TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO SEXTO DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO “My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented. Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established…” Luke 16:25-26 Intenciones de Misa para esta Semana SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 / 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:00 am Birthday Blessings for Carmelita C. Penaflor 10:00 am Jesus Flores† Edward & Rosemary Petersen† 12:00 pm Antonio Zapata† Blessings for Popoca Family 2:30 pm Evans Luna† Moreno & Salamanca Family 5:00 pm Shannon Thompson 7:00 pm Juan & Claro Rivera† MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 / 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Tina Ferrel & Ferrel Family† Blessings for Yuleyska Palma TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 / 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Mary Mercer† Birthday Blessings for Father Dan 8:30 pm Evans Luna† WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28/ 28 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Deceased Members of Matusek Family† 7:00 pm Good Health for Alikzy Rodriguez, Rosendo Diaz† THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 / 29 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Elizabeth T. Herveat† Julie Kock-Lyons† FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 / 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Torivia Barrera† SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 / 1 DE OCTUBRE 8:15 am Michael Diaz† Charles De Russo Jr.† 5:30 pm Katie Colleton† SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 / 2 DE OCTUBRE 8:00 am Joe & Viola Genzer† 10:00 am Sylvia Rosales & Beatrice Garcia† 12:00 pm Raymundo J. Agustin† 2:30 pm Jose Humberto Medel & Susana Lagunas† 5:00 pm Thanksgiving for Esther Martinez 7:00 pm J. Nicanor Sarabia† Socorro Ibarra† OUR GIFTS TO GOD - That our eyes may be open to the needs around us and our hands and hearts may be open to sharing our gifts to make this world a better place for all of us. Budgeted Weekly Need / Presupuesto Semanal…… $ 24,150.00 Offertory Collection / Diezmos 09/18/2016…………....$ 20,628.50 Overage/Sobrante (Deficit /Faltante)….…………….. $ -3,521.50 When God created the world He declared that it was good and He gave it to all mankind for us to enjoy. However, over the years we have created a chasm between those who have great gifts and those who do not. In today’s Gospel we see that with our own generosity we must bridge that gap between those who have much and those who have little or we may find ourselves on the wrong side of the chasm in the next life. ST. JEROME FALL FESTIVAL SATURDAY FROM 3 PM TO 10 PM SUNDAY FROM 11 AM TO 9 PM MUSIC-GAMES-FOOD-SILENT AUCTION-BINGOPLANTS-CAKES-BOOKS-RAFFLES-ETC SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 DOMINGO 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 LETTER FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Parishioners, We often hear people say that they will get to heaven because they haven't committed any really, really heinous crimes. "I'm a good guy," they say, "I haven't murdered anyone or sold weapons to terrorists." This attitude is not a Christian attitude. Matthew Kelly calls it “minimalism”, doing the least you can get by with. As Jesus teaches us in this story of Lazarus and the rich man, salvation and eternal life are not just about avoiding so-called "big" sins. That's a negative, passive approach to life. But Christ is not passive. Christ is active. He came to earth to save us. He took the initiative. He came to seek out the lost sheep. He came to light the fire of faith in a dark world. Being a Christian means following in those footsteps. It means much more than simply avoiding gruesome crimes. Being a Christian means living like Christ, living for his Kingdom, living for others. Isn't it interesting that when Jesus was asked which were the most important commandments, he didn't choose the negative ones, the "thou shalt not" ones. Instead he listed two active, positive, creative commandments: love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. The rich man in this parable was not an axe-murderer, mafia boss, or the head of a human trafficking ring. He had no particularly damaging "sins of commission" on his résumé. He was a pretty good guy. And yet, he failed to enter into eternal life. Why? Because of his "sins of