CONSEJERÍA DE EDUCACIÓN Dirección General de Formación Profesional Inicial y Educación Permanente PRUEBA ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS DE GRADO SUPERIOR Junio 2016 PARTE COMÚN: INGLÉS DATOS DEL ASPIRANTE CALIFICACIÓN PRUEBA Apellidos: Nombre: DNI o Pasaporte: Fecha de nacimiento: / / Instrucciones: • Lee atentamente las preguntas antes de contestar. • La puntuación máxima de cada pregunta está indicada en cada enunciado. • Revisa cuidadosamente la prueba antes de entregarla. A. COMPRENSIÓN DE UN TEXTO. (4 puntos) Half of world population will be short-sighted. A new report predicts that by 2050, half of the world's population (around 4.8 billion people) will be short-sighted. The medical name for this is myopia. It is also called near-sightedness. It is when things that are far away from us are difficult to see. There will be seven times more people with myopia in 2050 than there were in the year 2000. Today, almost 90 per cent of young Chinese people and up to 95 per cent of teenagers in South Korea are nearsighted. The researchers said this increase was because of different things. Looking at computer screens and mobile phones could be a big reason. The rise may be linked to lifestyle changes resulting from spending less time outdoors. A science journalist said spending time outdoors in early childhood reduces the chances of getting myopia. A researcher of the report advised: "You could spend a long time on computers and screens, but also spend two hours outdoors." Glossary Researchers - investigadores Increase – aumento Linked– unido Outdoors – al aire libre, en el exterior Artículo adaptado por Breaking News English 1. Contesta a las preguntas relacionadas con el texto usando tus propias palabras. (2 puntos, 1 por apartado) A. What will happen by 2050? Half of the world's population (around 4.8 billion people) will be short-sighted B. Is myopia a real problem in oriental countries today? Why/why not? Yes, it is. Almost 90 per cent of young Chinese people and up to 95 per cent of teenagers in South Korea are near-sighted and this is too much. 2. De acuerdo con el texto, di si estas frases son verdaderas (V) o falsas (F) e indica la(s) línea(s) donde has encontrado la respuesta. (2 puntos, 0,5 por apartado completo correcto) [ ] By 2050 most people in the world won’t have any eye disease. F Línea 1. [ ] Myopia is when we see things that are near us with some difficulty. F Líneas 2-3 [ ] There is not a definite reason for this problem. V Línea 6 ] Spending more time outdoors may help prevent this disease. F Línea 7 [ CONSEJERÍA DE EDUCACIÓN Dirección General de Formación Profesional Inicial y Educación Permanente B. GRAMÁTICA Y VOCABULARIO. (3 puntos) 3. Responde a las siguientes cuestiones. (3 puntos, 0,75 por apartado) A. Find in the text a synonym for OUTSIDE: OUTDOORS B. Find a word in the text that matches this definition: “The habits, attitudes, tastes, economic level, etc., that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group.” LIFESTYLE C. Transform the following sentence into a conditional. “If children … (spend) time outdoors, they … (reduce) the chance of having myopia” If children spend time outdoors, they will reduce the chance of having myopia. D. Join these two sentences by using a relative pronoun. Make the necessary changes. “Researchers have published a new report. The report predicts that by 2050, half of the world's population will be short-sighted.” Researchers have published a new report which predicts that by 2050, half of the world's population will be shortsighted. C. REDACCIÓN DE UN TEXTO. (3 puntos) 4. Escribe un texto de entre 60 y 80 palabras sobre uno de los siguientes temas. • • Explain how life has changed in the last 30/20 years? Mention three examples. Give advice about how to prevent myopia in children. Respuesta libre.
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