St. Andrew Catholic Church Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Pastor Rev. James L. LeBlanc Parochial Vicar Rev. Norbert Mendonça Hispanic Priest Rev. José Orlando Cheverría Jiménez Deacons Deacon Robert Barlow Deacon George Ferland Deacon Robert Jones Pastoral Associate Mr. Gregory S. Allen, MA School Principal Mrs. Deborah B. Wilfong Parish Business Manager Mrs. Madeleine C. Elswick Parish Administrative Assistant Mrs. Denise R. Reardon Parish Accounting Clerk Mrs. Patricia Carbonaro Religious Education Catechists Mrs. Jennifer Diaz Mrs. Barbara Bowers Mrs. June Tarangelo, M.Ed. Music Director Mrs. Francesca Schaeffer Homebound Coordinator Mrs. Susan K. Underwood Maintenance Coordinator Mr. William F. Powell ST. ANDREW CHURCH WEBSITE: Corner of 37th Avenue North and North Kings Hwy Parish Office and Mailing Address 3501 North Kings Highway • Suite 102 • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:30 am—4:00 pm PHONE: 843-448-5930 • Fax: 843-448-3947 Evenings and Weekends: 843-626-4119 E-MAIL: [email protected] MASSES: Saturday: 4:30 & 6:15 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 am and 5:00 & 7:00 pm Spanish Monday - Friday: 9:00 am Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:00 pm ST. ANDREW SCHOOL WEBSITE: 3601 North Kings Highway • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 PHONE: 843-448-6062 • Fax: 843-626-8644 E-MAIL: [email protected] Third Sunday of Easter Sunday, April 10, 2016 ENTRANCE ANTIPHON WELCOME ORDER OF WORSHIP The parishioners of St. Andrew Catholic Church are happy to extend a warm welcome to the many visitors who join us for worship today. April 10, 2016 Third Sunday of Easter Introit Antiphon Liturgy of the Word St. Andrew Parish, a Roman Catholic community, seeks to nurture the faith and serve the needs of parishioners and visitors by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through active stewardship, ministries of word and sacrament, programs of Christian formation, and works of charity and justice. GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF HOLY COMMUNION As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Mass when we receive Holy Communion, the true Body and Blood of the Lord. Yet, we Catholics should receive Holy Communion only when we are living in communion with the Catholic Church and in the state of sanctifying grace and have made the appropriate fast from food and drink. Because of the connection we draw between being in full communion with the Catholic Church and receiving Holy Communion, we cannot invite those who are not Catholic to share in Holy Communion with us. Still, we welcome all to this celebration of the Mass as our brothers and sisters, and pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit will one day draw us closer “…that all may be one.” (John 17:22) 2 Readings (Acts of the Apostles 5:27-32,40b-41 & Revelation 5:11-14)…………….……………………………………….….906 Psalmody…....................................................Psalm 30 I will praise you, Lord, for you have recued me. Gospel (John 21:1-19 or 21:1-14)….…………..…....906 Homily Profession of Faith…...…………….……………..….148 General Intercessions: Today’s first collection supports the mission and ministries of St. Andrew Parish. Today’s second collection benefits the Parish Property Development. New pledges and donations to our Parish Property Development Fund are gratefully accepted at any time. Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory…………………………..……………...….....417 Two Were Bound For Emmaus Eucharistic Prayer Holy, Holy! Great ‘Amen’ The Mystery of Faith: Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. Communion Song…………………………..……...…761 Table of Plenty Recessional….…………………..…..….………….….430 Go Make of All Disciples THIS WEEK’S MASSES THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES AT ST. ANDREW Saturday 4:30 pm 6:15 pm April 9 Primo Gambetta † Chris Contino † Sat 4/9 Sunday 7:30 am April 10 Third Sunday of Easter Sun 4/10 9:15 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday 9:00 am Tuesday 9:00 am Wednesday 9:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Friday 9:00 am Saturday 4:30 pm 6:15 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Patricia Polanski † Sandra Nuzum † Lewis “Chip” Bary II † James Busardo Family Special Intention Pro Populo Spanish Mass April 11 Peter Azzaretti † April 12 James Mannix † April 13 Gloria Landy † April 14 Irene Sak † April 15 Marcia O’Toole † April 16 Pro Populo Primo Gambetta † Mon 4/11 Tues 4/12 Wed 4/13 Thurs 4/14 April 17 Fourth Sunday of Easter Vincent Rozzo † School Families of St. Andrew Special Intention