11 College Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 I Telephone 845-451-4900
Fax 845-451 - 4955
Nicole L. Williams, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Tracy Farrell
Ass ista nt Su perintendent
Curriculum, Instruction &
Ronel Cook, Ed.D.
Deputy Superintend ent
Fo r Operations
Mr. Mario Fernandez
Ass istant Superintendent
Scho ol Imp roveme nt Grants
Steve Ra ppl eyea. Ed.D
Executive Director of Family
and Stud ent Support Services
Grants Management
June 13, 2016
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We have developed an exciting summer program for student enrichment as well as for those students who require
additional skills in their present grade level. Your student would benefit greatly from the additional educational
opportunity provided through the Elementary Summer Learning Academy. The extra instruction students receive during
the summer program will help to develop skills in reading, writing, speaking, and reasoning though a project-based
approach to learning. In addition, the program will reinforce important skills and better prepare them for the next school
The Elementary Summer Learning Academy is a quality, 15-day program for elementary students entering grades 3 & 4,
starting on July 5, 2016, and ending on July 27, 2016, (Monday-Thursday), from 9:00AM-12:00PM. Breakfast will be
served at 8:30AM. Lunch will be served at 12:00PM. The program will take place at Morse Elementary School and is
open to selected students throughout the district. Transportation will not be provided.
We strongly urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to enrich your child' s education. Early intervention in reading
and mathematics will greatly increase your child's likelihood of academic success in future years.
Space is limited so please complete the form below and return to your child ' s principal as soon as possible.
Please return the portion below by Friday, June 17, 2016, and you will receive a confirmation of enrollment by Thursday,
June 23, 2016.
Mrs. Tracy Farrell
Assistant Superintendent
Please complete the information below and return:
_ _ I am interested in having my child attend the Elementary Summer Learning Academy at Morse Elementary
School. I understand that transportation will not be provided. If my child is selected to attend, I will arrange for my child
to be dropped off between 8:30-9:00AM and picked up at 12:00PM.
_ _ My child will not be able to participate in the Elementary Summer Leaming Academy.
Student's Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entering into Grade _ _ __
Which elementary school are you coming from _______________
Parent's Name________________ Email Address: _ _ _ _ __
Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Phone number - - - - - - - - - - - Cellular Number - - - - - Please return this application to your building Principal.
11 College Avenue , Poughkeepsie , New York 12603 I Telephone b45-451-4900
Fax 845-451-4955
Nico le L. Wi lliams, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Tracy Farrell
Assistant Superintendent
CurriCL1lum, Instruction &
Grants Management
Rone! Cook, F.d.D.
Deputy Superintcndl·nt
Mr. Mario Fernandez
Steve Rappleyea, Eel fl
Assistant Superintendent
F.xcc.:utivc Director of Family
For Operations
School Improvement Grants
and Student Support S('rviccs
13 de Junio, 2016
Estimado Padre/Guardia,
Hemos desarrollado un atractivo programa de verano para el enriquecimiento del estudiante asi como para aquellos el
estudiante que se beneficiaria enormemente de la oportunidad educativa adicional proporcionada a traves de la Academia
de Aprendizaje del Verano Elemental. La instrucci6n suplementaria que los estudiantes reciban durante el programa de
verano ayudara a desarrollar habilidades en lectura, escritura, hablar, razonamiento, y un enfoque basado en el proyecto al
aprendizaje. Ademas, el programa reenforzara habilidades importantes y los preparara mejor para el pr6ximo afio escolar.
La Academia de Aprendizaje del Verano Elemental es un programa de calidad de 15 dias para estudiantes elementales
entrando en al tercer o cuarto grado, comenzando el 5 de Julio de 2016 y terminando el 27 de Julio de 2016 (LunesJueves), a partir de las 9:00 am hasta las 12:00 pm. El desayuno sera servido a las 8:30 am. El almuerzo sera servido a las
12:00 pm. El programa ocurrira en la Escuela primaria de Morsey esta abierta para estudiantes seleccionados en todas
partes del distrito. El transporte no ser<i proporcionado.
Fuertemente le impulsamos a aprovechar esta oportunidad de enriquecer la educaci6n de su hijo(a). La intervenci6n
temprana en lectura y matematicas aumentani enormemente la probabilidad de su hijo(a) del aprovechamiento academico
en futuros aiios. El espacio es limitado asi por favor complete la forma abajo y vuelva al principal de su hijo cuanto antes.
Por favor de devolver la porcion baja el Viernes, 17 de Junio, 2016 y usted sera notificado de la matriculacion de su
hijo(a) antes del Jueves, 23 de Junio, 2016.
Sra. Tracy Farrell,
Assistente Superintendente
_ Estoy interesado en que mi hijo(a) asista a la Academia de Aprendisaje del Verano. Entiendo que el transporte no
sera porporcionado, si mi hijo(a) es seleccionado; yo haria los arreglos de transporte de mi hijo(a).
