GENERAL ELECTION SCAN SAMPLE BALLOT AND VOTER’S PAMPHLET TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014 POLLS OPEN 7:00 A.M.— 8:00 P.M. OCTOBER 20, 2014 LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION COMPILED BY: BRANDI L. ORTH, FRESNO COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COMPILADA POR BRANDI L. ORTH, OFICIAL DEL REGISTRO CIVIL/REGISTRADORA DE ELECTORES DEL CONDADO DE FRESNO VOTE HERE VOTE AQUÍ OCTOBER 28, 2014 LAST DAY TO REQUEST TO VOTE BY MAIL IN THIS ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 2014 BY 8:00PM DATE AND TIME VOTE BY MAIL BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY A FRESNO COUNTY ELECTIONS OFFICIAL 20 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2014 ULTIMO DIA PARA REGISTRARSE PARA VOTAR EN ESTA ELECCIÓN Location on back cover Vea la portada posterior ELECCIÓN GENERAL BOLETA DE MUESTRA Y FOLLETO DEL ELECTOR 28 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2014 MARTES, 4 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2014 ULTIMO DIA PARA SOLICITAR PARA VOTAR POR CORREO EN ESTA ELECCIÓN LAS URNAS ABREN DE 7:00 A.M.— 8:00 P.M. F O R M O R E V OT I N G I N F O R M AT I O N C O N TA C T: F R E S N O C O U N T Y C L E R K / R E G I S T R A R O F VOT E R S 2 2 2 1 K E R N S T R E E T * F R E S N O, C A 9 3 7 2 1 ( 5 5 9 ) 6 0 0 - 8 6 8 3 * 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 4 2 - 1 0 1 1 * w w w. c o . f r e s n o . c a . u s / e l e c t i o n s PARA INFORMACIÓN SOBRE EL PROCESO DE VOTACIÓN, FAVOR DE LLAMAR AL TELÉFONO 600-8683 O SIN CARGO AL 1-800-742-1011 4 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2014 HASTA LAS 8:00PM FECHA Y HORA EN QUE LAS BOLETAS DE VOTO POR CORREO DEBEN SER RECIBIDAS POR UN FUNCIONARIO ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE FRESNO FRESNO FC RESNO OUNTY FC RESNO OUNTY CR OUNTY EGISTRAR CR OUNTY EGISTRAR REGISTRAR ROF EGISTRAR VOF OTERS VOF OTERS VOF OTERS VOTERS Fresno County Registrar ofFVRESNO oters / Registro de Votantes del Condado de Fresno instructions for voting at the polls / INSTRUCCIONES PARA VOTAR EN LAS CASILLAS 1. Say your name and 2. Sign Roster 3. Mark Ballot 4. Place Ballot in 5. Take Ballot 1. Diga su Nombre 2. Firme la Lista 3. Marque la 4. Coloque la Boleta 5. Lleve la Boleta address out loud y Dirección en Voz Alta de Electores Boleta Electoral Secrecy Folder to Ballot Box Electoral en el Sobre de Seguridad Electoral a la Urna Electoral MARK YOUR BALLOT CORRECTLY / MARQUE SU BOLETA ELECTORAL CORRECTAMENTE Only use the marking pen provided / Sólo use el marcador que se le proporciona TO VOTE ON A MEASURE Completely blacken the oval next to the word YES or NO. MEASURE X Shall baseball games be played on Tuesdays? YES NO TO VOTE FOR A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE Completely blacken the oval next to the blank line. Clearly print the name of the write-in candidate on the line. TO VOTE FOR A CANDIDATE Completely blacken the oval next to the candidate of your choice. CITY COUNCILMEMBER Vote for ONE (1) JACKIE ROBINSON Baseball Player PEGGY FLEMING Figure Skater USAIN BOLT Sprinter Do not vote for more candidates than allowed. Otherwise, none of your votes for that office will be counted. PARA VOTAR POR UNA MEDIDA Rellene completamente el óvalo junto a la palabra SÍ o NO. GOVERNOR Vote for ONE (1) GEORGE WASHINGTON ABRAHAM LINCOLN MEDIDA X ¿Los partidos de béisbol se deben jugar los martes? JOHN F. KENNEDY Only votes for pre-qualified write-in candidates will be counted. SÍ NO PARA VOTAR POR UN CANDIDATO POR ESCRITO Rellene completamente el óvalo junto a la línea en blanco. Escriba claramente el nombre del candidato en la línea. PARA VOTAR POR UN CANDIDATO Rellene completamente el óvalo junto al candidato de su elección. MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL Vote for ONE (1) JACKIE ROBINSON Jugador de Béisbol PEGGY FLEMING Patinador Artístico USAIN BOLT Velocista No vote por más candidatos que los que están permitidos. De lo contrario, no se contará ninguno de sus votos para ese cargo. GOBERNADOR Vote por UNO (1) GEORGE WASHINGTON ABRAHAM LINCOLN JOHN F. KENNEDY Sólo se contarán los votos para los candidatos por escrito precalificados. IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE ON YOUR BALLOT / SI SE EQUIVOCA EN LA BOLETA ELECTORAL If you make a mistake on your ballot, return it to the poll worker who will invalidate the ballot and issue you another one. Si comete un error en la boleta electoral, devuélvala al trabajador electoral, quien invalidará la boleta y le entregará una nueva. COUNTY OF FRESNO COUNTY CLERK / REGISTRAR OF VOTERS BRANDI L. ORTH September 30, 2014 Dear Registered Voter: The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. By registering to vote and voting, you have decided to participate in one of the fundamental elements of democracy, the opportunity to vote and participate in deciding the future of your State, County, City and local communities. This General Election includes contests for Federal, State, and over 73 local offices as well as 6 statewide propositions and 8 local measures. To assist you in your voting experience, this Sample Ballot and Voter’s Pamphlet provides ballot marking instructions, polling place hours, candidate and measure information, and other election details that are important for you to review before you vote. You may mark your selections on your Sample Ballot and take it with you to the polls for easy reference while casting your vote. The many different types of races on this ballot have caused a different configuration of voting precincts from the June 2014 election. Please note your polling place location may have changed, and you are urged to follow the large red arrow on the cover of this pamphlet to the back cover where your specific polling location is listed for this election. As is customary, starting October 6, 2014 our office at 2221 Kern Street, Fresno will serve as a polling location, within the hours of 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. You may come in and vote at our office or pick up a vote-by-mail ballot to take home with you. For your additional voting convenience we will also be open on Saturday, November 1, 2014, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. We will also continue to establish approximately ten drive-through voted ballot drop off locations throughout Fresno County. Those locations will be posted on our website. This, and other pertinent information can be found at: or call us at 559-600-VOTE (8683). The Registrar of Voters team is here to serve the registered voters of Fresno County in a uniform, consistent and accessible manner with the highest level of integrity. Thank you for participating in this election – your vote counts! Brandi L. Orth County Clerk/Registrar of Voters FR 061-001 IMPORTANT VOTER NOTICE Proposition 34, was adopted by the voters at the November 7, 2000 General Election. Provisions of this law limit the amount of contributions by individuals and other entities and requires all candidates running for statewide office, State Assembly and Senate to declare whether they will voluntarily limit their campaign expenditures. Candidates who voluntarily limit their campaign expenditures in accordance with Proposition 34, may submit a candidate statement for inclusion in the sample ballot booklet. Following is a list of legislative candidates who have agreed to voluntary spending limits: Office State Senator State Senator State Senator State Assembly District 8 8 12 31 Candidate Name Tom Berryhill Paulina Miranda Shawn K. Bagley Walter O. Villarreal Party Republican✪ Democratic Democratic✪ No Party Preference ✪ Denotes the candidates on the following pages who also submitted statements. The statements were printed at the expense of the candidate and have not been edited or verified for accuracy by the elections official. No corrections have been made for spelling and grammar. PARTY ENDORSEMENTS Proposition 14, approved by the voters in 2010, authorizes political parties to endorse candidates to Voter-Nominated offices. This pamphlet contains the official endorsements that were received by the deadline and are printed as submitted. The endorsements listed below may not be from the same political party that the candidate prefers. Please refer to the official ballot to view the candidate’s political preference. The Republican Party endorses the following candidate(s). Candidate Name Party Preference Office Neel Kashkari Republican Governor Ron Nehring Republican Lieutenant Governor Pete Peterson RepublicanSecretary of State Ronald Gold RepublicanAttorney General Greg Conlon Republican State Treasurer Ashley Swearengin RepublicanState Controller Ted Gaines RepublicanInsurance Commissioner George Runner RepublicanBoard of Equalization District 1 Tom McClintock RepublicanCongressional District 4 Johnny Tacherra RepublicanCongressional District 16 David Valadao RepublicanCongressional District 21 Devin G. Nunes RepublicanCongressional District 22 Tom Berryhill Republican State Senate District 8 Jim Patterson RepublicanState Assembly District 23 The American Independent Party endorses the following candidate(s). Candidate Name Party Preference Office Pete Peterson RepublicanSecretary of State Ronald Gold RepublicanAttorney General Ashley Swearengin RepublicanState Controller Ted Gaines RepublicanInsurance Commissioner George Runner RepublicanBoard of Equalization District 1 Tom McClintock RepublicanCongressional District 4 Jim Patterson RepublicanState Assembly District 23 34PARTY The Democratic Party endorses the following candidate(s). Candidate Name Party Preference Office Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown DemocraticGovernor Gavin Newsom DemocraticLieutenant Governor Alex Padilla DemocraticSecretary of State Kamala D. Harris DemocraticAttorney General John Chiang DemocraticState Treasurer Betty T. Yee DemocraticState Controller Dave Jones DemocraticInsurance Commissioner Chris R. Parker DemocraticBoard of Equalization District 1 Jim Costa Democratic Congressional District 16 Amanda Renteria Democratic Congressional District 21 Suzanna “Sam” Aguilera-Marrero Democratic Congressional District 22 Paulina Miranda Democratic State Senate District 8 Shawn Bagley Democratic State Senate District 12 Luis Chavez Democratic State Senate District 14 Henry T. Perea Democratic State Assembly District 31 The following abbreviations for Party Preference are printed on the Official Ballot: DEM – Democratic LIB – Libertarian REP – Republican PF – Peace and Freedom AI – American Independent AE – Americans Elect GRN – Green None – no abbreviation The political parties are listed in the order of the State Randomized Alphabetical Drawing FR 061-002 Elections in California California law requires that all candidates for a voter-nominated office be listed on the same ballot.Voter-nominated offices