Dario Mauricio Gonzalez † Suzanne & Katherine Hecimovich † † Spanish Mass SUNDAY MASS The Lackey Chapel at Coastal Carolina Univ at 5:30 pm Fri 4/15 Sat 4/16 Sun 4/17 10:00 am—Natural Family Planning— School Library 3:00 pm—Confessions—Church 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Knights of Columbus & American Red Cross Blood Drive—CLC 5:00 pm—Hispanic Ministries—CLC 5:15 pm—Spanish Altar Servers—CLC 7:00 pm—Men’s Basketball—Gym 7:00 pm—Women’s Club—CLC 7:00 pm—Escuela De La Fe—Gym 2:45 pm—Youth Choir—School 7:00 pm—Bereavement—School Spanish Room 7:00 pm—Contemporary Choir—Church 1:00 pm—Knitting—CLC 5:30 & 6:45 pm—Religious Education Classes—School 7:30 pm—Men’s Basketball—Gym 3:00 pm—Girl Scouts—CLC 6:00 pm—Traditional Choir—Church 7:00 pm—RCIA—School Library 7:00 pm—Kidz Camp Volunteers — School Library 7:00 pm—Lip Sync—Gym 1:00 pm—Wedding—Church 3:00 pm—Confessions—Church Helping Hand Collection after all Masses this weekend. Hospitality Sunday after 9:15 & 11:00 Masses—CLC 5:00 pm—Hispanic Ministries—CLC 7:00 pm—Men’s Basketball—Gym WEEKDAY LITURGIES IN AREA PARISHES Our Lady Star of the Sea, NMB 8:00 am ...843-249-2356 St. Michael, Garden City………………...….843-651-3737 Monday 8 am, Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8 am & 12:05 pm, Wednesday 8 am & 6:30 pm St. James, Conway. Tues. & Thurs. 12:00 noon, please call St. James for other days and times…..843-347-5168 DEVOTIONS Rosary: Saturday 3:50 pm & Sunday 8:40 am Rosary: Monday—Friday 8:25 am Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after 9:00 am Mass St. Theresa Novena: Tuesday after 9:00 am Mass Perpetual Adoration at St. Michael’s Church CONFESSIONS St. Andrew…….8 am Monday - Friday & 3 pm Saturday Our Lady Star of the Sea, NMB…....3:30 pm Saturdays St. Michael, Garden City.7:30 am. Monday - Saturdays 11:30 am on Tues., Thurs., Fri., & 5 pm on Wed. St. James, Conway 7:00 pm Tues. & 3:15 pm Saturday 1st Communion Mass Sunday, April 24 in English at 1:30 pm & Spanish at 7:00 pm. 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS After the Aisle: Strengthening Marriage and Family Conference will be Saturday, April 16, 2016 at St. Mary Help of Christians Church located on 138 Fairfield St. SE, Aiken SC 29801 from 8:30am-3:00pm. The event is being co-sponsored by the Office of Family. The cost is $35 per couple (includes continental breakfast and lunch) Check-in begins at 7:30am in St.Angela Hall located at 118 York St. SE. Holy Mass will be at 8:30am in the church. To register or for more information, please email or [email protected]. St. Andrew Knights of Columbus will have a Blood Drive this Sunday, April 10 from 8 am to 1 pm. The American Red Cross will be accepting donors in the Community Life Center located next to the church. Walk ins welcomed. Min Age 16 Max age: None The Gift Shop has a large selection of Religious items. There is a wide selection of First Communion gifts and used religious books on sale for 2 for $1.00. The gift shop is open in the front vestibule of the church before and after each Mass. South Carolina Council of Catholic Women Reverend William F. Pentis Memorial Scholarship was established in 2009 to honor Father Pentis, an Oratorian Father, who served as Moderator for SCCCW, providing spiritual support for more than 30 years. His work with Council was a labor of love. The SCCCW mission is to respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. It strives to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in Spirituality, Leadership and Service. The scholarship was, therefore, created to encourage and promote such themes among Catholic females graduating from high schools within South Carolina. This merit-based scholarship grants one $1,500 award to its recipient. Each year the South Carolina Council of Catholic Women gives a $1,500 scholarship to a worthy, graduating female who will be attending college in the fall. The website where the information can be found. All applications must be completed in full and received no later than April 16, 2016. Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Grand Strand Down Syndrome Society Sponsor: Columbiettes Auxiliary #5086 Date & Time: May 6 5:00 - 8:00 PM Where: St. Andrew Community Life Center I am a Student of St Andrew Catholic (Check One): _____Grade School ____Religious Ed in Grade _____. _________________________________ Student’s Signature Being a Good Steward of God’s Gift of Time to Me I am attending Church on the Lord’s Day on ________________ at ___________________________________Church Pastor: Please mail slip to Fr. James LeBlanc, Pastor, St. Andrew Catholic Church, 3501 North Kings Hwy, Suite 102 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 4 Tickets: Adults $10.00 Child 5 - 11 $5.00 Menu: Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Salad, Dessert and Beverages. Tickets available in the church office 3501 Kings Hwy Suite 102, next to the school. Music, Dancing, Door Prizes, Silent Auction, Gift Baskets. Come have a blast and bring the family! PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Dear St. Andrew, I would like to share with you what some of our students are doing in an effort to live the life Christ wants us to lead. At St. Andrew, we instill in the students our mission to lead a life of service beyond self. Our Girl Scout Group, Troop 703, spent a Saturday making 300 bagged lunches for Street Reach Shelter. I know the recipients of these lunches were most appreciative! Our Girl Scout Troop will always welcome willing and new members. These students are wonderful examples to all of us as they sacrifice their own time and show kindness to others. May God bless us all, Debbie Wilfong Principal WORD OF LIFE “To all the members of the Church, the people of life and for life, I make this most urgent appeal, that together we may offer this world of ours new signs of hope, and to ensure that justice and solidarity will increase and that a new culture of human life will be affirmed, for the building of an authentic civilization of truth and love.” REGISTRATION REQUEST FORM Welcome! It is a great joy to welcome new members to our parish community. Please register as soon as possible in order to participate in our various programs, ministries and activities. Just drop this form in the collection basket and we will send you a detailed registration form or you may access a form on our website: Thank you. Name: ________________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________________ City & Zip: ____________________________ ~Pope Saint John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 6 5 6 John England, First Bishop of Charleston (1786-1842) By Brian P. Fahey John England, the first Catholic Bishop of Charleston, South Carolina, was born in Cork, Ireland, on September 23, 1786. He was the eldest son of Thomas England, a tobacco merchant, and Honora Lordan. From 1792 until 1800, during the early years of the relaxation of the penal laws against Irish Catholics, England received his education in Cork’s Protestant schools. After initially preparing for a legal career, England chose to study for the priesthood. In 1802 he attended St. Patrick’s College in Carlow, Ireland. He was ordained at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Cork, on October 11, 1808, at the age of twenty-two. His ordination at such a young age required a special dispensation. In Cork, he served in various parishes and headed the diocesan schools and seminary. He founded and edited a magazine, the Religious Repertory, and he edited a patriotic secular newspaper, the Cork Mercantile Chronicle, which was a strong defender of Irish civil and political rights. While editing the newspaper, England associated with Irish political leader Daniel O’Connell and became prominent in the movement for Catholic emancipation. In particular, England opposed the British government’s attempt to veto bishops’ appointments in the British Isles. In 1820, Pope Pius VII appointed England the first Bishop of the Diocese of Charleston, encompassing the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. He was consecrated in St. Finbar Church, Cork, on September 21, and refused an obligatory oath of allegiance to the British government. He stated that his imminent departure for the United States made the oath unnecessary. Upon arrival in Charleston on December 30, he was met with a string of challenges. The diocese had only three priests to serve the Catholics spread across the vast territory of South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia. On May 27, 1829, Bishop England wrote, “My Dear Sir: “When I was appointed Bishop of the diocese of Charleston, towards the close of the year 1820, I found myself burdened with the spiritual care of three large States, together containing about a million and a half of people, in fact about one-seventh of the whole population of the United States. “The white people were mainly of English and Irish extraction, with some Protestant and Huguenot families that had come hither from France at the time of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Virginia and the Northern States had contributed many fortune-hunters. There were Catholic refugees from the island of St. Domingo; also