DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church 1100 8th Avenue N., N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29582 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 24, 2016 Rev. D. Anthony Droze Pastor Rev. Roger Morgan Parochial Vicar Rev. José O. Cheverria Jimenez Parochial Vicar Hispanic Ministry Sr. Glafira G. Ortega HCJS Deacons Robert J. Tyson Andrew F. Stoshak Richard M. Flenke Peter M. Casamento Masses Sunday Vigil (Saturday) 5:00 PM Sunday - 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 Noon Misa en Español 1:30 PM Signing for the Deaf 4th Sunday 10:00 AM Daily: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM 1st Saturday 8:00 AM Confessions Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 PM Parish Office Phone: 843-249-2356 Fax: 843-249-8514 Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Website: www.olssnmb.com E-Mail: [email protected] A Ministry of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Karen Luzzo, Principal 843-390-4108 web: www.htcatholicschoolmyrtlebeach.com e-mail: [email protected] Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church PRAYER AND WORSHIP Rev. D. Anthony Droze MASS INTENTIONS July 23, 2016 through July 31, 2016 Pastor 843-249-2356 Ext. 17 Rev. Roger Morgan Parochial Vicar 843-249-2356 Ext 23 Rev. J. Orlando Cheverria Jimenez Parochial Vicar 843-249-2356 Ext. 29 Hispanic Ministry Sr. Glafira G. Ortega HCJS 843-249-2356 Ext.29 OLSS Outreach Ministry 843-249-2356 Ext. 13 [email protected] Sat. 07/23 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Sun.07/24 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 N 1:30 PM Mon. 07/25 8:00 AM Catholic Charities 855-377-1357 Tue. 07/26 8:00 AM Administrative Offices Business Manager Linda Britzke 843-249-2356 Ext. 10 [email protected] Wed.07/27 8:00 AM Director of Music Ministry John Thorn 843-249-2356 [email protected] Co-Directors of Religious Education Charlotte Watkins Angel Roesch Hairston 843-249-2356 Ext. 22 [email protected] [email protected] Faith Formation Ministry Dorothy Foss, Chairperson 843-249-5261 [email protected] Director of Maintenance Steve Speedling 843-249-2356 Ext. 12 [email protected] Office Staff - 843-249-2356 Rosie Plank - Ext. 11 [email protected] Vicki McCambley - Ext. 24 [email protected] Lucy Garcia - Ext. 27 [email protected] Nicole Cocchiola - Ext. 26 [email protected] 6:00 PM Thu. 07/28 8:00 AM Fri. 07/29 8:00 AM 6:00 PM Sat. 07/30 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Sun.07/31 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 N 1:30 PM Gn 18:20-32;Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 Frank LeValle (Tom & Nancy Kovich) @ Holy Trinity Frances DeJosia (Ed Mahon & Gina) Gn 18:20-32;Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 Susan Mulcahy (Joan & Thomas Cunnigham) Pro Populo (for the People of the Parish) Richard Cesarski (Wife, Pat) Special Intention 2 Cor 4:7-15; Mt 20:20-28 Deacon Michael Kulungowski (Fr. Droze) Maurice G. Greco (Evelyn Greco) Alfred Glish (Jo Ann & Don Spagnuolo) Jer 14:17-22; Mt 13:36-43 Angela Coelho (Jim & Joan Burke) Sally Nottingham (Tom) William Oscar & Mary Jane Shipley Jer 15:10, 16-21; Mt 13:44-46 Connie Viera (Bob & Flo Long) Patricia VanMarter (Joanna Bernstein) Jack Jackson (Kitty Flannery) @ Church of Resurrection Jer 18:1-6; Mt 13:47-53 Frank Sauvageau (Family) Patricia VanMarter (Dr. Bernard J. Leininger) William Oscar & Mary Jane Shipley Jer 26:1-9; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Tony Esola (Wife, Betty) Anne Hopkins (Kitty Flannery) @ Church of Resurrection Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 Maureen Byrnes (The Crosby Family) @ Holy Trinity Vincent Ryan (Wife, Gloria) Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 Laura Offutt (Gracie, Jeremy & Ritchie Williams) Clarita Dordulaw (Family) Charles Coppola (Fran & Nello Signorino) Pro Populo (for the People of the Parish) SANCTUARY LAMP INTENTION The sanctuary lamp will burn in memory of Christine Hourigan McJury from Mom & Dad. HYMNAL INTENTIONS If you would like to donate a hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one, please pick up a donation form at the Church office. MASS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED - The 10:00 AM Mass on the 4th Sunday of the month will be signed as a service to those in need in our community. If you know of anyone who is hearing impaired, please invite them to attend. HEARING AIDS for our sound system are available at all Masses. Please see an Usher for assistance. Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time PRAYER AND WORSHIP 4:00 PM SATURDAY MASS Beginning June 11th through September 3rd, there will be a Mass at 4:00 PM every Saturday at Holy Trinity Catholic School in Longs. There will be Confession before Mass from 2:30 to 3:30 PM. We hope this additional Mass will be the perfect solution for you if you wish to avoid the busy summer traffic in North Myrtle Beach on a Saturday afternoon. Directions to Holy Trinity from Our Lady Star of the Sea. Turn left onto Highway 17, turn right on Robert Edge Parkway. Continue on the parkway (2 traffic lights). After second light, go straight and the road will continue on to Highway 90 (toward Conway). After approximately 4 miles, look for large billboard with ad for Holy Trinity Catholic School and make a right onto Star Bluff Rd. Continue for about one mile and make a right turn at the sign for Holy Trinity. W V M While we are encouraged to embrace Jesus’ cross, perhaps the next best thing we can do as the faithful is to turn to the Blessed Mother for guidance…”Blessed Mother, please help me.” As human beings, we can’t do everything. But the Blessed Mother can go to her Son Jesus and do wonders. The Knights of Columbus are offering intimate prayer devotions in your own homes to all parishioners so that every family may experience visitation for one week from our Visiting Madonna. Families will begin to experience a sense of peace, quiet and reflection while saying the Rosary as a family with Our Lady. The family that prays together stays together. If you are interested in participating in welcoming the Visiting Madonna, please call Frank Coury at 720-394-1952 or email him at [email protected]. This week, The Visiting Madonna will be presented to Bob & Nancy Terrell at the 10:00 AM Mass. CELEBRATING THE EUCHARIST The Order of Worship begins at #166 Gathering: At the Lamb ’s High Feast # 536 Gloria: Simplex Readings begin at # 1142 Ps.103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful # 75 Gospel Acc: Halle, Halle, Halle # 329 Creed: #174 & also on inside front cover Gifts: O Lord of All Hopefulness # 663 Holy, Holy, Holy # 370 Memorial Acclamation # 373 Amen # 372 ~ Lamb Of God: 390 Communion: Song of the Body of Christ # 924 Recessional: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven # 613 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is held every Friday after the 8AM Mass until 4:30 PM followed by Benediction. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET - The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited Monday through Friday after the 8:00 AM Mass. The Chaplet is recited in the cry room. All are invited. MARIAN MOVEMENT - Cenacle - following Divine Mercy every Wednesday in the Cry Room. ROSARY Rosary prayed every Monday through Friday before the 8:00 AM Mass. All are invited. EVANGELIZATION R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults HEALING SERVICE A Healing Service will be conducted at Our Lady’s Shrine in Kingstree, SC on Wednesday, August 3, 2016. All parishioners and visitors are invited. If you would like to attend, please call Michael DiMartino at 843-663-1277 for more detailed information. Marian Eucharistic Conference Please reserve the dates for the 4th Marian Eucharistic Conference. The conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Greenville. We look forward to seeing you there! God Bless, Marian Eucharistic Conference Committee The R.C.I.A. is a process of spiritual conversion and growth, over time, in one’s relationship with God and the Church. It is a faith journey where adults are fully welcomed into the Catholic Church. If you’re interested in exploring a relationship with Jesus Christ; inquiring about the Catholic Church; becoming Catholic; and being fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist, WE WELCOME YOU! For more information about the R.C.I.A. process, please contact Deacon Bob at the Church Office. C S. Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church CHRISTIAN FORMATION HOLYTRINITYCATHOLICSCHOOL A Ministry of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish REGISTRATION FOR 2016-2017 Registra on for grades K4-8 is on-going for the 2016-2017 school year. If you have not been to the school before, or if it has been a while since you’ve visited, please call the school office at (843) 390-4108 to schedule a tour. You will be amazed at all of the wonderful opportuni es available to your children at HTCS. SPONSORING A STUDENT Some of our families are in need of assistance with tui on for their child/children. If you are feeling called to sponsor a student with either full or par al assistance, please contact Mrs. Luzzo at the school office for more informa on. THE GIVING TREES There are Giving Trees located in the narthex of the church and in the hall on the school campus. The tags on the trees list items that would be beneficial to Holy Trinity as it begins its eighth year of providing quality Catholic educa on. If you would like to make a dona on, simply put the item amount into the envelope and drop it in the collec on basket or leave it at the church or school offices. The Giving Trees will remain at the church and the school through the Labor Day weekend. We thank you greatly for all your dona ons and your con nued support of Holy Trinity. VIRTUS ”PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN” The Diocese of Charleston and Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church are committed to ensuring the safety of all children and vulnerable adults. All priests, deacons, sisters, staff members, and all volunteers who have any contact whatsoever with children and other vulnerable persons are required to be trained through VIRTUS in how to provide a safe environment. These same people receive background screenings in addition to education on how to make the safest environment possible. Diocesan Office of Child Protection Service: 843-261-0430. Diocesan Victim Assistance: 800-921-8122. OLSS Safe Environment Coordinator: 843-249-2356. FAITH FORMATION FULL OF GRACE In this beautiful movie, we see Mary now living her final days on earth, pondering her life with Jesus as she eagerly awaits the return of Peter from his apostolic journeys. This 90 minute movie will be presented on August 18 at 10 AM in classrooms A/B. To REGISTER prior to August 15, or for questions call: Dotty Foss 843-249-5261 or Kim Balbach 910-579-1706 “A breathtaking film and celebration of faith. I have not been moved by a film like this since The Passion of The Christ.” Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P. Editor-in-Chief, Magnificat. There is no fee for this film. CATHOLIC SCRIPTURE STUDY This year’s Catholic Scripture Study will begin on Thursday, September 15th. We will be studying the Book of Isaiah. It is a 26 week course. Classes will be every Thursday from 9:30 - 11:30 AM in classroom A in the Parish Center. The cost for all materials is $55.00 per person. If interested, please call Chris Kleczkowski at 843-399-0057 to register. The last day to register is Friday, August 19th. Thank you. OLSS SPIRITUAL BOOK CLUB The book club meets the 4th Wednesday of the month from 9 am to 11 am in the Youth Group room on the second floor of the Pastoral Center. All books are available on line; or can be special ordered in most book stores; or can be included in the bulk club order. This order is placed 2 months prior to the date of review, and will be available on the month prior to its review. With few exceptions, registrations are not necessary. COME WHEN YOU CAN, KNOW THAT WE WILL MISS YOU WHEN YOU CAN'T. July 27: Swimming In The Sun (Albert Haase, O.F.M.) August 24: The Long Loneliness (Autobiography of Dorothy Day) Sept.28: Beautiful MERCY Dynamic Catholic (Numerous Contributors) To order books, or for any questions call Kim Balbach at 910 579 1706 or [email protected] M’ S G O L S S Men, kindly join us for a positive way to kick start the weekend with light refreshments, HIS gospel works, discussions and fellowship. Free readings sent to your email or at table. Please leave name and email or phone. Fridays, August 12th & 26th at 9:00 - 10:00 AM Parish Hall, Room D ~ Respectfully, Henry Karasch, 910-579-3127, or email at [email protected] Sponsored by the Faith Formation Ministry. Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time CHRISTIAN FORMATION Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church COMMUNITY BUILDING THIS WEEK Legion of Mary 9:00 - 10:00AM Board Games & Cards 12:00 Noon - 4:00PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 - 9:00PM Tue. Jul. 26 Rosary Makers 2:30 - 4:00 PM Hispanic AA Meeting 7:00 - 9:00PM Wed. Jul. 27 Spiritual Book Club 9:00AM - 12:00 Noon Quilters & Crafters 9:00 - 12:00 Noon Hispanic AA Meeting 7:00 - 9:00PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 - 9:00PM Thur. Jul. 28 Thrift Store Drop Off 9:00 - 11:00AM AA Meeting 12:00 Noon - 1:00PM Charismatic Group 2:00PM Our Lady’s Kitchen 4:30 - 6:00PM Columbiettes 6:30 - 8:00PM Fri. Jul. 29 Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 - 4:30PM Church Office Closes at Noon Benediction 4:30 - 5:00PM Sat. Jul. 30 Church Cleaners - between 6:30 -10:00AM Hispanic Deanery Meeting 8:00AM - 2:00PMAA Meeting 8:30 - 10:00 AM Mon. Jul. 25 QUILTERS & SEWERS NEEDED If you sew or quilt, come join the OLSS Quilters Group on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 AM - to 12:00 Noon in Room C. We will teach beginners. All cotton fabric donations are welcome. CRAFT FAIR DONATIONS Do you have any gently used or new jewelry that you no longer want or wear? Please consider donating to the crafters for the fall Craft Fair. Also needed are empty jewelry boxes to display the treasures. Donations may be dropped at the office. Or stop by any Wednesday from 9:00AM to 12Noon and visit us in the Parish Center in room G. We appreciate your support and thank you in advance for your donations. Any questions, call Nanette McCormack @ 843-390-8746. PLEASE COME AND JOIN NEW BEGINNINGS Our goal is to create an environment for widows, widowers and single people in order to enjoy fellowship, social activities and emotional support as needed for surviving spouses and single people through Christian Spirituality. We meet the 1st Tuesday of every month, which always includes an activity/planned event. Please contact Rosemary Hornbuckle at 843-399-3472 if you are interested in joining in on the fellowship of New Beginnings. "Interested in Becoming a Member of the Knights of Columbus, call 843 - 443 -7316." N E W C AN T O R S N E E D E D Please contact John Thorn at 843 734 0223 to audition. R. A M Appreciation and thanks to all the parishioners of Our Lady Star of the Sea for how kind you were to help me thank God for my priesthood; to your Pastor, Fr. Droze, for inviting all brother priests; to the parish for the gifts, especially the gilding of my chalice; and to all for your gifts and kindness. May Our Lord bless you all, Father Andy WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2016 in Myrtle Beach, SC and Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at https://SCMarriageMatters.org or contact us at [email protected] or 803-810-9602. NAMI FAMILY-to-FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Thursday, August 4, 2016 at 6-8 PM in Room “D” in the Parish Activity Center. Our Family Support Group in comprised of adults (caregivers, relatives, friends, etc.) who are concerned about loved ones who suffer from mental illness (i.e. depression, anxiety, psychosis, schizophrenia, etc.) We share ideas and discuss ways and means to help our loved ones and each other. No membership - no fees. All are welcome. Group Facilitators: Ken & Karen - 843-281-0245. O Holy Spirit, Soul of my soul. I adore Thee. Enlighten, guide, Strengthen. And console me, Tell me what I ought to do and command me to do it. I promise to be submissive, in everything that Thou permittest to happen to me, Only show me What is Thy Will. Amen WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT THERE IS ALWAYS MORE! If you are interested in learning more about the graces offered by the Holy Spirit, please join the Charismatic Community, Thursdays at 2:00PM in Classroom D. CMGConnect PARENTS A New Online Learning Tool Brought to You by Catholic Mutual Group KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE ONLINE Internet safety starts with smart parents. Learn how to protect your kids from internet dangers and how to better guide them to wise choices with a quick and free video course from CMGConnect Parents. For more information Go to: www.CMGparent.org to set up a free account. North Strand Helping Hand is in need of a driver for a Monday pickup for Food Lion on Hwy 17 & Mineola in Little River. If interested, call Lorraine Martin at 843-399-0862 . THRIFT STORE PARTNERSHIP Remember to bring your new and/or gently used items to the rear of the parish center on Thursday mornings from 9AM-11AM for pickup by BloomingDeals. For large items, call the church office and arrangements will be made for their pickup from your home. Your continuing support of this successful fundraiser is very much appreciated. Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time COMMUNITY BUILDING G’ Thirsting for Truth?! Join world-renowned presenter of Catholic teaching Christopher West for a hope-filled presentation on God’s plan for the family seen through the lenses of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body & Pope Francis’s Joy of Love. Saturday, July 16, 9 am – 4 pm at Precious Blood of Christ Catholic Church in Pawleys Island. Sponsored by the Dioceses of Charleston Office of Family Life & Precious Blood of Christ Catholic Church. For more info, contact Tara Joseph at 843-833-5479, [email protected] or https://www.facebook.com/ events/598653306979241/) Register at sccatholic.org/living-joy-love “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” - Romans 12: 2 The Grand Strand Citizens for Life, a non-profit Pro-Life group that works to promote a public recognition of the dignity and right to life of every individual from the time of conception to natural death, announces its new website. It not only helps to educate and inform, but can help those that need counseling or abortion alternatives. The new site is interactive with auto-responding emails, a guestbook, photo albums, audio and video clips and links to many services in the Grand Strand area. The new website address is : www.makethelifechoice.org. Please stop by and use the email and guestbook. If you'd like to join us, you can download and print an application and mail with your membership fee, or join online and pay the yearly membership fee online. You can also donate a one time or recurring monthly donation to help their cause. It is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Thank you for your help. You may reach us directly at [email protected] or our group president, Theresa Borkes (member of St. Michael's in Garden City) at: [email protected]. Reason for Optimism for LIFE Following South Dakota's enactment of the most pro-life law in America, Roe v. Wade may well be revisited in the not too distant future. As a result, USA Today recently published an article (based largely on data from the pro-abortion group, the Alan Guttmacher Institute) which predicts what would be likely to happen if Roe v. Wade were overturned and abortion became a state-by-state issue again. The results are quite surprising and positive for LIFE. Only 16 states are likely to continue abortion on demand---any time, any place, for any reason---if Roe v Wade were overturned. This would include seven states on the West Coast and almost every state in the Northeast, but only a third of the U.S population. By contrast, at least 22 states containing half of all Americans would almost definitely enact either complete or near-complete abortion bans, recognizing that the unborn child is a person, deserving of basic human rights like the rest of us. This is very encouraging and underlines the importance of using our influence to enact laws like the Unborn Child Amendment in South Dakota. RETROUVAILLE Retrouvaille (the French word for “rediscovery”), is a program to help married couples who are having difficulties “rediscover” that their marriage and their love for each other is worth saving. This program gives them new communications tools and attempts to re-establish trust and communication in damaged relationships. Have you ever participated in a Retrouvaille program, have you been on a weekend and want to join in furthering this program in our diocese, or are you interested in attending? If so, please contact the Office of Family Life at [email protected] or (803) 547-5063. FAMILY AND RESPECT LIFE WORKSHOP Save the date for the upcoming Family and Respect Life Workshop on September 17, 2016 at St. John Neumann Catholic School located at 721 Polo Road Columbia, SC. Registration begins at 9 am, followed by Mass at 10 am celebrated by Bishop Guglielmone. The conference will conclude at 4 pm. A $10 donation is suggested. Respect Life Coordinators at no cost. GROW YOUR FAITH Are you looking for a way to grow in your relationship with Christ? Would you like to better understand Catholic teaching on moral issues? Do you want to get more involved in service to families? Or maybe you are a ministry leader who needs continuing education or a parent looking for ways to strengthen your family? One of the best things you can do for yourself is to sign up for Family Honor’s online course, The Truth and Meaning of Sexuality, Love and Family. This online course provides useful information on topics relating to chastity education, child development, the family, theology of the body and current moral issues. Plus, the flexible online format works with your busy schedule. Go to: www.FamilyHonor.org and click the Training tab. Questions? Call or email the Family Honor office: 803.929.0858 or [email protected] Summer Semester starts June 1 and ends August 31. Created in 1988, Family Honor provides and promotes a family-centered Catholic approach to chastity education. The organization is based in South Carolina and has teams of adult presenters in nine states who deliver a variety of programs to parents and teens at parishes across the country. PRESENTING THE GIFTS If you would like to present the gifts at one of the weekend Masses, please sign your name & phone number in the SignUp Book located on the table in the rear of the Church. Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church STEWARDSHIP SOCIAL OUTREACH OLSS LIFE CHANGING MINISTRY Please Take Me Shopping With You Your Help Is A Blessing To Those In Need Toilet Paper Mac & Cheese Can Tomato Prod. Can Fruit Box Mashed Potato Can Potatoes Stuffing Mix Salad Dressing Hamburger Helper Grits / Rice Tuna / Chicken Cereal, Hot or Cold Peanut Butter/Jelly Cake/Cookie Mix Catsup, Mayo, Mustard Pancake Mix/Syrup Saltine Crackers Can Tomato Prod. Sugar/Flour Cleaning Products Pers. Hygiene Prod. Can Vegetables “For I was Hungry and you gave me food…” OLSS OUTREACH MINISTRY Thank you for your continued support for OUR LADY’S KITCHEN and our families in the Food Distribution Program. Our need is still great. Many have had hours cut from work, putting another strain on the family income this winter season. Our Food Security program and Our Lady’s Kitchen has been a real life support for the families who struggle to make ends meet. Your financial donations and food contributions are our only means of support for this growing need in the North Myrtle Beach Communities. These programs could not exist without You Thank You and May God Continue to Bless You. We Can’t Help Everyone. But Everyone Can Help Someone. COLUMBARIUM AND PRAYER GARDEN Spend some quiet, prayerful time in this beautiful and holy place. Niches are $3,000 for one or $5,500 for two. No-interest financing is available. To reserve a niche or for more information, call or stop by the Church Office. OLSS Book & Gift Center Shop Hours are: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 12:00 Noon and before & after Weekend Masses E-Mail: [email protected] 843-249-2356 Ext.16 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS June 19, 2016 Offertory Budget Variance YTD Offertory YTD Budget YTD Variance $ 22,655.11 $ 22,600.00 $ 55.11 $ 75,135.64 $ 75,000.00 $ 135.64 Second Collection: Infirm Priests: $ 5,516.00 SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND Mission Appeal Fr. Anthony Benjamine, who is serving in our Diocese, will be speaking at all Masses on behalf of his home Diocese in Sivagangai, India. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Bishop’s Annual Appeal ONLINE GIVING If you have never used the convenience of Online Giving, why not make your life simpler and give it a try. Go to www.olssnmb.com, click on the Online Giving button, and at the top of the page follow the instructions. If you do not have a computer or are not comfortable using one, paper forms are available in the church office and we will do all the work for you. * Direct Debit from your checking, savings, credit or debit card * Recurring or one-time donations * Your complete online giving history available to you 24/7 * All payment information is encrypted * PC1 Level 1 Compliant Service Provider. BOOK OF INTENTIONS If someone you know is in need of our prayers, please enter their name(s) in the book located in the Holy Family alcove. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS It is a great joy to welcome our new members to our parish family. Please register as soon as possible in order to find out about our various programs, ministries and activities. Just drop this form in the collection basket and we will send you a detailed Registration Form. Or you may stop by the Church Office and complete a Registration Form. Name_____________________________________ Address___________________________________ City_______________________St_______Zip____ Telephone___________________________________ Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora Estrella del Mar DECIMO SEPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO EL PODER DE LA ORACION (Evangelio de San Lucas 11, 1-13) Queridos Hermanos: La Liturgia de este Domingo nos presenta el gran poder que tiene la Oración, si nosotros le pedimos con fe a Dios cuando acudimos a El. Especialmente, la Liturgia nos presenta como