St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 18223 Point Lookout Dr. Nassau Bay, Texas 77058-3594 281-333-3891 / Fax: 281-333-3815 Monday – Thursday Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12-1 p.m., M-F) The Clergy Staff Pastor, Rev. Wencil Pavlovsky (Ext. 325) Rev. James P. Bradley Retired Deacon Scott Daniel (Ext. 337) Deacon Arturo Monterrubio (713-741-8709) Deacon Servando Rojas (Ext. 337) Deacon Jim Lockwood Retired Deacon Hector Romeu Retired The Pastoral Staff Adult Faith Formation Heidi Clark Children’s Ministry Sara Fontana Early Childhood Program Vicky Kuehnel Liturgical Ministry Joyce Lubofsky Multicultural Ministry Esperanza Monterrubio Music Ministry David Rofrano Youth Ministry Katie Mahoney Business Manager Maria Conner Bookkeeper Theresa Waller Facilities Director Michael Centanni Parish Secretary Laura Ruzicka Assistant Secretary Elena Capetillo (Ext. 328) (Ext. 339) (Ext. 340) (Ext. 333) (Ext. 321) (Ext. 332) (Ext. 301) (Ext. 330) (Ext. 341) (Ext. 343) We Celebrate the Eucharist (Ext. 323) (Ext. 302) Gabriel Project (Ext. 338) Parish-based crisis pregnancy ministry Society of St. Vincent de Paul (281-333-2509) Office Hours: Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Thursday 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Appointment required for Financial Assistance but not for Food Pantry Weekday: Mass in English Tuesday – Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish) Jueves (Thursday) a las 7:00 p.m. Weekend: Mass in English Saturday Vigil at 5:00 p.m. Sunday at 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish) Domingo (Sunday) a las 12:00 Mediodía Confessions: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Continuously in the Chapel 6:00 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 a.m. Saturday Volume XVIII No. 1847 FINANCE COUNCIL The Finance Council assists the Pastor in a consultative role with administration of parish goods, encouraging support of Parish and Archdiocesan stewardship programs for Time, Talent and Treasure. For more info contact the Finance Council at FinanceCouncil@stpaul 2016 Members Fr. Wencil Pavlovsky Chima Akanwa Maria Conner Jim Daniel Ramiro Novoa Clemente Quinatana Kathy Tamer Diana Tran PASTORAL PASTORAL COUNCIL The The Pastoral Pastoral Council Council is is a a representative representative body body of of the the faithful, faithful, whose whose focus focus is is on on the the parish parish community community and and fostering fostering the the mission mission of of the the Church. Church. It It is is presided presided over over by by the the Pastor, Pastor, with with members members assisting assisting in in a a consultative consultative basis basis to to represent represent the the interests interests and and spiritual spiritual well-being well-being of of the the parish. parish. For For more more information, information, contact contact the the Pastoral Pastoral Council Council at at PastoralCouncil@stpaul PastoralCouncil@stpaul 2016 Members Jesus Jesus Adame Adame Judith Crowley Judith Crowley Raymond Raymond Khoury Khoury Harald Harald Langer Langer Mario Mario Moreno Moreno Demetrio Demetrio Quezada Quezada Cruz Cruz Torres Torres Yvonne Yvonne Vigue-Rodi Vigue-Rodi Aaron Aaron Walz Walz Susan Susan Wells Wells Barbara Barbara Wirth Wirth Regis Regis Wrobleski Wrobleski Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 24 Financial Stewardship July 31, 2016 Administración Financiera 24 de julio Regular No On line deductions this period. $ 13,679.95 $ 13,679.95 $ 0.00 Contribuciones Regulares No Deducciones De Línea Durante Este Periodo. Building Loan Payment June building Fund $ 37,130.77 $ 30,012.64 Préstamo del Edificio Contributions Deficit funded from parish and ministry operating budgets 2016 DSF Pledged To Date (*254 Parishioners) Paid To Date *Increases as parishioners Respond to Archdiocese Appeal. **Half of all amounts donated over the $130,000 goal are applied to our building debt. The other half will go into Archdiocese DSF accounts. $7,118.13 $ 130,000** $106,664.00* $ 89,876.00 Donaciones de fonda para la deuda del edificio en junio Déficit financiado por Fondos operacionales de la parroquia y los ministerios 2016 DSF Prometido al Día (*254 feligreses ) Pagado al Día *Número aumenta a lo que feligreses responden al apelación de la Arquidiócesis **La mitad de todos fondos donados sobre el objetivo de $130,000 serán aplicados a la deuda de nuestro edificio. El resto se destinara a cuentas de DSF de la Arquidiócesis. Are you starting to plan your summer vacations? Consider enrolling in eGiving through Faith Direct so that your gift can reach us even when you cannot. Visit and use our church code: TX596. Your gifts through Faith Direct will help stabilize our parish finances through the busy (but beautiful) summer months. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family with your time and talents as well as treasure! ¿Comienzan a planear sus vacaciones de verano? Consideren la posibilidad de inscribirse en Faith Direct para que sus donaciones sigan regularmente ayudándonos alcázar nuestras cuentas incluso cuando no puedan estar presentes. Visiten y usen nuestro código de la iglesia: TX596. Sus regalos a través de Faith Direct ayudarán a estabilizar nuestras finanzas de la parroquia a través de los días ocupados del verano. Gracias por su constante apoyo a nuestra familia parroquial con su Tiempo y Talento, así como Tesoro. Society of St. Vincent de Paul 281.333.2509 Office Hours: Tuesday – Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:30 AM Thursday: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM The SVDP office was closed last week due to Vacation Bible School. We apologize for any inconvenience. This week we are back to our regular schedule. Our next Conference Meeting will be Wednesday, August 10th in Room 1 "Keeping the Promise Alive" (Virtus refresher training) On Tuesday, September 6, we will have a Virtus refresher workshop, Keeping the Promise Alive (KPA) from 7 to 8:30 PM in Beck Hall. Any of you who have taken the regular Virtus Protecting God’s Children (PGC) or a KPA on 2011 or before must take this opportunity to be in compliance. Please sign up early because space fills up fast! If you need to know if you must take this workshop please check on the information desk or for that or any other information contact St Paul’s Virtus Coordinator Carlos G Parra at [email protected]. Volume XVIII No. 1847 Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Adorers Needed 12:00 PM (noon) Tuesday. Would you consider spending an hour with the Lord? Please contact Malina: 281.221.6591 or email: [email protected]. July 31, 2016 Readings & Mass Intentions ♦ Lecturas Y Intenciónes de Misa (07/31/2016 – 08/06/2016) Sunday (Eccl 1:2, 2:21-23; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21) Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time 9:00 AM †Guy Thibodaus, †Bienvenido, †Betty Ratcliff 12:00 PM †Nick Siconolfi 5:00 PM †Nora A. Vaughn, Mary Jo Thibodaux Monday (Jer 28:1-17; Mt 14:13-21) St. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church No Mass Tuesday (Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14) St. Paul’s First Annual Trivia Night If you love trivia - SAVE THE DATE for St. Paul's 1st Annual Trivia Night. Saturday, September 10 at 7:00 PM, here at St. Paul. Think you know your stuff? Build a team, have some fun and compete for cash prizes while we raise money for the Building Fund! For more info contact Paul Emig at 832.247.2121 or [email protected]. Catholic Newman Center at the University of Houston “Calling Future Coogs! Whether you’re a freshman or a transfer student, starting out can be hard…Join us for a smooth transition to University of Houston Main Campus with the Fresh retreat at the Catholic Newman Center (4805 Calhoun Road, Houston, TX 77004) on Saturday, August 27th from 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM. The day retreat will be filled with interactive games, food, dynamic talks and personal stories of transitioning and staying close to the Catholic Faith in College. You will also get the chance to make contact with other freshmen and transfer students, gain insight from current Catholic Coogs, and hang out with our Director Fr. John Paul Bolger, C.C. and Campus Minister Mrs. Claire McMullin. Please contact Claire at [email protected] or check out FRESH in the events. St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop; St. Peter Julian Eymard, Priest 8:30 AM †Adolf Wehner, Paul Campbell Wednesday (Jer 31:1-7; Mt 15:21-28) 8:30 AM Andrea