Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Parish—Tucson (An Arizona Non-Profit Corporation) 215 S. Craycroft Rd., Tucson, AZ 85711 Telephone: (520) 747-3100 Fax: (520) 745-4606 Email: [email protected] Website: Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 “We, the faithful of Saint Joseph Parish, are a community of believers who follow Christ, proclaim the Word of God, worship the Lord and respond to the needs of others.” Parish Mission Statement Parish Office Hours/Horas De Oficina Monday–Thursday/ Lunes-Jueves: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday/Viernes: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Sunday/Domingo: 8:00 am to 12:30 pm Mass Times/Horario de Misas Daily/Lunes a Sabado: 7:00 am Pastoral Staff Pastor Rev. Ricky Ordonez Deacons Leon Mazza, Business Mgr. Teodoro Perez, Hispanic Min. Maintenance Supervisor Mr. Thomas Taylor Parish Secretary Pastor’s Secretary Ms. Norma Torres Mrs. Carolyn Osborn Wednesdays/Miercoles: Novena - Mother of Perpetual Help 6:30 pm Saturday Vigil: Sunday Masses: 5:30 pm 7:00 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 1:15 pm Spanish 5:30 pm Holy Day Masses/Misas de Guardar: (Check bulletin) Faith Formation Mr. Wade Manuel, Coordinator Pre-K through Grade 7 September through April Sundays: 8:00 am to 9:05 am Confirmation Preparation Please call Parish Office Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament — Chapel Every First Friday 10:00 a.m. — Noon Sacraments/Sacramentos Reconciliation/Horario de Reconciliación Saturdays/Sabados: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Baptisms—Baptismal arrangements must be made by the PARENTS of the child at the Parish Office. Parents and godparents must attend a baptismal preparation class before the baptism. Other requirements will be discussed at the initial interview. St. Joseph Parochial School Telephone (520) 747-3060 Principal Office Manager Receptionist Mr. Sam Granillo Mrs. Shannon Gagnepain Mrs. Diana Dicochea Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade Monday through Thursday 7:40 am to 3:00 pm Friday: 7:40 am to 12:30 pm Matrimony—Weddings are celebrated throughout the year. In accord with Church Law, at least one of the parties to be married must be a member of St. Joseph, otherwise special permissions are needed. Marriage preparation is to begin at least 6 months prior to the wedding. It is strongly recommended that a couple planning to be married at St. Joseph contact the Parish before making any contractual arrangements with a facility for their reception. During the initial interview with the priest of the Parish, the couple will be provided with all the necessary information needed for their preparation experience. Anointing of the Sick - Contact the Parish Office to make 1 arrangements. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Sunday, October 23 After morning Masses A & R Fall Bake Sale ................. Healy Hall 8:00 a.m. R.E. Classes ............... School Classrooms 10:30 a.m. Confirmation Class .................... Healy Hall SCHEDULED MASSES & READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, October 24 5:30 p.m. Girl Scouts...................... St. Francis Room 6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts................................ Healy Hall 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts ................................ Healy Hall Sunday, October 23 — Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:23, 17-19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14 7:00 a.m. Deacon George Herrick † 9:15 a.m. Anthony Toto † 11:00 a.m. Antonio Saldivar † Sotero Blancarte † 1:15 p.m. Liliana Jacobo † Senores Encinas Alcanta † 5:30 p.m. St. Joseph Parishioners † Tuesday, October 25 6:30 p.m. LIFE Teen ................................. Healy Hall 7:00 p.m. Spanish Charismatic Group ........... Chapel Monday, October 24 — Eph 4:32—5:8; Ps 1:1-4; Lk 13:10-17 7:00 a.m. Hilda, Ignacio & Walter Vega † Wednesday, October 26 10:00 a.m. Bible Study ..........................Activity Room 12:00 p.m. Family Prayer Group ...................... Chapel 6:45 p.m. RCIA .............................. St. Francis Room 7:00 p.m. Youth Group .............................. Healy Hall Tuesday, October 25 — Eph 5:21-33; Lk 13:18-21 7:00 a.m. Nancy L. Conley † Ps 128:1-5; Wednesday, October 26 — Eph 6:1-9; 14; Lk 13:22-30 7:00 a.m. Richard Shumate † Ps 145:10- Thursday, October 27 6:30 p.m. Holy Redeemer Filipino ......Activity Room 7:00 p.m. Contemporary Choir Practice ......... Chapel 7:30 p.m. K of C 1st Degree Mtg. ............. Healy Hall Friday, October 28 12:30 p.m. School Chess Club ................... Healy Hall Saturday, October 29 9:00 a.m. DOT Hispanic Leaders Conf. .... Healy Hall 10:00 a.m. Sewing Group ......................Activity Room 10:00 a.m. English Baptisms............................ Church 10:30 a.m. LIFE Core Meeting ......... St. Francis Room 12:00 p.m. Spanish Baptisms .......................... Church Sunday, October 30 After all Masses Hispanic Ministry Breakfast ....... Healy Hall 8:00 a.m. R.E. Classes ............... School Classrooms 10:30 a.m. Confirmation Class .................... Healy Hall ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CORNER Thank you for your donations to SVdP! SVdP Pantry Needs Peanut Butter Canned Vegetables Canned Beans Pasta Sauce Thursday, October 27 — Eph 6:10-20; Ps 14:1, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 7:00 a.m. John M. Gillette † Friday, October 28 — Eph 2:19-22; 6:12-16 7:00 a.m. St. Jude 9:00 a.m. Edward Adams † Ps 19:2-5; Lk Saturday, October 29 — Phil 1:18-26; Ps 42:2-3, 5; Lk 14:1, 7-11 7:00 a.m. Gilbert Gonzales † 5:30 p.m. Lloyd Carter † Sunday, October 30 — Wis 11:22—12:2; Ps 145:12, 8-11, 13-14; 2 Thes 1:11—2::2; Lk 19:1-10 7:00 a.m. Helmer Schoenfeld † 9:15 a.m. Ted Juarez † 11:00 a.m. Socorro Rodriguez † 1:15 p.m. St. Joseph Parishioners † 5:30 p.m. Bob & Carol Southard continued Collection for the weekend of October 15/16 $6,213.91 2 Dear Parish Family, Querida Familia Parroquial, Well, it is Tuesday, 18 October and Father Ricky is Bien, hoy es martes 18 de octubre y el padre Ricky on his pilgrimage with his mother and friends. está en su peregrinaje con su mama y amigos. It has been a relatively quiet week here at the par- Ha sido una semana relativamente tranquila aquí ish. I usually wait until Tuesday to write my article en la parroquia. Por lo general espero hasta el hoping that I can give you up to date news as of martes para escribir mi artículo con la esperanza Monday. de darles noticias actualizadas a partir del lunes. As you read this on Saturday or Sunday, Fr. Ricky Al leer esto ustedes, el sábado o domingo el P. will be back in a couple days. Alleluia! Ricky estará de regreso en un par de días. The Mass attendance count has been done for ¡Aleluya! three Sundays. The average attendance for the six La cuenta de la asistencia a misa se ha hecho weekend Masses is 1,317. Thank you to the ush- durante tres domingos. El promedio de asistencia ers who have been so diligent in performing this de las seis misas del fin de semana es de 1,317. task. Gracias a los ujieres que han sido tan diligentes en OK that’s enough for today. I’m leaving to attend a la realización de esta tarea. seminar for most of the day. NOTE TO YOUNG Por hoy, esto es suficiente. En este momento salgo PEOPLE (STUDENTS) – Here I am an ‘oldish’ para asistir a un seminario la mayor parte del día. man and I am still taking courses to learn some- NOTA thing new. So, we never get too old to learn, but Aunque soy un hombre ‘mayor’ estoy tomando for now, I ask you to study hard and learn all you cursos para aprender algo nuevo. Por lo tanto, can so you can lead a better life and be better citi- nunca dejamos de aprender, pero por ahora les zens. pido que estudien mucho y aprendan todo lo que Deacon Leon Mazza puedan para que lleven una vida mejor y sean Business Manager mejores ciudadanos. PARA LOS JOVENES (estudiantes). Diacono Leon Mazza, Administrador. 3 ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY FALL EVENTS… MINISTERIO HISPANO IGLESIA SAN JOSE TE INVITA EL DIA 30 DE OCTUBRE VENTA DE COMIDA MEXICANA EN EL SALON HEALY HALL DESPUES DE TODAS LAS MISAS. CON EL FIN DE RECAUDAR FONDOS PARA LA PROSECION DE NUESTRA SRA. DE GUADALUPE. CONTAMOS CON SU ASISTENCIA ST. JOSEPH HISPANIC MINISTRY INVITES YOU TO THEIR MEXICAN BREAKFAST ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 IN HEALY HALL AFTER ALL MASSES ALL FUNDS RAISED WILL GO TO OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PROCESSION. WE ARE COUNTING ON YOUR ASSISTANCE Sunday, October 23 — Fall Bake/Jewelry Sale in Healy Hall after all Morning Masses. Saturday, November 5 — Rosary in Chapel at 9:00 a.m. followed by Coffee & Reception in the Parish Office Activity Room. All women of the Parish are eligible and welcome to join the Altar & Rosary Society. For further information call Marilyn at 909-2443 or Shirley at 323-1974. FRIENDS TOGETHER GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP FOR WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS Sponsored By: St. Francis de Sales Church Topic: Your Story, My Story Date/Time: Wednesday, October 26 10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Place: 1375 S. Camino Seco Facilitator: Linda Bowden Learn more about Friends Together on their new website: 4 OCTOBER RESEPCT LIFE MONTH If you are a Catholic man interested in becoming a Knight, please contact our council at 520-3034791. "Abortion is legal because babies can’t vote." Joseph Bonkowski "El aborto es legal porque los bebés no pueden votar." PRODUCE ON WHEELS Joseph Bonkowski The Borderland Food Bank “Produce on Wheels” (which is sponsored by St. Joseph Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference) has recently changed their policy on how to distribute the produce. The new policy: In order for everyone to have the same amount of vegetables there will be limits on all produce that must be followed. The limits will be posted on the white board in front as you get in line. The amount you receive will be, up to or be 60 lbs. You do not need to accept all varieties but cannot substitute one variety for another. These limits are set by Borderlands and NOT by St. Joseph SVdP. St. Vincent de Paul only receives 10% of sales. That money is used to purchase food for the needy and other supplies needed. Any questions or comments contact Ester Havey at 2562792 or email her at [email protected]. ALL SOULS MASSES Mass will be concelebrated at Holy Hope Cemetery on Wednesday November 2nd, 2016, at 8:30 a.m. Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas, D. D., Bishop of Tucson, will preside. Mass will be concelebrated at Our Lady of the Desert Cemetery on Wednesday November 2nd, 2016, at 8:30 a.m. Rev. Mario Ordonez from St. Josephs Parish will preside. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time; National World Youth Day (U.S.); Mission Sunday Monday: St. Anthony Mary Claret Friday: Ss. Simon and Jude Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary ST. JOSEPH PARISH-LITURGICAL SUPPLIES SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM The following is the information for your consideration (you may also provide a partial amount). ___ Votive Candles for the Blessed Sacrament ___ Altar Candles ___ Communion Bread (for the priests) ___ Sacramental Wine ___ Where ever needed $90.00/case ___ Baptismal Candles $90.00/case ___ Communion Bread (for the people) $9.50/box ___ Music Issue/annual order $48.00/case ___ Today’s Missal/annual order $67.00/case $318.00/box $1,256/order $2,720/order Liturgical Needs Sponsorship Program I would like to sponsor: _________________________________________________________________________ (Please state the specific item/items) Please include the following prayers in the Mass intentions:_____________________________________________ Make check/s payable to: St. Joseph Parish-Liturgical Needs Sponsorship Program MERILAC LODGE AUXILIARY FALL FUNDRAISER On Fall Break! Have a blessed week Your Secretary, Vanessa Genduso GIVE THANKS WHEN YOU SHOP… Be sure to thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin! Through their participation, St. Joseph receives our Sunday bulletin. To advertise, contact Claudia Borders, Sales Consultant, 298-1265 or [email protected]. 8th Grade Step-Up Day on December 2nd. The annual Step Up Day provides an opportunity for 8th graders to spend a day on the Salpointe campus and experience Lancer Life first-hand. Attendees will be treated to a mock schedule, free lunch, Lancer entertainment, and a free Lancer Class T-shirt. Go to to register on-line. MARRIAGE HELP Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi) has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. This program can help you too. For confidential information about or to register for the upcoming program beginning with a weekend on January 13th call 520-686-1598 or email: [email protected] or visit the website MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER “The one who serves God willingly is heard; his petition reaches the heavens.” Let us serve God willingly by strengthening, renewing and rekindling our marriages by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on November 11-13 in Phoenix. To apply for the weekend and for other dates visit CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS COURT ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI MEETING PLACE: ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH DATE: November 7, 2016 TIME: 6;00 P.M. OPEN TO ALL LADIES TO COME AND VISIT AND IF THEY ENJOY THEY MAY BECOME MEMBERS. Make up a group of family or friends for Bridge, Bunko or Board Games Lunch Table Prizes Door Prizes 50/50 Raffle Thursday, November 10, 2016 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. St. Odilia Parish Hall 7570 N. Paseo del Norte, Tucson Questions?? (575-9253) $10.00 at the door Call Marilyn (795-3163) or Maureen NO COMPARISONS How many times have we read or heard about someone who’s gotten into trouble—maybe even fired from a job—because of a brush with the law? While our “Christian” minds tell us to be sorry and even pray for the person, a little voice inside our heads may also be saying, “I’m glad I would never do anything like that.” And perhaps we wouldn’t. But are there some things we do that are still not pleasing in God’s eyes? Today’s readings caution us not to look so intently at someone else’s wrongdoing that we overlook our own weaknesses and shortcomings. When we measure ourselves against the worst people we can think of, we come out looking pretty good. There is a danger, however, in using someone else’s behavior as a way of reflecting our own goodness. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. NO HACER COMPARACIONES ¿Cuántas veces hemos leído o escuchado acerca de alguien que se metió en problemas, incluso despedido de su empleo, por un roce con la ley? Mientras nuestras mentes “cristianas” nos dicen que nos apiademos de esa persona y que roguemos por ella, puede que una vocecita interior también esté diciendo: “Me alegro de que yo nunca haría algo así”. Y tal vez no lo haríamos. Pero, ¿hay algunas cosas que hacemos que no agradan a Dios? Las lecturas de hoy nos advierten no mirar tan atentamente a las maldades de otros que pasamos por alto nuestras propias debilidades y defectos. Cuando nos comparamos con las peores personas a nuestro alrededor, salimos bastante bien. Sin embargo, hay un peligro en usar la conducta ajena como medida para reflejar nuestras propias virtudes. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 6 St. Joseph Parish 215 S. Craycroft Rd. Tucson, AZ 85711 Bulletin #517146 Would it be possible to send me an email confirmation that you received bulletin [email protected] Thank you. Norma Torres If you have any questions you may contact me at 520-747-3100 or 520-990-9628.
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