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Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly
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Noviembre 11, 2016 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 60, No. 11
Latins United Pres. Chevo Torres, Lucas County Auditor Anita López, and MC Gary Johnson with veterans who were recognized
in Latins United annual ceremony: Angelo Pecina, Steve “Tato” García, Arturo Flores, and Lonnie Good. See page 11.
XIncapacidad ~ Disability
XSocial Security ~ SSI
XCasos de Worker’s Compensation
XAccidentes de Auto/Moto/Camión
Castro twins, college students from California and New York stump in Ohio for Hillary Clinton. PP 11 &13.
XNegligencia Médica
• Parálisis Cerebral
• Lesiones causadas en el
• Muerte por Negligencia
Patrick Merrick
La consulta es GRATIS. Hablamos Español.
(800) 309-7404
Consulado de México celebra con éxito la XVI Semana Binacional de Salud, P. 4
“Love & Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, Humanity cannot survive.”—Richard Neller quoting Dali Lama.
Página 2
EEUU acusa a 61 por estafa
en telefonemas desde la India
Por ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press
WASHINGTON, DC, 27 manera inmediata a tarjetas
X 16 (AP): Puede ser un prepagadas. Las agencias del
telefonema atemorizante, y gobierno de Estados Unidos
miles de estadounidenses ya no hacen llamadas con el fin
han recibido uno así.
de exigir pagos inmediatos
Personas que se hacen para evitar deportaciones o
pasar por agentes fiscales o arrestos”.
migratorios amenazan con
arrestos, formales, emitidas por un
deportaciones u otro tipo de jurado investigador la
sanciones a menos que se les semana pasada en Houston,
envíe dinero para aclarar lo presentan cargos a los
que afirman es una orden de acusados—entre los que se
deportación o para cubrir incluyen cinco centros de
supuestos impuestos sobre la atención telefónica en la Inrenta sin pagar.
dia—con crímenes que
El gobierno señala que es incluyen fraude electrónico,
un fraude que ha embaucado lavado de dinero y
a por lo menos 15.000 perso- falsificación de identidad de
nas para que eroguen más de un funcionario de Estados
300 millones de dólares.
Unidos. Las autoridades
En un operativo único en hicieron cumplir el jueves
su tipo a nivel nacional, el órdenes de arresto en varias
Departamento de Justicia ciudades del país y buscaban
anunció el jueves cargos en la extradición de los acusados
contra de 61 acusados en en la India, subrayó Caldwell.
Estados Unidos y el
La imputación delinea
extranjero en relación con una compleja red de actores
operaciones desde centros de criminales, cada uno con un
atención telefónica en la In- papel distinto dentro de la
dia. A medida que los agentes operación.
se esparcen por todo el país
Quienes realizaban las
para realizar arrestos, las llamadas contaban con un
autoridades en Washington guion para hacerse pasar por
advirtieron al público que las funcionarios del Servicio
personas que realizan las Interno de Impuestos y del
llamadas son estafadores y Servicio de Control de
no representantes del Inmigración y Aduanas,
gobierno de Estados Unidos. quienes les decían a sus
“El gobierno federal no víctimas del otro lado de la
opera de esta manera”, dijo línea que no habían realizado
Caldwell, sus pagos de impuestos
subsecretaria de Justicia y jefa adeudados o que corrían el
de la división penal del riesgo de ser deportados, por
Departamento de Justicia. lo que se requería de un pago
“Nunca llamamos para exigir inmediato para sacarlos de
que se deposite dinero de apuros.
La Prensa
November 11, 2016
Negociador: La participación política de las FARC es clave
BOGOTA, Colombia, 3 XI o dos días más en Bogotá por aproximación, y si esa
aproximación es un camino...
16 (AP): La participación de solicitud de Santos.
Según el acuerdo de paz es un tema donde la sociedad
las FARC en la política es clave
para lograr un nuevo acuerdo firmado el 26 de septiembre colombiana debe empezar a
de paz, dijo el jueves uno de tras una negociación de casi tener apertura”, agregó en
los negociadores del gobierno cuatro años, los rebeldes que una conversación telefónica
entreguen sus armas y con la AP.
Dijo que, tras la revisión
“En ese punto es muy poco confiesen sus delitos evitarán
haya cumplir penas de cárcel. A su del
modificaciones”, indicó vez las Fuerzas Armadas modificaciones que se
telefónicamente a The Asso- Revolucionarias de Colom- presentará a las FARC, “la
ciated Press el senador Roy bia obtendrán 10 escaños en idea es que podamos
Barreras, miembro del el Congreso hasta 2026 para construir un acuerdo
equipo negociador. De facilitar su conversión en un nacional que una a los
colombianos, porque no
acuerdo con él hay movimiento político.
Pero los opositores al pacto lograr un acuerdo nacional
sugerencias que “parecen
razonables, viables y que son cuestionan que los jefes puede generar fracturas en
importantes”, pero advirtió guerrilleros involucrados en nuestra democracia y puede
que en el tema de la crímenes de lesa humanidad ser un factor de riesgo para la
“elegibilidad” política de los tengan vía libre para acceder sostenibilidad de los
rebeldes no se harían cambios a la vida política, aunque acuerdos”. Agregó que éstos
proponen que en algunos pueden tomar tres o cuatro
a lo ya negociado.
El tema fue uno de los más casos vayan recobrando gobiernos
polémicos en las reuniones gradualmente sus derechos implementados.
Barreras, por su lado,
entre el gobierno y los tras pagar sus delitos.
“¿Qué hemos dicho subrayó que el tema de la
promotores del “No” al acuerdo
política es
de paz que triunfó en el
Duque, senador del partido parte de la columna verteplebiscito del 2 de octubre.
Barreras señaló que, tras Centro Democrático, del bral de cualquier acuerdo de
los expresidente Álvaro Uribe y paz.
“Esa pretensión de que
negociadores llevarán a La principal impulsor de la
Habana un paquete con más campaña del “No” en el dejen las armas y los metan a
de 400 ajustes para tratarlos plebiscito. “Hemos dicho que la cárcel, pues eso es decir
con la guerrilla y la la Constitución colombiana ‘nosotros no queremos que
encomienda de alcanzar un bien lo prohíbe, pero hay haya proceso de paz”’,
nuevo pacto en corto tiempo, jurisprudencias que han sostuvo el senador.
Barreras sostuvo, en
como ha pedido el presidente abierto la puerta para que se
Juan Manuel Santos. considere la elegibilidad cambio, que le parece
Algunos negociadores tienen política luego de cumplir con “razonable” ponerle un
plazo de tiempo al tribunal
previsto regresar a la capital las penas”.
“Entonces hay sectores del que castigará los crímenes
cubana el viernes, mientras
que otros permanecerán uno “No” que tienen esa de guerra, una demanda de
los opositores.
Los adversarios al acuerdo
también han pedido que ese
organismo sea integrado
plenamente por jueces
colombianos, contrario a lo que
establece el acuerdo de incluir
a magistrados extranjeros.
“Sí estamos dispuestos a
aceptar el concepto de justicia
transicional, pero dentro de la
estructura de la justicia
colombiana”, señaló Duque.
El gobierno, que no había
previsto una derrota en el
plebiscito, quiere alcanzar un
nuevo acuerdo antes de fines
de noviembre para luego
blindarlo jurídicamente, ya sea
enviándolo al Congreso o
convocando a una nueva
consulta popular.
Santos recibirá el premio
Nobel de la paz el 10 de
diciembre y desea tener antes
el acuerdo de paz renegociado
para poner fin a medio siglo de
hostilidades con la guerrilla
más antigua del continente, que
dejaron más de 220.000
muertos y casi ocho millones
de desplazados.
El corresponsal de The Associated Press Frank Bajak
contribuyó con este reporte.
Este despacho ha sido
corregido para indicar que el
partido se llama Centro
Democrático, no Cambio
LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221
La Prensa
11 de noviembre, 2016
Page 3
Se mantiene la cifra de trabajadores sin
Cobra fuerza campaña por la estadidad de
Puerto Rico
Por CLAUDIA TORRENS, Associated Press
NUEVA YORK, 3 XI 16 migrantes desde México a
(AP): El número de Estados Unidos en los
trabajadores autorizados últimos años es uno de los
para trabajar en Estados factores que explican el
Unidos ha aumentado en fenómeno.
los últimos años, pero la
“La dinámica migratoria
cifra de inmigrantes sin con México cambió de
autorización que trabajan manera dramática con la
en el país se ha mantenido recesión. El número de
inmigrantes que llegaban
Un reporte del Pew Re- desde México se redujo
search Center, con sede en drásticamente y eso debió al
Washington, DC, señala débil estado de la economía
que desde el final oficial de estadounidense”, dijo Pasla recesión, en 2009, el sel a The Associated Press.
número de extranjeros sin
A la par, muchos
autorización se mantiene mexicanos regresaron a su
en ocho millones—tres país natal: un millón de percuartos de ellos hispanos— sonas y sus familias
, que se concentran en el abandonaron
sector agrícola y de Unidos y volvieron a casa
entre 2009 y 2014, mientras
La suma de personas que en el mismo periodo
nacidas en Estados Unidos sólo 870.000 hicieron el
empleadas en 2009 era de camino contrario, dijo el
130 millones, cifra que se experto.
elevó a casi 133 en 2014.
Por otro lado, la economía
En ese mismo plazo, el mexicana ha mejorado y el
número de inmigrantes con número
autorización para trabajar posicionados en la frontera
en el país aumentó un con México se ha triplicado,
millón, pasando de 18 lo
millones en 2009 a 19 en substancialmente los cruces
Sin embargo la cifra de
En total, el Pew calcula
trabajadores sin autorización que hay 11 millones de
se mantuvo igual.
inmigrantes sin autorización
Passel, en Estados Unidos y que un
demógrafo del Pew y uno 52% de ellos son mexicanos.
de los autores del estudio,
Según el estudio, los
dijo que la reducción de inmigrantes
Por DANICA COTO, Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, problemas que enfrenta Puerto
3 XI 16 (AP): Un firme Rico”, manifestó.
Declaró a la Associated
creyente en la incorporación
plena de Puerto Rico a Press que como gobernador
Estados Unidos como su 51er escribiría una constitución
estado asoma como el nueva, convocaría a elecciones
favorito para ganar la para elegir dos senadores y
gobernación de la isla y darle cinco representantes al
mayor impulso todavía a un Congreso estadounidense y
movimiento que viene los enviaría a Washington para
ganando fuerza en medio de que exijan la estadidad, la
los problemas económicos misma estrategia que empleó
Tennessee para incorporarse a
que padece la nación.
Se espera que Ricardo la unión en el siglo XVIII.