Campbell, Mary Jo Thibodaux Thursday (Jer 31:31-34; Mt 16:13-23) St. John Vianney, Priest 8:30 AM Justo and Fern Avila, Megan Campbell 7:00 PM Parker Family Friday (Na 2:1, 3, 3:1-3, 6-7; Mt 16:24-28) The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major 8:30 AM , Eric Tom, Mary Jo Thibodaux Saturday (Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36) The Transfiguration of the Lord; BVM Vigil: (Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12; Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40) 8:30 AM Austin Tom and Sharon Chan 5:00 PM †Ray Daves, †Stephen Brunner Please Pray For Charles Bourgeois, Dorothy Breidenstein, Melvin Ellis, Marie & Bernie Brabant, Christie Gaspard, Kay Kirk, Bettye Beason, Kon Delang, Nelda Zamora, Nelda Davila, Beverly Bubenik, Maite Evangelista, Kelly Barton, Donald Walker, Jo Michael, Bill & June Jung, Jerome & Bernadine Berend, John Ryan, Gerald Berend, Carol Weide, Wynne Gillen, Bill & Beverly Mann, Victoria Chavez, Mercedes Lopez, Barbara Williams, Ivy Dsouza, Kevin Krengle, Darin Clark, Joseph Ulloa, Beverly & Ken Tiger, Kristen Scott, Allison Schneider, Tony Falcon, Joyce Curtner, Marichu Arcilla Maullon-Asprer, Valerie Parisi, Lucio Martinez, Eduardo Gasca, Heather Valarino, Gerald Rivera, Ann Kuehnel, Martin Olson, Presy Carrera, Sharon Lee, Tom Halle, Leonel Garcia, Ellen & Sue Guy, Josie Travalos, Ray Fernandez, Carlotta Del Campo, Brittney Maynard, Daniel Adcock, Ernesto Rumbaoa, Frank O’Connor, Raymond Ciak, Wendy Wells, Chan Finch, Joe Garcia, Marcial Bacani, Donna Ruggerieri, Jackie Christ, David Scott, Paul Miller, Madge Bualexanderduan, Raymond Fernandez, Connie Fernandez, Margaret Escobedo, Bobby Lopez, Nancy Ware, Trace Cook, Julia Brown, Kenneth Parker, Daniel Parker, Betty Jean Herron, Gladys Galloway, Maria William Swenson, Allison Hawthorne Swenson, Mary Lee Knight, Rose Miller, Austin Gerry, Linda Buckminster, Betty Quebedeaux, Dr. Frank Greytok, John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Edril Phillips, Judy Ganske, Josefina Saenz, Eloisa Allen, Betty Johnson, Kristin Scott, Alice Jean Pursell, Estela Narvaez, Marcos Jimenez, Rebecca Brooklier, Anna Feiaiullo, Karen Savko, Antoinette Fossatti, Angelica Mendoza, Ed Baca, Liz, Jeremiah & Justin DeLeon, Wendy Mattingly, Tom Leahy, Norma Bischel, Sherry Sullivan, Isaiah Pina, Edward Templin, Patti DiCostanza, John & Carmen Heckler, Brian Lee, Emily Weiss, Pam Collins, Deanna Stellato, Verr Soltes, Soledad Martinez, Darius Riley, Peggy Vargas, Louise Temple, Angela Porter, Blanche Riel, Verena Costello, Claire Cavetti, Chris Hebert, Thomas Frasier, Minnie Hill-Honor, David Cabrera, James John, Sarah Marcela Poole, Audrey Cegielski. Volume XVIII No. 1847 Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 31, 2016 LITURGY AND WORSHIP LITURGIA Y CULTO Joyce Lubofsky [email protected] 281.333.3891 Ext. 333 LITURGY NOTES COSAS LITURGICAS We welcome Father David Bittner, CSB, and Father David Bergeron, CC, to preside at Mass as Father Wencil enjoys a well-earned weekend off. There will be NO CONFESSIONS on the Tuesdays of August. There will be Confessions on Thursdays 5:30-6:30 PM. Damos la bienvenida al Padre David Bittner, CSB, y al Padre David Bergeron, CC, que ofrecerán las Misas mientras que el Padre Wencil disfrutará. THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS The Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated Saturday, August 6th, after the 8:30 AM Mass. To receive the sacrament, you must register by August 4th; walk-ins will not be accepted. To register, please call the Welcome Center to leave your name and contact information; you will receive a call to verify your eligibility for the sacrament. El Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos será celebrado el sábado 6 de agosto después de la Misa de 8:30 AM. Para recibir el sacramento debe registrarse a más tardar 4 de agosto. No se aceptarán personas que lleguen a última hora. Para registrarse, por favor de dejar su nombre y número de teléfono al Centro de Bienvenida; alguien se contactará para así verificar su elegibilidad para recibir el sacramento. WHICH ARE THE HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? In addition to Sunday, the following days are to be observed as Holy Days of Obligation