Since 1989. FREE! w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 COLUMBUS & TOLEDO SALES: 419-870-2797 Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Classified? Email [email protected] April/abril 1, 2016 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 59, No. 5 APRIL IS MINORITY HEALTH MONTH Students, faculty, and friends at the 43rd Latino Student Union scholarship dance held on March 26 at the University of Toledo Student Union. More photos at Meet and Greet Latina activist Christine Chávez Granddaughter of César Estrada Chávez Sunday, April 10, 2016, from 2 to 4PM Toledo-Lucas County Public Library 325 Michigan St., downtown Toledo @ McMaster Center and Lobby Admission is Free. Public Invited. “Christine Chávez has a made a lifetime commitment to civil rights, the labor movement, and community organizing. She was born in the City of Delano, in the heart of California's Central Valley where she was surrounded by her abuelito and the farmworker movement.” [Source: American Entertainment International Speakers Bureau] ¿Preguntas? Call Adrianne at 419-870-2797 or 419-870-6565. ABOGADO XIncapacidad ~ Disability XSocial Security ~ SSI XCasos de Worker’s Compensation XAccidentes de Auto/Moto/Camión XNegligencia Médica • Parálisis Cerebral • Lesiones causadas en el Nacimiento • Muerte por Negligencia Patrick Merrick La consulta es GRATIS. Hablamos Español. (800) 309-7404 CLEVELAND TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Classified? Email [email protected] March 31 w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m TOLEDO FREE! • Feliz Cumpleaños César E. Chávez Since 1989. CLEVELAND • LORAIN CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 LORAIN SALES: 440-320-8221 April/abril 1, 2016 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 59, No. 5 APRIL IS MINORITY HEALTH MONTH ABOGADO XIncapacidad ~ Disability XSocial Security ~ SSI XCasos de Worker’s Compensation XAccidentes de Auto/Moto/Camión XNegligencia Médica • Parálisis Cerebral • Lesiones causadas en el Nacimiento • Muerte por Negligencia Patrick Merrick La consulta es GRATIS. Hablamos Español. (800) 309-7404 BGSU hosts Latino Issues Conference; see article on page 10. In the photo are: organizing committee members Vicky Kulicke, Susana Peña, and Jacqueline Adams. CMSD announces performance dates for musical, new producing partner The Cleveland Metropolitan School District will present the 17th annual AllCity Musical on April 22 – 24, 2016 at the Ohio Theatre on Playhouse Square. The production of “Kiss Me Kate,” with the music of Cole Porter, will feature the talents of nearly 50 CMSD students from across the District. “Kiss Me Kate” is a fun, melodious, and sophisticated production best described as “a musical within a musical.” The production draws source material from Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew.” The cast plays a present-day theatrical troupe performing a musical adaptation of the Shakespearean classic in Baltimore. But we learn very quickly that each cast member’s onstage life is complicated by what happens offstage. Kimberly Sias, Director of All-City Arts, directs the production. The Musical Theater Project joins the Human Fund this year as a producing partner. David Thomas will serve as musical director for the All-City production. Kevin Marr II and Jessica Spurlock will create the choreography. Inda Blatch-Geib will design costumes and Colleen Albrecht will design lights. The musical is presented with generous support from The Helen F. and Louis Stolier Family Foundation, The Edwin D. Northrop II Fund, The George Gund Foundation and Playhouse Square. Community partners include the City of Cleveland. The musical will open at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 22. The production will continue with a Saturday evening showing at 7:30 p.m. and a closing matinee performance on Sunday at 3 p.m. All tickets are $15 and all seating is general admission. Tickets are available by phone at (216) 241-6000, online at and at the Playhouse Square Ticket Office. The 40th Cleveland International Film Festival takes place Wednesday, March 30th, through Sunday, April 10th, 2016. More than 400 films will screen at Tower City Cinemas and eight neighborhood locations. Tickets are available at the Film Festival Box Office at Tower City Cinemas, by calling 1-877-304-FILM, or online at EEUU cae ante Guatemala y aumenta la presión sobre Klinsmann GUATEMALA, 26 III 16 (AP): Estados Unidos cometió errores de principiante en defensa y cayó el viernes 2-0 en su visita a Guatemala, un resultado que complica al equipo de Jurgen Klinsmann en la eliminatoria mundialista de la CONCACAF y aumenta la presión sobre el timonel alemán. Rafael Morales abrió el marcador a los siete minutos en un tiro de esquina derivado de un mal pase atrás de Edgar Castillo. El veterano Carlos Ruiz metió el segundo a los 15, cuando un saque de meta de Paulo Motta pasó entre varios jugadores y llegó a Ruiz, quien se desmarcó para vencer al portero Tim Howard en un mano a mano. Estados Unidos perdió por primera vez ante Guatemala en unas eliminatorias mundialistas, y además sufrió su primer revés ante los chapines desde enero de 1988, una racha de 21 partidos. Estados Unidos quedó en tercer puesto del Grupo C con cuatro puntos, tres menos que el líder Trinidad y Tobago, que superó 3-2 a San Vicente y las Grandinas. Guatemala es segundo con seis, antes de visitar el martes a los norteamericanos en Columbus, Ohio. Página 2 La Prensa April 1, 2016 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 1 de abril, 2016 La Prensa Argentina recuerda 40 años del último golpe militar Por DEBORA REY, Associated Press BUENOS AIRES, 24 III de más de 100 metros de 16 (AP): Una multitud abrazó longitud que sostenían a las Madres y Abuelas de familiares de los desaparecidos, Plaza de Mayo al recordar a entre ellos algunos de los 119 los miles de desaparecidos nietos recuperados por las de la última dictadura militar Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. (1976-1983) el jueves en un Esta organización acto frente al palacio denunció que 500 niños gubernamental que dejó en nacidos durante el cautiverio evidencia las cuentas de sus madres en centros todavía pendientes en Ar- clandestinos de detención gentina a 40 años de golpe fueron separados de ellas y de Estado que la instauró. entregados en adopción ilegal. “A 40 años del golpe “Tenemos todavía 400 sentimos orgullo de la lucha nietos no recuperados, de los 30.000 detenidos- muchos desaparecidos. Nadie desaparecidos”, dijo Lidia está en condiciones de pedir “Taty” de Almeida, de un punto final a esta situación Madres de Plaza de Mayo y la memoria está más viva que Línea Fundadora, al leer un nunca”, comentó a AP Milena documento en el cierre de la Larrondo, de 22 años. Hasta el momento hubo marcha que realizaron junto a otros organismos de 370 condenados por los crímenes cometidos durante derechos humanos. “Los miramos en las fotos el régimen. De acuerdo al y los recordamos con amor. Centro de Estudios Legales y Reivindicamos sus luchas. Sociales un total de 2.071 perSon parte de esta memoria sonas, entre civiles y personal colectiva que nos abraza”, de las fuerzas armadas y de seguridad, están o estuvieron destacó la activista. El 24 de marzo de 1976 involucradas en causas las Fuerzas Armadas vinculadas con el terrorismo derrocaron al gobierno de de Estado. Con los clásicos pañuelos Isabel Perón y desataron una feroz represión que, de blancos sobre canosas acuerdo a los organismos de cabelleras, las ancianas Madres derechos humanos, dejó un y Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo saldo de 30.000 víctimas, a recorrieron a paso lento, los cuales se denominan algunas de ellas en silla de desaparecidos pues la ruedas, las seis cuadras hasta la mayoría de los cuerpos nunca plaza, escoltadas por miles de personas que les gritaban “el fueron hallados. Las fotografías de pueblo las abraza”. A los largo del recorrido muchos de ellos están grabas en una larga bandera pasaban por encima de figuras argentina celeste y blanca si rostro que simbolizan a los desaparecidos pintadas de blanco sobre la calle, mientras los músicos tocando tambores buscaban abrirles el paso entre la multitud. La fecha coincidió con la visita oficial del presidente de Estados Unidos Barack Obama, lo cual generó malestar en organismos de derechos humanos, quienes entienden que ese país respaldó el golpe militar. Una foto de Obama y atravesándole el rostro la frase “persona no grata” y otro escrito a mano con la leyenda “Obama go home (Obama vete a casa)” resaltaban entre los muchos carteles