PRIDE THE NEWSLETTER OF AVON PARK HIGH SCHOOL Avon Park, Florida Danielle Erwin, Principal September, 2016 Preparing Students for the Future! APHS welcomes our new administration this school year. Mr. Williams announced his retirement in June, and Mrs. Dean was transferred to another school. Pictured above from left: Assistant Principal Edsall; Principal Erwin; and Assistant Principal Riley. A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRINCIPAL “Welcome Back! I am excited to welcome you to the 2016-17 school year! Hopefully the summer has provided you with many memorable opportunities to spend time with family and friends. It is an honor to now serve as your new Principal. I have spent the past 3 years as your Assistant Principal and have gotten to know each and every one of you. This is an amazing school with amazing students, families, faculty and staff. It is filled with “Educators, Leaders, Achievers and Champions!” That is what makes us Avon Park High School. With that said, it is our mission at APHS to work together to ensure ALL students are college, career and workplace ready. The administrators, faculty and staff have worked very hard this summer to ensure that we are prepared to do our part. It takes all of us to ensure your student’s success. We are here to help and provide opportunities for you and your students. Please feel free to reach out. Remember, “We Are Avon Park High School!” Our vision is “Leading Together to Achieve Excellence.” Here’s to a great year!” Volume 2, Issue 1 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL EDSALL “Welcome to a fabulous new school year! I am excited to be at APHS as one of your new Assistant Principals. I came here from Highlands Career Institute at SFSC where I worked with students from all area high schools to assist them with vocational dual enrollment courses. I attended college at the University of South Florida (Go Bulls!) where I received a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and a Master’s in Educational Leadership. I am married and have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. I truly believe that high school should be a great place to explore college and career opportunities. It is my goal that we at APHS provide you with the skills and support to enter the next step in your life. Let’s make this a great school year!” ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL RILEY “I am super excited to be joining APHS as one of your Assistant Principals. I came here from Sebring High School where I have been a Biology teacher and Instructional Coach over the last 12 years. I am also a GATOR, graduating with my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the University of Florida. I earned my 2nd Master’s Degree from the American College of Education in Educational Leadership. I am married and have 3 children, all boys who keep me super busy outside of school. Some of my goals this year are to help teachers create excitement for learning among the student body, and to work with and support all school stakeholders to ensure that a nurturing, safe and positive school environment continues to be a priority.” SEPTEMBER, 2016 NEED GUIDANCE? See your Counselor TESTING DATE DEADLINES Nov. 4 SAT - registration deadline is Oct. 7 Oct. 22 ACT - registration deadline is Sept. 16 ALPHABET BREAKDOWN FOR GUIDANCE COUNSELORS A-F Mrs. Griffin x221 G-M Mrs. Ridenour x219 N-Z Mrs. Langston x308 MUSIC NOTES Choir Officers for 2016-17: Jordan Jackson, President; Shelbie Myers, Vice President; Dalton Lowery, Secretary; Dannielle Roque, Treasurer; Christian Lashley, Historian; Kassidy Carroll, Music Librarian; Alexis Sboto, Chaplain; Brittany Sizemore, Uniform Chair. Choir Showcase: Disney Edition. The APHS Choir will put on their 2nd annual Dinner Theater Saturday, Oct. 22 at 6 p.m. at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Solos and ensembles will be singing selections from Disney movies. Dinner and show only $10! FROM THE CAFETERIA Free Breakfast is offered to all students daily from 7:45 to 8:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria and at the Breakfast Kiosk located between building 700 and 800. Students please take advantage of this fantastic opportunity. If you did not receive a letter in the mail from the Food and Nutrition office stating that your meal benefits were renewed, you MUST reapply for benefits at sbhc/. Deadline is Sept. 16. If you do not fill out