman. Edward H. Ogle, in memory of Dana Paul, Bette Morgan, Bertha Hund, Laura Hamilton and Billy Gene Ogle. Pat Payne, in memory of George and Betty Clifford. Carol Roach, in memory of Elizabeth Roach and Joyce Livergood. Bill and Jan Schumann, in memory of Henry and June Schumann. Rozetta Walth, in memory of Chiu Ngan Lam, and Kwai Ming Fan. Rhodell Willard, in memory of Enid B. Willard.
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