Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 PASTOR’S CORNER: Increase our Faith, Lord! Horrible things were happening at the time that Prophet Habakkuk wrote our first reading for this week. The Prophet Habakkuk lived around 650 years before the Lord. It was a time of violence. The Babylonians had conquered the Assyrians and were threatening or attacking the rest of the world, including the Kingdom of Judah. The Jews themselves were continually assaulting each other. Hatred and violence were part of life, even accepted. So, Prophet Habakkuk cried out to the Lord: “Lord, are you unaware of what is happening? We are all going to be killed!” And the Lord responds: “Have faith. Like the Prophet Habakkuk we too face many challenges in our lives. There are many crises we face. One family is struggling to keep the marriage together. A second family is facing chronic sickness. A third family has a child that needs continual emotional support. A fourth family faces unemployment. A fifth family will forever grieve the death of a loved one. And, we in the face of violence, ruin, misery, destruction, strife, wonder if God is aware of our plight? The readings for today are saying, "God is aware. Now have faith." It sounds so simple. Have faith. It is certainly easy to say, "Have faith." But what is faith? "Faith is confident assurance concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see." (Heb 11:1). It is a solid, substantial assurance of security, stability, affirmation, and unconditional love. Faith is the result of a very good relationship. To have such substantial, confident assurance of God's love, we must truly and deeply know the Lord. Jesus taught and prayed: "Eternal life is this: to know You, the only true God, and Him Whom You have sent, Jesus Christ" (Jn 17:3). Paul prayed: "I wish to know Christ" (Phil 3:10). We too should pray to know God so as to have faith in Him. It is hard to have faith amid the crises of our lives, unless faith become our lifestyle." ‘The just one will live because of his faith.’” Let us ask the good Lord to increase our faith. God Bless Fr. Elmer Welcome to St. Stephen Catholic Church! Parish Activities for the week of October 2, 2016 Please Join 7:30am 8:30am 1:00pm Mon 10/3 Sun. 10/2 Tues 10/4 Wed 10/5 Thur 10/6 Fri. Fri. 10/7 10/7 Sat. 10/8 Sun. 10/9 7:00 pm 1pm-9pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:45am 3:30pm 6:30 pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 1:pm-9:pm 7:00pm 9:am-9:am 5:30pm 6:30pm 8:30am 8:30am 9:00am 6:30pm 6:00pm 8:30am 8:30am Us For Coffee & Donuts after Mass! 2nd yr. Confirmation/ Parent/Candidate 2nd yr. Confirmation Rite of Welcome High School Youth Ministry Middle School Youth Ministry Monday Night Rosary (Library) Eucharistic Adoration Women’s Ministry (Library/Spanish) RCIA -Teens Dawn Patrol & Mass Faith Formation “CCD” Baptism Seminar Knights of Columbus Council Mtg. Crecimientos Bible Study (Spanish) Eucharistic Adoration Lectio Eucharist Bible Study - John Boyd First Friday 24-Hour Adoration Mass & Confessions Prayer Ministry (Spanish) St. Vincent de Paul Faith Formation CCD “Spanish” Adult Faith Formation ~ Divine Mercy, Women’s Guild Christmas Sale “after mass” K.O.C. Country Western Dinner/Dance Ist. Yr. Confirmation Women’s Guild Christmas Sale “after mass” Mass Sun & 10/2 Intentions for the week of October 2, 2016 7:30 am Barbara Listug, ╬ 9:00am Jerrilynn Curcio, ╬ 11:00am Humberto y Elodia Esparza,╬ 12:15pm Gregory Dreher, ╬ Mon 10/3 Tues 10/4 8:45am Jose y Maria Velasco, Sp. Int. “Birthdays” Wed 10/5 6:45am Jean Harrison, Sp. Int. Thur. 10/6 8:45am Comunion Service Fri 10/7 5:30pm Pastor’s Intention Sat 10/8 5:30pm Pro Populo Scripture Readings for the Week of October 2, 2016 Sunday: Hb 1:2-3;2:2-4/Ps 95:1-2,6-9/2 Tm 1:6-8,13-14/Lk 17:5-10 Monday: Gal 1:6-12/Ps 111:1-2,7-10/Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24/Ps 