NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS POSTAL ADDRESS-ADRESSE POSTALE: UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. 10017 CABLE ADDRESS -ADRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE: UNATIONS NEWYORK 29 September 2016 Excellency, Further to the joint letter of the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council dated 15 December 2015 (A70/623-S/2015/988), and in line with General Assembly resolution 69/321, we have the honour to forward a communication received from the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria presenting Ms. Kristalina Georgieva as a candidate for the position of Secretary-General. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of our highest co~~b. (~~ H.E Mr. Peter Thomson President of the General Assembly To all Permanent Representatives to the United Nations New York (~ . ./ /~-~ /1 /¢ /H.E. Mr~afd van Bohemen Lpresrd~t of the Security Council . PERMANENT MISSION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS 11 East 84 th Street, New York, NY 10028, Tel: (212) 737 4790, Fax: (212) 472 9865, e-mail: [email protected] No.880 New York, 28 September 2016 Excellencies, In accordance with Article 97 of the Charter of the United Nations and the joint letter of the President of the 70th session of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council dated 15 December 2015, I have the honor the communicate a letter by H.E. Mr. Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, informing about the decision of the Government of Bulgaria to nominate Ms. Kristalina Georgieva as the sole and unique candidate of Bulgaria for the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations. I would like to kindly request your assistance in circulating the letter among the Member States of the United Nations, and as an official document of the General Assembly and the Security Council. Please accept, Excellencies, the assurances of my highest consideration. Sincerely, Georgi Pan yotov Ambassador, Permanent Representative H.E. Mr. Peter Thomson President of the General Assembly United Nations H.E. Mr. Gerard Van Bohemen President of the Security Council United Nations REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA THE PRIME MINISTER Sofia, 28 September 2016 EXCELLENCIES, III light of tire latest deliberations of the Security Council for the selection of the 1lext United Nations Secretary-General, [ would like' to advise that the Government of Bulgaria has decided to reconsider its nomination for this position, The nfo re, and in accordance with Article 97 of the Charter of the United Nations and in response to the joint letter of the President of the General Assembly and the President of the SecuritJj Council dated 15 December 2015 (Aj70/623-S/2015/988), I have the honour to inform you of the decision of the Government of Bulgan'a to nominate Ms. Kristalina Georgieva as its sole and unique candidate for the position of t:he next Secretary-General of the United Nations, Bulgaria believes that the selection of a new Secretanj-General will be aided by the nomination of Ms. Georgieva as a candidate for the post. This is based on her outstanding personal and professional qualifications. The Govenl1uent of the Republic of Bulgaria is also mindful of the need to widen the choice of female candidates and to reinforce its region's prospects. TO H.E. MR. PETER THOMSON . PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY UNITED NATIONS H.E. MR. GERARD VAN BOHEMEN PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL UNITED NATIONS at 1\r1s. Georgieua has demonstrated in her years in the " ......"" ... l1nma i2 nmUlrk'1l11lc set ~r lt~ad(~rship