Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
1220 15th Street West, Bradenton, Fl 34205
Fr. Salvator M. Stefula, T.O.R.
Ron Dains
Phone: (941) 748-2221 Fax: (941) 748-1744
Email: [email protected]
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 AM - 12:00PM / 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Closed all day Wednesday, and Friday at Noon
Open during regular Office hours
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil ……………………….. 4:00 PM English…….....6:00 PM Español
Sunday Schedule …….…. 8:00 AM & 10:00AM English……..12:30 PM Español
Haitian Mass ……………………………………………….. please call the Office
Monday-Friday …………………………………...……………. 7:30 AM English
Holy Days of Obligation ….…………….…….Check Bulletin for Mass Schedule
First Friday Mass ...……... …………………... ………………...7:30 AM English
Adoration/Benediction ......………………………………….8:00AM-12:00PM
Administration of Sacraments
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Grades 1st - 12th.
BAPTISM: Classes are required. Please call the church office for more
FIRST COMMUNION/CONFIRMATION: Children (7+) need to attend two
years Religious Education.
Sunday 12:00 PM (Spanish) or anytime by appointment.
ANOINTING OF SICK: Anytime when urgent, otherwise by appointment.
MATRIMONY: Arrangements to be made at least 6 months in advance with a
member of the Parish Clergy.
R.C.I.A.: Christian Initiation of Adults is available. Check with Church Office.
We support Catholic education.
St. Joseph School ……………….Principal Deborah Suddarth, (941) 755-2611
Alice White
(941) 794-8457
Roger Roszell
(941) 928-4526
Mary B. Suchy
Azucena Macías
Deacon Ron Dains
Vicky Helfer
Elvira Villalobos
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Charismatic Prayer Group (Spanish)
Choirs -- Adult, Youth
Eucharistic Ministers (English & Spanish)
Haitian Ministry
Lectors (English & Spanish)
Rosary (Spanish)
Sacristans (English & Spanish)
Senior Group
Social Justice
Spanish Committee
Spanish Cursillo
Youth Group
Our mission is that we are all working toward the fulfillment of Christ’s prayer to the Father, that we all may be one in Him, as He is one with the Father.
We, who have been fully initiated into His Mystical Body, the Church, share in His mission, becoming true Disciples, bringing the Good News to all through
celebrating the wondrous gifts of God, proclaiming the message in fellowship with each other and being of service to all our brothers and sisters in need,
until He comes again in glory.
May 15, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Pope Francis Prayer
Intentions for May -
MON. 05/16
7:30 AM
TUE. 05/17
7:30 AM
WED. 05/18
7:30 AM
Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
Mk 9:14-29
† Joseph Kolbsecki — M/M Harry Young
Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23;
Mk 9:30-37
† Claude Wachsmann — Marion S. Bason
St. John I
Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11;
Mk 9:38-40
† Fr. Samuel Tiesi, TOR (53rd Anniv.)
— M/M Harry Young
THU. 05/19
Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20;
Mk 9:41-50
7:30 AM
Fr. Sal’s (42th Anniversary of Ordination)
— Marion S. Bason
FRI. 05/20
St. Bernardine of Siena
Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12;
Mk 10:1-12
7:30 AM
SAT. 05/21
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
SUN. 05/22
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:30 PM
General Prayer Intention - That
in every country of the world,
women may be honored and
respected and that their essential contribution to society
may be highly esteemed.
Evangelization Prayer Intention - That families,
communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for
evangelization and peace.
† Theresa Kommer
St. Christopher Magallanes and
Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8;
Mk 10:13-16
All Parishioners of Sacred Heart
† Maria Concepción Acosta
— Veronica Contreras y Familia
Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5;
Jn 16:12-15
All Deseaced of Wrzesniewski &
Yerger Families — Diane Yerger
† Alice Young — M/M Harry Young
† Ramón Polanco — Amnerys Polanco
can often be empty because they are
wrongly used. Sometimes, repetition makes actions seem
routine and boring. It’s as if the soul, or spirit, has escaped
from everything. It can also be the complete opposite. All
of a sudden a word sounds completely new, filled with
meaning. Something inspires this; usually it’s a special
relationship with the person who says them. Words don’t
sound the same when they come from the lips of people
important to us, than when they come from those we
consider indifferent.
