2511 South “C” Street - Oxnard, CA 93033 Church Phone: (805) 486-7301 Fax: (805) 486-3142 Website: www.stanthonyoxnard.org Parish Founded 1959 by Msgr. Michael Condon (1915 - 2001) 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016 Living God’s Word Some believers tithe. Others try to keep a balanced perspective by living simply. There are some who choose to place a selfimposed limit on their savings. And then there are those radical few who choose to live without any possessions or belongings beyond what is absolutely essential. Regardless of the path we choose, we must seek to remove every obstacle to embracing our loving God Pastor: Fr. Doan T. Pham Associates: Fr. Daniel M. Martinez Fr. Porfirio Álvarez (Retired in residence) Fr. Anthony Berchmanz (In residence) Senior Deacons: Jim Henry, Joe Kennedy, Jon McPheeters Deacons: Andrew Cottam, George Garcia, Aurelio Macias, Donald Pinedo & Roy Sadowski LITURGIES ~ LITURGIAS: Monday—Friday / Lunes—Viernes 8:00 am, 5:15 pm (No 5:15 pm Mass on Tues. & Weds.) (No 5:15 pm Misas el mar. y miér.) Todo los Martes: 7:00 pm (Misa de Sanación segundo martes del mes) R ~C : Fridays / Viernes 6:00—6:30 pm Saturdays / Sábados 3:30—5:00 pm E A ~A First Fridays 8:30 am-5:15 pm Primer Viernes 8:30 am–5:15 pm E R ~R : Monday—Saturday after 8:00 am Mass. Lunes—Sábado después de la Misa de las 8:00 am O H ~H O : Monday-Friday ~ Lunes-Viernes: 8:30 am - 8:00 pm (closed-cerrado 12:00 pm-1:00 pm) Saturday~Sábado 8:00 am, 5:15 pm (Vigil) Saturday~Sábado: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Sunday Liturgy ~ Liturgias del Domingo: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am (English) 12:00, 1:30 pm (Español) Sunday~Domingo: Closed-Cerrado : October 9, 2016 S .A P Page 2 Diseases of the Heart By Cynthia Reyes When we are diagnosed with a disease, our natural response is to seek medical treatment as we inform ourselves of the prognosis of the illness; is it curable, will I suffer, how will it effect me, and is it terminal? We may have to travel far distances to get the best medical treatment, and it may be expensive, yet there is a determination, a willingness to meet the disease head-on. A physical ailment may be easier to contend with than those diseases of the heart. We may suffer from the disease of racism, indifference, arrogance, lust, self-centeredness, self-indulgence, and self-righteousness. These diseases spread and contaminate our entire being. Relationships are broken, hearts are crushed, ill feelings permeate the air as egos flare like arrows torched with flames. How do we heal our hearts from these diseases? What are we to do when our hearts are diseased? Today, Luke’s gospel of the ten lepers gives us the perfect antidote. The one leper returned to God. In his Heart, it was his open heart that led to his healing. His healing led him to gratitude. His gratitude led to his salvation. Do we trust God when we open our hearts to be healed of all that poisons us? That person whom has spoken ill of us, that person who combatively presented herself with arrogance and superiority? We all need to be healed of our infected hearts so that we may become grateful to God for his saving power, ever indebted of his love and compassion for us. Then perhaps, we will have that same joy that the Leper experienced once Jesus touches our hearts, healed of all that diseases us! Las Enfermedades del Corazón Por Cynthia Reyes Cuando se les diagnostica una enfermedad, nuestra respuesta natural es de buscar tratamiento médico como nos informamos del pronóstico de la enfermedad; ¿es curable, súfrale, cómo me va a efectuar, y es terminal? Es posible que tengamos que viajar grandes distancias para obtener el mejor tratamiento médico y puede ser costoso, sin embargo, hay una determinación, una voluntad de cumplir, cueste lo que cueste, encontrare una forma de seguir adelante. Una dolencia física puede ser más fácil que lidiar con las enfermedades del