Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry “Open to the World” 37 Congreso Hemisférico de Cámaras de Comercio e Industria Latinas “Abierto al Mundo” PROGRAM / PROGRAMA GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU June 6th to 9th, 2016 / 6 al 9 de Junio, 2016 www.camacol.org Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, FL. -1- DAY 1 / DIA 1 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Master of Ceremony / Maestro de Ceremonia: - Jose Matto & Jordi Pons, Hemispheric Congress. Sunday, June 5th, 2016 Domingo, Junio 5 del 2016 Introductions from: -Commissioner Wifredo “Willy” Gort, Chairman of the Hemispheric Congress. Nelson Tarke , President Camacol. City Dignitaries and Special Guests. Ribbon Cutting Arrivals / Llegadas All Day / Todo el día Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida Hotel Biltmore, Coral Gables, Florida Special City Tour to South Beach or Calle 8 DAY 3 / DIA 3 DAY 2 / DIA 2 Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 Martes 7 de Junio del 2016 Monday, June 6th, 2016 Lunes 6 de Junio del 2016 7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast / Desayuno 7:00 am - 2:00 pm CAMACOL INVITATIONAL Golf Tournament Biltmore Golf Course / Campo de Golf Biltmore Danielson Gallery / Salón Danielson Business Networking Breakfast “Think Global Act Local” - The 37th Hemispheric Congress and what to expect this Week” - Special support on the ECUADOR Earthquake. Consulate of Ecuador. - - Presentation for Chamber Commerce from Quito - regarding the restoration Plan’s Orden del Mérito: Isabel Bucaran, Director of VP Planning Production and CNNE US Marketing Liaison. 7:45 am -8:45 am Light Breakfast & Registration Desayuno & Registración 9:00 am -2:00 pm Golf Tournament 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Lunch and Awards. INVITATIONAL 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Please refer to MMFM Agenda for morning and afternoon sessions. Refiérase a la agenda del MMFM para las sesiones de la mañana y tarde. 37th Hemispheric Congress 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Registration / Inscripción Flagler Foyer Stonemen Douglas Amphitheater/ Anfiteatro 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm International Directors Meeting (Private) Reunión de Directores Internacionales (Privada) Bowman Room / Salón Bowman. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Welcome Reception / Recepción de Bienvenida CAMACOL Business Networking Expo 2016 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony / Ceremonia de Inauguración (Corte de Cinta) Sponsor: COPA AIRLINES 8:45 am - 9:30 am Inauguration, 37th Hemispheric Congress. Inauguración del 37avo. Congreso Hemisférico . Welcome Remarks/Palabras de Bienvenida Country Club Ballroom / Salón Country Club Business Attire / Formal o Vestido de Cóctel www.camacol.org -2- The Chair of the Hemispheric Congress Presidente del Congreso Hemisferico: City of Miami Commissioner Wifredo “Willy” Gort President of CAMACOL / Presidente CAMACOL: Nelson Tarke President of the 37th Permanent Secretariat / Presidente de la Secretaria Permanente del 37 Congreso: Raul del Valle Panel Facilitator: - MaynorLarrieu, Direct Online Manager at the Belize Tourism Board. Panelists / Panelistas: - Alex Pizzani - Natl. Director of World Adventures Inc. - Olga Ramudo, President Express Travel. Directora de Ventas y Mercadeo LATAM &The Caribbean. EXPEDIA. - Kristen Kenny, DMO Sales Executive/ Director Ejecutivo de Ventas LATAM & The Caribbean. TRIPADVISOR. - Ernesto Sosa, EventCrowd; Social Media Week Miami, Panama, Havana. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Moderator: - Jordi Pons 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Plenary Sessions, Workshops, Inter-Active Sessions Sesiones Plenarias, Talleres de Trabajo, Seminarios 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Business Matchmaking / Reuniones de Negocios Deering Room / Salón Deering Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick 10:30 am - 11:15am Airlines - New Opportunities and Routes / Aerolíneas Nuevas oportunidades y Rutas 9:30 am - 10:00 am Tourism. Innovation Tool to Promote Commerce: New Business Opportunities for a Changing Industry Herramientas para la innovación turística para promover el comercio. Nuevas oportunidades de negocio para sectores de la industria Turística. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Panel Facilitator: - Santiago Santos. ALTA Executive Director Director. Asociación de Líneas de Transporte Aéreas - ALTA. Panel Facilitator: - Jose Barletta, Vice-President Argentine American Chamber of Commerce, President Barnews Research Group Panelists / Panelistas: - Ricardo Pedrosa. / Representante de COPA - Patricio Sepúlveda - AeroNex. - Iberia Airlines. Panelists /Panelistas: - William D. Talbert, III, President & CEO Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau / Presidente y Director Ejecutivo del Centro de Convenciones y Turismo del Gran Miami, United States of America. - Ing. Jorge Enrique Solana, President CONCANACO SERVYTUR, México - Juan Miguel Moreno, Executive Director Hemispheric Congress Tourism Commission / Spanish Association of Scientific Tourism Experts / Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo. Spain. 