Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1220 15th Street West, Bradenton, Fl 34205 Fr. Salvator M. Stefula, T.O.R. PASTOR Ron Dains DEACON OFFICE NUMBERS Phone: (941) 748-2221 Fax: (941) 748-1744 Email: [email protected] Website: CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:00PM / 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Closed all day Wednesday, and Friday at Noon BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL HOURS Open during regular Office hours Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil ……………………….. 4:00 PM English…….....6:00 PM Español Sunday Schedule …….…. 8:00 AM & 10:00AM English……..12:30 PM Español Haitian Mass ……………………………………………….. please call the Office Monday-Friday …………………………………...……………. 7:30 AM English Holy Days of Obligation ….…………….…….Check Bulletin for Mass Schedule First Friday Mass ...……... …………………... ………………...7:30 AM English Adoration/Benediction ......………………………………….8:00AM-12:00PM Administration of Sacraments RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Grades 1st - 12th. BAPTISM: Classes are required. Please call the church office for more information. FIRST COMMUNION/CONFIRMATION: Children (7+) need to attend two years Religious Education. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 3:15 PM (English), Sunday 12:00 PM (Spanish) or anytime by appointment. ANOINTING OF SICK: Anytime when urgent, otherwise by appointment. MATRIMONY: Arrangements to be made at least 6 months in advance with a member of the Parish Clergy. R.C.I.A.: Christian Initiation of Adults is available. Check with Church Office. We support Catholic education. St. Joseph School ……………….Principal Deborah Suddarth, (941) 755-2611 OFFICE STAFF DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Alice White (941) 794-8457 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES Roger Roszell (941) 928-4526 BOOKKEEPER Mary B. Suchy PARISH SECRETARY Azucena Macías MAINTENANCE Deacon Ron Dains BULLETIN COORDINATOR Vicky Helfer HOUSEKEEPER Elvira Villalobos PARISH MINISTRIES Blessed Sacrament Chapel Charismatic Prayer Group (Spanish) Choirs -- Adult, Youth Eucharistic Ministers (English & Spanish) Haitian Ministry Lectors (English & Spanish) Rosary (Spanish) Sacristans (English & Spanish) Senior Group Social Justice Spanish Committee Spanish Cursillo Youth Group Our mission is that we are all working toward the fulfillment of Christ’s prayer to the Father, that we all may be one in Him, as He is one with the Father. We, who have been fully initiated into His Mystical Body, the Church, share in His mission, becoming true Disciples, bringing the Good News to all through celebrating the wondrous gifts of God, proclaiming the message in fellowship with each other and being of service to all our brothers and sisters in need, until He comes again in glory. April 24, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for April FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MON. 04/25 7:30 AM TUE. 04/26 7:30 AM WED. 04/27 Sr. Mark 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Rosa Noto — Patricia Noto Easter Weekday Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Marlene Becker — Dale Becker Easter Weekday Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 7:30 AM Marlene Becker — Dale Becker THU. 04/28 St. Peter Chanel Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 7:30 AM FRI. 04/29 7:30 AM Bruce De Haven — M/M Harry Young St. Catherine of Siena Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Henry Panzera — Gertrude Panzera SAT. 04/30 St. Pius V Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 4:00 PM Asper & Lynn Harrison (B-Day) — Anita Rogers Pelegrin Family Intetntions 6:00 PM SUN. 05/01 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM General Prayer Intention - That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization Prayer Intention - That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 All Parishioners of SHC Maria Del Carmen Capón — Franklin Aguilar Germania Enriquez — Lisette Estevez and Family Reflecting on God’s Word In the modern world, there is a rush to attain new things; everything is advertised as new, renovated, and different. On the other hand, few things are permanent; people move, change their home, job, activities, and even their friends. Perhaps we have become accustomed to the fact that people we live with may often depart toward new horizons and this leaves us with a sort of nostalgia or longing for what was, for the time past that was better. We want new things, but we also want to keep what we had in the past. The people who go away always leave something behind; some leave us material keepsakes, while others want us to care for something left behind, which may even be an inheritance; but they also leave a void. Jesus departed after his death, leaving a void in the hearts of his friends that only God could fill; but he also left a mandate and a mission that should not only change our life, it will help us build a new world created by God through the death and resurrection of Christ: “Behold I make all things new.” The mandate of Jesus, which could revolutionize the world, is to love one another. This is not a love that consists of pretty