Jesús nos enseña a orar a través de la Oración del "Padre Nuestro". Por lo tanto; ayudado del Internet, quiero compartir la siguiente meditación del "Padre Nuestro". "Padre Nuestro que estás en los cielos"...Pero, ¿Cómo puedes decir Padre Nuestro, sin recordar que todos son tus hermanos, cómo puedes decir que estás en el cielo, si tú no sabes que el cielo es la paz , que el cielo es el amor a todos?... "Santificado sea tu Nombre..." Recuerda que: Santificado significa: Digno de respeto, Santo, Sagrado. "Venga a nosotros tu reino, hágase tu voluntad , así en la tierra como en el cielo..." ¿Y que es lo que tú haces para que eso suceda?...Que tal el hecho de que tratas a tus hermanos igual que como gastas tu dinero, el mucho tiempo que miras la televisión, las revelaciones por las que corres detrás, y el poco tiempo que dedicas a Dios?... Si estás pidiendo la voluntad de Dios, tienes que aceptar el frío, el sol, la lluvia, la naturaleza , la comunidad, tus vecinos, las tristezas y las alegrías..."Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día"... Pero recuerda que, "No solo de pan vive el hombre, sino de toda palabra que sale de la boca de Dios"...Por lo tanto; preocúpese más por el pan espiritual que por el pan material; vive mucho más de la Palabra de Dios, vive más la Sagrada Eucaristía. Recuerda ayudar a los pobres y necesitados...El pan y la comida se deben compartir... "Perdona nuestras ofensas, así como nosotros perdonamos aquellos que nos han ofendido..." ...Reflexiona; si tú eres capaz y estás dispuesto a perdonar a tus enemigos...¿No haz pensado en la venganza y desquite?...Recuerda, que la venganza no es tan dulce como parece. Piensa en la tristeza que más te causaría, piensa en tu tristeza de ahora, piensa en tu tristeza y soledad del después. Es importante un cambio interior, una actitud de perdón... Solo basta con que tú lo quieras!! Por eso; perdona a tu hermano, perdona a quien te ha ofendido, y así; Dios también te perdonará de todas tus culpas y pecados. Porque de lo contrario; si no lo haces, entonces no le pida a Dios que te perdone...Porque para que Dios perdone nuestros pecados, es necesario que nosotros perdonemos a nuestros enemigos. Dios es maravilloso y siempre nos ofrece su perdón, su amor y su misericordia. " Líbranos de caer en la tentación mas líbranos de todo mal"... Si eso quieres, entonces, deja de andar en compañía de personas que llevan a participar de cosas malas, intrigas, injurias, que alimentan siempre el odio y la discriminación. Abandona la maldad, el odio, el desamor, el desapego... muchas cosas que tú sabes que te hacen daño. Todo eso te va a librar del camino errado; pero...No uses todo esto como salida de emergencia!! ... Porque muchas veces, entras en el error por tu terquedad, y después corres a pedirle auxilio y socorro a Dios. "AMÉN!"... Recuerdas o sabes lo que quiere decir Amén?...Es el final de la oración!.. Y por lo tanto; tú debes decir AMEN, cuando aceptas todo lo que Dios quiere... Cuando estás de acuerdo con la voluntad de Dios, cuando sigues sus mandamientos y enseñanzas... Porque, AMEN, quiere decir , ASÍ SEA... Es decir; tú estás de acuerdo con Dios... y haces todo lo que El te manda... y tú estás dispuesto a obedecer a Dios... Recuerda que Dios siempre nos bendice, nos ama y nos perdona siempre. Pidámosle a la Virgen María, para que Ella, nos ayude a meditar y vivir esta bella oración que Cristo nos enseñó, como es la Oración del Padre Nuestro. Dios los bendiga. Padre Orlando. EVANGELIZACION CATEQUESIS PARA ADULTOS (R.I.C.A.) El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos es un proceso de conversión y crecimiento espiritual, que toma tiempo, en nuestra relación con Dios y la Iglesia. Es un camino de fe donde los adultos están totalmente bienvenidos en la Iglesia Católica. Si usted está interesado en la exploración de una relación con Jesucristo y se a preguntado acerca de la Iglesia Católica, o convirtiéndose a la fe católica, la iniciación en la Iglesia Católica a través de la celebración de los sacramentos del Bautismo, Confirmación y Eucaristía. LE DAMOS UNA CORDIAL BIENVENIDA! Para obtener más información acerca del proceso, R.I.C.A. por favor póngase en contacto con la Hermana Glafira Ortega a los teléfonos 843-742-0341 o 249-2356. SE RETOMAN LAS CLASES DE RICA EL DIA MARTES, AGOSTO 9 DEL 2016. Decimo Septimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario COMPARATIENDO NOTICIAS….. CONFERENCIA II – 2016 “Lanzando Las Redes de Misericordia” Agosto 