The Creation of

Empower your students and
internationalize your classes with the
Open-Access & Free Teaching Method
STEMP (STudents EMPowered)
We do not promote publishers or educational materials.
STEMP can even be implemented without textbooks.
La Internacionalización de la Educación
Superior en un entorno de crisis
financiera mundial. Retos y Estrategias
AMPEI 2016
Sistemas Educativos, Directivos, Administrativos,
Jefes, Profesores, Alumnos
The Creation of STEMP and Theoretical Basis (3 min)
Videos (8 min) Responsibilities – Student & Instructor
Wrap-up (2 min)
Q&A (later or find us at our booth)
USMEXFUSION, A.C. is a bilingual nonprofit that supports higher
education institutions to internationalize their campuses & to
form global graduates.
We offer open-access resources, online professional development
and an affiliate community that supports our mission.
The Creation of
• Traditional power structure:
– Students bored/distracted/not engaged
– Competencies not developed
• New power structure:
– Students sit in the driver´s seat
– Add international & intercultural component
Theoretical Basis
We use Cornell University´s Center for Teaching Excellence´s
resources as a theoretical basis for STEMP: Flipping the
Classroom, Active Learning, Collaborative Learning, ProblemBased Learning, Using Rubrics, Student Evaluations of Method
and the Teaching.
We also use resources on the importance of Drama in
Education such as the Research Project supported by
the European Union Drama Improves Competences in
Education (DICE).
What is
Main Components
Empower your students!
Give them challenges!
Contact us if you would like to pilot
at your HEI: [email protected]
Open-Access Resources
March 2017 Online Professional Development Month
among others
Hans de Wit
Elspeth Jones Carlos Taquechel
We invite your institution, organization,
or business to become a USMEXFUSION
affiliate. It’s free!
Thank you! ¡Gracias!
Mtro. Carlos Silverio
Huerta Jiménez
Mtra. Jennifer L.