-• . " O::==~===:E Washington County, Texas (Condado de Washington, Texas) November 8, 2016 (8 de noviembre de 2016) •• •• •• . •• •• •• •• . . • " . •." ".. • •• •• •• " . •• •• == •• == •• • •• " + Official Ballot · General Election (Boleta Olicial) . (Elecci6n General) T INSTRUCTION NOTE: 1. Vote lor the candidate of your choice in each race by darkening in the oval (- ) provided to the left of the name of the candidate. 2. You may cast a straight-party vote (thai is, cast a vole lor all the nominees of one farty) by darkening in the oval (e ) provided to the left of the name of the party. If you cast a straight-party vote lor all the nominees 0 one party and also cast a vole for an opponent 01one of that party's nominees, your vote for the opponent will be counted as well as your vole for all the other nominees of the party for which the straight-party vote was cast. 3. You may vole for a write-in candidate by writing in the name of the candidate on the line provided and darkening in the oval (-) provided to the left oltha line. NOTA OE INSTRUCCI6N, ' 1. Vole por el candidato de su preferencia en cada carrera lIenando cemplelamenla el espacio ovalado (- ) a del nombre del candidato. 2. Us/ad podrs volar por todes los candidalos de un solo partido del i~~~j~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~!~:: vola porpartido un solopolflico) partidolIenande polftico ("straight-licker) y lambien mismo complelamenla el aspacio vola ovalado 58 computars su volo per el contrincanle lanlo como su OOf'lodos 3. Usl8d podrs volar per inserci6n escrila escribiendo el ,_",_,_= espacio ova/ado (-) 8 /a izquierda da /a linea. Eva Guzman Savannah Robinson = Railroad Commissioner (Comisionado de Ferrocarriles) - + OonFulton C> Jim Chisholm Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 2 (Juez, Corle de Apelaciones Crimina/es, Lugar Num. 2) C> Mary Lou Keel c:> Lawrence 'Larry' Meyers = Marl< Ash C> President and Vice-President (Presidente y Vice Presidenle) CJ C> Donald J. Trump / Mike Pence (REP) Hillary Clinton I Tim Kaine (OEM) Gary Johnson I William Weld (LIB) Jill Stein I Ajamu Baraka (GRN) (Voto EscrilO) Adam King Blackwell Reposa Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, PlaceS (Jusz, Corte de Ape/aciones Cn'minales, Lugar Num. 5) C> Debra Lehrmann C> Mike Westergren C> SCott Walker C> KathieGlass c:> Betsy Johnson C> Radelle Rivara Munoz C> William Bryan Strange, III Justice, Supreme Court, Place 5 (Juez, Corle Suprema, Lugar Num. 5) c:> Judith Sanders·Castro - -- - - - ----1 Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 6 (Juez, Corte de Apelacionas Crimina/as, Lugar Num. 6) C> Paul Green C> DonContreras Garza c:> Michael C> Tom Oxford C> Robert Bums c:> Charles E. Waterbury c:> Mark W. Bennett Vote Both Sides (Vote ambos Jados) e.Keasler + + , Member State Board of Education, I District 10 (Mlembto d8 /a Junia Eslatal d8 EducaciOO Pr.ib/ka, Dislrlto Num. 10) o Tom Maynard <:::> Judy Jennings I State Senator, District 18 (Senador Estatal, Dis/rilo Num. 18) o o District Attorney, 21s1 Judicial District (Procurador del Oistrito, Dis/rito Judicial NUm.21) C) Julie Renken Judge, County Court at Law (Unexpired Term) (JUSl, Corte de Ley 001 Condado) (tefmino no completado) Lois W. KoMdlorst Eric Berg Kathie l. Stone Slale Representative, (Reprsssntante Est8tel, Disc'rl·',o·· i..'~,~,,'f = = CecII A. :::~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~:~fl (Jusz Presidente, Dis/rito Num. 1) Chief Justice, <::::> Sherry Radack o Jim Peacock Justice, 151 Court of Appeals District, Place 4 (Jusz. Corte de Ap6laciones, Dislrito Num. 1, Lugar NUm. 4) = c::> Dol Borchgardt county Commissioner, Precinct No. 1 (Comislonado del Condado, Prec/nto NUm. I) Evelyn Keyes c:::> Don Koester Barbara Gardner c::::> Lewis Houser Justice, 14th Court 01 Appeals District, Place 2 (Juez. Corle de Apelaclones, Dis/rito Num. 14. Lugar NUm. 2) c:::> Kevil JaweD c:::> Candance WMe (O EM) Constable, Precinct No.1 (Condestable. Precinlo Num. I) c:::> Ken Holle Justice, 14th Court 01 Appeals District, Place 9 (Juez, Corte de Apelaciones, Dis/rilo Num. 14, Lugar Num. 9) = c::> Tracy Elizabeth Christopher Peler M. Kelly District Judge, 21st JudIcIal DIstrict (Juez del DlstrlfO, Dislrilo Judicial Num. 21) c::> Carson Campbell District Judge, 335th Judicial DistrIct (JU81 del Distrito. Distrito Judicial NUm. 335) c:::> + Reva L. Towslee Come« Vote Both Side. (Vole ambos lados) • •• • •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• •• • •• •• • •• •• • +
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