© Lonely Planet Publications 272 Castilla-La Mancha CASTILLA-LA MANCHA Castilla-La Mancha acts as a natural buffer between the rich industrialism of northern Spain and Moorish, tourist-driven Andalucía. The landscape has a real Tolkienesque quality: undulating plains of rich henna-coloured earth, neatly striped and spotted with olive groves, golden wheat fields and grapevines, stretching to a horizon you never seem to reach. The story-book quality is intensified by the presence of solitary windmills and abundant (mostly ruined) castles. There are quiet mountainous stretches here as well, including the Montes de Toledo and the thickly carpeted valleys around Alcalá del Júcar. The area’s best-known city is glorious Toledo, Spain’s spiritual capital and an open-air museum of medieval buildings and cultural sights. Cuenca is another wondrous place, seemingly about to topple off its eagle’s-eyrie perch high above a gorge. In lovely Sigüenza, buildings and church spires are piled high on a hill, topped by a castle like a cherry on the cake. Further south is Almagro, home to one of Spain’s more unusual and striking main squares. Castilla-La Mancha is most famous as the home of the potty, errant and idealistic La Manchan knight Don Quijote. You can follow in his footsteps on the Quijote pilgrim trail. Quijote’s windmills are everywhere to be seen, most evocatively in Consuegra and Campo de Criptana. On a more sensory level, this is the region where saffron is grown, and it’s also the capital of Spain’s unrivalled Manchego cheese. The latter makes the perfect accompaniment to the local wines – Spain’s largest vineyard is located here. HIGHLIGHTS Stroll the tangle of medieval streets, exploring the museums and monuments, in Toledo (opposite) Revel in the unspoilt beauty of the Parque Natural de las Lagunas de Ruidera (p288), with its crystal-clear turquoise lakes Cuenca Toledo Take the Don Quijote shot of the wind- mills overlooking Consuegra (p289) Consuegra Kick back with a beer at a riverside bar beneath the cascade of houses in pretty Alcalá del Júcar (p291) Alcalá del Júcar Parque Natural de las Lagunas de Ruidera Visit the exceptional Museo de Arte Abstracto Español (p293), housed in one of Cuenca’s extraordinary hanging houses AREA: 79,462 SQ KM AVE SUMMER TEMP: HIGH 34°C, LOW 16°C POP: 1.75 MILLION lonelyplanet.com T O L E D O • • H i s t o r y 273 CASTILLA-LA MANCHA 0 0 Cuéllar Coca VALLADOLID N601 Sepúlveda Duratón Riaza SEGOVIA Turégano Prádena Carbonero el A1 Mayor Buitrago Cotos N501 AP6 San Pedro del Arroyo ÁVILA Atienza Imón Río He na r Olmedo Alaejos Cañizal Berlanga de Duero Ayllón Villacastín 60 km 30 miles SORIA N330 Fuendetodos El Frasno Santa Calatayud María de Maluenda Cariñena Belchite la Huerta ZARAGOZA A2 Fuentes de Jiloca N234 Medinaceli Daroca Sigüenza Báguena N211 es GUADALAJARA Torija Cifuentes Molina de Aragón Nacimiento del Río Cuervo Calamocha Caminreal Monreal del Campo Brihuega Terzaga de Embalse de Peralejos N240 Checa Guadalajara Entrepeñas las Truchas Villarquemado TERUEL Parque Natural Azuqueca de Henares Beteta A6 del Alto Tajo Cedrillas El Barraco Alcalá de Henares Tragacete Piedrahita N234 Se San Martín M501 MADRID Torrejón de Ardoz Pastrana rr Albarracín an de Valdeiglesias C500 Teruel M300 í Nuevo Baztán Embalse ad de Buendía N320 Huélamo Mombeltran Almorox eC Ciudad e Escalona ue Candeleda Arenas ch Encantada nc de San Pedro Chinchón er Embalse TOLEDO b a Carranque de la Toba Al A3 Aranjuez Talavera o Ademuz Cuenca í N401 Tarancón Olias R N400 de la Reina Val de N420 del Rey Oropesa Villar de CASTELLÓN Santo CUENCA Río Olalla A5 Ocaña Santa Cruz N400 Domingo DE LA Ta de la Zarza El Puente Talayuelas jo PLANA San Lorenzo Nambroca Segóbriga del Arzobispo Toledo Alcaudete La Puebla de la Parrilla Almodóvar Burguillos Olivares de Jucar Almonacid de