and professional skills. She has been com~71ex multilateral 1lt'gotiatiolls where her own role has beell securing ambitious outcomes, Size has shoron herse~f to be an ~ffectit1e organisations lfllrere she has workt'd, earning the support and will no doubt attest to the motir.'atioH and excitement her and substmlth~c grip (~f the complex files she from environment mzd climate change to IImmurarliHl. activities as well as management and corporate achieving progress through her collabo"{ltivt~ approach tm l European Commission V''icc Prcsidtmt for Budget rwd she is rt~sp()tlsiblt' for negotiating and managing the 11S well as her tim(;~ 12S Commissicmer for International and Crisis Rt~sponse mak,~ her uniquely qualifit.'d to United Nations faCt'S. brings r1 flntierstmuting a/different global perspectipcs; in 11ddition to her hDme city t~f S(~fia, in BrusselsI' Mosco'wand rr17ii.I'#"'''·,) extensit"t!/y oper many Yetlrs to roork to'Uuzrds ~witli ttingible bem:fits, tlSSUrtlllCt"S of my Ilight~t consideration. BOYKO BORISSOV Kristalina Georgieva Kristalina Georgieva has extensive leadership and managerial experience from decades of policy making and implementation at global level, having held an impressive array of top posts in international bodies such as the World Bank and the European Commission. She has been at the forefront of innovative action on humanitarian aid, poverty reduction, sustainable development, climate change and building resilient societies. An economist by training, she is known for her agile and analytical mind and determined collaborative approach. She has forged a powerful reputation as modernizer, increasing organizational efficiency, reforming financing and focusing on performance. Georgieva is currently the European Commission Vice President for Budget and Human Resources, a post she has held since November 2014. In this role she is responsible for securing and managing the European Union's €155 billion budget and for strengthening its focus on performance and results. She is credited with more than doubling the funding available to tackle the refugee crisis. Under her leadership, the European Commission adopted a series of staff management reforms and has significantly increased the number of women in senior positions. As Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response at the European Commission (2009-2014) Georgieva oversaw the delivery of life saving assistance to over 500 million women, men and children affected all over the world by conflicts and natural disasters. She has been heavily involved in international efforts to respond to crises in the Sahel, Yemen and the Central African Republic and through her presence in the field has worked to draw attention to the plight of those who would otherwise be forgotten. During her mandate she successfully championed prevention and resilience building, with lasting policy and operational impact. In May 2015 UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon appointed Georgieva to co-chair a High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing to look into ways to close the gap between the rising need for humanitarian aid and the resources available. The Panel's recommendations have already instigated important changes, for more cost-effective, long-term funding in protracted crises. Prior to joining the European Commission, Georgieva was Vice President and Corporate Secretary at the World Bank from 2008 to 2010. She played a key role in the Bank's governance reforms and accompanying capital increase in the wake of the 2008 international financial crisis. During her 17 years at the Bank, Georgieva oversaw the design and implementation