13 del 2016 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center 1101 Lincoln St.; Columbia, SC 29201 Escuela de la Fe “Cristo Maestro” Diócesis de Charleston *Requerido a todo estudiante de la Escuela de la Fe *Abierto a todos aunque aún no sean estudiantes *Santa Misa de clausura con el Sr. Obispo, Robert E. Guglielmone. El Año de la Misericordia promulgado por el Papa Francisco, nos llama a la acción evangelizadora de salvar almas para Dios dentro de ministerios eclesiales realizados con mucha misericordia comoCristo lo hizo durante su vida pública. Diferentes Talleres ● Costo de la Conferencia: $20.00 / Niños no pagan ● Si ya pago por la Conferencia, al llegar al Centro de Convenciones solo diga su apellido y nombre en las mesas de inscripción (mantenemos record de asistencia de estudiantes) ● Si todavía no se ha inscrito, lo puede hacer ese mismo día al llegar al Centro de Convenciones ● Cada familia es responsable de sus hijos ● Opciones para Almuerzo: -Si trae lonchera dejarla en su coche-Hay venta de comida en el local -Ir a un restaurant cercano ● Habrán ventas de artículos religiosos, CD’s, DVD, libros sobre oración y ministerios litúrgicos, etc. Documentos eclesiales que estarán de venta El Vaticano II será estudiado en la Primavera 2017. Más información: ● Ana Hidalgo, Th. M. Supervisora Diocesana Escuela de la Fe 803-750-0065/[email protected] • José Tello, Miembro Equipo de Conferencia 803-309-8729. • Visite la página web: sccatholic.org/escuela-de-la-fe-“cristo-maestro” * Pulse en opciones a la izquierda. • Escriba a Escuela de la Fe, Ministerio Hispano 2800 Bush River Rd. Suite #5 Columbia SC 29210. Escuela de la Fe “Cristo Maestro” Centro Columbia Diócesis de Charleston Oficina de Ministerio Hispano Para Hispanos mayores de 18 años ofrecidas por instructores de conocimiento teológico. Conoce y fortalece tu fe cristiano-católica a través de estudios teológicos. 3601 37th Av N. & Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach,,S.C los 2dos.y 4tos.Jueves de cada mes; 7:00–9:00 pm Más información: Coordinador Local: Vicente Aguirre 843-251-7928 Supervisora Diocesana: Ana Hidalgo 803-750-0065 [email protected] 2800 Bush River Rd Suite #5 Columbia, SC 29210 Pagina web: sccatholic.org/escuela-de-la-fe-“cristo-maestro” pulse en opciones lado izquierdo La Escuela de la Fe reanuda sus clases siempre abiertas a participantes nuevos. Los que ya son estudiantes o no han seguido, les exhortamos continúen su formación. Curso 9: El Nuevo Testamento Agosto 8 y 22 / Septiembre 12 y 26 Curso 10: Cristología Oct 10 y 24 / Noviembre 14 y 28 EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO Todos los Jueves hay Hora Santa, Exposición y Bendición con el Santísimo. A las 7:00 PM. INFORMACION Si necesita alguna información para algún Sacramento o alguna Celebración Litúrgica, favor comunicarse con el Padre Orlando Cheverria Teléf.: 843-226-6958. EL SANTO ROSARIO Si alguien desea llevar la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe y rezar el santo rosario durante la semana por favor llamar a Esmeralda Alfaro al 843-421-5291. BAUTISMOS La próxima clase para la preparación del sacramento del Bautismo, será el Martes, 26 de Julio a las 6:30 P.M. (Seis y treinta de la tarde). Deben asistir papás y padrinos. Los padrinos deben ser católicos y casados por la Iglesia Católica, o solteros. (Favor no traer niños porque hacen mucho ruido). Los papás deben hablar antes de la preparación, con el Padre Orlando. MATRIMONIOS Las parejas que deseen contraer el Sacramento del Matrimonio, pueden participar en la formación el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes de 7:00 - 9:00PM. Para mas información comuníquese con la Hermana Glafira Ortega a los teléfonos 843-742-0341 o 249-2356. QUINCEAÑERA Para la celebración de una Quinceañera, los papás y familiares deben informar al Padre Orlando, al 843226-6958 o al 843-249-8514 mínimo tres meses de anticipación, para hacer la preparación necesaria. CONFESIONES Las Confesiones se realizarán todos los Domingos después de Misa o por cita, favor llamar al Padre Orlando, si necesita el Sacramento de la Confesión. CORO ~ Practica del coro todos los Miércoles a las 7:00 PM. Para mas información por favor contáctese con Juan Beltrán al 843-855-5100. Les invitamos a participar. Colecta de la Semana Julio 17, 2016 Colección Total $ 22,655.11 Colección de la Comunidad Hispana incluida en el Total $ 734.00 Gracias por su Colaboración.
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