139:1-3,13-15/Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2,7-14/Ps 117:1-2/Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Gal 3:1-5/(Ps) Lk 1:69-75/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Gal 3:7-14/Ps 111:1-6/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Gal 3:22-29/Ps 105:2-7/Lk 11:27-28 Next Sunday: 2 Kgs 5:14-17/Ps 98:1-4/2 Tm 2:8-13/Lk 17:11-19 Daily Prayer for Our Priests Oct. 2 Bishop Robert McElroy Oct. 3 Bishop Robert Brom September/ October 2016 Oct. 4 Bishop Gilbert Chavez Oct. 5 Rev. Gilbert Gentile, SJ Oct. 6 Rev. Msgr. Anthony Geising Oct. 7 Rev. Carl Gismondi, FSSP Oct. 8 Rev. William Gold O Jesus, I pray for your faithful and fervent priests; For your unfaithful and tepid priests; For your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields. For your tempted priests; For your lonely and desolate priests; For your young priests; For your dying priests; For the souls of your priests in Purgatory. But above all, I recommend to you the priests dearest to me: The priest who baptized me; The priests who absolved me from my sins; The priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; The priests who taught and instructed me; All the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way (especially________). O Jesus, keep them all close to your heart, And bless them abundantly in time and in Eternity. Amen (By St. Therese of Lisieux ) Pray for Priests and Vocations “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV) Daily Prayer for Vocations Jesus, Lord of the harvest, Look with love on this portion of your vineyard. Bless the Diocese of San Diego with more priests to shepherd your people, Priests with hearts like your own. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us. F A I T H F O R M A T I O N Faith Formation / Religious Education has began for our Elementary grade levels. Please pray for our Catechist and children. Registration is reopened again for the next two weeks, September 26th - October 8 for both Wednesday and Saturday sessions. Families need to register each year. Registering only takes a few minutes with a short little update form for returning families and a deposit. Registration for the first time takes a little longer. Middle School Ministry Open to All 6th, 7th and 8th grade Tweens and teens! Starts tomorrow: October 3, 2016 Middle School Youth Night Kick Off with Parents (Parish Hall) Monday Nights @ 7:00 - 8:30 pm ST. STEPHEN YOUTH MINISTRY! Dawn Patrol! (Church) Every Wednesday Morning @ 6:45 am Mass 1st & 3rd Wed. of the Month @ 6:45 am HS Youth Bible Study (Boyd Home, 15583 Hawksbury Ln. 760 802-1784) Every Wednesday Night 7-8:30 pm Phone: 760 749-5681 C HS Youth Night (Youth Room) Monday Nights @ 7:00 pm O HS Friday Youth Nights in Spanish Continues @ 7:00 pm in Briscoe Hall R N E R 2nd Year Confirmation Rite of Welcome & Mini Day of Prayer & Reflection Sunday October 2nd After 9am Mass in English Before 11am Mass in Spanish 1st Year Confirmation Formation (Eng.) & Yr. 1 & 2 (Span.) Sunday October 9th (Kickoff with Parents) 8:45 am Spanish 10:30 am English RCIA for Teens Tuesday Nights- If your are looking to get baptized or want to learn more about being a Catholic? 6:30pm in Briscoe Hall “Jesus asks us to follow him and to travel with him along the path of love, the path that alone leads to eternal life.” ~ Pope Francis Coordinator of Youth Ministry John Navarette [email protected] 760 749-3352 Office * 760 518-2867 Cell Children Catechetical Program Coordinator Kimberly Driggs 760 749-3352 Office Director of Catechetical Ministry Marcial Lopez 760 749-3352 Office For those who are interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church now is the time to register for this year’s RCIA program. The RCIA is for adults who have not been baptized or who belong to another Christian denomination. It is also for Catholics who