omission". Day after day, he closed his heart to a neighbor who was in dire need of help. He spent his life becoming an expert in selfcenteredness and minimalism. And since the law of heaven is self-giving, he found that he was simply unfit to spend eternity there. Today is our 51th Annual Fall Festival. For the fifteenth time in our great pavilion facility, the festival activities promise to be better than ever. The barbeque and international foods will be extra good too. Our raffle has eight terrific prizes and we need each of you to turn in your sold tickets to the Festival [but, not in the offertory collection, please]. All proceeds go toward the new Activity Center. Spread the word to your family friends and neighbors, and come, lend your hand and enjoy!!. May God bless you. Fr Dan The Church Office & Facilities will be closed tomorrow Monday, September 26th FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR THIS WEEKEND In Memory of John Podsednik Sr. TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO SEXTO DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO CARTA DE NUESTRO PÁRROCO Queridos Parroquianos, A menudo escuchamos a personas decir que se irán al cielo porque no han cometido, crímenes realmente atroces. "Soy un buen chico", dicen, "Yo no he asesinado o no he vendido armas a los terroristas". Esta actitud es no una actitud cristiana. Matthew Kelly lo llama "minimalismo", haciendo lo menos que puedes. Como Jesús nos enseña en esta historia de Lázaro y el rico, la salvación y vida eterna no solo es evitando los llamados "grandes" pecados. Es un enfoque negativo y pasivo a la vida. Pero Cristo no es pasivo. Cristo está activo. Él vino a la tierra para salvarnos. Él tomó la iniciativa. Él vino a buscar a las ovejas perdidas. Él salió a la luz al fuego de la fe en un mundo oscuro. Ser un cristiano significa seguir sus pasos. Significa mucho más que simplemente evitar crímenes horribles. Ser cristiano significa vivir como Cristo, vivir para su reino, vivir para los demás. No es interesante que cuando a Jesús se le preguntó cuáles eran los mandamientos más importantes, él no eligió a los negativos, el "tú no pondrás.” Por el contrario enumeró dos mandamientos activos, positivos, creativos: amar a Dios con todo tu corazón y ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. El hombre rico en esta parábola no era el asesino del hacha, o jefe de la mafia o el jefe de una red de tráfico humano. Él no tenía particularmente perjudiciales "pecados de Comisión" en su currículum. Era un chico bastante bueno. Y sin embargo, él no pudo entrar en la vida eterna. ¿Por qué? Debido a sus "pecados de omisión". Día tras día, él cerró su corazón a un vecino que se encontraba en extrema necesidad de ayuda. Él pasó su vida convirtiéndose en un experto en el egocentrismo y el minimalismo. Y puesto que la ley del cielo es entrega, él encontró que él era simplemente incapaz de pasar la eternidad allí. Hoy es nuestro 51th Festival anual de otoño. Para la decimoquinta vez en nuestras instalaciones de gran pabellón, las actividades del festival prometen ser mejor que nunca. La parrilla y las comidas internacionales serán muy buenas también. Nuestra rifa tiene ocho premios buenísimos y necesitamos que cada uno de ustedes regrese sus boletos vendidos para el Festival [pero no en la colecta, por favor]. Todas las ganancias van hacia el nuevo centro de actividad. ¡Corra la voz a sus amigos familiares y vecinos y ven, echar su mano y disfruta! Que Dios los bendiga. Padre Dan ¡POR FAVOR ENTREGUEN LOS BOLETOS DE LA RIFA EN EL PUESTO DEL FESTIVAL DE OTOÑO! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 DOMINGO 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 26 ° domingo del tiempo ordinario Para que nuestros ojos puedan estar abiertos a las necesidades a nuestro alrededor y nuestras manos y corazones pueden estar abiertos a compartir nuestros dones para hacer de este mundo un mejor lugar para todos. "Hijo, recuerda que recibiste lo que fue bueno durante toda tu vida, mientras que Lázaro, recibió lo que era malo; pero ahora éste es consolado aquí, mientras que tú sufres. Por otra parte, entre nosotros y ustedes hay un gran abismo ... " Lucas 16: 25-26 Cuando Dios creó el mundo Él declaró que era bueno y se lo dio a toda la humanidad para que lo disfrutáramos. Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años hemos creado una brecha entre los que tienen grandes regalos y los que no los tienen. En el Evangelio de hoy vemos que con nuestra propia generosidad debemos cerrar esa brecha entre los que tienen mucho y los que tienen poco o nos podemos encontrar en el lado equivocado del abismo en la próxima vida POR FAVOR DONA $1. MÁS POR SEMANA. ¡DONA $5 SI PUEDES! TU IGLESIA SAN JERÓNIMO NECESITA DE TU AYUDA. ¡DI QUE SI! ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! ¡DI QUE SI! LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL ESTARA CERRADA MANANA LUNES 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE. “… Seamos generosos con nuestro tiempo en ir a reunirnos con El en adoración y contemplación llena de fe y estemos listos para hacer reparación por las grandes faltas y delitos del mundo. “Que nuestra adoración nunca cese." (San Juan Pablo II) Queremos invitarle a unirse en las horas de adoración ante el Santísimo Sacramento de nuestra comunidad en la Capilla de Adoración. Somos tan bendecidos de tener una CAPILLA DE ADORACIÓN abierta las 24 horas al día 7 días a la semana (excepto durante la Misa). Información dentro de la capilla. Boletos $2.00 cada uno o un libro de 6 por $10.00 ¡PRIMER GRAN PREMIO! TARJETA AMERICAN EXPRESS POR 17,000. CON UN BOLETO DE 2 DOLARES (O A ESCOGER) UN HONDA FIT, FORD FOCUS, FORD FIESTA O $17,000. EN UNA TARJETA DE AMERICAN EXPRESS !BUENA SUERTE! LOS ESPERAMOS A DIVERTIRSE EN EL FESTIVAL DE OTONO DE SAN JERONIMO HOY DOMINGO DE 11 AM A 9 PM MUSICA-JUEGOS-COMIDA-PLANTAS, LIBROS, LOTERIA RIFAS-ARTE FACIALBINGO-ETC…………… TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO SEXTO DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO September 24-25 Kinder-6th Grade • Sundays Classes. NO CCE CLASSES today due to Fall Festival. Classes will resume Next Sunday October 2nd. • Tuesdays Classes. Yes we do have classes this Tuesday Sep. 27th. • Do not forget to visit our booth “ Decorate your cupcake” Information 713 464-5029 +Remember to bring your child to Sunday Masses+ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 DOMINGO 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 Do you have a special occasion coming up? Would you like to commemorate that special occasion by donating FLOWERS FOR OUR ALTAR? Call Marie Foyt 713/465-6927 From PreK 4 through 8th grade. Our school helps build a strong foundation of faith and academics by focusing on the whole child, educating mind, heart and spirit. For more information or to visit our school. We thank you for choosing St. Jerome School for your child. Information contact our school office at 713-4687946 or [email protected]. Find us online at Help our school, drop off your Box Tops to the school office, Thank you! th th (From 7 through 12 Grade) LIFE TEEN follows the Church’s mandate to make JESUS CHRIST the center of everything we do LIFE TEEN Mass is held every Sunday at 5:00 pm. everyone is welcome. Bring your friends. GREAT MUSIC! COME WORSHIP WITH US! Call or e-mail Ricky [email protected] 713/468-9555 SEEKING FULL COMMUNION IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH? - We will soon begin a new season of preparation in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). The RCIA is for adults and children over the age of 7 years and is meant for: Those who have never been baptized. Those who were baptized in another faith and now wish to join the Catholic faith. Those, who although baptized in the Catholic faith, have never received any instruction in the faith or the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation (adults only). If you are among these and have heard the voice of the Lord calling you to a deeper communion with Him in the Catholic faith, please contact Fr. David (English) or Maria Alvarez (Spanish) to learn more. Pre-Registrations are in the church office, the office is open 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Monday through Friday, Saturday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. The St. Jerome Early Childhood Center Have openings for childcare From 6 weeks thru PK3. Call 713-461-0835 for more information. RESPECT LIFE: "We are accustomed to a culture of indifference and we must strive and ask for the grace to create a culture of encounter, of a fruitful encounter, of an encounter that restores to each person his or her own dignity as a child of God, the dignity of a living person." -Pope Francis, Sept. 13, 2016 ST. JEROME CATHOLIC SCHOOL ALUMNI St. Jerome Catholic School alumni are invited to participate in the Career Day presentations. Career Day