dedicados al ilustre visitante. “Sostenemos que Estados Unidos debe dejar de violar los derechos humanos tanto en su territorio como en otros, como la cárcel de Guantánamo”, sostuvo otro de los párrafos del documento leído por Estela de Carlotto, presidente de Abuelas. Más temprano el mandatario estadounidense asistió junto a su colega Mauricio Macri al Parque de la Memoria para rendir homenaje a las miles de víctimas de la dictadura (1976-1983), gesto que fue antecedido por el anuncio de desclasificar archivos (Continua en la p. 12) Page 3 Obama y Macri inician etapa de acercamiento Por ALMUDENA CALATRAVA, Associated Press BUENOS AIRES, 23 III 16 comercio” bilateral que (AP): El presidente de Estados actualmente ‘‘es bajísimo” y Unidos Barack Obama y su que trabajarán “juntos para par argentino Mauricio Macri potenciar más las inversiones las companies” inauguraron el miércoles una de nueva etapa de acercamiento norteamericanas. También destacó el tras años de desencuentros y mutua desconfianza al objetivo conjunto de “darle acordar un mayor intercambio una batalla sin cuartel al cricomercial y cooperación en men organizado y el lavado la lucha contra el narcotráfico de dinero”. Con la nueva etapa de y el terrorismo. Obama a su vez reconoció acercamiento a Estados de forma implícita la Unidos, el gobierno argentino vinculación de Estados pretende atraer inversiones Unidos con la dictadura para salir del estancamiento militar que gobernó el país de su economía. Al ser interrogado sobre el sudamericano entre 1976 y 1983, pero señaló que su país rol que habría tenido Estados “ha emprendido mucha Unidos en la dictadura, autocrítica” sobre el rol que Obama señaló que para país “hay tuvo en los años setenta en la cualquier momentos de gran gloria y región. Ambos presidentes otros que no fueron contestaron preguntas de los productivos, contrarios a lo periodistas luego de mantener que debe representar un encuentro bilateral en la América”. La visita del mandatario casa de gobierno argentina. fue “Este es el comienzo de estadounidense una etapa de relaciones cuestionada por organismos maduras, inteligentes, de derechos humanos por constructivas”, señaló Macri, coincidir con el 40 un conservador que asumió el aniversario del golpe de poder hace poco más de tres Estado que instauró la meses. El mandatario dictadura en la que interpretó la visita de Obama desaparecieron miles de “como un gesto de amistad en disidentes políticos, obreros momentos en que Argentina y estudiantes. Obama expresó su emprende un cambio”. Obama valoró en tanto que esperanza de “reconstruir la Macri haya emprendido confianza y la fe” entre su “rápidamente reformas que ha país y Argentina y ratificó prometido para asegurar un que ordenará la apertura de crecimiento sostenido... para nuevos archivos sobre la conectar a Argentina con la dictadura en poder de la inteligencia y las fuerzas areconomía global”. El mandatario argentino madas de Estados Unidos. Al comienzo de esa etapa ha revertido las políticas de fuerte intervención estatal en oscura de la historia argentina la economía que aplicó su gobernaba el republicano predecesora Cristina Gerald Ford (1974-1977), Fernández (2007-2015) y cuya administración cerró los criticado la detención de ojos ante las violaciones a los opositores en Venezuela, país derechos humanos que se aliado del gobierno de la cometían en Argentina, como dirigente peronista, la cual se han revelado documentos distanció de su par desclasificados tiempo atrás estadounidense en los últimos por Washington. El demócrata James años de su mandato. Macri indicó que Carter (1977-1981) revirtió coincidió con Obama en “la esa política al escuchar las sobre las importancia de aumentar el denuncias desapariciones de personas e impulsar la visita de una misión de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos a Buenos Aires. Obama visitará el jueves el Parque de la Memoria, donde se recuerda a las víctimas de la represión. Los organismos de derechos humanos decidieron no participar del encuentro. Estela de Carlotto, titular de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, dijo a Radio del Plata que “no es el momento para que estemos en un lugar así cuando estamos recordando 40 años de algo tan atroz”. “Reconocemos la buena disposición de desclasificar los archivos a partir de nuestro pedido histórico pero hubiera sido mucho mejor que viniera en otra fecha”, agregó. Movimientos de izquierda se manifestarán en repudio a la visita de Obama en la tarde. Esta es la primera visita oficial de un mandatario estadounidense desde 1997, cuando vino el también demócrata Bill Clinton. En las presidencias de Fernández y su antecesor y fallecido marido Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) hubo cooperación con Washington en algunas áreas, pero también se produjeron fuertes momentos de tensión, como cuando en 2005 Argentina y Venezuela encabezaron el grupo de países sudamericanos que rechazaron la conformación del Área de Libre de Comercio de las Américas (ALCA), que defendía el presidente George W. Bush. Obama, quien llegó al país acompañado de su familia, visitó la catedral capitalina donde rindió homenaje al general José de San Martín, héroe de la independencia argentina, y a las víctimas de los dos atentados contra blancos judíos en Buenos Aires en los años noventa. Luego mantuvo un encuentro con emprendedores y más tarde asistirá a una cena ofrecida por Macri. Asimismo visitará la ciudad turística de Bariloche, situada entre lagos y montañas a unos 1.600 kilómetros al sur de la capital, antes de regresar a Washington el jueves por la noche. El periodista de The Associated Press Josh Lederman contribuyó en esta nota. La Prensa—Michigan Página 4 April 1, 2016 MSU invita a la 23ª Conferencia Anual del Día de la Mujer Por: Isabel Flores, Corresponsal La Prensa Lansing: La Universidad Juan Flores, coordinador Estatal de Michigan (MSU), ubicada en E. Lansing, será de la Conferencia Anual del la anfitriona de la 23ª Día de la Mujer (DDLM), Conferencia Anual Día de la dijo que la invitación es Mujer titulada Solidaridad abierta a todo público tanto para el Cambio: Usando hombres como mujeres de nuestra voz para inspirar la otras etnias, pero el enfoque acción, que se llevará a cabo principal son las mujeres el próximo 9 de Abril de latinas. “Es una gran 8:00am a 5:00pm en el oportunidad para todos, ya Kellogg Center de MSU, que se brinda mucha y hay ubicado en el 55 S. Harrison información Road. Para reservaciones, oportunidad de conocer favor de visitar el sitio web: mejor nuestra comunidad en diferentes modos”, agregó. Flores destacó que lo nuevo este año es la entrega de un premio para reconocer el trabajo de las latinas en diferentes áreas profesionales y en esta ocasión lo recibirá Mónica L. Martínez de Comerica Bank. “Cada año estaremos entregando un reconocimiento a una mujer que se haya Mónica L. Martínez distinguido en su área Chelsea-Real Madrid exhibition to be at Michigan Stadium ANN ARBOR, March 24, 2016 (AP): Chelsea’s preseason exhibition game against Real Madrid on July 30, 2016 will be played at Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor. A 2014 exhibition between Manchester United and Real Madrid at Michigan Stadium drew 109,318, a record for soccer in the United States. profesional y haga el cambio en nuestra comunidad. Mónica compartirá su mensaje de liderazgo y motivación para los asistentes. Es importante para otras latinas que las motiven a salir adelante y les muestren el liderazgo que pueden alcanzar”, agregó el Coordinador de DDLM. Monica Martínez es Vicepresidenta de Texas / Arizona contribuciones corporativas y Desarrollo Nacional de Empresas Hispanas, se encarga de asegurar que los esfuerzos filantrópicos del banco y las iniciativas de diversidad se encuentren bien posicionadas para hacer negocios. Martínez desempeña un papel integral en la parte de desarrollo de negocios ya que fomenta las relaciones y la dirección de acercamiento a potenciales clientes de banca corporativa y personal. Estos esfuerzos, han mejorado directamente el perfil general del banco. Sólo el año pasado, Comerica fue clasificado no. 2 en Mejores Compañías Regionales de Diversidad; nombrado por la revista 100 Latinos, y una de las 40 mejores compañías en diversidad por parte de la revista Black Enterprise. “Para mí, siempre se trata de asumir los nuevos desafíos”, dijo Martínez. “La fluidez de la industria financiera requiere una gran cantidad de pensamiento ágil y enfoques innovadores a la hora de procesar y liderar. Es, definitivamente, una experiencia de aprendizaje constante y una oportunidad continua para