Something similar happens in Pentecost. When the
Spirit reveals all the power in the love of God, it’s as if we
never heard such words before as love, salvation, and gift.
The Spirit not only filled words with power so everyone
understood in their own language, but it filled their life.
The Spirit fills with fire and courage those who previously
were in fear. The Lord’s disciples did not see the Spirit, but
felt the wind and tongues of fire.
In our community, when the Spirit of truth is
present, it is not just about words, kind gestures, or strong
feelings. Instead everything translates into a language made
from acts of love toward others. It translates into the power
of a love that overcomes all difficulties and pain, and it fills
us with strength and courage. This is not fleeting and bear
the fruits from the Spirit: love, kindness, meekness,
fortitude, patience, perseverance, and, above all else, joy.
— Hispanic Ministry Resource Center of Clareation Publications
Altar Flowers and Wine Donation
This week
In Honor of Carlos and Lucia Trujillo who were married on May 14, 2016
May 15, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
The “Kiss” of Peace
This action follows the Our Father, expressing in ritual
form our forgiveness and mutual acceptance. We wish one
another the Peace of Christ. First there is the dialogue with
the presider. “The peace of the Lord be with you always.”
And we respond, “And with your spirit.” Then we are
invited to give one another a sign of peace. Originally this
was called the “kiss of peace.” As the tradition moves
among different cultures, various signs of peace may be
appropriate. In our culture it is usually a hug or a
handshake. It could be a bow. The words we use are more
than a greeting. We wish one another the peace of Christ
himself, the peace that he came to give.
Sash or Senior at sacred Hear
SASH Seniors at Sacred Heart
Thursday 10:00 am - 11:30 am
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Senior Fun
Will continue to meet
on mornings in the
Parish Center
We welcome any senior or soon to be
Seniors. Bring your ideas to share with
us. Come meet your fellow parishioners
and explore your community.
We would like to get to know you. We
will continue an assortment of activities
including: Bingo, Dominos and other
activities as decided on by the group.
Expiration Date:
Registration for our 2016-2017 classes will
take place on Sunday, May 15th from 11:00
am until 2:30 pm at the Parish Hall, second
floor. If your child is coming for the first time,
you must have a copy of their Baptism
certificate at that time. Our
classes fill up quickly so
please register early.
Year of Mercy - December 8, 2015 marked
the start of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, called by
Pope Francis to spread the message of mercy
throughout the world. The Year of Mercy continues until November 20, 2016, the Solemnity
of Christ the King. Information regarding the
Year of Mercy can be found at http://
Visiting the Holy Door - During this Jubilee
Year of Mercy, Pope Francis is encouraging everyone to make a
pilgrimage to a diocesan cathedral or any other designated
church where there will be a Holy Door of Mercy. In the Diocese
of Venice there are two such locations: Epiphany Cathedral, 350
Tampa Ave. W., Venice, and Our Lady of Mercy Parish (note the
name), 240 Park Ave., Boca Grande. Epiphany Cathedral has
extra hours Monday through Thursday, 6:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.,
Fridays, 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.,
and Sundays all day. At Our Lady of Mercy Parish the extra
hours are Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to noon.
Additional hours for pilgrimages will be available by contacting
the respective parishes. For Epiphany Cathedral please call
941-484-3505, and for Our Lady of Mercy please call
Plenary Indulgences - During the Jubilee Year of
Mercy-Pope Francis has announced that the opportunity for a
plenary indulgence will be made available. The indulgence
removes all the temporal punishment due to sin for those who
meet the conditions of receiving the said indulgence. During
this Jubilee Year, there are two ways to obtain a plenary
indulgence :
Make a pilgrimage to a Holy Door, pass through the door, and
ask for God's Mercy. Perform a Spiritual or Corporal Work of
* Spiritual Works of Mercy : • To instruct the ignorant; • To
counsel the doubtful; • To admonish sinners; • To bear wrongs
patiently; • To forgive offences willingly; • To comfort the
afflicted; • To pray for the living and the dead.