want to complete the sacraments of both First Communion and Confirmation. Also invited are those Catholics who have not been active in their faith and wish to return to an active sacramental life in the Church. Classes are held on Tuesday @ 7:00 PM in the youth room. For more information please contact Nadia Clayton (619) 709-0963 or James Finster (760) 715-0149. ST. STEPHEN HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Sign up with John Navarette NOW!!! Sponsored by All For God. RSVP Cost $40 IMAGINE YOUTH DAY! October 22, 2016 10:am-6:pm Featuring Oscar Rivera & WAL! At the Shiley Theater, University of San Diego 5998 Alcalá Park S.D. CA 92110 Save the DATE!!!!! St. Stephen Parish Prayer Vigil November 2nd in the evening (TBA) Meet at the Parish and carpool to Valley Center Cemetery All members of the parish is invited for a very special prayer service at the Valley Center Cemetery in remembrance. More details to come. Collection/Colecta, 9/25/16 Goal / Meta $11,000 Plate/Plato: Envelope/Sobre: Debt: Total: $ 4,206.23 $ 4,129.00 $ $ 8,335.23 Other: Catholic Relief $ 509.00 Southern Cross: In the September issue of The Southern Cross, we continue with our seven-part series on the seven corporal works of mercy, which are an important part of our Catholic tradition. The pope tells us that this special Year of Mercy is a time to "open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters." As we do this, we discover that we are called to visit those in prison. The commandment means more than simply visiting the incarcerated. It means reaching out to those who suffer from a lack of freedom. Read more in The Southern Cross! IMAGINE YOUTH DAY! October 22, 2016 10:00am-6:00pm Featuring Oscar Rivera and WAL! Imagine Youth Day is an exciting one-day regional conference to energize and ignite the faith of teens. Imagine reaches teens as they hear the Gospel shared in ways that are relevant and timely in their high school years . It call Shiley Theater s teens, especially those on a jourat the University of San Diego ney to Confirmation, into a richer & 5998 Alcalá Park S.D. CA 92110 meaningful life as they are encour618.582.4656 aged to live out their faith St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank all the supporters of our recent “Friends of the Poor Walk”. We raised 11,470, which amounts to about half of what was spent to buy food last year for the food pantry. Your Generosity Is A Blessing to those in need Save the Date! QUESTIONS FROM JESUS In our recent Adult Formation sessions we have been discussing how to be authentic disciples and developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ On October 16th. 10:30-12:15pm _John Boyd will host a session entitled "Questions from Jesus” where the group will deepen their relationship by responding to and discussing the questions that Jesus asked of his disciples 2000 years ago. What would your response be to the question He asked of Peter, “Who do you say I am?” or of His disciples, “ Will I find enough faith when I return” or of the blind man What do you ask of me?” Save the Dates for the Next Adult SessionsNovember 13th. December 18th & January 15th. February 12th, March 12th. April 30th. & May 21st. RELATIONSHIP SKILLS WORKSHOP @ St. Thomas Moore All classes are 7pm-8:30pm 1450 S. Melrose Dr. San Marcos Oct. 11: Re-Defining the Power Struggle/Oct.18: Control Issues/Oct. 25: Listening beyond the words / Nov. 8: Personality Differences/ Nov.15:Childhood Issues & Emotional Baggage/Nov.22: Handling Anger Constructively/Nov. 29: Speaking the Truth in Love/ Dec. 13: How to Fight Fair: Conflict Resolution. For more info. Please call 760.758.4100 X104or X110 Ask for John or Debbie Freddette LOST & FOUND! FYI there have been a few items that were found and turned in to the parish office, please call to see if we have what you may have lost on the parish grounds or in the church! 