Two Good Shepherds, Msgr. Sean P. Flynn on the right, and Fr. Jose Fernandez-Bangueses on the left, introduce the congregation to the newest members of the flock. Congratulations! 215 Crescent Pkwy, Sea Girt, NJ 08750 Phone 732-449-6364 Web Deacon Michael Keary (Wednesdays & Fridays) Rev. Jose Fernandez-Bangueses, Parochial Vicar Rev. Maynard Nagengast, OSB, ( weekends ), Rev. Bernard N. Mohan Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor $SULO ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ 0DVV,QWHQWLRQV Monday, April 18 7:30 AM † Dorothy Sellers † Barbara Cicchetti † Brendan Mulligan 11:00 AM † Jim and Regina Spellman † Joseph Downes † Timothy A. Dempsey A Friend Jim and Mary Power Daniel and Suzanne Crimmins Lynn and Tom Miller St. Mark's Altar Rosary Society Maureen and Michael McInerney Tuesday, April 19 7:30 AM † Phyllis Blaine Special Intention Special Intention Kyle Kresge 11:00 AM † Vito Castiglione † Charita McLarney † Phyllis Pierro Estate John Kemper Friends Longo Family Peggie and Jim O'Brien Joseph and Irene Santangelo Wednesday, April 20 7:30 AM Special Intention Charlene Brennan † Anne Fleming † Amelia Saliceti 11:00 AM † Marie Lynch † Marion Bohen † Daley Campbell Jim and Mary Power Cassilda Gomes Abrahamson Family William Lynch Millie and Sally Abraham Karen and Phil Schwier Thursday, April 21 St. Anselm 7:30 AM † Jordan and Hart Families † 100th Birthday Winifred Feehan † Janet Attix 11:00 AM † Catherine Wielk † 3rd Anniversary Richard Kerber † Theresa Raffetto Estate Family James and Theresa Stores Friends Joan Murphy Foerst Family Friday, April 22 7:30 AM † Patrick R. Scatourchio Special Intention Marion Reilly Special Intention Virginia Barnes 11:00 AM † Bob Weeks † Angela Virdo † Cliff Syby Joann and Tony Valpone St. Mark's Prayer Shawl Ministry St. Mark's Parish Family Family Bertucci Family Family Saturday, April 23 St. George 7:30 AM † Jean Hayes † John O'Connell Special Intention 4:30 PM † Rosanne Jordan † William McDonald † Janice Sheehan Francis Hayes Family O'Meara Family Teresa Corcoran Wallace Family Katie and Ryan Meixsell Sunday, April 24 5th Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM For the People of the Parish 10:00 AM † Barbara Mahoney † Catherine Reynolds † John Long 12:00 PM † Eileen Abraham † Clare Jane Collins † Marion Bohen 5:00 PM Special Intention Uriel Ramirez † Genaro Gonzalez Special Intention Gerardo Fierro Michael Casey Rosemary and Vincent Montello Patrick McCartney Millie and Sally Abraham Family Cullum Family Family Family Family Ϯ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ Mary Reilly, St. Mark’s CYO director, shared the “Prayer for Good Humor” by St. Thomas More to emphasize how beneficial laughter is for your mental and physical health, for lasting relationships and for team bonding. So much of Christianity is about bringing joy to others, and laughter is the best medicine for those suffering from physical or mental pain. She “wrapped up” the evening with a 3-minute, make the best mummy contest using a roll of toilet paper. You never know what’s going to happen at a CYO meeting but you can be certain it will be FUN! All high school students are welcome to join! Go to page 9 to see who won! 3UD\HUIRU9RFDWLRQVIRU*RRG6KHSKHUG6XQGD\ )RXUWK6XQGD\RI(DVWHU Acts 13:14, 43-52 The next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered together to hear the word of God. Psalms 100:1-2, 3, 5 Know that the LORD is God! It is He that made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Revelation 7:9, 14b-17 For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and He will guide them to springs of living water… John 10:27-30 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Today is Good Shepherd Sunday as well as the 53rd World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This year’s theme is “We are God’s people.” The Good Shepherd protects us, His flock, and promises us the gift of eternal life. The Church invites us to honor the vocation of all Christians given at baptism. May we who have dedicated our lives to God through the vocation of