a few Frenchmen who had succeeded in escaping the horrors of the French Revolution; lastly, a number of emigrants from Ireland and from the State of Maryland.” “In general the Catholics were poor and the objects of immense prejudice, and they had no clergy. Many of the slaves, especially such as had accompanied the French refugees, were Catholics, and nearly all were located at Charleston, Savannah and Augusta. Several Indian tribes, also, were found within the diocese; but they were sadly neglected through lack of priests. “My jurisdiction extends from 30° 60' to 36° 50' North Lat., and from the Atlantic to 85° 20' west of the Greenwich meridian. It covers the Chattahouchee River and over the Yellow Mountains to 80°, making in all a territory of 133 thousand square miles. “I found upon my arrival one small brick church in South Carolina; in Georgia, one log and two frame edifices, in all four churches. In South Carolina there were probably two hundred communicants; in Georgia, one hundred and fifty; in North Carolina, twenty-five, a total of three hundred and seventy-five. “In Georgia and South Carolina there were only three priests. In coming over from Ireland I had brought along, at my own expense, three more whom I had ordained. Those who were already here did not long remain with me. Still I managed to obtain three others, so that I was enabled to assign two to Georgia, three to South Carolina, and I personally attended to the pastoral wants of North Carolina as soon as I had completed my visits to the chief religious centres of the other two States. “In 1821 I tried to establish a college, hoping thereby to make enough as a teacher to maintain a few theological students; but the Protestant ministers, discovering my purpose, induced those co-religionists of theirs who had entrusted their children to me to withdraw them again. “Debts hung over all the churches; and yet today I have my seminary, and, despite the pecuniary difficulties that beset me, I have raised many young candidates for Holy Orders. The only help I received was a sum of five hundred dollars, forwarded to me by Pope Leo XII. “Death deprived me of two of my Irish priests. The two whom they had replaced had left on account of the exhausting labors of their charge and the lack of the necessaries of life. I then procured three others, but had eventually to dismiss them. I have educated twenty subjects. Eight of them, who received Holy Orders at my hands, are now on the mission working zealously and accomplishing much good. Four are still at the seminary; four others died, a priest, a subdeacon and two not yet in minor orders. Two others who had become priests and two students left the diocese. “Eighteen to twenty priests would be needed to meet the present requirements of the diocese, as well as a professor of theology to take my place at the seminary, leaving me free to attend my special duties.” The Catholic community was disorganized and had experienced years of dissension. St. Mary of the Annunciation, the only church in the see city, had been under interdict for three years, and the parish was on the verge of schism. England addressed these problems with tact and energy, earning the nickname “Steam Bishop.” Father J.J. O’Connell, a contemporary, described England as a man “of medium size, regular and manly features… strongset jaw, and eyes blazing and flashing like crushed diamonds… he walked down Broad Street with the independence of a king.” Bishop John England’s passion and drive led to lasting accomplishments. He issued a pastoral letter, the first by an American bishop. He traveled repeatedly to all corners of his huge diocese, established new parishes, and recruited priests. He founded a philosophical and classical school for boys as well as the Seminary of St. John the Baptist in Charleston. The seminary educated nearly fifty priests, four of whom later became bishops. He met with several bishops in the north, President James Monroe, and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. He founded the Brotherhood of San Marino, the first Catholic society for working men in the United States, and organized the Anti-Dueling Society of Charleston. He made the first English translation of the Roman Missal in the United States and published a Catechism of the Roman Catholic Faith for use in the diocese. In 1829, he founded the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy "to educate females of the middling class of society; also to have a school for free colored girls, and to give religious instruction to female slaves ; they will also devote themselves to the service of the sick," and