760.749.3324 ask for Maria Thank you! PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR PARISH: Sally Goodell; JoAnn Banaszak; Valerie Swain; Jack Plesko; Steven Andrews; Maria Nicolas; Cecile Illig; Amanda Luman; Carol Leigh; Sue Pederson; Jesus Angel; Christopher Johnson; Marie Tate; Ralph Jensen; Lucas Valencia; Paul Oakley; Sean Williams; Clarisse Prefontaine; Marianne Williams; Peggy Buskuhl; Hudson Schaner; Ryan Melendez; Ruben Nieto; Cindy Myers; Mitchel Bohnstehn, Tomas Andaluz, Tom O'Carrol, Irv Solorzano, Diana Sheehy, Patrick Hansen, Sondra Jasak, Vilma Bartolo, Bill Rogers, and John Kopp *May they find peace in the healing Love of Jesus Christ.* Jubilee Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016 Resources are available at First Friday Eucharistic Adoration – October 7, 2016 More Adorers Needed: Currently we need adorers for the following hours: Would you watch one hour with our Lord Jesus Christ? 1:00 am - 2:00 am * 2:00 am - 3:00 am * 3:00 am - 4:00 am Oktoberfest: @ St. Mary Catholic Church 1st Annual Octoberfest Sat. Oct. 8, 2016 -12pm-9:pm ~ Sun. Oct. 9, 2016 -8:30am -8:pm Live Music, Singers, Bands, Mariachi, Games for children, Multicultural foods Wine & Beer Garden, Prizes, Many Vendor Booths !! St. Mary Catholic Church 1160 S. Broadway Escondido, CA 92025 For more info. call St. Mary 760.745.1161 or e-mail at [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered every Sunday at the 9:00 a.m. Mass. To help with Children’s Liturgy of the Word, please contact Julie Conger (ages 4-6) RCIA: What is RCIA? It is The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism who are above the age of infant baptism If you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith or would you like to consider becoming Catholic? If so, come and see. We will begin our RCIA weekly journey of the Catholic faith on Tuesday Nights and would like to invite you to come and bring your all your questions For more info. please call the Parish Office and ask for Marcial Lopez @ 760749.3324 ROSARY IN THE PARK To Honor our LADY OF FATIMA A public Rosary in the Park will be held on Saturday Oct. 15 in Balboa Park. Beginning at 11:30am. Priests and parishioners will gather on the Federal Lawn (next to the San Diego Hall of Champions Sports Museum) to honor Our Lady of Fatima on this 99th. Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun. Participants will be asking Oure Lady for her graces in delivering this troubled world from violence and war. Bring lunch for the picnic social that follows For more info. visit e-mail rosary in the [email protected] Do I Have a Vocation ? Do you ever think about being a Brother Priest or Sister Do you have “generosity of Spirit” in you life? Do you desire more than your involvement in your parish? Does the idea about being a Brother, Priest or Sister come to you often Does the Idea scare you? Please call Father Lauro Minimo for more info. ( 858 ) 490-8383 Vigésimo Septimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 2 de Octubre, 2016 ESQUINA DEL PASTOR: Aumenta Nuestra Fe Cosas horribles estaban pasando en el momento en que el profeta Habacuc escribió nuestra primera lectura para esta semana. El profeta Habacuc vivió aproximadamente 650 años antes de que el Señor. Fue una época de violencia. Los babilonios habían conquistado los asirios y amenazaban o atacaban al resto del mundo, incluyendo el reino de Judá. Los mismos judíos eran continuamente atacando entre sí. El odio y la violencia era parte de la vida, incluso aceptado. Así, el Profeta Habacuc clamó al Señor: "Señor, ¿está consciente de lo que está sucediendo? Todos vamos a morir !" Y el Señor le responde: "Tener Fe.” Como el Profeta Habakkuk también afrontamos muchos desafíos en nuestras vidas. Hay muchas crisis que afrontamos. Una familia lucha para guardar el matrimonio juntos. Una segunda familia afronta la