marriage, priesthood, diaconate, consecrated life, or the single life remain faithful to our commitments! May those who are discerning their life’s vocation listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd to guide them! Now is the time to raise the consciousness of all God’s people of the need to send more workers into the vineyard of the Lord. On this day dedicated to prayer for vocations, the Office of Vocations asks for you to encourage young men to consider a vocation to the Priesthood. It is our prayer that through combined efforts we can bring God’s people to a new awareness of Christ in their lives, which will bring some of them to serve the Lord in a special ministry. See page 9 for details on an upcoming Diocesan Priesthood Vocation Discernment meeting. Joanne Gibson, Editor Diana Zuna, Associate Editor Bulletin announcements and columns are due on Mondays before 2 PM except before holidays. Bulletin drafts are submitted to Msgr. Flynn for review. Email submissions to [email protected]. Email photos of St. Mark’s events to [email protected]. ϯ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ Next Weekend’s Schedule for Liturgical Ministers Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 12:00 Noon Sunday 5:00 PM Glenn Skola John Kemper Anthony Granato Jerry Zoufaly Joe Walsh Bob O’Neill Patrick Ahern Leo Hurley Richard Siderko Harry Dunne Ed Robinson James Revel Jim Mulvihill Brendan Heslin Usher needed Usher needed Usher needed Lidet Cartagena Martha Minda Ana Anguiano Guadalupe Sorto Readers Tom Malloy Rose Crimmins Todd Leonhardt Bob Cavazini Modesta Arias Jorge Medina Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Joan Murphy Connie Duffy Amy Perry Pat Holt Pam Zusi Tom Greenan Rose Crimmins Joan Wypler Marianne Sheridan Richard Norris Michele McCarthy Jay Lorenzo Marge Loenser Kathy Albin Jim Mulvihill Tom Albin Carlos Medina María Sánchez Lucio Hernández Mary Bogan Margaret Price Victoria Napolitano Lauryn Boyle Pam Pertgen April 23/24 Ushers Cantors/ Choirs Néstor Román Espíritu de Vida Breath of Life Altar Servers Molly Lynch Julia Lynch Altar Ladies Not assigned James Mele Olivia Castello Jose Hernandez Stephanie Suarez Lessly Sanchez Sally Tamayo Marie Curry and Lorraine Keegan Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 3OHDVH3UD\IRU2XU0LOLWDU\RQ$FWLYH'XW\ Major John Bruzza, USMC Cpt. Matthew Caverly, USMC Col. Thomas Crimmins, USAF Cpl. Ian Michael Rivera, USMC Staff Sgt. Carmen Maffucci, USAF Ensign Brian Maffucci, USCG If your loved one has returned safely from a tour of duty or has received a promotion in rank, please let us know so that we can announce it! 3UD\HUVIRU+HDOLQJ This list of parishioners, relatives, and friends are in need of your prayers for healing. Please note that to ensure the consent of the person whose name appears here, the pastor’s policy requires that only they or a family member may request a name be added to this list. Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon them. Please remember in your prayers those of our parish, friends, and family members who have recently died. Anne T. Fleming Ralph Sabatino “May the angels lead you into paradise...” Lt. Nicholas Guariglia, USMC SPC Colin P. Marvel, US Army Lt. Commander Brenden Piccolo, USN Major Sean P. Cox, USMC Major Kevin Ward, US Army Lt. Robert J. Bennett, USN Patrick Wypler Enedina Marquez Efraín Montoya Richard McCarthy Virginia Barnes Maralyn McKeon Michael Sheridan George Lister Jean McCabe Mary Balzano Patricia Cavanaugh Notice of Upcoming Second Collection: On the weekend of April 23rd/24th, the second collection is for the Catholic Home Mission Appeal, which strengthens the Catholic Church in the US, its territories and 87 Latin and Eastern Catholic dioceses with pastoral services and religious education. 