an application by this date you will be charged $2.95 daily for lunch. For questions please call Miss Kennedy, Cafeteria Manger at 452-4312. NHS meets at 8 a.m. the first Friday of each month in Mrs. Wells Room 10-113. Officers for this year are: Alexis King, President; Vijay Sharma, VicePresident; Denise Limdimas, Secretary; and Jasmine Santana, Treasurer. KEY CLUB Meetings will be Mondays after school in Room 231, starting Sept. 12. DCM is Sept. 17 at Sebring high School for 8:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. SGA is welcoming new members with an induction ceremony Sept. 12. All new members and their families will be invited to attend. Meetings are Tuesday mornings in room 701 at 8 a.m. SGA Homecoming Committee has announced the exciting theme “Fire and Ice” for the Homecoming Dance, Oct. 8 from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets will go on sale around Sept. 21 and will cost $15. STEM Club Parent Night is Sept. 20 in the Media Center. New members time 6 to 7:30 p.m.; returning members 7 to 7:30 p.m. See Mrs. Bozeman to sign up for STEM and to pick up the fieldtrip packets. SEPTEMBER FUNDRAISERS FFA Meat Sticks Sale Chorus Cheesecake Sale Culinary Message Cookies - Tuesdays AFJROTC T-Shirt Sale Sophomore Class Lollipop Sale FBLA/Robotics Krispie Kreme Sale Junior Class Red Devil Mascot Decals Sale Junior Class “You’ve Been Flocked” STEM Club Pre-Selling Mums for Thanksgiving UPCOMING EVENTS Choir Disney Audition Sept. 14 FBCAP 1:30-3:30 p.m. Early Release Sept. 14 Progress Reports Go Home Sept. 15 Choir All-State Audition Sept. 20 UNDERCLASSMEN PICTURES Sept. 26 SAC Meeting Sept. 26 Room 302 5:30 p.m. Homecoming Parade Oct. 6; Game Oct. 7; Dance Oct. 8- Cafeteria, 8 p.m. SEPTEMBER, 2016 September 2, 2016 Septiembre 2, 2016 Dear Parents/Guardians:. In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requiring all schools, kindergarten through twelfth grade, to be inspected for asbestos-containing building materials. In the past, asbestos was used extensively in building materials because of its insulating and fire retarding capabilities. Almost all buildings built before the late 1970’s contained some asbestos. The asbestos could be found in many building materials such as pipe insulation, structural fireproofing and floor covering to name a few. In the fall of 1988, all schools in the District were inspected by an EPA-accredited inspection team. A Management Plan, which outlines measures for controlling and abating asbestos-containing materials for each site was established and submitted to the Governor’s office. A copy is on file for your review at the School Board Office at 426 School Street, Sebring, Florida. Also, individual building Management Plans can be found in each school’s administration office. At the time of the initial inspection, asbestos-containing building materials were found in many of the buildings throughout the District. Although the materials found were mostly low at risk, abatement companies were hired to remove materials with potential for damage or deterioration. On-going inspections and removal projects have been conducted since that time. This year saw no significant asbestos containing building material removed. All documented material is being maintained in place. Currently, some asbestos-containing material is present in Avon Park High School. This material is only found in portions of floor tile and window walls in building #2 and currently poses no health risk to students or personnel. This material will be properly maintained and damaged or deteriorated material will be dealt with immediately as prescribed by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Frank A. Brown, Sr., Director of Facilities & Construction, at 863-471-5643. Estimados Padres /Tutores: En 1986, el Congreso aprobó el Acta de Respuesta Contra Productos Dañinos y Asbesto (AHERA), (por sus siglas en Ingles) requiriendo que todas las escuelas, de kindergarten a duodécimo grado fueran inspeccionadas para determinar si los edificios contienen materiales de asbesto. En el pasado, el asbesto era utilizado extensamente en materiales de construcción por sus capacidades de retardar fuego y como insulación. Casi todos los edificios construidos antes del 1970 contienen algún asbesto. El asbesto se puede encontrar en materiales de construcción tales como tubería, insulación, estructuras a prueba de fuego y cubiertas de piso, entre otras. En