St. Frances X. Cabrini Catholic Church 12687 California Street, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Phone: 909·797·2533 • Fax: 909-790-5803 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: or Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday/ Lunes, Miércoles, y Jueves 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. St Frances X Cabrini Church Yucaipa StFrancesChurch Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado Vigil 4:00 P.M. - English Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 A.M. - English 9:00 A.M. - Español 11:00 A.M. - English Tuesday/Martes - 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Friday/Viernes - Closed (Lunch 12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.) stfranceschurch Daily Mass/Misa Diaria: Monday through Thursday Lunes a Jueves 7:30 A.M. Communion Service/ Servicio de Comunión: Friday/Viernes - 7:30 A.M. Rosary/Rosario: Friday/Viernes -12:00 P.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento: Friday/Viernes 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confesiones: Saturday/Sábado 3:00 P.M. and by appointment/y si hace una cita Leadership Team / Equipo De Liderazgo PASTOR/PÁRROCO Rev. Santos Ortega 797-2533 ext. 228 [email protected] DEACON/DIÁCONO Peter Bond 797-2533 ext. 505 [email protected] DEACON/DIÁCONO Dan Hudec 797-2533 ext. 506 [email protected] September 25, 2016 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 SEARCHING... For those special persons who love to work with MIDDLE SCHOOL youth. Our 6th, 7th and 8th grade youth will be meeting on Mondays since September 12. Please join our team of volunteer catechists who devote time to the children of St. Frances. Call Linda 909797-2533; lornelas@ CATECHISM CLASSES are starting! We are in need of some supplies. Donations of school supplies will be greatly appreciated. We need: •Lead Pencils •Scissors •Colored pencils •Pencil sharpeners •Erasers •Watercolor markers •Permanent markers •Wipe off board markers •Hole punchers •Elmer’s glue •Glue sticks •Hand sanitizer ADULT CONFIRMATION *Religious Education Classes * *K-5th GRADE class now forming. If Wednesday, September 28, 2016 you are at least 18 yrs. old and have been baptized Catholic, you can join the class and make your Confirmation and/or 1st Communion next June. Please contact Teri Paulson for more information 909-855-4756. *6th, 7th & 8th GRADE Monday, September 26, 2016 6:00pm-7:30pm 6:30pm-8:00pm *9th - 12th GRADE YOUTH CLASSES Tuesday, September 27, 2016 6:30pm-8:30pm *FAMILY CATECHISM (K-8TH) SPANISH Thursday, October 6, 2016 7:00pm-8:30pm *FAMILY CATECHISM (K-8TH) ENGLISH Thursday, October 6, 2016 Friday, October 7, 2016 6:00pm-7:30pm 7:00pm-8:30pm 1st. Eucharist Preparation Session (3rd-5th gr) Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016 @ 10:00am in Parish Center Rosary for the Year of Mercy We say the Rosary for all your prayer requests every Friday at 12 noon, in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome! After the Rosary, the chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed. BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS DATES Before a child can be baptized, parents and godparents must attend a baptism preparation class. Class registration will close one (1) week prior to the class dates below. To register for classes, please visit the Parish Office during office hours. English Classes: Saturday 10/08/2016; 12/03/2016; 02/04/2017; 04/01/2017. Classes are held at Room 16 (The old Church) and start at 8:45 a.m. Spanish Classes: Monday 10/10/2016 and 10/17/2016; 12/12/2016 and 12/19/2016. Classes are held at Room 16 (The old Church) and start at 6:15 p.m. BAPTISM DATES: 10/29/2016; 12/31/2016; 02/25/2017; 04/29/2017; 06/24/2017; 08/26/2017; 10/28/2017; 12/30/2017. Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2016 2 LOOKING BEYOND OURSELVES The message found in today’s readings is an oft-told story. Citizen Kane, Daddy Warbucks, and King Midas are only a few of the familiar fictional characters who thought enormous wealth could buy happiness and fulfillment. Daddy Warbucks admitted stepping on a few people in his climb to the top. Kane tried to buy the printed word and stardom for his young wife, while King Midas conjured immense wealth and tragedy by his very touch. We learn clearly in today’s readings that none of this is really possible. True happiness comes from caring for someone other than ourselves. It comes from the pursuit of the virtues Paul described to Timothy: faith, love, gentleness, godliness, righteousness, and endurance. The Gospel reminds us that we dare not ignore the needs of others, acting as though we don’t notice their suffering. God’s call to us is much too clear to disregard for even one more day. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MIRANDO MÁS ALLÁ DE NOSOTROS MISMOS El mensaje de las lecturas de hoy es una vieja historia. El Ciudadano Kane, Papi Warbucks y el Rey Midas son sólo unos pocos de los personajes familiares ficticios que pensaban que con una enorme fortuna podrían comprar la felicidad y la completa satisfacción. Papi Warbucks admite haber pisoteado a algunas personas en su ascenso a la cumbre. Kane trató de comprar la palabra impresa y el estrellato para su esposa joven, mientras que el Rey Midas conjura inmensa fortuna y tragedia sólo con su toque. Aprendemos claramente en las lecturas de hoy que nada de esto es realmente posible. Alcanzamos la verdadera felicidad cuando somos bondadosos con alguien que nosotros mismos. Cuando practicamos las virtudes que Pablo describe a Timoteo: fe, amor, delicadeza, santidad rectitud y fortaleza. El Evangelio nos recuerda que no ignoremos las necesidades de los demás, actuando como si no notáramos su sufrimiento. El llamado de Dios es demasiado claro para que nosotros hagamos caso omiso ni un día más. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Question of the Week Pregunta de la Semana Question for Children: Jesus teaches us to share what we have with others. What do you have that you are able to share? Question for Youth: The Gospel story tells us that we are judged by what we do or don’t do for the poor and needy. How are you currently reaching out to those in need? What more could you do? Question for Adults: What choices can you or have you made to balance your own life with those who are homeless, poor and in need of assistance for daily living? How does this Gospel reading inform you about that? Pregunta para los Niños: Jesús nos enseña a compartir lo que tenemos con los demás. ¿Qué tienen ustedes que pueden compartir? Pregunta para los Jóvenes: La historia del Evangelio nos dice que seremos juzgados por lo que hacemos o no hacemos por el pobre y el necesitado. ¿Cómo procuras actualmente extender la mano a los necesitados? ¿Qué mas puedes hacer? Pregunta para los Adultos: ¿Qué opciones pueden tomar o han tomado para equilibrar su propia vida con aquéllos sin hogar, los pobres y con los que necesitan asistencia en su vida diaria? ¿Cómo te informa el Evangelio acerca de esto? God implores us to protect and defend Respect the helpless . . . Please consider joining the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil beginning on Wed., Sept. 28 at the San Bernardino Planned Parenthood located at 1873 South Commercenter West. The vigil is from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week until Nov. 6. For more information go to During the last campaign at least 25 babies were saved from abortion in San Bernardino. . . .and we know that His love and mercy are forever. On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 7pm there will be a Bilingual Precious Baby Mass for families that have experienced Pregnancy Loss, Stillbirth or Infant/Child Death. Please come and receive God's greatest gifts of grace, healing, and love. St. Mary's Catholic Church, 16550 Jurupa Ave. Fontana, CA 92337. Dios nos implora proteger y defender al desamparado…Considera por favor unirte a la vigilia de 40 Días por la Vida, el miércoles 28 de septiembre en Planned Parenthood de San Bernardino situado 1873 South Commercenter Dr West. La vigilia es de 7am a 7pm, 7 