Mi hijo(a) nova asistir a la Academica de Aprendisaje de Verano.
Nombre de Estudiante
Nombre de Padre
Entrando a Grado
Correo Electronico
Profavor devuelva esta parte baja a su Principa
11 College Avenue , Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 I Telephone 845 - 451-4900
Fax 845-451-4955
Nicole L. Wi lliams, Ed .D.
Supe r inte nde nt of Schools
Mrs. Tracy Farrell
Assistant Superintendent
Curriculum, Instruction &
Rone I Conk, Ed. D
Mr. M<1rio FcrnJndez
Steve Rappleyea, F.tl.D
Deputy Superintendent
For Operations
Assistcrnt Superintendent
Executive Director nt Family
School Improvement Grants
and Student Support Services
Grants Management
Queridos estudiantes y padres,
Hemos desarrollado un programa de verano emocionante para enriquecimiento de! estudiante asi como para aquellos
estudiantes que requieren habilidades adicionales en su nivel de estudios.
El programa seni sostenido en la Escuela lntermedia de Poughkeepsie, donde un equipo de educadores muy calificados
solidificara las habilidades necesarias para estudiantes en 610 , 7m 0 , o gvo grado usando un plan de estudios basado en
proyecto. Las tallas de la clase seran pequefias y cada estudiante tendra la oportunidad de trabajar con profesores en
grupos. Los estudiantes tambien seran envolucrados en trabajo cooperativos en grupos.
Martes, 5 de Julio hasta Jueves, 27 de Julio
Lunes a Jueves
Desayuno: 8:30 am
Tiempo de Enseiiansa: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Todos los estudiantes recibiran almuerzo antes de que se despidan a las 12:00 pm.
Por favor entienda que la espacio es limitado. Se matriculara hasta que el programa este lleno. La finalizaci6n de esta
aplicaci6n no garantiza la matriculacion en el programa. Las aplicaciones que son recibidas despues del programa han
estado llenas, sera sostenido en caso de cualquier futura apertura. Por favor de devolver la porcion baja el Viernes, 17 de
Jun io, 2016 y usted sera notificado de la matriculacion de su hijo(a) antes del Jueves, 23 de Junio, 2016.
S inceramente,
Sra. Tracy Farrell,
Asistente Superintedente
Porfavor de completar la informacion baja y devuelva:
_ _Estoy interesado en que mi hijo(a) asista a la Academia de Aprendisaje del Verano. Entiendo que el transporte no
sera porporcionado, si mi hijo(a) es seleccionado; yo haria los arreglos de transporte de mi hijo(a).
Mi hijo(a) nova asistir a la Academica de Aprendisaje de Verano.
Nombre de Estudiante - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - Entrando a Grado - - - - - -
Nombre de Padre - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Correo Electronico - - - - - - - - - Dirreci6n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Telefono _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cellular _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Profavor devuelva esta parte baja a su Principal
11 College Avenue , Poughkeepsie , New York 12603 I Telephone 845 - 451 - 4900
Fax 845 - 451 - 4955
Nicole L. Williams, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Tracy Fa r rell
Ass istant Superintend ent
Curricul um, Instru cti on &
Rone! Cook, Ed.D.
Depu ty Superintend e nt
For Operations
Mr. Mario Fernandez
Assista nt Superintendent
School Improve ment Gra nts
Ste ve Rap pleyea, Ed.D
Executive Director of Family
and Student Support Services
Gra nts Management
Dear Students and Parents,
We have developed an exciting summer program for student enrichment as well as for those students who require
additional skills in their present grade level.
The program will be held at Poughkeepsie Middle School, where a team of highly qualified educators will solidify the
skills needed for students entering into 6th, 7th, or gth grade by using a project-based curriculum. The class sizes will be
small and every student will have the opportunity to work in small groups. Students will also be engaged in cooperative
group work.
Program Dates:
Tuesday, July 5th - Thursday, July 27th
Monday through Thursday
Breakfast: 8:30
Instructional Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Every student will also receive a bag lunch that they will be able to eat before they are dismissed.
Please understand that enrollment is on a first come first serve basis, until the program is filled. Completion of this
application does not guarantee enrollment in the program. Applications that are received after the program has been
filled, will be held in case of any openings. Please return the portion below by Friday, June 17, 2016, and you will receive
a confirmation of enrollment by Thursday, June 23 , 2016.
Mrs. Tracy Farrell
Assistant Superintendent
Please complete the information below and return:
_ _ I am interested in having my child attend the PMS Summer Learning Academy. I understand that transportation
will not be provided. If my child is selected to attend, I will arrange for my child to be dropped off between 8:30-9:00AM
and picked up at 12:00PM.
_ _ My child will not be able to participate in the PMS Summer Learning Academy.
