St. Frances X. Cabrini Catholic Church 12687 California Street, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Phone: 909·797·2533 • Fax: 909-790-5803 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: or Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday/ Lunes, Miércoles, y Jueves 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. St Frances X Cabrini Church Yucaipa StFrancesChurch Tuesday/Martes - 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Friday/Viernes - Closed (Lunch 12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.) stfranceschurch 23 de Octubre 2016 Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado Vigil 4:00 P.M. - English Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 A.M. - English 9:00 A.M. - Español 11:00 A.M. - English Daily Mass/Misa Diaria: Monday through Thursday Lunes a Jueves 7:30 A.M. Communion Service/ Servicio de Comunión: Friday/Viernes - 7:30 A.M. Rosary/Rosario: Friday/Viernes -12:00 P.M. TRIGÉSIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento: Friday/Viernes 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confesiones: Saturday/Sábado 3:00 P.M. and by appointment/y si hace una cita Leadership Team / Equipo De Liderazgo PASTOR/PÁRROCO Rev. Santos Ortega 797-2533 ext. 228 [email protected] DEACON/DIÁCONO Peter Bond 797-2533 ext. 505 [email protected] DEACON/DIÁCONO Dan Hudec 797-2533 ext. 506 [email protected] Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 1 Thank you to everyone who donated much needed supplies to Religious Education. We now have adequate supplies to get us through the year! RCIA FOR ADULTS Are you interested in taking the next step to becoming Catholic? There is group of people prepared and willing to meet with you and dialogue about this important decision. Please call Linda at 909-797-2533 for more information. TO REPORT THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF A CHILD by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer, call the toll free Sexual Misconduct Hotline 1-888-206-9090 PARA REPORT EL ABUSO SEXUAL DE UN MENOR por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario, llame a la Línea Directa de Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1-888-206-9090 2016/2017 Baptism Preparation Class Dates Before a child can be baptized, parents and godparents must attend a baptism preparation class. To register for the next scheduled class, please come into the office and sign up. Class registration will close one (1) week prior to the class dates below. Fees for class attendance are $30 for both parents and $10 for each godparent. The class completion certificate is good for 2 years. English Classes: Saturday 2016: 12/03/2016 2017: 02/04/2017; 04/01/2017; 06/03/2017; 08/05/2017, 10/07/2017, 12/02/2017 Classes are held in Room 16 (The old Church) and start at 8:45 a.m. In order to register your infant/child for baptism, an application package, available in the office or on-line, has to be completed and the complete package, with all required documents, has to be returned to the Ursula at least one week prior the baptism date. Incomplete application packages will not be accepted. *Religious Education Classes * *K-5th GRADE Wednesday, October 26, 2016 6:00pm-7:30pm *6th, 7th & 8th GRADE Monday, October 24, 2016 6:30pm-8:00pm *9th - 12th GRADE YOUTH CLASSES Tuesday, October 25, 2016 6:30pm-8:30pm *FAMILY CATECHISM (K-8TH) SPANISH Thursday, November 3, 2016 7:00pm-8:30pm *FAMILY CATECHISM (K-8TH) ENGLISH Thursday, November 3, 2016 6:00pm-7:30pm Friday, November 4, 2016 7:00pm-8:30pm 1st. Eucharist Preparation Session (3rd-5th gr) Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016 @ 10:00am in Parish Center 2016/2017 Fechas de Preparación de Clases de Bautismo Antes de que un niño pueda ser bautizado, los padres y padrinos deben asistir a una clase de preparación para el bautismo. Para inscribirse en la próxima clase programada, por favor venga a la oficina y regístrese. Registración de clases cerrará una (1) semana antes de las fechas de clases indicadas abajo. Las tarifas para asistir a clase es de $30 para ambos padres y $10 por cada padrino. El certificado de cumplimiento de clases es válido por 2 años. Clases en español: Lunes 2016: 12/12/2016 y 12/19/2016Las clases se llevarán a cabo en la Sala 16 (la antigua iglesia) y comienzan desde 6:15 de la noche. 