SSTD2016 Spring Symposium on Challenges in Sustainable Tourism Development April 7th and 8th, 2016, GRAN CANARIA ISLAND / SPAIN Este SIMPOSIO se enmarca dentro del I CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DEL TIDES bajo el lema “Spring Symposium on Challenges in Sustainable Tourism Development”, con el objeto de proporcionar un foro internacional a los académicos, investigadores, profesionales y estudiantes para discutir aspectos de la sostenibilidad, competitividad y perspectivas económicas en Turismo y Transporte. Las comunicaciones versan sobre algunos de los temas relacionados con el Congreso: a) Turismo y desarrollo económico sostenible; b) Comportamiento del consumidor; c) Perspectivas Económicas en Turismo y Transporte; y, d) Turismo y Marketing. This SYMPOSIUM is part of the I INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF TIDES under the theme “Spring Symposium on Challenges in Sustainable Tourism Development” in order to provide an international forum for academics, researchers, professionals and students to discuss some aspects related to sustainability, competitiveness and economic prospects in tourism and transport. Communications are framed within the following issues of the Congress: a) Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development; b) Consumer behaviour in Tourism; c) Economic Perspectives on Tourism and Transport; and, d) Tourism and Marketing. COMITÉ DE HONOR - INSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE Ilma. Sra. Doña. Inés Jiménez Martín Presidenta del Patronato de Turismo de Gran Canaria Ilmo. Sr. D. Marco Aurelio Pérez Sánchez Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de la Villa de San Bartolomé de Tirajana Sr. Dr. Rafael Robaina Romero Vicerrector de Títulos y Doctorado de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Sr. Dr. Carmelo León González Director del Instituto Universitario de Turismo y Desarrollo Económico Sostenible Tides de la ULPGC COMITÉ ORGANIZADOR - ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Dr. Carmelo León González Dra. Teresa Aguiar Quintana Dr. Jorge Araña Padilla Dr. Javier de León Ledesma Dr. Diego Medina Muñoz Dr. Daniel Celis Sosa COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO - SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Dra. Teresa Aguiar Quintana Dra. Concepción Román García Dr. Juan Carlos Martín Hernández Dr. Victor Padrón Robaina Dra. Rosa Batista Canino Dr. Gonzalo Díaz Meneses Dr. Diego Medina Muñoz Dr. Santiago Melián González Dra. Pino Medina Brito Dra. Silvia Sosa Cabrera Dr. Juan Luis Eugenio-Martín Dr. Tomás Espino Rodríguez CONFERENCIAS MAGISTRALES - KEYNOTE SPEAKERS DR. THOMAS BAUSCH (Munich University of Applied Sciences, Department of Tourism). Since more than 20 years he has been the director of the Alpine Research Institute, a cooperation Institute of his home University. Within this framework he was co-author of the Alpine Space prospective study, the fourth Report on The State of the Alps “Sustainable Tourism” as well as the Alpine Space Development Strategy. His topics of research are: research in destination development and tourism policy with a specific focus on sustainable tourism. DR. BENEDICT DELLAERT (Department of Business Economics, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands). Professor of Marketing since 1995, he has worked for the Center of the Study of Choice (CenSoC), at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. He has also worked at the University of Alberta, Canada. He has more than 50 publications in academic journals, book chapters and publications in Peer-reviewed proceedings and currently he is member of the editorial board of several journals (International Journal of Electronic Commerce, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Choice Modelling, Journal of Information Technology & Tourism). DR. SANGWON PARK (Department of School of Hospitality and Tourism, Management, University of Surrey, England). He is the Programme Leader for the MSC International Hotel Management. He was awarded for being the most innovative and scientifically rigorous information technology and tourism-related paper published in an academic journal in 2012 with the paper, ‘The Role of Smartphones in Mediating the Touristic Experience’. He has also won the Vice-Chancellor’s Researcher of the Year 2014 in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law for his significant contributions to hospitality and tourism research in the areas of Information Technology and Marketing. His Research interests are: Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Information Technology and Quantitative Research Methodology. PROGRAMA. PROGRAMME DAY 1 (7th APRIL) SALA EXPOMELONERAS DAY 2 (8th APRIL) SALA EXPOMELONERAS 9:00 - 9:30 RECOGIDA DE ACREDITACIONES. REGISTRATION. 9:30 - 10:00 CEREMONIA DE APERTURA. INSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE OPENING SESSION. 