in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston: January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary November 1, the Solemnity of All Saints December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary December 25, the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ NOTE: Whenever January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the Solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is removed. NO HABRÁ CONFESIONES los martes de agosto. Habrá Confesiones los jueves 5:30-6:30pm como usual. ¿CUÁLES SON LOS DÍAS DE PRECEPTO EN LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA? Además del domingo, los días siguientes deben ser observadas como Días de Precepto en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston: 1 de enero, la Solemnidad de María, Madre de Dios 15 de agosto, la Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María 1 de noviembre, la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos 8 de diciembre, la Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María 25 de diciembre, la Solemnidad de la Natividad de nuestro Señor Jesucristo NOTA: Siempre que el 1 de enero, la Solemnidad de María, Madre de Dios o el 15 de agosto, la Solemnidad de la Asunción, o el 1 de noviembre, Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, cae en un sábado o un lunes, se elimina el precepto de asistir a Misa. HURRICANES God, our Father, Creator and Lord of the universe, You have set the earth on its foundation and all the elements of nature obey your command. We humbly beseech you to keep us safe from all dangers and calm the storms that threaten us. May we be secure in your loving protection and serve you always with grateful hearts. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen Volume XVIII No. 1847 Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 31, 2016 Ministerio Multicultural “Ustedes son el cuerpo de Cristo, y cada uno en su lugar es parte de él.” (1 Cor. 12:27) Para más información acerca de este ministerio comuníquese con Esperanza Monterrubio a 281.333.3891 Ext 321 o [email protected] ¡SE NECESITAN PERSONAS QUE VENGAN AL SANTISIMO! Martes, 12 PM (medio día) ¿Consideras una hora con Nuestro Señor? Favor de llamar o enviar mensaje a Hortensia, 281.731.6539. BAUTISMOS Nuestro Párroco el Padre Wencil y los diáconos entrevistan a padres de familia que están interesados en Bautizar a sus niños menores de 7 años. Para más informes, tome una hoja con todos los papeles que tiene traer para la entrevista. Se encuentran en la pared enfrente del centro de bienvenida. La próxima entrevista es el martes 5 de mayo a las 7 PM. FORMACION PARA EL MINISTERIO CRISTIANO PROGRAMA PARA ADULTOS PARA APRENDER DE LA FE CATOLICA Empezando el 24 de agosto, 2016 y cada miércoles de 7 a 9 PM, por 2 semestres más, tendremos este programa Arquidiocesano aquí en San Pablo. Este programa enseña las bases de nuestra Fe católica. Temas que se enseña en este semestre: Fundamentos de la Fe, Cristología y Sacramentos. Al finalizar este programa, se recibe un Certificado de manos del Cardenal Daniel DiNardo. Tome un folleto en la pared de Información o comuníquese con Esperanza Monterrubio al 281.333.3891 Ext. 321 o con Irene Herrera al 832.213.8652 o a [email protected]. Habrá guardería disponible por un costo adicional. Para Bautizar en la Iglesia de St. Paul, se pide: 1. Participar en Misa los domingos 2. Venir a la oficina parroquial a una entrevista con el sacerdote o diacono el PRIMER MARTES DEL MES a las 7 PM 3. Traer a la entrevista COPIA FOTOSTATICA a) Certificado de Nacimiento del niño/a b) Tarjeta de identificación “ID” con fotografía de: • El papá y la mamá del niño/a • El padrino y madrina del niño/a 4. Traer la Hoja de Convenio del Padrino y la Madrina llena y firmada 5. Traer un sobre de colecta dominical para saber si son feligreses inscritos 6. Traer $25 para los libros de Bautismo que reciben los papás y padrinos 7. Venir a las clases Pre-Bautismales (3 clases de 2 horas) Volume XVIII No. 1847 Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 31, 2016 Ministry and Continuing Education for Adults Because Our Faith is too Rich to have ever Learned it All… Contact Heidi Clark, Director of Adult Ministry, 281.333.3891, Ext. 328 or [email protected] for more information. Adult faith