días a la semana hasta el 6 de noviembre. Para más información ve a Durante la campaña pasada por lo menos 25 bebés fueron salvados del aborto en San Bernardino. . . . y sabemos que su amor y misericordia son para siempre. El lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016 a las 7pm habrá una Misa Bilingüe del Bebe Precioso para las familias que han vivido Pérdida de Embarazo, Muerte del Niño durante el parto, o Muerte Infantil. Ven por favor y recibe los regalos más grandes de Dios: la gracia, sanación, y el amor. St. Mary Catholic Church, 16550 Jurupa Ave. Fontana, CA 92337. A Year of Mercy Bishop Gerald Barnes is featured in a new video series produced by the Dept. of Communications that is designed to help our Catholic faithful reflect on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy during this Jubilee Year. A link to the first installment of the series, in both English and Spanish, is below. Please feel free to use this for any prayerful or catechetical moments on mercy. English Link: Spanish Link: Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario SFXC 7th Annual: We need you! SFXC Rummage Committee would like to invite you to come have some fun sorting, pricing and selling items. Volunteers also receive early bird shopping privileges. If you would like more information please contact Stan Serbin at 909-790-3901 3 Its time for Fall Cleaning! Es tiempo de limpieza otoñal Get ready, get set, SHOP for bargains!!! Our annual rummage sale is Sept 30, Oct 1 and 2!! Do you enjoy yard sales, estate sales and swap meets? 25 de septiembre de 2016 Sept 30, October 1-2! 30 sept a 1-2 octubre! Save the Date Marquen su calendario e mag Rum le a S e Items for donation will be accepted from Monday, Items will be accepted daily in the parish center Sept 26 through Friday, beginning Mon., Sept 26th from 9AM - 4PM Volunteers are welcome to join us at the parish center Sept 30th in the Parish any time during the above drop off hours to help with Center from 9am t0 4pm. setup. Please make sure that DONATE FOR OUR SICK AND all items are in good condition. HOMEBOUND Se aceptarán artículos donados desde el If any of you have extra prayer cards, ta d Ven as Cos s da Usa rosaries, bibles, prayer books or other Lunes, 26 de sept a través de Viernes, 30 de religious items that are just stored in a drawer, sept en el Centro Parroquial de las 9am a please donate them to the parish office for our Sick and homebound. For more information, please contact Ursula at 909-797-2533 ext. 225. 2016/2017 Baptism Preparation Class Dates Before a child can be baptized, parents and godparents must attend a baptism preparation class. To register for the next scheduled class, please come into the office and sign up. Class registration will close one (1) week prior to the class dates below. Fees for class attendance are $30 for both parents and $10 for each godparent. The class completion certificate is good for 2 years. English Classes: Saturday 2016: 10/08/2016; 12/03/2016 2017: 02/04/2017; 04/01/2017; 06/03/2017; 08/05/2017, 10/07/2017, 12/02/2017 Classes are held in Room 16 (The old Church) and start at 8:45 a.m. In order to register your infant/child for baptism, an application package, available in the office or on-line, has to be completed and the complete package, with all required documents, has to be returned to the office at least one week prior the baptism date. Incomplete application packages will not be accepted. 4pm. Por favor, asegúrese de que todos los artículos estén en buenas condiciones. 2016/2017 Fechas de Preparación de Clases de Bautismo Antes de que un niño pueda ser bautizado, los padres y padrinos deben asistir a una clase de preparación para el bautismo. Para inscribirse en la próxima clase programada, por favor venga a la oficina y regístrese. Registración de clases cerrará una (1) semana antes de las fechas de clases indicadas abajo. Las tarifas para asistir a clase es de $30 para ambos padres y $10 por cada padrino. El certificado de cumplimiento de clases es válido para 2 años. Clases en español: Lunes 2016: 10/10/2016 y 10/17/2016; 12/12/2016 y 12/19/2016 Las clases se llevarán a cabo en la Sala 16 (la antigua iglesia) y comienzan desde 6:15 de la noche. 