“Nos reservamos el derecho
Rosselló, un científico e hijo
de un ex gobernador de la de usar todos los medios
isla, triunfe en las elecciones necesarios para poner fin a la
del martes próximo en buena debacle de 500 años que ha
medida por el malestar que sido el colonialismo”, expresó.
Es factible que Rosselló
hay con una recesión que ya
lleva una década y que ha tenga la oportunidad de llevar
debilitado el partido de su ese plan a la práctica. Una
encuesta de octubre de El
principal rival.
La incorporación de Nuevo Día, el diario más grande
Puerto Rico a Estados Unidos de la isla, dijo que aventajaba
como estado será la prioridad a los otros cinco candidatos
de un gobierno de Rosselló. con una intención de voto del
“Vamos a pelear por la 40%. David Bernier, ex
secretario de estado (una
estadidad”, prometió.
Este candidato de 37 años especia de vicegobernador) del
ha pasado más de una cuarta gobernador Alejandro García
parte de su vida en Estados Padilla, le seguía con el 28%.
García, quien sirvió un solo
Unidos y tiene una bandera
de ese país afuera de su casa término, no se postula para la
cerca de San Juan. Opina que reelección. Durante su
la estadidad es la clave para gobierno la isla incumplió una
revivir la economía de la isla, serie de pagos de su deuda a
la cual se ha deteriorado tanto partir de agosto del 2015, lo
Congreso que dio paso a la creación de la
estadounidense creó una junta supervisora, muy
junta de control fiscal a impopular en Puerto Rico.
Su apadrinado, Bernier, se
cambio de ayudar al
gobierno de Puerto Rico, ha visto afectado por un
actualmente un estado libre escándalo que involucra a su
asociado, a enfrentar una cri- Partido Popular Democrático.
sis que incluye una deuda Un individuo que recaudaba
pública de 70.000 millones fondos para esa agrupación
reveló en un juicio por
de dólares.
Los puertorriqueños están corrupción el pago de
divididos en torno a un numerosos sobornos para la
posible cambio en su relación concesión de contratos del
con Estados Unidos y el gobierno. El escándalo obligó
Congreso estadounidense no a renunciar al presidente de la
luce muy entusiasmado con legislatura, que era de su
la idea de incorporar dos partido.
La competitiva política de
nuevos senadores y un
puñado de representantes de Puerto Rico gira en torno al
esta isla de 3,5 millones de tema de la estadidad.
Pero Rosselló está listo Progresista de Rosselló apoya
para librar esa batalla. la estadidad. El Partido Popu“Consideramos que la lar Democrático se opone,
estadidad o la falta de ella es aduciendo que el actual status
una de las raíces de los de territorio semiautónomo da
autorización suponen el
5% de la fuerza laboral
estadounidense y la gran
mayoría de ellos (92%)
tienen entre 18 y 64 años,
es decir, edad para
trabajar. De los nacidos en
Estados Unidos, sólo 60%
se encuentra en esa misma
franja de edad y de los
autorización la tiene 76%.
Desde 2009, los estados
que han registrado una
caída en el número de
autorización son Alabama,
California, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Nevada,
Carolina del Sur y Rhode
Island. Sin embargo, en
otros siete se registró un
aumento de este tipo de
población: Luisiana, Minnesota, Nueva Jersey, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia y
En el sector agrícola,
17% de los trabajadores
son inmigrantes sin
autorización; en el de
construcción, 13%.
En ninguno de los
sectores analizados _que
número trabajadores sin
autorización supera al de
empleados nacidos en
Estados Unidos.
a los puertorriqueños el
beneficio de la ciudadanía
estadounidense sin tener que
renunciar al español como
idioma dominante ni a su
identidad cultural. Un pequeño
porcentaje de la población
postula la independencia.
Bernier se comprometió a
hacer una política más
autónoma, reconociendo que
el status de estado libre
asociado que promovió su
partido desde su fundación ya
no es viable. “El problema del
status es importante y lo vamos
a atender”, dijo a la AP.
Rosselló, quien se graduó
de MIT y tiene un doctorado en
ingeniería biomédica de la
Universidad de Michigan, cree
que la estadidad garantizaría la
estabilidad económica, atraería
inversiones y haría subir el
precio de las propiedades. “El
hecho de que no tengamos la
misma participación que los
demás limita nuestra
posibilidades de progresar”,
En un referendo de dos
partes llevado a cabo en el 2012,
el 54% de los votantes dijeron
que querían un cambio de status. Ante otra pregunta, un 61%
se expresó a favor de la
estadidad. Pero tanta gente dejó
la segunda pregunta en blanco
que muchos dijeron que los
resultados no eran confiables.
superintendente escolar de 52
años que planea votar por
Bernier, dijo que no rechaza de
plano la estadidad, pero no cree
que sea una opción real.
“Está más lejos que nunca”,
declaró. “La estadidad está muy
distante para un país que está
en quiebra”.
Las penurias económicas de
Puerto Rico, que han hecho
que más de 200.000 personas
se fuesen a Estados Unidos en
años recientes, están alentando
la noción de que una relación
más estrecha con tierra firme
podría ser beneficiosa.
“Puerto Rico está en ese
punto de meltdown para que
esto suceda”, afirmó José
universitario de 19 años que
piensa votar por Rosselló.
¡Feliz Cumpleaños Carla Soto Cruz, 25 de octubre!
Página 4
La Prensa—Michigan
November 11, 2016
Consulado de México celebra con éxito la XVI Semana Binacional de Salud
Por: Isabel Flores, Corresponsal La Prensa
DETROIT: El Consulado medicina o ingeniería.
mientras sus hijos recibían
de México en Detroit celebró
“La idea de combinar una capacitación sobre el
con gran éxito la XVI Semana feria de salud con este programa de Wayne para ver
Binacional de Salud del 3 al programa es porque Wayne si pueden formar parte de la
22 de Octubre del presente año, tiene especial interés en que facultad de medicina”, señaló
con el tema: “Porque el alumnos de origen hispano el entrevistado.
Derecho a la Salud no Tiene puedan incursionar en este tipo
Otro punto importante a
Fronteras”. A parte de talleres de carreras, ya que varios destacar es que a las personas
diversos, se realizó por primera estudios demuestra que hay que se les detecto algún
vez una feria de salud en la muy pocos alumnos bilingües problema grave o algo que no
Universidad Estatal de Wayne en las carreras de medicina y estuviera bien en su salud, se
en colaboración con el Hospi- eso es algo muy preocupante les canalizo con un
tal Henry Ford, en donde porque hay mucha población especialista para que puedan
participaron más de 15 hispana que necesita ser ser atendidas a tiempo. Es
agencias de salud, sin fines de atendida en su idioma”, importante mencionar que
lucro e instituciones destacó Gutiérrez. “El tema del inicialmente el Hospital
idioma es muy importante Henry Ford se unió por primera
Gutiérrez, porque no es lo mismo vez a la SBS; sin embargo,
Coordinador de Asuntos presentarte con un doctor que durante el proceso también el
Comunitarios el Consulado de no te entienda a uno que hable Detroit Medical Center
México en Detroit, comentó: tu idioma y le puedas explicar decidió formar parte del
inmigrantes, detalladamente lo que tienes proyecto para apoyar a la
independientemente de su para que te de un diagnostico comunidad hispana.
nacionalidad, a veces se correcto”.
Juan Manuel Solana,
enfrentan a dificultades debido
La feria de salud consistió Cónsul de México en Detroit,
a la falta de conocimiento sobre en invitar a padres de familia aprovecho la ocasión para
los derechos de salud a los que junto con sus hijos de séptimo explicar a los asistentes sobre
pueden tener acceso. También a doceavo grado para que la importancia de la SBS de
los realizaran un recorrido salud en nuestra comunidad y
procedimientos necesarios completo por las diferentes las acciones que el Consulado
para solicitar apoyo de los estaciones de revisión dental, de México realiza en torno a
programas de salud. Es por eso vacuna contra la gripe, pruebas este tema durante todo el año.
que la Semana Binacional de de VIH, masa corporal,
Entre otros eventos que se
Salud se basa en la premisa de detección de la glucosa, peso, realizaron durante la SBS en
que la mejora de la salud de los talla, presión arterial, pruebas Michigan y norte de Ohio,
migrantes, no sólo beneficia a de mastografía a las mujeres destacan los siguientes
esta población, sino que que no cuentan con seguro talleres:
también tiene grandes médico, entre otras.
preventivos de la mujer
implicaciones sociales y
“De esta manera, los (cáncer de mama), violencia
económicas tanto para las adultos podían aprovechar de doméstica y los cuidados en la
comunidades en donde la gama de servicios médicos mujer, primeros auxilios, salud
residen, como para los países para el cuidado de su salud, y seguridad en el trabajode origen”.
De acuerdo con el
entrevistado, la gran mayoría
de las actividades de la Semana
SOUTHFIELD (AP): A Nov. 19-20 and feature InBinacional de Salud (SBS) en
popular festival highlight- dian, African, Spanish, Bulotros Consulados, van más
ing various cultures from garian, Korean, Mexican,
dedicadas a cuestión de salud,
around the world will in- Middle Eastern, and Albacomo pruebas diversas,
clude a swearing-in cer- nian music and dance perforvacunas, etc. “Pero nosotros lo
emony for new U.S. citizens mances. There also will be
quisimos hacer diferente por
craft-making workshops,
in suburban Detroit.
eso reunimos a varias
The Nov. 18, 2016 swear- cultural exhibits and demorganizaciones en la
ing-in will kick off the 90th onstrations.
Universidad de Wayne, lo que
Jewelry, fabrics, other gift
annual International Festinos permitió ofrecer una feria
val at the Southfield Pavil- items and international food
de servicios y orientación a
be available for purchase.
jóvenes para que estudien
The International Instithan 50 people from 23 counmedicina”, agregó.
tries were sworn in at last tute of Metropolitan Detroit
Cabe destacar que
and the city of Southfield are
year’s event.
Universidad de Wayne cuenta
The festival will be held two of the event’s sponsors.
con un programa llamado
“Proyecto C2 Pipeline” para
estudiantes de los grados 7 al
La Chiquita
12, que ya están en etapa de
elegir una carrera universitaria,
Tienda Mexicana
el cual consiste en orientar a
los jóvenes sobre las
oportunidades en las carreras
profesionales en el ámbito
Productos mexicanos, carnicería,
médico y/o ingeniería. Se les
136 E. Beecher St.
pan todos los días. Los fines
invita a formar parte de este
de semana: carnitas, barbacoa, birria
Adrian, MI 49221
proyecto de orientación y si
de chivo, tamales y mucho más.