2017: 02/06/2017 y 02/13/2017; 04/03/2017 y 04/10/2017; 05/29/2017 y 06/05/2017; 08/07/2017 y 08/14/2017; 10/02/2017 y 10/09/2017; 12/04/2017 y 12/11/2017 Las clases se llevarán a cabo en Modular 9 y comienzan desde 6:15 de la noche. Con el fin de registrar su bebé/niño para el bautismo, un paquete de solicitud, está disponible en la oficina o nuestra página, tiene que ser completado y el paquete completo, con todos los documentos requeridos, tiene que ser devuelto a la oficina una semana antes de la fecha de bautismo. No se aceptarán paquetes incompletos. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 2 NO HACER COMPARACIONES NO COMPARISONS How many times have we read or heard about someone who’s gotten into trouble— maybe even fired from a job—because of a brush with the law? While our “Christian” minds tell us to be sorry and even pray for the person, a little voice inside our heads may also be saying, “I’m glad I would never do anything like that.” And perhaps we wouldn’t. But are there some things we do that are still not pleasing in God’s eyes? Today’s readings caution us not to look so intently at someone else’s wrongdoing that we overlook our own weaknesses and shortcomings. When we measure ourselves against the worst people we can think of, we come out looking pretty good. There is a danger, however, in using someone else’s behavior as a way of reflecting our own goodness. ¿Cuántas veces hemos leído o escuchado acerca de alguien que se metió en problemas, incluso despedido de su empleo, por un roce con la ley? Mientras nuestras mentes “cristianas” nos dicen que nos apiademos de esa persona y que roguemos por ella, puede que una vocecita interior también esté diciendo: “Me alegro de que yo nunca haría algo así.” Y tal vez no lo haríamos. ¿Pero, hay algunas cosas que hacemos que no son agradables a los ojos de Dios? Las lecturas de hoy nos advierten a no mirar tan atentamente a las maldades de otros mientras pasamos por alto nuestras propias debilidades y deficiencias. Cuando nos comparamos con las peores personas en quienes pensamos, salimos bastante bien. Sin embargo, hay un peligro en usar la conducta ajena como medida para reflejar nuestras propias bondades. Question of the Week Pregunta de la Semana Question for Children: Jesus teaches us to be humble – but what does that mean? How do you show you are humble? Question for Youth: God knows when we are doing things just for show, and when they come from the goodness of our heart. When have you caught yourself doing something just to be more popular or liked? How does it feel to do something that you know is good and just? Question for Adults: This Gospel reading suggests that we approach God and each other with humility. What does this mean, in practical terms? How do we "humble" ourselves? What does that mean? Pregunta para los Niños: Jesús nos enseña a ser humildes, pero ¿qué significa eso? ¿Cómo muestran que son humildes? Pregunta para los Jóvenes: Dios sabe cuando hacemos cosas sólo para presumir y cuando son por la bondad de nuestro corazón. ¿Cuándo te has encontrado haciendo algo sólo para ser más popular o apreciado? ¿Cómo se siente hacer algo que sabes que es bueno y justo? Pregunta para los Adultos: La lectura de este Evangelio sugiere que nos acerquemos a Dios y a los demás con humildad. ¿Qué significa esto en términos prácticos? ¿Cómo nos "humillamos" a nosotros mismos? ¿Qué significa eso? "Among important issues involving Respect the dignity of human life ... abortion necessarily plays a central role.... its victims are the most vulnerable and defenseless .... It is imperative that those who are called to serve the least among us give urgent attention and priority to this issue of justice. This focus and the Church's commitment to a consistent ethic of life complement one another' (US Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-life Activities, 2001). Reflection: Consistency does not mean all issues are of equal weight; it means all people are of equal value. Prayer: Lord, give us the wisdom to meet the greatest needs with the greatest sense of urgency. Amen "Entre diferentes asuntos importantes que se relacionan con la dignidad de la vida humana.... el aborto necesariamente juega un papel muy importante ... sus víctmas son