7KLV:HHN $10,751.20 ϰ /DVW<HDU $10,481.00 ηϲϭϯ :RPHQ¶V6SLULWXDO*URXS A reminder: On Wednesday, April 27th, St. Marks Altar Rosary Society will continue its discussion on the book, “Rediscover Jesus.” The discussion begins at 12:15 PM. Please feel free to bring your lunch. The gatherings are held in the downstairs Church. If you did not attend the previous discussions, you are still welcome to join now! 0RWKHUV¶0HPRULDO0DVV A special Mass will be celebrated for Mothers and their families who have suffered the loss of a child of any age (before birth/ miscarriage, infancy, childhood, or adult children) on Tuesday, May 10th, at 7:00 PM in St. Denis Church, Rt. 71, Manasquan. Come to honor and remember these children, whose names will be read, during this special celebration of the Eucharist. A gathering with refreshments will follow. No RSVP necessary. All are welcome! This is sponsored by the Elizabeth Ministries from the Churches of St. Denis and St. Dominic. Questions? Please contact Rachel Hendricks 732-223-1658 or [email protected]. :DONLQJZLWK*RG A Day of Recollection presented by Fr. William Dowd, will be held this Tuesday, April 19th, from 9:30 AM to 3 PM, at San Alphonso House, 755 Ocean Ave., Long Branch. Cost is $40 (made payable to St. Catharine’s Church) which includes Continental breakfast and full lunch. To confirm attendance, please call Tom at 732-859-2733. ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ 7KLV:HHNDWD*ODQFH Weekend, April 16/17 Good Shepherd Sunday encourages prayers for vocations to the priesthood. Next Weekend, April 23/24 The second collection is for the Catholic Home Mission Appeal, which strengthens the Catholic Church in the US, its territories and 87 Latin and Eastern Catholic dioceses with pastoral services and religious education. Cover photo: St. Mark’s Easter Vigil photo by Diana Zuna. The Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation takes place during the Easter Vigil Liturgy on Holy Saturday when the Elect receives the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Now the person is fully initiated into the Catholic Church. As a newly initiated Catholic, they continue their formation and education in the Period of the Post Baptismal Catechesis, which is also called Mystagogy. This period continues at least until Pentecost. During the period the newly-baptized members reflect on their experiences at the Easter Vigil and continue to learn more about the Scriptures, the Sacraments, and the teachings of the Catholic Church. In addition, they reflect on how they will serve Christ and help in the Church's mission and outreach activities. St. Mark’s Altar Rosary Society Luncheon Featuring Broadway Tunes and Floral Design by John Newman, Bouquets to Remember in Manasquan th Thursday, May 12 at 11:30 am Spring Lake Bath & Tennis Club Choice of Chicken Francaise or Crusted Salmon $40 per person (Cash Bar) Make reservation no later than May 5th Reservation forms at front vestibule For details, call Barbara Kane at 732-223-2499 ϱ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ 20th EVENT DATE: Monday, June @ 12:30 PM LOCATION: Colts Neck Golf Club, Flock Rd., Colts Neck St. Mark’s Holy Name Society is once again sponsoring its annual charity golf classic at the Colts Neck Golf Club. We are asking you to participate this year as a player, a sponsor, a volunteer or, if you are not a golfer, by attending the dinner. The net proceeds of these annual golf classics are donated to many local charities. The golf outing is a Shotgun Scramble and the cost of $185 per golfer includes greens fees, power cart, gift bag, balls, tees, box lunch, cocktail party, dinner and prize awards in the club house dining room. Many great prizes, too! If you don’t golf but would like to lend your support to this charitable event, you may purchase a dinner ticket for $60 which features an open bar at 5:30 PM with dinner at 6:30 PM. You may also become a booster for $50 to honor the memory of Thomas Hayes and Norbert Van Bergen, the event co-founders. Be sure to pick up your registration form at the Church entrances! 