* Corporal Works of Mercy • To feed the hungry; • To give
drink to the thirsty; • To clothe the naked; • To harbor the
harborless; • To visit the sick; • To ransom the captive; • To bury
the dead.
To obtain the Plenary Indulgence for the Jubilee Year, the following conditions must also be met. It is ideal to meet these
conditions on the day of the indulgenced act. They can also be
met within a week before or after the act:
* Receive the Holy Eucharist,
* Go to Sacramental Confession
* Pray for the Holy Father's intentions,
* Have the intention to be completely detached from sin.
* A plenary indulgence during the Jubilee Year can be
received multiple times, but a maximum of once a day.
For the homebound, incarcerated and similar situations Giving the greatest amount of consideration to those who may be
unable to go through a Holy Door, Pope Francis allows the
granting of the indulgences for them. These
individuals are
encouraged to fulfill the other requirements to the best of their
May 15, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests
to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in
Jesus Christ — Philippians 4:6-7
You are invited for
the Perfect Morning!
Enjoy a Delicious Cup of Coffee and
Yummy Donuts!
Every Sunday in the Parish Center
after the 8:00am & 10:00am Mass
1219 16th St W. , Bradenton Florida 34205
Tel. (941) 714-7829 Fax (914) 708-5287
Free first-time homebuyer class
available in May
May 23 and 24, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
I would like to THANK everyone
who participated in our International
Dinner (May 8th). The various
groups who prepared the food, our
music and dance entertainment and
all the donations of water, soda and
food helped to make this event very
Thank you for coming out to celebrate with us.
— Fr. Sal
We are in need of LECTORS and EUCHARISTIC
MINISTERS for ALL Masses. Please call the office to
Volunteer. Training Provided.
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have
the Heart —Elizabeth Andrew
Pentecost Sunday
the Birthday of the
Church and the conclusion
of our Easter Season. We
are blessed to have Brass
Mr. Ryan Murphy will
assist our organist as we
celebrate the feast of
Pentecost. Mr. Murphy
has extensive choral conducting and professional
musical theater experience. He has previously
conducted choirs in the Boston area, including two
choirs at the prestigious New England
Conservatory of Music. He holds a Master’s
Degree in choral conducting and a doctorate in
choral conducting from Boston University, where
he studied with Dr. Ann Howard Jones. We
welcome them to Sacred Heart!
MEALS ON WHEELS PLUS of Manatee — is in need
of volunteer drivers to deliver hot meals to homebound
seniors. If you would like to get involved, please call
May 7- 8
$ 4,666.00
Second Collection next weekend is for Debt Reduction
I return a portion of my time/skills and possessions
to God in a spirit of gratitude
May 15, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Intenciones de
Oración del Papa
Francisco para
May -
El Signo de la Paz
Intención General Oración - Que en todos los países del
mundo, las mujeres puedan ser atendidas y respetadas y
que su contribución a la sociedad pueden ser muy
Evangelización Oración intención - que las familias, las
comunidades y los grupos pueden rezar el Santo Rosario
por la evangelización y de la paz.