of key economic, environmental and social safety net programs, working in over 60 countries in Europe, Central Asia, East Asia and the Pacific. As Manager and later Director for Environment she led the phasing out of leaded gasoline in Central and Eastern Europe, the preparation of the Bank's first environmental strategy, and the move of the World Bank Group towards supporting green growth, carbon neutrality and the development of carbon markets. In 2004-2007 she was posted to Moscow as Country Director for the Russian Federation with responsibilities for a $2 billion project portfolio and the introduction of new financial instruments such as lending without sovereign guarantees and fee-for-service. Georgieva was born in 1953 and spent her early professional life as a university professor at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. She graduated with an MA in Political Economy and Sociology and a PhD in Environmental Policy. She has lectured at numerous universities around the world including Moscow State University, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, China's Tsinghua University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, the London School of Economics, Fiji's University of the South Pacific and the Australian National University. Georgieva has over 100 academic papers and a microeconomics textbook to her name and has completed the Executive Development Program at Harvard Business School. Georgieva is an international member of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development and has served on the boards of the Institute for Sustainable Communities and the Universityof National and World Economy in Sofia. In 2016 DEVEX named her as one of the five most influential women in global development. ~ . 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Elle a tenu un eventail impressionnant de postes de haute responsabilite dans des instances internationales, telles que la Banque mondiale et la Commission europeenne. Elle a ete a I'avant-garde d'actions novatrices dans I'aide humanitaire, la reduction de la pauvrete, Ie developpement durable, Ie changement climatique et la construction de societes resilientes. Economiste de formation, elle est connue pour son esprit agile et analytique et son approche resolument collaborative. Elle s'est forge une tres solide reputation de modernisatrice, en augmentant I'efficacite organisationnelle, en reformant les financements et en mettant I'accent sur la performance. Mme Georgieva est actuellement vice-presidente au Budget et aux Ressources humaines de la Commission europeenne, un poste qu'elle occupe depuis novembre 2014. Dans ce role, elle est responsable de la securisation et de la gestion des 155 milliards d'euros du budget de I'Union europeenne, ainsi que du renforcement de la performance et des resultats de celle-ci. Elle a a son actif plus du doublement du financement disponible pour lutter c~ntre la crise des refugies. Sous sa direction, la Commission europeenne a adopte une serie de reformes de gestion du personnel et a considerablement augmente Ie nombre de femmes a des postes superieurs. En tant que commissaire a la Cooperation internationale, a I'Aide humanitaire et a la Reaction aux crises a la Commission europeenne (2009-2014), Mme Georgieva a supervise la fourniture d'aide vitale a plus de 500 millions de femmes, hommes et enfants touches par des conflits et des catastrophes naturelles, partout dans Ie monde. Elle s'est fortement impliquee dans les efforts internationaux pour faire face aux crises du Sahel, du Yemen et de la Republique centrafricaine, et par sa presence sur Ie terrain, a oouvre pour attirer I'attention sur la detresse