7KDQN<RXIRUWKH:RQGHUIXO3UHVHQWDWLRQDQG6RXSE\0DU\$QQ+LUVFK'5( I would like to say thank you to the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students and teachers who presented the Way of the Cross to our young children and their families on Friday, March 18th. We have received such positive feedback on the Presentation. We are also thankful to all of the people who worked to make this such a wonderful experience for the families at St. Mark’s. Thanks to Georgeann Donatelli, Donna O’Meara, Donna Bailey, and Diana Zuna for organizing the delicious soup supper. Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners and the families of our Confirmation Prep students, we had over 30 different soups! Thanks to Mary Ring, who helped direct out Lighting Crew, Myles and Angie. Our student readers, Connor and Ellen, did a great job! Our cast consisted of Liam as Jesus, Gianna as Mary, and Kyle, Anthony, Logan, Andrew, Gavin, Ryan, Jake, Orlando and Jill, who all did a fabulous job of acting out the story of Jesus’ Passion. Thank you so very much for the generosity of time and talent of our parishioners, teachers, and students who participated. You make our parish great! Photo by Theresa Valeriano. ϲ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ 6W0DUN¶V³)DLWKLQ2XU)XWXUH´6XUYH\5HVXOWV As we reported last weekend, there were 298 respondents (some couples filled one survey out together) who provided a wealth of information to review. About half the surveys were completed on our website. This is the second week where we provide a snapshot of the next category along with a summary of the most identified strengths and weaknesses. This week, we’ll provide an overview of the responses to the second and third sections of the survey on Evangelization and Catechesis and on the following page, Communal Life and Communications. Next week, we will address the final category. The overviews will also be posted each week on our website at The Parish is Warm & Welcoming Evangelization Needs • • • Catechetical Programs Improve outreach to inactive Catholics Add social media Improve signage and exterior lighting Evangelization Strengths • • • • Various organizations and programs for improving life with Christ Strong RCIA for Hispanic adults and children Very strong CCD with trained catechists Very strong CYO program Evangelization Questions Results The bar charts show the number of survey respondents for each question. The totals do not equal 298 because responders did not always answer every question. The ratings on the bar charts are presented in the following alphabetical order: Excellent, Fair, Good, and Poor. If there were no Poor ratings, only three bars are shown. Youth & Young Adults (Continued on page 8) ϳ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ 6W0DUN¶V³)DLWKLQ2XU)XWXUH´6XUYH\5HVXOWV Communications Variety of Ministries (Continued from page 7) Website Communal Needs • • Integrate more Hispanic activities Integrate formal training for intercultural competency Communal Strengths • • • • Strong visitation ministry to the homebound Human life dignity efforts Support for ill, grieving, disabled and those in financial need Welcoming atmosphere Communal Questions Results The bar charts show the number of survey respondents for each question. The totals do not equal 298 because responders did not always answer every question. The ratings on the bar charts are presented in the following alphabetical order: Excellent, Fair, Good, and Poor. Reaches Out ϴ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ &<21HZVE\0DU\5HLOO\ Photos from last week’s CYO Comedy Night by Mary Reilly. The teens had so much fun that everybody won! Ben Barry and Chris Black, CYO Juniors, (shown left not mummified) organized and ran the Comedy Night events! Great job, guys! Sunday, April 17th is CYO Bowling Night from 7-9 PM at the Lanes at Sea Girt, 2106 Highway 35, Wall. Please go directly there. You must bring $10 and a parental permission slip. Sunday, April 24th at 6:30 PM is Senior Supper with Monsignor Sean over at the rectory. Seniors, please RSVP to me ASAP. Thank you and God bless my CYO angels! ,V*RG&DOOLQJ<RX" Our Diocesan Priesthood Vocation Discernment meeting is a wonderful opportunity to share how God is calling you to serve in His Church. This month’s meeting will be held next Sunday, April 24th, from 4–6 PM at the Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel, 42 West Main Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057. Join Very Rev. Damian McElroy, as he shares his experiences of the priesthood and leads a discussion about discernment and vocations. It would be great to see you and hear how the Lord is working in your life! For information or to register, please contact the Diocese of Trenton Office of Vocations at [email protected] or call 609-406-7449. :LFNHU:RQGHUODQG Selective Seconds, 911 Main Street, Rear, Belmar has wicker & rattan pieces that are making their way onto the showroom floor. Also for sale: a GE Profile Series Gas Range (JGB916) and Advantium 120 Over-the-Range Built-in Microwave; both white. Perfect for second home or rental property. Wanted: hospital bed and motorized wheelchair for two different neighbors in need. Pick up can be arranged if within a 30-mile radius of Belmar. Call the shop at 732-894-9393 (Thursday to Saturday, 11 AM to 5 PM or Sunday, 12 Noon to 4 PM) to arrange a drop off or pick up time! )UHH&LWL]HQVKLS3UHSDUDWLRQ Attention qualified immigrants! Free citizenship preparation classes will be offered this summer at &RPPXQLW\$FWLYLWLHV ϵ Donovan High School, St. Joseph’s Parish, Toms River. Candidates must have a green card, 5 year residency, and be able to speak, read and write English. To pre-register, call Sr. Margaret Nulty at 732-998-3153. Testing and registration will be held on Monday, June 13th from 6 PM to 8 PM. Classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings beginning June 21st through July 28th. 6LQJLQLQWKH5DLQ St. Rose High School presents the play, “Singin' in the Rain” starting this Thursday, April 21st, through Saturday, April 23rd, at the Jersey Shore Arts Center. Performances are at 7:30 PM, with a matinee on Saturday at 1 PM. For information or to purchase tickets visit or call 732-681-2858. ηϲϭϯ ,JOHVLDGH³6DQ0DUFRV´$SRVWRODGR+LVSDQR Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor Rev. Jose Fernandez-Bangueses, Vicario Parroquial [email protected] Teléfono: 732 449-6364 ext. 122 Lunes, Martes & Miércoles 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Diana Zuna, Apostolado Hispano [email protected] Teléfono: 732 449-6364 ext. 100 Fax: 732 449-1646 Misa Dominical: Domingo 5:00 PM Horario de oficina en Español: CONFESIONES: Todos los domingos de 4:00 PM-4:45PM. También pueden llamar a la rectoría en caso de emergencia ext. 122. SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Los padres de familia que deseen celebrar el sacramento del Bautismo. Para más información llamar a la oficina ext. 100. CLASES DE RELIGION: Se ofrecen clases de Religión todos los domingos antes y después de la Santa Eucaristía desde los grados: (Pre-k, K hasta el 8th grado). Para los adultos se ofrece RICA en Español. Las inscripciones se llevan a cabo cada año entre los meses Mayo a ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ Septiembre. Para más información llamar a la oficina ext. 100. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Las parejas que deseen celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio, Para más información llamar a la oficina ext. 100. MINISTERIO DE MUSICA: Les invita a las personas que deseen cantar otocar cualquier instrumento musical, les invitamos a que se integren al coro en español de San Marcos, la persona Néstor Román. Vengan a cantar al Señor Jesús. CIRCULO DE ORACION: La Renovación Carismática en el Espíritu Santo “Al Encuentro con Jesús” te invita a que vengas a encontrarte con El Señor Jesús a través de oraciones y alabanzas, ven y gózate en la presencia del Señor, ahora con el Ministerio de Música Carismática: “Sembrando Esperanza.” Te esperamos todos los días viernes a las 6:30 PM. No faltes, Cristo te espera Salmo 150! Alabe al Señor todo ser que respire! TRANSPORTACION: Ofrecemos transportación a las personas que viven en Pt Pleasant, Brielle, Manasquan, Sea Girt, Bradley Beach & Belmar durante todo el año. Mandar un texto o llamar los domingos a Diana Zuna al 908-783-4221 antes de las 2:00 PM si necesitas este servicio. &XDUWR'RPLQJRGH3DVFXD PRIMERA LECTURA: Hechos de los Apóstoles 13, 14. 