2017: 02/06/2017 y 02/13/2017; 04/03/2017 y 04/10/2017; 05/29/2017 y 06/05/2017; 08/07/2017 y 08/14/2017; 10/02/2017 y 10/09/2017; 12/04/2017 y 12/11/2017 Las clases se llevarán a cabo en Modular 9 y comienzan desde 6:15 de la noche. Con el fin de registrar su bebé/niño para el bautismo, un paquete de solicitud, está disponible en la oficina o nuestra página, tiene que ser completado y el paquete completo, con todos los documentos requeridos, tiene que ser devuelto a la oficina una semana antes de la fecha de bautismo. No se aceptarán paquetes incompletos. Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2016 4 Stephen Ministry … Over the past few weeks we have named many of the most common situations which call for a Stephen Minister’s help. We can’t possibly name every relevant situation, there are so many. Possibly your own doesn’t fall into any category that has been named, but are aware that either you or some family member or friend would benefit from the care offered by a Stephen Minister. No matter what the need, please contact us at (909) 797-2553 ext. 221 and talk to CC. Everything discussed including names will be strictly confidential!! Some of our referrals come through Father Santos or Deacons Dan and Pete, while others come from family or friends, but most come from the person with the issue or concern needing our help. We are not counselors or therapists, but we are caring, concerned fellow parishioners who believe in the healing power of God working through us to make a difference in people’s lives. We ask for the opportunity to serve you. We want to be there to genuinely care, support, and encourage you when you need us. All Soul’s If you have lost a loved one, from November 2015 through November 2016, and want his or her picture included in a slide show during the All Soul’s Day Mass, please forward a digital photo to [email protected] with the full name of the deceased, date of birth, date of death, your name and your relationship to the deceased, no later than 24 October 2016. Slide show photos will only be for the deceased of last year. In addition to the slide show photos, we encourage everyone to bring a framed picture (no larger than 8X10) for display in front of the Altar. If one member of the family wants to take part in the candle procession, candles are for sale ($5.00) in the Parish office. To ensure that we have enough candles in stock, please purchase your candles early. For questions, contact Ursula at 909-797-2533 ext. 225. JÓVENES PARA CRISTO Jóvenes Para Cristo tendrá desayuno el 25 de septiembre en el Centro Parroquial. Vengan a desayunar ricos tacos de asada, y de pollo, pozole de pollo, y pozole de puerco, elotes y bebidas! Jóvenes Para Cristo is having breakfast on September 25 in the Parish Center. We are having delicious asada tacos, chicken tacos, and pork pozole, chicken pozole, corn on the cob and drinks! Citizenship Classes Classes • Mondays starting Sept 26 • 6pm to 8pm • Room 17 • St. Frances Xavier Cabrini • 12687 California St, Yucaipa Instructor– Alfonso Hernandez Wednesdays 6pm – 8pm Room 17 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 12687 California St, Yucaipa 5-week course starting Sept 28, 2016 Meets once a week Prepare for the Citizenship Test Classes are in English Instructor – Alfonso Hernandez Skip the lines at Mass and order your SCRIP items online! Pay and pick them up before or after Masses on our regular Scrip weekends (normally 1st and 3rd). Order before the 2nd or 4th Wednesday of each month. Go to: Click Register, and then click the Join a Scrip Program. You will be asked to enter a special Enrollment Code. If you need the code, please contact the parish office or email Jennifer Campbell at [email protected] After you enter the enrollment code (specific to St. Frances), you can complete the registration and then place an online order. Some products are 'reload' which means you can add money to an existing card. Cards cannot be mailed to you from Scrip. You must pick them up on our Scrip weekends and pay at that time. There is a $200 maximum for ordering cards online. Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ministry Staff Business Manager / Administradora de Negocios Precious Chikulo [email protected] ext. 229 Director of Religious Education / Educación Religiosa Grades / Grados K-12th Linda Ornelas [email protected] ext. 224 Office Assistant / Asistente de Oficina Peggy Patterson [email protected] ext. 227 Office Receptionist/ Recepcionista de Oficina Cecilia Newby [email protected] ext. 221 Ministries/Ministerios *ICS (Food Distribution) 909-797-0007 *Pastoral Council / Concilio Pastoral Gil Estrada 909-797-2533 *Finance Council Don Averil 909-797-2533 *Jóvenes Para Cristo Mario Leal 909-571-1200 *Mothers in Faith Teresa Russo 951-534-4001 *Eucharistic Ministers / Ministros de Eucaristía Dcn. Dan Hudec [English] 909-797-2533 Ext. 506 Francisco Herrera [Spanish] 909-446-0674 *Altar Servers / Monaguillos Dcn. Dan Hudec [English] 909-797-2533 Ext. 506 Laura Jaramillo [Spanish] 909-725-0296 *NAMI Monica Robles 909-797-6235 *Lectors/Lectores Dcn. Peter Bond 909-797-2533 Ext. 505 *Sacristans Veronica Moreno-Nicholas [email protected] *Small Faith Communities Lisa Cox [email protected] *Quinceañeras Mirtha Gonzalez 909-790-7187 *R.C.I.A. (new Catholics) Lisa Hudec [email protected] *Catholic Daughters of the Americas Marla Cowan 909-795-2389 *Knights of Columbus Mike Figueredo 909-936-6416 For the below ministries Contact: Ursula Benitez 909-797-2533 Ext. 225 *Bereavement/Funerals/Funerales *Minister to the Sick and Homebound/ Ministerio de los Enfermos *Marriage / Matrimonio *Baptisms / Bautismos *Annulments / Anulación September 25, 2016 9/24–9/25, 2016 Mass Intentions Sat. 4:00 P.M. Richard B. Powers † Sun. 7:30 A.M. Leonard & Ron Lardy † 9:00 A.M. Mary Ellen Sanchez † 11:00 A.M. Pro Populo 9/26– 10/02, 2016 Mass Intentions Mon. 7:30 A.M. Mildred Winn † Tues. 7:30 A.M. Ron Wallin † Wed. 7:30 A.M. Maureen Tarczali † Thurs. 7:30 A.M. Luke Butnick ♦ Fri. 7:30 A.M. Communion Service Sat. 4:00 P.M. Al Stadler † Sun. 7:30 A.M. Gary & Susan Forney 9:00 A.M. Nicanor Perez & Francisco Huerta † 11:00 A.M. Pro Populo 5 Key † - RIP ♦ - Birthday ♥ - Anniversary - Special Intention Readings of the Week Monday: Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50 Tuesday: Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88:2-8; Lk 9:51-56 Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15; Lk 9:57-62 Thursday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16 Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday: Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10 Prayer List (Please note this list is for seriously ill persons. Names can only be listed for two weeks - our prayer chain continues to pray for people after this time) Recently we received additional requests for prayers for the following: Daryle Machacek, Margaret Wilkinson, Carol Seaman, Kathy Daniels, Ryan Lardy, Albert Sanchez, Luke Butnick, Patricia Lynch, Julie Fish, Nancy Gainey, Martha Crite, Melanie McHugh, Anthony Hernandez If you would like to request prayers for your family, please contact 797-2533 Mobile Library The Mobile Library, visits us the second and fourth weekends of the month, after all masses. Come by our table to view our selections. Books, CD’s and DVD’s for adults and children can be checked out for up to four weeks. In Memoriam of: Cornelio Belarma, Leonard Hansen, Madeline Smith, Fleurette Valdivia, Jim Kelley, Hal Anglin Pray for your servants who served you faithfully throughout their lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Bulletin Inserts Requests must be received at least two (2) Mondays before the weekend you wish it to be printed in the bulletin. Please contact Peggy prior to this submission deadline for instructions: [email protected] 909-797-2533 ext. 227 (if you have not done so already). Thank you so much for your service and cooperation!
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