enfermedad crónica. Una tercera familia tiene a un niño que necesita el apoyo emocional continuo. Una cuarta familia afronta el desempleo. Una quinta familia llora para siempre a la muerte de uno amado. ¿Y, ante violencia, ruina, miseria, destrucción, lucha, nos preguntamos si Dios es consciente de nuestra situación grave? Las lecturas de hoy están diciendo, "Dios es consciente. Ahora tener fe." Suena tan simple. Tener fe. Ciertamente es fácil de decir, "Tengo fe." Pero, ¿qué es la fe? "La fe es garantía de confianza sobre lo que esperamos y convicción acerca de cosas que no vemos." (Hebreos 11:1). Es un sólido y sustancial con garantías de seguridad, estabilidad, afirmación y el amor incondicional. Fe es el resultado de una relación muy buena. Tener considerable, confiada certeza del amor de Dios, debemos realmente y profundamente conocer al Señor. Jesús enseñó y oró: "Vida Eterna es esto: conocerte a Tí, el único Dios verdadero, y a quien has enviado, Jesucristo" (Jn 17, 3). Pablo oró: "Quiero conocer a Cristo" (Flp 3, 10). Nosotros también debemos orar a Dios para tener fe en Él. Es difícil tener fe en medio de las crisis de nuestras vidas, a menos que la fe se convierten en nuestro estilo de vida." "El justo vivirá por su fe." pidamos al Señor bueno para aumentar nuestra fe. Dios los bendiga! Padre Elmer Bienvenidos!! a la Iglesia de San Esteban Actividades Parroquiales para la semana del 25 de Septiembre 2016 Sun. 10/2 Lun. 10/3 Tues 10/4 Mier 10/5 Thur 10/6 Vier. 10/7 Sab. 10/8 Dom 10/9 Café, Donas y Compañerismo después de Misa 7:30am 2° año Confirmation 2° año de Confirmación Rito de la Bienvenida 7:00pm Ministerio del Joven, preparatoria 6:00pm Ministerio del Joven, primaria 7:00pm Rosario y Divina Misericordia (inglés) 1pm-9pm Adoración Eucaristica 6:30pm Ministerio de Mujeres 6:30pm Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para joven 7:00pm Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos 6:45am Patrulla de Amanecer y Misa “Dawn Patrol” 3:30pm Formación de la Fe “Catesismo” (Inglés) 7:00pm Knights of Columbus reúnion directiva 1:00pm Adoracion Eucaristica 7:00pm Crecimientos Estudio Biblico 5:30pm Misa y Confesion 8:30am Catesismo (ingles) 6:30pm Prayer Ministry (Spanish) 9:00am Formacion de la Fe Adultos ~Divina Misericordia 10:00am 2° año de Confirmación 8:30am Women’s Guild Christmas Sale! “after mass” Misas y intenciones para la semana del 2 de Octubre, 2016 Dom 10/2 7:30am Barbara Listug, ╬ 9:00am Jerrilynn Curcio, ╬ 11:00am Humberto y Elodia Esparza,╬ Lun Mar Mier 10/3 12:15pm Gregory Dreher, ╬ 8:45am Jose y Maria Velasco, Int. Especial , Cumpleaños 10/4 6:45am Jean Harrison, Intención Especial 10/5 Juev 10/6 8:45am Servicio de Comunión Vier 10/7 5:30pm Intención del Pastor Sab 10/8 5:30pm Pro Populo Lecturas para la semana del 2 de Octubre, 2016 Domingo: Hab 1:2-3;2:2-4/Sal 95:1-2,6-9/2 Tim 1:6-8,13-14/ Lc 17:5-10 Lunes: Gal 1:6-12/Sal 111:1-2,7-10/Lc 10:25-37 Martes: Gal 1:13-24/Sal 139:1-3,13-15/Lc 10:38-42 Miércoles: Gal 2:1-2,7-14/Sal 117:1-2/Lc 11:1-4 Jueves: Gal 3:1-5/(Sal) Lc 1:69-75/Lc 11:5-13 Viernes: Gal 3:7-14/Sal 111:1-6/Lc 11:15-26 Sábado: Gal 3:22-29/Sal 105:2-7/Lc 11:27-28 Próx. Domingo: 2 Re 5:14-17/Sal 98:1-4/2 Tim 2:8-13/Lc 17:11-19 Resen Por Nuestros Sacerdotes Oct. 2 Bishop Robert McElroy Oct. 3 Bishop Robert Brom Octubre, 2016 Oct. 4 Bishop Gilbert Chavez Oct. 5 Rev. Gilbert Gentile, SJ Oct. 6 Rev. Msgr. Anthony Geising Oct. 7 Rev. Carl Gismondi, FSSP Oct. 8 Rev. William Gold REZO PARA SACERDOTES....Jesús, reza por tu sacerdote fiel y ferviente; Por tus sacerdotes infieles y tibios; Por tus sacerdotes que trabajan en casa o en un pais extranjero y en misiónes distantes. Por tu sacerdote tentado; Por tus sacerdotes solos y solitarios; Por tus sacerdotes jóvenes; Por tus sacerdotes agonizantes; por las almas de tus sacerdotes en el Calvario. Pero sobre todo, te recomiendo a los sacerdotes