517- 264-5126
califican, pueden obtener una
beca para estudiar cualquier
carrera relacionada con la
Citizen swearing-in ceremony
part of international festival
ergonomía, protección y
nutrición en los niños,
nutrición: planeación de
mejores hábitos alimenticios
en la familia. Además se
ofrecieron vacunas contra la
gripe en la plaza comunitaria
de Pontiac, toma de presión
arterial e índice de masa corporal en las oficinas del
Consulado de México.
Todos estos eventos fueron
realizados gracias al apoyo de
clínicas, hospitales y centros
comunitarios, entre los que
destacan: Plaza Comunitaria
en La Casa Amiga Pontiac;
Hospital en Pontiac; Clínica
Chass; Universidad de Oakland; Centro de Trabajadores
el Oeste de Michigan; Latino
Family Services; UAW;
Centro de servicios sociales
en Lorain, Ohio; American
Hearth Association; Mercy
Health en Youngstown;
Centro Vida en Sturgis; Family Alliance for Change;
enfermedades no reconocen
fronteras, existe una fuerte
necesidad de incrementar la
coordinación de acciones entre funcionarios públicos,
profesionales de la salud,
investigadores académicos y
organizaciones comunitarias
tanto de México como de los
Estados Unidos con el fin de
atender las necesidades de
salud de la población de origen
mexicano en Norteamérica.
De este modo, la Semana
Binacional de Salud es un
esfuerzo conjunto, organizado
por la Iniciativa de Salud de las
Américas, la Comisión de Salud
Fronteriza México - Estados
Unidos, la Universidad de California, entidades federales,
estatales y locales, tanto
públicas como privadas,
gubernamentales, grupos
Semana Binacional de
Salud 2016
Debido al impresionante
crecimiento de la población
de origen mexicano en los
Estados Unidos y partiendo
universidades, asociaciones
comunitarias, clubes de
oriundos, agencias financieras,
organismos privados y
voluntarios de todos los
Por parte del gobierno
mexicano participan la
Secretaria de Salud, la SRE a
través del Instituto de los
Mexicanos en el Exterior y los
consulados. Por parte del
gobierno estadounidense los
esfuerzos se coordinan
principalmente por medio de
los departamentos de salud a
nivel local.
Se trata de un conjunto de
acciones orientadas a la
atención de las comunidades,
cuyo principal objetivo es
beneficiar a miles de
trabajadores migrantes y a sus
familias que no tienen acceso
a los servicios médicos.
DIA hosts Migguel Anggelo for acclaimed
show “Another Son of Venezuela,” Nov. 18th
DETROIT: Brooklynbased, Venezuelan-born dynamo Migguel Anggelo
brings his acclaimed show
“Another Son of Venezuela”
to the Detroit Institute of Arts
(DIA) on Nov. 18, 2016, as
part of its Friday Night Live!
Concert series.
With his virtuosic band
The Immigrants and a pair of
sensational singers, Anggelo
will create a kaleidoscope of
vocal theatrics and poetic
storytelling that is both hilarious and touching.
Presented by Culture
Lab Detroit, the performance will take place in the
museum’s Detroit Film Theatre auditorium at 7 p.m. and
is free with museum admission, which is free for residents of Wayne, Oakland,
and Macomb counties.
Developed with and directed by Obie Award winner
David Drake and musical director Mau Quiros, “Another
Son of Venezuela” explores
the very personal immigration themes of love, loss, family and national pride, as well
as the challenges of claiming
an authentic
identity in the
United States.
By combining Latin,
pop and folk
music classics
with his and
Quiros’ original compositions, Anggelo
forges a new
experience in
an increasingly bilingual world.
Son of Venezuela’ sheds light
on the complexities of being
an immigrant in the United
States—an experience I know
well—and conveys that story
in a way that all of our visitors
can relate to” said DIA Director Salvador Salort-Pons.
“The DIA is a place where the
arts can function as springboard
to bring to the foreground important current issues in our
society. Music, in this case, is
a language that will help bring
a fresh perspective about immigration and foster a better
Image credit: Nico Iliev
understanding and friendly
dialogue within our communities.”
Anggelo began his career at age 13 as Pinocchio in
a South American touring
production of the Broadway
musical. He trained for a
dozen years in classical ballet, studied voice at the Conservatory of Music in Cologne, Germany, has written
music throughout all of his
journeys as an immigrant in
several countries and has released two albums.
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La Prensa—Ohio
11 de noviembre, 2016
Page 5
BERNIE QUILTER: Lucas Co. Clerk of Courts processes
passports, adds services
Mike Rojas named 2017
Mud Hens Manager
By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent
TOLEDO, Oct. 31, different maintenance con2016: Lucas County Clerk tracts. We took it down to one
of Courts Bernie Quilter is system.”
the main stop at the courtThere will be computerized
house in downtown Toledo kiosks at the courthouse and
for virtually anything to at the four auto title offices for
do with criminal, civil, or people who file their own court
family matters.
paperwork. Then those people
But one of the most won’t have to drive all the way
popular services per- to downtown Toledo to take
formed by the clerk of care of court matters.
courts is processing pass“We’re going to become
very user-friendly,” said
“That’s been very suc- Quilter. “My goal is to always
cessful. You can stop in my be progressing. I can’t live in
office and get your pass- a period where if we’re not
port picture, application, progressing, we’re regressing.
and we’ll track it for you,” We’re always going to be looksaid Quilter. “We can tell ing for new technology. Noyou how long it will take.” body wants to pay any more
The clerk of courts has taxes. They don’t want their
35 courthouse employees. taxes raised. We have to learn
That is down from a high of how to work smarter. That’s
85 workers due to attrition what I’ve always done.”
and technological adThat paperless process
vances. The clerk of courts started a decade years ago
also has four auto title lo- when the clerk of court’s ofcations spread across Lucas fice started converting paper
County with another 35 records to digital images, usemployees.
ing employees at Lott IndusThe clerk of courts of- tries.
fice handles domestic rela“We took individuals and
tions issues, criminal and put them behind computers
civil issues, judgment and they just love it. They’re
liens, tax foreclosures, and so good,” said Quilter of the
the court of appeals. A new Imaging Lab. “They’re deelectronic e-filing system pendable. They’re very
for attorneys will debut in friendly, very good.”
November, which eventuThe Lucas County Imagally will mean a paperless ing Lab proved be the first of
court system. The e-filing its kind in Ohio and one of the
system will start as optional first nationwide. Lott Indusfor local lawyers, but the tries employs individuals with
conversion will make it developmental disabilities to
back-file the imaging of docu“Over the course of two ments for county agencies and
to three years down the successfully provide a true
road, we’ll be paperless at office setting for the workers.
the courthouse,” said Quilter partnered with the
Quilter. “That’s going to county recorder on the project.
save us a lot of money on
Quilter has received a numpaper, file folders, things ber of awards for his work with
like that. We took four case individuals with developmenmanagement systems—ju- tal disabilities. Among these
venile, common pleas, do- are the Northwest Ohio Placemestic relations, and court ment Award (NOPA), the Comservices—which were four munity Partner Award from
Nov. 3, 2016: The
Detroit Tigers and
Toledo Mud Hens
announced today
Mike Rojas as the
2017 manager of
the Tigers’ TripleA affiliate Toledo
Mud Hens.
The 53-year
old Florida native
most recently
worked as the Seattle Mariners
bullpen coach in
2014-15 alongside former Mud Mike Rojas
Hens Manager
Lloyd McClendon. Rojas cited to welcome Mike back
replaces McClendon, who to the organization,” said
returns to the Tigers as Erik Ibsen, Toledo Mud Hens
General Manager and Exhitting coach.
Rojas’ first stint with the ecutive Vice President. “EarHens came in 2007 when he lier in his career, he had great
spent the season as manager success with the Hens – onof the Toledo Mud Hens field and with getting playafter former manager Larry ers to the next level. We
Parrish injured his ankle. look forward to what 2017
He guided the team to an 82- brings.”
Rojas becomes the sixth
61 record and an Internaperson to manage the Mud
tional League West title.
“We’re pleased to name Hens at Fifth Third Field and
Mike Rojas as manager of the 54th in Toledo baseball
the Toledo Mud Hens,” history.
Joining the 2017 coachsaid Dave Littlefield, Detroit Tigers V.P. of Player ing roster as Mud Hens hitDevelopment. “He brings ting coach is Brian Harper.
with him a great deal of Harper, a former catcher and
knowledge from both the leftfielder, replaces longtime
major and minor league coach Leon “Bull” Durham
levels and with the Detroit who Detroit promoted to TiTigers organization. This gers assistant hitting coach.
along with his experience Harper played 16 seasons in
in player development will the majors including one seahelp bring back a winning son with Detroit.
Returning for their secculture to Toledo.”
Mike Rojas was a mem- ond season with are pitchber of the Detroit Tigers ing coach Jeff Pico and
staff from 2004 until 2013. third base coach Basilio
He served as the manager Cabrera. Rounding out the
at Single A Oneonta in Hens’ staff are athletic
2004, Single A Lakeland trainer Chris McDonald
in 2005-06 and Toledo in (4th season) and strength
2007 before becoming the and conditioning coach
minor league field coordi- Fred Murphy (3rd season).
The Hens open 2017
nator. In 2011, he was promoted to bullpen coach, a season with a seven-game
position he held for three road trip starting on April
seasons. Rojas also man- 6. The team opens their
aged in the Reds, Astros, 16th season at Fifth Third
and White Sox farm Field against Indianapolis on Thursday, April 13
“The Mud Hens are ex- at 4:05 p.m.
Class of 2016
County Board
of Developmental Disabilities,
and the ARC
Award for his
continued support of individuals with
The clerk of
courts also installed largeprint computer
kiosks so the
blind and visually-impaired could conduct
court business more easily.
That technology came at the
suggestion of a visually-impaired lawyer.
A year before, Quilter
worked with the Lucas
County Sheriff to establish
an after-hours bail program
designed to allow individuals arrested on lesser crimes
to post bail on weekends and
after normal business hours.
The program allowed the
Sheriff to address overcrowding issues at the Lucas
County Corrections Center.
The heroin epidemic is
stretching county resources
to the limit. Lucas County
has assigned two judges to a
drug court. Quilter’s office
handles all the court paperwork, the sole aim of everyone to keep heroin addicts
out of jail and in treatment so
they’ll get clean.
Quilter currently serves as
the president of the Ohio
Council of County Officials
(OCCO), which consists of
leaders from each of the
state’s county official associations—auditor, treasurer,
clerk of courts, recorder, and
others. The group meets bimonthly to discuss ways to
improve and streamline their
county operations in Ohio.
The clerk of courts stated
Bernie Quilter
his office tracks a pair of
economic indicators that
provide early trends for how
Northwest Ohio is faring—
auto sales and home foreclosures. Typically, while
one goes up, the other goes
down, indicating whether
the region is in a recession
or economic recovery.
For example, home foreclosures hit their highest
level in 2009 with 4,160,
while new auto sales dipped
the same year to 18, 997—
right in the middle of the
most recent recession.
Those numbers completely
reversed themselves in
2015—with just 847 foreclosure filings last year, but
26,770 new auto sales, the
highest level in a decade.
Quilter served for two
terms on Oregon City from
1995 to 1999, then was appointed clerk of courts. He
was elected to his first term
a year later and has won reelection three times since.
He is married with three
grown children. The clerk
of courts also is very active
with the local Alzheimer’s
Association after his mom
suffered from the condition,
even testifying at the Ohio
General Assembly for the
restoration of respite services for caregivers.
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Page 6
La Prensa
November 11, 2016
Former south-end library to become credit union, med clinic
BY Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent
TOLEDO, Oct. 31, 2016:
Families in need of banking
and medical services will be
able to do some one-stop shopping starting next spring. The
former South End library
branch, 1638 Broadway, will
see new life as the new home of
the Nueva Esperanza Community Credit Union (NECCU), as
well as a medical clinic for
Compassion Health Toledo, a
nonprofit health care provider
affiliated with ProMedica.
State and local officials outlined renovation plans for the
now-vacant Carnegie-era library. The Northwest Ohio legProMedica purchased the
islative delegation secured 4,000 square foot, nearly cen$300,000 in the Ohio capital tury-old building from the
budget last year for the credit Lucas County Land Bank for
union renovations. ProMedica $1, along with some closing
officials stated at least the same costs on the real estate transacamount will be spent to reno- tion. ProMedica also incurred
vate the second floor for the the costs of environmental remedical clinic, which will in- views and building surveys.
clude five exam rooms, a room Final architect drawings are
for minor outpatient proce- expected to be completed by
dures, a lab, and ultrasound year’s end.
room, along with space for so“We’re anxious to move
cial services.
forward on the schedule, but
“We’re excited that both it’s probably going to be spring
sides found a way to come to- or summer, because we have to
gether to serve important needs integrate those two different
in the community,” said Sen. funding sources,” said Robin
Randy Gardner (R-Bowling Whitney, ProMedica senior
Green). “It may be one of the vice president for real estate
most innovative collaborations and construction. “We hope
I’m aware of in the state of Ohio. to get things done as quickly
It’s just another example of dif- as possible, but certainly in
ferent organizations coming to- the middle of 2017 we’ll be
gether to make something posi- open for business.”
tive happen.”
“There will be some pri-
Dr. Anne Ruch OB GYN
mary care physicians who will
be here as well. So it will be a
primary care focus, but there
will be family medicine as well
as ob-gyn. They will be doing
some lab draws as well,” explained Lori Johnston,
ProMedica chief information
officer and a board member for
Compassion Health Toledo,
who also stated the clinic will
keep poor families from using
the emergency room as their
primary care physician. “That’s
why ProMedica really got involved in this project.
“This is a very underserved
area. This should really help us
in terms of getting more preventive care and to help identify some of the other social
determinants that these families are really challenged
with—whether that’s food,
transportation. The more we
can deal with that in a preven-
tive way, the better off it’s
going to be for this community.”
For example, ProMedica
runs “food pharmacies” at each
of its healthcare facilities,
where families in need can
access temporary sources of
sustenance. In this case, families would simply be referred
down Broadway to a
ProMedica partner agency, the
nearby Seagate Food Bank.
Client families also would
meet with social workers to
get signed up for other services, such as Medicaid if they
qualify. Staff at both the credit
union and medical clinic will
be bilingual, to better serve
the predominantly Latino
neighborhood and any undocumented or Spanishspeaking families who seek
Dr. Anne Ruch, executive
director of Compassion Health
stated the impetus for starting
health clinic began several
years ago when she was volunteering on a Lifeline medical mission and she realized
the need for healthcare among
what are some of the poorest
zip codes in Toledo. She first
saw the empty library branch
three years ago.
“I thought the architecture
of this building just looks like
someone with outstretched
arms trying to provide help for
those in need,” she said.
“I believe this is one of the
classic examples of two great
ideas that came together and a
lot of outstanding people who
care about the community who
have come together in an ex-
traordinary way to
serve people in need
and serve an area of
this city in need,”
said Sen. Gardner,
while crediting
Heritage South for
bringing the project
to the attention of
state legislators.
“I’m just excited
that the people of
this area will be
served in such an
important and profound way.”
about the community is they
are learning how to get things
done,” said Sen. Edna Brown
(D-Toledo). “Not only are we
taking an old, stately building
and renovating it. I got really
excited when I was told this
would be the one and only
Latino credit union in the state
of Ohio.”
Adam Martínez, a former
Toledo city council member
and board president of the
credit union, told reporters the
permanent home will allow
NECCU to “expand its footprint to Fulton and Wood counties and eventually grow into
a larger state institution.”
NECCU is the first Latino credit
union established in Ohio and
just the third nationwide.
“The credit union has some
very meager beginnings, starting out from out CEO’s car and
trying to build trust within our
community,” Martínez said.
“Since then, we’ve been able to
invest over a million dollars in
our Latino community. By having a home base here in the
Adam Martínez
South End, it really is just a
dream come true. We’ve started
this process stop-and-go over
the past several years and now
we finally feel we have a place
to call home to fulfill our mission.”
“One of the problems small
businesses face is capital. One
of the things families face, especially immigrant families, is
getting that first house,” said
Rep. Michael Sheehy (D-East
Toledo), who helped shepherd
the capital budget item
through the Ohio House.
“What a perfect combination.
We have a good health system
being set up, as well as an opportunity for capital for young
families and small businesses.”
Credit union board members Roberto Martínez and
Martha Delgado also attended
the press conference, along
with credit union CEO Sue
Cuevas. NECCU currently
operates out of a small storefront at 1232 Broadway.
Photos courtesy of Linda
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La Prensa
11 de noviembre, 2016
La ilusión de los Indios se desvaneció en el
7mo juego
Por TOM WITHERS y ERIC NÚÑEZ, Associated Press
(AP): Superaron las
lesiones, la adversidad y las
dudas toda la temporada. El
pequeño equipo que pudo
Los Indios eran un
modelo de tenacidad,
expertos en remontar.
Derríbelos, volverán a
levantarse de inmediato
como hicieron en el séptimo
juego cuando estaban en la
Pero no pudieron
contener a unos Cachorros
que estaban rompiendo sus
propias maldiciones.
La inesperada e
inolvidable temporada de
Cleveland terminó a una
Victoria—tan cerca que
resulta doloroso—de un
título de la Serie Mundial,
después de que Chicago
completara una remontada
desde un déficit 3-1 en la
serie para hacerse con su
primer campeonato desde
1908, al derrotar a los Indios
el jueves de madrugada por
8-7 en 10 innings.
“Estoy orgulloso y
contento de mi equipo”,
dijo el torpedero Francisco
Lindor, quien en su segunda
campaña en las mayores
emergió como una las
principales revelaciones de
esta temporada.
“Ellos jugaron muy bien
los últimos tres juegos y
merecieron ganar”, añadió el
jugador puertorriqueño.
“Vamos a trabajar más fuerte
el año que viene”
Los Indios simplemente se
quedaron cortos en el séptimo
juego. Su astro Corey Kluber
no consiguió su tercera
victoria de la serie, Andrew
Miller se vio como un mortal
en labor de relevo y un bullpen
fundido finalmente se
derrumbó en extra innings.
En el octavo, un jonrón de
dos carreras de Rajai Davis
salvó brevemente la
temporada. Pero este año
pertenece a los Cachorros, que
anotaron dos veces en el 10mo
ante Bryan Shaw tras un receso
por la lluvia de 17 minutos.
remontar de nuevo en la parte
baja, cuando un sencillo
remolcador de Davis con dos
outs puso el 8-7. Pero
entonces, Michael Martínez
falló con un rodado ante Mike
Montgomery, y todo terminó.
La campaña de los Indios
de la postemporada causó
asombro. Habían perdido por
lesiones a dos piezas clave de
su rotación abridora, el
venezolano Carlos Carrasco
y el dominicano Danny
Salazar. Además, su estelar
jardinero Michael Brantley,
solo disputó un puñado de
partidos por culpa de lesiones.
“No estoy molesto, pero
me duele. Al mismo tiempo,
estoy con la cabeza en alta
porque las cosas que hicimos
durante el año fueron
increíbles y nadie esperaba
esto de nosotros”.
Obligados a enfrentar sin
dos abridores al nuevo
entretenimiento preferido
de postemporada, estos
talentosos Cachorros,
Cleveland no logró estar a la
Ahora, la sequía de 68
años de los Indios sin ganar
una Serie Mundial se
convierte en la más larga de
las mayores.
Su manager Terry
Francona, de 57 años, logró
de algún modo que los Indios
sortearan los peligros durante meses. Sacó todo el
partido a su plantilla, en su
mayoría desconocidos para
el resto del país, pero que
ahora son un equipo digno
de seguir en los años por
“No tenemos que estar
cabizbajos”, señaló el
segunda base Jason Kipnis.
“Superamos todas las
adversidades. Sufrimos
lesiones. Nos pasó de todo y
nunca esgrimos ninguna
excusa. Estoy de orgulloso
de lo que conseguimos,
exigiendo a un tremendo
equipo a extra inning en un
séptimo inning de la Serie
Mundial. Estoy seguro que
vamos a volver”.
Page 7
México va con sus mejores armas ante EEUU
Por CARLOS RODRÍGUEZ, Associated Press
3 XI 16 (AP): Esta vez, Juan
Ese es el peor revés en la
Carlos Osorio no relegó a historia para los mexicanos en
nadie. El entrenador un torneo oficial.
Una derrota ante Estados
colombiano citó el jueves a
armas Unidos o Panamá en el
disponibles para la arranque del hexagonal podría
selección de fútbol de ser lo que se necesita para
México, que la próxima colmar la paciencia de los
semana enfrenta a Estados dirigentes locales, que han
Unidos en el primer partido dicho que no quieren pasar
del hexagonal final de la por otro viacrucis para ir a un
CONCACAF rumbo a Mundial como ocurrió en las
eliminatorias pasadas, cuando
Rusia 2018.
Osorio, criticado por el ‘Tri’ tuvo que jugar un
realizar convocatorias en las repechaje ante Nueva Zelanda
que no siempre estaban los para ir a Brasil 2014.