are state legislative offices, U.S. congressional offices, and state constitutional offices. In both the open primary and general elections, you can vote for any candidate, regardless of what party preference you indicated on your voter registration form. In the primary election, the two candidates receiving the most votes—regardless of party preference—move on to the general election regardless of vote totals. If a candidate receives a majority of the vote (50 percent + 1), a general election still must be held. Even if there are only two candidates for an office in the open primary, a general election for that office is still required. California’s open primary system does not apply to candidates running for U.S. President, county central committee, or local offices. California law requires the following information to be printed in this notice. Voter-Nominated Offices Political parties are not entitled to formally nominate candidates for voter-nominated offices at the primary election. A candidate nominated for a voter-nominated office at the primary election is the nominee of the people and not the official nominee of any party at the general election. A candidate for nomination to a voter-nominated office shall have his or her party preference, or lack of party preference, stated on the ballot, but the party preference designation is selected solely by the candidate and is shown for the information of the voters only. It does not mean the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the party designated, or that there is an affiliation between the party and candidate, and no candidate nominated by the voters shall be deemed to be the officially nominated candidate of any political party. In the county sample ballot booklet, parties may list the candidates for voter-nominated offices who have received the party’s official endorsement. Any voter may vote for any candidate for a voter-nominated office, if they meet the other qualifications required to vote for that office. The top two vote-getters at the primary election move on to the general election for the voter-nominated office even if both candidates have specified the same party preference designation. No party is entitled to have a candidate with its party preference designation move on to the general election, unless the candidate is one of the two highest vote- getters at the primary election. Nonpartisan Offices Political parties are not entitled to nominate candidates for nonpartisan offices at the primary election, and a candidate at the primary election is not the official nominee of any party for the specific office at the general election. A candidate for nomination to a nonpartisan office may not designate his or her party preference, or lack of party preference, on the ballot. The top two vote-getters at the primary election move on to the general election for the nonpartisan office. CATOP-2 FR 061-003 Party Preference: REP NO FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FR 061-004 FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT GREG CONLON YES DEM DEM Party Preference: Party Preference: Governor NO Shall STANFORD UNIVERSITY LAW PROFESSOR MARIANOFLORENTINO CUÉLLAR be elected to the office for the term provided by law? YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GENE M. GOMES be elected to the office for the term provided by law? JOHN CHIANG EWSOM SECRETARY OF STATE Vote for One DEM TREASURER Vote for One Party Preference: FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT ADILLA NO REP YES Party Preference: DEM TERSON Party Preference: State Senator BETTY T. YEE Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE ROSENDO PEÑA, JR. be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE KATHRYN MICKLE WERDEGAR be elected to the office for the term provided by law? YES NO REP 6$03/( %$//27 Party Preference: nstitute Director ASHLEY SWEARENGIN FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT CONTROLLER Vote for One CONTROLLER Vote for One FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE KATHRYN MICKLE WERDEGAR be elected to the office for the term provided by law? YES NO NO REP YES Shall STANFORD UNIVERSITY LAW PROFESSOR MARIANOFLORENTINO CUÉLLAR be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Party Preference: Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE ROSENDO PEÑA, JR. be elected to the Party Preference: REP office for the term provided by law? DEM FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT NO Party Preference: NO Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GOODWIN LIU be elected to the office for the term provided by law? YES NO YES SWEARENGIN REP FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GENE M. GOMES be elected to the office for the term provided by law? YES JUDICIAL VOTE YES OR NO Party Preference: . YEE REP DEM DEM PETE PETERSON California State Controller FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Party Preference: DEM California State Board of Equalization Member Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE DENNIS A. CORNELL be elected to the office for the term provided by law? REP Party Preference: Mayor/CEO Businessman/Broadcast Executive NO Party Preference: ALEX PADILLA Educator/Institute Director JIM PATTERSON FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT SECRETARY OF STATE Vote for One California State Senator YES Lieutenant Governor FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT GAVIN NEWSOM DISTRICT 23 Vote for One NO Small Businessman/Educator MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY NO RON NEHRING Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE DONALD R. FRANSON, JR. be elected to the office for the term provided by law? LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Vote for One YES REP FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Party Preference: Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE STEPHEN J. KANE be elected to the office for the term provided by law? DEM YES Party Preference: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT NO. 15 Vote for One Businessman RACHEL HILL NEEL KASHKARI Federal Attorney Governor of California SCHOOL EDMUND G. "JERRY" BROWN LISA M. GAMOIAN GOVERNOR Vote for One Chief District Attorney Write-in SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Vote for One TOM TORLAKSON Educator/California Superintendent MARSHALL TUCK Educator/Schools' Executive Write-in BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 1 Vote for One ISMAEL HERRERA Educator/Administrator BT-061-F KEITH EUBANKS Incumbent Write-In All voters, regardless of the party preference they disclosed upon registration, or refusal to disclose a party preference, may vote for any candidate for a voter-nominated or nonpartisan office. The party preference, if any, designated by a candidate for a voter-nominated office is selected by the candidate and is shown for the information of the voters only. It does not imply that the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the party or that the party approves of the candidate. The party preference, if any, of a candidate for a nonpartisan office does not appear on the ballot. STATE O Party Preference: DEM Party Preference: Party Preference: REP DEM VOTE BOTH SIDES Party Preference: Party Preference: Voter-Nominated and Nonpartisan Offices REP DEM VOTE LIKE THIS: Party Preference: Party Preference: REP DEM Party Preference: Party Preference: REP REP Party Preference: Party Preference: DEM 1. To vote you must completely darken the oval next to your choice. You must use a black pen, blue pen or No. 2 pencil. 2. If you make a mistake or prefer a Spanish ballot, contact the Elections Office at (559) 600-8683 or ask the precinct officer at your polling location. 3. To vote for a qualified person whose name is not on the ballot, completely darken the oval AND write in the qualified name on the write-in line for that race. State Board of Equalization Member TREASURER Vote for One State Controller ONLON HIANG man/CPA ATTORNEY GENERAL Vote for One eneral of California A D. HARRIS Attorney D GOLD NSURANCE COMMISSIONER Vote for One ONES Commissioner NES nt Insurance Agent ARD OF EQUALIZATION MEMBER DISTRICT 1 Vote for One ARKER ssional/Educator State Board of Equalization E RUNNER FEDERAL TED STATES REPRESENTATIVE INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Party Preference: FRONT Card 309 RptPct 375-10 "0000428A" English ONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 16 Vote for One TA TACHERRA STATE STATE SENATOR DISTRICT 8 Vote for One presentative gislator RRYHILL A MIRANDA woman OFFICIAL BALLOT NOVEMBER 4, 2014, GENERAL ELECTION FRESNO COUNTY YES California State Board of Equalization Member FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT TREASURER Vote for One Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GENE M. GOMES be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Party Preference: DEM GREG CONLON Party Preference: REP California State Controller Businessman/CPA YES NO FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE DENNIS A. CORNELL be elected to the office for the term provided by law? ATTORNEY GENERAL Vote for One YES KAMALA D. HARRIS Party Preference: DEM RONALD GOLD Party Preference: REP Attorney General of California California Attorney NO FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE DONALD R. FRANSON, JR. be elected to the office for the term provided by law? YES INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Vote for One DAVE JONES Party Preference: DEM TED GAINES Party Preference: REP Independent Insurance Agent NO FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE STEPHEN J. KANE be elected to the office for the term provided by law? YES BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEMBER DISTRICT 1 Vote for One NO JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT NO. 15 Vote for One CHRIS PARKER Party Preference: DEM RACHEL HILL GEORGE RUNNER Party Preference: REP LISA M. GAMOIAN Tax Professional/Educator Member, State Board of Equalization Federal Attorney Chief District Attorney Write-in FEDERAL UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE SCHOOL CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 16 Vote for One SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Vote for One JIM COSTA Party Preference: DEM TOM TORLAKSON JOHNNY TACHERRA Party Preference: REP MARSHALL TUCK Farmer/Representative Farmer STATE SENATOR BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 1 Vote for One DISTRICT 8 Vote for One ISMAEL HERRERA TOM BERRYHILL Party Preference: REP PAULINA MIRANDA Party Preference: DEM Businesswoman Educator/Schools' Executive Write-in STATE Farmer/Legislator Educator/California Superintendent Educator/Administrator KEITH EUBANKS Incumbent Write-In 6$03/( %$//27 JOHN CHIANG Insurance Commissioner NO FRONT Card 309 RptPct 375-10 "0000428A" English BT-061-F FR 061-005 BRIAN PACHECO School Trustee/Farmer BLONG XIONG Fresno Councilmember District 1 Write-in BT-061-B MEASURES SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS STATE 1. WATER BOND. FUNDING FOR WATER QUALITY, SUPPLY, TREATMENT, AND STORAGE PROJECTS. Authorizes $7.545 billion in general obligation bonds for state water supply infrastructure projects, including surface and groundwater storage, ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration, and drinking water protection. Fiscal Impact: Increased state bond costs averaging $360 million annually over 40 years. Local government savings for water-related projects, likely averaging a couple hundred million dollars annually over the next few decades. YES NO 2. STATE BUDGET. BUDGET STABILIZATION ACCOUNT. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Requires annual transfer of state general fund revenues to budget stabilization account. Requires half the revenues be used to repay state debts. Limits use of remaining funds to emergencies or budget deficits. Fiscal Impact: Long-term state savings from faster payment of existing debts. Different levels of state budget reserves, depending on economy and decisions by elected officials. Smaller local reserves for some school districts. YES NO 45. HEALTHCARE INSURANCE. RATE CHANGES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires Insurance Commissioner’s approval before health insurer can change its rates or anything else affecting the charges associated with health insurance. Provides for public notice, disclosure, and hearing, and subsequent judicial review. Exempts employer large group health plans. Fiscal Impact: Increased state NO FR 061-006 eraging a couple hundred million dollars annually over des. SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 1 Vote for One YES NO COUNTY 6$03/( %$//27 Write-In ET. BUDGET STABILIZATION ACCOUNT. ONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Requires annual eneral fund revenues to budget stabilization account. revenues be used to repay state debts. Limits use of o emergencies or budget deficits. Fiscal Impact: avings from faster payment of existing debts. state budget reserves, depending on economy and ed officials. Smaller local reserves for some school Incumbent To ensure the continuing success of Fresno Chaffee Zoo by providing necessary funding for repairs and maintenance, improved animal care, continuing the zoo’s Species Survival and Children’s Education Programs, maintaining low entrance fees, improving visitor amenities, and providing animals with safer more spacious natural habitats; shall Fresno County voters extend the existing 1/10th of one percent sales tax for ten additional years, with all proceeds exclusively for Fresno Chaffee Zoo? NO GEORGE H. WILSON, JR. RE INSURANCE. RATE CHANGES. INITIATIVE res Insurance Commissioner’s approval before change its rates or anything else affecting the d with health insurance. Provides for public notice, earing, and subsequent judicial review. Exempts oup health plans. Fiscal Impact: Increased state ts to regulate health insurance, likely not exceeding dollars annually in most years, funded from fees urance companies. Manager Z. KEEP OUR ZOO. NO RICHARD ATKINS ALCOHOL TESTING OF DOCTORS. MEDICAL AWSUITS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires drug Requires review of statewide prescription database controlled substances. Increases $250,000 in medical negligence lawsuits for inflation. Fiscal d local government costs from raising the cap on ce damages ranging from tens of millions to several ollars annually, offset to some extent by savings from ealth care providers. School Bus Driver COUNTY NO ENTENCES. MISDEMEANOR PENALTIES. UTE. Requires misdemeanor sentence instead of drug and property offenses. Inapplicable to persons on for serious or violent crime and registered sex Impact: State and county criminal justice savings igh hundreds of millions of dollars annually. State school truancy and dropout prevention, mental health use treatment, and victim services. BECKY VANONI NO BACK Card 309 RptPct 375-10 "0000428A" English MING COMPACTS. REFERENDUM. A “Yes” vote No” vote rejects, tribal gaming compacts between the h Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot act: One-time payments ($16 million to $35 million) nnual payments ($10 million) from Indian tribes to vernments to address costs related to the operation NO CENTRAL UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER TRUSTEE AREA 4 Vote for One YES NO YES 6$03/( %$//27 45. HEALTHCARE INSURANCE. RATE CHANGES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires Insurance Commissioner’s approval before health insurer can change its rates or anything else affecting the charges associated with health insurance. Provides for public notice, disclosure, and hearing, and subsequent judicial review. Exempts employer large group health plans. Fiscal Impact: Increased state administrative costs to regulate health insurance, likely not exceeding the low millions of dollars annually in most years, funded from fees paid by health insurance companies. NO 46. DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF DOCTORS. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE LAWSUITS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires drug testing of doctors. Requires review of statewide prescription database before prescribing controlled substances. Increases $250,000 pain/suffering cap in medical negligence lawsuits for inflation. Fiscal Impact: State and local government costs from raising the cap on medical malpractice damages ranging from tens of millions to several hundred million dollars annually, offset to some extent by savings from requirements on health care providers. YES NO 47. CRIMINAL SENTENCES. MISDEMEANOR PENALTIES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires misdemeanor sentence instead of felony for certain drug and property offenses. Inapplicable to persons with prior conviction for serious or violent crime and registered sex offenders. Fiscal Impact: State and county criminal justice savings potentially in the high hundreds of millions of dollars annually. State savings spent on school truancy and dropout prevention, mental health and substance abuse treatment, and victim services. YES NO 48. INDIAN GAMING COMPACTS. REFERENDUM. A “Yes” vote approves, and a “No” vote rejects, tribal gaming compacts between the state and the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot Tribe. Fiscal Impact: One-time payments ($16 million to $35 million) and for 20 years annual payments ($10 million) from Indian tribes to state and local governments to address costs related to the operation of a new casino. YES NO BACK Card 309 RptPct 375-10 "0000428A" English BT-061-B FR 061-007 Preferencia Partido: DEM GREG CONLON Preferencia Partido: REP Sĺ NO PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO FR 061-008 PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO DE LA CORTE SUPREMA NO ¿Debe PROFESOR DE DERECHO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE STANFORD MARIANO-FLORENTINO CUÉLLAR ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? Sĺ PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO DE LA CORTE SUPREMA Preferencia Partido: DEM EWSOM Preferencia Partido: DEM ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, GENE M. GOMES ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? JOHN CHIANG nador SECRETARIO DE ESTADO Vote por Uno ADILLA TESORERO Vote por Uno TERSON PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION statal de California NO ¿Debe JUEZ ASOCIADO KATHRYN MICKLE WERDEGAR ser electa Preferencia Partido: REP al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? NO Sĺ Sĺ Preferencia Partido: DEM ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, ROSENDO PEÑA, JR. ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? BALOTA DE MUESTRA BETTY T. YEE REP Director de Instituto Preferencia Partido: PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION ASHLEY SWEARENGIN CONTRALOR Vote por Uno PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION REP CONTRALOR Vote por Uno al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? NO Preferencia Partido: Sĺ NO PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO DE LA CORTE SUPREMA REP ¿Debe JUEZ ASOCIADO KATHRYN MICKLE WERDEGAR ser electa ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, ROSENDO PEÑA, JR. ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? NO Sĺ Sĺ Preferencia Partido: DEM NO PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO DE LA CORTE SUPREMA PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, GENE M. GOMES ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? Sĺ ¿Debe JUEZ ASOCIADO GOODWIN LIU ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? Sĺ NO SWEARENGIN . YEE REP PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION JUDICIAL VOTE SI O NO REP ¿Debe PROFESOR DE DERECHO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE STANFORD MARIANO-FLORENTINO CUÉLLAR ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? Preferencia Partido: Contralor del Estado de California ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, DENNIS A. CORNELL ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? Preferencia Partido: DEM PETE PETERSON Miembro, Directiva de Impuestos sobre Ventas Preferencia Partido: Empresario/Ejecutivo de Difusión NO REP Preferencia Partido: DEM Alcaldesa/Funcionaria Ejecutiva Principal Sĺ Preferencia Partido: ALEX PADILLA Educador/Director de Instituto JIM PATTERSON PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO DE LA CORTE SUPREMA SECRETARIO DE ESTADO Vote por Uno Senador Estatal de California PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION Vicegobernador ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, DONALD R. FRANSON, JR. ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? GAVIN NEWSOM DISTRITO 23 Vote por Uno NO Pequeño Empresario/Educador MIEMBRO DE LA ASAMBLEA DEL ESTADO NO RON NEHRING Sĺ VICEGOBERNADOR Vote por Uno PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION REP ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, STEPHEN J. KANE ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? Preferencia Partido: Sĺ Preferencia Partido: DEM JUEZ DE LA CORTE SUPERIOR NO. 15 Vote por Uno Empresario RACHEL HILL NEEL KASHKARI Fiscal Federal Gobernador de California ESCOLAR EDMUND G. "JERRY" BROWN LISA M. GAMOIAN GOBERNADOR Vote por Uno Jefe Fiscal de Distrito Voto Escrito SUPERINTENDENTE DE INSTRUCCIÓN PÚBLICA Vote por Uno TOM TORLAKSON Educador/Superintendente de California MARSHALL TUCK Educador/Ejecutivo de Escuelas Voto Escrito JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO 1 Vote por Uno ISMAEL HERRERA Educador/Administrador BT-061-F KEITH EUBANKS Titular Voto Escrito Todos los votantes, sin importar la preferencia de partido que hayan revelado al inscribirse, o su negativa de revelar una preferencia de partido, pueden votar por cualquier candidato a un cargo nominado por los votantes o no partidario. La preferencia del partido, si la hubiera, designada por un candidato a un cargo nominado por los votantes, es seleccionada por el candidato y se muestra solo para la información de los votantes. No implica que el candidato esté nominado ni ratificado por el partido ni que el partido apruebe al candidato. La preferencia de partido, si la hubiera, de un candidato por un cargo no partidario, no aparece en la boleta electoral. ESTADO Funcionaria Ejecutiva Principal TESORERO Vote por Uno Preferencia Partido: Preferencia Partido: DEM REP Preferencia Partido: DEM Preferencia Partido: Preferencia Partido: DEM VOTE EN AMBOS LADOS REP REP Cargos nominados por los votantes y no partidarios. Preferencia Partido: Preferencia Partido: DEM Preferencia Partido: REP REP Preferencia Partido: DEM Preferencia Partido: Preferencia Partido: 1. Para que su voto sea contado llene completamente el óvalo al lado del nombre de su preferencia. Tiene que usar pluma con tinta negra, tinta azul, o lápiz No. 2. 2. Si usted marca su boleta por equivocación o necesita la boleta en Inglés, favor de llamar a la Oficina de la Registradora de Electores del Condado de Fresno: (559) 600-8683 o pregunte al oficial de su urna electoral. Y 3. Para votar por una persona calificada que no aparece en su boleta, obscurezca completamente el óvalo escriba el nombre calificado en la linea escrita para esa contienda. VOTE DE ESTA MANERA: Directiva de Impuestos sobre Ventas ONLON del Estado de California HIANG o/Contador Público Certificado PROCURADOR GENERAL Vote por Uno ra General de California A D. HARRIS de California D GOLD COMISIONADO DE SEGUROS Vote por Uno ONES Seguros Independiente do de Seguros NES E LA DIRECTIVA ESTATAL DE IMPUESTOS VENTAS, USO Y OTROS, DISTRITO 1 Vote por Uno ARKER al de Impuestos/Educador Directiva Estatal de Impuestos sobre Ventas E RUNNER FEDERAL ESENTANTE DE ESTADOS UNIDOS INSTRUCCIONES PARA LOS ELECTORES: Preferencia Partido: DEM FRONT Card 309 RptPct 375-10 "0000428A" Spanish CONGRESIONAL, DISTRITO 16 Vote por Uno TA TACHERRA Representante ESTADO DISTRITO 8 Vote por Uno SENADOR ESTATAL Legislador RRYHILL a A MIRANDA BOLETA OFICIAL 4 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2014, ELECCION GENERAL CONDADO DE FRESNO Sĺ Miembro, Directiva de Impuestos sobre Ventas PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION TESORERO Vote por Uno ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, GENE M. GOMES ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? Preferencia Partido: DEM GREG CONLON Preferencia Partido: Contralor del Estado de California Empresario/Contador Público Certificado REP Preferencia Partido: DEM RONALD GOLD Preferencia Partido: REP DAVE JONES Preferencia Partido: DEM TED GAINES Preferencia Partido: REP PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, DONALD R. FRANSON, JR. ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? NO PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, STEPHEN J. KANE ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? Sĺ MIEMBRO DE LA DIRECTIVA ESTATAL DE IMPUESTOS SOBRE VENTAS, USO Y OTROS, DISTRITO 1 Vote por Uno CHRIS PARKER Preferencia Partido: DEM GEORGE RUNNER Preferencia Partido: Profesional de Impuestos/Educador NO Sĺ COMISIONADO DE SEGUROS Vote por Uno Agente de Seguros Independiente PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION Sĺ KAMALA D. HARRIS Comisionado de Seguros NO ¿Debe el JUEZ ASOCIADO, DENNIS A. CORNELL ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? PROCURADOR GENERAL Vote por Uno Abogado de California Sĺ Miembro, Directiva Estatal de Impuestos sobre Ventas REP NO JUEZ DE LA CORTE SUPERIOR NO. 15 Vote por Uno RACHEL HILL Fiscal Federal LISA M. GAMOIAN Jefe Fiscal de Distrito Voto Escrito FEDERAL REPRESENTANTE DE ESTADOS UNIDOS ESCOLAR CONGRESIONAL, DISTRITO 16 Vote por Uno SUPERINTENDENTE DE INSTRUCCIÓN PÚBLICA Vote por Uno JIM COSTA Preferencia Partido: DEM JOHNNY TACHERRA Preferencia Partido: Agricultor/Representante Agricultor REP SENADOR ESTATAL MARSHALL TUCK Educador/Ejecutivo de Escuelas JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO 1 Vote por Uno DISTRITO 8 Vote por Uno ISMAEL HERRERA TOM BERRYHILL Preferencia Partido: PAULINA MIRANDA Preferencia Partido: DEM Empresaria Educador/Superintendente de California Voto Escrito ESTADO Agricultor/Legislador TOM TORLAKSON REP Educador/Administrador KEITH EUBANKS Titular Voto Escrito FRONT Card 309 RptPct 375-10 "0000428A" Spanish BT-061-F BALOTA DE MUESTRA JOHN CHIANG Procuradora General de California NO FR 061-009 CONDADO SUPERVISOR DISTRITO 1 Vote por Uno BRIAN PACHECO Fideicomisario de Consejo Escolar/Agricultor BLONG XIONG Concejal de Fresno Distrito 1 Voto Escrito BT-061-B PROPUESTAS SOMETIDA A LOS ELECTORES ESTADO 1. BONOS DE AGUA. FINANCIAMIENTO PARA LA CALIDAD, SUMINISTRO, TRATAMIENTO Y PROYECTOS DE ALMACENAMIENTO DE AGUA. Autoriza $7.545 mil millones en bonos de obligación general para proyectos estatales de infraestructura de suministro de agua, incluyendo almacenamiento de aguas superficiales y subterráneas, protección y restauración del ecosistema y las cuencas, y protección del agua potable. Impacto fiscal: Incremento de los costos de los bonos estatales con un promedio de $360 millones anuales durante 40 años. Ahorros para el gobierno local por proyectos relacionados con el agua, posiblemente promediando un par de cientos de millones de dólares anuales durante las próximas décadas. Sĺ NO 2. PRESUPUESTO ESTATAL. CUENTA DE ESTABILIZACIÓN DEL PRESUPUESTO. ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL LEGISLATIVA. Exige una transferencia anual de las rentas del fondo general a la cuenta de estabilización del presupuesto. Exige que la mitad de las rentas sea utilizada para pagar las deudas del estado. Limita el uso del remanente de fondos a emergencias o déficit presupuestarios. Impacto fiscal: Ahorros a largo plazo del estado por pago más rápido de las deudas actuales. Diferentes niveles de reservas del presupuesto estatal, dependiendo de la economía y las decisiones de funcionarios elegidos. Menores reservas locales para algunos distritos escolares. Sĺ NO 45. SEGURO DE CUIDADOS DE LA SALUD. CAMBIOS DE TARIFAS. INICIATIVA PARA PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige la aprobación del Comisionado de Seguros antes de que las aseguradoras de salud puedan cambiar sus tarifas o cualquier cosa que afecte los cargos relacionados con el seguro de salud. Prevé aviso público, divulgación, y audiencia, y posterior revisión judicial. Sĺ NO millones anuales durante 40 años. Ahorros para el proyectos relacionados con el agua, posiblemente ar de cientos de millones de dólares anuales mas décadas. Voto Escrito NO Titular BALOTA DE MUESTRA GEORGE H. WILSON, JR. TO ESTATAL. CUENTA DE ESTABILIZACIÓN DEL ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL LEGISLATIVA. rencia anual de las rentas del fondo general a la zación del presupuesto. Exige que la mitad de las a para pagar las deudas del estado. Limita el uso fondos a emergencias o déficit presupuestarios. horros a largo plazo del estado por pago más rápido uales. Diferentes niveles de reservas del al, dependiendo de la economía y las decisiones de dos. Menores reservas locales para algunos distritos Gerente Z. PARA MANTENER A NUESTRO ZOOLÓGICO. A fin de garantizar el éxito continuo del Zoológico Chaffee de Fresno proveyendo el financiamiento necesario para reparaciones y mantenimiento, mejorar en el cuidado de los animales, continuar los Programas de Supervivencia de Especies y Educación Infantil del zoológico, manteniendo tarifas de entradas bajas, mejorando las comodidades para los visitantes y proveyendo a los animales hábitats naturales más seguros con mayor espacio; ¿deben los votantes del Condado de Fresno extender el 1/10° del uno por ciento del impuesto sobre ventas existente durante diez años más, con todas las ganancias exclusivamente para el Zoológico Chaffee de Fresno? NO RICHARD ATKINS E CUIDADOS DE LA SALUD. CAMBIOS DE ATIVA PARA PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige Comisionado de Seguros antes de que las salud puedan cambiar sus tarifas o cualquier cosa gos relacionados con el seguro de salud. Prevé ulgación, y audiencia, y posterior revisión judicial. s de salud para grupos grandes proporcionados por pacto fiscal: Incremento de los costos l estado para regular el seguro de salud, que muy excederá unos pocos millones de dólares anuales os años, financiado con las tarifas pagadas por las guro. BACK Card 309 RptPct 375-10 "0000428A" Spanish Conductora de Autobús Escolar CONDADO NO NO BECKY VANONI DE DETECCIÓN DE DROGA Y ALCOHOL A MANDAS POR NEGLIGENCIA MÉDICA. A PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige pruebas de as a doctores. Exige revisar la base de datos estatal con receta antes de prescribir sustancias ementa el tope de $250,000 de indemnización por en demandas de negligencia médica para compensar mpacto fiscal: Costos para los gobiernos estatal y el tope de indemnización por mala praxis médica, en as de millones a varios cientos de millones de compensados en cierto modo por ahorros en los bre los proveedores de cuidados de la salud. PENALES. PENAS POR DELITOS MENORES. A PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige condenas n lugar de delito mayor para ciertas infracciones as drogas y la propiedad. No aplicable a personas eriores por delitos graves o violentos y ofensores dos. Impacto fiscal: Ahorros a los sistemas penales ado potencialmente en varios cientos de millones de Los ahorros estatales se gastarán en la prevención deserción escolar, tratamiento de salud mental y as, y servicios a las víctimas. NO S DE JUEGOS DE AZAR INDÍGENAS. Un voto “Sí” aprueba, y un voto “No” rechaza los os de azar indígenas entre el estado y los Indios rk Rancheria y la Tribu Wiyot. Impacto fiscal: ez ($16 millones a $35 millones) y pagos anuales $10 millones) de las tribus indígenas al estado y los para solventar los costos relacionados con la uevo casino. NO DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE CENTRAL MIEMBRO DEL CONSEJO ÁREA FIDEICOMISARIA 4 Vote por Uno FR 061-010 Sĺ NO Sĺ NO 46. PRUEBAS DE DETECCIÓN DE DROGA Y ALCOHOL A DOCTORES. DEMANDAS POR NEGLIGENCIA MÉDICA. INICIATIVA PARA PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige pruebas de detección de drogas a doctores. Exige revisar la base de datos estatal de medicamentos con receta antes de prescribir sustancias controladas. Incrementa el tope de $250,000 de indemnización por dolor/sufrimiento en demandas de negligencia médica para compensar por la inflación. Impacto fiscal: Costos para los gobiernos estatal