HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH July 17, 2016 Mass Intentions of the Week Holy Spirit Catholic Church 7243 E. 10th Street Indianapolis, IN 46219 Parish Office……………………….………….317-353-9404 Fax ..…………………………………..317-351-1707 School Office ………………………………....317-352-1243 Fax ..…………………………………..317-351-1822 Religious Education………………………….317-357-6915 Confirmation ………………………………317-353-9404 #7 Spanish………………………………………..317-353-9404 Little Ramsies……………………………..317-353-9404 #9 LITURGY SCHEDULE Masses: Monday through Saturday 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 5:30 p.m. Saturday 5:30 p.m., Mass of Anticipation Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 1:45 Spanish Communion Services (except Holidays and Holy Days) Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m.; Monday & Thursday 5:30 p.m. Holy Days- See Sunday bulletin prior to Holy Day CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS Baptism - Third Sundays of each month at 3:30 p.m. in the chapel. Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. Parents must attend the Preparation Class on the second Sunday of the month at 10:30 a.m. Class will meet in Conference Rm. C in the Parish Center. Reconciliation - Saturday, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Each Weekday 5:10 to 5:25 p.m., by request only or anytime by appointment. Call Parish Center. Marriage - Please arrange at Parish Office six months in advance. Holy Orders - Those considering the Priesthood or a Religious vocation, please contact our Pastor or the Archdiocesan Vocation Office at 317-236-1490. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sunday morning classes are available for ages 3 through high school. For information call the Religious Ed. Office. NURSERY CARE Mon. July 18th Weekday 8:30 a.m. El & Kay Lockley - Req. by Jane & Don O’Leary 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Tues. July 19th Weekday 8:30 a.m. Zac Decker - Req. by Cooper Day 5:30 p.m. Jean Adrian - Req. by John Adrian Wed. July 20th Weekday 8:30 a.m. Helen & Paul Doyle - Req. Beth Brown 5:30 p.m. Barbara Waddick - Req. by Mary Anne Waddick & Family Thurs. July 21st Weekday 8:30 a.m. Arthur Pfaff - Req. by James Pfaff 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Fri. July 22nd Saint Mary Magdalene 8:30 a.m. Barbara Waddick- Req. by James Waddick & Family 5:30 p.m. Andrea Beidelman - Req. by Keith & Pat Hammis Sat. July 23rd Weekday 8:30 a.m. Al Hoffman - Req. by Jean Hoffman (13th Anniversary of Death) 5:30 p.m. Paul & Leona Kaperak - Req. by Deacon Mike & Paula Slinger Sun. July 24th Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Helen Helob - Req. by Family 9:00 a.m. Congregation 10:30 a.m. Margaret Geilker - Req. by Rick & Patricia Smith 12/Noon Kate Piercy - Req. by Family 1:45 p.m. Spanish Mass Child Care is available during the Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass. It is located off the side of the west vestibule. PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Msgr. Paul D. Koetter, Pastor Rev. Juan Jose Valdes, Associate Pastor Deacon Michael Slinger, RCIA Coordinator Quenia Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant Rita Parsons, School Principal Gladys Tarter, Coordinator of Religious Education Holly Herber, Music Director Suzanne McLaughlin, Business Manager Kathy Peacock, Business Manager Mary Kate Shanahan, Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministry Terrie Lake, Pastoral Council Chairperson Bob Lane, Finance Committee Chairperson Pastoral Council meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of most months at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. All are welcome! NEW PARISHIONERS AND VISTORS Those interested in joining Holy Spirit Parish are invited to stop by the Parish Office so we can meet you or you may call 317-353-9404. INTERESTED IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH? Inquiry Classes begin in late summer as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Call the Parish Office for information. BULLETIN The deadline for the articles is Monday 8:00 a.m. for the following Sunday bulletin. This will allow more information to be translated into Spanish. Preferred method of communication is e-mailing the article or information (Word Document or .pdf format) to [email protected]. If no computer access, pleas drop off your information at the Parish Office. NURSE LINE Please call 317-353-9404 #8 to leave a message or to request a ride to an appointment. Readings for the Week of July 17, 2016 Monday Saint Camillus de Lellis, Priest Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, and 23; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-4, 5-6, 7-8; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5-6ab, 15, and 17; Mt 13:1-9 