11:30 am - 12:15 pm Success Stories in Commerce Tourism. Historias Exitosas en Comercio y Turismo. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Panel Facilitator: - Julio Eduardo Orozco, Director SustainableTourism AEC. / Director de Turismo Sostenido AEC. Panelists / Panelistas: - Fernando Cáceres Pacheco, Cámara Nacional de Comercio. - Argentine Chamber of Tourism/FEHGRA / Cámara de Turismo de Argentina - FEHGRA Argentina - Mónica Sanchez, Directora de Turismo - Tourism Office of Spain - Mora Dicembrino, Presidenta del Instituto de Turismo del Chaco, Casos de éxito del sector de Turismo: Camino al Impenetrable - Arq. Marcelo Pajor, Complejo Hotelero del norte 10:00 am - 10:30 am The importance of Online Travel Management For Business and all Types of Travelers. La importancia de agencias de la Gestión del Viaje de negocios y viajeros en general. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick www.camacol.org -3- Argentino y promotor de maravillas turísticas y lugares inexplorados como ser el “Camino al Impenetrable”. - Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm CAMACOL Business Networking Expo 2016 / CAMACOL Exposición Comercial 2016 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm Collaborative Tourism. The Revolution of Sharing and Reducing Business Travel Costs/Turismo Colaborativo Biltmore Conference Center / Centro de Conferencias Country Club Ballroom / Salón Country Club. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick 2:30 pm - 4:00pm Hong Kong, China Business Opportunities. Panel Facilitator: - Lucia Hernandez / Directora Turismo OUI Share. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Moderator: Panelists / Panelistas - Anthony Mak, Director, Hong Kong Trade. - Juan Miguel Moreno, Executive Director Hemispheric Spanish Association of Scientific Tourism Experts / Panelists / Panelistas: Asociación Española de Expertos - Hon. Francisco Sanchez, former Under-Secretary of - RoomMate Hotels, Fernando Ruiz Casaux, Country Commerce for Intnerational Trade, U.S. Department of Manager USA Commerce/Ex sub Secretario de Comercio de USA. - Angel Mesado, Directyor de Marketing Air BnB Spain, Director of Marketing & Global Merchandising of LATAM (video conf.) & Central Europe/ Director de Mercadeo y Desarrollo Congress Tourism Commission / Spanish Association Global para LatinoAmérica y Europa Central. of Scientific Tourism Experts / Asociación Española de ExpertosCientíficos en Turismo. - Eduardo Parra, President Spanish Association of Scientific 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Tourism Experts / Asociación Española de Expertos Networking Reception Científicos en Turismo. Coctel de Recepción en Expo CAMACOL 2016 Country Club Ballroom / Salón Country Club 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Business Luncheon / Almuerzo Empresarial Danielson Gallery / Salón Danielson DAY 4 / DIA 4 Master of Ceremony / Maestro de Ceremonia: Ambrosio Bertolotti, Presidente AICO y Director Internacional Secretaría Permanente. Special Guest Keynote Address Hon. Bill Johnson, Secretary Florida Department of Commerce. Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 Miércoles 8 de junio 2016 7:30 am - 8:45 am Breakfast / Desayuno Dianelson Gallery / Galería Danielson Luncheon Theme Education a Door to Prosperity Education a Competitive Tool in this New Era of Globalization. - José Guarisma, President Florida Global University • Presentation of Global Expand - Introduction to The New Economy’s of Transformation • Presentation of Santiago Consultores- Mr. Justo Grau, Communication, Public Image and Protocol Consultant CAMACOL Order of Merit Presentation Presentacion Orden al Merito CAMACOL - Ing. Jorge Enrique Solana, President Concanaco, México - Luis O. Boettner, Vice President AMCHMAM of Paraguay - Carlos Posada Ugaz Chamber of Commerce of Lima, Peru Moderator: - Jordi Pons / José Matto. Hemispheric Congress Session Sponsored by - Global Expand, Oscar Echevarria, President. Luncheon sponsored by: - José Guarisma, President Florida Global University www.camacol.org -4- 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Plenary Sessions / Sesión Plenaria Success Stories / ”Historias Exitosas” del Impacto Generado por la Energía Renovable en Comunidades Rurales y Urbanas. Moderator: Jordi Pons. Panel Facilitator: - Rafael Calleja, President Wind-Solar. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Panelists / Panelistas: - Florida Power and Light - Polish Renewalable Energy Consortium - Bruno Bernal, US Renewable Energy Group. 9:00 am - 10:00 am Innovation Technology. Cyber Security in This New Millennium of the Secret Service. E-Chip. Panel Facilitator: - Ramses Maldonado. 1:00pm-2:30pm Business Luncheon / Almuerzo Empresarial Danielson Gallery / Salón Danielson Panelists / Panelistas - VIOSS Vision. Angel Rivero CTO. - ATSAIC Robert Villanueva. United States Secret Service. - Grzegorz Oleksy, President & CEO AXENCE, Poland. - Alfredo Pérez. Co-Founder - E Chip LLC. - Abedellatif Beider, Co-Founder HUBB. Master of Ceremony: - Jose Matto, Executive Director Hemispheric Congress. Welcome Remarks - Nelson Tarke, Jr. President Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States, CAMACOL 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Business Matchmaking - Reuniones de Negocios Special Guest Keynote Address - Hon. Carlos Gimenez, Mayor Miami Dade County Deering Room / Salón Deering 10:15 am - 11:30 am Trade Agreements and Investment. Tools for Development/Acuerdos de Libre Comercio e Inversión: Herramientas para el Desarrollo Comercial. CAMACOL Order of Merit Presentation / Presentacion Orden al Merito CAMACOL - Cipriana Y. Ramos O. President CONSECOMERCIO, Venezuela - Juan Miguel Moreno, Cámara de Comercio de AlmeríaAdvisor/ España - CAMACOL Merit Award to Raúl Delvalle, President Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rep. of Panama. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Panel Facilitator: - Ambassador Jorge Eduardo Briz, President Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala Panelists / Panelistas: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Sr. Eduardo Torres, Director Dept. de Comercio de los CAMACOL Business Networking Expo 2016 Estados Unidos. Exposición Comercial - Hon. Francisco Sánchez, Former Under Secretary of Conference Center / Centro de Conferencias. Commerce of the United States/Ex- Sub Secretario de Country Club Ballroom / Salón Country Club Comercio de USA. - Ricardo Mewes, Presidente CNC Chile. - Carlos Posada Ugaz, Chamber of Commerce of Lima, Peru. 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm - Jonathan Aragonez, Gerente de Comercio International Poland Workshop: How to do Business in Poland; Top Industries of Poland de la CCI de Santo Domingo. Access to the 2.7 B Euro Fund- CELAC: Commercial Tourism Between Poland, Latin America, Hong Kong and China. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Taller de Trabajo de Polonia: Energy Panel Cómo Hacer Negocios con las Mejores Industrias Polacas CELAC: Comercio Turístico entre Polonia, America Latina, Hong Kong y China Merrick Amphitheater/ Anfiteatro Merrick Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Impact of Renewable Energy in Rural and Urban Communities: www.camacol.org -5- 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Annual Meeting of the Directors of the Permanent Secretariat Reunión de los Directores de la Secretaría Permanente del Congreso Hemisférico Panel Facilitator: - Ewa Piacentile, Vice President of Polish American Chamber of Commerce of Florida & the Americas . Panelists / Panelistas: - Dr. PawelPietrasienski, Minister Councelor Trade & Investment Section, Polish Embassy in Washington, DC - Andrzej Malinowski, President of Employers of Poland Association - AnetaKuczewska, Vice-Consul Trade and Investment Section Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York, NY - StanisławAlwasiak, Vice-President of Association “The International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors - Cracow, Poland. - UrszulaCioleszynska, President of The Polish Network of Enterpreneurship Ambassadors. DorotaTworekowner of Hotel Bristol ART & MEDICAL SPA in Tourist Thermal Resort in BuskoZdrój, Poland. Laguna Room / Salón Laguna Recognition to the Efforts of Carlos Fernandez, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Panama & Outgoing President of the Permanent Secretariat/ Reconocimiento al Presidente saliente de La Secretaría Permanente. 