43–52. Pablo y Bernabé llegaron a Antioquía. Entraron en la sinagoga a dar sus enseñanzas. Algunos judíos se hicieron creyentes. Pero otros, los echaron del pueblo. SALMO RESPONSORIAL: Salmo 99, 1-2. 3. 5. Somos su pueblo y ovejas de su rebaño. SEGUNDA LECTURA: Apocalipsis 7, 9. 14b–17. Juan vio una multitud vestida de blanco: gente de todas las razas. Todos traían ramos en las manos y estaban de pie ante el Cordero. EVANGELIO: Juan 10, 27–30. “Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz; yo las conozco…nadie las arrebatará de mi mano…Me las ha dado mi Padre, y él es superior a todos…El Padre y yo somos uno”. 18 Lunes: Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18. 19 Martes: Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30. 20 Miércoles: La Santísima Virgen Dolorosa del Colegio (Quito, Ecuador). Hch 12:24 — 13:5a; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50. 21 Jueves: Hch 13:13-25; Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20. 22 Viernes: Día de la Tierra. Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6. 23 Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 14:7-14. 6DFUDPHQWRGHOD(XFDULVWtD 2nd Grado Clase de Primera Comunión 'RPLQJR0D\R30 Celebrante: Msgr. Sean P. Flynn & Rev. Padre José Fernández 3UHVHQWDFLyQGHODV2IUHQGDVSDUD$EULO Armando Núñez & Familia ϭϬ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ ϭϭ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ ϭϮ ηϲϭϯ ϰͬϭϳͬϮϬϭϲ Clases de Religión Atención padres de Familia, estaremos registrando a los niños y adultos para las clases de Religión 2016-2017 que comenzara en Septiembre. Tengan en cuenta que el cupo es limitado para las clases para la Primera Comunión, Confirmación y RICA (clases de adultos). Ofrecemos clases desde el Pre-Kínder hasta el 8th Grado y clases para adultos RICA: Clases de 3:30 PM-4:45 PM Pre-K & Kindergarten 1st Grado: Primera Comunión (Primer Año) 2nd Grado: Primera Comunión (Segundo Año) Clases de 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Grado 7th Grado: Confirmación (Primer Año) 8th Grado: Confirmación (Segundo Año) Clases de 6:15 PM-7:30PM RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Para registraciones o más información llamar al 732-449-6364 ext. 100. ϭϯ Electric Ray’s Cafe Kerrigan FREE ESTIMATES 523 Washington Blvd. Sea Girt OPEN 7 DAYS Breakfast - Lunch RETAIL/OFFICES Spring Lake Heights Hwy. 71 - Scottyville 2003-2005: build to suit 2018: 1 new office suite, 650 sf RENT NEGOTIABLE 732-325-7285 30 Yrs. Exp. • Lic. #10837 732-615-0005 All Phases of Electric 732-449-1717 Neary-Quinn Funeral Home JAMES E ROTOLO, MD., FACS, PA Providing comprehensive care of all urologic conditions for both men women. Dr. Rotolo offers the latest in surgical techniques and Urologic care. John H. Hassler, Manager/Director NJ Lic. No. 3813 Hugh B. Meehan, Eucharistic Minister/Director 39 South Street 732-223-0003 Manasquan 1696 Route 88 West • Brick, NJ 08724 732-903-7655 SHALLOO GARDENS Landscape Contractors Complete Landscaping Design & Maintenance Railroad Tie Work • Snow Plowing Stone Work • Brick Work Tim Shalloo • Owner Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 (732) 751-9191 ALL PAWS VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dr. T. 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Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Ask About Our Winter Brunch! @waypoint622 #waypoint622 [email protected] • 732.528.6665 622 Green Avenue, Brielle, NJ 08730 • Open for Winter Brunch starting November 29th from 11:00-2:30 • • Open Year Round • • Beautiful View of Hoffman’s Marina & Manasquan River • 613 St. Mark, Sea Girt, NJ (I) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. • (800) 333-3166 • JAMES P. SULLIVAN, D.P.M.* GREG D. CLARK, D.P.M. JERSEY SHORE PODIATRIC ASSOCIATES, P.A. Podiatric Medicine • Foot and Ankle Surgery • *Board Certified 732-974-8200 Brook 35 Park • 2130 Rt. 35, Bldg. C, Unit 312 • Sea Girt Dr. John P. Little Dr. John L. 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