el otoño de 1988, todas las escuelas del Distrito fueron inspeccionadas por EPA – grupo de inspección acreditado. Se estableció un plan que describe las medidas para disminuir y manejar materiales con contenido de asbesto; el cual fue sometido a la oficina del Gobernador. Si usted desea revisar dicho plan, hay una copia disponible en la oficina del Distrito Escolar que está ubicada en 426 School Street, Sebring, Florida. También hay planes individuales de edificios disponibles en las oficinas de administración de cada escuela. Al tiempo de la inspección inicial, se encontró que varios edificios en el Distrito contenían materiales con asbesto. Y aunque los materiales encontrados eran en su mayoría de bajo riesgo, se contrató a compañías especializadas en remover estos materiales para que removiera los mismos. Desde entonces se continúa haciendo inspecciones y proyectos para remover estos materiales. Este año no hubo una cantidad significante de material de asbesto removido. Todos los materiales documentados permanecerán en su lugar. Actualmente, hay una porción de materiales que contienen asbesto en la Escuela de Avon Park High. Este material se encuentra en una porción de la loza de piso y las paredes de ventanas del edificio #2 y por el momento no representa ningún tipo de riesgos de salud hacia los estudiantes o hacia el personal. Este material recibirá mantenimiento adecuado y todo material deteriorado o dañado será tratado inmediatamente según prescrito por el Acta de Respuesta Contra Productos Dañinos y Asbesto (AHERA). Si tiene preguntas o dudas al respecto, por favor contacte a Frank A. Brown Sr., Gerente de Construcción en /UBCI, al (863) 471-5643. Sincerely, Sinceramente, Danielle Erwin Principal Danielle Erwin Principal SEPTEMBER, 2016 APHS: WHERE EXCELLENCE IS A TRADITION APHS Web Page calendar of upcoming events has schedule information for Red Devil sports. UPCOMING HOME GAMES/MEETS Sept. 13– Volleyball vs. McKeel —Swim/Dive vs. Sebring Sept. 15– Volleyball vs. Frostproof —JV Football vs. Lake Placid Sept. 20— Swim/Dive vs. Frostproof —Boys Golf vs. Lake Placid Sept. 22– JV Football vs. DeSoto Sept. 23– Varsity Football vs. Mulberry Sept. 26– Boys Golf vs. Mulberry/Frostproof Sept. 27– Volleyball vs. Tenoroc —Boys Golf vs. Ft. Meade Sept. 29– Boys Golf vs. DeSoto/Sebring Sept. 30– Varsity Football vs. Bishop Verot AVID is off to a great start! Welcome to Laura Barben as a new AVID elective teacher, and also several new people to the AVID site team! AVID elective classes are: Laura Barben: all 9th graders; 10th grade girls. Dawn Henderson: 10th grade boys; all 11th and 12th graders. AVID site team members are: Danielle Erwin, Karen Edsall, Kim Riley, Laura Barben, Dawn Henderson, Michael Scofield, Sharon Beck, Tracy Lee, Amy Love, Sabrina Williams, Shelly Word, Josh Virkler, Linda Henderson, Ashley Ridenour, Cedric Bullard, Kim Jahna, Raquel Melendez and Bo Jackson. Training for AVID tutors will be held in room 303, Sept. 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. AVID Family Night for 9th and 10th graders is Sept. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. College T-Shirt Day: 1st Wednesday each month. COLLEGE BOND MALE (CBM) Applications for the 2016-17 school year must be completed and turned into the front office or Mrs. Wilson (Room 202) by Wednesday, Sept. 7 WELCOME TO APHS There are more new faces on campus this year: Sharon Beck, English Col. Chris Caudill, ROTC Kiri Crommett, Art Kelly Griffin, Guidance Kyle Jackson, PE Robert Jarvis, ESE Jennifer Langston, Guidance Maria Ledezma, ESE Shavonna McQueen, ESE Para Andrew Mobley, ESE Melinda Pollitt, Math Coach Alisha Richards, Home EC Joshua Virkler, History Amy Wagner-Texley, Science ORDER YEARBOOKS NOW Yearbooks are just $55 until Sept. 29. That’s $30 off the cover price. Order yours online at Parents can also order senior ads through the same web page and receive a special discount when they buy a yearbook as well. HAT DAYS $1 Sept. 23 and 30 Show your school spirit on home football game days and wear your favorite hat. Buy your $1 hat sticker before school outside the Cafeteria or Media Center. CULINARY MESSAGE COOKIES $5 Order a message cookie for a friend or teacher! Orders forms are available in Mrs. Bronson’s Room #239-240. Chocolate chip, sugar or peanut butter. Cookies will be delivered each Tuesday in Advisement. SEPTEMBER, 2016
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