y local al aumentar el tope de indemnización por mala praxis médica, en el orden de decenas de millones a varios cientos de millones de dólares anuales, compensados en cierto modo por ahorros en los requerimientos sobre los proveedores de cuidados de la salud. Sĺ NO 47. CONDENAS PENALES. PENAS POR DELITOS MENORES. INICIATIVA PARA PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige condenas por delito menor en lugar de delito mayor para ciertas infracciones relacionadas con las drogas y la propiedad. No aplicable a personas con condenas anteriores por delitos graves o violentos y ofensores sexuales registrados. Impacto fiscal: Ahorros a los sistemas penales del estado y condado potencialmente en varios cientos de millones de dólares anuales. Los ahorros estatales se gastarán en la prevención del ausentismo y deserción escolar, tratamiento de salud mental y abuso de sustancias, y servicios a las víctimas. Sĺ NO 48. CONVENIOS DE JUEGOS DE AZAR INDÍGENAS. REFERÉNDUM. Un voto “Sí” aprueba, y un voto “No” rechaza los convenios de juegos de azar indígenas entre el estado y los Indios Mono de North Fork Rancheria y la Tribu Wiyot. Impacto fiscal: Pagos por única vez ($16 millones a $35 millones) y pagos anuales durante 20 años ($10 millones) de las tribus indígenas al estado y los gobiernos locales para solventar los costos relacionados con la operación de un nuevo casino. Sĺ NO BACK Card 309 RptPct 375-10 "0000428A" Spanish BT-061-B BALOTA DE MUESTRA 45. SEGURO DE CUIDADOS DE LA SALUD. CAMBIOS DE TARIFAS. INICIATIVA PARA PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige la aprobación del Comisionado de Seguros antes de que las aseguradoras de salud puedan cambiar sus tarifas o cualquier cosa que afecte los cargos relacionados con el seguro de salud. Prevé aviso público, divulgación, y audiencia, y posterior revisión judicial. Exime a los planes de salud para grupos grandes proporcionados por empleadores. Impacto fiscal: Incremento de los costos administrativos del estado para regular el seguro de salud, que muy probablemente no excederá unos pocos millones de dólares anuales en la mayoría de los años, financiado con las tarifas pagadas por las compañías de seguro. FR 061-011 VOTERS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS Is my polling place accessible? What kind of support can voters get? We work hard at getting polling places that are accessible for all people. But sometimes this is not possible. Each polling place has: To know if your polling place is accessible: •Find the access symbol on the back cover of your Sample Ballot & Voter’s Pamphlet. • Look for the word YES, USABLE, or NO near the symbol. o YES means your polling place is fully accessible. o USABLE means temporary modifications will be made to your polling place to make it accessible. o NO means your polling place is not accessible. •If your current polling place is not accessible, and you want to vote at an accessible polling place, call us at least 2 weeks before the election: (559) 600-7353 • A wheelchair accessible voting booth, • Magnifiers, • Pens with grips that are easy to hold, •A touchscreen TSX, an accessible voting device to help you mark your ballot independently and privately. •Curbside voting for voters who cannot get into the polling place. A poll worker can bring a ballot to you. After you vote, the poll worker will put your voted ballot in the ballot box. The Secretary of State has a TDD 1-800-833-8683 Look for the address on the back cover of the Sample Ballot & Voter’s Pamphlet. Or find it at: All state propositions are available on audio tape. Call us if you want one: (559) 600-VOTE (8683) Can I vote by mail? Can I vote before Election Day? Yes. See the Vote-by-Mail application on the back cover of the Sample Ballot & Voter’s Pamphlet. Or call to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot: (559) 600-VOTE (8683) Vote in person starting 29 days before the election at the County Clerk/Elections Department, located at 2221 Kern Street, Fresno or obtain a ballot and take it home. How do I find my polling place? Fresno County Clerk / Registrar of Voters VSN Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays, and From 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day 2221 Kern Street, Fresno, CA 93721 Tel: (559) 600-8683 FR 061-012 VOTER’S PAMPHLET The following pages contain: CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS together with BALLOT MEASURES, ANALYSES, AND ARGUMENTS ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINONS OF THE AUTHORS This pamphlet does not contain a complete list of candidates. A complete list of candidates appears on the sample ballot. Each candidate’s statement in this pamphlet is volunteered by the candidate and is printed at his or her expense. ALL MEASURE DOCUMENTS AND CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS ARE PRINTED EXACTLY AS FILED WITH THE FRESNO COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE VPCM FR 061-013 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE, DISTRICT NO. 16 JIM COSTA Occupation: Farmer/ Representative Education and Qualifications: As a lifelong Valley resident and your voice in Congress, one basic principle guides me: The Valley comes first. My family came here as immigrants in 1899 pursuing the American Dream. They found it. I am determined to keep that Dream alive for every hardworking Valley resident. As a third generation family farmer, I know firsthand that water is the lifeblood of the Valley. Without our fair share we all suffer the economic consequences. That’s why I am fighting every day to secure our water supply, create new jobs and strengthen local schools and colleges for our Valley families. Putting the Valley first means working with anyone willing to help protect our jobs, our economy, and our way of life. Together we have earned success; among those items are the following: Led the effort to provide a level of short term drought relief by securing carryover water for federal contractors. Fighting for long-term water solutions like increasing storage and turning on the pumps. Passing a five-year Farm Bill that keeps Valley agriculture growing. Leading the charge for comprehensive immigration reform. Opening the Fresno Veterans Home. Together we’ve secured investments to rebuild our Valley’s roads, hire police officers to make our communities safe, and train doctors in the Valley to keep our families healthy. I went to Congress for one reason: to fight for the people of our Valley. That’s what I’m doing. Please visit to see for yourself. CS-1225-1 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE, DISTRICT NO. 16 JOHNNY TACHERRA Occupation: Farmer Education and Qualifications: I am running for Congress to repeal Obamacare because government is too big and spends too much. I support a complete overhaul of the tax code to end the I.R.S. abuses and protect privacy rights. I support building the Keystone Pipeline to secure America’s energy future and lower gas prices. I will confront San Francisco billionaires trying to steal our water to turn our Valley into a dustbowl. I believe in a strong defense that brings more of our overseas military home. It is time to focus on America for a change. As a third-generation dairy farmer and small business owner, I have grown up in the Central Valley. My wife Lisa Marie and I raise our four children here. I was raised to farm, provide for my family, and make a difference in my church and community. I have served on the Oak Grove Veterans Memorial Board, the California Dairy Campaign Board and as Secretary of the California Farmers Union. I am also a proud member of the National Rifle Association to protect our Second Amendment freedoms and Leadership Fresno. I am running to fix our broken water system and stop funding the “Bullet Train” that wastes tax dollars and destroys farmland. I am running to fight for a Central Valley and America where our children can live in freedom, build a business and raise their families without the government telling them how they must do it. Join my campaign today at FR 061-014 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF STATE SENATE, DISTRICT NO. 8 TOM BERRYHILL AGE: 60 Occupation: Farmer/Legislator Education and Qualifications: As a fourth generation Central Valley farmer and independent businessman, I’m proud so many community leaders and respected organizations want me re-elected to the State Senate. A few examples: I’m endorsed by Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims, the California Grape & Tree Fruit League President Barry Bidwell and CDF Firefighters, the largest fire department in the state. During my service, I wrote legislation that would end environmental regulatory abuses and stop frivolous lawsuits that are costing our Valley jobs. In fact, the (CSBA) California Small Business Association named me the 2013 Senate Legislator of the Year. One important law I authored cracked down on metal theft, a serious problem that’s plaguing the Central Valley and costing farmers, businesses, local government and public schools millions of dollars per year in property damage. I have fought to build more water storage facilities, stop the early release of dangerous convicts and opposed tax hikes. I was also appointed chairman of the bipartisan Rural Caucus that’s worked to help our agricultural economy. Additionally, I authored and co-sponsored bills to curtail out of control public pensions, provide more career and technical education training programs, require a state budget spending cap and conserve prime farmland. In the past, I’ve received the California Rifle and Pistol Association Legislator of the Year award, the American Nurses Association California Legislator of the Year award and the Friends of California Community Colleges award. Most important, I’m happily married to my wife, Loretta, and I have two beautiful daughters. Visit CS-1301-1 FR 061-015 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, OFFICE NO. 15 RACHEL HILL Occupation: Attorney at Law Education and Qualifications: You deserve a judge with broad experience, and the good judgment to use our jail beds wisely, thereby keeping our dangerous criminals behind bars. I have been an attorney for 24 years here in Fresno. I developed vast experience in civil law with a top Fresno firm. I later joined the District Attorney’s office, where I was a prosecutor for over ten years. I was also certified by the State Bar as Criminal Law Specialist for 13 years. My civil and criminal law experience, reputation as a tough prosecutor, trial attorney, and work teaching Constitutional law, Ethics, Criminal and Juvenile Law establish me as the most qualified candidate. Judges don’t choose what cases they will get. Taxpayers need a judge with broadbased legal and life experience. I have handled cases ranging from gang, armed robbery and homicide to