de ceux qui, sans cela, seraient oublies. Durant son mandat, elle a defendu avec succes Ie renforcement des capacites de prevention et de resilience, grace a une politique et un impact operationnel durables. En mai 2015, Ie Secretaire general des Nations Unies, M. Ban Ki-moon, nomma Mme Georgieva a la copresidence d'un comite de haut niveau sur Ie financement humanitaire qui devait se pencher sur les moyens de combler I'ecart entre Ie besoin croissant d'aide humanitaire et les ressources disponibles. Les recommandations de ce groupe d'experts ont deja declenche des changements importants, pour renforcer la rentabilite sur Ie long terme des financements engages lors de crises prolongees. Avant de se joindre a la Commission europeenne, Mme Georgieva a ete vice-presidente et secretaire generale de la Banque mondiale, de 2008 a ,2010. Elle a joue un role essentiel dans les reformes de la gouvernance de la Banque et a accompagne I'augmentation de capital a la suite de la crise financiere internationale de 2008. Au cours de ses 17 annees a la Banque, Mme Georgieva a supervise la conception et I'execution de programmes cles en matiere de protection du revenu, de I'environnement et de protection sociale, deployes dans plus de 60 pays, en Europe, en Asie centrale et orientale, et dans Ie Pacifique. Etant responsable puis directrice pour I'environnement, elle a dirige I'elimination progressive de I'essence au plomb en Europe centrale et de l'Est, la preparation de la premiere strategie environnementale de la Banque, et Ie mouvement du Groupe de la Banque mondiale vers Ie soutien de la croissance verte, la neutralite carbone et Ie developpement des marches du carbone. De 2004 a 2007, elle a ete nommee a Moscou, en tant que directrice de pays pour la Federation de Russie, etant responsable d'un portefeuille de projets de 2 milliards de dollars et de la mise en place de nouveaux instruments financiers tels que les prets sans garantie souveraine et les remunerations a I'acte. Mme Georgieva est nee en 1953. Elle a passe Ie debut de sa carriere professionnelle en tant que professeure d'universite, a I'Universite d'economie nationale et mondiale de Sofia. Elle a obtenu une maltrise en economie politique et en sociologie et un doctorat en politique environnementale. Elle a donne des conferences dans de nombreuses universites a travers Ie m~nde, parmi lesquelles l'Universite d'Etat de Moscou, l'Academie presidentielle russe d'economie nationale et d'administration publique, l'Universite chinoise Tsinghua, I'lnstitut de technologie du Massachusetts, I'Universite de Harvard, l'Ecole d'economie de Londres, l'Universite du Pacifique Sud des Fidji, et l'Universite nationale australienne. Mme Georgieva a plus de 100 articles scientifiques et un manuel de microeconomie a son actif et a termine Ie programme de perfectionnement des cadres de l'Ecole de commerce de Harvard. Mme Georgieva est membre internationale du Conseil chinois pour la cooperation internationale sur I'environnement et Ie developpement et a siege aux conseils d'administration de I'lnstitut pour les communautes durables et de I'Universite d'economie nationale et mondiale de Sofia. En 2016, DEVEX I'a nommee I'une des cinq femmes les plus influentes du developpement mondial. Kpl1CTafll1Ha reOprl1eBa Kpll1CTanll1Ha reOprll1eBa II1MeeT orpOMHbl1lJ onblT pa60Tbi ynpaBneHII1f1 Ha PYKOBOAfl14I11X nocTax, C MHoroneTHellJ npaKTII1KOIIJ npll1HflTII1f1 peWeHlI111J 111 oCY14eCTBneHII1f1 non lilT 111 Kill Ha rn06anbHOM ypOBHe 111 B Me>KAYHapOAHbIX OpraHII13a4111f1X, TaKII1X KaK BCeMlI1pHb11lJ 6aHK 111 EBpOnellJCKafi KOMII1CCII1f1. Ee HOBaTOpCKlI1e MeTOAbl ynpaBneHII1f1 OKa3anll1 He04eHII1MblllJ Bl<IlaA