later recruited other religious communities to the diocese. England held modern views on education and free expression. His ideology was strongly influenced by his experience of British persecution of Irish Catholics. He embraced American democracy and envisioned a free church in a free society. He became an outspoken advocate for free- dom of religion and separation of church and state. When he founded the first regularly published American Catholic newspaper, the United States Catholic Miscellany, in 1822, he incorporated the first amendment of the American Constitution into its banner. On January 8, 1826, a month prior to finalizing his American citizenship, England became the first Catholic priest to address the United States Congress. There, he asserted that Catholicism and the American Constitution were compatible: “I would not allow to the Pope or to any other bishop of our church, outside the Union, the smallest interference with the humblest vote at our most insignificant balloting box.” To reconcile traditional Catholicism with American democracy, England established a diocesan Constitution. Under these new regulations, parishes elected lay vestries to take care of the church’s financial and physical needs. Lay delegates and clergy met in annual conventions to deliberate and pass resolutions for the bishop’s approval. This system was successful in promoting Catholic unity and support for the church. hoped American slavery would not continue, but he saw no quick end to it. He worked to improve the condition of blacks, slave and free. In 1835, he established a Charleston Academy for free black youth, but threats of white mob violence forced its closure. Affable and sophisticated, England was well received in South Carolina society. He was active in the Charleston Library Society and the Literary and Philosophical Society, serving as curator of the latter’s natural history museum. His health declined during 1841, and he died in Charleston on April 11, 1842. He is buried in the crypt of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Charleston. For Bibliography, See the critical edition of The Works of the Right Reverend John England, First Bishop of Charleston, edited by Sebastian G. Messmer, Archbishop of Milwaukee (7 vols., 1908). Guilday, Peter. The Life and Times of John England, First Bishop of Charleston, 1786-1842 (2 vols., 1927), the authoritative biography; Grant, Dorothy. John England (1949). Carey, Patrick. An Immigrant Bishop: John England's Adaptation of Irish Catholicism to American Republicanism. Yonkers, New York, 1982. The Vatican acknowledged England’s skill of diplomacy and appointed him Apostolic Delegate from 1833 to 1837 to negotiate an agreement with the Haitian government of President Jean Pierre Boyer. In negotiations he attempted to secure internal freedom for the Catholic Church in Haiti. At the time, his negotiations failed. But in 1860, Haiti signed a Concordat with the Vatican that contained substantially the same terms. England personally abhorred slavery but stated that the church permitted the continued servitude of descendants of those originally enslaved. He Clarke, Peter. A Free Church in a Free Society: The Ecclesiology of John England, Bishop of Charleston, 1820-1842: A Nineteenth-Centwy Bishop in the Southern United States. Hartsville, South Carolina, 1982. O'Brien, Joseph L. John England, Bishop of Charleston: Apostle to Democracy. New York, 1944. Rousseau, Richard W., S.J. "Bishop John England and American Church-State Theory." Ph.D. dissertation, St. Paul University, 1969. "The Greatness of John England." American Ecclesiastical Review 168 (1974) 196-206. Friday Night Movie April 22, 2016 Community Life Center 6-8:15 WAR ROOM Filled with heart, humor and wit “War Room” follows a couple who seemingly have it all—good jobs, a beautiful daughter, and their dream home. While appearances are sometimes deceiving their lives take an unexpected turn. This film is a vivid reminder that prayer is a powerful weapon. Please bring ready to serve simple hors d’oeuvres to share. If possible, arrive 15 minutes before the start of the movie / length two hours. Now Recruiting Volunteers for Catholic Kidz Camp June 20-24. Volunteer Positions: *Please note - Most volunteer positions require one to commit to the full camp program including preparatory meetings and closing celebration. Other positions involve a time commitment outside of the camp program hours. The camp program hours are Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24 8:30 AM 12:00 PM. All preparatory meetings will be held in the school cafeteria - see dates and times below. Preparatory Meeting #1 for ALL Volunteers - Thursday, April 14th at 7:00 PM Preparatory Meeting #2 for SOME Volunteers - Thursday, May 19th at 7:00 PM Preparatory Meeting #3 for ALL Volunteers - Thursday, June 16th at 7:00 PM ….