sentiments, nor is it just directed toward the people we like; it’s a different type of love that dares to forgive, to overcome difficulties, seeks the good in others, even at the cost of self sacrifice; this is the love that distinguishes this new city of God. Today Jesus is calling us to a love like he does, to love God and love others as God loves them. Easter is a fitting time to remember the Lord’s new commandment, because there is no greater symbol of love than Easter; it is a call to joy with love as its source. — Hispanic Ministry Resource Center of Clareation Publications If you would like your mother, living or deceased, to be remembered in a Novena of Masses from May 8th through May 13th, please take an envelope at the entrances of the church, write her name and drop it in the collection basket. All the envelopes will be placed on the Altar during the Novena. Forget Giving Up, Just Give! April 24, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mass Book 2016 If you would like to reserve a Mass Intention in memory of a deceased loved one or in honor of a living loved one, we have available dates and times. Please stop by the Parish Office to schedule the Mass. ITERNATIONAL DINNER FESTIVAL The Embolism Following the words, “deliver us from every evil,” the presider voices a prayer that begins, “Deliver us, Lord, from every evil.” The prayer continues asking for freedom from sin and anxiety, as we joyfully await in hope the return of Jesus, the Christ. This part is called the embolism, because it is a little part inserted into the regular flow of the Our Father as we usually say it outside of liturgy. Sacred Heart Parish México, Honduras, Guatemala, Poland, USA SASH or Seniors at Sacred Heart wil l continue to meet on Thursday mornings in the Parish Center from 10am to 11:30am. We enjoy each other’s company, are planning a Pilgrimage in May, as well as future trips and upcoming theatrical productions as well as learning about our neighborhood and the world, and then socialize over Bingo, Mexican Train Dominos or other past time of our choice. We welcome any seniors or soon to be Seniors. Everyone who attended enjoyed our trip to Florida Maritime Museum in Cortez. We are planning a Pilgrimage to the Holy Door of Mercy at the Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, Florida. The trip will take place on Wednesday, May 11th, 2016. We will leave Sacred Heart at 9am by church bus and return by midafternoon. We will visit the door, have lunch and return home. The bus can accommodate 14 people. If you are interested please speak to Karla Busciglio, Rita Fligiel or Natalie Litos or call the church office. WELCOME Join us as we gather together as a Multicultural Parish Community. If you want to participate please contact Damian Sosa at (941) 807-6032 Games, Music, Entertainment! Please Come and Enjoy this Day !!!! Sunday May 8 9:00am - 5:00pm ALTAR WINE DONATION This week are offered In Honor of Jesus and Patricia Pano for the Wedding Anniversary And In Honor of Rodriguez Family NEW MEMBERS OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS DATE: _____________ To Our New Parishioners…… If you have not registered with our parish and would like to become a member, please fill in space below and place in the offertory collection baskets. If you have a new address and telephone number, please let us know so we may keep our record current and up to date. Thank You! Family name : __________________________________ Children: __________________________________________ Husband: ______________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ Wife: __________________________________________ City & Zip: ________________________________________ Children: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________ April 24, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Post-Abortion Healing Retreat - If you have ever You are invited for the Perfect Morning! Enjoy a Delicious Cup of Coffee and Yummy Donuts! Every Sunday in the Parish Center after the 8:00am & 10:00am Mass 1219 16th St W. , Bradenton Florida 34205 Tel. (941) 714-7829 Fax (914) 708-5287 Programs and Services Citizenship, Immigration, Housing, Foreclosure, Financial Literacy Services and Financial Assistance. From The Faith Community Nurse April is National Stress Awareness Month: Watch for signs of stress. When they occur, try to avoid the cause or change how we react to stress. Some helpful tips: • Do something that relaxes you such as: deep and slow breathing, stretching exercises, yoga, a message, meditation, listening to music, reading, a hot bath or shower. • Get a hobby or do something you enjoy. • Learn to accept things that you cannot change • Think positive. • Set Limits. Learn to say no. Take one thing at a time. • Get 8 hrs. of sleep at night. • Eat a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains. Limit Caffeine and sugar. • Exercise regularly. • Talk to family and friends about your problems • Do not deal with stress in unhealthy ways such as eating to much, not eating enough, using tobacco products, drinking alcohol or using drugs. • Get help from a professional if you need it. Take time to unwind. It is healthy to relax, renew and rejuvenate. Stress happens. Sometime