Toledo de la Jarade Montalbán Los Navalmorales Sinarcas del Pinar Toledo Embalse Mascaraque Quintanar La Almarcha Navahermosa de CM401 Sonseca de Alarcón Embalse de CÁCERES M La Nava de de la Villaescusa Puerto de S Orgaz de Haro Contreras Ricomalillo de Tontes Los Yébenes Orden BelmonteHonrubia Vincente o Utiel Motilla del Villafranca Los Navalucillos ledo Embalse Alarcón Palancar de los El Toboso Puerto de Guadalupe El Peral Requena del Torcón Mota Lasdel Pedroñeras El Picazo A3 Madridejos Caballeros San Vicente Villanueva Consuegra Cuervo Pedro Camuñas Sisante Buñol Cañamero de la Jara Río Embalse Muñoz San Clemente Herencia VALENCIA Quintanar Campo de X Puerto Lapice u Alcázar de Cijara Embalse que Alcázar Tarazona de del Rey Alcalá r Rí Alborea de SanCriptana de Garcia Castilblanco de San la Mancha del Júcar Fuente Cofrentes CasasJuan de Sola Juan Villarrobledo Jalance Parque Nacional de el Fresno Alcozarejas Herrera Mahora Ibáñez Cubas Jarafuel las Tablas de Daimiel r Tomelloso Teresa de del Duque Puebla de Parque Natural de las Río Júca Embalse de Cofrentes Ayora ío Piedrabuena Don Rodrigo Lagunas de Ruidera Orellana Daimiel Gu Albacete Manzanares Membrilla adia Ciudad Real Ruidera Ossa de na BADAJOZ Almansa Montiel Pozuelo de A30 Montealegre Almagro Alhambra Calatrava Chinchilla de del Castillo Cabeza ALBACETE Valdepeñas Monte Aragón Almadén Argamasilla del Buey Moral Pozo Cañada Villanueva de Calatrava Villahermosa de Calatrava Caudete Calzada de los Infantes Fuente-Álamo Alcubillas Villanueva de Calatrava Puertollano Tobarra Ontur Yecla Santa rra z Alcaraz Santa Cruz de la Fuente Villena Sie lcara Villapalacios Eufemia CIUDAD de Mudela Albatana Vianos A Hellín Elche de la de Riópar REAL Sierra Embalse de Elda El Viso Guadalmena Fuencaliente Isso Nacimiento N322 Puerto de ALICANTE Alcaracejos Pozoblanco Arroyo del í o Mundo del R las Crucetas Santa Elena Ojanco PeñarroyaBélmez La Carolina Crevillente Pueblonuevo El Yelmo MURCIA Rí Cieza Embalse JAÉN o ra Morena (1809m) limar Hornos Albatera del Jándula Segura Sier uada amor G A4 Villanueva del RevolcadoresRío Ben Bailén Río CÓRDOBA Arzobispo Mula (2001m) ío Guadalquivir Linares Río Torreperogil Montoro R Barranda El Moral Murcia Alcantarilla Úbeda Empanadas Puebla de Mengíbar A30 A4 Córdoba Don Fadrique (2107m) Librilla Jódar Cabañas ALMERÍA Torre Jaén A7 (2028m) del Campo Muñogalindo Ávila M607 N403 N320 Barajas Airport R TOLEDO pop 55,100 / elev 655m Toledo is Spain’s equivalent of a downsized Rome. You don’t need a metro to cover the city’s sights, only a pair of sturdy shoes. Toledo’s labyrinth of narrow streets, plazas and inner patios is also reminiscent of the medinas (towns) of Damascus, Cairo or Morocco’s Fez, although the historic diversity of Romans, Jews and Muslims equals an intriguing combination of synagogues and churches, as well as mosques. The artistic legacy bequeathed by the city’s former inhabitants is reflected in its cultural values, as well as this mosaic of architecture. Add to this a lofty setting, high above Río Tajo, and it’s no surprise that Toledo is one of Spain’s most-visited cities. Toledo’s charms can be dampened if the streets are choked with tour groups. Try to stay till dusk, when the city returns to the locals and the streets take on a moody, other-worldly air. HISTORY Although the Romans were the first to single out this site as a strategic crossroads in Iberia, by the 6th century Visigothic King Atanagild had moved the site of his capital here from Seville. Over time, endless feuds between Visigothic nobles sent the kingdom into decline, resulting in the Muslims conquering Toledo, with little difficulty, after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in 711. CASTILLA-LA MANCHA o Cabriel Río ia úr Río T Gua dar ram a N110
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