……..……..……………………...……...Tear Here …………………………..………………… Place in the Collection Basket OR the Black Mailbox at the Youth Side Entry of the Religious Education Center. Att: Catholic Kidz Camp - Jennifer Diaz Full Name: Age: Home Phone: Mobile Phone: 11 CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Big News: the Catechism of the Catholic Church is back in the Pews! 6,667 went home already! One of the greatest achievements of Pope John Paul II was the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This Catechism will serve as the standard for all future catechisms. “A sure norm for teaching the Faith”, as the Pope said. Please take and study this Catechism in your own home. This Catechism costs $5.00 each. Inside the front cover of each book you will find an ENVELOPE as follows: Dear Sister or Brother in Christ: This Catechism of the Catholic Church is a most handy summary of the Faith that we profess as Christians. We hope you will take it to your home and read it. We would thank you for helping out with the costs of this ministry - at $5.00 for each copy of this Catechism if you are able to donate that amount (or more, or less) by placing your donation in this envelope and then into the collection basket. Be blessed in the study of your Catechism. PARKING CHURCH PARKING: See the green NO PARKING: See the red. No parking is allowed on either side of the 37th Street from the REC to Oak Street. PARISH MINISTRY CONTACTS Contact phone numbers are for parish use only. Prayer and Worship Altar Servers….…….....David & Kathy Mikolajczyk……..…843-357-6228 Church Upkeep……………. .. Mary Zigman………………….843-839-4993 Extraordinary Ministers…...Caroline Paulhus ……………..843-692-9932 Gift Bearers ........................ Priscilla Melton ..................... 843-685-2828 Greeters ............................ Eleanore Burzon ................... 843-903-6173 Lectors ............................. Caroline Paulhus ................... 843-692-9932 Marriage Prep ..................... Gregory Allen ........ 843-448-5930, ext. 116 Musicians & Vocalists ..... Francesca Schaeffer ................ 843-236-3772 Prayer Chain ................... Elizabeth Calamari .................. 843-236-9552 Sick & Homebound…. ..... Susan Underwood .................. 843-742-1763 Ushers.................................... Bill Thiele ......................... 843-222-6648 Wedding Coordinator ........... Gregory Allen ........ 843-448-5930, ext. 116 Christian Formation Adult Education .................. June Tarangelo..................... 843-626-4685 Adult Initiation / RCIA .......... Jennifer Diaz ...................... 843-626-6353 Baptism Prep ....................... Gregory Allen ........ 843-448-5930, ext. 116 Youth - Primary .................... Jennifer Diaz ...................... 843-626-6353 Youth - Middle ................... Barbara Bowers .................... 843-626-6353 Youth - Secondary ............... Jennifer Diaz. ...................... 843-626-6353 Youth Ministry ...................... Jennifer Diaz ...................... 843-626-6353 Community Building Adult Seniors .................... Carlette Reynolds................... 843-449-0250 Byzantine Community ............ Jean Wirth ........................ 843-249-9502 Catholic Medical Association.……Dr. Peter Bleyer.…....…843-492-5094 Columbiettes .................... Edie Van Demark ................... 843-626-9644 Communications. ................. Gregory Allen ...... ..843-448-5930, ext. 116 Community Kitchen..........…Deacon Peter Casamento….843-444-9383 Gift Shop ............................... Mary Mann ........................ 843-903-4847 Girl Scout Troop 703..….....Donna Ferretti….……..…...….843-251-1729 Hibernians ............................ Harry Walker ...................... 843-249-5355 Hibernians– Ladies ............... Betsy Farley ....................... 843-215-3993 Hispanic Community……..…..Veronica Hernández…….….843-602-1861 Hospitality .......................... Marlene Grover .................... 843-283-4445 Knights of Columbus, 3rd Degree…. Bruce Miller ............ 843-602-3074 Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree…. Dennis Wyckoff ....... 843-390-1433 Knitting/Crocheting .................. Pat Vera .......................... 843-236-7587 Rosary Makers ................... Harriet Parrotta .................... 843-236-3550 SC Council of Catholic Women……..Marlene Grover..