aplicar mis puntos fuertes y, más que cualquier otra cosa, capacitar a mis colegas y equipo”. Ha recibido premios de la industria, reconocimientos, impartido conferencias magistrales y participado en actividades sin fines de lucro. Actualmente, colabora con SER, el Comité Asesor Hispano para las Girl Scouts del sureste de Michigan y la Cámara Hispana de Comercio de Michigan. Por otra parte, la oradora principal del evento será Christine Chávez, nieta de Cesar E. Chávez, quien ha hecho un compromiso de por vida con los derechos civiles, el movimiento obrero, y la organización comunitaria. Nació en la Ciudad de Delano, en el corazón del Valle Central de California, donde fue rodeada por el movimiento de trabajadores agrícolas. Hoy en día, Christine trabaja para el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos como Coordinadora de los Trabajadores Agrícolas. Antes de eso se desempeñó como directora política de la UFW donde motivo la conciencia pública para proteger los derechos civiles de los trabajadores agrícolas y la comunidad de inmigrantes más grande. La revista Latina nombró recientemente a Christine como una de sus principales latinas por su participación desde hace mucho tiempo con cuestiones de derechos civiles; sobre todo, su trabajo sobre la igualdad en el matrimonio. Ha sido reconocida por los abogados del Área de la Bahía, por el grupo nacional de Gays y Lesbianas por su ayuda a poner fin a la discriminación. “Estamos muy emocionados por la visita de Christine y esperamos contar con una buena participación de latinas”, agregó Juan Flores. “Cada años nos preparamos para recibir a 500 personas y generalmente tenemos entre 470480 que toman almuerzo. Este año esperamos entre 500 y 600 personas”. Aparte de los reconocimientos y la oradora principal, DDLM cuenta con alrededor de ocho a diez talleres de diferentes temas como salud, educación, r e l a c i o n e s interpersonales, política, cultura, desarrollo personal, autoempoderamiento, entre otros, dirigido a latinas de todas las edades y procedencias. Este es el sexto año que Flores está a la cabeza de la coordinación de dicho evento y se encuentra muy entusiasmado. “Siento que cada año es mejor y más fácil la organización porque ya tengo contactos con los que trabajo tanto en el comité como en la recaudación de fondos. Estoy muy orgulloso de lo que hacemos porque es muy valioso para nuestra gente, una de las cosas más gratificantes es ver a las estudiantes que comparten la información y se motivan a seguir adelante. Estoy muy agradecido por todo el apoyo que recibimos de los Christine Chávez diferentes grupos, es una experiencia muy grata que dura un día pero requiere del trabajo y organización de todo un año”. Nuestros objetivos de las conferencias son para capacitar, motivar, inspirar, conectar y apoyar a las latinas y todas las mujeres en su búsqueda de avance en la sociedad. La Conferencia Anual del Día de la Mujer inició en 1994 con el objetivo de destacar los logros de las mujeres latinas en nuestra comunidad. Desde ese momento DDLM ha crecido hasta convertirse en una serie de múltiples facetas de talleres. El costo del boleto para los estudiantes de MSU antes del 4 de abril, es de $10 dólares o $15 el día del evento. Para estudiantes en general, el costo antes del 4 de abril es de $15 dólares o $25 el día del evento. Para el público en general, el costo es de $50 dólares. Para más información, unirse al grupo en Facebook, enviar un correo a [email protected] o visitar directamente el sitio web: http:// La Chiquita MARKET Tienda Mexicana Productos mexicanos, carnicería, pan todos los días. Los fines de semana: carnitas, barbacoa, birria de chivo, tamales y mucho más. 136 E. Beecher St. Adrian, MI 49221 517- 264-5126 ACEPTAMOS CARDS. ENVIOS DE DINERO EN EEUU Y AL EXTRANJERO L a P r e n s a N e w s pa p e r Aztlán Communications, Inc. Publisher Advertising: Rubén Torres Adrianne Kolasinski Mary DiVeto María Molina Rico 440-320-8221 216-688-9045 313-729-4435 419-242-7744 419-870-6565 Lorain/Cleveland Sales Manager NW Ohio and MI Sales Manager Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Sales, Graphics, Editing Editorial: Adrianne Chasteen II Isabel Flores Arooj Ashraf Kevin Milliken Junior Correspondent Latin America Correspondent Midwest Correspondent Special Contributor Art/Graphics/WebSite: Jennifer Retholtz Graphics & Web Manager Aztlán Communications Inc. SALES: PO Box 792, Saline MI 48176 419.870-2797 or 440-320-8221 E-mail: [email protected] Since 1989 www .la pr .lapr Copyright 1989 - 2016 by La Prensa Publications, Inc. Visit us on Facebook at: LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa—Ohio 1 de abril, 2016 Page 5 ABLE Medical Legal Partnership for Children receives funding from United Way of Greater Toledo Authors! Authors!: Los Angeles Poet Laureate Luis J. Rodríguez to appear in Toledo, April 14 March 24, 2016: Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE) has announced an investment of $50,000 from United Way of Greater Toledo for the Toledo Medical Legal Partnership for Children (MLPC). The Toledo MLPC aligns with United Way’s Live United 2020 goals, centered on advancing education, income, and health in Lucas, Wood and Ottawa counties. “United Way of Greater Toledo is proud to make an investment in ABLE because they deliver results that create lasting change in the areas of education, income and health in our community,” says Karen Mathison, president and CEO of United Way of Greater Toledo. “It’s a pleasure and privilege to partner with ABLE’s Medical Legal Partnership for Children and deliver results that change lives of people in Join The Blade and the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 14, 2016 in the McMaster Center at Main Library, 325 Michigan St., to hear novelist and award-winning Los Angeles Poet Laureate Luis J. Rodríguez for the Spring series of Authors! Authors! Rodríguez, a poet, best-selling novelist, and self-described community and peace activist, has 15 books in all genres. He is the co-convener for the Network of Revolutionary Change, and author of the bestselling memoir, “Always Running, La Vida Loca, our community. The Toledo Medical-Legal Partnership for Children is a unique program in which doctors and lawyers work together to reduce health disparities through holistic advocacy. Through Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE) and its partner law firm, Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc. (LAWO), the MLPC provides free legal services to pediatric patients and their families on a broad range of issues that affect child health and wellbeing. Patients served by the MLPC are the most vulnerable in our community—children living in poverty. “The MLPC works collaboratively in the clinical setting to provide resources, tools, strategies, and supports to make it possible for physicians to screen patients for legal problems and advocate effectively to combat health-harming social conditions,” says Heather Hall, ABLE attorney and MLPC director. “Working holistically with the MLPC complements the care provided by pediatricians.” The MLPC receives from pediatric medical and mental health providers. Advocates from ABLE provide legal advice, referrals, and full representation, in areas including access to education, housing, access to healthcare, public benefits cases, custody, and social security. ABLE is a non-profit law firm that provides free legal help in civil legal aid matters to eligible individuals and groups that do not have access to the legal system and cannot afford a private attorney. ABLE and LAWO partner in the delivery of legal services to residents in 32-counties of northwest and west central Ohio. United Way of Greater Toledo, serving Lucas, Wood, and Ottawa counties, unites the caring power of people to improve lives. For more information, visit Penta Career Center raising hellbender salamanders PERRYSBURG, March 27, 2016 (AP): High school students at a northwest Ohio vocational school are raising hellbenders— North America’s largest salamander. The salamanders have seen an 80 percent decline over the past 36 years, John Navarro, of the Ohio Division of Wildlife, told The Blade in Toledo (http:// ) . Navarro said there were so few salamanders that biologists who were looking for them couldn’t find any. When they did find them, he said there were never any juveniles. “Their numbers were scary low,” he said. Students at Penta Ca- reer Center in Perrysburg are now raising the large, lizardlike amphibians, which can grow to longer than two feet. Marie Kuron, 18, a Penta senior who hopes to work in wildlife care and