los más queridos a mí: el sacerdote que me bautizó; los sacerdotes que me exoneraron de mis pecados; los sacerdotes en cuyas misas que asistí y quién me dan Tu Cuerpo y Sangre en la Sagrada Comunión; los sacerdotes que me enseñaron e instruyeron; Todos los sacerdotes a quien soy endeudado de cualquier otro modo (sobre todo a...). Guárdalos cerca de tu corazón. Amén. Oración Diaria por las Vocaciones: Jesús de la coseha, mira con amor a esta porción de tu viña. Bendice la Diócesis de San Diego con más sacerdotes que pastoreen a tu pueblo, sacerdotes con un corazón semejante al tuyo. María, Madre de la Iglesia, intercede por nosotros. IMAGINESE DIA DEL JOVEN! Octubre 22, 2016 10:am-6:00 pm con Oscar Rivera y WAL! Imagínese día de la Juventud es un excitante un - día de conferencia regional para energizar y encender la fe de los adolescentes. Imaginese alcansa a los adolescente como ellos escuchan el Evangelio compartido en maneras que son relevantes y oportunas en sus años de escuela secundaria . Imaginese llame a los adolescentes, especialmente aquellos en su viaje a la confirmación, en un rico & vida significativa como se les anima a vivir su fe Shiley Theater at the University of San Diego 5998 Alcalá Park S.D. CA 92110 618.582.4656 / e-mail: La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl quiere agradecer a todos los seguidores de nuestra reciente caminata "Amigos de los Pobres ". Hemos recaudado $11,470. Esto es como la mitad de lo que se gastó para comprar comida el año pasado para la dispensa de comida. Su generosidad es una bendición para quienes necesitan! MINISTERIO DE JÓVENES! Patrulla de Amanecer “Dawn Patrol” (en la iglesia) Cada miércoles @ 6:45 am Con Misa el 1er y 3er miércoles del mes @ 6:45 am Estudio de biblia en la casa de los Boyd’s (grados 9-12) 15583 Hawksbury Ln. Cada miércoles de 7-8:30 pm Teléfono: 760.749.5681 Grupo de jóvenes (Grados 6, 7, y 8) Empieza mañana 3 de octubre con los padres 7:00 - 8:30 pm BAUTIZO! Las Clases Pre-Bautismal se llevan a cabo el Primer y Segundo lunes de cada mes a las 7:00 pm. Procuren traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño(a). Padrinos deben estar viviendo en harmonia con la Iglesia Católica. Para mayor información, favor de contactar a Miguel Madera 760.580.1945 o a la oficina parroquial 760.749.3324. !!Comienzan las clases para el Programa de RICA Mayor de 18 años de edad? Necesita el Sacramento de Bautizo, Comunión o Confirmación? Le invitamos a registrarse al programa de catequesis para adultos, RICA. Para mayor informacion, favor de contactar a Miguel Madera 760.580.1945 o a la oficina parroquial 760.749.3324. Para registrarse, favor de traer su certificado de Bautismo ( Si es aplicable). Las clases comienzan a las 7:00 PM Congreso de Jóvenes 2016 ~ 29 y 30 de Octubre Este evento se llevará a cabo en el centro de convenciones de Los Angeles. Tendrán invitados especiales y muchas sorpresas. No se pierda este evento, venga y experimenta el amor de Dios en toda su gloria. Miles de Jóvenes serán participes y ud. puedes ser uno de ellos! Tome la decisión hoy y comuniquese con Victor Lopez 760.557-5606 o Freddy Cruz 760.975.1069. Donación $130. Perdido & Encontrado! Ha habido algunos articulos que fueron encontrados y entregados a la oficina de la parroquia, por favor llame para ver si tenemos lo que usted puede haber perdido en los terrenos de la parroquia o en la iglesia! 