World e-Parliament Conference 2016 28-30 June 2016 Co-organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Chamber of Deputies of Chile #eParliament PROVISIONAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 21 June 2016 *** Please communicate any changes or corrections to [email protected] by 1 July 2016 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 National parliaments AFGHANISTAN - AFGANISTÁN Mr. Abdul Abbas AHADI Software Engineer Mr. Aimal FAIZYAR Mediapool Officer Mr. Ahmad Shoaib FETRY General Director of ICT Department Mr. Abdul Raziq PAYKAR Software Engineer Mr. Obaidullah SAYEDI IT Officer ARGENTINA Ms. Gladys Edith ABRAHAM Director Mr. Fernando AGUILAR Jefe División Estadísticas Mr. Mauro AYALA Desarrollador Mr. Daniel AYOROA Subdirector Digesto Jurídico Ms. Elisa BIANCHI Analista Funcional Mr. Ariel CRAVERO Subdirector Comunic. Audiovisual Mr. Emiliano GAMBONE Desarrollador Ms. Maria Isabel GIMENEZ DIAZ Directora Información Parlamentaria Mr. Alejandro Daniel SAPORITI Coordinador de Redes Sociales Ms. María Agustina SOTIJ Redes Sociales y Web Ms. Constanza SOZZANI Coordinadora Contenidos Web Ms. Patricia VACA Subdirectora Prensa y Difusiòn AUSTRALIA Mr. Ian MCKENZIE Assistant Secretary, ICT Infrastructure & Service Branch AUSTRIA Mr. Peter REICHSTÄDTER Head of the IT Department BAHRAIN – BAHREIN Mr. Hashim AL ALAWI Head of Information Systems Ms. Abeer AL-OBAIDULLI Director of Information Systems Technology BANGLADESH Mr. Md. Zillul HAKIM Member of Parliament Mr. B.M. Muzammel HAQUE Member of Parliament Mr. Khan Md ELIAS Director System Management Mr. Anm Khalilur Rahman KHAN Director IT Department Mr. Md. Ashif IQBAL Maintenance Engineer 2 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 BENIN Mr. Cyprien TOGNI Member of Parliament Mr. Boda Wallys ZOUMAROU Member of Parliament Mr. Parfait AHOYO Parliamentary Staff BOLIVIA Mr. Hebert CHOQUE TARQUE Representante de Bolivia ante Organismos Parlamentarios Supraestatales Mr. Beatriz Flora GUZMAN GOMEZ Representante de Bolivia ante Organismos Parlamentarios Supraestatales Mr. Ruth Betsaida ITIMARI CHOQUE Representante de Bolivia ante Organismos Parlamentarios Supraestatales Ms. Edith MENDOZA FERNANDEZ Representante de Bolivia ante Organismos Parlamentarios Supraestatales Ms. Mery Elina Zabala MONTENEGRO Titular y miembro de la UIP por Bolivia Mr. Alberto MORENO CUELLAR Representante de Bolivia ante Organismos Parlamentarios Supraestatales Mr. Edwin MORO PUYAL Representante de Bolivia ante Organismos Parlamentarios Supraestatales BRAZIL – BRASIL Mr. Gladson CAMELI Senator Mr. Ciro NOGUEIRA Senator Mr. Sergio PETECÃO Senator Mr. Jefferson CAMPOS Federal Deputy Mr. Paes LANDIM Federal Deputy Mr. Hugo MOTTA Federal Deputy Mr. William FRANÇA Director Mr. Romulo MESQUITA Director-General CAMBODIA – CAMBOYA Mr. Savuth SOM Director of ICT Department Mr. Kimsrun SAR Head of ICT Center CANADA – CANADÁ Mr. Soufiane BEN MOUSSA Chief Technology Officer Mr. Pierre RODRIGUE Principal Clerk CHILE Mr. Sebastián Alejandro BERNAL Mena Mr. Eduardo CUEVAS Software Engineer - Ingeniero de software Mr. Pablo ONETO Administrative Sub clerk Mr. Juan Ignacio OSORIO Opazo 3 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 Mr. Esteban SANCHEZ Head of Technology Operations Ms. Verónica SEGUEL Jefa de Unidad de Acceso a la Información y Transparencia Mr. Marco SEPÚLVEDA Jefe Oficina de Informaciones CHINA Mr. Shuhua DOU Deputy Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the NPC Ms. Yongmei JIA Director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the NPC Ms. Jingbo LIU Director of the Editor Office of the NPC Website Mr. Wenjie Sun Staff Ms. Dan WU Staff of the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the NPC Ms. Wang YUYU Staff of the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the NPC Mr. Junhua ZHONG Vice Chairman of the