Student' s Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entering into Grade _ _ __
Parent' s Name
Email Address: - - - - - - -
Phone number - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cellular Number - - - - - -
Please return this application to y our building Principal.
11 College Avenue , Poughkeepsie , New York 12603 I Telephone 845 - 451 - 4900
Fax 845 - 451 - 4955
Nicole L. Williams, Ed.D.
Superinte ndent of Schools
Mrs. T1·a cy Farrell
Rone I Conk, Ed. D.
Assi ... tan t Superintendent
Curricu lum, rn stru ction &
Grants Management
Deputy Superintenden t
For Operations
Mr. Mario Fernandez
Assistcrnt Superintendent
School Improvemen t Grants
Steve Rappleye;i, Ed.D
Executive Director of Family
and Student Support Services
Dear Students and Parents,
We have developed an exciting summer program for student enrichment as well as for those students who require
additional skills in their present grade level.
The program will be held at Poughkeepsie High School, where a team of highly qualified educators will solidify the skills
needed for students entering into 9th grade by using a project-based curriculum. The class sizes will be small and every
student will have the opportunity to work in small groups. Students will also be engaged in cooperative group work.
Tuesday, July 5th -Thursday, July 27th
Monday through Thursday
Breakfast: 8:30
Instructional Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Every student will also receive a bag lunch that they will be able to eat before they are dismissed.
Program Dates:
Please understand that enrollment is on a first come first serve basis, until the program is filled . Completion of this
application does not guarantee enrollment in the program. Applications that are received after the program has been
filled, will be held in case of any openings. Please return the portion below by Friday, June 17, 2016, and you will receive
a confirmation of enrollment by Thursday, June 23 , 2016.
Mrs. Tracy Farrell
Assistant Superintendent
Please complete the information below and return:
_ _ I am interested in having my child attend the PHS Transition Summer Leaming Academy. I understand that
transportation will not be provided. Ifmy child is selected to attend, I will arrange for my child to be dropped off between
8:30-9:00AM and picked up at 12:00PM.
_ _ My child will not be able to participate in the PHS Transition Summer Leaming Academy.
Student's Name_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Entering into Grade _ _ __
Parent's Name_ _ _ _ ____________ Email Address: _ _ _ _ __
Address- --
- - - - - - - - --
- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -
Phone number - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cellular Number _ _ _ _ __
Please return this application to your building Principal.
11 College Avenue , Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 I Telephone 845 -4 51-490C
~ax 845-451-4955
Nicole L. Williams, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Tracy Farrell
Rone! Cook, F.d.O
Mr. Mt:lno Fernandez
Steve Rappleyea, Ecl.O
Assistant Superintendent
Curriet1lum, Instruction &
Deputy Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent
For Operations
School Improvement Grants
Executive DirPctor of Family
and Student Support Services
Grants Management
Queridos Estudiantes y Padres,
Hemos desarrollado un programa de verano emocionante para enriquecimiento de! estudiante asi como para aquellos
estudiantes que requieren habilidades adicionales en su nivel de estudios.
El programa sera sostenido en la Escuela Secundaria de Poughkeepsie, donde un equipo de educadores muy calificados
solidificara las habilidades necesarias para estudiantes en 9vo grado usando un plan de estudios basado en proyecto. Las
tallas de la clase seran pequef'ias y cada estudiante tendra la oportunidad de trabajar con profesores en grupos. Los
estudiantes tambien seran envolucrados en trabajo cooperativos en grupos.
Martes, 5 de Julio hasta Jueves, 27 de Julio
Lunes a Jueves
Desayuno: 8:30 am
Tiempo de Enseiiansa: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Todos los estudiantes recibiran almuerzo antes de que se despidan a las 12:00 pm.
Por favor entienda que la espacio es limitado. Se matriculara hasta que el programa este lleno. La finalizaci6n de esta
aplicaci6n no garantiza la matriculacion en el programa. Las aplicaciones que son recibidas despues de! programa han
estado llenas, sera sostenido en caso de cualquier futura apertura. Por favor de devolver la porcion baja el Viernes, 17 de
Junio, 2016 y usted sera notificado de la matriculacion de su hijo(a) antes del Jueves, 23 de Junio, 2016.
Si nceramente.
Sra. Tracy Farrell,
Asistente Superintedente
Porfavor de completar la informacion baja y devuelva:
_ _Estoy interesado en que mi hijo(a) asista a la Academia de Aprendisaje de! Verano de Transici6n. Entiendo que el
transporte no sera porporcionado, si mi hijo(a) es seleccionado; yo haria los arreglos de transporte de mi hijo(a).
Mi hijo(a) nova asistir a la Academica de Aprendisaje de Verano de Transici6n.
Nombre de Estudiante
Nombre de Padre
Entrando a Grado
Correo Electronico
Profavor devuelva esta parte baja a su Principal