Read Now and Download The High Lord Book at Our Online Library. Get The High Lord PDF Book For FREE From Our Library The High Lord Book PDF Download Book Author: Trudi Canavan PDF File: The High Lord Book PDF Read Now and Download The High Lord Book at Our Online Library. Get The High Lord PDF Book For FREE From Our Library DOWNLOAD THE HIGH LORD BOOK PDF - BY: TRUDI CANAVAN Download: The High Lord Book PDF Full Version The High Lord Book PDF Summary Are you looking for Ebook The High Lord by Trudi Canavan? You will be glad to know that "The High Lord" Book PDF is available on our online library. With our online resources, you can find Applied Numerical Methods, All Books by Trudi Canavan or just about any type of ebooks, for any type of product. We suggest you to search our broad selection of eBook in which distribute from numerous subject as well as topics accessible. 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I'd recommend reading the trilogy together and in order, which is probably something normal people would do anyway. I think while each one has a complete story arc, they form a much more complex and satisfying whole all together. Normally I advocate reading books haphazardly and maniaclly, but really, these could be just one big long novel if people were willing to carry around a 1000 page book. The character development acro This last book in the trilogy is the best by far. I really enjoyed it. I'd recommend reading the trilogy together and in order, which is probably something normal people would do anyway. I think while each one has a complete story arc, they form a much more complex and satisfying whole all together. Normally I advocate reading books haphazardly and maniaclly, but really, these could be just one big long novel if people were willing to carry around a 1000 page book. The character development across all three books is compelling and I found myself more invested in the characters and the outcome than I thought I would be. There are a lot of unexpected plot twists but enough that's archetypal and familiar so that the books don't leave you feeling lost or out of context. The good guys win in the end, though neither the good guys nor the bad guys are who you thought they would be. I approve of the romantic storylines, too, which weren't superfluous or ham-handed or smutty. Though I'm not turning up my nose at ham-handed smut. I'd recommend Trudi Canavan to virtually anybody, and I'm going to go hunt down other things she's written. Nikki PDF File: The High Lord Book PDF Page 3/8 Read Now and Download The High Lord Book at Our Online Library. Get The High Lord PDF Book For FREE From Our Library It wasn't that complicated a plot, or that original a premise -- to be honest, much of the setting reminded me of Raymond E. Feist's Krondor mixed with his magicians on Kelewan. Regardless, I enjoyed reading the books and read them very quickly: one a day, just about. They're light, easy reads, in my opinion. If you're looking for something long and epic, look somewhere else, but if you want something to take up a boring weekend or something, I think these books would do it nicely. The action its It wasn't that complicated a plot, or that original a premise -- to be honest, much of the setting reminded me of Raymond E. Feist's Krondor mixed with his magicians on Kelewan. Regardless, I enjoyed reading the books and read them very quickly: one a day, just about. They're light, easy reads, in my opinion. If you're looking for something long and epic, look somewhere else, but if you want something to take up a boring weekend or something, I think these books would do it nicely. The action itself definitely had me on edge. About one hundred and fifty pages from the end, I was literally on the edge of my seat bouncing up and down! The parts about the slums, wherever they came in, were perhaps a little too long. In the last part, that drew out the tension almost more than I could stand. I liked the characters a lot. They were quite simply drawn, when I think about it -- Akkarin, for example, despite being a major character, got barely any characterisation at all until partway through the last book of the trilogy. Rothen was, purely and simply, a good father figure. Simple doesn't mean bad, though -- they were easy to like (or dislike, in Regin's case), and I got very fond of Sonea, Cery, Dannyl and Rothen in particular. The relationships were... okay. Characters seemed to form relationships in the blink of an eye, and loathing turned to love very, very fast. The only relationship that I felt was really built up carefully was the one between Dannyl (a male magician) and Tayend (a male scholar). I enjoyed that aspect of the books quite a lot, actually, and while the relationship doesn't serve any particular plot purpose, I think it justifies its own existence as much as a het couple would. I read bits of Trudi Canavan's site and she said that she knew from the start that Dannyl was gay. When it came time for him to go on a quest and discover things, she wanted to spice up his subplot, and that came with a romance. And Tayend. I thought that relationship was really sweet, and it didn't fill me with rage as homosexuality as portrayed in fantasy has in the past -- I remember a series of books I read years ago where you could tell who the bad guys were because they were all gay sadists who tended to rape guys who fell into their hands! Like I said: I think the trilogy's really quite an easy read. It doesn't have that much depth -- but as a casual read, I loved it. PDF File: The High Lord Book PDF Page 4/8 Read Now and Download The High Lord Book at Our Online Library. Get The High Lord PDF Book For FREE From Our Library Abigail I was so very, very disapointed with this ending, it was geniunely abismal, and I loved the second book, I though it was down to earth and just about right. This, this piece of poorly plotted abomination ruined it, it's almost as if when she was writing it Canavan just thought; "Actually, do you know what? Screw all the plot and tension. I've decided to write the ending to a very bad piece fan fiction and then stick it on the end of the book!" Not to mention that she kills of a character she forc I was so very, very disapointed