corazón. Es posible que sufrimos de la enfermedad del racismo, la indiferencia, la soberbia, la sensualidad, el egocentrismo, la autosuficiencia y la intolerancia. Estas enfermedades se propagan y contaminan todo nuestro ser. Las relaciones se rompen, los corazones se machacan, malos sentimientos impregnan el aire con el ego bengala como flechas incendiadas con las llamas. ¿Cómo podemos sanar nuestros corazones de estas enfermedades? Que vamos a hacer cuando nos enfermamos de nuestros corazones? Hoy, en el Evangelio de Lucas de los diez leprosos, nos da el perfecto antídoto. El leproso volvió a Dios. Abrió su corazón, que le llevó a su curación. Su sanidad le llevó a la gratitud. Su agradecimiento le llevó a su salvación. ¿Confiamos en Dios cuando abrimos el corazón para ser sanados de todo lo que nos envenena? Aquella persona a la que ha hablado mal de nosotros, aquel que se presenta combativa, a sí con la misma arrogancia y superioridad? Todo lo que necesitamos para ser sanados de nuestros corazones infectados es hacer agradecidos a Dios por su salvación. Dios siempre nos da esa confianza de su amor y su compasión por cada uno de nosotros. Tal vez, entonces, vamos a tener la misma alegría que el leproso experimentó una vez que Jesús nos toca el corazón, sanado de todas nuestras las enfermedades! TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Naaman, cleansed from his leprosy, returns to Elisha and pledges his belief in and allegiance to the L (2 Kings 5:14-17). Psalm — The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power (Psalm 98). Second Reading — Remember Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead. If we persevere, we shall reign with him (2 Timothy 2:8-13). Gospel — After ten lepers are cleansed by Jesus, only one, a Samaritan, returns to give him thanks (Luke 17:11-19). Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Eph 1:15-23; Ps 8:2-3ab, 4-7; Lk 12:8-12 Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 — 4:2; Lk 18:1-8 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Naamán, purificado de su lepra, regresó a Eliseo y prometió obedecer al Señor (2 Reyes 5:14-17). Salmo — El Señor nos ha mostrado su amor y su lealtad (Salmo 98 [97]). Segunda lectura — Acuérdate de Cristo Jesús que fue resucitado de entre los muertos. Si perseveramos con él, también reinaremos con él (2 Timoteo 2:8-13). Evangelio — Después que diez leprosos se encontraron curados por Jesús, solamente uno, un samaritano, regresa para darle gracias (Lucas 17:11-19). Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Sal 113 (112):1b-5a, 6-7; Lc 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45, 47-48; Lc 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 11:42-46 Ef 1:1-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Lc 11:47-54 Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lc 12:1-7 Ef 1:15-23; Sal 8:2-3ab, 4-7; Lc 12:8-12 Ex 17:8-13; Sal 121 (120):1-8; 2 Tim 3:14 — 4:2; Lc 18:1-8 October 9, 2016 S .A ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL “Building the Bridge to Spirituality, Academics and Service” P O M Page 3 H 7:30 —F /H 4:00 /L (805) 487-5317 O —V ( (805) 486-1537 ( . . ) ) As a reminder, St. Anthony School has a closed campus policy. In the interest of security and safety for students & staff, our campus will be locked and fully secured. All visitors/parents must report directly to the school office, not the classroom. ST. ANTHONY’S SCHOOL STUDENT NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY St. Anthony’s school, mindful of its mission to be a witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students regardless of race, color or national and/or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, medical condition, sex or national and/or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs, although certain athletic leagues and other programs may limit participation and some archdiocesan schools operate as single sex