it’s unavoidable at times it is unbearable. Taking time for you is necessary. had an abortion, give yourself the gift of a Project Rachel Healing Retreat during the Year of Mercy the perfect time to experience the healing provided through the retreat. The next one is scheduled for Saturday, May 7. For confidential information, contact Fonda at 239-719-7210 or [email protected]. Here's what a recent retreatant shared: "Many thanks for the experience of a day filled with love, understanding and not one ounce of judgment. Please thank all your staff...what marvelous ladies...and the priests showed such kindness and demonstrated what Pope Francis wants Jesus's disciples to do...teach us that God is MERCY and LOVE. I was blessed to have been in the company of ten women who were open, honest and caring. It was beyond my expectations. I know I was led there. What a nearness I feel with God. Baptism The Baptism Classes are the First Friday of the month at 7:00pm at the Conference Room. The Baptism is on Saturday at 10:00am. For the current year the following dates are available: June 11th, June 25th August 13th September 17th October 15th November 12th December 10th Please stop by the Parish Office to schedule a Baptism for your child. You must be a registered, active member of Sacred Heart Church for at least three months, complete the Baptism Registration process, and attend a Baptismal Preparation Class. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE April 16 - 17 $ 4,919.00 Second Collection this weekend is for Maintenance Fund I return a portion of my time/skills and possessions to God in a spirit of gratitude Sunday Health Center Helpers Volunteers are needed to push our wheelchair bound residents to and from the Sunday afternoon Church service in the Health Center of Westminster Manor, 1700st Ave W. , Bradenton. When : Sundays Time: 1:30 - 2:45 pm Contact Director of Volunteer – Marina Anderson at 941–748-4161 or email [email protected]. Applications and brief orientation required. Minimum req.– one Sunday per month, and at least 15 years of age. April 24, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Intenciones de Oración del Papa Francisco para Abril Intenciones para Oración general – Que las personas puedan aprender a respetar la creación y cuidar de él como un regalo de Dios. Intención de Oración para la Evangelización- Para que los cristianos perseguidos puedan sentir la presencia consoladora del Señor resucitado y la solidaridad de toda la Iglesia. Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios In nuestro mundo moderno, hay como una prisa por conseguir cosas nuevas; todo se anuncia como nuevo, renovado, distinto. Por otro lado, hay pocas cosas permanentes; la gente cambia de lugar, de casa, de trabajo, de actividad y hasta de amistades. Quizás nos acostumbremos a que personas con las que hemos convivido se vayan a otro lugar; y eso nos deja con una especie de nostalgia por lo que ya pasó, por algún tiempo pasado que fue mejor. Queremos cosas nuevas, pero también queremos aferrarnos a lo que había. Con todo, la gente que se va siempre nos deja algo; algunos nos dejan un recuerdo material y otros nos encargan algo o incluso podrían dejarnos una herencia; pero también nos dejan un hueco. Jesús también se va después de su muerte dejando un hueco en el corazón de sus amigos que solo Dios puede llenar; pero también deja un mandato y una misión, y eso nos debe no solo cambiar la vida a nosotros, sino ayudar a seguir construyendo ese mundo nuevo que hace Dios por la muerte y resurrección de Cristo: “He aquí que yo hago nuevas todas las cosas”. El mandato de Jesús, que podría revolucionar el mundo, es el amor. No es un amor solamente de sentimiento hermoso, ni solamente hacia quienes nos caen bien, sino un amor distinto que se atreve a perdonar, que se atreve a superar dificultades, que busca el bien de otros incluso a costa del propio sacrificio; ese amor distingue esta nueva ciudad de Dios. Hoy Jesús nos está llamando a amar como él lo hace, a amar a Dios y a los demás así como Dios nos ama. La Pascua es el tiempo perfecto para recordar el nuevo mandamiento del Señor, porque no hay otro símbolo más grande de amor que el de la Pascua; es un llamado a la alegría, una alegría que nace del amor — Hispanic Ministry Resource Center of Clareation Publications El Embolismo Después de las palabras "líbranos de todo mal", el sacerdote recita una oración que empieza diciendo "Líbranos de todos los males, Señor". La oración continúa pidiendo que vivamos siempre libres de todo pecado y protegidos de toda perturbación, mientras esperamos la gloriosa venida de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. Esta parte es llamada el embolismo, porque es una pequeña porción insertada en el flujo regular del Padre Nuestro, como generalmente lo rezamos fuera de la Liturgia. FESTIVAL COMIDA INTERNACIONAL Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón México, Honduras, Guatemala, Polonia, USA. Venga y comparta con nosotros, la Comunidad de la Parroquia Multicultural. Si desea participar por favor comuniquese con Damian Sosa al (941) 807-6032 ¡Juegos, Música, Entretenimiento! ¡¡¡ Reserve esta fecha en su Calendario !!! Domingo 8 de Mayo 9:00am - 