rehabilitation, said working with the endangered species gives her a head start in her field. “When we enter the lab and scrub in to protect these animals from any outside germs, I realize how serious this is,” Kuron said. “We need to try our best to keep this species alive.” The school converted a storage room into a laboratory. Students will raise about 170 juvenile hellbenders there over the next couple years. The salamanders will then be released into south- Historic South Initiative Supporting Families and Neighborhoods ern Ohio streams. The animals arrived at the school more than a month ago. Ron Matter, superintendent at Penta, said the program opens many doors for its students and that students have a real opportunity to conduct research that could help the threatened species. Penta joined the Ohio Hellbender Partnership, a group that hopes to save the salamanders using a captive rearing and release program. About 250 hellbenders have been raised to 3 years old and released since the project began. Information from: The Blade, http:// Gang Days in L.A.” His latest book is the sequel, “It Calls You Back: An Ody s s e y Through Love, Addiction, Revolutions, and Healing.” He is the founding editor of Tia C h u c h a Press, now in its 25th year, and co-founder/president of Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural & Bookstore in the San Fernando Valley. For more details on Authors! Authors!, call 419.259.5266. To purchase tickets for Luis J. Rodríguez ($10 general admission/$8 students), visit: On the Internet: Luis J. Rodríguez Website: A Fair Share of the Harvest: A Photographic History of FLOC, April 5 - May 5 This Spring, the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library is partnering with the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO (FLOC) to host a historic photography exhibit in the Gallery at Main Library, 325 Michigan St. FLOC was established in the mid1960s in order to give migrant farmworkers a voice and has grown into a powerful labor union representing more than 20,000 workers in the Midwest and North Carolina. “A Fair Share of the Harvest: A Photographic History of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee,” will give visitors a chance to walk in the shoes of migrant workers as they fought for fair working conditions in boycotts against the Campbell’s Soup and the Mt. Olive Pickle Co. The exhibit runs from April 5 – May 5, 2016 with an opening reception scheduled April 5 from 6 – 8 p.m. To RSVP for the opening reception, please call 419.259.5256. For more information, visit or call 419.259.5200. Matt Hammitt to speak at Heartbeat Banquets Matt Hammitt, former lead singer of Sanctus Real, will be the featured speaker at Heartbeat of Toledo’s annual fundraising banquets. The banquets will be offered on two nights: Wednesday and Thursday, April 6 & 7, 2016 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 6165 Levis Commons Blvd., in Perrysburg. Doors open at 6 p.m. with dinner at 6:30. In April of 2010, Matt and his wife Sarah were expecting their first son when they were given the devastating fronted with news that the ‘suggesBowen had tion’ that we Hypolastic should termiLeft Heart Synnate our pregdrome. This is nancy.” Matt one of the wrote about most rare and this time in serious forms their life with of congenital the song “All heart disease. of Me.” “In the Heartbeat Matt Hammitt months leadwill be celing up to his birth we met ebrating its 45th anniversary with many doctors and spe- at this year’s annual cialists,” Matt recalls. “At one fundraiser. Heartbeat began point, we were even con- in 1971 when a Dr. John Hillabrand, a Toledo obstetrician, and Lore Maier, a Holocaust survivor, saw a need for a place where women facing an unplanned pregnancy could get a free pregnancy test as well as much-needed support and information. After starting Heartbeat of Toledo, the pair traveled the world to help open pregnancy centers in other communities. They went on to form a loose federation of pregnancy centers, now known as Heartbeat International. Today, Heartbeat International has more than 1,800 affiliates worldwide. Reservations can be made online by visiting, or by calling Heartbeat at 419-241-9131. Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-241-8284 La Prensa Page 6 Labor Department announces up to $15M to aid recovery effort following the water contamination crisis in Flint WASHINGTON, DC, March 24, 2016: The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a National Dislocated Worker Grant for up to $15 million to the Michigan Strategic Fund to assist with humanitarian and recovery efforts resulting from the contaminated water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Of the $15 million announced today, $7.5 million will be released initially to provide temporary employment for eligible individuals to assist with the recovery work, as well as to offer these individuals career and training services to help them find permanent work. Additional funding, up to the amount approved, will be made available as the state demonstrates a continued need for assistance. In 2015, the Hurley Children’s Hospital in Flint began documenting elevated levels of lead in the blood of its patients. After this phenomenon was traced to the water supply, the Genesee County Health Department issued a “Do Not Drink” advisory to the customers of the Flint Water Treatment Plant, which was followed by numerous state and local emergency declarations in response to the crisis. “National Dislocated Worker Grants are an important way that the federal government can assist workers, businesses and entire communities as they recover from crisis,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez. “The investments announced today will help the people of Flint repair the physical damage and care for their neighbors, while also helping put area workers back on track to sustainable careers in and around the community they love.” The temporary jobs funded through this grant will focus on humanitarian assistance, such as delivering water, water filters, replacement cartridges and lead-testing kits to Flint residents affected by the water contamination. Other activities may include repair, renovation and reconstruction work on the damaged water lines, and subsequent clean up and recycling work. Approximately 400 temporary jobs will be created through these funds. This funding will also provide career and training services to participants to assist them in finding permanent work. This project will allow temporary workers to offer critical support to the relief operation itself, while also providing them with muchneeded workforce development opportunities. Participants will receive structured and soft-skill training, assistance with career planning and connections with local employers. The National Dislocated Worker Grant program provides resources to states and other eligible applicants to respond to large, unexpected events causing significant job losses. Grants are awarded at the discretion of the secretary of labor under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Michigan lawmakers OK $48.7 million in Detroit school aid By DAVID EGGERT, Associated Press LANSING, MI, March 24, operating debt over a decade. 2016 (AP): Michigan lawmak- The 46,000-student district has ers voted Thursday to extend been under state financial man$48.7 million in emergency aid agement for seven years and is to keep Detroit’s ailing school burdened with declining endistrict open for the rest of the rollment and low morale that academic year and avoid the has led to teacher “sick-outs” prospect of payless paydays in recent months. The spending legislation is for staff. The Republican-led legis- tied to a bill that would prolature approved the spending vide that a commission made on votes of 104-4 in the House up largely of state appointees— and 29-7 in the Senate after already in existence to review negotiators reached an agree- the city’s finances after bankment on oversight of the De- ruptcy—be required to sign off troit Public Schools’ money. on the district’s budgets once Gov. Rick Snyder, who plans it is no longer under emergency to sign the legislation, said it management. The school suwas “critically important” that perintendent and school board chair would be added to the it pass. Thursday was the deadline nine-member panel to vote on for lawmakers to act before their matters related to the district. spring break. The district’s That measure won approval on state-appointed manager has 95-13 and 26-10 votes. Ivy Bailey, interim presisaid without the aid, it would be