10:00 - 10:30 PONENCIA. PROFESSIONAL SESSION PABLO LLINARES (Gran Canaria Tourism Board Manager). 9:15 - 10:30 CONFERENCIA MAGISTRAL. KEYNOTE SESSION SANGWON PARK ”Research Methods in Tourism Research”. 10:30 -10:45 MESA REDONDA. DISCUSSION ON RESEARCH METHODS BETWEEN ACADEMIC PARTICIPANTS AND KEYNOTE SPEAKER. 10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 10:45 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 - 12:15 CONFERENCIA MAGISTRAL. KEYNOTE SESSION THOMAS BAUSCH “Sustainable Destination Management: Experiences from the Alpine Space”. (University of Applied Sciences, Munich. Tourism Departament). 12:15 - 14:00 CONFERENCIA MAGISTRAL. KEYNOTE SESSION BENEDICT DELLAERT “Mental Representations of Tourist Choice Models” (University of Rotterdam, Holand). 11:00 - 12:30 CONFERENCIA PLENARIA. PLENARY CONFERENCE DIEGO MEDINA MUÑOZ “The contribution of Tourism Enterprises to sustainability development”. PONENCIA. PROFESSIONAL SESSION MANUEL SASTRE and TERESA AGUIAR “Action Plan towards Sustainability: Travelife Gold Certification as an output in Riosol hotel” (General Manager Riosol Hotel, Gran Canaria). 14:00 - 15:30 LUNCH BREAK 12:30 - 14:00 COMUNICACIONES CIENTÍFICAS EN SESIONES PARALELAS. PARALLEL PAPER SESSIONS. 16:00 - 18:00 COMUNICACIONES CIENTÍFICAS EN SESIONES PARALELAS. PARALLEL PAPER SESSIONS. (SALA GUAYADEQUE) DESTINATION MANAGEMENT 16:00 - 16:20 Delimiting boundaries for smart destination management Raúl Hernández Martín, Dominique Gahr, Yurena Rodríguez Rodríguez y Eduardo Parra López (Chair in Tourism CajaCanarias-AShotel, Universidad de La Laguna). 16:20 - 16:40 Altered Space. Alternative to mass tourism Lucía Martínez Quintana y Eduardo Cáceres Morales (School of Architecture, TIDES, ULPGC). 16:40 - 17:00 Co-Evolution for sustainable tourism in Africa: The interactions between local Authorities and the International Hotel Chain Antonia Mercedes García Cabrera, Sonia María Suárez Ortega y Juan José Durán Herrera (ULPGC, Universidad Autónoma Madrid). 17:00 - 17:20 Determining the Sustainability factors and performance of a Tourism Destination from the Stakeholders perspectives Tomás Espino Rodríguez y Manuel Rodríguez Díaz (TIDES, ULPGC). 17:20 - 18:00 The impact of Tourism and recreation on regional development Doston Fayziev and Hudayberdiev Ulugbek (Master Student and PhD. Student, TIDES, ULPGC). (SALA BALOS) CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IN TOURISM 16:00-16:20 16:20-16:40 16:40-17:00 17:00-17:20 17:20-18:00 Why and how is there a digital difference between tourist’s home and tourist destination? Gonzalo Díaz Meneses (TIDES, ULPGC). Tourism and social perception in Andalucía, Málaga and Gran Canaria Juan Carlos Martín, Concepción Román y Pedro Ernesto Moreira Gregori (TIDES, ULPGC). Willingness to pay for ecotourism products. A case study in the south eastern region of Ecuador Concepción Román, Juan Carlos Martín y Jessica Macas (TIDES, ULPGC y Universidad Técnica de La Loja). The impact of transport services on the formation of tourist product Uzakova Vazira y Doston Fayziev (Phd Student and Master Student, TIDES, ULPGC). Agricultural tourism and food security in rural areas in Uzbekistan Samariddin Berdiev (PhD. Student, TIDES, ULPGC). (SALA GUAYADEQUE) ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES ON TOURISM AND TRANSPORT 12:30 - 12:50 Tourism Income Elasticities: A quantile regression approach Juan L. Eugenio Martín y José M. Cazorla Artiles (TIDES, ULPGC). 12:50 - 13:20 International Ecotourism and Adjusted Economic Convergence in Central America and the Caribbean Ulrich Gunter, M. Graziano Ceddia, David Leonard y Bernhard Tröster (MODUL University Vienna). 13:20 - 13:40 The coopetition in tourism networks of nonprofit organizations: An analysis of PoloIguassu Network Adriana Chim Miki, Rosa Batista Canino, Pino Medina Brito y Silvia Sosa Cabrera (ULPGC). 13:40 - 14:00 Assessing the Economic impact of overnight vs cruise tourist in the Caribbean Ubay Roberto Pérez Granja (Phd. Candidate, ULPGC). (SALA BALOS) TOURISM AND MARKETING ISSUES 12:30 - 12:50 Social Media in the Customer Relationship Management: an exploratory study of tourism sector on Gran Canaria Marta Cerdán Bes y Carmen Domínguez Falcón (TIDES, ULPGC). 12:50 - 13:10 City Tour for Visual Disabilities in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil Leticia Bianca Barros de Moraes Lima (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Serpine, Brasil). 13:10 - 13:40 Keys to being successful in collaborative tourism: The case of an AirBnB Superhost Adriana Regidor García, Jacques Bulchand Gidumal y Santiago Melián González (TIDES, ULPGC). 13:40 - 14:00 Identifying Tourists’ Activity Patterns in Gran Canaria through social network analysis Tatiana David Negre, Juan M. Hernández y Sergio Moreno Gil (TIDES, ULPGC). 14:00 CIERRE DEL CONGRESO. CLOSING ADDRESS Carmelo León González, Jorge Araña Padilla, Teresa Aguiar Quintana y Diego Medina Muñoz. ORGANIZA. ORGANIZE PAT R O C I N A . 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