contract, water, zoning and family disputes. I never lost a jury trial. The majority of sitting judges in Fresno support me for judge, because they know I am ready for that job. I have an unwavering passion to protecting our community and the rule of law. I would be honored to have your vote. CS-1555-1 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, OFFICE NO. 15 LISA GAMOIAN AGE: 56 Occupation: Chief of Homicide, Fresno County District Attorney Education and Qualifications: Electing the right Judge is vital to our safety. As the local girl and Fresno’s #1 Homicide Prosecutor, I ask for your continued support. I am the most well-rounded candidate. I was born and raised in Selma, graduated from Fresno State and earned my law degree from Hastings Law. Before becoming a D.A., I worked for two local law firms successfully helping businesses protect jobs. As a Prosecutor, I’ve represented you, the people, for the past 25 years. Selected Chief Deputy District Attorney in 2002, I have an unmatched conviction record in the most challenging prosecutions of Fresno County’s most violent and dangerous criminals. I support and have successfully convicted numerous Three Strikes and Death Penalty criminals, including Marcus Wesson, who is on Death Row for murdering his 9 children. As a result, I was named California’s Outstanding Prosecutor of the Year. I share my experience by teaching prosecutors and police officers throughout California. I help operate my parent’s 40-acre raisin farm, so I know the importance of protecting our precious water supply and the difficulties of complying with regulations. As your Judge, I will be tough and fair and I’ll work tirelessly to stop the revolving jail door. FR 061-016 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, DISTRICT NO. 1 FRESNO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ISMAEL HERRERAage: 30 Occupation: Associate Director, Office of Community and Economic Development at Fresno State Education and Qualifications: I believe I am the best candidate to represent District 1 on the Fresno County Board of Education. Born and raised in the area, I know first-hand what it means to be a student in District 1. I will advocate for our students and not shy away from making tough decisions that benefit their well-being. I will promote high-quality instruction for all our students in safe learning environments that prepare them for a college education and good-paying jobs. As a Trustee of Mendota Unified, I helped modernize school facilities, implement classroom technology and establish a vocational education center that is allowing students to flourish in high-quality, 21st century learning environments and prepare for college and good-paying jobs in our local economy. I want our schools to receive timely and effective services from the Fresno County Office of Education to ensure teachers, administrators, staff and parents have the tools necessary to deliver the highest-quality educational experience to all our students. I earned two Bachelor’s degrees from UC Irvine and a Master’s degree in Education Policy and Management from Harvard. I hope to earn your vote. Feel free to contact me at (559) 304-6450, or visit my website at CS-2021-1 FR 061-017 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER, TRUSTEE AREA NO. 4 CENTRAL UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RICHARD ATKINS AGE : 57 Occupation: Manager Auto/Diesel Electrical Repair Shop Education and Qualifications: I was born and raised in the Madison Elementary School District graduating from Central Union High School class of 1975. Upon graduation, I joined and proudly served 6 years in the U. S. Navy. After being honorably discharged, I attended Fresno City College majoring in metallurgy. For the last 15 years I have been actively involved with the Fresno-Central Ag Boosters and the McKinley 4-H group. During my time as an Ag Booster, I served 9 ½ years as an officer with 5 ½ years as President. I served on the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee and currently serve on the Central High Ag Advisory Committee. I have worked at Leisle Electric for 19 years, holding the position of Manager for the past 10. For 41 years I have lived in and loved the Central Unified community. I am proud to say 3 of my sons have graduated from Central High. With my experiences and passion for education, I will be an effective voice for the students, parents, teachers and residents of Area #4. CS-3104-1 FR 061-018 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR FRESNO COUNTY SUPERVISOR, DISTRICT NO. 1 BRIAN PACHECO AGE: 46 Occupation: School Board Trustee/Family Farmer/Businessman Education and Qualifications: As a School Board Trustee and local farmer I’m proud to be running to represent you as your Supervisor and to be endorsed by our retiring Supervisor Phil Larson. My priorities will be: Creating middle-class jobs, protecting our precious water, and safe schools and neighborhoods. I’m honored to be Law Enforcement’s Choice and to be endorsed by Sheriff Margaret Mims, Fresno Deputy Sheriff’s Association; 64,000 cops, deputy sheriffs and law enforcement officers; 3-Strikes Author Mike Reynolds; former Fresno Sheriffs Richard Pierce and Steve Magarian. I’ll work for tough, anti-crime and gang enforcement. The Fresno Bee officially recommended me for Supervisor. I’ll use my experience in agriculture and business to cut red tape, regulations and high taxes that harm our economy and I’ll work to attract new businesses and middle class jobs to our area. The Fresno Area Chamber of Commerce endorses me. I will also focus on ensuring our water delivery systems are upgraded, our underground water supplies are properly managed and ensure fair and reasonable regulations for water rationing. I am a Family farmer; School Board Member; U.C. Davis grad; Farm Bureau member, husband and father. I would be honored to receive your vote! Vote Brian Pacheco. CS-4001-1 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR FRESNO COUNTY SUPERVISOR, DISTRICT NO. 1 BLONG XIONG Occupation: Education and Qualifications: Fresno County is facing huge challenges – drugs and gangs, sweeping health care changes, not enough water, and a need for better-educated workers. My eight years on the City Council have prepared me to meet these challenges. I have fought for you and your neighbors and brought people together to get things done – growing jobs, encouraging small businesses, providing opportunities, and supporting working families. As a County Supervisor my priority will be fighting for the people who make our community run – firefighters and working moms, teachers and nurses, farmers and farm workers, laborers and police officers – not for big land owners or corporations. I will strive to grow jobs and support small businesses. I will fight for agriculture and more water, public education and job training, and a regional crime-fighting approach. And I will demand fiscal prudence and balanced budgets. I came to this country as a boy with nothing. Through hard work, education and determination, I earned the privilege of representing District 1 on the Fresno City Council. Now I want to ensure our County understands and reflects the needs of middle class families and those just scraping to get by. I would be honored to have your vote. FR 061-019 COUNTY OF FRESNO KEEP OUR ZOO MEASURE Z To ensure the continuing success of Fresno Chaffee Zoo by providing necessary funding for repairs and maintenance, improved animal care, continuing the zoo’s Species Survival and Children’s Education Programs, maintaining low entrance fees, improving visitor amenities, and providing animals with safer more spacious natural habitats; shall Fresno County voters extend the existing 1/10th of one percent sales tax for ten additional years, with all proceeds exclusively for Fresno Chaffee Zoo? YES OR NO FULL TEXT OF ORDINANCE BEFORE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FRESNO COUNTY ZOO AUTHORITY FRESNO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Ordinance No. 2014- 01 according to the provisions of Part 1.6 (commencing with section 7251) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as specifically authorized by section 7286.43 of Chapter 2.85 of Part 1.7 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code; b. To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance which incorporates provisions identical to those of the Sales and Use Tax Law of the State of California insofar as those provisions are consistent with the requirements and limitations contained in Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code; c. To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance which imposes a tax and provides a measure for it that the State Board of Equalization can administer and collect in a manner that adapts itself as fully as practicable to, and requires the least possible deviation from, the existing statutory and administrative procedures followed by the State Board of Equalization in administering and collecting the California Sales and Use Taxes; d. To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance which can be administered in a manner which, to the greatest degree possible, will be consistent with the provisions of Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, will reduce the cost of collecting the transactions and use taxes and simultaneously will reduce the burden of record keeping upon persons subject to taxation under the provisions of this ordinance. e. To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance that provides funding for zoos, zoological facilities, and related zoological purposes within the County of Fresno.” AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING AN EXTENSION OF THE COUNTYWIDE TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX FOR THE SUPPORT OF ZOOS, ZOOLOGICAL FACILITIES, AND RELATED ZOOLOGICAL PURPOSES, TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE SECTION 4. AUTHORITY EXPENDITURE PLAN BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Section 4.010. Purpose of Ordinance The Fresno County Zoo Authority ordains as follows: The purpose of this ordinance is to allow the Authority to fund the services and programs SECTION 1. Title and Summary. authorized hereunder pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 7286.43. This ordinance shall be known as the “Fresno County Zoo Authority Transactions and Section 4.020. Definitions Use Tax Ordinance.” If approved by the voters, this Ordinance will be an extension of The following terms and phrases shall be defined in the manner listed below: the transactions and use tax, and will be the same as the current tax (which expires a. “Capital projects” shall mean improvement projects for facilities with a useful life of March 31, 2015), to be applicable in the incorporated and unincorporated territory of the five