9:00 am - 13:00 pm Business Opportunities in Miami Dade County, Florida and the United States. Dianelson Gallery / Galería Danielson Moderator: - José L. Barletta, V.P. Argentine American Chamber of Commerce. President BarNews and Miami Oportunidad 5:30-8:00pm Networking Reception /Coctel de Recepción del Expo CAMACOL 2016 - Recepción Presentation: - Introduction: Inversion Vs. Opportunities. José L. Barletta. - Legal Framework. Fernando Socol. - The Franchising World and ID Guide To Buy or Sell a business in the US. Jesús Aveledo, José Torres and Pablo Langesfeld - US Dept. of Commerce / Commercial Services. Eduardo Torres - The Internet of Things how it is affecting Business Globally - Adriana Vargas, Director of Sales - One River Point - Ramses Maldonado. Pres. of WIT, Assoc. Prof FIU., Pres. of PMI Florida Chapter. - Abdellatif Bedier, Co Founder of HUBB Country Club Ballroom / Salón Country Club DAY 5 / DIA 5 Thursday, June 9th, 2016 Jueves 9 de Junio 2016 7:30 am - 8:30 am Private Breakfast for the Directors of the Permanent Secretariat. Desayuno Privado (Para los Directores de la Secretaría Permanente). Laguna Room / Salón Laguna 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Meeting of Women in Leadership Ibero America Chapter Sponsored by: FGU - Florida Global University, Scholarship Program for Latin-American professionals. Merrick Amphitheater / Anfiteatro Merrick Welcoming Remarks / International Kids Funds – Jackson Health Foundation Moderator: Jordi Pons, Irma Sanchez and Special Guest. Patrocinado por: FGU - Florida Global University, Programa de Becas para Profesionales Latinoamericanos 8:30 am - 9:15 am Women in Leadership Start your day with Energy: Last Discovers in Nutrition Welcome Remarks - Nelson Tarke, Jr., President Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States, CAMACOL Moderators: Irma Sanchez and Jordi Pons. www.camacol.org -6- 12:45 pm -1:00 pm. Closing Remarks - Jaime Brugos PhD. Nutricionist&Writer“ISODIETA” - Isabel Bucaram. Director of VIP Planning Production & Marketing Liaison CNN En Español - Marisa Azaret PSy.D. Contributor on medical matters for CNN en Español - Bárbara Palacios. Former Miss Universe, Writer and International Speaker Nelson Tarke ( Special Guests) Women Entrepreneurship is the issue in the economy, the importance of collaboration and future integration, in education , and practical experience sharing of ideas... family... and social impact. 9:15 am - 10:30 am Women in leadership - Women Entrepreneurs, a Powerful Force for Changing the World. Presenters: - Urszula Cioleszynska. WED World Ambassador in Poland - Stanisław Alwasiak.VP of Association “The International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors Cracow, Poland” - Elena Dolinski de Montilla. Youth Entreprenuer Academy. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Refer to MMFM Agenda for morning sessions/Refiérase a la agenda del MMFM para sesiones de la mañana Stonemen Douglas Amphitheater / Anfiteatro 10:30 am - 11:10 am Women in Leadership Women in profession before and now. Moderators: - Irma Sanchez and Jordi Pons. - Cynthia Hudson.Sr VP &GM CNNen Español - Raquel Egusquiza. VP Community Affairs. NBC Universal. - Olivia Trilles. VP Operations AuraPortal Corp. - Virgilio Sanchez, Jr., M.D. MCCI Medical Director Integrative Medicine Thursday Night Gala Dinner Cena de Gala 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm 7:00 pm Cocktail Reception Silent Auction 11:10 am -12:00 pm Women in leadership - Medical Tourism in Europe Danielson Gallery - Ewa Piacentile MD,DDS. American Medical & Dental Clinic Cracow - Amelia Fernández. Medical Tourism Association of Florida - DorotaTworek. Owner of Hotel Bristol ART & MEDICAL SPA in Tourist Thermal Resort in BuskoZdrój Poland 8:00 pm Gala Dinner Country Club Ballroom Master of Ceremony /Maestro de Ceremonia / Moderador: - Juan Mendieta, Communications Director - MDC Miami Dade College / Director de Comunicaciones. 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Womenomics’ Our Future Depends On Women In Business & Women In Technology and Media. Sallyann Della Casa - Dominican Chapter. Welcome Remarks / Palabras de Bienvenida - Hon. Commissioner Wifredo “Willy” Gort, Chairman of the Hemispheric Congress - Lully B. Marketing Expert& Cuban American Entrepreneur - Ofelia Santiago. Estratega, coach ejecutivo y político, y transformadora de organizaciones - General Manager Santiago Consultores - (Video Conf.) - Olivia Trilles. VP Operations AuraPortal Corp. Special Address: - Hon. Carlos Lopez Cantera, Lt. Governor of the State of Florida www.camacol.org -7- Honorees Awards Presentation Sanchez to Sanchez to Smith” Award Galardón Sánchez a Sánchez a Smith -- Ricardo Pedroza, COPA AIRLINES Excellence in Social Media/ Excelencia en Medios de Comunicación Social -- Eduardo Caballero Film and Entertainment Award of the Year /Reconocimiento Industria Audio Visual - Adrian Wootton, Chief Film London & Commissioner British Film Commission Entrepreneurial Excellence / Excelencia Empresarial - Sedano’s Supermarkets Excellence in Public Service/Excelencia al Servicio en el Sector Publico -- Don Antonio Pedregoza, Alcalde Valenzuela, España Closing Remarks/Palabras de Clausura - Nelson Tarke, Jr., President , Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States, CAMACOL 1401 West Flagler St - Miami, FL 33135 Ph: 305-642-3870 1200 Anastasia Avenue Coral Gables, FL 33134 www.hemisphericcongress.org www.camacol.org -8-
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