no OCY14eCTBneHlI1to nporpaMM no rYMaHII1TapHOIIJ nOM014I11, COKpa14eHlI1to 6eAHOCTII1, Me>KAYHapOAHbIX YCTOIIJ4111BOMY MII1POBOMY 3KOHOMII14eCKOMY pa3BII1TlI1to, 1I13MeHeHII1to KnIl1MaTa 111 nOCTpOeHlI1to cTa611lnbHoro 0614eCTBa. OHa 06naAaeT rll16KII1M 111 aHanll1TII14eCKII1M CKnaAOM YMa, peWII1TenbHblM nOAxoAoM B npll1HflTlI1111 peWeHlI1l1J1I1 YMeHlI1eM pa60TaTb B I(OMaHAe. reOprll1eBa - 3KOHOMII1CT no 06pa30BaHlI1to, npll106pena penYTa4111to pecpopMaTopa, cnoc06Horo AOCTII14b OpraHII13a41110HHOIIJ 3cpcpeKTII1BHOCTII1 nocpeAcTBoM MOAepH1I13a4111111, pecpopMlI1pOBaHII1f1 cpIl1HaHClI1pOBaHII1f1 111 ynY4weHII1f1 pe3ynbTaTII1BHOCTII1. C HOfl6pfl 2014 roAa OHa 3aHII1MaeT AomKHOCTb BlI14e-npe3l11AeHTa EBpOnellJCKOIIJ KOMII1CCII1I11 no 6toA>KeTY 111 KaApaM. Ha 3TOM nOCTY OHa HeceT OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb 3a ynpaBneHlI1e 111 06ecne4eHII1e 4eneco06pa3Horo 111 pe3ynbTaTII1BHOrO pacnpeAeneHII1f1 €155 MlI1nnll1apAHOro 6toA>KeTa EBpOnellJCKoro coto3a. OAHII1M 1113 ee 3acnyr flBnfleTCfI YBenll14eHII1e cpeACTB cpIl1HaHClI1pOBaHII1f1 Ha peWeHlI1e np06neM 6e>KeH4eB 60nee 4eM B ABa pa3a. nOA ee PYKOBOACTBOM, EBpOnellJCKafi KOMII1CCII1f1 npll1Hflna PfiA pecpopM B 06naCTII1 ynpaBneHII1f1 nepCOHanOM 111 3Ha4111TenbHO YBenll14111na 4111cno >KeH14I11H Ha PYKOBOAfl14I11X AomKHOCTfiX. B Ka4eCTBe KOMlI1ccapa no BonpocaM Me>KAYHapoAHoro COTpYAHII14eCTBa, rYMaHII1TapHOIIJ nOM014111 111 4pe3Bbl4allJHbiM clI1Tya4111f1M B EBpOnellJCKOIIJ KOMII1CCII1I11 (2009-2014), Kpll1CTanll1Ha reOprll1eBa Kypll1pOBana AocTaBKY >K1I13HeHHO He06xOAII1MOIIJ nOM014111 60nee 4eM 500 MII1nnll10HaM >KeH14I11HaM, MY>K4I11HaM 111 AeTflM, nocTpaAaBWII1X B pe3ynbTaTe pa3nll14HbiX KOHcpnll1KTOB 111 CTII1XlI1l1JHblX 6eAcTBII1I1J. OHa npll1HII1Mana aKTII1BHOe Y4aCTII1e B OpraHII13a4111111 OnepaTII1BHoro ynpaBneHII1f1 111 pearll1pOBaHII1f1 B KPll13111CHbiX CII1Tya4111f1x B Caxene, tI1eMeHe 111 WeHTpanbHoaCPPIl1KaHCKOIIJ Pecny6nll1Ke. Ee npll1CYTCTBlI1e Ha MeCTax Kp1113 111 CO B, cnoc06CTBOBano npll1Bne4eHII1to MII1POBOro BHII1MaHII1f1 K 6eACTBeHHOMY nOnO>KeHlI1to Tex, KOTopble MOrnll1 6blTb 3a6blTbi. OHa ycnewHo cocpeAOT04111na BHII1MaHlI1e Ha npeAOTBpa14eHII1I11I11 KPll13111COB 111 YClI1neHlI1to YCTOIIJ4111BOCTII1 npOTII1B B03HII1KHOBeHII1f1 Kp1113 II1COB, 4TO II1Meno Aonrocp04Hoe B03,lJ,eIlJCTBlI1e Ha onepaTII1BHYto non 111 Till Ky. B Mae 2015 rO,lJ,a reHepanbHbl1lJ ceKpeTapb OOH naH rill MYH Ha3Ha4111n Kpll1CTanll1HY reoprll1eBY conpe,lJ,Ce,lJ,aTeneM rpynnbl 3KcnepTOB no rYMaHII1TapHOMY cpll1HaHClI1pOBaHlI1to ,lJ,nfl 1I13Y4eHII1f1 nYTellJ COKpa14eHII1f1 pa3pblBa Me>KAY paCTY14ellJ nOTpe6HOCTbto B rYMaHII1TapHOIIJ nOM014111 111 II1Meto14I11MII1CfI pecypcaMII1. PeKOMeHAa4111111 rpynnbl Y>Ke npll1Benll1 K Ba)KHbIM 1I13MeHeHII1f1M Anfl npe,lJ,OCTaBneHII1f1 60nee Aonrocp04Hor03KOHOMII14eCKII1-3cpcpeKTII1BHOrO cpIl1HaHClI1pOBaHII1f1 B ycnoBII1f1X 3aTfI>KHb1X KPIl13I11COB . .00 npll1XO,lJ,a B EBponellJCKYto KOMII1CCII1 to , reOprll1eBa 6blna BII14e-npe3111,lJ,eHTOM 111 KopnOpaTII1BHblM ceKpeTapeM BCeMlI1pHOrO 6aHKa C 2008 no 2010 ro,lJ,. OHa Cblrpana Knto4eBYto ponb B npOBeAeHHblX pecpopMax ynpaBneHII1f1, I<OTopble npll1Benll1 K YBenll14eHII1to Kanll1Tanll13a4111111 BCeMlI1pHOrO 6aHKa, He06xOAII1MOro nocne MII1POBOro cpll1HaHCOBoro Kpll13111Ca 2008 rO,lJ,a. B Te4eHII1e 17 neTHellJ pa60Tbi BO BCeMlI1pHOM 6aHKe, reOprll1eBa Kypll1poBana pa3pa60TKY 111 peanll13a4111to Knto4eBbiX nporpaMM B 3KOHOMII14eCKOIIJ, 3KOnOrll14eCKOIIJ 111 c04111anbHoIIJ ccpepe, B 60nee 4eM 60 cTpaHax EBponbl, WeHTpanbHOIIJ 111 BOCT04HOIIJ A3111 111 , 111 TII1XOOKeaHcKoro perll10Ha. KaK 3aBe,lJ,yto14l11l1J, a 3aTeM .olI1peKTop no BonpocaM OKpY>Kato14ellJ cpeAbl, OHa Bena pa60Tbi no CB~pTbIBaHlI1to 