DELTAHOME 6th PRIMARY – NEW ZEALAND TIME 08:30 – 09:30 09:00 – 09:30 09:30 – 10:30 DAY 1 23:00 – 23:30 ARRIVAL ROOM DISTRIBUTION ICEBREAKERS INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC: EXPLORE MAORI CULTURE WITH THE TANIWHA LUNCH FREE TIME ARTS & CRAFTS WORKSHOP: LET’S MAKE A TANIWHA TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES SNACK NZ HIERARCHY GAME SHOWER DINNER NIGHT GAME: MAORI TRIBAL WARS GET READY FOR BED 23:30 SILENCE 10:30 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:30 14:30 – 15:00 15:00 – 17:00 17:00 – 17:30 17:30 – 19:30 19:30 – 20:30 20:30 – 21:30 21:30 – 23:00 DAY 2 DAY 3 WAKE UP BREAKFAST WAKE UP BREAKFAST TREKKING MAORI MYTHS & LEGENDS ACTIVITY OUTDOOR GAMES TREASURE HUNT LUNCH FREE TIME LUNCH GOOD BYE ! ARTS & CRAFTS WORKSHOP: MAORI CULTURE CRAFTS SNACK TRADITIONAL MAORI GAMES SHOWER DINNER MAORI PARTY GET READY FOR BED SILENCE DURING THE TIME SLOTS IN COLOR GRAY, SCHOOL TEACHERS ARE IN CHARGE OF THE GROUP Brief explanation of activities Introduction to the topic: The students are going to be introduced to the Taniwha! Taniwha are supernatural creatures in Māori tradition, similar to serpents and dragons in other cultures. They were said to hide in the ocean, rivers, lakes or caves. Some Taniwha were believed to be guardians for a tribe. The students are going to join an Iwi (Maori Tribe) each iwi is going to be based around a type of location in nature e.g. Sea Tribe, Forest Tribe, and Cliff Tribe etc. Each tribe will have their own Taniwha as a guardian! Arts & Crafts.- Let´s make a Taniwha: The student have learnt a little bit about the Maori creature the Taniwha, now they are going to create their own! Team building activities: These are activities that involve group participation! The students must work together to complete a number of different fun but possibly challenging activities that have been adapted to the topic of the camp. NZ Hierarchy Game: A strategy game using the winning, losing and trading of different cards. It involves skill, thinking and a little bit of luck. Night Game.- Maori Tribal Wars: The students are going to compete in their Iwi´s (Maori tribes). Using cards they are going to challenge other Iwi´s for control of the area! The more cards they collect from the other teams the more likely they are to win the game! Trekking: The students will go and explore the surrounding areas, play games, sing songs, interacting and speaking in English with the monitors. Outdoor Games: The students get to play some well-known and some unknown outdoor games, interacting with their friends and the English monitors. Arts & Crafts.- Maori Culture Crafts: The students will get to try a number of different crafts related to Maori culture such as flax weaving, poi making and creating their own Maori stick games; they can even design their own Maori face tattoos which they can draw on their friends. The crafts they create here can be used later for the traditional Maori games. Traditional Maori Games: Maori culture has a lot of traditional games, including stick games, ball games and games using poi´s (which they will have made earlier in the Maori crafts workshop) Maori Rōpū: Let’s have a rōpū, which is party in Maori! Maori Myths & Legends Activity: The students are going to complete a number of different stations with different games and activities related to Maori myths and legends! Treasure Hunt: A well-known activity but with a New Zealand twist. PRECIO POR ALUMNO.- 155,00 € EL PRECIO INCLUYE • • • • • • • • • • • • UN/A PROFESSOR/A INVITADO/DA POR CADA 20 ALUMNOS DE PAGO. EL PROFESORADO QUE NO ENTRE EN GRATUIDAD: 35,00 € x NOCHE EL RÉGIMEN DE PENSIÓN COMPLETA QUE VIENE DETALLADO EN CADA PROGRAMA. HABITACIONES MÚLTIPLES CON BAÑO PARA LOS ALUMNOS. HABITACIONES CON BAÑO PARA PROFESORES O ACOMPAÑANTES. TODAS LAS ACTIVIDADES QUE VIENEN DETALLADAS EN EL PROGRAMA. 3 MONITORES DE HABLA INGLESA 1 MONITOR DE HABLA CASTELLANA VIGILANTE NOCTURNO (DE 00:00 A 08:00). ASSISTÉNCIA 24 HORAS POR PARTE DE LA ORGANIZACIÓN. SEGURO DE ASISTÉNCIA DE VIAJE, PARA ALUMNOS Y PROFESORES. SEGURO DE RESPONSABILIDAD CIVIL PROFESIONAL DE LA EMPRESA. LOS PRECIOS SON CON IVA INCLUIDO. LOS PRECIOS NO INCLUYEN • EL TRANSPORTE DESDE EL LUGAR DE ORIGEN Y VICEVERSA. OBSERVACIONES • • • EL PROGRAMA ESTA COTITZADO EN BASE A GRUPOS DE 45 PARTICIPANTES. CUALQUIER OTRO NÚMERO DE PARTICIPANTES, NECESITARÁ UNA NUEVA COTIZACIÓN. LOS COLEGIOS TIENEN QUE TRAER EL MATERIAL PROPIO ( FÚTBOL – BALONCESTO – FRONTÓN – JUEGOS DE MESA) PARA EL TIEMPO LIBRE. NO HACE FALTA SACO DE DORMIR
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