5:00pm 1219 16th St W. , Bradenton Florida 34205 Tel. (941) 714-7829 Fax (914) 708-5287 Programas y Servicios Ciudadanía, Programa de Inmigración, Vivienda, Ejecución, Servicios de Educación Financiera y Asistencia Financiera, Clases para Primeros Compradores de Casa. April 24, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Bautizo El Sábado 9 de April dimos la bienvenida a nuestra comunidad de fe a través de las aguas del bautismo. Feliciaddes a sus padres y padrinos: Sr. y Sra. Muthe Judith Cruz-Muthe Arlen Cruz-Muthe Sr. Jeff Belvo Sra. Sue Belvo Las Clases de Bautizo son el Primer Viernes de cada mes a las 7:00pm en el Salón de Conferencias. El Bautizo es el Sábado a la 10:00am. Para el año en curso las siguientes fechas están disponibles: Junio 11, Junio 25 Julio 20 Agosto 13 Septiembre 17 Octubre 15 Noviembre 12 Diciembre 10 Por favor, visite la Oficina de la Parroquia para separar la fecha de Bautizo de su niño(a). Usted debe estar inscrito y ser miembro activo de la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón por lo menos tres meses, completar el proceso de inscripción y atender la Clase de Preparación Bautismal. Erick Blanco-Cruz Ruben Blanco Jr. Sr. y Sra. Blanco Sr. y Sra. Ramirez GRUPO DE ORACIÓN JUAN PABLO II Se reúne todos los Martes a partir de las 6:30pm en la Parroquia. El último Martes del mes es la Hora Santa. ¡Todos están invitados! GRUPO CURSILLO Reunión todos los Jueves desde las 6:45pm en el Salón San José. La Hora Apostólica es el primer Jueves de cada mes. ¡Los esperamos, no falten! BIENVENIDO Si a usted le gustaría recordar a su mamá, en vida o ya fallecida, en la Novena de Misas del 8 al 13 de Mayo, por favor en uno de los sobres que están en las entradas de la iglesia, escriba el nombre, colóque su donación y deposítelo en la canasta de la colecta. Todos los sobres estarán en el Altar durante la Novena. Libro de Misa 2016 Si a usted le gustaría reservar una Misa en honor a un ser querido o por algún motivo especial, tenemos fechas y horas disponibles. Por favor, visite la oficina de la Parroquia para separar la Misa. NUEVOS MIEMBROS O CAMBIO DE DIRECCIÓN FECHA _________ Para Nuestros Nuevos Miembros ...... Si no está registrado en nuestra parroquia y le gustaría convertirse en un miembro, por favor llene el espacio de abajo y coloquelo en la canasta de la colecta. Si usted cambio de dirección y número de teléfono, por favor, háganoslo saber para que podamos mantener nuestro registro actualizado. ¡Gracias! Apellido de la Familia : ______________________________ Niños: ________________________________________ Nombre del Esposo: ________________________________ Dirección: ______________________________________ Nombre de la Esposa: _______________________________ Ciudad y Codigo Postal: ___________________________ Niños: ___________________________________________ Número de Teléfono: _____________________________ April 24, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Immaculate Heart of Mary Mary---Blessed --Blessed Sacrament Chapel Our Sacred Heart Chapel is open during regular Office hours for your prayers and requests in the presence of Our Most Blessed Sacrament. You may write your intentions in the book at the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Church. Nuestra Capilla está abierta durante las horas de oficina, para que usted pueda orar y hacer sus peticiones ante Nuestro Santísimo Sacramento. Usted puede pedir oración inscribiéndose en el libro que se encuentra a la entrada de la Iglesia. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER TRUE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Can you imagine a world such as the one put before us in today’s scripture readings? Communities of believers everywhere would support and encourage one another and be identified as Christians by the way they love each other. It would be a world with no tears, no death and mourning, no crying out in pain. “Behold, I make all things new,” we hear the Son of God say in the second reading from the book of Revelation (21:5). Is this world of John’s vision only imaginary? Are these faithful followers for whom Jesus prayed only a savior’s dream? Today they are put before us as a worthy goal. How much closer can we come to this vision of a true Christian community in our lives today? VERDADERA COMUNIDAD CRISTIANA ¿Te puedes imaginar un mundo tal como nos lo presenta las lecturas bíblicas de hoy? Comunidades de fieles por todas partes que se apoyan y se animan unas a otras y se identifican como cristianos por el amor que se tienen unos a otros. Sería un mundo sin lágrimas, sin muerte ni luto, sin gritos de dolor. “Ahora todo lo hago nuevo”, oímos decir al Hijo de Dios en la segunda lectura del libro del Apocalipsis (21:5). Este mundo de la visión de Juan, ¿es sólo un mundo imaginario? Y esos fieles seguidores de Jesús por los cuales él reza, ¿son un mero sueño del salvador? Hoy se presentan ante nosotros como una meta valiosa. ¿Cómo podemos acercarnos cada vez más a esta visión de una verdadera comunidad cristiana en nuestra vida de hoy? —Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Please support your bulletin by placing ads for your home business!!
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