Quizá por eso, para esta
mejores jugadores, dejó
atrás esa práctica para esta ocasión Osorio no está
ocasión y convocó a 14 tomando riesgos con
jugadores que militan fuera jugadores no probados y por
de México, en que destaca primera vez desde que asumió
la reaparición del delantero el cargo citó a Vela, un artillero
Carlos Vela con la selección de la Real Sociedad que no era
llamado a la selección
México enfrenta a mexicana desde la Copa de
Estados Unidos en Colum- Oro del año pasado, cuando el
bus, Ohio, el próximo 11 de equipo era dirigido por Miguel
noviembre y cuatro días Herrera.
Además de Vela, Osorio
más tarde visitará a Panamá.
Se trata de dos aduanas convocó a los hermanos
complicadas para el equipo Jonathan y Giovani Dos
de Osorio, que cerró la Santos, al volante Marco
pasada fase de la Fabián y al zaguero Carlos
eliminatoria con un empate Salcedo,
en casa ante Honduras, participaron en la Copa
resultado que arreció las América Centenario, pero ya
críticas sobre el estratega habían sido requeridos en la
colombiano, quien tuvo que convocatoria previa para dos
ser ratificado en el cargo amistosos.
En el equipo aparecen
luego de la histórica paliza
de 7-0 que Chile le propinó además los jugadores
América mundialistas en Brasil 2014:
Javier Hernández, Rafael
Márquez, Andrés Guardado,
Miguel Layún, Diego Reyes,
Alfredo Talavera, Jesús Corona, Héctor Herrera, Oribe
Peralta, Javier Aquino y Raúl
Guillermo Ochoa (Granada,
España), Alfredo Talavera
(Toluca) y Jesús Corona
(Cruz Azul).
Márquez (Atlas), Néstor
Araujo (Santos), Diego Reyes
(Espanyol, España), Héctor
Moreno (PSV Eindhoven,
Holanda), Oswaldo Alanís
(Chivas), Hugo Ayala
(Tigres), Carlos Salcedo
(Fiorentina, Italia), Miguel
Layún (Porto, Portugal).
Volantes: Jonathan Dos
Santos (Villarreal, España),
Orbelín Pineda (Chivas),
Jesús Dueñas (Tigres),
Andrés Guardado (PSV
Eindhoven, Holanda), Héctor
Herrera (Porto, Portugal),
Giovani Dos Santos (LA Galaxy, EEUU), Marco Fabián
Delanteros: Raúl Jiménez
(Benfica, Portugal), Hirving
Lozano (Pachuca), Jesús Corona (Porto, Portugal), Javier
Aquino (Tigres), Oribe
Peralta (América), Javier
Leverkusen, Alemania),
Carlos Vela (Real Sociedad,
Página 8
La Prensa
November 11, 2016
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La Prensa
Página 9
La Prensa—NE OHIO
Page 10
29th Annual Blade Holiday Parade set for
Nov. 12
TOLEDO: The 29th Annual Blade Holiday Parade,
presented by the Taylor Automotive Family, will step
off at 10 a.m. in downtown
Toledo on Saturday, November 12, 2016. According to organizers, “With
nearly 20,000 spectators and
more than 80 participating
organizations, this is one of
the largest holiday parades
in the Midwest.”
The parade will extend its
route this year through the
Warehouse District. It begins
at the corner of North Summit
and Jefferson streets, turning
left onto Adams Street and
making its way to Huron
Street, going left all the way
to Lafayette Street, left again
on St. Clair Street, and finishing at Monroe Street.
This year’s Grand Marshal will be Calysta Bevier,
an Otsego High School student who performed on
America’s Got Talent and is
a cancer survivor. After the
parade, Calysta will conduct
a meet-and-greet and perform at Kris Kringle Village
in Hensville Park. She will
sing holiday songs and songs
from her new
The star
of the parade,
Santa himself, will arrive on a special float
pulled by
nine reindeer. After
the parade,
Santa will be
available at
Station for
free photos
and to hear
Christmas wishes, courtesy of
Taylor Automotive.
More than 100 members of
the Distinguished Clown
Corps will participate. When
the parade was first begun, local business executives were
invited to be a clown for a day
to make balloons and hand out
candy along the parade route.
Today, the Distinguished
Clown Corps includes some of
the city’s top executives, and
their sponsorship helps pay for
many of the expenses associated with the Holiday Parade.
Other highlights include:
high school and college
marching bands, giant helium
balloons, Zenobia Shrine
entertainment units, floats,
equestrian units, vintage and
unique vehicles, and dance
The Holiday Parade will
be hosted by Rick Woodell
of 101.5FM, The River. A
taped-delay broadcast of the
parade will be shown on
Buckeye Broadband Channel 69 at noon on November
24 and November 26.
Medical Mutual Awards $1 Million to Benefit
Tri-C Nursing and Health Career Students
2016: Medical Mutual of
Ohio today announced a
$1 million gift to increase
the number of scholarships
awarded to nursing and
health career students at
Cuyahoga Community
College (Tri-C®).
The donation expands
the existing Medical Mutual Nursing and Health
Careers Endowed Scholarship Fund, which was established at Tri-C in 2012
through the Cuyahoga
Community College Foundation.
Eighty scholarships
have been awarded to Medical Mutual Scholars since
just to prevent Donald Trump
from winning the White
“His conversation is divisive,” said Jay Z. “He cannot
be our president”
Big Sean recalled being
in the audience eight years
ago when Jay Z hosted a similar free event for Obama’s
campaign in 2008.
Now, he told the cheering
audience, “we with her.”
At one point, Clinton’s
famous quote that she “could
have stayed home and baked
cookies” flashed on the big
screens. At another, the slogan “bad officials are elected
by good citizens who do not
vote” was blasted to the crowd.
Clinton offered her own
praise for the show. “I am so
energized after this concert
and I have to say: Didn’t you
love the pantsuits?”
the scholarship fund began.
So far, 31 of those Scholars
have graduated from Tri-C
and taken jobs helping others across Northeast Ohio.
“It feels great to know
we’re helping the next generation of nursing and health
care professionals as they
learn their craft at Tri-C,”
said Rick Chiricosta, chairman, president and CEO of
Medical Mutual. “We know
this is a winning investment
that will benefit our community for decades to
Tri-C President Alex
Johnson said the Medical
Mutual gift will have an enduring impact. The College
ranks among the national
leaders in awarding nursing
and health career degrees,
meeting the need for skilled
workers in an industry vital
to the region’s economy.
“The generosity and
commitment of Medical
Mutual to the future development of health care professionals in Northeast Ohio
is truly inspiring,” Johnson
said. “This support will
change the lives of Tri-C
students and every person
they care for during their
The donation was announced during the
Foundation’s Presidential
Scholarship Luncheon.
Members of The Cleveland Orchestra string
section performed the National Anthem at
Game 7 of the 2016 World Series
CLEVELAND: On November 2, 2016, members
of the string section of The
Cleveland Orchestra performed the National Anthem at Game 7 of the 2016
World Series. The eight
musicians included current
members of the Orchestra,
first violinists Takako
Masame, Chul-In Park, and
Jeanne Preucil Rose; principal second violinist Stephen
Rose; second violinist
Carolyn Gadiel Warner;
cellist David Alan Harrell;
and bassist Mark Atherton
as well as violinist Stephen
Warner, who retired from
the orchestra earlier this
Clinton tries to tap Beyoncé’s BeyHive in
search for votes
By LISA LERER, Associated Press
Beyoncé noted that less
2016 (AP): The lights were than a century ago, women
bright. The beats were pump- did not have the right to vote.
ing. And the backup danc“Look how far we’ve come
ers were wearing blue from having no voice to bepantsuits.
ing on the brink of history—
After raucous perfor- again,” Beyoncé said. “But
mances from Beyoncé and we have to vote.”
her husband, rapper Jay Z,
The singer says she was
Hillary Clinton had one thrilled that her young
simple message for the nephew was able to witness
packed, cheering crowd at Barack Obama’s 2008 elecCleveland’s Wolstein Cen- tion as the nation’s first black
ter: “Help us win Ohio.”
Clinton’s campaign is
Now she wants her daughturning to a series of free ter “to grow up seeing a woman
concerts to appeal to young lead this country and know
and minority voters not nec- her possibilities are limitless,”
essarily motivated to vote Beyoncé said. “That’s why
for her. Beyoncé and Jay-Z I’m with her.”
offered their own testimoniA series of hip-hop stars
als to the woman who, if were part of the show, includelected, would be the ing: Big Sean, J. Cole and
country’s first female presi- Chance the Rapper, who endent and follow its first black couraged the crowd to vote
for Clinton—at the very least
November 11, 2016
2742 HILL AVE.
We make our own corn tortillas but provide all of your Mexican Food Products.
1820 East 28th Street • Lorain, OH 44052 • 440-277-7375
Public Welcome!
The Mexican Mutual Society (MMS) “SAVE THE CLUB!” Campaign focuses on
fundraising events to help sustain the operation of the MMS’s home in South Lorain.
Founded in 1928, it is one of the few remaining historical ethnic clubs in Lorain.
The public is invited to join in the fun on Friday nights from 6-9 pm. with the Celebrity
Bartenders as the crowd cheers and the big bell rings as the tip donations role in for the
Mexican Mutual Society! Delicious Mexican food is available.
November 11, 2016.
Kathy and Gene Ybarra, “The Get Down and Party Couple”
November 18, 2016.
Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority, represented by
Evelisse Atkinson, Jani Justice and Elizabeth Boardwine
November 25, 2016.
Lorain County Commissioner Lori Kokoski and Friends.
MEN’S POOL TOURNAMENT-November 13, 2016
All men over 21 years of age are invited to register for the MMS Men’s Pool Tournament
to be held on Sunday, November 13, 2016 at the Mexican Mutual Club. Please call Bill
after 5:00 for further details.
SAVE THE DATE! December 2, 2016
Experience a “Blast from the Past!” on Friday, December 2, 2016 when friends and patrons
come together to celebrate the 35th REUNION of the “LOS PANCHOS MEXICAN RESTAURANT”. Who will be behind the bar as the Friday night Celeb Bartender?
MMS Club Hours. Open at 5 pm Tuesday-Saturday and 1 pm on Sunday
Saturday, November 12 ~ La Traizion
Saturday, November 19 ~ Los Hermanos Villegas
Saturday, November 26 ~ Grupo Xplozivo
Club Membership. Social Membership is open to the public for only $10.
Hall Rental Available. Christmas is right around the corner! Call the Club for further rental
information at 440-277-7375.
Fundraiser events are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
11 de noviembre, 2016
La Prensa
Page 11
1,300 Ohio pharmacies now offer overdose
antidote without Rx
Castro twins, others stump in Ohio for
Hillary Clinton
By KANTELE FRANKO, Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Oct. 31, deaths attributed to heroin
2016 (AP): Two-thirds of and stronger drugs, such as
Ohio’s retail pharmacies fentanyl. A law signed last
now offer the drug over- year lets pharmacies distribdose antidote naloxone ute naloxone to at-risk
without a prescription, the opioid users or their relastate pharmacy board said tives or friends without a
Oct. 19, 2016.