……843-283-4445 Social Events ..............John & Caroline Paulhus ............. 843-692-9932 Volunteers ......................... June Tarangelo. .................... 843-626-4685 Website Committee……...….Gregory Allen….......843-448-5930, ext 116 Women's Club ....................... Mary Mann ........................ 843-903-4847 Pastoral Services Annulment ........................... Gregory Allen ........ 843-448-5930, ext. 116 Bereavement Support ........ Elizabeth Calley .................... 843-448-5396 Catholic Charities ..........Diocese of Charleston .............. 855-377-1357 Funerals .............................. Gregory Allen ........ 843-448-5930, ext. 116 Helping Hand….....……..…...Tina Shupey……...…………843-448-8451 Mobile Meals ....................... Helene Fawks ..................... 843-997-0988 Natural Family Planning……Dr. Susanna Bleyer………….843-492-5094 Pregnancy Counseling ...... Catholic Charities ................... 843-234-1999 Prison Ministry ...................... Paula Loehr ....................... 843-347-5168 Respect Life ........................ Jim O’Connor ...................... 843-855-1430 Virtus ................................... Gregory Allen ........ 843-448-5930, ext. 116 Parish Consultative Councils Pastoral Council .................... Pat Roehrl ........................ 843-903-0461 Finance Council..................... Jack Moran ....................... 843-222-2769 Outreach ......................... Madeleine Elswick .... 843-448-5930, ext. 106 School Board .................... David Mikolajczyk................... 843-357-6228 12 LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN ANDRÉS INFORMACIÓN: Si alguien desea comunicarse con el Padre Orlando para solicitar algún Sacramento o alguna Celebración Litúrgica se puede comunicar a su numero telefónico: 1-843-226-6958. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO: El Santísimo está expuesto el 1° Viernes de cada mes, de 9:30 am a 12:00 M. La Hora Santa y Bendición con el Santísimo también se realizan el 1° Viernes de cada mes, a las 7:30 pm. SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Los padres y padrinos deben inscribirse para asistir a la clase de preparación que se lleva a cabo el primer domingo de cada mes a las 5:00 p.m. en el gimnasio. Las personas encargadas de esta preparación son: Blanca Jenkins, Tel: 843-655-1269 y Verónica Hernández, Tel: 843-602-1861. DERECHO A LA VIDA "Cada niño no nacido, condenado injustamente a ser abortado, tiene el rostro del Señor,antes de nacer experimentó el rechazo del mundo.” ~Papa Francisco Para ayuda en caso de un embarazo no planeado: 1-800-395-4357 ESCUELA DE LA FE "CRISTO MAESTRO" St Andrew 2° y 4° Lunes 7:00-9:00pm SACRAMENTO DE LA CONFESIÓN: Los invitamos a recibir el Sacramento de la Confesión todos los Domingos a las 6:30 pm y a continuación, a celebrar la Santa Misa a las 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Las parejas interesadas en contraer matrimonio, deben hacer una cita con el Asociado Pastoral, señor Greg Allen, llamando a Cristina Aldridge, al 843-6505577. La preparación para el Sacramento del Matrimonio se llevará a cabo en los meses de Febrero, Mayo, Agosto y Noviembre. Las personas encargadas de hacer la preparación para éste Sacramento, son Blanca Domínguez y Manuel Domínguez, Tel: 843 459 7550. Alba Lucia Franco, Tel: 843-997-5274 ESCUELA DE LA FE “ CRISTO MAESTRO” St Andrew 2° y 4° Lunes 7:00-9:00 pm en el gimnasio. REUNIÓN PASTORAL: Hay Reunión Pastoral con Padre Orlando y con cada uno de los Ministerios el 1° Lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 pm en el gimnasio. MISA EN ESPAÑOL: todos los Miércoles a las 6:45 pm. Todos estan cordialmente invitados. QUINCEAÑERA: Las personas interesadas en una Misa para Quinceañera, deben contactar a Blanca Jenkins con tres meses de anticipación. Tel: 843-655-1269. CORO: Hay ensayo de Coro los Domingos a las 5:00 pm, en el gimnasio. Coordinador Local Juan Carlos Pinto 843-742-9472 Para todo Hispano mayor de 18 años y las ofrecen instructores de conocimiento teológico Conoce y fortalece tu fe cristianocatólica a través de estudios teológicos. Más información: Ana Hidalgo 803-750-0065, supervisora diocesana de formación en la fe para hispanos. Visite la página web: – Ministerio hispano – Escuela de la Fe. El Departamento de Educación Religiosa esta buscando un voluntario bilingüe que pueda recibir llamadas telefónicas y asistir a reuniones como traductor. A ésta persona se le pedirá reunirse con el Departamento de Educación Religiosa, para aprender acerca de los programas que ofrecemos y además estar dispuesto a que su nombre y número de teléfono estén impresos en el boletín semanal de la Iglesia. Gracias. Coordinadores de Educación Religiosa: Barbara Bowers and Jennifer Diaz Teléfono: 843-626-6353 E-mail: [email protected] 13 LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN ANDRÉS GRAN PEREGRINACION A LA "PUERTA SANTA" DE SAN MICHAEL, EN ESTE AÑO SANTO DE LA GRAN MISERICORDIA. Cuándo?: Sábado 28 de Mayo del Año 2016. Hora?: 8:00 A.M. (Ocho de la Mañana) - Recibimiento en el Gimnasio, de todos los peregrinos de las diferentes Parroquias de la Vicaría de Myrtle Beach. 