Thursday Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 36:6-7ab, 8-9, 10-11; Mt 13:10-17 Friday Saint Mary Magdalene Jer 3:14-17; Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Saturday Saint Bridget, Religious Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a, and 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30 Sunday Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 Parish Mission Statement Holy Spirit Parish is committed to facilitating the lifelong spiritual growth of its parishioners. The religious, educational and family life programs will help parishioners grow in their relationship with God, the Father, through Jesus Christ, while serving others under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYER LINE - Do you, a friend, or family member have health issues, or are you looking for a job? Feel free to call the Pra er Line at 317-353-0358 and share our pra er intentions with Doroth Rile . We will be happy to pray for you! If you are interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Line, please give Dorothy a call at 317-353-0358. You are asked to call the next person on the prayer list, it’s easy & very powerful. We’d love to have you! Please Remember in Your Prayers: **We are trying to update our prayer list. Please call the parish office if you’d like a name added to this list. Jim Neff, Susanna Schene, Angie Cwikla, Michelle Stultz, Susanne Stone, Betsy Collins, Michael Rairden, Suzanne Stallings, Kevin Carter, Dennis Tippit, Marge DeBoo, Gary Hurst, Rosa Maria Santos, Mike Moss, John Moore Jr., Robert Mason, Anita Mimmiefield, Elizabeth Marie McDonald, Skip Schliesman, Georgia MacDonald, Ann Hall, Rick Howard, John Rairden, Joe Ryan, Nancy Ryan, Margaret Flack, Chris Johnson, Bill & Phyllis Barrett and David Sajdyk. Please note: due to some new hospital regulations, we are not notified when someone is admitted to an area hospital. If you or a loved one is seriously ill and in need of the sacrament of the sick, please call the parish office and let us know at: (317-353-9404). If you would like a name added, please call the Parish Office. We will leave names on our list for a few weeks, and then remove them if we do not have any current information. At Nursing Homes and/or Hospitals: Westminster Village North: Joe O’Connell Rosewalk: Mike Curtis St. Paul’s Hermitage: Rose Callahan, Margaret Callahan, Mary O’Donnell, Sam Ajamie Wellington Manor: Patricia Webb Berkshire of Castleton: Alice Shanahan Methodist Hospital: John P. Lee Jr. Wildwood: Mildred “Millie” Warfield, Dorothy McBride Crestwood Village East: Fr. William Munshower Weekly Budget $23,385.00 Sunday Collection 7-10-16 = $16,394.48 Avg. weekly online collection = $4,100.00 Total = $20,494.48 (-$2,890.52) Dear Friends of Holy Spirit, Thank you for all the workers who volunteered for the Festival. We were blessed with three beautiful days of weather and good crowds…no problems!! I also want to thank the people who came to clean up on Monday. By evening everything was down and packed away. Thank you! Check our website for pictures of the Festival. Some were taken from Steve Zwickl’s drone that circled the Festival several times, getting some amazing shots! Check them out at HolySpirit-Indy.org. On Monday, July 18th, I will be leaving for 10 days to Ontario, Canada where we will be canoeing, fishing and camping. The Quetico Provincial Park is a completely primitive camping area where nothing motorized is permitted. The number of people allowed into the park is strictly controlled and the environment is pristine and beautiful. It is truly a “Get Away”! I will be traveling with a group of eight men, three of whom are priests. God’s Blessings and Love, Jason Chan & Trisha Staab (2) Michael Gegner & Justine Schepler (3) Please pray for the souls of the recently departed: James Armbruster, Tom Lenahan, and Mary Strayer May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH July 17, 2016 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cesar and Ana Laura Ramirez 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 1040 Post Road Karaoke Night (No Cover Charge) Friday, July 22 Kitchen opens at 6:00 p.m. Singing begins at 7:00 p.m. All are Welcome! We create hand made shawls that include a prayer with each one for our sick parishioners. This ministry meets twice a month in the basement of the Parish Center from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. We have instructors available to teach kni/ng or croche1ng. If you have ques1ons, please call Alma Middleton at 340-5978 or Rita Osborne at 946-7452. ~please join us! Mee1ng dates are scheduled for July 11 and 25, August 8 and 22. We will have our second annual picnic on Sunday, July 24 at the Paul Ruster Indy Park at 4 p.m. Paul Ruster is located on Prospect a quarter mile East of German Church. There will be food, drinks, music and entertainment for adults and children. This picnic is sponsored by Holy Spirit Church to join the Anglo and Hispanic congregations to socialize and have fun in a spirit of camaraderie and friendly atmosphere. Please bring a dish of your choice to share. It can be a salad, cut fruit, meat, rice, beans, dessert or soft drinks and ice. Free Movie Afternoon Thursday, July 21 at 1:00 p.m. Movie title: Giant All are Welcome! Dinner with the Knights Monday: July 25 at 6:30 p.m. Menu: Spaghetti, salad, bread sticks & dessert Price: $5.00 All are Welcome! Bingo every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to Noon. We have a $1,000.00 Jackpot! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A KNIGHT TO ATTEND. ALL ARE WELCOME – COME JOIN US! Free Catholic Resources Holy Spirit Parish has just joined FORMED. It is a website that allows you to access programs, videos/movies and books that explore our Catholic faith. To register, please visit FORMED.org/register and enter the Parish Code: RMDDZP. If you have any questions, please email Michelle Schultz at [email protected] SAVE THE DATE We would like to say to everyone who a:ended and made it a successful and safe Holy Spirit Fes1val. The Eastside Catholic Community will present Archbishop Joseph Tobin speaking on "The Jubilee Year of Mercy" at Holy Spirit Catholic Church on Tuesday, August 16, 2016. Plan to attend this event with your friends and neighbors from the Eastside Catholic Community (Holy Spirit, Little Flower and Our Lady of Lourdes). 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Giving Hope to a World in Need Buildin Ethiopian Resilience durin Drou ht. 85% of Ethiopians depend on rain-fed agriculture. Rain is the key to life. Ethiopia is in the worst drought in half a century. Some areas have not seen rain for two years. Food is running dangerously low. A major emergency response is underway by CRS and its partners, in collaboration with the Ethiopian government, to help people survive. Along with lifesaving food aid, CRS is taking the long view. Through a 3year project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, CRS helps people adapt new practices and technologies to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change. The project addresses natural resource management, health and nutrition, farming practices and early warning weather forecasts. To feed their families, farmers create elevated keyhole gardens to grow vegetables even during the drought. Learn more at crs.org. Cemetery Masses Calvary Cemetery will hold a Memorial Day Mass on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at Calvary Cemetery Chapel, 435 W. Troy, Indianapolis IN at 2:00 p.m. Our Lady of Peace Cemetery will hold a Memorial Day Mass on Thursday, July 21, 2016 at Our Lady of Peace Cemetery Chapel, 9001 Haverstick Road (just west of 86th & Keystone) Indianapolis, IN at 2:00 p.m. Please Join us, all are welcome. Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose Living Everyday with Passion & Purpose led by Matthew Kelly, invites us all to identify God’s voice in our lives and the specific purpose for which we’ve been created. Matthew inspires attendees to apply the genius of Catholicism to every aspect of our lives including prayer & spirituality, work, dating & marriage, personal finances, health & well being, parenting and community involvement. Matthew Kelly and musician, Eliot Morris, prepares a unique message inspired by God and the teachings of the Church that promises to radiate in your life. Consider this: most people take more time to plan their annual vacation than they do to discover the voice of God and His plan for their lives. Join us for one of our Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose events. It’s not your typical church event! It has been a life-changing event for tens of thousands of people. Doors will open an hour before the event. We recommend you arrive an hour to half hour prior to the event starting, to collect your event materials and find a seat. This event is hosted at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church at 10655 Haverstick Road Carmel, IN, 46033, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on November 12, 2016. The cost is $39. Every event attendee will receive an event bag, which contains a book, CD, journal, pen and several other great resources. Please note, meals are not served during the breaks, feel free to pack a snack to enjoy during the breaks in public areas. Divorce and Beyond Sisters of Providence issue ‘16-’17 program booklet The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-theWoods, Indiana, have released their “Retreats, Programs, Events and Opportunities 2016-17” booklet. The free booklet is now available at Saint Mary-ofthe-Woods, located 10 