“Getting naloxone in the
Giant Eagle and Rite Aid
stores were recently added hands of individuals who
to the list, increasing the can intervene in the event
number to 1,374 pharma- of an overdose is critical to
cies in 84 of Ohio’s 88 coun- reducing unintentional
ties, the board said. The four drug overdose deaths in
counties not represented are Ohio,” the pharmacy
Holmes, Morgan, Noble, board’s executive director,
Steven Schierholt, said in a
and Vinton counties.
State officials have statement.
Naloxone, sometimes
pushed to expand access to
the reversal drug to curb known by the brand name
increasing overdoses and Narcan, can be administered
By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent
TOLEDO/COLUMBUS, Nov. 6, 2016: Julián
and Joaquín Castro were
among a cavalcade of surrogates to make last-minute
appeals in swing-state Ohio
on behalf of Democratic
Hillary Clinton.
morning at a Clinton campaign office near the interRep. Joaquin Castro and HUD Secretary Julian Castro welcomed by
section of Dorr and Detroit,
Toledoans María Carr, Lourdes Santiago, and Martha Delgado.
Toledo, the twin brothers
from San Antonio, Texas every person they can. Knock
“The nation is watching
encouraged campaign work- on every door that they can. Ohio. The stakes are increders to woo voters 48 hours Make every phone call that ibly high,” echoed Joaquín
before the election. That they can,” said Rep. Joaquín Castro. “As much as I like
day, the pair then made Castro (D-Texas), who’s run- public service and politics,
stops in Columbus for the ning unopposed for his con- I can’t remember an elecClinton campaign.
gressional seat Nov. 8. “Usu- tion I’ve wanted to be more
“Two days left. Are you ally the campaign that does over than this one. It’s befolks ready to drive this that best is the one that wins.” cause we know, deep in our
thing home?” asked Julián
The Castro brothers re- souls, that Donald Trump
Castro, former San Antonio lated their own story of being doesn’t belong anywhere
mayor and currently Secre- raised by a single mother and near the White House and
tary of Housing and Urban grandmother, who herself was it’s up to us to make sure he
Development (HUD) in the an orphan when she came to doesn’t get there.”
Obama administration. “We the U.S. from Mexico to live
Trump’s divisiveness
wanted to come by and say with relatives, then later and calls to build a wall in
thank you. We know some worked “as a maid and a cook Mexico, as well as comof you have been at this for and a babysitter.” Their ments he’s made about sendmonths—and some more mother even ran unsuccess- ing Mexicans back across
than months.”
fully for a city council seat in the border became a rallyLucas County Auditor San Antonio at the age of 23. ing cry as the Castros adAnita López, retired city ad“I see this election as a dressed a small group of
Lourdes referendum on whether we Clinton campaign workers,
Martha can continue being a country most of them from CaliforDelgado, María Carr, and that expands opportunity for nia and New York, and ToRico Neller were among the everybody,” said Julián ledo Latino leaders.
Latino leaders who showed Castro.
“He started his campaign
up to hear the Castro broth“It’s going to be really off really with a slander
ers in Toledo, then pick up tight—one way or the other. against immigrants. He
packets to canvass neigh- You can’t take any single talked about people from
borhoods surrounding the vote for granted,” said Mexico being rapists and
Sofia Quintero Art and Joaquín
Castro. criminals and murderers,”
Cultural Center (SQACC). “Everybody’s got to get their said Joaquín Castro. “We
Additionally, long-time neighbors and their relatives heard that as the grandsons
SQACC benefactor María and their friends to go out of a woman who came here
Rodríguez-Winter was there and vote.”
when she was six years old.
scheduled to address parish“The stakes for the Latino I also thought about prior
ioners following Mass at Ss. community are incredibly generations who heard poliPeter and Paul Catholic high,” said Julián Castro. ticians say the same things
Church, where volunteers “Donald Trump fundamen- about the Irish, Germans,
were prepared to drive those tally doesn’t see Latinos, African-Americans, Italians,
needing rides to vote early many of them, as American. and so many other groups.
at the Lucas County Board That was made clear when he In every generation, there
of Elections Sunday after- made comments about the have been Americans who
noon. The early vote center judge. You don’t want a presi- stood up and turned those
was open 1 to 4 p.m. Sun- dent who fundamentally people back. But there’s
doesn’t see you as part of the never been anyone in AmeriThat effort is a follow-up American community and can history who’s gotten this
to organized Latino voter certainly who is not going to close to the White House as
registration drives held create opportunity.”
this guy. Those are the
throughout the summer and
The Castro twins are on a stakes.”
fall. The concern is whether five-day, five-state swing for
Julián Castro, who has
those same first-timers will Clinton that has taken them to been HUD secretary for just
sign up, then show up.
Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, and over two years, would not
“You’ve probably seen Ohio, then a state party event speculate whether there was
it all. You’ve had your fill of in their home state of Texas. a place for him in a Clinton
phone banking and organizWith the latest Quinnipiac Cabinet should she win. He
ing and block walking, University presidential poll emphasized his presence in
emailing, and cajoling— showing a statistical dead Toledo and Columbus [and
maybe gotten blocked a time heat in Ohio, both campaigns other venues as well] was of
or two on Facebook and sent as much star power as a personal political nature
Twitter,” said Julián Castro, possible to speak on their and had nothing to do with
who noted many canvassers behalf in the final days be- his professional role as HUD
have had people to refuse to fore the election.
Other VIPs assisting the
answer their door, only to
“We know that we can’t
peek out the curtain after- always trust the polls, but we Clinton Campaign in Ohio
ward at who was visiting their can’t take anything for just prior to the National
home. “We’re here because granted, either,” emphasized Election of Nov. 8th, inwe feel blessed by tremen- Julián Castro. “It’s going to cluded: Jay Z, Beyoncé, and
dous opportunity in our be the ground work that ya’ll LeBron James, all of whom
do that’s going to make the made appearances with Ms.
Clinton in Cleveland.
“They’ve just got to reach difference.”
before emergency responders arrive and isn’t harmful if
a person hasn’t actually overdosed on heroin or prescription opiods.
The board is actively
reaching out to and working with pharmacies that
aren’t yet offering naloxone without a prescription,
said Cameron McNamee,
the board’s policy and communications director.
Those include a variety of
independent pharmacies
and the one major chain still
outstanding, Wal-Mart
Stores Inc., which would
include pharmacies at WalMart stores and Sams Clubs,
McNamee said.
Veterans to be recognized at UT’s annual
service Nov. 11
Two World War II veterans will be recognized during a special ceremony at
the annual Veterans Appreciation Breakfast and Resource Fair at The University of Toledo, where the
community honors veterans and active military for
their service.
Army Sgt. Richard Perry,
UT professor emeritus, and
Pfc. David Schwartz will be
awarded the French Legion
of Honor, the highest award
that can be bestowed by the
French government.
The special recognition
is part of the 12th annual
Veterans Day celebration
that will take place at 9 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 11, 2016, in
Savage Arena on UT’s Main
Campus. Doors open at 8
Lucas County Sheriff
John Tharp, a Vietnam veteran who received the
Bronze Star for his service
as a combat medic, will give
a keynote address for the
appreciation event that includes a breakfast and fair
to provide the community
access to military-focused
Consul General Vincent
Floreani from the French
Consulate in Chicago will
present the honors to the
local veterans designating
them as models of French
civic service. The French
Legion of Honor is founded
on the principles of rewarding individual merit, universal recognition, and
contribution to the public
good and is awarded to
people who have carried out
actions of great value.
”It is important for the
community to come together to show appreciation
for the men and women who
have served our country, and
this year we have the great
opportunity to welcome a
representative of the French
government to join us in
doing so as they recognize
World War II
veterans with
their highest
honor,” said
Navy Reserve
Lt. Haraz N.
Ghanbari, director of military and veteran
affairs at UT.
Perry served
57 years at UT
teaching education courses
and holding
various administrative positions. He enlisted in the
U.S. Army in
1943 and was honorably
discharged in 1946 with the
rank of sergeant. He then
earned bachelor’s, master’s
and doctoral degrees from
UT and began his career at
his alma mater.
He was presented last
year with the Soldier’s
Medal during a ceremony
at UT that was awarded for
his bravery during a 1945
explosion of an ammunition trailer in Germany during which he carried injured
men to safety and removed
unexploded ammunition to
protect others. Perry also has
received a Purple Heart and
two Bronze Stars, including one for valor.
Following the annual
appreciation event, UT also
will unveil new markers at
the UT Veterans Memorial
Plaza, an outdoor area that
honors individuals and
groups who served in the
U.S. military. The new Gold
Star Memorial and a Blue
Star Memorial markers installed at the plaza pay tribute to the Gold Star families
whose loved ones paid the
ultimate price defending the
country and to those Blue
Star families who have defended, are defending, or
will defend the United
States of America.
The University has long
been recognized as a military friendly school for its
commitment to providing
exceptional service and
support to the nation’s service members, veterans and
their families.
In 2017, UT was again
recognized by Military
Times in its Best for Vets:
Colleges 2017 rankings
and by Military Advanced
Education & Transition as
a top school in its 2017
MAE&T Guide to Colleges
& Universities research
The Student Veterans of
America UT Chapter also
will host a US-American flag
retirement ceremony Thursday, Nov. 10, at 11 a.m. on
the steps outside the Student Union, where they will
share the history of the flag,
the proper way to dispose of
a flag that is no longer suitable for display, and preside
over the retirement of several U.S. flags.
Free parking for the Veterans Appreciation Breakfast and Resource Fair will
be available in lots 3, 5 and
6 near Savage Arena. A
shuttle also will transport
visitors from the event to
the Veterans Memorial
La Prensa
Page 12
ICE should not use private prison to hold
immigrants, says ACLU of Ohio
2016: The Department of
Homeland Security (DHS)
is pursuing a contract with
the private prison company
Corrections Corporation
of America (CCA) to hold
people in the Northeast
Ohio Correctional Center
in Youngstown prior to deporting them.
“Incarcerating thousands of immigrants in a
private prison before deporting them is unjust and
allowing a corporation to
profit from it is a travesty,”
said Mike Brickner, Senior
Policy Director of the
ACLU of Ohio.
The U.S. Immigrations
and Customs Enforcement
Agency (ICE) is seeking
5,000 new beds to house
the unprecedented num-
bers of immigrants who are
in its custody. “The DHS’s
decision to partner with private prisons sends a horrible
message about profiteering
at the expense of individuals seeking asylum,” said
DHS’s decision to negotiate deals with private prisons is especially troubling
as just two months ago the
Department of Justice announced the end of its use of
private prisons after finding
evidence of widespread
Following suit, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson asked the
Homeland Security Advisory Council to review its
current policy on the use of
private immigration detention centers and evaluate
whether to eliminate the prac-
tice. Prior to DOJ’s announcement this year, the
federal Bureau of Prisons had
cancelled its contract with
CCA in Youngstown in December 2014.