3TII1nll1pOBaHHoro 6eH3111Ha B CTpaHax WeHTpanbHOIIJ 111 BOCT04HOIIJ EBponbl, nO,lJ,roToBKe nepBOIIJ 3KOnOrll14eCKOIIJ CTpaTerll1111 6aHKa, no nO,lJ,,lJ,ep>KKe «3eneHoro pOCTa» 111 «yrnepO,lJ,HO-HeIlJTpanbHoro pa3BII1TII1f1» 111 paCWlI1peHII1f1 yrnepO,lJ,HblX PbIHKOB. B 2004-2007 ro,lJ,ax OHa pa60Tana B MocKBe B Ka4eCTBe AlI1peKTOpa BCeMlI1pHOrO 6aHKa no POCCII1I1JCKOIIJ <DeAepa4111111 111 6blna oTBeTcTBeHHOIIJ 3a nopTcpenb B pa3Mepe $ 2 MnpA 111 3a BHe,lJ,peHlI1e HOBblX cpll1HaHCOBblX II1HcTpYMeHToB, TaKII1X KaK Kpe,lJ,II1TOBaHlI1e 6e3 cYBepeHHblx rapaHTlI111J 111 npe,lJ,OCTaBneHlI1e nnaTblX ycnyr. reOprll1eBa pO,lJ,lI1naCb YHII1BepclI1TeTa B B 1953 YHII1BepCII1TeTe ro,lJ,y 111 Ha4ana Ha41110HanbHOIIJ CBOto 111 npocpecclI1oHanbHYto MII1POBOIIJ 3KOHOMII1KII1 B >K1I13Hb COCPIl1I11. B Ka4eCTBe OHa npocpeccopa nonY4111na Bblcwee 06pa30BaHII1e co CTeneHbto Marll1CTpa B 06naCTII1 nOnll1TII14eCKOIIJ 3KOHOMII1KII1 111 C041110norll1111 111 3aTeM ,lJ,OKTopa cpll1nococpll1l11 B 3KOnOrll14eCKOIIJ nOnll1TII1Ke. OHa 4111TaeT neK4111111 BO MHOrll1X YHII1BepCII1TeTax no BceMY MII1PY, B TOM 4111cne MOCKOBCKOM rOCYAapCTBeHHOM YHII1BepCII1TeTe, POCCII1I1JCKOIIJ AKaAeMlI1111 HapO,lJ,HOrO X03f1I1JCTBa 111 rOCY,lJ,apCTBeHHOIIJ CnY>K6bl npll1 npe3111,lJ,eHTe POCCII1I1JCKOIIJ <DeAepa4111111, KII1TallJCKOM YHII1BepCII1TeTe L\II1Hxya, Macca4yceTcKoM TeXHOnOrll14eCKOM 111 HCTII1TYTe, rapBap,lJ,CKOM YHII1BepCII1TeTe, nOHAOHCKOIIJ WKone 3KOHOMII1KII1, YHII1BepCII1TeTe <DII1A>K1I1 to>KHOIIJ 4aCTII1 TlI1xoro OKeaHa 111 B ABCTpanll1l1JCKOM Ha41110HanbHOM YHII1BepCII1TeTe. reOprll1eBa II1MeeT 60nee 100 HaY4Hbix pa60T 111 Y4e6HII1K no MII1KP03KOHOMII1Ke. 3aKoH4111na nporpaMMY B rapBapACKOIIJ WKone 61113Heca. reOprll1eBa flBnfleTCfI Me>KAYHapO,lJ,HbIM 4neHOM COBeTa KII1Tafi no Me>KAYHapoAHoMY COTpYAHII14ecTBY no oKpY>Kato14ellJ cpe,lJ,e 111 pa3BII1TII1to 111 4neHOM COBeTOB lI1HcTII1TYTa YCTOIIJ4111BbiX co0614eCTB 111 YHII1BepCII1TeTa Ha41110HanbHOIIJ 111 MII1POBOIIJ 3KOHOMII1KII1 B COCPIl1I11. B 2016 ro,lJ,y DEVEX npll13Han Bnll1f1TenbHblX >KeH14I11H B Bonpocax rn06anbHoro pa3BII1TII1f1. ee O,lJ,HOIIJ 1113 nflTII1 Hall160nee Kristalina Georgieva Kristalina Georgieva posee amplia experiencia en liderazgo y gesti6n, producto de varias decadas de formulaci6n e implementaci6n de polfticas a nivel mundial. Ha ocupado una amplia variedad de cargos del mas alto nivel en organismos internacionales, tales como el Banco Mundial y la Comisi6n Europea. Georgieva ha estado a la vanguardia en iniciativas muy innovadoras en materia de ayuda humanitaria, reducci6n de la pobreza, desarrollo sostenible, cambio climatico y desarrollo de sociedades resilientes. Economista de carrera, es conocida por su agilidad mental y capacidad analftica, asf como por su actitud colaboradora. Se ha forjado una poderosa reputaci6n en procesos de modernizaci6n aumentando la eficiencia organizativa, reformando la financiaci6n y enfocandose en el desempeno y resultados. Actualmente Georgieva es vicepresidenta de la Comisi6n Europea encargada de Presupuesto y Recursos Humanos, cargo que ocupa desde noviembre del 2014. En esta funci6n, es responsable de garantizar y gestionar el presupuesto de €155 000 millones de la Uni6n Europea, con un mayor enfasis en el desempeno y los resultados. Se Ie atribuye haber mas que duplicado la financiaci6n disponible para hacer frente a la crisis de refugiados. Bajo su liderazgo, la Comisi6n Europea adopt6 una serie de reformas en la gesti6n de personal y aument6 significativamente el numero de mujeres en puestos directivos. En su condici6n de Comisaria de Cooperaci6n Internacional, Ayuda Humanitaria y Gesti6n de Crisis en la Comisi6n Europea (2009-2014), Georgieva supervis6 