minutes northwest of downtown Terre Haute. While the booklet is available here, they may also be mailed. The booklet contains a list of upcoming retreats, programs, workshops and more. For more information on the booklet, call Providence Center Administrative Assistant Jeanne Frost at 812-535-2952 or email [email protected] . A Catholic based peer-ministry support group designed to help guide men and women through the process of divorce. The program explores the stress, anger, self-image, blame, loneliness and guilt of divorce with the goal of leading participants toward ultimate forgiveness, happiness and growth. Divorce and Beyond will be offered six consecutive Tuesdays at the Catholic Center, 1400 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis July 26 – August 30, 2016 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The cost of the six-week session is $30.00, which includes a book. For information please contact Deb VanVelse at 317-2361586 or 1-800-382-9836 ext. 1586 or at dvanvelse@archind .or . HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH Mary Kate Shanahan, Youth Director Directora de Pastoral juvenil, [email protected] Summer Retreat This Saturday, July 23, we will be having a Summer Retreat, which is open for all high school youth. It will be a Paul Ruster Park from 12:00 until 5:00 p.m., with lunch served upon arrival. There is no cost to this event and our theme for the day will be Being People of Peace. We live in a world that so desperately needs peace and justice, most notably visible in the attacks in Paris, Orlando, Dallas, and even in our own city. We invite all our high schoolers to come and take some time to reflect on how to find God in the face of suffering and how to be people of peace. Registration forms are available online and in the parish office. Coffee and Doughnuts Next Sunday, July 24, we will have our monthly Coffee and Doughnuts fundraiser to help support the development of a youth scholarship program. The scholarship fund will be put towards youth ministry events such as, but not limited to, NCYC, mission trips, Homeland Mission Project, etc. Please come and be generous! Canoe Trip Next Thursday, July 28, we are taking a trip to go canoeing on Sugar Creek, near Turkey Run State Park. We will leave from Holy Spirit by 9:15 am and when we arrive to Sugar Creek, we will go on a 6 mile trip and return home around 6:30 pm. The cost is $15 and includes the cost to rent your canoe and a sack lunch. All permission slips and liability waivers are due back to the parish office no later than July 24. They can be found online and in the parish office. Upcoming Dates July 20 - Kings Island July 23 - Summer Retreat July 28- Canoe Trip July 17, 2016 Holy Spirit School Rooted in Faith... Fruitful in Spirit August 7 8-9 10 Jumpstart 3-5 p.m. in Holy Spirit Gym Teacher Meetings First day of School - NOON DISMISSAL Back to School Night 6-8 p.m. September 5 15-16 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL - INPEC Teacher Professional Development Parent Ambassadors For many years, Holy Spirit School has relied on “room parents” to plan our classroom holiday parties and CYO Raffle Baskets. “Room Parents” as they have been referred to in the past will now be referred to as Parent Ambassadors. We are creating a Parent Ambassadors Committee to take the pressure off of individual parents to run classroom parties and CYO Reverse Raffle Baskets. This community of parents will collaborate planning classroom parties, CYO Reverse Raffle Baskets and Staff/Teacher Appreciation Week. You do not have to attend the parties if you are unable to as we will be asking for volunteers to assist on the actual party days during their child(ren) party time. If you would be interested in working with this committee please contact Parent Ambassadors Chair, Anne Marie Moyars at 317.730.4760 or [email protected]. 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer Shawl Ministry On October 21, 2009, Prayer Shawl Ministry met for the first time. There were ten ladies at the first meeting including Rita Osborne and Alma Middelton. As of June 27, 2016, there have been 100 people, including one gentleman, that have passed through our classes. Within our ministry, Rita teaches crocheting and Alma teaches knitting. We make Prayer Shawls, baby blankets and hats, neck scares and hats. Prayer shawls are for anyone in need of prayers such as those in nursing homes, at home, or in a hospital dealing with sickness, depression, and/or loneliness. We have made over 150 Prayer Shawls. Prayer Shawls are also donated to St. Francis Palliative Care. Baby blankets are donated to Catholic Charities and Project Linus. We have made baby hats for the American Heart Association’s Little Hats, Big Hearts program. Hats and scarves are made for the homeless shelters and the Soup Kitchen. We also make items for the craft booth at the Summer Festival. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month from 6-8 p.m. in the lower level of the Parish Center. Tim Lake is the Parish Counsel Representative with Rita and Alma as Co-Chairs of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. If you are interested in joining, please contact Rita Osborne at 317-946-7452 or Alma Middelton at 317-340-5978. Ministry Quote “The Greatest Commandment, to love one another.”-Luke 10:25 Volunteer Quotes “I feel blessed to be part of this ministry. The making and giving of a Prayer Shawl makes me feel helpful and when I am able to give a shawl, I know it brings a sense of peace to the person receiving it. I have had people tell me they wanted to be buried with their shawl.” -Barbara Melton “The Prayer Shawl Ministry has touched me from within. Meeting new people, touching base with people from the past, talking current events, and having a Blizzard after working together is all great fun. However, the main reason for being involved with the Prayer Shawl Ministry is caring for the sick. When a shawl or lap robe is presented to a sick person, they light up like a lightbulb. We then share a common prayer together. Each person with whom I have shared a shawl has been truly grateful. It helps all of us.” -Diane Beasley If you would like your ministry to be the Ministry of the Week, please have your ministry head send an email to Michelle Schultz at [email protected]. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH July 17, 2016 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO 17 de julio del 2016 50/50 Raffle Winners/Ganadores de la Rifa 50/50 White TV/Televisión en Blanco: Green/Verde: Orange/Naranja: Red/Rojo: Pink/Rosado: Yellow/Amarillo: Blue/Azul: Gold TV/Televisión en Blanco: 748687 48793 653719 813167 765882 113125 469578 046604 Claimed/Reclamado Claimed/Reclamado Claimed/Reclamado Claimed/Reclamado Claimed/Reclamado Claimed/Recamado $775 $775 $1250 $1200 $1675 $1900 16º D789:;7 <=> T9=8?7 O@<9:A@97 IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO 17 de julio del 2016 BOLETIN EN ESPAÑOL Pastor: Monseñor Paul Koetter Carta del Pastor Asociado Pastor Asociado: Rev. Juan José Valdés Secretaria de la Iglesia: Sra. Quenia Rodríguez, Disponible: Martes a Viernes de 9 a 5 p.m. Queridos amigos de la Iglesia Espíritu Santo, Teléfono (317)353-9404 SEÑOR, SEÑORA: UNA SOLA COSA ES NECESARIA ACTIVIDADES DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA DE LA IGLESIA ESPIRITU SANTO M789 :; :8<9=>? 9 ?9 1:45 <.B. C>;C:87>;:8: 1:15-1:45 <.B. S9;E> R>89F7>: 1:15 <.B. ∗Bautismos, primer domingo de cada mes, próximos el 7 de agosto. ∗Pláticas para Bautismos infanHles, menores de 6 años, las próximas clases serán el 29 de julio de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m. Inscripciones en la oficina parroquial antes de asis1r. ∗Quinceañeras, para más información, registrarse, o apartar el día, comuníquese con Quenia Rodríguez. ∗Reunión del Ministerio Hispano, segundo martes de cada mes, próxima reunión el 9 de agosto; 7:00 p.m. en el comedor parroquial. ∗Preparación Matrimonial, tercer martes de cada mes, 19 de julio. Antes de asis1r a las pla1cas regístrate en la oficina parroquial. ∗Matrimonios Comprometidos, (Reunión de parejas casadas por la Iglesia que quieran seguir creciendo a nivel humano y cristiano) próxima reunión será el 29 de julio de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el salón # 6 de las oficinas centrales de la Iglesia. Más información con Eduardo Sánchez o María Ibarra. ∗Misa del Grupo de Adolecentes, el cuarto domingo de cada mes. Te invitamos a aprender y servir durante la misa. Comunícate con Miriam Reyes. ∗Ensayo de Coro de Jóvenes Kudai, todos los viernes 7:00 p.m. Para más información comunícate con: Miriam Reyes (317) 737-4133. APUNTA LA FECHA La Comunidad Católica del Este de la Ciudad presentara al Arzobispo Joseph Tobin hablando acerca del Jubilo del Año de la Misericordia en la Iglesia del Espíritu Santo el 16 de Agosto. Planea y ven a este evento con tus amigos y vecinos de la Comunidad del Este de la Ciudad. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Y esa cosa, señora, no es ciertamente el atarearse de tal manera en el arreglo de la casa, que al llegar los invitados -o el esposo y los hijos- a usted de lo que menos le queden ganas sea de recibirlos y departir con ellos. Y esa cosa no es tampoco, señora de todos mis respetos, el no sentarse a la mesa por estar al pendiente de todo. Y esa cosa, señor mío, no es ciertamente el trabajar con tal intensidad -mañana, tarde y noche, para que no falte nada en casa-, que precisamente falte tiempo para comer o cenar en ella. La verdadera felicidad, señores, no es que en el hogar no falten cosas, sino que no falte tiempo ni disposición para el encuentro con los demás. Lo malo con Marta no fue que se atareara tanto en los quehaceres domésticos, sino en que éstos no le dejaran tiempo para el encuentro con Cristo Jesús, con Cristo-familia, con Cristoamigos. ¡Dios los bendiga! 