“During ICE detention,
these people have been subject to abuse and mistreatment,” said Brickner.
“Incentivizing private companies to detain people for
profit only exacerbates our
criminal justice system
problems. To allow more
people to be incarcerated for
a profit in Ohio sends our
state in the wrong direction.”
We urge local legislators to
immediately call for an end
to the contract discussions
between ICE and CCA and
prevent the Youngstown
prison from becoming an
ICE detention center.
Lawyers: Ohio execution plan like burning
inmates at stake
COLUMBUS, Oct. 27, level of pain and suffering
2016 (AP): Ohio’s new le- to being buried alive, burnthal injection system is akin ing at the stake, and other
to burning inmates at the primitive methods long
stake or burying them alive, since abandoned by civisay federal defense lawyers lized society,” the filing
rushing to stop the state’s said.
Executions have been on
first execution in three
hold in Ohio since January
three-drug 2014, when death row inmethod, announced Oct. 3, mate Dennis McGuire
is worse than a similar pro- gasped and snorted during
cedure used years ago, and the 26 minutes it took him to
multiple problems remain die. It was the longest exwith the way the state pre- ecution since Ohio resumed
pares and carries out execu- putting inmates to death in
tions, federal public defend- 1999.
The state used a 2-drug
ers said in a Wednesday
method with McGuire, becourt filing.
The filing attacks the ginning with midazolam,
first drug in that process— but then discontinued it. Afmidazolam, meant to sedate terward, Ohio struggled for
inmates—as unlikely to re- years to find new supplies of
lieve an inmate’s pain. The drugs, which have been
drug was used in problem- placed off limits for execuatic executions in Arizona tions by drug makers.
Now the prisons agency
and Ohio in 2014. But the
U.S. Supreme Court last says it will use midazolam;
year upheld the use of rocuronium bromide, which
midazolam in executions paralyzes the inmate; and
in a case out of Oklahoma. potassium chloride, which
According to the filing, stops the heart.
On Jan. 12, 2017, Ohio is
because midazolam is not a
barbiturate and cannot re- scheduled to execute
lieve pain, inmates are Ronald Phillips for the rape
likely to experience “severe and murder of his girlfriend’s
physical pain,” mental suf- 3-year-old daughter in Akron in 1993. The state also
fering and anguish,
As a result, “such an ex- plans to carry out executions
ecution would be inhuman on Feb. 15 and March 15.
But the federal defense
and barbarous, akin in its
lawyers say the new procedures are unconstitutional
and executions in Ohio
should be put on hold.
The state will respond
with its own filing, said Dan
Tierney, a spokesman for
Ohio Attorney General
Mike DeWine.
In the Supreme Court ruling last year, justices heard
Oklahoma’s proposal to use
a massive dose of
midazolam—500 milligrams—the same amount
Ohio would use.
An expert for Oklahoma
presented persuasive testimony that such a dose virtually ensures inmates
would not feel pain from
the second and third drugs,
wrote Justice Samuel Alito.
“Second, the fact that a
low dose of midazolam is
not the best drug for maintaining unconsciousness
during surgery says little
about whether a 500-milligram dose of midazolam is
constitutionally adequate
for purposes of conducting
an execution,” Alito added.
Andrew Welsh-Huggins
can be reached on Twitter at
awhcolumbus. His work can
be found at http://
Ohio is moving death row for 3rd time
since 2005
BY ANN SANNER and JOHN SEEWER, Associated Press
The state says the Toledo
TOLEDO, Oct. 21, 2016 crowding at prisons around
prison is newer and designed
(AP): Ohio is moving its death Ohio.
Prison officials say most of to handle inmates with physirow for the third time in a
the 124 death row inmates will cal and mobility limitations.
little over a decade.
The average age on death
The state prison depart- be transferred from Chillicothe
ment told The Associated in southern Ohio to a Toledo row is just under 50.
Executions will still be
Press on Friday the change prison shortly.
The state isn’t releasing the carried out at the Southern
is being made to better
deal with aging inmates exact dates for the move be- Ohio Correctional Facility in
on death row and reduce cause of security reasons.
November 11, 2016
La Prensa
11 de noviembre, 2016
Page 13
Dioceses in Texas, New Mexico hold El Paso
border Mass
EL PASO, Texas, Nov.
3, 2016 (AP): Catholic
dioceses along the U.S.Mexico border near El
Paso held a border Mass
on Nov. 4 th in honor of
migrants who died while
trying to cross. The dio-
ceses from El Paso, Las
Cruces, and Ciudad Juarez
celebrated Mass at a Rio
Grande levee and call for
immigrant rights.
Pope Francis celebrated a
border Mass in a Ciudad
Juarez field in February and
urged the world to put a
human face on the “tragedy
that is forced migration.”
Francis then walked up
a platform next to the Rio
Grande and blessed people
gathered a few yards away
on the U.S. side.
PACT announces First “Kick-Off to the
Cook-Off” Dinner, Nov. 12th
SYLVANIA: The PolishAmerican Community of Toledo (PACT) hosts the first
“Kick-Off to the Cook-Off”
— A special kielbasa dinner
— on Saturday, November
12, 2016, from 2 – 6 p.m., at
the Christian Life Center,
Olivet Lutheran Church,
5840 Monroe St., Sylvania.
The Kick-Off to the
Cook-Off dinner will feature the top three winners
from the previous Kielbasa
Cook-Off held April 23,
2016. The dinner will also
provide details on the upcoming Sixth Kielbasa
Cook-Off in April 2017.
The 2016 winners included the first place finisher Jeremy Pryba and the
Pryba family; Mike Hofner
and Ron Smith of Dziadzia
and Busia’s Old Fashioned
Kielbasa; and the Adam
Michalski family of
Michalski’s Special Recipe.
In addition to award winning kielbasa, Mr. Pryba and
Mr. Michalski will serve
their family’s pierogi. The
dinner will include mashed
potatoes, gravy, kapusta
(sweet & sour cabbage),
mizeria (cucumbers in dill
sauce), placek, (coffee cake)
and those sweet tasting
delectable’s – paczki.
Last April, approximately
1,000 people showed up for
the Kielbasa Cook-Off, sampling kielbasa from a dozen
different local amateur
kielbasa makers. The event
raised over $6,000.
As an added bonus, those
attending the “Kick-Off to
the Cook-Off” will be able
to order award-winning
homemade kielbasa for
Thanksgiving and Christmas
kielbasa directly from these
winning competitors. Order
forms will be available at the
dinner and online at
There will also be free polka
lessons beginning at 1
p.m. Lessons will be conducted by Sue Sabo Hays,
owner, Mini Motions Dance
Studio. Ms. Hays is celebrating her 25th year in business. She is a former dancer
with the Echoes of Poland.
The cost is $18 for adults
and $5 for children 10 and
under. You can make advanced reservations for $15
by e-mailing us at
[email protected]
— Leave your name and the
number of people in your
party. Tickets will be waiting for you at the door. The
event is open to everyone
and there is plenty of free
Money raised goes to
fund the annual scholarship competition and the
Capital Campaign for development of Polish Cultural Center in the Toledo
area. Over the past five
years, PACT, along with
the Toledo Poznan Alliance (TPA), awarded over
$17,000 in scholarship
money to area PolishAmerican high school and
college students.
Obama commutes drug-related sentences of
2 Ohio men
4, 2016 (AP): President Barack
Obama has granted clemency
to two Ohioans imprisoned
for life as part of his latest
round of commutations.
The two federal inmates
were among 72 people in
Obama’s latest round of commutations, announced Friday.
Most were convicted of non-
violent crimes related to cocaine or other drugs, though
some also had firearms convictions in connection to drug
trafficking, possession or
Donald L. Graham, of Cincinnati, had his life sentence
from 2008 on charges related
to cocaine possession and distribution commuted to expire
next year, on March 4.
Madison Pugh, Jr., of Akron, had a life sentence imposed in 1996 commuted to
a 30-year term, depending on
enrollment in a residential
drug treatment program.
In all, Obama has granted
944 people clemency, including 324 who were serving life
June 30, 1946 to October 22, 2016
Irene García Juárez entered into eternal rest at her San Antonio residence on October 22,
2016, at 4:13 pm after a long battle of ALS. Irene G. Juárez was born in Karnes City, TX but
subsequently her family move to Ohio. She started
school in Ohio where she attended St. Mary’s grade
school and Notre Dame High School. Irene married her
first husband, Leo, and had four boys.
Before she started her career, she worked at the
YWCA, Sun Oil Refinery, and later retired from the
Dental Dispensary of Northwest Ohio. Aside from her
career, came a lifelong passion for dancing to Tejano
music as well as bowling at the Lido Lanes in Toledo.
She was an avid sports fan who followed a variety of
sports from the Little League, into high school and
collegiate levels and onto professional action where she
closely followed her beloved Detroit Lions and Tigers
and San Antonio Spurs.
After her first husband’s death, she discovered her love
for traveling. This led her back to Texas, where she always
called home. With her beautiful hazel, green eyes and alluring smile, she attracted many friends
and her own Texas cowboy, Mario Juárez Sr., who changed her life in more ways than one.
After they fell deeply in love and married in 1998, she decided to move to San Antonio
where she enjoyed Fiesta, Tejano music, and parades. She and Mario made many trips to
casinos across the country where she was the luckiest person around.
She resided in her San Antonio home for the last 18 years, where she enjoyed cooking a
variety of meals. She especially enjoyed baking Snickerdoodles and making Waffles for all
her family and friends. Irene and Mario became known as “Grandma and Grandpa” of their
neighborhood. Irene always knew how to make everyone feel welcomed and loved. She will
also hold a special place in our Texas hearts.
She’s preceded in death by her first husband, Leo García and both parents María Hinojosa
and Timoteo Urrutia, Sister Christine Ochoa, and son Tony García.
She is survived by her second husband Mario Juárez Sr.; brother Michael (Michal) Urrutia;
sisters Mary (John) Flores and Helen (Richard) Hoffman; sons Chris Frias (Kelley), Tom (Tracy)
García, and Dan (Kristine) García; step-children, daughters Yolanda Juárez (Rey), Patricia and
Fernando Morales; sons Mario (Maria) Juárez, Richard (Alicia) Juárez, Jesús (Veronica)
Juárez, Eric (Domingo) Limón, and Albert Juárez; numerous nieces, nephews, grandchildren
and great grandchildren.