with this ending, it was geniunely abismal, and I loved the second book, I though it was down to earth and just about right. This, this piece of poorly plotted abomination ruined it, it's almost as if when she was writing it Canavan just thought; "Actually, do you know what? Screw all the plot and tension. I've decided to write the ending to a very bad piece fan fiction and then stick it on the end of the book!" Not to mention that she kills of a character she forces too much attention on anyway and then her protagonist, who's names escapes me, is distraught for all of 5 pages and then she is magically fine again and I'm just sat here like where the hell did your sanity go Canavan, it was a massive let down and it wasn't even the whole book, it wasn't that bad, but the last 5 chapter just held with rapid decline, I'm pretty sure there were good bits too but I don't remember them because I was/am more freaked out by the ending xD Selene *MAJOR SPOILERS!!* I'm writing this review without reading the ones below. I just finished reading the book, so you might PDF File: The High Lord Book PDF Page 5/8 Read Now and Download The High Lord Book at Our Online Library. Get The High Lord PDF Book For FREE From Our Library realize I'm still affected by a lot of what just happened. It took a day to read each book, and every day I was more and more interested on the fates of Sonea, Rothen, Dannyl, Cery, and eventually, even perhaps more than the rest, Akkarin. Because of that, let me just inhale and exhale and perhaps say Holy Shit. Excuse my language, but really. That is how I feel, bewildered, e *MAJOR SPOILERS!!* I'm writing this review without reading the ones below. I just finished reading the book, so you might realize I'm still affected by a lot of what just happened. It took a day to read each book, and every day I was more and more interested on the fates of Sonea, Rothen, Dannyl, Cery, and eventually, even perhaps more than the rest, Akkarin. Because of that, let me just inhale and exhale and perhaps say Holy Shit. Excuse my language, but really. That is how I feel, bewildered, excited, sad, amazed... all at the same time. However, perhaps the most prevalent emotion is regret at having finished the book. Not even when I read the Count of Monte Cristo (which made me cry) did I feel so sad at "closing" the book and at accepting the fate of the characters. This last book was more exhilarating than the previous books where, although not as satisfying as the second one. The climax battle had me saying "YEAH! YEAH!" as Sonea, the Thieves, the Guild, and Akkarin faced their foes with more than just raw magic. Their trickery made me giddy, but as it neared the last confrontation, I felt certain that Akkarin would not survive. "Trudi," I said to my Kindle, "don't kill Akkarin or Sonea. I know you will, but don't do it." Alas, it seems my prayers were not answered, the ink apparently already dry on the pages of fate and Akkarin died. It is always strange to admit it, but I felt by the death of this magician that just a bunch of pages ago seemed so forbodding and evil. That was the major strength in the book: I . I cared about Akkarin and Sonea, Rothen, Dannyl, Tayend, Dorrien, Cery, Takkan, and even Loreln. One of the things I respect most about an author is making me genuinely care for the characters, as I can imagine that is one of the most difficult things to do. You must write characters that have their own voice, that have flaws but don't make you dislike them, and that make you want to be there for them. By the end, I was even liking Regin! Majo Un final épico para una saga fantástica. El mejor libro de la saga, lejos. No podÃ-a dejar de PDF File: The High Lord Book PDF Page 6/8 Read Now and Download The High Lord Book at Our Online Library. Get The High Lord PDF Book For FREE From Our Library leerlo, era demasiado apasionante. A diferencia de los dos primeros, éste no tuvo ni un solo momento de estancamiento, la historia era ágil y llena de misterio, la acción no se detiene nunca. La primera parte nos adentra en el gran misterio que Akkarin ha mantenido durante toda la saga. Sonea de a poco va adentrándose en el oscuro mundo de la magia superior gra Un final épico para una saga fantástica. El mejor libro de la saga, lejos. No podÃ-a dejar de leerlo, era demasiado apasionante. A diferencia de los dos primeros, éste no tuvo ni un solo momento de estancamiento, la historia era ágil y llena de misterio, la acción no se detiene nunca. La primera parte nos adentra en el gran misterio que Akkarin ha mantenido durante toda la saga. Sonea de a poco va adentrándose en el oscuro mundo de la magia superior gracias a su tutor. Al mismo tiempo nos reencontramos con Cery (¡Lo habÃ-a extrañado mucho en el libro anterior!) ahora convertido en un jefe ladrón que ayuda al Gran Lord y traba relación con una misteriosa Sachakana, Savara. Dannyl es quién lleva ésta vez la parte más aburrida de la trama, mientras caza a unos rebeldes que desean aprender magia sin el consentimiento del gremio. La segunda parte es la más interesante. Mientras Sonea y Akkarin se encuentran en el exilio, los ichanis se preparan para invadir Kyralia y el gremio comienza a darse cuenta de su error al expulsar a los dos únicos magos negros. Cuando comienza finalmente la invasión el ritmo de la historia se vuelve vertiginoso, todos y cada uno de los personajes que han aparecido hasta ahora tienen un papel crucial en el final, que decidirá la supervivencia o no del Gremio de los magos. No se puede decir que esta saga haya tenido romance, de hecho, en los libros anteriores es un tema mostrado a cuenta gotas (El amor infantil de Cery por Sonea y el interés de Dorrien por la aprendiz de su padre), asÃ- que me sorprendió bastante que en éste libro esto sea tocado casi con naturalidad. Por una lado tenemos la prohibida relación entre , que se me hizo completamente tierna, aunque cuando el elyneo se aparece en Imardin en medio de la invasión tenÃ-a ganas de gritarle: "¡Idiota!". también comienza una relación secreta con la misteriosa sachakana, aunque parece que este chico tiene mala suerte con el amor. Yo no terminaba de confiar en PDF File: The High Lord Book PDF Page 7/8
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