16º D789:;7 <=> T9=8?7 O@<9:A@97 IGLESIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Vida Espiritual Coordinador del Ministerio: Fr. Juan José Valdés 317-353-9404 [email protected] EucarisOa: Pedro Herrera 317-431-6338 [email protected] Lectores: Juan Pérez 317-414-4972 [email protected] Hospitalidad: Grupo # 1 Sandra Guárenos 317-332-9353 sguarneros@a:.net Hospitalidad: Grupo # 2 Fidelina Duarte (317) 513-1076 Monaguillos: Eloísa Pérez 317-890-8420 Coro Parroquial: Directora de Música Holly Herber 317-353-9404 ext. 5 [email protected] Coro de Mujeres: Marisela Pérez 484-546-1954 Coro de Jóvenes y Niños: : Julio Reyes 317- 737-4147 Arte y Medio Ambiente: María Caldera 317-935-5284 Ensayo de Ceremonias: Rocío Mejía 317-513-0925 [email protected] Formación en la fe Pastoral juvenil, Familiar, adolecentes y confirmaciones: Mary Kate Shanahan 317- 353-9404 Ext. 125 [email protected] Grupo Juvenil Kudai: Miriam Reyes 317-737-4133 [email protected] Pequeñas Comunidades: Julio Muñoz y Virina Cárdenas 317-459-9717 Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Mujeres: Liriam Jiménez 317-496-1623 [email protected] Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Hombres: Juan Hernández 317-927-5077 [email protected] Catecismo y bauHzos especiales: niños mayores de 6 años Gladys Tarter 317-357-6915 [email protected] Formación de adultos: María Ibarra y Cecilia García 317-612-1248 317-438-6545 [email protected] RICA Español: Gladys Tarter 317-357-6915 [email protected] Matrimonios compromeHdos: Eduardo Sánchez y María Ibarra Eduardo: 661-9253 María: 438-6545 Divinas Representaciones: Eric Vergara 317- 652-8602 Quinceañeras: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 [email protected] Pastoral Social Caballeros de Colon: Juan Pérez 317-414-4972 [email protected] Grupo de oración SAN JUAN BOSCO: Dulce Lammers 317- 862-4474 [email protected] Grupo de oración carismáHco FUEGO NUEVO: Aurora Meléndez y Yolanda García Aurora:317-851-0675 Yolanda: 317-909-5572 [email protected] Reli iosidad Popular Virgen peregrina y devoción Guadalupana: Claudia Gómez 317-435-7630 [email protected] Novenario y condolencias de difuntos; Irma Navarro Y Sergio Vargas 317- 625-7547 [email protected] Comunicaciones BoleOn en español: María Alejandrina Caldera 317-935-5284 [email protected] Secretaria Parroquial: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 [email protected] D9BC:D7E F E:B=@87E <= :C=ED@A G78C:9<A< Oración por los Enfermos Madre querida, Virgen María: asísteme y bendíceme en mi enfermedad y haz que en medio de nuestros dolores y angustias, me sienta reconfortado por ti y unido a tu hijo Jesucristo en su Cruz. Virgen Santísima, tú que conoces el sufrimiento, reanima mi fe, cúbreme con tu manto protector, pues eres mi fortaleza y esperanza de alcanzar el alivio en los padecimientos. Señora mía, socórreme en la hora del dolor, protégeme de la desesperación, infúndeme esperanza. Enséñame a cumplir la misteriosa voluntad de Dios y a alabar y bendecir su nombre. Nuestra Señora de la Salud, ruega por nosotros. Amén. Por favor oren por los enfermos y difuntos de nuestra comunidad. INTENCIONES Las intenciones para la misa se deben registrar antes de la misa en el vesRbulo del oeste, junto a la guardería. Alguien estará ahí para ayudarles de 1:00 a 1:40 pm. Les pedimos una donación de $5. ¡Gracias! Difuntos (+) Enfermos James Armbruster (+) Fausto Evangelista González (+) Fausto Evangelista Hernández (+) Isaac Negrete (+) Jorge Valdés Eduardo Cruz Bertha Mondoy 1040 Post Road Noche de Karaoke (Gratis) viernes, 22 de julio La Cocina se abre a las 6:00 p.m. Karaoke comienza a las 7:00 p.m. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Tarde de Película jueves, 21 de julio a las 1:00 p.m. Título de la Película: Giant ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Cena con Los Caballeros de Colon lunes: 25 de julio a las 6:30 p.m. Menú: Espagueti, ensalada, pan y postre Precio: $5.00 ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Bingo todos los martes desde las 9:30 a.m. hasta el mediodía. ¡Tenemos $1,000.00 para ganar! IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO P P Tendremos nuestro segundo picnic el domingo, 24 de julio a las 4 p.m. en el Paul Ruster Park, está en la calle Prospect a un cuarto de milla de la German Church. Habrá comida, bebidas, música y entretenimiento para todos. Este picnic está promovido por la iglesia del Espíritu Santo para reunir a nuestras congregaciones Anglo e Hispanas en un espíritu de amistad y camaradería. Por favor