In honor to Irene G. Juárez, contributions should be made to the ALS Association.
Marina Zapata, 53, of Genoa, Ohio went home to be with the Lord on Sunday October
30, 2016. She was born in Piedras Negras, Coahulia, Mexico on November 30, 1962.
Marina went to Genoa High School and was a member of The Rock Church in Oregon.
She was very active in the area and coached
for many years with the East Toledo Family Center and PAL Little League Baseball. Family was extremely important to
her. She was a proud cheer mom, enjoyed
throwing parties and giving her grandchildren Christmas gifts. Marina was very
sweet and loved her family and life. She
also enjoyed shopping and garage sales.
Surviving is her husband, Jesse Puente;
mother, Francisca Zapata; children, Jacob
(Vanina) Zapata, Alejandro Zapata, Jasmine Zapata and Mateo Zapata (nephew);
grandchildren, Jacob Jr., Alayna, NichoMarina Zapata with Muhammad Ali
las, Ryan, Ryonna, Ramari and Ramir;
siblings, Andy (María Elena), Sylvia
(Eliseo), Tony (Michelle) Reyes and Raquel; nieces and nephews, Noemi (god daughter), Vanessa, Andy, Mercedes, Eliseo Hector, Tony, Marco, Eliseo Jr., Isaias, Audrianna
and Seth; and many other cousins, great nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her father, Reyes Zapata; son, Josh, and step daughter, Dana.
Mass of Christian Burial was at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Genoa, Ohio
on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. Burial followed at Clay Township Cemetery.
HUD Sec. Julián Castro and Rep. Joaquín
Castro campaign in Ohio, elsewhere for
Hillary Clinton
TOLEDO/COLUMBUS: On Nov. 6, 2016,
HUD Secretary Julián
Castro and Congressman
Joaquín Castro kicked off
early vote events, urging
Ohioans to vote early, to
get their friends and family to go vote, and to support Hillary Clinton’s
agenda “to build an
economy that works for
everyone, not just those at
the top.”
D u r i n g
events in Toledo and Columbus, Julián and
Joaquín Castro
discussed the
choice in this
election between Clinton,
“who believes that we
are stronger together,”
and Donald Trump, “who
would do serious harm to
our economy and has
exhibited deeply concerning
behavior towards women.”
The twins also discussed
how Ms. Clinton is
“uniquely prepared for the
presidency,” while Trump is
“temperamentally unfit to
be Commander-in-Chief.”
Page 14
Pa13e 12
La Prensa—Classified
Commercial Roofer Needed
Police Officer/Patrolman Grade
With a commitment to improving the human
condition, The University of Toledo and
University Medical Center are seeking qualified
candidates for the following positions:
• Housing Manager
• Program manager
• Adult and Transfer Specialist
• Records Management Officer 1
• Secretary 2
• Staff Nurse
• Social Worker
• Social Worker LISW
• CVO Data Coordinator / Med Dir Office
• Staff Perfusionist
• Staff Nurse First Assistant
• Certified Surgical Assistant
• Mental Health Aide
• Staffing Coordinator
• Security Officer
• Licensed Athletic Trainer
• Registered Respiratory Therapist
• Staff Development Coordinator
• Pharmacist
• Advanced Practice Nurse
• Custodial Worker Pool
• Recruitment, Enrollment, and Retention
• Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
• Domestic Violence Advocate
• Lab Research Technician
• Intermittent Call-In Shuttle Bus Driver
• Athletic Academic Coordinator/ Coordinator
for Student-Athlete Development
The University of Toledo offers an excellent salary
and benefit package, which includes the Ohio Public
Employees Retirement System and State Teachers
Retirement System for faculty with employer contribution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacation
time, tuition to UT is waived for employees and their
eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paid holidays.
The City of Napoleon is accepting applications
beginning October 26, 2016 through November 16,
2016 for the position of Police Officer/Patrolman
Grade as well as Firefighter/Paramedic. Testing
date for the written Civil Service exam and physical
agility test will be held on SATURDAY, JANUARY
7, 2017 starting at 8:00 a.m. Please visit (Human Resources) for
more information. The City of Napoleon is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Candidates must have at least one year experience
as well as be familiar with single-ply
systems. This is a full-time position with benefits.
If interested, please contact the office at
419-478-2900, or apply in person: 3947 Funston
Street, Toledo, Ohio 43612.
Drivers: Home DAILY!
Earn up to $1,000-$1200/week!!
CDL-A, 6 mos OTR, Good Backgrnd.
- with CDL Class A Perrysburg, OH
Transform your career
with highly competitive pay and benefits!
$1,500 Sign-On Bonus!
The Maids
Ahora está Empelando!
De Lunes a Viernes
No fines de semana
Buen ambiente de trabajo
$10.00 x ahora.
Comunicate con Rayna (614) 468-5105
Columbus OH
Se Habla Español!
We seek Mechanics to diagnose issues, repair
and rebuild equipment, perform state inspections
and routine vehicle maintenance, transport equipment, and provide road service. Additional responsibilities include ordering and picking up
parts, preparing shop work orders, and assistance with clean-up.
Requires 3+ yrs related experience
and CDL license.
Call 800-541-6294
Email: [email protected]
Request for Proposals
Construction & Project Management Consulting Services
Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) will receive proposals for
Construction & Project Mgmt. Consulting Svcs. Received in accordance with
law until November 30, 2016, 3:00 PM ET. For documents:;
435 Nebraska Ave.,Toledo, OH 43604 or 419-259-9471 (TRS: Dial 711). Affirmative
Action and Equal Employment Opportunity requirements per Executive Order
#11246 and Sec. 3 Compliance Applicable.
We ask that applications and required documents
be submitted electronically.
UT and UTMC are EO/AA employers and
educators M/F/D/V
Volunteer DJ Wanted
Holt Roofing Company is looking to hire a
commercial roofer.
Drivers: CDL-A:
Local day shifts, Monday-Friday,
averaging $1000 a week.
No Touch freight. 888-840-8106
For a complete listing of our openings and desired
qualifications or to apply, please proceed to our
website at
Need a DJ to cover the following events on Jan
6th for New Year’s Eve Dance,
March 10th for the Alumni Dance and
April 29th for Prom 2017.
The events are only 2-3 hours long and in the
Toledo/ Perrysburg area.
Please call 419-870-2797 if you are willing to
donate your time for students with special needs.
November 11, 2016
2742 HILL AVE.
Executive Assistant
Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA), located in Toledo, OH is seeking
experienced applicants for the position of Executive Assistant – Deadline 11/13/
16. For complete details, visit This is a Section
3 covered position. HUD recipients are encouraged to apply and are to indicate
on the application if you are a LMHA Public Housing resident or Housing Choice
Voucher Program participant. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
NO PHONE CALLS. Equal employment opportunity shall be afforded to all
qualified persons without regard to age, race, color, religion, religious creed,
gender, military status, ancestry, disability, handicap, sexual orientation, genetic
information or national origin.
Employment Opportunities
Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA), located in Toledo, OH is seeking
experienced applicants for the following positions
Clerical Specialist (FT/Permanent & FT/Temporary)
Housing Specialist – HCVP
Management Aide
Service Coordination Specialist
Assistant Manager of Occupancy & Leasing
For complete details, visit Deadline: 11/20/16.
This is a Section 3 covered position. HUD recipients are encouraged to apply and
are to indicate on the application if you are a LMHA Public Housing resident or
Housing Choice Voucher Program participant. Persons with disabilities are
encouraged to apply. NO PHONE CALLS. Equal employment opportunity shall
be afforded to all qualified persons without regard to age, race, color, religion,
religious creed, gender, military status, ancestry, disability, handicap, sexual
orientation, genetic information or national origin.
11 de noviembre, 2016
La Prensa—Classified
Lucas County Commissioners seek
applicant for vacancy on the Law
Library Resources Board
The Board of Lucas County Commissioners
is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the
Law Library Resources Board of Lucas County.
The Law Library Resources Board of Lucas
County’s was established in 2010 by Ohio
Revised Code 307.51 to provide legal research,
reference, and library services to the county
and to the municipal corporations, townships,
and courts within the county.
The Law Library Resources Board of Lucas
County meets quarterly and oversees the management and operations of the Lucas County
Law Library, ensuring a valuable resource for
the public, local government offices, courts,
and the legal community. Applicants to this
Board must be Lucas County residents.
The Board of Lucas County Commissioners
actively seeks to appoint volunteer boards and
commissions that reflect the diversity of our
community. Any person interested in being
considered for a board vacancy must fill out the
“Application for Public Volunteer” form. A detailed resume must be enclosed with the completed application form.
Applications are available from the Board of
Lucas County Commissioners office at One
Government Center, Suite 800, Toledo, Ohio,
43604, or by calling (419) 213-4500. A printable
version of the application is also available on
the Lucas County Commissioners’ website at
Applications for the above-listed board vacancies will be accepted through the end of the
business day on Tuesday, November 15, 2016.
The completed applications and resumes must
be forwarded to the attention of Lucas County
Project Manager Brittany Ford at:
[email protected] or the address listed
Serving East &
West Cleveland
Page 15
Paramount is hiring for
Advantage Case
Mangers in Maumee,
OH. Current OH RN or
LSW license required.
For more information
please visit
• Residential
• Commercial
Contact Luis:
maintenance; roof
repairs; rubber
roofing; re-roof
shingles; 30 years
exp; roof coatings;
roof leaks; power
Now Accepting Applications for
1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments.
Senior Community for Persons 55 and Older.
Rent Based on Income.
Activity and Service Coordinators on site.
Heat, Appliances, Drapes and Carpeting Included.
Call (419) 729-7118 for details.
Se habla español!
Call Pete Sánchez
Honoring all
who served.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Thank you!
Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-870-2797
LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435
November/noviembre 11, 2016
to a mental
health crisis
Most of us are far more
likely to encounter a
person in emotional crisis than one in cardiac
arrest. But, though
many people can administer CPR, very few know
how to respond to a
mental health crisis.
That’s why NAMI
(National Alliance on
Mental Illness) of Wood
County is offering Mental Health First Aid on
November 12, 2016,
from 8:30 AM to 4:30
PM, at its offices at: 541
West Wooster St., Bowling Green, Ohio.
Mental Health First
Aid teaches a five-step
plan for helping someone in a mental health
crisis and connecting
the person to appropriate help. First responders, law
enforcement, teachers, students, and all concerned
citizens are welcome to take the course, which is
taught by trained facilitators.
Just as one need not be a medical doctor to administer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, a community
member need not be a psychologist to recognize when
someone is in emotional crisis and help him find
professional care.
The fee for the training is $12.00. For more
information or to register, please call NAMI
Wood County at 419-352-0626 or go online at
La Prensa
Página 16