Information Center of the NPC COSTA RICA Ms. Karina MONTOYA CUBERO Asesora juridica DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO – REPÚBLICA DEMORCATIC DEL CONGO Mr. Gerard NKULU MWENZE Député Mr. Jean NGUVULU Secrétaire General Mr. Patrick KATUTA MWAMBWA Conseiller technique Mr. Antony LUGOMA Conseiller Mr. Camille MOBANGABI Chef De Division Informatique Mr. Oscar NONDO Directeur Mr. Henry RASHIDI TAMBWE Chargé d'Etudes COTE D´IVOIRE – COSTA IVOIR Mr. Siaka OUATTARA Député Mr. Adama KONÉ Chef du service de la documentation et des archives Mr. Mathias N'GADI Chef du centre de traitement informatique DOMINICAN REPUBLIC – REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA Mr. Tommy GALAN Senador Mr. Julio Cesar VALENTIN Senador Mr. Eduardo Marino GONZALEZ Director IT Ms. Rosira Josefina PICHARDO RAFUL Asesora ECUADOR Mr. Xavier ARMENDARIZ Coordinador General de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación 4 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 EQUATORIAL GUINEA – GUINEA EQUATORIAL Mr. Federico ABAGA ONDO NFONO Diputado Mr. Ikako EÑESO KOLA Politólogo E Intérprete Mr. Jesús Javier Mesian NGUEMA ADA Dir. Gral. RR.HH. Mr. Cristo-Engonga NSUE MENGUE Director General De Documentación y Relaciones Interparlamentaria ETHIOPIA – ETIOPíA Mr. Kereyou Banata GELGELO Parliamentary Staff FIJI Mr. Rovil KUMAR Senior IT Officer Mr. Iliesa RAIDUDUVA Civic Education Officer FINLANDE – FINLANDIA Ms. Elina FORSSTRÖM Head of IT Ms. Marjo TIMONEN Director of Information and Communications FRANCE – FRANCIA Mr. Philippe KALTENBACH Sénateur Mr. Patrice MARTIN-LALANDE Député Mr. Pierre DELBANCUT Conseiller Mr. Didier EIFERMANN Conseiller GHANA Mr. Edward K. Doe ADJAHO Speaker of Parliament Mr. Emmanuel K. ANYIMADU Clerk to Parliament Mr. Simon SETORGLO ADC to Speaker Ms. Shirley-Ann FIAGOME Director ICT GUYANA – GUAYANA Mr. Ashley HINDS Systems Development Officer HUNGARY – HUNGRÍA Mr. András KÁDAS Advisor of Department of Documentation and Information Mr. János TÓTH Head of IT Department ICELAND – ISLANDIA Ms. Birgitta JÓNSDOTTIR Member of Parliament Ms. Ragnheidur RÍKHARDSDOTTIR Member of Parliament Ms. Arna BANG Adviser 5 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 INDIA Mr. Har Prateek ARYA Assistant Director Mr. Saket KUMAR, DR. Assistant Director INDONESIA Mr. Tantowi YAHYA Vice Chair of Committee for Interparliamentary Cooperation Ms. Sarwo Budi WIRYANTI SUKAMDANI Member of Committee for Interparliamentary Cooperation Mr. Fariza EMRA Msc. Mr. Erdinal HENDRADJAJA Msc. Ms. Rahayu YUNI SUSANTI Master of Information Technology Ms. WARSITI ALFIAH Secretary to Delegation Mr. Philemon AROBAYA Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Santiago Mr. Adi SUJASA Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Santiago IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) – IRÁN (REPÚBLICA ISLÁMICA DE IRÁN) Mr. Ramazanali SOBHANIFAR Member of Parliament IRAQ – IRAK Mr. Mohamad ABU BAKER Director general of media directorate Mr. Majid AL-OGAILY Director general of ICT directorate Mr. Ayad ZAKI Deputy of the Director General of ICT directorate ITALY – ITALIA Mr. Carlo MARCHETTi Head of Information Systems Development KENYA – KENIA Mr. Melly ISAAC Senator Mr. Mutahi KAGWE Senator Ms. Daisy KANAINZA Senator Mr. James REGE Member of Parliament Mr. Nyagaka RICHARD Member of Parliament Mr. Richard TONG'I Member of Parliament Mr. Abdullahi IBRAHIM ALI Hon. Dr., PSC Commissioner Mr. Yussuf ABDI OSMAN Researcher, PSC Secretariat Mr. Enock BOSIRE Principal ICT Officer Mr. Keya DONALD Researcher Mr. Christopher GITONGA Clerk Assistant Mr. Mohammed HASSAN ICT Officer Mr. Donald MANYALA Research Officer Mr. Innocent MBAYA Clerk Assistant 6 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 Mr. Bonface MUTETHIA KIAMBI Clerk Assistant, PSC Secretariat Ms. Lonah MUTORO MUMELO Dr., PSC