unable to pay employees for dent of the Detroit Federation work they do after April 8, four of Teachers _ the union for city days before legislators will re- teachers _ applauded the Legislature for putting the “best turn to Lansing. The $48.7 million is a stop- interests of students first” while gap measure while the GOP work continues on the broader governor presses legislators to rescue package. Snyder said the supplemenenact a $720 million restructuring plan to split the district tal funding does not lessen the and pay off $515 million in need for a long-term solution to bring financial stability and better academics to the district—an overhaul he first called for nearly 11 months ago. The Senate approved a broader plan earlier this week. But House Speaker Kevin Cotter, R-Mount Pleasant, said Thursday he has “a lot of concerns” with a proposed education commission whose permission would be needed to open some new traditional and publicly funded charter schools. There would be an “inherent motivation to hamper charters” to limit how long the district is under financial oversight, he said. About 36,000 students living in Detroit attend charter academies in the city, and 26,000 go to traditional public schools or charters in the suburbs. Snyder, who supports the Senate proposal, said: “I’m confident the Legislature will continue its bipartisan focus on helping Detroit students succeed and we will get there soon.” Associated Press writer Michael Gerstein contributed to this report. Saturday, April 2nd Grupo Vicio Saturday, April 9th CONCEPCION LUPE JASO BENEFIT DANCE with La Traizon, Grupo Xplozivo, and Grupo Temible Saturday, April 16 ~ Grupo Illision Saturday, April 23 ~ Estrella de Oro April 1, 2016 UT’s College of Communication and the Arts Unboxes a Host of Events Spring has sprung and the University of Toledo College of Communication and the Arts is Unboxed! That means that over the next several weeks the College will be offering a number of events showcasing the tremendous talents of its students and faculty. Some require tickets, but most are free. Below are the highlights: • Festival of New Music – A Celebration of Modern, Living Composers -Thursday, March 31, 2016, at 7 p.m. - Chamber recital featuring the music of guest composer Jennifer Jolley. Jolley is a young, vibrant composer with an impressive array of work to her credit. UT Center for Performing Arts – Recital Hall, admission free. Jolley will also conduct a master class with UT students. -Friday, April 1 at 7 p.m. – UT Concert Chorale and Wind Ensemble perform additional selections from the work of guest composer, Jennifer Jolley as well as a new work from Omar Thomas, honoring the victims and families of the June • The Musical “Little Shop of Horrors” April 810, 15-17, 22-24. A hapless florist rises to fame and fortune once he begins satisfying his hungry plant’s desire for human flesh! Live chamber orchestra at each performance. Tickets available in advance at and at the door, or call 419.530.ARTS (2787). UT Center for Performing Arts – Center Theatre. Shooting – April 21 from 5-7 p.m. Isaac Pletcher, visiting assistant professor of Communication, and a veteran of the production world, shares his experiences with capturing quality visuals on very limited budgets. By working to emulate the work of such luminaries as Emmanuel Lubezki, Vittorio Storaro, and Christopher Doyle, Isaac has carved a niche as a director of photography. Join him for an evening of visual storytelling and cinematography techniques. UT Center for Performing Arts – Recital Hall, admission – free. • David Bowie Film Festival – April 15 & 16. One film will be shown each evening at 7:30 p.m. in the UT Center for the Visual Arts Haigh Auditorium. (CVA is located next to the Toledo Museum of Art). Admission – free. -4/15 - “The Man Who Fell to Earth” -4/16 - “Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.” • Art as Fashion - Wearable Conditions – Thursday, April 28 at 7 p.m. How do you make a piece of art about an internal virus, disease or disorder? Students from the UT Department of Art answer the question with a “fashion show” of Wearable Conditions. Toledo Museum of Art GlasSalon in the Glass Pavilion, admission free. • Lecture: Often Emulated: Using Big Budget Inspiration for Small Budget For complete details, visit comm-arts/unboxed.html 2015 terrorist attack on the Mother Emmanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, SC. UT’s Doermann Theatre, admission free. LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa 1 de abril, 2016 Page 7 Los Rolling Stones llegan a Cuba Mundial: México y Costa Rica buscan afianzarse Por ANDREA RODRIGUEZ, Associated Press LA HABANA, 24 III 16 bia y México. El Instituto Cubano de la (AP): Los Rolling Stones ya Música indicó que la mayor están en Cuba. La banda británica parte de la infraestructura arribó la tarde del jueves al que se usará para el concierto aeropuerto José Martí de la es completamente nueva e capital en un vuelo privado incluye un audio de 1,3 que trajo además a unos 60 toneladas, ocho repetidores de sus técnicos de apoyo y de sonido y siete pantallas a la familia de los cuatro que serán instaladas para músicos para su que el público pueda mejor el megaconcierto del viernes. apreciar Mick Jagger saludó espectáculo. El recital no será brevemente en español y se mostró feliz de estar en la isla. transmitido en vivo por Los admiradores televisión, en cambio se cubanos esperan ansiosos realizará un documental, la presentación de los Roll- agregó la dependencia ing que, según palabras de isleña. “Hemos llevado a cabo los organizadores, será un espectáculo recordado por (conciertos) en muchos lugares especiales durante años. Desde hace un mes nuestra larga carrera, pero trabajan obreros, técnicos este espectáculo en La y especialistas en la Ciudad Habana va a ser un hito para Deportiva, donde se hará el nosotros, y, esperamos, para concierto, para dejar listo todos nuestros amigos en el escenario. El concierto Cuba también”, señaló un gratuito será el cierre de su comunicado circulado por gira Olé, que los ha llevador la legendaria agrupación por Chile, Argentina, Uru- previo a su llegada. Los cubanos recibieron a guay, Brasil, Perú, Colom- Por JUAN ZAMORANO, Associated Press 23 III 16 (AP): México y tienen tres puntos cada uno, Costa Rica, los únicos con mientras que Haití está en fojas perfectas, buscarán blanco. Panamá intentará afianzarse en sus reponerse de su revés en casa respectivas zonas cuando ante Costa Rica en su viaje a se reanuden el viernes las Puerto Príncipe. Estados Unidos, que con e l i m i n a t o r i a s mundialistas de la México, Costa Rica y Honduras avanzaron a la anterior cita CONCACAF. Otros llegan en mundialista, visita a Guatesituación de apremio, mala con la misión de alcanzar como Honduras, que un resultado que la mantenga necesita comenzar a sumar en la puja por el liderato del en una llave que se le Grupo C. Estados Unidos tiene cuatro antoja complicadísima. Después de pasar puntos, al igual que Trinidad y muchos sobresaltos en la Tobago, Guatemala tres y San pasada eliminatoria y tener Vicente y las Granadinas que ir a un repechaje para ninguno. Trinidad visita a San sacar el boleto al Mundial Vicente. Los dos primeros de cada de Brasil hace dos años, México visita a Canadá grupo avanzarán a la ronda ficomo líder del Grupo A, nal de las eliminatorias, en que tras ganar sus dos primeros saldrán los tres representantes partidos como local y directos de la zona al Mundial visitante ante El Salvador de Rusia 2018. México va a Canadá con y Honduras, una selección que contará con respectivamente. Canadá le sigue en la el regreso del veterano Rafael tabla de esa llave con Márquez y la ausencia de cuatro puntos, El Salva- Carlos Vela, al que el timonel dor con uno y Honduras colombiano Juan Carlos Osorio con el casillero vacío. marginó por una supuesta Honduras visita a El Sal- indisciplina del delantero con la Real Sociedad. Tampoco vador. Costa Rica procurará estará el delantero Giovani dos asimismo consolidar su Santos por lesión. Márquez no liderato en el Grupo B en jugaba con el Tri desde el su visita a Jamaica. Los choque que ganaron a Estados ticos, que fueron sensación Unidos y les dio el boleto a la en el pasada Copa del Copa Confederaciones en Mundo al clasificarse por octubre. Costa Rica tendrá por primera vez a los cuartos de final, vienen de sacar primera vez la presencia de su una victoria a domicilio estelar portero Keylor Navas contra los panameños en en su choque contra Jamaica. la segunda jornada. Antes El guardameta del Real Madrid, derrotaron en casa a los de