El sacerdote introduce la acción con las palabras de Cristo
“La paz les dejo, mi paz les doy”. A continuación dice algo
muy reconfortante, “No tengas en cuenta nuestros pecados, sino
la fe de tu Iglesia”. Esto nos indica que participamos como un
grupo. No le pide a Dios que vea nuestra fe como individuos,
sino como la Iglesia entera. Juntos en la fe comparecemos ante
Dios para pedirle que considere quiénes somos, no como
individuos, sino como a este Cuerpo de Cristo en su totalidad
congregado, como al Cuerpo entero de Cristo en todo el
To those who have received The Sacrament of Holy First Communion on
May 7, 2016/ Para quienes recibierón el Sacramento de la Primera
Comunión el 7 de Mayo, 2016
Mrs. Margaret Brown’s Students
Mrs. Alice White’s Students
Gael Lora Contreras
Jackelin Alvarado
Missael Lora Contreras
Ashely Rangel-Cervantes
Daphme Corona
Alejandro Leonel Dorado
Emyli Andrea Gonzalez
Omar Antonio Duvon
Juan D Gordillo
Adrian Alonso Posas Medina
Elva Ofelia Leal
Sari Valencia-Portillo
John Cruz-Mercado
Edgar Ramirez
Ariana Rivas-Olivan
Jessica Cruz-Urbano
Karla Y. Palacios
Benjamin Valerio
Edith Villagómez
Natalie Villegas
Juliet Alcala
Alex Amaro
Alan O. Robledo Contreras
Mark Hughes
Evelyn López
Bradley Pickwood
Edith Avigayl Rodriguez
Yerania Sanchez
Jorge Soto
Daniel Villagómez
Steve Villegas Romero
Yadira Sánchez
Ms. Patty Furlong’s Students
Mrs. Anita Rogers’ Students
Angel Amaro
Kenni Diaz
Fernando Hernández
Melvin Mejia
Daniela I. Perez
Yoselin Dela Torre
Veronica Martinez Perez
1219 16th St W. , Bradenton Florida 34205
Tel. (941) 714-7829 Fax (914) 708-5287
Clases Gratis en Mayo para
Primeros Compradores de Casas
Mayo 23 y 25, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Mrs. Elizabeth Reyes’ Students
Jesús Delgado
Luis Damian Tomas Estrada
Navaeh A. Garcia
Maria Hernández
Glory Cruz-Mercado
Arely Tinoco
Joselyn Corona
Raymundo Cruz-Mercado
Eva Vasquez
‘bÜxÅÉá tÄ fx©ÉÜ4
Por la protección de la dignidad
humana y la libertad religiosa de los
cristianos que viven en los países del
Medio Oriente; que el odio, la guerra y
la hostilidad sean vencidos con el respeto,
el diálogo y la caridad.
May 15, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
A veces las palabras se vacían de tanto usarlas mal.
A veces son las acciones las que, a fuerza de repetirlas, se
convierten en rutinarias y aburridas. Parece como si a todo
se le hubiera escapado el alma, el espíritu. En otros
momentos, es todo lo contrario. De pronto una palabra
suena totalmente nueva, llena de sentido; algo la anima y
es normalmente una relación especial con alguien. Las
palabras no suenan igual en labios de las personas que
significan algo para nosotros que en las que nos son
Algo así ocurre en Pentecostés. Cuando el Espíritu
revela toda la fuerza del amor de Dios, es como si nunca se
hubieran escuchado palabras como amor, salvación, don. El
Espíritu llena de fuerza no solo las palabras, que cada uno
comprende en su propio idioma, sino toda la vida. El
Espíritu llena de fuego y de valentía a quienes habían
estado asustados. Los discípulos del Señor no vieron al
Espíritu sino en una experiencia como de viento y lenguas
de fuego.
En nuestras comunidades, cuando el Espíritu de
verdad está presente, no solo se trata de palabras, gestos
hermosos o sentimientos fuertes, sino que todo eso se
traducirá en un lenguaje de obras de amor para los demás.
Se traducirá en la fuerza de un amor que sobrepasa toda
dificultad y dolor, y llena de fuerza y valentía. No será cosa
de un momento, sino que tendrá los frutos del Espíritu: amor,
bondad, mansedumbre, fortaleza, paciencia, perseverancia y,
sobre todo, alegría.
— Hispanic Ministry Resource Center of Clareation Publications
Reunión todos los Jueves desde las 6:45pm en el Salón
San José. La Hora Apostólica es el primer Jueves de cada
¡Los esperamos, no falten!