will be celebrated in January, 2017. If you, or a family member, are an alumnus of St. Jerome Catholic School and would like to share your success story with our students, please contact Delores Buck at [email protected]. JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EVERY THURSDAY IN THE ST. JEROME DAY CHAPEL BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT PRAYING THE ROSARY FOR LIFE FROM 6:30 TO 7:00 FOLLOWED BY THE HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE. NEW DYNAMIC Catholic Radio APP Staying inspired is easy with the new Dynamic Catholic Radio app. Tune in anytime, anywhere to heart powerful stories and wisdom that will help you to become the best-version-of-yourself. Give it a listen, and let us know what you think! Email us at [email protected] Catholic Counseling at St. Jerome Are you in need of emotional healing or do you want to strengthen relationships with loved ones? Our parish has made arrangements with Rejoice Counseling Apostolate to provide individual, marital, and family counseling services onsite at our parish. Parishioners and their families can make use of a discounted sliding scale fee. For more information or to schedule an appointment please call (844) 295-3167 or visit Separated and Divorced Ministry The Catholic Divorced Survival, Every fourth Thursday of the month from through October 27 St. Dominic Center, Morkovsky Hall Building, Room 202, 2403 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, Texas 77021 Register at: Retrouvaille Next rediscovery weekend for marriages in crisis is October 14, 15, & 16 in Houston, Texas. Register at: TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO SEXTO DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO THIS WEEK AT ST. JEROME’S Sunday/Domingo, September 25 11:00 am FALL FESTIVAL Monday/Lunes, September 26 Church Office & Facilities Closed for Clean Up Tuesday/Martes, September 27 6:00 am TMIY – Outback 7:00 pm Juventud & Esperanza – Adult Ed Wednesday/Miércoles, September 28 7:00 pm Legion of Mary-Jerome Room Thursday/Jueves, September 29 10:00 am Vocations Committee – Day Chapel 6:30 pm 10:00 AM Choir – Main Sanctuary 7:00 pm Al-Anon – Cry Room 7:00 pm Juventad & Esperanza – Music Room Friday/Viernes, September 30 5:00 pm Lifeteen Choir – Jerome Room 6:00 pm Grupo de Oracion – Outback & Fr. Raye 6:00 pm Coro de Ninos – Day Chapel 8:00 pm 12:00 PM Sunday Choir – Jerome Room Saturday/Sabado, October 1 2:30 pm – Al-Anon – Cry Room 4:00 pm Coro de la Sagrada Familia – Youth Room HALL RENTALS AVAILABLE Contact Linda Garcia at the church office 713-468-9555 Monday-Friday 5:00 PM-9:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Or Cell Phone 281-686-1061 LAUGH LINES – A Rabbi, a Hindu, and a lawyer are in a car. They run out of gas late one night and are forced to stop at a farm house to ask to spend the night. The farmer says that there are only 2 extra beds, and so one person will have to sleep in the barn. The Hindu says, “I’m a humble man, I’ll sleep in the barn,” so he goes out to the barn. In a few minutes, the farmer hears a knock on the door. It’s the Hindu and he says, “Sorry to trouble you, but there’s a cow in the barn and it’s against my beliefs to sleep in the same building as a cow”. So the rabbi says, “I’m also a humble man, so I’ll sleep in the barn.” A few minutes later, the farmer hears another knock on the door and it’s the rabbi. He says that it is against his beliefs to sleep where there’s a pig. So the lawyer is forced to sleep in the barn. A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door. It’s the pig and the cow. NOTICE - All meeting rooms and other facilities at St. Jerome are scheduled on a basis of trust and the assumption that the group reserving the space will actually meet as scheduled. If your group or ministry cannot or does not use the facility as scheduled, please call the office as soon as possible prior to the event and cancel your reservation so other groups may use the space. Thank you. Also, it is your groups responsibility to clean up and take all trash to the trash bins. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 DOMINGO 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 8:4-7; Ps 113; 1Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 or Lk 16:10-13 Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17: Lk 9:46-50 Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88; Lk 9:51-56 Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88; Lk 9:57-62 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 of Rev 12:7-12ab; Ps 138; Jn 1:47-51 Memorial of St. Jerome Jb 38:1, 12-21, 40:3-5; Ps 139; Lk 10:13-16 Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119; Lk 10:17-24 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Hab 1:2-3, 2:2-4; Ps 95; 2Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10 FREE GIFT! When you apply before September 30th (vote on date) for the October 14th - October 16th World Wide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Receive our gift of $25 off the application fee when you use promo code WWMEOCT (then click Update Price, Add Payment Method, enter payment info, click Save, Submit Payment) on the on-line application form. For details & to apply, go to Give yourself the gift of 44 hours of romance with your spouse, the one person you have chosen to live with for the rest of your life. The Weekend is very private, emphasizing communication between husband and wife away from distractions and the tensions of everyday life! Parenting Help? The office of Family Life Ministry have trained eight professionals around the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston to provide services to parents who are willing and need help raising their children. The program is designed to offer advice, support and formation to parents with common developmental and behavioral problems in children. To obtain more information please contact us at 713-7418739 or 713-741-8711. Do you know a couple that is having a challenging situation in their relationship and need help? We may be able to coach you as a couple. We offer enrichment sessions, consulting and mentoring for married couples experiencing some crisis or challenges in their relationship. For more detailed information please contact the office of Family Life Ministry at 713-741-8711. Maria Goretti Support Group New support group for those afflicted with any type of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual or mental) will begin to meet at 7:00 pm on the third Monday of every month in downtown Houston at the Cathedral Centre (1701 San Jacinto Street, Houston, TX 77002). For more info about the Maria Goretti Network that is sponsoring this support group, go to or call 713851-3708. Long-Distance Marriage Preparation Do you have couples preparing for marriage who are trying to navigate marriage preparation “long distance?” If you are working with premarital couples who are separated by distance please call Teresita Johnson at 713724-1238 or [email protected], for possible options. TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO SEXTO DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 DOMINGO 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 Nuestras clases de Biblia para adultos comenzaran el domingo 11 de septiembre, en la casa “Outback House” a las 10am. Todos están invitados! Este año estudiaremos un libro muy interesante e ilustrativo para nuestra fe. Si necesita más información llame a la Sra. Elena Pareja al 713 690-3441 Septiembre 24-25 Kinder- 6to grado + No hay clases el día de hoy por nuestro festival, regresamos el próximo Domingo 2 de Octubre. +Si tendremos clase este Martes 27 de Sepriembre. + No olviden visitar nuestro puesto de Pastelitos “Decora tu Cupcake”. PARA RENTA DE SALONES TODOS LOS JOVENES SON BIENVENIDOS DEL GRADO 7 AL 12 ¿Preguntas? Llame o correo electrónico [email protected] 713/468-9555 a Ricky ¿Tienes una ocasión especial, cerca? ¿Quieres conmemorar esta ocasión especial puedes donar flores para nuestro ALTAR? Llamar a Marie Foyt 713/465-6927 ¿Necesita ayuda emocional? ¿Quisiera fortalecer su relación con sus seres queridos? Con la ayuda de Rejoice Counceling, nuestra parroquia puede ofrecer servicios de terapia individual, matrimonial o familiar. Ofrecemos un descuento según su ingreso. Para más información o para hacer una cita, por favor llame al (844) 295-3167 o visita ¿BUSCA LA PLENA COMUNIÓN EN LA FE CATÓLICA? Pronto vamos a comenzar una nueva temporada de R.C.I.A (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos). Estas clases son para adultos y niños mayores de 7 años que: • Nunca han sido bautizados • Quienes fueron bautizados en otra religión y ahora desean unirse a la fe Católica • Adultos que, aunque bautizados en la fe Católica, nunca recibieron su Primera Comunión o Confirmación. Si eres uno de ellos y has escuchado la voz de Dios que te llama a una profunda comunión con El