notable actuación en el Mundial de Brasil, no jugó los haitianos. Panamá y Jamaica dos primeros compromisos de los Rolling apenas dos días después de despedir al presidente Barack Obama, el primer presidente de Estados Unidos en viajar a la isla en casi 90 años y en el marco de un deshielo binacional. La presencia de las Satánicas Majestades en isla salda una deuda histórica de la revolución cubana en la polarizada década de 1960 los silenció de las radios y persiguió a los muchos de los cultores de la estética rock, acusándolos de ser una influencia perniciosa de las sociedades capitalistas para los jóvenes. Sin embargo, toda una generación de cubanos se las ingenió para escucharlos en discos de vinilo que se pasaban de mano en mano. Finalmente el rechazo oficial a los Rolling Stones y otras bandas, como sus compatriotas los Beatles, se revirtió en los años 80. IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS? la eliminatoria. “Ha tenido un gran temporada” en España, dijo el técnico costarricense Oscar Ramírez, quien anticipa un choque de mucha velocidad y exigente en lo físico en Kingston. “Se trata de un rival agresivo y con una base sólida”, señaló Ramírez. Pero “nosotros también podemos explotar la velocidad que es una características que también tenemos”. En Panamá se le pondrá atención a si el timonel colombiano Hernán Darío Gómez utiliza de entrada al delantero Ismael Díaz, quien ha causado sensación en este país por sus goles en un equipo de segunda del Porto de Portugal. Díaz fue la novedad entre los convocados por el “Bolillo” Gómez, quien debió enfrentar los cuestionamientos tras el revés ante los ticos. El estratega podría arrancar con sus referentes en ataque, Luis Tejada y Blas Pérez, que suelen combinarse bien y remecer las redes, para luego darle más adelante la oportunidad al joven Díaz. En Honduras, el entrenador colombiano Jorge Luis Pinto llamó al veterano delantero Carlo Costly, quien regresa después de haber jugado el Mundial de Brasil y marcado el único gol de la selección catracha contra Ecuador en esa cita. Honduras no ha podido marcar en lo que va de la eliminatoria. ¡Siempre Selena! SVETLANA SCHREIBER Preguntas o problemas de Inmigración Hablamos español • Asylum • Deportation • Visas • Family • Business • Same Sex Marriage ¡Consulta Gratis! Free Consultation ABOGADA SVETLANA SCHREIBER 2510 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44114 216-621-7292 1-866-553-4643 For consideration of the Deferred DREAM Application, contact us today! LA PRENSA SALES: LORAIN 440-320-8221 • CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 Página 8 La Prensa April/abril 1, 2016 LA PRENSA SALES: COLUMBUS & TOLEDO 419-870-2797 Página 8 La Prensa April 1, 2016 LA PRENSA SALES: COLUMBUS/TOLEDO 419-870-2797 or 614-571-2051 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 1 de abril, 2016 La Prensa Página 9 Consulado de México invita a la Semana de Educación Financiera del 4 al 8 de abril Por: Isabel Flores, Corresponsal La Prensa Las actividades que se Detroit, MI: Con el tema ¡Pleanea, ahorra, invierte y llevarán a cabo son las emprende!, se llevará a siguientes: Lunes 4 de abril cabo la Semana de Educación Financiera (11:00am): “Como obtener y (SEF) en Estados Unidos y administrar un crédito Canadá del 4 al 8 de abril financiero” por Ford Credit [2016], para brindar en La Casa Guadalupe, Deinformación integral a la troit. Martes 5 de abril comunidad mexicana en el exterior sobre la mejor (10:00am): “Conoce tus forma de manejar el dinero, derechos y obligaciones con así como las opciones para el pago de impuestos” por hacerlo más productivo, Accounting Aid Society en cómo proteger el las oficinas del Consulado. Miércoles 6 de abril patrimonio y cómo ahorrar (10:00am): “Como obtener y para el retiro. Además se brindará administrar un crédito asesoría sobre dónde acudir financiero” por Ford Credit para pedir ayuda, y saber en Latino Family Services. Jueves 7 de abril tomar decisiones basadas en conocimiento. En esta (9:00am): “Programa 3x1 ocasión, se pretende para Migrantes” en las impulsar el oficinas del Consulado. (10:00am) “Servicios emprendimiento y mejorar básicos y la vida de los Bancarios presupuestos” por DHDC en connacionales. Jesús Gutiérrez, oficinas del Consulado. Viernes 8 de abril Coordinador de Asuntos Comunitarios del (10:00am) “Protección conConsulado de México en tra robo de identidad Detroit, dijo que ya tienen Servicios Bancarios básicos todo preparado para iniciar y presupuestos” por Multila Semana de Educación Cultural Department SpecialFinanciera que consistirá ist en oficinas del Consulado. (11:00am) “Compra de una en diversas actividades realizadas en el estado de nueva casa” por DHDC en Michigan. “Este es el oficinas del Consulado. Las organizaciones segundo año que me toca coordinar esta actividad y participantes son: 3x1 para migrantes, Sedesol, Ford estoy muy contento ya que las organizaciones han Motor Credit Company, Una respondido bastante bien, Familia sin Fronteras Founya saben de lo qué se trata dation, Latino Family Sery se han portado muy vices, Detroit Hispanic Deaccesibles para acercarse a velopment Corporation y la comunidad latina en gen- Accounting Aid Society. Cabe mencionar que el eral y mexicana en particude Inclusión lar, para brindar Comité información sobre las Financiera Federal Desposit Insurance Corporation cuestiones financieras”. (FDIC) presentó los resultados de la National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households realizada en 2013 y estos son los elementos que destacó: El 46.4% de la población hispana no utiliza servicios bancarios adecuados para su desarrollo personal y familiar. Eso se debe a diversos factores, entre los que destacan; que no cuentan con suficiente dinero para mantener una cuenta de banco, falta de confianza a los bancos, tarifas muy altas, falta de identificación y problemas con el historial crediticio. Es por eso que los servicios financieros alternativos más comunes son: Money Order, cambio de cheques, envío de remesas, casas de empeño y préstamos de nómina (payday loans). De acuerdo con estos resultados, algunos de los retos que enfrenta la Semana de Educación Financiera son: Facilitar el acceso al sistema financiero y ofrecer la asistencia necesaria a la población migrante a través de programas de educación financiera diseñados de acuerdo a la idiosincrasia y cultura del migrante mexicano. Fomentar la difusión de programas d e educación financiera. Elevar los índices de inclusión financiera entre la población mexicana migrante en Estados Unidos y entre la población en México que reside en zonas de alta migración. De esta manera, se empoderará a la comunidad mexicana en América del Norte. La SEF permite que los migrantes obtengan más herramientas para fortalecer su patrimonio, tener un mayor acceso a los servicios financieros y a una mejora en la distribución del ingreso, lo que sin duda se vuelve un paso relevante para asegurar su integración social y su desarrollo económico, así como el de sus familias en México. En el 2015 se contó con la participación de 561 socios locales y se atendió a 81,688 personas a través de 1,227 talleres, conferencias y ferias. Este año se espera aumentar el número tanto de participantes, como de asistentes. Además, por primera ocasión, se pone a disposición en la página web de la Conducef el Micrositio de Educación Financiera para Mexicanos en el Exterior: como estrategia de vanguardia para lograr acercar la inclusión y los temas financieros a la comunidad migrante. En este sitio se puede encontrar información para mejorar las finanzas personales, así como para aprender sobre productos y servicios financieros. Fernando Solana Morales La Prensa se une a la pena que embarga a Juan Manuel Solana, Cónsul de México en Detroit, por el sensible fallecimiento de su Señor padre Fernando Solana Morales acaecido en la ciudad de México el pasado miércoles 23 de marzo [2016] a los 85 años, víctima de cáncer. Fernando Solana Morales nació en la Ciudad de México el 8 de febrero de 1931. Fue secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, de Educación Pública y titular de la antigua Secretaría de Comercio, además de director general del Banco Nacional de México (Banamex). Durante su gestión al frente de la SEP, se crearon las delegaciones de la dependencia en todo el país y propuso la creación del Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (Conalep) y el Instituto Nacional para la Educación de los Adultos (INEA). La UNAM otorgó a Fernando Solana el Doctorado Honoris Causa y estableció la Cátedra Fernando Solana Morales. Es autor de los libros: La