schools. While the school does not discriminate against students with special needs, a full range of services may not always be available to them. Decisions concerning the admission and continued enrollment of a student in the school are based upon the student’s emotional, academic and physical abilities and the resources available to the school in meeting the student’s needs. Blessing, Deacon Henry Barajas Principal St. Anthony’s School Thank you for suppor ng your St. Anthony School. Your prayers and financial support go towards fostering students who have faith and knowledge and learn to be of service. Thank you for believing in Catholic educa on. If you are available to join the St. Anthony School Tigers for Mass on Wednesday, October 12th at 11:00, please join us at the Lord’s table. 10/12 – All school Mass 10/18 – See’s candy sale begins 10/23 - Family Mass St. Anthony School con nues registering students for the 2015 -2016 academic year. We have grades PK, TK, & K-8th. Please contact Mrs. Duran in the school office to begin the registraon process. You may email [email protected] or call (805) 487.5317. On behalf of St. Anthony School and the Fall Fiesta Committee we would like to take this opportunity to thank you the parishioners and parish organizations Religious Education, Guadalupanos, and Legion of Mary Spanish and English group for your commitment and hard work in making our 2016 Fall Fiesta a huge success by selling raffle tickets or attending this great event. Everyone enjoyed the day with great food, games and entertainment. The spirit of St. Anthony is alive in our community. A huge thank you to our donors for this event: Knights of Columbus Council 750, Rollin R Enterprises, Zacarro Roll Off, La Michoacana Bakery, Yolanda’s Restaurant. May God continue to bless your business abundantly! En nombre de la Escuela San. Antonio y el Comité de Fiesta nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para darle las gracias a los feligreses y las organizaciones parroquiales de educación religiosa, Guadalupanos, y la Legión de María grupo español y ingles, por su apoyo y trabajo en hacer nuestra Fiesta 2016 un gran éxito apoyando en vender boletos de rifa o asistiendo el evento. Todos disfrutamos el día con comida, juegos y entretenimiento. El espíritu de San Antonio está vivo en nuestra comunidad. Un gran agradecimiento a nuestros patrocinadores de este evento: Caballeros de Colon 750, Rollin R Enterprises, Zacarro Roll Off, Panaderia La Michoacana,y Restaurante Yolanda’s. Que Dios siga bendiciendo su negocio en abundancia! October 9, 2016 S .A Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016 If we have died with [Christ Jesus] we shall also live with him; if we persevere we shall also reign with him. — 2 Timothy 2:11‑12a “B C ” (Wਠਨਮਲ ਥਮ Cਧਨਲਲ਼): All men are invited to deepen your spirituality. We meet Wed. @ 6:30 pm in the Community Room. L M "Mystical Rose": What does the Legion of Mary do? We evangelize, visit the sick, the elderly, the disabled in homes or hospitals and of course, we pray the Holy Rosary together for our Church and the whole world. Join us! Location All Purpose Room. For information contact Juan Velasquez at (805) 302-8391. If you would like to request a home visit from the Pilgrim Virgin Mary Statue please call Frank Nava at (805) 485-8457. RCIA: ADULT FAITH FORMATION 2016 This process is for those who wish to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Sessions will resume October 18th, 2016 @7:00 pm For more information please contact Cynthia Reyes at 486-7301, ext.120. P Page 4 Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 9 de octubre de 2016 Si morimos con Cristo Jesús viviremos con él; si nos mantenemos firmes, reinaremos con él. — 2 Timoteo 2:11‑12a SVDP: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY’S FOOD PANTRY is available on Tuesdays & Fridays from 9:30 am to 11:45 am and serve those from our parish boundaries. For more