la entrega de asistencia vital a mas de 500 millones de mujeres, hombres y ninos afectados por conflictos y desastres naturales de todo el mundo. Su participaci6n ha sido fundamental en iniciativas internacionales destinadas a responder a la crisis en el Sahel, Yemen y la Republica Centroafricana, ya traves de visitas que ha realizado personalmente, ha luchado por poner el foco de atenci6n en la diffcil situaci6n de aquellas personas que de otro modo serfan olvidadas. Durante su gesti6n abog6 con exito en favor de la prevenci6n y el fomento de la resiliencia, con un impacto duradero tanto a nivel de polfticas como a nivel operativo. En mayo del 2015, el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, nombr6 a Georgieva copresidenta de un Panel de Alto Nivel para la Financiaci6n de Actividades Humanitarias, con el objetivo de buscar maneras de cerrar la brecha existente entre la creciente necesidad de ayuda humanitaria y los recursos disponibles. Las recomendaciones del panel ya han impulsado cambios importantes para obtener financiaci6n de largo plazo y costa eficiente para casos de crisis prolongadas. Antes de unirse a la Comisi6n Europea, Georgieva fue vicepresidenta y secretaria corporativa del Grupo del Banco Mundial desde el 2008 hasta el 2010. Desempen6 una funci6n clave en las reformas de gobernanza de la Instituci6n y el consiguiente aumento de capital tras la crisis financiera internacional del 2008. Durante sus 17 anos en el Banco Mundial, Georgieva supervis6 el diseno y la implementaci6n de importantes programas econ6micos, medio-ambientales y de redes de seguridad social, y trabaj6 en mas de 60 pafses de Europa, Asia Central, Este de Asia y el Pacffico. Como gerente y posteriormente directora de medio ambiente, Iider6 la transici6n paulatina al combustible de automoci6n sin plomo en Europa Central y del Este, la elaboraci6n de la primera estrategia medioambiental del Banco Mundial y la adopci6n por parte del Grupo del Banco Mundial del apoyo al crecimiento verde, la neutralizaci6n de las emisiones de carbono y el desarrollo de mercados de carbono. Desde 2004 a 2007 estuvo destinada en Moscu como directora para la Federaci6n Rusa, donde fue responsable de una cartera de proyectos de $2.000 millones y de la introducci6n de nuevos instrumentos financieros, tales como prestamos sin garantla soberana y pago de honorarios por servicio prestado. Georgieva naci6 en 1953, y al principio de su vida profesional fue profesora en la Universidad de Economfa Nacional y Mundial de Soffa. Se gradu6 con una maestrfa en Economfa Polftica y Sociologfa y un doctorado en Polftica Ambiental. Ha dado clase en numerosas universidades de todo el mundo, entre elias la Universidad Estatal de Moscu, la Academia Rusa Presidencial de la Economfa Nacional y la Administraci6n Publica, la Universidad Tsinghua de China, el Instituto Tecnol6gico de Massachusetts, la Universidad de Harvard, la Escuela de Economfa de Londres, la Universidad del Pacffico Sur en Fiyi y la Universidad Nacional Australiana. Georgieva tiene publicados mas de 100 artfculos academicos y un libro de texto de microeconomfa. Igualmente, complet6 un programa de desarrollo ejecutivo de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard. Georgieva es miembro internacional del Consejo para Cooperaci6n Internacional sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo de China y ha ocupado cargos en los consejos de direcci6n del Instituto para Comunidades Sostenibles y la Universidad de Economfa Nacional y Mundial de Soffa. En el 2016, DEVEX la destac6 como una de las cinco mujeres mas influyentes del desarrollo mundial.
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