las mas vulnerables e indefensos... Es importantísimo que aquellos que son llamados a servir a los que son desafortunados entre nosotros, den atención urgente y con prioridad a este asunto de justicia. Este enfoque y la obligaci¢n de la Iglesia a una ética de vida consistente complementan uno al otro"( Obispos de los Estados Unidos" Plan Pastoral para Actividades Pro-Vida, 2001). Reflexión: La consistencia no significa que todos los temas son de igual peso; significa que todas las personas son de igual valor. Oración: Señor, danos la sabiduria para enfrentar las necesidades mas grandes con el mas importante sentido de urgencia, Amen KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Knights of Columbus Council 9986 invites you to join us for 2017 walk for life west coast bust trip to San Francisco, Ca! We depart from Saint James the Less Catholic Church in Perris, Ca with pickup locations in the Inland Empire (Moreno Valley, Fontana & Duarte) Cost: $75.00 per seat Departure date: Friday January 20, 2017 Walk for life: Saturday January 21, 2017 Return Date: January 22, 2017 For more information please contact Jose Gomez (951) 722-4331 evenings are best (no text) e-mail: [email protected] Trigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 23 de octubre de 2016 3 MOVED BY MERCY MOVIDOS POR LA MISERICORDIA Diocesan Sanctity of Human Life Collection Respect Life Sunday October 1/2, 2016 Colecta Diocesana: la Santidad de la Vida Humana Domingo de Respeto a la Vida 1 y 2 de octubre del 2016 Pope Francis reminds us that “A population that does not take care of the elderly and of the children and the young has no future, because it abuses both its memory and its promise.” On October (22nd and 23rd), our parish will have the opportunity to contribute to the Life-Saving work of our Diocesan Respect Life & Pastoral Care Ministry. Your gift can make a difference and help save lives throughout our community, to shine the light of the Gospel of Life on a hurting world. Checks may be written out to the Diocese of San Bernardino, Memo Line: Respect Life and Pastoral Care The Ladies from Mother’s in Faith would like to invite You to join our weekly meetings: Small Faith & Fellowship Thursday Evenings 7-9pm in Room 3 (Portables) Please contact [email protected] or Teresa Russo 951-534-4001 *Moms *Prayer *Liturgy *Celebrations *Care *Friendship *Peace El Papa Francisco nos recuerda que “Un pueblo que no cuidad de sus ancianos, niños y jóvenes no tiene futuro porque abusa de su memoria y de su promesa.” El (22 y 23) de octubre, nuestra parroquia tendrá la oportunidad de contribuir al trabajo católico diocesano de ministerio de Respeto a la Vida y Cuidado Pastoral. Su donación puede hacer la diferencia en un mundo doliente. Sus cheques pueden ser a nombre de la Diócesis de San Bernardino, Memo: Respeto a la Vida y Cuidado Pastoral. Collection for the Month Ending September 30, 2016 Contribution Envelopes (Checks + Envelope donations) $35,500 Contribution Plate (No Name Cash + Unregistered) $9,395 Online Giving $5,345 Special Collection Envelope and Plate: $10 (Christmas) Total Sunday Collection $50,250 September Total Budget For Year 16/17 $57,500 Variance of Current to Budget Variance of Current to Prior Year (Sept 2016 - Sept 2015) ($7,250) ($5,626) Generous Heart Contributions (September 2016) $21,280 Generous Heart September Budget $27,425 Stephen Ministry … In addition to the use of Psalms, we Stephen Ministers sometimes use other spiritual songs (hymns) to move and hopefully inspire our care receivers and ourselves to a deeper, more intense relationship with Jesus, God our Father, and the Holy Spirit. The lyrics of the hymn (poetry) along with the music are both lovely and moving. We have so many wonderful Catholic hymns that help us better understand and appreciate our faith and help with our prayer life. They are gifts to all of us to deepen our love, faith and hope. One good example is David Haas’ song, “You Are Mine”. Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name, come and follow me, I will bring you home; I love you and you are mine.” Breaking Bread #469. Another is “Servant Song” by Donna McGargill #373 “I hear you call my name, Lord, and I am moved within me. Your Spirit stirs my deepest self, sing your songs in me. Jesus, Jesus, you are the Lord, Jesus, Jesus, you are the way.” Breaking Bread. Another equally helpful hymn is “We Have Been Told” by David Haas #525. “We have been told, we’ve seen his face and heard his voice alive in our hearts, Live in my love with all your heart, as the Father has loved me, so I have loved you”. Breaking Bread. Yet another is, “There is a longing” #394 by Ann Quigley. “there is a longing in our hearts, O Lord, for you to reveal yourself to us. There is a longing in our hearts for love we only find in you, our God.” Breaking Bread. One final is “We Remember” by Marty Haugen. “We remember how you loved us to your death, and still we celebrate for you are with us here; and we believe that we will see you when you come in your glory, Lord. We remember, we celebrate, we believe. # 498 Breaking Bread Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 4 SFXC Celebration – Circus SAVE THE DATE / MARQUEN EN SUS CALEDARIOS THE CIRCUS IS COMING TO SAINT FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH! TENDREMOS UN CIRCO EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA. NOVEMBER/NOVIEMBRE 10, 11, 12,13 - 2016 Thursday, November 10, 2016 with one show at 7pm, Friday November 11th with two shows at 5pm and 7pm, Saturday November 12th with three shows at 3pm, 6pm, & 8pm, Sunday November 13th ending with three shows at 1pm, 3pm, & 5pm. Each show will be approximately 1.5 hours long and includes entertaining circus acts. This will be a great opportunity for individuals and families to have a great time. You can also get food and drinks before and after all shows except after the final shows each night. Your participation and enjoyment to the show will support the ministries at St. Frances X. Cabrini Church. Cost is $9 – $22. Go to the link below to get tickets online. The SFXC Youth Group will be hosting the 2016 Trunk or Treat on Sunday October 30th! The next trunk-or-treat planning committee meeting will be held on Monday, October 24 at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room. We need cars/trunks! If anyone wants to enter their cars please be at the church at 2pm Sunday 10/30 Volunteers are needed! Please come and be part of the Planning Committee, setup, and day of the event. Donations are being accepted in the parish office, during business hours for: • Prizes for the winning decorated cars such as Gift Certificates, Scrip Cards, Monetary donations, Etc… • Candy to give out at the trunks. To donate or volunteer please call Charlotte Pope: 492-2600 Remembrance Mass Wednesday, November 02, at 6:00 p.m. To honor members of our parish family and other close relatives who have died since All Souls’ Day 2015, we will celebrate a special Mass of Remembrance. The church takes this day to remember all those who have died and “gone before us marked with the sign of faith.” In faith, we believe that we remain united with our loved ones because the Kingdom of God is not bound by death. The Book of Remembrance will be displayed in the Narthex, and we invite those, who’s loved one has died in the past year, to write THE NAME OF THE DECEASED in this book. All are encouraged to bring a picture of a deceased relative or friend, no larger than 8X10, for display in front of the Altar. For those of you, who wish to have a photo of your loved one shown on the screen, please forward a photo, via e-mail, to [email protected], no later than Thursday, October 25. We invite one representative from each family to participate in an opening procession by carrying a lit candle, purchased for $5.00 at the parish office, or from ushers before or after each weekend Mass. Candles will remain burning throughout the Mass. After the Mass, all are invited for a small gathering at the Parish Center. Please bring a dish to share. For additional information, contact Ursula Benitez at (909) 797-2533 ext. 225 Día de los Muertos Si has perdido un ser querido entre noviembre 2015 a noviembre 2016, y quieres incluir su foto en la presentación de diapositivas durante la Misa del Día de los Muertos, favor de enviar una foto digital a [email protected] con el nombre completo del difunto/a, fecha de nacimiento, fecha en que falleció, tu nombre y relación con el/la difunto/a, al mas tardar el 24 octubre de 2016. La presentación de diapositivas será solamente para difuntos del ultimo año. Además de fotos digitales, le animamos a que traigan una foto enmarcada (tamaño limite de 8x10) para mostrarlos en el Altar. Si algún miembro de su familia quiere tomar parte en al procesión de vela, habrán velas de venta ($5.00) en la oficina parroquial. Para asegurarnos de tener suficientes velas a mano, favor de comprar sus velas con anticipo. Si tienen preguntas, contacten a Ursula al 909-797-2533 ext. 225. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ministry Staff Business Manager / Administradora de Negocios Precious Chikulo [email protected] ext. 229 Director of Religious Education / Educación Religiosa Grades / Grados K-12th Linda Ornelas [email protected] ext. 224 Office Assistant / Asistente de Oficina Peggy Patterson [email protected] ext. 227 Office Receptionist/ Recepcionista de Oficina Cecilia Newby [email protected] ext. 221 Ministries/Ministerios *ICS (Food Distribution) 909-797-0007 *Pastoral Council / Concilio Pastoral Gil Estrada 909-797-2533 *Finance Council Don Averil 909-797-2533 *Jóvenes Para Cristo Mario Leal 909-571-1200 *Mothers in Faith Teresa Russo 951-534-4001 *Eucharistic Ministers / Ministros de Eucaristía Dcn. Dan Hudec [English] 909-797-2533 Ext. 506 Francisco Herrera [Spanish] 909-446-0674 *Altar Servers / Monaguillos Dcn. Dan Hudec [English] 909-797-2533 Ext. 506 Laura Jaramillo [Spanish] 909-725-0296 *NAMI Monica Robles 909-797-6235 *Lectors/Lectores Dcn. Peter Bond 909-797-2533 Ext. 505 *Sacristans Veronica Moreno-Nicholas [email protected] *Small Faith Communities Lisa Cox [email protected] *Quinceañeras Mirtha Gonzalez 909-790-7187 *R.C.I.A. (new Catholics) Lisa Hudec [email protected] *Catholic Daughters of the Americas Marla Cowan 909-795-2389 *Knights of Columbus Mike Figueredo 909-936-6416 For the below ministries Contact: Ursula Benitez 909-797-2533 Ext. 225 *Bereavement/Funerals/Funerales *Minister to the Sick and Homebound/ Ministerio de los Enfermos *Marriage / Matrimonio *Baptisms / Bautismos *Annulments / Anulación October 23, 2016 10/22–10/23, 2016 Mass Intentions Sat. 4:00 P.M. William Mc Leod † Sun. 7:30 A.M. Pro Populo 9:00 A.M. Juan Ulloa † 11:00 A.M. Dorothy Wallin † 10/24– 10/30, 2016 Mass Intentions Mon. 7:30 A.M. Jack Fonseca † Tues. 7:30 A.M. Kay Tiedemann † Wed. 7:30 A.M. Gene Reid † Thurs. 7:30 A.M. Don Majestic † Fri. 7:30 A.M. Communion Service Sat. 4:00 P.M. Fleurette Valdivia † Sun. 7:30 A.M. Linda Perisists † 9:00 A.M. Pro Populo 11:00 A.M. Al Stadler † 5 Key † - RIP ♦ - Birthday ♥ - Anniversary - Special Intention Readings of the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 5:21-33 or 5:2a, 25-33; Ps 128:1-5; Lk 13:18-21 Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Phil 1:18b-26; Ps 42:2, 3, 5cdef; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Wis 11:22 — 12:2; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; 2 Thes 1:11 — 2:2; Lk 19:1-10 Prayer List (Please note this list is for seriously ill persons. Names can only be listed for two weeks - our prayer chain continues to pray for people after this time) Recently we received additional requests for prayers for the following: Margarita Valiukas, Clara Winn, Annette Williams, Jerri Beran, Mary Grey, Miguel Ramos, Fr. Michael Manning, Ireland McCartin, Exequiel Perez, Iker Alvarez, Vicki Stadler, Francisco Nuñez, Lorena Velazquez, Filemon Velazquez If you would like to request prayers for your family, please contact 797-2533 Mobile Library The Mobile Library, visits us the second and fourth weekends of the month, after all masses. Come by our table to view our selections. Books, CD’s and DVD’s for adults and children can be checked out for up to four weeks. In Memoriam of: Providencia Melendez, Carlos Perez, Jose Lima, George Edward Masterson Juan Ulloa, Uaria Cuestas, Nicholas Haas, Jose G. Vargas, Lesley Zerebny Pray for your servants who served you faithfully throughout their lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Bulletin Inserts Requests must be received at least two (2) Mondays before the weekend you wish it to be printed in the bulletin. Please contact Peggy prior to this submission deadline for instructions: [email protected] 909-797-2533 ext. 227 (if you have not done so already). Thank you so much for your service and cooperation!
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