years or more as well as the acquisition of animals. County, the proceeds of which are to be used exclusively for zoos, zoological facilities, b. “Fresno Chaffee Zoo” shall mean the Fresno Chaffee Zoo in the City of Fresno, or and related zoological purposes within the County. its successor. c. “Administrative Costs” shall mean actual expenses incurred by the Authority. SECTION 2. Submission to the Voters; Voter Approval; Operative Date. This Ordinance is an ordinance calling for or otherwise relating to an election, and Apportionment of any overhead and/or accounting of actual costs shall be accomplished shall therefore take effect immediately upon adoption by this Board. The provisions of in accordance with the standards and procedures found in Title 2 Code of Federal this Ordinance are to be submitted to the voters of the County for approval in order that Regulations, Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 225. the successor transactions and use tax can become operative, as provided by Revenue Section 4.030. Imposition and Distribution Formula for Special Fresno County and Taxation Code section 7286.43. The tax submitted to the voters by this Ordinance Zoo Transaction and Use Tax will therefore take effect only if at least two-thirds of the electors voting on the measure Under the authority granted pursuant to this ordinance as approved by the voters, a oneat the November 4, 2014 election vote in favor of the measure. If approved by the tenth of one percent (0.10%) transaction and use tax is imposed for the special purposes voters, the provisions of this ordinance authorizing the levy of one-tenth of one percent and programs specified hereunder. The proceeds of the special tax shall be distributed (0.10%) transactions and use tax will become operative on the later of April 1, 2015 or in the following manner: the first day of the first calendar quarter following the execution of the State Board of a. The proceeds of the special tax shall first be applied to reimburse Fresno County for the costs of the election held pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section Equalization contract in accordance with Section 5 of this ordinance. 7286.43. The proceeds of the tax shall also be available to pay the costs of any election SECTION 3. Provisions of Fresno County Zoo Authority Ordinance Regarding for an extension of the tax. Fresno County Zoo Authority Transactions and Use Tax. b. Up to 2% of the annual special tax proceeds shall be allocated for administrative Effective on the date the successor tax becomes operative under Section 2 of this costs as defined herein. This administrative allocation shall be made based upon Ordinance, Section 1.010 of Fresno County Zoo Authority Ordinance No. 2004-1 is budgeted estimates of administrative costs prior to any distribution made in any fiscal amended to read as follows: year. Section 1.010. Purpose. c. The remaining annual special tax proceeds shall be distributed to the Fresno This ordinance is adopted to achieve the following, among other, purposes and directs Chaffee Zoo, on a reimbursement basis, for expenditures that fall within the following that its provisions are interpreted to accomplish those purposes: limitations and are approved by the Authority: a. To impose a one-tenth of 1 percent (0.10%) retail transactions and use tax 1. A minimum of two-thirds of the funds shall be for capital projects in the Chaffee FCMZ-1 FR 061-020 Zoo approved by the Authority Board. Authority Board approval of improvement projects for facilities will be based upon preliminary plans submitted by the Fresno Chaffee Zoo. 2. Up to one-third of the funds shall be available for operations and maintenance of the Fresno Chaffee Zoo. d. Nothing herein shall prevent the Authority from authorizing multi-year capital projects and/or programs within the time period established for this special tax, or from pledging future annual special tax proceeds as security for loans to fund capital projects. e. The Fresno Chaffee Zoo shall provide the Authority with an annual use statement demonstrating the use of said funds authorized by the Authority. The statement shall be made in a form acceptable to the Authority and shall be approved by a certified public accountant prior to its submission to the Authority. The Authority may request status reports on the progress of projects and programs to be submitted to the Authority for public discussion at any Authority meeting from time to time. Section 4.040. Ineligible Activities No funds received by the Fresno Chaffee Zoo shall be expended for the following ineligible activities: a. Activities normally funded by a city or county through state, federal and/or local revenues such as animal control, health care, criminal justice programs, and social service programs. b. Programs not open and available on any equal basis to all residents of Fresno County. c. Programs which promote religious or sectarian purposes. d. Scholarships, grants or other payments to individuals for educational purposes. e. Except as herein allowed, programs of local, state or federal governments or their subsidiaries. f. Out-of-state travel expense. g. Programs or policies that discriminate against any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, religious preference, or national origin in the operation of facilities or in membership policies. SECTION 5. Severability and Construction If any provision of this ordinance, or part thereof, is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining sections shall not be affected, but shall remain in full force and effect, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable. The provisions of this ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectuate its main purpose of providing funding to programs and services that support zoos, zoological facilities, and related zoological purposes within Fresno County. SECTION 6. Sunset Clause The transactions and use special tax is imposed hereunder at a rate of one-tenth of one percent (0.10%) for the period of ten (10) years. Any surplus remaining at the end of the ten-year period shall be utilized in the manner specified hereunder until the funds are fully utilized. IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BY COUNTY COUNSEL State law authorizes the Fresno County Zoo Authority (the “Authority”) to adopt an ordinance imposing a special countywide sales tax (“transactions and use tax”) to be expended exclusively for the support of zoos, zoological facilities, and related zoological purposes within the County of Fresno. The transactions and use tax must be at the rate of 0.1 percent. State law requires that the ordinance imposing the transactions and use tax be approved by two-thirds of the voters of the Fresno County voting on the ordinance. In 2004, the Authority adopted an ordinance imposing a transactions and use tax (the “2004 Ordinance”) at the rate of 0.1% for a period of 10 years. Later that year, the voters approved the 2004 Ordinance by the required vote margin. The 2004 Ordinance is set to expire in 2015. Earlier this year, the Authority adopted an ordinance (the “2014 Ordinance”) imposing an extension of the 2004 Ordinance for an additional ten (10) years. The 2014 Ordinance is on the ballot for the consideration of Fresno County voters. If Measure Z is approved by the voters, the transaction and use tax at the rate of 0.1% would be extended for an additional ten (10) years, expiring in the year 2025. Like the 2004 Ordinance, the tax revenues generated by the 2014 Ordinance would be used exclusively to support the Fresno Chaffee Zoo. The expenditure plan in the 2014 Ordinance provides for the following uses: 1. The Fresno Chaffee Zoo would be required to spend a minimum of two-thirds of the funds distributed for capital improvement projects approved by the Authority Board, 2. Up to one-third of the funds will be available for operations and maintenance of the Fresno Chaffee Zoo. The tax revenues would also be used to reimburse the County for election costs and for the fees charged by the State to administer the tax. Tax revenues would also be used to pay administrative costs, capped at 2% per year. The Fresno County Zoo Authority would be responsible for the specific expenditures of the tax revenues. The seven-member Authority board consists of the mayor of Fresno, or her designee, and six members appointed by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors, one of whom must have expertise in zoo matters. s/Daniel C. Cederborg County Counsel FCMZ-2 FR 061-021 FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT elephants, cheetahs, rhinos, meerkats and more, is currently under construction (completion: 2015…funded by 2004 Measure Z). This exhibit will be Fresno Chaffee Zoo’s most spectacular attraction ever. This ballot measure is to extend the current Retail Transaction and Use Tax in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Fresno County at the rate of one-tenth of one percent (0.10%), which expires on March 31, 2015. The State board of Equalization will Future plans: continue to administer this sales tax if approved by at least two-thirds of the electors • New children’s education center voting on the measure. • New amazing hippopotamus, crocodile, penguin and gorilla exhibits This ordinance will generate approximately ten million five-hundred thousand dollars • Renovate/expand current exhibits into more naturalistic habitats annually ($10,500,000) with the growth of this revenue generally following the economic • KEEP ADMISSION PRICES AFFORDABLE for our Fresno County families trends within the local community. The total estimated proceeds for the ten year period For a list of endorsements or more information, please visit our website: extension will be approximately one hundred five million dollars ($105,000,000). The revenue from the Fresno County Zoo Authority Transactions and Use Tax Ordinance will be used exclusively for zoos, zoological facilities, and related zoological purposes within Fresno County. This tax will terminate on the later date of March 31, 2025, or 10 years after the first day of the first calendar quarter following the execution of the State Board of Equalization contract in accordance with the provisions of the Transactions and Use Tax Ordinance. s/Vicki Crow, CPA Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector County of Fresno ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE Z Fresno County residents can now vote to continue our support for this fabulous regional treasure. Let’s ensure that our children and future generations can continue to enjoy Fresno County’s proudest acheivement by voting YES, again, on Measure “Z.” s/Jean Chaffee Dr. Paul Chaffee’s Widow s/Jim Yovino Superintendent Fresno County Office of Education s/Dennis Woods Keep Our Zoo, Measure “Z” Chairman President and CEO United Security Bank For more than a century, Fresno Chaffee Zoo has educated, entertained and delighted visitors. In 2004, Fresno County voters overwhelmingly approved Measure “Z” s/David McDonald 2004 Save Our Zoo, Measure “Z” Chairman to restore this regional treasure to its once pristine condition. Reitred Pelco President and CEO Now, we have the opportunity to build on Chaffee Zoo’s amazing success story for s/Angel Arellano another ten years. Inspired 2004 Measure “Z” as a 9 year old child We appreciate the continuation of your support! 