traigan un platillo para compartir, puede ser ensalada, fruta, carne, arroz, frijoles, postre o refrescos y hielo. RETIRO DE MATRIMONIOS Parroquia del Espíritu Santo Sábado, 30 de julio, 2016 8 am - 7 pm Apúntense llamándole a: María Sánchez al 438-6545 “Uno solo puede ser vencido, pero dos pueden resistir. La cuerda de tres hilos no se rompe fácilmente.” Ecl. 4:12 17 de julio del 2016 MINISTERIO JUVENIL DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO Directora de Pastoral juvenil, Mary Kate Shanahan, [email protected] Eventos del Ministerio Juvenil 20 de Julio - Kings Island 23 de Julio - Retiro de Verano 28 de Julio - Viaje en Canoa Retiro de Verano: 23 de ulio Este sábado, 23 de julio, tendremos nuestro retiro de verano; este es para todos los jóvenes de preparatoria 9° a 12° grado. El retiro será en el Parque Paul Ruster de 12:00 a 5:00 de la tarde, comenzaremos con un almuerzo. Este retiro es gratis y nuestro tema será: Ser Personas de Paz. Vivimos en un mundo que desesperadamente necesita paz y justicia, los ataques en Paris, Orlando, Dallas y aquí en nuestra ciudad requieren que seamos una comunidad que derrama paz. Les invitamos a darse tiempo para reflexionar en como encontrar a Dios en el rostro de los que sufren y como ser personas de paz. Las registraciones están disponibles en línea y en la oficina parroquial. Café con Donas: 24 de ulio El próximo domingo, 24 de julio, tendremos nuestro evento Café con Donas para recaudar fondos y de esta manera tener fonodos para apoyar a jóvenes que no tienen los recursos para asistir a nuestros eventos. Por favor visítennos y sean generosos con su donación. Via e en Canoa: 28 de ulio En el Ministerio de Chales de Oración creamos chales de tejido en los cuales incluimos una oración con cada chal que le regalamos a feligreses enfermos. Este ministerio se reúne dos veces al mes en el sótano del centro parroquial de 7 p.m. a 9 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos y no se requiere experiencia en tejer. Tenemos instructoras que le pueden ayudar a aprender a tejer con una aguja o con dos. Si 1ene mas preguntas o requiere mas información llámele a Alma Middleton: 340-5978 o Rita Osborne al 946-7452 Los días de junta serán los siguientes: 25 de julio, 8 y 22 de agosto. ¡Acompáñanos! Por favor acompáñenos a nuestro viaje en canoa por el rio Sugar Creek el jueves, 28 de julio, este pasa por el parke estatal Turkey Run. Nos reuniremos en el Espiritu Santo y nos iremos a las 9:15 a.m. y planeamos regresar a las 6:30 p.m. El costo es de $15, lo cual incluye la renta de las canoas al igual que un almuerzo. Por favor encuentra la forma de permiso en la pagina de red o en la oficina parroquial. Podrán encontrar el calendario con todos los eventos del verano en la pagina de red y en la oficina parroquial. Invitamos a todos los estudiantes que hayan terminado 8º grado y estén en la preparatoria. Tenemos una gran variedad de eventos divertidos para que participen los jóvenes mientras no están en la escuela. Si necesitan mas información, por favor contacten a Mary Kate en la oficina parroquial o en la pagina de red bajo Youth Ministry Events. Todos los jóvenes que entren a la preparatoria en el otoño son bien venidos a todos los eventos del ministerio juvenil durante el verano. Para mas información acerca del los eventos, por favor pónganse en contacto con Mary Kate Shanahan, nuestra ministro juvenil. Todos los anuncios y formas podrán encontrarlas en línea o en la oficina parroquial. 310 N. Mitthoeffer Rd. 317-897-7777 www.qsalonindy.com St. Joseph Thursday Bingo 4332 N. German Church Rd. Play for as little as $9 for 12 games Every Thursday at 9:30AM www.thebaitbarn.com Live Fishing Bait & Tackle Where bait shop & country store meet! Operated by a family of U.S. Military Veterans 317-545-BAIT (2248) 3241 N. Arlington Ave. DEERING CLEANERS 1160 N. Arlington Jeannene Talbott Jeannene Talbott Agency Parishioner 1511 N. Post Rd., Ste. B 317-897-3750 EAST SIDE PRESCRIPTION SHOP [email protected] PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 ©2012 006441 - 9/12 5317 E. 16th St. Convalescent, Hospital & Sickroom Aids & Supplies 359-8278 356-2471 317-469-0169 800-887-0437 Parishioner Carpet Cleaning–Limpieza de alfombra 317-755-6175 PremierSteamCleaning.com • Whole Home Remodeling & Room Additions • Residential & Commercial Parishioner Since 1972 861-9778 www.thomasjpearson.com Commercial & Residential Backflow Preventer Certified RICHARD T. FOWLER & DAUGHTER Plumbing Contractor HALL RENTAL Book Your Special Event Now! Weddings • Holidays • Family Gatherings 1040 N. Post • 317-897-1577 Our Lady of Fatima Council #3228 Contact: Holly Blagburn (H) 335-1177 • (C) 965-8781 MORTUARIES & CREMATORY Over 100 Years of Family Ownership & Operation Five Locations 9606 E. Washington St. 897-9606 Licensed • Bonded • Insured 356-9191 • Repair & Installation • Drains Cleaned • Bath Remodeling • Water Lines 11020 E. 10th St. | Dr. Dane Uhl, DMD | 317-898-9231 • Small, Custom Feel Community • Walking Trails & Pond • All Ranch Homes, with Brick & Stone Exterior Options • Bonus Rooms & Basements Available • Mt. Vernon Schools C RESTWOOD FAMILY RESTAURANT Open 6 AM • 7 Days a Week Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner (317) 387-7000 www.flannerbuchanan.com SPECIAL Buy 1 entree & 2 beverages get the 2nd entree at 1/2 PRICE An “Over 55” active adult and assisted living community. Utilities paid Fitness Center Free Transportation 356-4173 Carry Out Available 894-5570 ONE LIGHT EAST OF MEIJER Parishioner Cumberland VILLAGE EAST %15!,(/53).' /00/245.)4 9 www.Crestwood-Living.com Caring For You Since 1910 Anthony M. Campo Selling Homes is Our ONLY Business & Associates Attorneys at Law David M. Zeyen REAL, GRI REALTOR®/Broker Home (317) 861-3721 Cell (317) 753-4611 [email protected] www.zeyen.com FEENEY-HORNAK SHADELAND MORTUARY Please refer your friends and relatives to The Zeyen Team. Holy Spirit Parishioner for over 40 years by Medy Myers, RN Certified Geriatric Massage (H) 317-894-4011 (C) 317-432-1565 899-2577 www.yorkshire-landscaping.com [email protected] Ask for Rick Rohrman, General Manager 7101 Washington St. 317-613-7000 Indy’s Low-Price Powerhouse AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RESTAURANT 10417 E. Washington St. CatholicMatch.com/goIN Residential • Commercial New Construction RESTAURANTE MEXICANO 317-898-3921 Parishioner 897-0328 Large Parties Welcome! 9918 E. Washington St. Corner of Washington St. at Mitthoffer All Types of Concrete Work www.indyguadalajaragrill.com including •Tear Out & Replacement Work •All Types of Decorative Concrete • Concrete Safe Rooms • Vaults We Build Insulated Concrete Homes Dennis Zeyen • 317-462-9622 Sales • Service & Repair Installation Robert Lane Financial As your life changes, so do your financial needs. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Quality Indoor Comfort from Our Family to Yours Since 1978 FC Tucker Company Design to Sell Enterprise, Inc. 317-945-2040 www.hughesheatingcooling.com Free Estimates - We Service/Repair All Brands $49 Tune-Up when you mention Holy Spirit! Owners/Parishioners: MaryBeth (Wise) Hughes Ken Hughes • Jason Hughes 1-800-282-5106 5129 S. Emerson Ave. .........................786-0799 8005 E. 30th St. ........................................894-1867 4914 Rockville Rd. ..................................381-9787 Indiana 352-0956 Enjoy The Best Mexican Food In Town! YOUR BIRD SEED HEADQUARTERS CatholicMatch Auto, Truck, Slip & Fall Injuries; Estates, Wills, Trusts; Powers of Attorney & Living Wills Bob Rohrman’s Indy Hyundai Integrated Therapeutic Massage State Massage Certification by Indiana Professional Licensing Agency H.S. Parishioner 8888 E. 10th St. 6084 W. 800 N. McCordsville For Advertising Information CALL 353-6101 feeneyhornakshadeland.com Family Dentistry Cell 317-945-8445 Fax 317-336-7152 Business 317-336-6051 Lana L. Zayen 1307 N. Shadeland Dr. J.R. Lindeman “Grow with the Flow” RODOLFO PALACIOS, Owner 317-443-7429 Real Estate Consultant 1st VP Residential Sales CRS, GRI, Interior Designer Parishioner www.designtosellenterprise.com [email protected] Robert H. Lane, CLU Financial Representative, Parishioner 973 N. Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219 [email protected] Call Bob Lane today at (317) 294-9732. Robert Lane is a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative of and offers securities and advisory services through WRP Investments, Inc. Securities and Advisory Services are supervised by WRP Investments, Inc. at 4407 Belmont Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44505 (800) 589-2023. WRP Investments, Inc. is a member of FINRA & SIPC. Try Our Weekend Brunch Pizzas Dine In / Carry Out / Delivery Bob & Laura Stark – Parishioners Mick McGrath & Nancy Duncan – School Family 5646 E. Washington St. • 356-6612 GYROS • RIB TIPS • WINGS 899-5565 1002 N. POST RD. VISIT US AFTER MASS www.jockamopizza.com The place to watch all your college & NFL football games! “Indy’s oldest heating & cooling co.” “Always helping you make the right move” 317-614-5484 [email protected] Rick Daves www.homesearchindy.com Parishioner Each office is independently owned and operated. 8001 E. 10th St., Indianapolis (317) 897-5787 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - SERVICE - REPLACEMENT Continuing 133 Years of Service John & Kara Traub - 28 Years Catholic Education 639-1111 2034 – In-house implant placement & Crowns – Dentures – Braces – Root Canals – Tooth Removal – Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Lina se habla Español
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