planeación universitaria de México (1970); Historia de la educación pública en México (1981) y Tan lejos como llegue la educación (1982). A través de su cuenta de twitter, el Presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, expresó su pésame a la familia. Por su parte, la cancillería rindió un homenaje en la sede de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), a la que acudieron secretarios de Estado, legisladores y ex cancilleres; así como sus hijos Eugenia, Juan Manuel e Iker Solana. A nombre de la familia, Eugenia Solana agradeció el homenaje y destacó la labor de su padre como maestro y hombre de Estado, que siempre impulsó la educación, la economía y la inserción del país en el ámbito internacional como claves para su desarrollo. Page 10 La Prensa April 1, 2016 BGSU hosts annual Latino Issues Conference By La Prensa Staff, Bowling Green State The assistant professor of University (BGSU) hosted English and ethnic studies its annual Latino Issues at the University of Nebraska Conference (“Encuentro is also an O. Henry Prize Latinoamericano”) on recipient and a Bread Loaf Thursday, March 24, 2016, Fellow. The writings of Ms. Capó in the Bowen Thompson Crucet have appeared in Student Union. The all-day conference Guernica, Ploughshares, featured presentations by Epoch, The Rumpus, Prairie BGSU students and faculty Schooner, and other publion a variety of topics, in- cations. During the 2013cluding politics, history, 14 academic year, she was education, and the arts. the Picador Guest Professor Over 400 were in atten- at the Institute for American dance from various parts of Studies at the University of Leipzig, Germany. Ohio and Michigan. There was a panel discusThe noon luncheon featured a keynote speech and sion on “Latino/a Politics in 2016,” featuring Lilleana reading by Jennine Capó Crucet, Cuban-American Cavanaugh, executive diauthor of Make Your Home rector, Ohio Latino Affairs Among Strangers, which is Commission (OCHLA); nominated for the Center Beatriz Maya, managing for Fiction First Novel director, La Conexión de Prize. The novel tells the Wood County; Guisselle story of a first-generation Mendoza, executive direccollege student moving tor, Adelante; and Dr. Nicole Kalafbetween her largely CubanAmerican home in Miami, Hughes, Department of PoFlorida and her new life at litical Science, BGSU. Other panels included a predominantly white, ultra-elite liberal arts col- BGSU students Alonso Díazlege where she secretly Southard (Puerto Rican deapplied, infuriating her re- scent, native of Lorain OH), Kandann Coleman, and Ms. cently-divorced parents. A 2009 collection of Torres, discussing their inshort stories, How to Leave dividual experiences conHialeah, won the Iowa cerning “Race and Identity.” Short Fiction Prize, the Dr. Luis Moreno moderated. Some of the late morning John Gardener Book Award, and the Devil’s presentations focused on Kitchen Reading Award. “U.S. Transnational Poli- tics,” which was moderated by Francisco Cabanillas. Topics included Cuban Liberation through Adult Literacy by Rebecca Julia Beyer, the Latino Student Union Sitin at BGSU, May 7, 1980 by Roxann Brown, and Guantanamo Bay: U.S. presence’s effects on Cuba by Emily K. Gunner. A midafternoon session covered the topic of “U.S. Latinas and Education.” The bilingual presentations will be moderated by Cindy Ducar and feature topics such as A Latino Experience in Northwest Ohio by Jacqueline Campbell, Alycia Buenger, and Mayra López; ¿Sin documentos, pero sin capital? The influence of social capital on Latin American children’s educational achievement in the American Southwest by Diana Pitcher; and Educational Aspirations, Expectations and Subsequent Educational Attainment: Second Generation Cuban, Mexican, and Filipino Immigrants by Marisa Baumgardner. The conference’s featured presentation begins at 5:30 p.m.: “VidaMuertos: Immigration Policy and Genre Filmmaking” with Prof. Thomas Javier Castillo and his collaborators. The final presentation was followed at 6 p.m. by a Latino mixer hosted by the BGSU Latino Student Union (LSU). Awards presented The Latino Issues Conference/Encuentro Latinoamericano provides an opportunity to highlight the issues facing the Latino/a community at BGSU. At every Latino Issue Conference, individuals are recognized for their respective contributions to the Latino/a community at BGSU. This year’s recipients: • Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award was given to this undergraduate student member of the BGSU community who has empowered the Latino/a community: Catheline Longoria-Pérez. • Outstanding Graduate Student Award was given to this graduate student member of the BGSU community who has empowered the Latino/a community: Tatiana Rodríguez. • Outstanding Staff Award was given to this Classified or Administrative Staff Member of the BGSU community who has empowered the Latino/a community: Leslie Galán Sautter. • Outstanding Faculty Award was given to this Faculty Member of the BGSU community who has empowered the Latino/a community: Dr. Pedro Porbén. • Outstanding Community-at-Large Award was given to this member of the local community who has empowered the Latino/a community: Dallas Black. • Outstanding Alumni Award was given to this BGSU alumni who has empowered the Latino/a community: Roberto Torres. • The Dr. Miguel Ornelas Award was presented to Benito Lucio. The award honors Dr. Miguel Ornelas, a former Human Relations Commission member and Director of Affirmative Action at BGSU. Before his death in 1989, Dr. Ornelas served as an advocate for issues of diversity, as head of the Ohio Hispanic Institute of Opportunity and as a member of the BGSU Graduate Student Senate, Third World Graduate Association, and La Union de Estudiantes Latinos. He was the recipient of the first Hispanic Award from Project Search. According to Dr. Susana Peña, director of BGSU’s School of Cultural and Critical Studies, “Dr. Ornelas touched the lives of all who came in contact with him. The Miguel Ornelas Award is intended to bring attention to the actions and services of those who reflect Dr. Ornelas’ values.” Dr. Peña is the author of “Oye Loca.” On the Internet: book-division/books/ oye-loca EDITOR’S NOTE: The Latino Issues Conference is sponsored by the BGSU School of Cultural and Critical Studies. In the photo are: Alonso DíazSouthard, Kandann Coleman, Dr. Luis Moreno, Yolanda Flores, & Roberto Torres. La Prensa—NE OHIO April 1, 2016 Four Cleveland arts institutions pay tribute to the work of Cleveland artist Anthony Eterovich (1916-2011) CLEVELAND: This spring, four arts institutions in Cleveland will pay tribute to the life’s work of well-respected Cleveland artist Anthony Eterovich with simultaneous exhibitions. The principal showing is a centennial retrospective - “A Thrilling Act”: The art of Anthony Eterovich (1916-2011) that will open at Tregoning & Company, 1300 W. 78th Street, on April 15th, 2016, timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birth. Honoring the influence of jazz music on Eterovich’s work, the John Petrone Trio will perform throughout the opening. The Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) will feature drawings by Eterovich – a 54 year CIA faculty member – in the CIA Study Collection from June to August. A preview party for CIA Alumni at Tregoning & Company on April 14th at 5:30 pm will benefit the CIA through net sales proceeds added to its Eterovich Scholar- ship Fund. The Marshall Griffith Trio will perform. Fundamental Gestures: Figures from Life, which opens April 15th at ARTNeo, 1305 W. 80th Street, Suite 016, includes two Eterovich drawings and several more Eterovich pieces will be displayed on a feature wall. And, rounding it out, the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve, 1834 E. 123rd Street, will present another opportunity to view Eterovich’s work April 20th – May 7th. A small selection of Eterovichs will be on display in a Pop Up Office Exhibition. The joint tributes to Eterovich pay respect to a Cleveland artist who steadfastly celebrated that city throughout his entire life. He studied under John Teyral and Viktor Schreckengost at the CIA after receiving a full scholarship and influenced countless students while on faculty there for more than 50 years. His work is in the permanent collections of the Butler Institute of American Art, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Dayton Art Institute, the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve, and ARTneo. After he won first prize in the 16th Annual National New Year’s Show at the Butler Institute of American Art with his painting