2004 Measure “Z” accomplishments: • A s promised, Measure Z funds have been effectively used to restore, repair and enhance the Zoo. Vote NO on Measure Z REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE Z • A rea residents have enthusiastically responded to these improvements. Zoo The Zoo NO LONGER needs to be saved. attendance has more than doubled since 2003 to 691,320 in 2013, and • In 2004, taxpayers were asked to save the zoo; that’s been accomplished. admission prices have not increased in 10 years. • The Zoo now has tens of millions of dollars in reserve. • In 2013, over 175,000 children participated in the Zoo’s education We do not need Measure Z to keep our Zoo. experiences. • O ur zoo is now able to provide excellent and humane animal care and retain exceptional veterinary and animal specialists. • T he Zoo Director publicly stated the Zoo has sufficient funding to remain operational into the next decade. • A nimal exhibits have been renovated into safe natural habitats; notably, the Millions of Measure Z dollars go to State politicians to spend. reptile house with an expanded area for our new king cobra and Komodo • V oters were promised in 2004 that “funds will not go to government”; dragon. every dime of Measure Z funds would be spent restoring the Zoo. NOT SO. Paragraph 6 of the Impartial Analysis by County Counsel acknowledges “fees • Our Species Survival Plan protects endangered species populations. charged by the State”. After Sacramento continues to take MILLIONS OF • Our fabulous new Sea Lion Cove is the envy of other zoos nationwide. DOLLARS IN FEES, the remaining money goes to the Zoo. • Our world-class African Adventure exhibit, which includes lions, • Virtually every enhancement to the Zoo has cost far more than budgeted. Sea FCMZ-3 FR 061-022 Lion Cove was budgeted at $5 million and ended up costing twice that. The Africa Expansion is MILLIONS over budget. This is irresponsible and extremely bad planning. Measure Z renewal campaign rather than raising money from individual contributors. • The Zoo awards multi-million dollar contracts in CLOSED DOOR BIDDING. Supporting the Zoo is commendable and can be done by purchasing a membership or • Salaries skyrocketed from $2.2 million in 2006 to $5.5 million in 2014, over visiting the zoo; however, it is just plain wrong to force ALL Fresno County residents to continue paying a higher sales tax. double during a major recession. • Taxpayers are NOT granted FULL TRANSPARENCY on how Zoo funds are Vote NO on Measure Z. spent. There is no NEED or JUSTIFICATION for Measure Z. You can support the zoo by s/Joan Catherine LeRoux donating to the zoo. Chair, No on Measure Z 2014 Small Business Owner There is nothing affordable about a $105 million tax. Vote NO on Measure Z. s/Michael Goossen Small Business Consultant, CPA s/Chloe E. Foster Housewife s/Diana Diehl Grandmother s/Frank X. Esquivel Retired Law Enforcement s/Kevin Hall Business Owner, Retired Member, No on Measure Z 2014 s/Chris Mathys Former Councilman s/Kim Buck Business Owner s/Harol Habib, Jr. Farmer s/Joan LeRoux Major Zoo Donor, No on Measure Z Chair ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE Z REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE Z Here are the FACTS: In 2004, there was a need to ask Fresno County voters to authorize a TEMPORARY Without renewing Measure Z, we will not be able to keep the Fresno Chaffee Zoo as increase in the local sales tax to save the Fresno Chaffee Zoo; the need no longer we know it today. exists. Without Measure “Z” Funds, admission prices will be raised substantially - to a level Taxpayers have donated more than $99 million already. Together, the Zoo and Zoo that will exclude many Fresno County families from being able to afford a trip to the Zoo; resulting in a much lower attendance. Authority have tens of millions of dollars on hand. There is no justification for keeping this tax in place for another 10 years. • T he Zoo itself says that it has enough money to remain open and operational into the next decade without extending the sales tax. • In 2004, voters were promised that “funds will not go to government. By law, every dime must be spent restoring the Zoo.” Yet, nearly $4.8 million has gone to Sacramento as administrative fees. Renewal of Measure Z will only result in sending more of your tax dollars to Sacramento for state politicians to spend. • The Sea Lion Cove was budgeted at $5 million; it actually cost $10.5 million. • The African Expansion was supposed to cost $30 million plus architectural fees. To date, the Zoo Authority approved almost $51.7 million…an increase of 72%. This is BOTH bad planning and irresponsible. • The Zoo has awarded millions of dollars in contracts using a CLOSED DOOR process. A lack of complete transparency is inexcusable when spending your tax dollars. • The Zoo plans to spend $350,000 of Zoo money for the consultant for the o New exhibit investments would cease. oEducational opportunities for our families and children would experience severe cutbacks. • M easure Z has independent strict financial processes, which account for every penny spent and an open purchasing process that encourages competition and public input. • A s an example of sound fiscal management, Sea Lion Cove was budgeted for $10.5 million - it came in under budget and ahead of schedule. oBecause of broad based community support, $500,000 additional dollars were raised for the project from outside donations. These donations allowed for additional desired features. o The Zoo has never exceeded a committee-approved budget. • The Keep Our Zoo campaign is funded by private donors, not by public funds. FCMZ-4 FR 061-023 • W hether it is maintaining humane and attractive environments for the animals and visitors or offering top-tier educational programs for our students, Fresno Chaffee Zoo has a proven track record of excellence. As a result, the Zoo is attracting tourist dollars that greatly benefit the entire Fresno area economy. By voting YES on Measure Z, you can help us keep Fresno’s Chaffee Zoo as the premier treasure in our San Joaquin Valley. s/Jean Chaffee Dr. Paul Chaffee’s Widow/Author s/Jim Yovino Superintendent Fresno County Office of Education s/Dennis Woods Keep Our Zoo, Measure “Z” Chairman President and CEO United Security Bank s/David McDonald 2004 Save Our Zoo, Measure “Z” Chairman Retired Pelco President and CEO s/Angel Arellano Inspired 2004 Measure “Z” as a 9-year-old child FCMZ-5 FR 061-024 REMOVE THIS STRIP BEFORE MAILING DESPEGUE ESTA TIRA ANTES DE ENVIAR POR CORREO ▼ SEPARATE HERE SEPÁRESE AQUÍ ▼ From: (Remitente:) Before Mailing, Sign Application on Reverse Antes de Enviar la Solicitud por Correo Fírmela al Reverso FRESNO COUNTY CLERK REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 2221 KERN ST FRESNO CA 93721-2600 PLACE FIRST CLASS POSTAGE HERE COLOQUE UNA ESTAMPILLA DE PRIMERA CLASE AQUÍ FRESNO COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 2221 KERN ST • FRESNO CA 93721-2600 ▼ SEPARATE HERE SEPÁRESE AQUÍ ▼ ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PERMANENT VOTE BY MAIL VOTER – State Law now allows any voter who so requests to be a Permanent Vote by Mail Voter. If you check the box, a vote by mail ballot will automatically be sent to you for future elections. Failure to vote in two consecutive statewide general elections will cancel your Permanent Vote by Mail Voter Status and you will need to reapply. If you have questions concerning voting by Vote by Mail Ballot, telephone (559) 600-8683. ELECTOR DE VOTO POR CORREO PERMANENTE – La Ley del Estado ahora permite que cualquier elector que lo solicite se convierta en Elector de Voto por Correo Permanente. Si usted marca la casilla, se le enviará automáticamente una boleta de elector de voto por correo para elecciones futuras. Pero, si usted deja de votar en dos elecciones generales estatales consecutivas, perderá la condición de Elector de Voto por Correo Permanente, y tendrá que solicitarla de nuevo. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el particular, llame al teléfono (559) 600-8683. PAID IF YOU ALREADY VOTE BY MAIL, DO NOT FILL OUT OR RETURN THIS APPLICATION. FRESNO, CA PERMIT NO. 1287 APPLICATION FOR VOTE BY MAIL BALLOT I am the VOTER NAMED BELOW and I request a vote by mail ballot for the NOVEMBER 4, 2014 ELECTION APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. on: OCTOBER 28, 2014 You have the legal right to mail or deliver this application directly to the Fresno County Elections Official’s office SI YA VOTA POR CORREO, NO LLENE NI ENVÍE ESTA SOLICITUD. SOLICITUD DE BOLETA DE ELECTOR DE VOTO POR CORREO Yo soy EL ELECTOR/LA ELECTORA NOMBRADO/A ABAJO y solicito por ésta una boleta de elector de voto por correo para la ELECCIÓN DEL 4 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2014 ESTA SOLICITUD DEBE SER RECIBIDA A MÁS TARDAR A LAS 5:00 DE LA TARDE EL: 28 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2014 Usted tiene el derecho legal de enviar por correo o entregar esta solicitud directamente a la oficina del condado de Elecciones del Condado de Fresno YOUR POLLING PLACE SU SITIO DE VOTACIÓN SEPÁRESE AQUÍ ▼ POSTMASTER DELIVER TO ▼ SEPARATE HERE VOTE HERE: VOTE AQUÍ ACCESS? MUST BE COMPLETED IN VOTERS OWN HANDWRITING. EL ELECTOR MISMO DEBE DE COMPLETAR CON SU PROPIA ESCRITURA. PRINT MAILING ADDRESS if different from your address above. ESCRIBA CON LETRA DE MOLDE su dirección de correo si es diferente a la de arriba. Address: (Dirección:) City: (Ciudad:) State: (Estado:) Zip: (Código postal:) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Yo declaro bajo pena de perjurio bajo las leyes del Estado de California que lo siguiente es cierto y correcto. SIGNATURE OF VOTER NAMED ABOVE: FIRMA DEL ELECTOR/DE LA ELECTORA CUYO NOMBRE CONSTA ARRIBA: ➧ ❏ PERMANENT VOTE BY MAIL VOTER Check here to become a Permanent Vote by Mail Voter. ❏ ELECTOR DE VOTO POR CORREO PERMANENTE Marque usted aquí para convertirse en Elector de Voto por Correo Permanente. 061 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION TELEPHONE FRESNO COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: (559) 600-8683 PARA MÁS INFORMES, FAVOR DE LLAMAR A LA AGENCIA DEL OFICIAL DEL REGISTRO CIVIL/EMPADRONADOR DE ELECTORES DEL CONDADO DE FRESNO: (559) 600-8683 INTERNET - 061
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