en la fe Católica, llama al Padre David (clases en inglés) o a María Álvarez (clases en español) Registraciones son en la oficina. INSCRIPCION PARA NUEVOS MIEMBROS En español, Domingo, 16 de Octubre después de Misa de 12:00pm. Contactar a Linda Garcia en la oficina 713-468-9555 Lunes a viernes 5:00 – 9:00 Sábado 9:00 – 4:00 Formación para el Ministerio Cristiano ¿Quieres aprender de la fe Católica? ¿Quieres servir mejor en algún ministerio y no sabes cómo? Te invitamos a que participes en el programa de Formación para el Ministerio Cristiano. Es un programa de tres semestres donde se ofrece una formación teológica, espiritual y bíblica basado en la doctrina Católica impartidos por instructores aprobados y calificados con grados de Maestría o Doctorado en las ramas de la Teología. Cada sesión o clase incluye oración y el contenido teológico está diseñado para una audiencia adulta. En cada semestre se exige la participación de un día de Reflexión. El costo de cada semestre es de la siguiente manera, el participante paga $25 por semestre, la parroquia paga $25 y la Arquidiócesis paga $25 (financiado por el fondo Diocesano). Al final del programa, si asistes a todas las clases recibes un reconocimiento por parte del Cardenal DiNardo celebrado en una ceremonia. Para más información pulse aquí o llame al 713-741-8799 y hable con Adrian Herrera. Retiro Qados ¡El Amor de Dios nos une! A todas las parejas los invitamos a nuestro retiro "El Amor de Dios nos une", sábado 29 de Octubre 2016. En esta ocasión hemos invitado a los Sres. Montoya para que nos comparta maneras, estrategias y formas de vivir una espiritualidad única para fortalecer los vínculos en la pareja. Cualquier persona adulta puede participar ya sea individualmente o con su pareja, o sin pareja. El Retiro tiene cupo limitado para 65 personas y tiene un costo de $50 dólares por persona o $80 por pareja que incluye refrigerios por la mañana, almuerzo, material y Misa. ¡No se aceptan niños! Esto también cuenta como horas crédito para aquellos que necesitan horas para certificarse. El retiro se llevara en la casa Pasionista Holy Name. Para mayor información hable con Adrian Herrera al 713-741-8799 o [email protected] o para inscribirse, puedes hacerlo en línea pagando con tarjeta de Crédito TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO SEXTO DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO BAKE SALE Friday, October 7th 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM ST. JEROME CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Celebrates the 51st Annual Fall Festival This Weekend!!!! Saturday, September 24 & Sunday, September 25, 2016 EIGHT GREAT RAFFLE TICKET PRIZES Ticket prices are $2.00 each or a book of 6 for $10.00 st 1 Prize- Choice of a New Honda Fit, Ford Focus, Ford Fiesta or $17,000 American Express Gift Card SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 DOMINGO 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 Oct. 13, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8, Women Seeking the Road Less Traveled 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. A monthly discernment gathering for women ages 18 and older who are discerning a vocation to religious life. Meet in different convents around the archdiocese every second Thursday of the month from September to May. Program includes supper, a brief presentation and time for sharing, followed by prayer. Sisters from several religious orders who live and minister in the Archdiocese will be present. Free event. Information on sites and registration visit Oct. 13, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8, Discover the Road Less Traveled 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. A monthly discernment gathering at St. Mary’s Seminary for single young adult men ages 18 and older. Meets every month from September to May. Join priests and seminarians for fellowship, prayer, music, dinner and talks about the discernment process for priesthood and religious life. 9845 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77024. Free event. Information at: Looking for more Eucharist Ministers for the English Masses, if interested please contact Deacon Dan O’Dowd in the church office by calling 713-468-9555 or email at [email protected]. Good Men of our Parish…. TMIY started Tuesday September 20th. Every Tuesday @ 5:45 AM. It is early morning and well worth getting up for! Deacon Dan
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