SOBRE # ___________
Me gustaría AGRADECER a
quienes participarón en nuestra
Comida Internacional el 8 de Mayo.
Los diferentes grupos tuvierón a
cargo la comida, la música y el baile,
hubierón donaciones de agua, soda y
todo ello contribuyó a que este
eventos fuera todo un éxito.
Gracias por venir y celebrar con nostros.
— Padre Sal
Deseamos felicitar a María Isabel Villegas quien
celebró sus Quince Años en nuestra Parroquia el
30 de Abril.
Las inscripciones para el 2016 y 2017 de las
clases de Catesismo se estarán realizando el
Domingo 15 de Mayo desde las 11:00 AM
hasta las 2:30 PM en el segundo piso de las
clases de Educación Religiosa. Si su hijo
viene por primera vez POR FAVOR traiga el
certificado de bautizo el mismo dia. L a s
clases de llenan muy
rapido, por favor
inscriba a su hijo tan
pronto sea posible.
FECHA ________
Llene el espacio de abajo y coloquelo en la canasta de la colecta, si usted se ha cambio de dirección y número de
teléfono, por favor, háganoslo saber para que podamos mantener nuestro registro actualizado. ¡Gracias!
Apellido de la Familia : ______________________________
Niños: ________________________________________
Nombre del Esposo: ________________________________ Dirección: ______________________________________
Nombre de la Esposa: _______________________________ Ciudad y Codigo Postal: ___________________________
(Si no esta registrado en nuestra parroquia y le gustaría ser parte de ella. Le invitamos que pase a la oficina parroquial
para que llene el formulario de registración. )
May 15, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Immaculate Heart of Mary
--Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Our Sacred Heart Chapel is open during regular Office hours for your prayers and
requests in the presence of Our Most Blessed Sacrament. You may write your intentions in the
book at the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Church.
Nuestra Capilla está abierta durante las horas de oficina, para que usted pueda orar
y hacer sus peticiones ante Nuestro Santísimo Sacramento.
Usted puede pedir oración inscribiéndose en el libro que se encuentra a la entrada de la Iglesia.
The church wakes up to an amazing message this morning. Look around and see who has
been called. Listen to the voices of those who proclaim Jesus is Lord. You’ll find no race of
people left out; you’ll find no language on earth unfit to proclaim the glory of God. We call
Pentecost Sunday the “birthday of the church.” In many ways, the church is still being born.
Only when we all know the peace Jesus offered in today’s Gospel will we really know the
fullness of the Holy Spirit.
St. Paul assures us in today’s second reading that “all of us have been given to drink of
the one Spirit.” When we look around us in the church we should see everyone. But we don’t.
Not yet. What is holding us back from fully embracing the one Body of Christ? When will
we see our differences as manifestations of the same Holy Spirit?
La Iglesia se despierta esta mañana con un asombroso mensaje. Mira a tu alrededor a ver quién ha sido llamado. Escucha
las voces de los que proclaman que Jesús es el Señor. Encontrarás que ningún pueblo ni raza ha sido excluido; ningún idioma
del mundo es incapaz de proclamar la gloria de Dios. Decimos que el Domingo de Pentecostés es el “cumpleaños de la
Iglesia”. En diversas maneras, la Iglesia todavía está naciendo. Sólo cuando todos conozcan la paz que Jesús ofrece en el
Evangelio de hoy es que de veras conoceremos la plenitud del Espíritu Santo.
San Pablo nos asegura en la segunda lectura de hoy que “a todos se nos ha dado a beber del mismo Espíritu”. Cuando
pasamos nuestra mirada por la Iglesia, deberíamos de ver a todos. Pero no es así. Todavía no, ¿qué barrera nos impide
abrazarnos en un solo Cuerpo de Cristo? ¿Cuándo vamos a reconocer que nuestras diferencias son manifestaciones de un
mismo Espíritu Santo?
— Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
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