formation at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church is centered around the understanding that living “The Way” taught by Jesus Christ is a life-long, evolving journey, involving both effort and decision. To enable adults to explore the faith and deepen their knowledge of God’s Word, we provide many opportunities to come together in a learning environment. As a diverse community with a small parish feel, we know it is important to walk that journey with others and to share what we have learned along the way. Do you want to be Catholic? Then please join us at the weekly Inquiry session that takes place every Sunday after the 9 AM Mass. The group meets in the Conference Room from about 10:15-11 AM. Contact Heidi at [email protected] for information. Next Sunday’s Mass Themes Next Sunday is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time and we continue our reading of the Gospel of Luke (12:32-48) where Jesus is traveling to Jerusalem, to face death and, ultimately, resurrection. We (hopefully!) are on a similar journey. Along the way, Jesus challenges us to be detached from money and things and direct our generosity toward the poor. Finally, he instructs his disciples to be watchful and ready for the Master’s return. Are you ready? Next Men’s ACTS Retreat Registrations are being taken to attend the next men’s ACTS retreat scheduled for Thursday, September 1, to Sunday, September 4. Contact Bob Milmoe to get one: 409.795.7227. Infertility Support Group Loving Embrace is a Catholic support group for couples affected by infertility. The group meets the 3rd Thursday of every month. Further, the group works with couples who want to pursue pregnancy while not going against what the Church teaches. Contact Shannon Lassen at 832.978.6716 for information. In-Parish Couples Retreat Make plans to attend this 1½-day parish-based event, September 17-18, which focuses on helping couples create the marriage they have always dreamed of. Living in Love helps couples get in touch with the resources that draw them to each other. There is no large group discussion or open sharing. Saturday goes from 8 AM -9 PM and includes a lovely candlelight dinner. Sunday ends by 3 PM and includes Mass. The retreat takes place at our parish so participants can sleep at home and simplify child care. Contact Heidi to register: [email protected] or 281.333.3891, Ext. 328. Confirmation for Adults If you or someone you know is a baptized Catholic who has received first Eucharist but has not been confirmed, please contact Heidi Clark to make arrangements to complete your sacraments of initiation: [email protected] or 281.333.3891, Ext. 328. Make Mass More Meaningful The great Bishop Fulton Sheen, while conducting a retreat for teenagers, once said, “If you don’t get anything out of Mass, it’s because you don’t bring the right expectations to it.” The Mass is not entertainment, he said. It is worship of the God who made us and saves us. It is an opportunity to praise God and thank Him for all He has done for us. Men Who Cook—August 13! The most delicious fund raiser of the year, Men Who Cook, is set for Saturday, August 13, from 6:30-10:30 PM. Tickets go on sale this week and are $35 in advance, $50 at the door. Tables for eight—which include 2 complimentary bottles of wine and 4 commemorative cookbooks—are available for $400 each. To volunteer, contact [email protected]. Healing after Infant Loss Parishioners Paul and Racheal Emig are helping lead a healing retreat for those who’ve lost children through miscarriage, stillbirth, and other forms of early infant loss. It takes place August 13, at St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Dripping Springs. The cost is $60 for individuals and $95 for couples. Café Catholica for Young Adults The July 25, event at St. Vincent de Paul, 6800 Buffalo Speedway, presents Msgr. Bill Young talking about humility. Confessions are at 5:15 PM, Mass at 6:15, dinner at 7:15, and the presentation at 8:15. August Ladies Lunch Bunch In August, the Over 50 Ladies Lunch Bunch is meeting on the 10th at 12:30 PM at Tommy’s Restaurant and Oyster Bar on Bay Area Blvd. RSVP to Mary Sue Anton: 281.474.3373. Volume XVIII No. 1847 Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Early Childhood Program Children’s Ministry Seeing Children Through The Eyes of God! Partnering with parents to keep the light of faith burning For information call Sara Fontana 281.333.3891 Ext. 339 or e-mail [email protected]. 