information or if you would like to become a Vincentian, please call 486-7302. M : martes a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. M S : Cada segundo martes del mes a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. L M “M M D T L G ”: Les invitamos hacer parte de su apostolado. “La forma mas fácil de llegar a Jesús es conociendo a su Madre Santísima, la Virgen María” Nos juntamos los miércoles a las 9:00 am en la oficina parroquial . ***************************************** RICA 2016: FORMACIÓN DE LA FE PARA ADULTOS Hay adultos que fueron bautizados en la infancia y que no han completado sus sacramentos de Confirmación y de Eucaristía. Si usted está interesado en completar sus sacramentos de iniciación o si desea saber más acerca de la Iglesia Católica, favor de hablar con Cynthia Reyes, Directora de Iniciación, al 486-7301, X120. El Processo resumen el 11 de Octubre 2016 @7:00 pm Widows & Widowers Fellowship: Are you interested in gathering in fellowship in a social setting with others whom have experienced a loss of their spouse? You are invited to call Mr. Henry Reifer at (805) 486-3433 to receive further information of this newly formed group. Thank you. PLANIFICACION FAMILIAR NATURAL: Se dará un curso de planificación familiar Natural para las parejas. Ya no habrá necesidad de usar anticonceptivos que traen muchas enfermedades para la mujer y provocan muchos cambios en su cuerpo. En este curso aprenderán el método del la ovulación. Este método NO es el conocido método del ritmo o del calendario. El método de la Ovulación puede ser usado por todas las mujeres, regulares e irregulares. Es fácil de aprender y científicamente comprobado y exitosamente usado por todo el mundo. Conozcamos como parejas, como Dios creo nuestro sistema reproductivo y saquemos buen provecho de ello siguiendo su plan como El lo diseño. Para registrarse o para mas información llamar a: Tanis y María Morado al (805) 469-5192. October 9, 2016 S .A Saturday October 8 5:15 PM Florentino Gatmaitan (†) Arya Zita Vargneses (Birthday) Sunday October 9 7:30 AM Toni Castro Alfonso Mesta (†) 9:00 AM Edmund Luis Cerda (†) Pete García 10:30 AM Norma Samson (†) Rudy Moraga Jr. (†) Camilla Raffaelli 12:00 PM Adalberto González (†) Efren Magaña (†) 1:30 PM Gereon Salinas (†) Gustavo y Vicky Macías (wedding blessing) Monday October 10 8:00 AM Chris Magee 5:00 PM Remedios Floresca (†) Osmundo Bundany (†) Tuesday October 11 8:00 AM Fortunata Fajardo (†) 7:00 PM Oracion de gracias Wednesday October 12 8:00 AM Lupe G. Muñoz (†) Cristita Bama (†) Thursday October 13 8:00 AM Wayne Rickrode Jr. (Birthday) 5:15 PM For an increase in vocation Friday October 14 8:00 AM Adrián Díaz (Birthday) Maureen Martínez 5:15 PM Ruben Magaña (†) Aurelio Moreno (†) Saturday October 15 8:00 AM Carolina Cerda Nava (Birthday) P Page 5 Oficina de Liturgia Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles Entrenamiento de Lectores Serie de seis clases $60 por persona Misión San Buenaventura 211 E. Main St. Ventura 93001 Jueves: Octubre 13,20,27,y Noviembre 3,10,17 6:30 P.M - 9:30 P.M Por favor de registrarse por internet: http://store.la-archdiocese.org/ofw-lector-series Para mas información mande un correo electrónico a Leticia: [email protected] o llame a 213-637-7262 Parish Goal: $56,300.00 Amount Pledged: $49,701.03 Amount Paid: $46,601.03 88.3% 82.8% In Remembrance ~ Please pray for Edmund Luis Cerda & all the deceased of St. Anthony’s Parish. May they rest in peace... SAC WEEKLY OFFERING/OFRENDAS SEMANALES OCTOBER 2, 2016 Sunday Collection/ Colecta del Domingo…$10,296.50 Building Fund/fondos de deficio…$4,050.00 Page 6 ST ANTHONY’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE DIRECTOR: TBA O FFICE H OURS T UES —T HURS : 2:00-7:00 PM SAT: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM SUN: 9-10:15 & 11:45-1:00 PM S .A P (805) 486-0784 [email protected] October 9, 2016 LA OFICINA DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA DIRECTORA: TBA HORAS DE OFICINA M ART – J UEV : 2:00-7:00 PM S AB : 9:00 AM -1:00 PM DOM: 9-10:15 Y 11:45—1:00 PM Enroll your child for Post-Communion Classes: Children (Ages 8-13) who have made their 1st Communion are encourage to continue their religious education. This is a no pressure religious education program, learning about the Gospels, our Catholic Traditions and devotions, learning to be true disciples of Christ. We have spaces available on Thursday 5:307:00 pm, session is in English. Registration fee is $15.00 for more information please contact the Religious Education office 805-486-0784. Interested in being a Catechist? or a Class Assistant? The Religious Education Program needs you! please stop by the Religious Education office for more information. *************************************************************************************** Inscriba a su hijo(a) para las clases de post-comunión: niños (813años) que han hecho su primera comunión se les animan a continuar con su educación religiosa. Se trata de un programa de educación religiosa sin presión, aprendiendo sobre los Evangelios, nuestras Tradiciones y devociones Católicas, aprender a ser verdaderos discípulos de Cristo. Tenemos espacios disponibles los Jueves 5:30-7:00 pm, clases son en ingles. La cuota de inscripción es de $15.00 para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con la oficina de Educación Religiosa 805-486-0784. Interesado en ser Catequista? o asistente de clase? El programa De educación religiosa lo necesita! Pase a la oficina del catecismo para mas información. DID YOU KNOW? When secrets become dangerous Ther e is no better time of year to r eview the impor tant family rules that help to keep all children safe. It takes just a few moments to review with your children what to do in an emergency, who the special and safe adults in their life are, and the importance of not keeping secrets. Some secrets, like a gift for a special occasion, can be fun and safe to keep. Secrets that hurt others, involve any kind of unsafe or inappropriate touching or anything that bothers a child – are secrets that are NOT safe to keep. Help your child understand the difference. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Back to School: Secrets,” email: [email protected]. ¿SABÍA USTED? Cuando los secretos se vuelven peligrosos No hay ningún mejor momento dur ante el año para repasar las reglas familiares sobre la seguridad de los niños. Tome sólo unos pocos minutos para repasar con sus hijos qué hacer durante una emergencia, quiénes son los adultos especiales en su vida con quienes están seguros, y la importancia de no mantener secretos. Algunos secretos, como un regalo para una ocasión especial, pueden ser divertidos y seguros de mantener. Secretos que hacen daño a otros, que implica contacto físico inapropiado, o cualquier cosa que molesta a un niño, son secretos que NO son seguros de mantener. Ayuda a su hijo a entender la diferencia. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Back to School: Secrets” (Regreso a la escuela: Secretos) envíe un correo electrónico a: [email protected]. Page 7 S .A Life Center of Ventura County: LADIES DO LUNCH at the ANNUAL FALL FASHION SHOW and LUNCHEON benefiting the Life Centers of Ventura County on Saturday, October 15, 2016 at a beautiful Camarillo home. Fashions will be provided by Chico's at the Collection. Tickets are 50.00 each /375.00 per table of 8.Tickets can be purchased by calling the Center at 805.486.2721 or on our website at vclifecenters.com,Events, Fashion Show flyer, payment options. Please leave your name, phone number and any instructions in the window on PayPal site. You will receive a call back confirming your purchase and to give you the location. This forty year old tradition is a fun way to visit with old friends and make new ones , while supporting a great cause. Your support makes it possible to offer the services which