9:00 A.M. (Nueve de la Mañana) - Procesión desde el Gimnasio hacia el Templo Parroquial, para pasar por la "Puerta Santa". 9:30 A.M. (Nueve y treinta de la Mañana) - Celebración de la Santa Misa. 10:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. (Desde las Diez y treinta de la Mañana hasta las cinco de la tarde). Retiro Espiritual, acerca de la Gran Misericordia de Dios. Donde?: Parroquia de San Michael. Dirección: 542 Cypress Avenue, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576. Costo: Gratis Todos están cordialmente invitados a esta Gran Peregrinación para ganar Indulgencia Plenaria o Parcial en este Año Santo. Nota Importante: Favor cada persona llevar su alimentación. Misas para la Primera Comunión Domingo, 24 de Abril En Inglés a la 1:30 pm En Español a las 7:00 pm NOTA: Para mas información, vea la páginas 13. JESUS SE APARECE A SIETE APOSTOLES EN EL LAGO DE GALILEA (San Juan 21,1-19). Queridos Hermanos: En el Evangelio de este Domingo, podemos ver la tarea evangelizadora de la Iglesia. Los Apóstoles ya no están en casa, sino que salen a comenzar una actividad, una tarea que tienen que hacer. Jesús se presenta a ellos, en el trabajo, y así manifesta que El está presente en medio de la comunidad que trabaja por el Reino de los Cielos. Allí están siete Apóstoles trabajando en comunidad. El número siete significa perfección. Reflexionemos sobre algunos puntos importantes de este encuentro de Jesús 14 con sus Apóstoles. 1. Los Apóstoles han estado pescando toda la noche, pero no han conseguido nada. Pero apenas llega Jesús, logran coger una gran cantidad de pescados. Es decir; la Evangelización en la Iglesia puede dar frutos siempre y cuando esté unida a Jesús. 2. La red llena de pescados no se rompe. Esto significa la universalidad de la Iglesia y la capacidad que ella tiene de recibir a todos sin ninguna excepción. 3. El nombre de Mar de Galilea o "Tiberiades", es un nombre pagano. Esto significa el mundo hostil en el que se llevará a cabo la misión, pero siempre estará Jesús presente en la Sagrada Eucaristía liderando La Evangelización. 4. Jesús les dijo a sus Apóstoles: "Echen las redes", y ellos por la voz reconocieron que era Jesús. Esto significa, que los discípulos en el trabajo arduo y pesado de la Evangelización, reconocerán la voz de Jesús en la Palabra de Dios. 5. Pedro antes de reconocer a Jesús, estaba desnudo (Significa miseria y debilidad); pero cuando lo reconoce se ciñe la túnica (Significa disposición y voluntad de servicio); y se lanza al agua (Significa un gesto de dar la vida por los demás), luego se sienta con Jesús y sus compañeros para compartir (el alimento) la pesca que han conseguido (Significa La Sagrada Eucaristía, el verdadero Alimento que nos llevará a la Vida Eterna). En la actualidad podemos ver algunos puntos importantes sobre este Evangelio: 1. Pueden haber dos peligros: -El de abandonar a Jesús, porque se le puede ver solamente como un líder con quien hay que mantener una relación de Amo y esclavo. -Seguirlo a El personalmente, apartándome de la Iglesia y no hacer vida de comunidad. Es importante saber, que Jesús nos considera no esclavos sino amigos. Y El quiso fundar una Iglesia, poniendo como líder al Apóstol Pedro. 2. No puede existir una adhesión total a Jesucristo, si no nos entregamos totalmente a la misión, sin condiciones, estando siempre dispuestos a dar la vida por el Evangelio. 3. Todo discípulo tiene libertad de seguir o no a Jesucristo. El no obliga a nadie. 4. Solamente renunciando a la ambición de tener prebendas y ventajas por seguir a Jesús, se puede hacer verdadero y auténtico discípulo de Jesús. 5. Todo discípulo de Jesús tiene que estar unido a Pedro. Es decir la necesidad de amar la Iglesia que Cristo fundo y estar unidos siempre al Sumo Pontífice. Pidámosle a la Virgen María; para que Ella, nos ayude a recordar que todos juntos formamos la Iglesia que Cristo fundó, y que sepamos vivir en comunidad, para que así sea eficaz nuestro trabajo pastoral. Dios los bendiga. Padre Orlando.
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