2016-2017 CCE REGISTRATION GRAB YOUR SMART PHONE OR YOUR COMPUTER TO REGISTER PAPER REGISTRATIONS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE!! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE VBS WE JUST HAD! THANK YOU TO THE For information contact: Vicky Kuehnel, Director [email protected] or 281.333.0176 The ECP is closed for the summer! However, Vicky will be in and out of the office all summer long. So if you are interested in enrolling your little one in ECP for the Fall, just call the office and leave a message, 281.333.0176. CHILDREN AND Recipe corner: FAMILIES WHO PARTICIPATED AND ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO MADE IT HAPPEN! July 31, 2016 Ham and Cheese muffins1 ½ cup all-purpose flour All of us are leaving the week with a new appreciation of 1 cup whole wheat flour the APOSTLES CREED. This beautiful Creed that came 2 tsp baking powder to us from the Apostles. The Apostles are those who were 1 tsp baking soda called by Jesus to be his closest collaborators and witnesses. The two sets of brothers were Peter and ½ tsp salt Andrew and James and John, sons of Zebedee. The 2 eggs others were Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, ¼ cup canola oil James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Matthias 2 tbls honey who replaced Judas. St. Paul was also privileged to consider himself an apostle called by Christ. We believe 1 ¼ cups buttermilk that all of the Apostles were married except for John. This 1 cup cheddar cheese Creed was used during the Baptism of the early 1 cup chopped ham Christians. So when you say it today, think of all of the people who have professed these beliefs through the centuries! Many who were willing to die professing their beliefs rather than live being forced to deny them. The concepts that Jesus Christ taught us was to live filtering our thoughts, words and actions through God’s love. I do believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I do believe in the holy Catholic Church, The forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the first 5 ingredients. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, oil, and honey. Add the buttermilk. Add the wet and dry ingredients together. Fold in the cheese and ham. Fill muffin pans 2/3 way full, and bake for 18-20 minutes. Volume XVIII No. 1847 Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 31, 2016 October 22-23, 2016 Festival Team is seeking baskets, including, but not limited to the following items: • • • • • Your Donations are tax deductible for the market value of the item. Tus donaciones son deducibles de los impuestos por el valor de Mercado del Jewelry, Artwork Handmade crafts Pet Items New Electronic items Gourmet human food items, chocolates, candies • Wine & Beers baskets (**) • Service Packages: photos, pet grooming, lawn care, car detailing, what's your speciality? • Unused gift cards / Certificates: restaurants, groceries, pharmacy, gas, retailers, theatres El Equipo del Festival está en la búsqueda de cestas incluyendo, algunos de los siguientes artículos: • Joyería • Piezas de arte • Equipos electrónicos nuevos • Artículos para mascotas • Comida gourmet, caramelos, chocolates • Cestas de licores, con Vino y/o Cervezas (**) • Paquetes de Servicios, como fotografía, jardinería, mantenimiento de vehículos • Tarjetas de regalo sin usar de restaurantes, gasolineras, farmacias o tiendas artículo. For the Alcohol baskets it's MANDATORY that items cannot be opened inside and on the premises of the Church. Para los artículos con bebidas alcohólicas está PROHIBIDO su consumo dentro o en las áreas alrededor de la iglesia. For information, please contact: Diana Adame ([email protected]). Volume XVIII No. 1847 Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 31, 2016 Come join us in giving Ms. Katie a Tex-Mex Goodbye! Friday, August 5 th @ 6:30pm St Paul Catholic Church, Nassau Bay Beck Hall If you are interested in bringing food, contributing to the group gift, or giving a toast; sign up on 3 or contact Stephanie Colelli, 832.287.4617
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