760.749.3324 favor de preguntar por Maria ¡Gracias! Grupo de jóvenes (Grados 9-12) Lunes @ 7:00 pm (Inglés - salón de los jóvenes) Viernes @ 7:00 pm (Español - Salón Briscoe) 2nd Año de Confirmación - Rito de Bienvenida y Mini Día de Oración y Reflección Antes de la Misa de 11am en Español Domingo 2 de Octobre después de la misa de 9am en Inglés 1er Año de Confirmación (Inglés) y 1er y 2˚ Año (Español) Domingo 9 de octubre (con los padres de familia) 8:45 Español y 10:30 am Inglés RCIA para Jóvenes Martes por la noche - Si quiere ser bautizado o quiere más sobre su fe Católica 6:30pm en el Salón Briscoe saber El catecismo ha comenzado para los sacramentos de primera comunión. Por favor oren por nuestras catequistas y los niños. Las inscripciónes siguen de nuevo durante las próximas dos semanas, 26 de septiembre hasta el 8 de octubre para las clases del sábado. Las familias necesitan inscribirse cada año. Las inscripciónes sólo toma unos pocos minutos con un formulario de actualización corta para las familias que regresan y un depósito. La inscripciónes por primera vez tarda un poco más. Para más información hable con Carmen o Marcial al 760.749.3352. Scooter Service & Repair New & Used Scooters MON - FRI 8-6 SAT 9-12 HANDI-VAN Your Favorite Place 1320 Simpson Way #D Escondido Scooter Lifts Wheelchair Lifts Caring For Your Unique Dental Needs Matthew Mancino 27319 Valley Center Road 760-749-0099 (760) 432-8785 Valley Center, CA 92082 BANNERS 760-213-3903 Chris Banner Owner/Operator Lic.# CA993166 High Speed Internet Valley Center Wireless Wireless Starting at 28904 Valley Center Rd. $39.95/month! Office: 760.749.1335 Fax: 760.749.7257 $19.99/month! Free Local Tech Support! Phone: 760-749-0123 Fax: 760-749-0110 29115 Valley Center Rd. Ste G. Phone 760.651.2010 Email [email protected] Based in Valley Center, CA. DSL Starting at Catering For All Occasions Is your PC sick? WIFI Networking Cloud Apps. Hardware Software WEED BRUSH & TREE SERVICES Insured 760-749-4700 Espresso - Breakfast - Sandwiches Smoothies - Ice Cream Email: [email protected] Web: Are you looking to buy or sell a Manufactured or Mobile Home? Please call Fernando Romo at 760-689-8750 I’m a Licensed Sales Agent FINANCING AVAILABLE Mission Publications FOR ADS CALL 1-888-253-4358 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS A Cat’s View Veterinary Hospital GOD BLESS OUR ADVERTISERS! The merchants who advertise make our bulletin possible. When you patronize our advertisers, please thank them for supporting our parish. “Se Habla Español” 2016 Maria — Cooking for Fiestas Maria Tavares (Español) 760-638-0825 Kathryn Tisch (English) 760-638-0770 Tacos • Carnitas • Barbacoa Mole & mucho more Let our ranch be the site for your next gathering, meeting, conference, retreat or campout! Rosy’s Home (inc. windows), New Construction, Rentals, Moving in/out Reliable references upon request 760-708-8938 760-807-7832 (760) 522-3045 Fax: (760) 479-5925 [email protected] “Free Home Value Analysis” Portraits Weddings Special Events Senior Pictures Custom Framing Parishioner POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES Lenny Kerbs MBA, MSSE 27934 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center, CA 92082 #38 St. Stephen Church, Valley Center— Inside Housecleaning TRI-CITY CARPET Beth Smith ® REALTOR BRE #01106405 1080 W. Washington Ave. Escondido, CA 92025 1895 S. Centre City Pkwy, Escondido 760-743-6252 Vista 760-724-5595 JOE’S COUNTRY FEED & PET (Hay &Grain) 760.749.9328 27847 Valley Center Rd.• VC Joe & Jenni For all your pet & livestock needs Cell: Incorporated 760 212-4533 An Independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. FOX ACCOUNTING Linda Fox 760-751-9824 IN GOD WE TRUST Visit us at Lic #643269 Parishioner REPAIRS • REMODELS NEW CONSTRUCTION DR. ROBERT VERTREES License No. 709686 Income Tax Return Preparation WATER WELL DRILLING AND for Individuals & Businesses COMPLETE PUMP SERVICES Certified Public Accountant • Parishioner Jorge Flores (760) 751-4075 Office (760) 535-5927 Cell [email protected] M-F 8-6 • Sat 8-4 Buscemi Plumbing Inc. Stehly J. Flores Plumbing, Inc. Brothers Quality Plumbing Drilling [email protected] 760.742.3668 Mission Publications FOR ADS CALL 1-888-253-4358 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS 29115 Valley Center Road. • Ste. 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