Commissioner Mr. Clement NYANDIERE Director General Mr. Harrison OWINO Chief ICT Officer MALAYSIA – MALASIA Mr. Kok Seong TEO Member of Parliament Ms. Hamidah AHMAD Parliamentary Staff Mr. Carlos CUETO Diplomatic Corp MEXICO – MÉJICO Ms. Claudia Edith ANAYA MOTA Secretaria Comisión de Presupuesto y Cuenta Pública. Cámara de Diputados Mr. José Erandi BERMÚDEZ MÉNDEZ Presidente Comisión de Desarrollo Rural. Cámara de Diputados Mr. Juan Manuel CAVAZOS BALDERAS Presidente del Comité del Centro de Estudios de Derecho e Investigaciones Parlamentarias. Cámara de Diputados MOROCCO – MARRUECOS Mr. Najib EL KHADI Secrétaire Général de la Chambre des Représentants Mr. Mustapha ASSELLALOU Directeur de la Stratégie et des Systèmes d'Information Mr. Youssef ELHAIDAOUI Chef de service informatique Ms. Farah LAHDIY Chargée du suivi des projets e-parlement Ms. Aguizoul SANAA Chef de service Etudes et Développement des Systèmes d'Information Ms. Bouchra ZOUINI Cadre à la division de communication et presse MYANMAR Mr. Than ZAW OO Director Mr. Edin ELGSAETHER UNDP Programme Specialist Mr. Oakkar MAUNG IPU ICT Project Manager NAMIBIA Mr. Phillipus Wido KATAMELO Chairperson, IPU National Group Mr. Lebbius TOBIAS Chief Whip Ms. Auguste SHALI Parliamentary Clerk Mr. John SHIMANENI Mr. Tudiminapo SHINDUME Personal Assistant NIGER – NÍGER Mr. Samaila ALI Vice-Président Réseau parlementaire TIC Ms. Halima MAMANE Membre Réseau parlementaire TIC 7 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 Mr. Moussa ABDOU ING. TIC, Conseiller Technique, Secrétariat général du parlement, Conseiller Réseau Parlementaire TIC NIGERIA Mr. Onawo MOHAMMED OGOSHI Member of Parliament Mr. Foster OGALA Senator Mr. Babajide OMOWORARE Senator Mr. Umar MUHAMMED Director ICT Mr. Lawal A. GARBA Secretary to the Delegation Ms. Rabi A. AUDU Secretary to the Group Ms. Foster-Ogola EBIKABOERE JEMIMA WILLIAMS Spouse PAKISTAN – PAKISTÁN Mr. Daniyal AZIZ Member National Assembly Mr. Haji Saif Ullah Khan BANGASH Senator Mr. Saeed Ull HASSAN Senator Mr. Mushahid Ullah KHAN Senator Mr. Aurangzeb KHAN Senator Mr. Amjed Pervez MALIK Secretary General Mr. Tariq BIN WAHEED Director Protocol PAPUA NEW GUINEA – PAPÚA NUEVA GUINEA Mr. Kala AUFA Clerk Mr. Sawoi GIPO ICT Manager PARAGUAY Mr. Nahuel Egardo OJEDA BRITEZ Director PERU – PERÚ Mr. Hugo ARBIETO Jefe del Departamento de Redacción del Diario de los Debates PHILIPPINES – FILIPINAS Mr. Neri COLMENARES Honorable PORTUGAL Mr. Duarte PACHECO President of the Delegation Ms. Rosa Maria ALBERNAZ Member of the Delegation Mr. Fernando Virgílio MACEDO Member of the Delegation Ms. Maria Hortense MARTINS Member of the Delegation Ms. Ana LEAL Deputy Secretary General Ms. Antonieta TEIXEIRA IT Director 8 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 REPUBLIC OF KOREA – REPÚBLICA DE COREA Mr. Daehyun KIM Deputy Secretary-General for Mr. Sungmin YOON Director Mr. Hyunwoo KIM Deputy Director Mr. Inkyu HONG Grade-6 Official Ms. Eunmi KANG Program Officer SERBIA Ms. Dubravka FILIPOVSKI Member of Parliament Ms. Jelena MANIC PETRONIKOLOS UNDP Programme Analyst SPAIN – ESPANA Mr. José Antonio MORENO ARA Secretario General Adjunto para Asuntos Parlamentarios Mr. Javier DE ANDRÉS BLASCO Director del Centro de Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones SRI LANKA Mr. Mahesh PERERA Director, Information Systems and Management SUDAN – SUDÁN Ms. Khalda ABDELKREEM ICT manager Mr. Faisal Mohamed Elamin ALI GHANDOUR Assistant Secretary General Ms. Somay ALLA GABO Assistant Secretary General Affairs in Council Mr. Mohamed MAHMOUD Head of Software Development Department Mr. Yassin MOHAMED IT Staff TOGO Mr. Edem Komi FOLIKPO-AWUTE Responsable Informatique TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Mr. Maxie CUFFIE Honourable Mr. David SMALL Senator Mr. Garreth FERGUSON Information & Communications Technology Director TUNESIA – TÚNEZ Ms. Hajer BOUZEMMI Députée Mr. Naceur CHOUIEKH Député Ms. Jamila JOOBOR Secrétaire Générale ARP Ms. Kalthoum HZEMI Directrice Générale, Chargée de la Communication a l'ARP Mr. Jean-Raphael GIULIANI Conseiller Technique Principal Projet d'appui au Parlement, PNUD 9 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 Mr. Moez KLOULA Expert, PNUD UGANDA Mr. Fred Junior BBAALE Assistant Director, ICT Mr. Hudson OKII Principal Technician UKRAINE - UCRANIA Mr. Oleksandr DANCHENKO Chair of the Committee on Information and Communications Mr. Oleksandr FURMAN Deputy Head of Division, Inter-Parliamentary Relations Office Mr. Volodymyr SLYSHYNSKYI First Deputy Secretary General Mr. Oleksiy SYDORENKO Director, ICT Department UNITED KINGDOM – REINO UNIDO Ms. Emma ALLEN Director of Digital Development Mr. Rob GREIG Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service Mr. Rick NIMMO Director, British Group of the IPU UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA – REPÚBLICA UNIDA DE TANZANIA Ms. Lily MRABA Assistant Director Infrastructure Development Mr. DIDAS WAMBURA Director - ICT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Mr. Robert REEVES Deputy Clerk, House of Representatives Ms. Kirsten GULLICKSON Senior Systems Analyst, House of Representatives ZAMBIA Mr. Teddy NYAMBE Assistant Principal Clerk ICT ZIMBABWE – ZIMBABUE Ms. Tionei Melody DZIVA Member of Parliament Ms. Teresa Muchaneta KAMVURA ICT Director Mr. Andries Matenda RUKOBO Principal Director Information Services *** EAST AFRICAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Mr. Straton NDIKURYAYO Member of Parliament SOMALILAND HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT Mr. Saeed W. ISMAIL Chairman of Environment Sub-committee Mr. A/rahman Yusuf ARTAN Member of Environmental Sub-committee 10 World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Provisional list of participants – 20 June 2016 *** Mr. Luis Felipe ÁLVAREZ Desarrollador, Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente Mr. Jan BEZUIDENHOUT Senior Manager, Ernst&Young Advisory Services, South Africa Mr. Greg BROWN Program Officer, National Democratic Institute, USA Mr. Cristhian CASTAÑEDA Ingeniero de Sistemas, Congreso Visible, Colombia Mr. Claudio DELGADO Gerente de Operaciones, Agile Ingeniería y Consultoría Ltda, Chile Ms. Mireille EZA Director, Assemblée parlementaire de la francophonie Mr. Giorgi KLDIASHVILI Director, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), Georgia Ms. Chantal LAMARRE Conseillère principale, domaine juridique, Irosoft, Canada Mr. Matt LANDGRAF Program Officer, United States Government Publishing Office Ms. Lisa LAPLANT Program Manager, United States Government Publishing Office Mr. Pedro MARKUN Mr. Agustin MILLÁN GÓMEZ Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a La Información y Protección de Datos Personales, Mexico Mr. Rajkumar PRASAD CEO, Commonwealth Centre for eGovernance, India Ms. Marcela RÍOS Oficial de Programa Gobernabilidad, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Chile Ms. Rebecca RUMBUL Head of Research, MySociety, United Kingdom Ms. Maria Luisa SOTOMAYOR U-Report / UNICEF Global Innovation Center *** Mr. Cristiano FERRI SOARES DE FARIA Director, Hacker Laboratory, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil Mr. Pedro GUERRA BRANDÃO Project Manager, Hacker Laboratory, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil Mr. Caio FARIA VIOTTI Front-end developer, Hacker Laboratory, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil *** Mr. Martin CHUNGONG Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union Mr. Andy RICHARDSON Information Specialist, Inter-Parliamentary Union Mr. Avinash BIKHA Project coordinator, Inter-Parliamentary Union Mr. Andy WILLIAMSON Author, World e-Parliament Report 2016 11
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