can change minds and hearts to save lives of the unborn and which offer hope and help to mothers. Please call 805.486.2721 for reservations or with any questions. Sponsorship opportunities are available and donations are welcomed ,needed and very appreciated. Thank you and may God bless you. America Needs Fatima: As human efforts fail to solve Americas key problems we turn to Our Lady of Fatima to intercede for us to her son, Our Lord Jesus Christ in this time of urgent need. Please spend 20 minutes of your time on Saturday Oct. 15th at 12 noon to pray the rosary in public at the west side of the parking lot at Our Lady of the Assumption, 3175 Telegraph Rd. Groups throughout our country will pray the rosary on this day together in prayer for the USA. Sponsored by America Needs Fatima www.ANG.org. THE BROWN SCAPULAR: The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Cell of Sacred Heart church, Ventura will be coordinating the investiture in the Brown Scapular, after the 8:30AM Mass, by the priest Celebrant, on Saturday October 15th. To learn about the scapular in the Message of Fatima, you are invited to a breakfast on Wednesday October 12, at 9:30AM in St. Cabrini room. Call by October 6 to sign up: Huguette 805- 620-0958 or Marie 805-647-6150. Social Seniors: Thursday October 13, Lunch 11:00 am, at the Japanese Kabuki Restaurant, 500 collection Blvd., Oxnard. St. Anthony and Mary Star of the Sea welcome. Mass optional but it’s a good way to start the day. Gift Shop: Teach your children the Bible story form. Stories of Adam and Eve, David and Goliath and Noah’s Ark are all awaiting your child’s imagination to be there as the event occur. Books available in toddler, children and Bilingual. They make great birthday gifts! Store open Sunday’s 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. We only accept checks or cash. P October 9, 2016 St. Anthony’s Catholic Church presents: Shrines of Italy November 7-17, 2017. Please join Fr. Doan Pham and Deacon Donald Pinedo on this Spiritual Journey. For more information contact Deacon Donald Pinedo at St. Anthony’s Church (805) 443-5713 or (805) 486-7301 or email [email protected]. TV MASS FOR THE H OMEBOUND: Is someone you love unable to get to church? TV Mass on Every Sunday gives spiritual comfort to the homebound. Tune in at 9:00 a.m. on KDOC channel 56 or 29. For cable/satellite listings, or to view the Mass online, visit www.MySundayMass.org. DIRECTORY Adult Confirmation Director: Cynthia Reyes 486-7301, X120 Administrative Assistant : Cynthia Reyes 486-7301, X120 Altar Servers: Dn. Andrew Cottam 486-7301 Bulletin: 486-7301 x119 / [email protected] Communion to Homebound: Dn. Jon McPheeters 985-0611 Director of Music: Alberto La Torre 486-7301 X121 ElementaryReligious Ed. Program :REO 486-0784 Gift Shop: Ann Marie Stein 486-6799 Legion of Mary: Juan Velasquez 302-8391 High School Confirmation Director: REO 486-0784 Men’s Ministry “Bellatoris”: Dn. George Garcia 984-9393 RCIA : Cynthia Reyes 486-7301 X120 Safeguard the Children: Julia Inouye 487-4779 School Principal: Dn. Henry Barajas 487-5317 St. Vincent De Paul: Richard B. Perez Jr. 486-7302 Wedding & 15era Coordinator: Maria Escalera 620-8348 Women’s Council: Ann Marie Stein 486-6799 Youth Mass: Contact parish office 486-7301 Youth Ministry Coordinator: REO 486-0784 DIRECTORIO Convalidación Programa: Dn. Aurelio Macías (805) 844-0663 Danza Mensajeros de María SAS: Dn. Barajas 487-5317 Grupo de Formación Espiritual: Padre Daniel 486-7301 Grupo de Oración “El Buen Pastor” : Dn. García 984-9393 Guadalupanos: Diacono Aurelio Macías (805) 844-0663 Legión de María: Angélica Rodríguez (805) 754-1222 Planificación Familiar Natural: Tanis y María Morado (805) 469-5192 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Cynthia Reyes, 486-7301 x120 Voluntarios de Lectores, Ujieres, Ministros de Eucaristía: Diacono Aurelio Macías 844-0663
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