The Merry Bench, Edith Halpert requested an Eterovich to show in her famous Downtown Gallery in New York. That exhibited painting, Table Charade, received a glowing review from Howard DeVree of the New York Times on May 6, 1951: “One of the most ambitious canvases is by Anthony Eterovich, ‘Table Charade’ … succeeds in bringing organization out of what might well have been a too complicated profusion of detail.” A full color catalogue to the exhibition has been published, containing essays and remembrances by Bruce Checefsky, William Martin Jean, and George Kozman and will be available for purchase at the gallery. Tri-C expands new Hospitality Training Program March 25, 2016: Given the substantial response from job seekers, Cuyahoga Community College (TriC®) will offer an additional five-week training program to prepare workers for available positions at Cleveland hotels. The College’s second Hospitality Boot Camp will begin April 23, 2016, the week after the first session ends. Tri-C partnered with several Cleveland hotels to create the program, which addresses the need for skilled workers within the hospitality industry. A recruitment event for the next training session will be held Wednesday, March 30, through OhioMeansJobs. Candidates must apply and be prescreened and approved by a recruiter to attend the event. To apply, go to hotelbootcamp. Tri-C, in partnership with OhioMeansJobs, will provide the training free for those who qualify. The program has openings for 30 students. Hospitality Boot Camp will provide 30 hours of training over five Saturdays, from April 23 to May 21. Classes will take place between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. at Tri-C’s Hospitality Management Center on Public Square. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates may be placed in a variety of hotel positions, with the majority involving guest services. JUEGO DE ENCUENTRO EN VOLLEYBALL CLUB DEPORTIVO LA ESPERANZA (REPUBLICA DOMINICANA) VS LADYS LAKER MAX HAYES (EU) 6 DE ABRIL, 2016 Page 11 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT LORAIN PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM’S MAIN LIBRARY STORY TIMES Story times at the Lorain Public Library System provide the necessary building blocks for early literacy. Bring your children to free sessions at the Main Library. The spring session has begun! Family Story Time is Mondays at 10:30 a.m. Preschool Story Time is Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Kids will enjoy stories, music and more while learning. Preregistration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800-322READ. The Main Library is located at 351 W. Sixth St. in Lorain. JOB HELP MONDAYS Are you seeking help in looking for a job? Come to free drop-in sessions at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Mondays between 2 and 4 p.m. You’ll learn how to compose and assemble your own resume, set up your own email account, attach your resume in an email, save your resume online, apply for a job online and set up your own account with online job websites. For more information, call the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800-322READ. The Main Library is located at 351 W. Sixth St. in Lorain. TEEN CLUBHOUSE Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library has a monthly Teen Clubhouse. Come to the next session on Monday, March 28 from 5 to 6 p.m. Havefunwithfriendswhile making a craft and sharing a snack. Preregistration is required and is available online at or mouse. by calling the Also reMain Library at ceive an 440-244-1192 introducor 1-800-322tion to the READ. The Windows Main Library is located at 351 W. Sixth St. in operating system. Preregistration is required and is Lorain. available online at SHIPWRECKSOFLAKE or by calling the Main Library ERIE Lake Erie has perhaps the at 440-244-1192 or 1-800largest concentration of ship- 322-READ. The Main Liwrecks per square mile of any brary is located at 351 W. body of water in the world. Sixth St. in Lorain. Join a speaker from TECH HELP to exFrom computers and plore the stories of these vessels at Lorain Public Library email to eBooks and streamSystem’s Main Library on ing movies, there’s a lot of Wednesday, March 30 at noon. technology to keep up with Preregistration is required and in today’s world. Let staff at is available online at Lorain Public Library or by System’s Main Library help calling the Main Library at 440- you. Come for Tech Help on 244-1192 or 1-800-322- Saturday, April 2 from 3:30 READ. The Main Library is to 5:30 p.m. Drop in to work located at 351 W. Sixth St. in one-on-one with an instructor on whatever you’d like. Lorain. Preregistration is required and is available online at LEGO® NIGHT Play with LEGO® bricks at or Lorain Public Library System’s by calling the Main Library Main Library on Wednesday, at 440-244-1192 or 1-800March 30 from 6:30 to 7:15 322-READ. The Main Lip.m. The library will supply brary is located at 351 W. the LEGO® bricks for all ages Sixth St. in Lorain. to have a fun time building. MOVIES! MOVIES! Preregistration is required and is available online at MOVIES! or by August: Osage County. calling the Main Library at 440244-1192 or 1-800-322- Lee Daniels’ The Butler. SilREAD. The Main Library is ver Linings Playbook. Ready located at 351 W. Sixth St. in for movie night? These titles and many more are inLorain. stantly available for free COMPUTERS FOR BE- using your Lorain Public Library System library card GINNERS Get started with computer on hoopla. Find hoopla in eLibrary on basics at Lorain Public Library the System’s Main Library on Fri- day, April 1 from 3:30 p.m. to For more information, call 5:30 p.m. Identify computer the Lorain Public Library parts and practice using a System at 1-800-322-READ. MEXICAN MUTUAL SOCIETY (MMS) 1820 East 28th Street, Lorain, OH 44052 440-277-7375 “SAVE THE CLUB!” CAMPAIGN March 2016 FUNDRAISER EVENT CALENDAR Public Welcome! The Mexican Mutual Society (MMS) “SAVE THE CLUB!” Campaign focuses on fundraising events to help sustain the operation of the MMS’s home in South Lorain. Founded in 1928, it is one of the few remaining historical ethnic clubs in Lorain. CELEBRITY BARTENDER EVENT Join in the fun on Friday nights from 6-9 pm. with the Celebrity Bartenders as the crowd cheers and the big bell rings as the tip donations role in for the Mexican Mutual Society! Delicious Mexican and Puerto Rican food is available. 4:00 P.M. EN LA ESCUELA MAX HAYES 2211 WEST 65TH STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44102 CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRATION Plans are underway for the 2016 Cinco de Mayo (5th of May) Celebration! Organizations, businesses and individuals interested in registering for the popular MMS Cinco de Mayo Parade should call Marie at 440-288-0144. Sponsorships for the event are available by calling Joel at 440-371-2553 or Angel at 440-258-3023. PARA MAS INFORMACION, FAVOR DE LLAMAR A: (216) 235- 7293 MMS CLUB HOURS. Open at 5 pm. Wednesday-Saturday and 1 pm. on Sunday. 2016 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. Social Membership is open to the public for only $10. Membership forms are available at the Club. HALL RENTAL. Call the Club for details at 440-277-7375. FUNDRAISER EVENTS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! La Prensa Page 12 FLOC: Approaching its 50th Golden Anniversary Part 1 of a Three Part Series By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent The past, present, and fu- sends out, that what I’ve arture of the Farm Labor Orga- gued from the beginning— nizing Committee (FLOC) what the poor need is an instiseem to be coming full circle tution of their own,” said over the next six weeks or so, Velásquez. “They need a veas the 50th anniversary of the hicle to speak for themselves, migrant farmworkers union not have academics and everyapproaches. Contract nego- body define their problems and tiations and organizing efforts impose solutions on them. ramp up over the next six They need to take hold of their weeks in the farm fields of own lives.” The FLOC leader stated the North Carolina and boardrooms of global companies. group is still engaged in comFLOC founder and Presi- munity organizing, even on the dent Baldemar Velásquez will streets of Toledo with its Homies be a globetrotter of sorts, as he Union program, which targets tries to work out deals for at-risk youth. By organizing as migrant farmworkers with a single, cohesive unit, both growers and tobacco Velásquez maintains those companies. All the while, he’ll same poor youth can network have to keep a keen eye on the and negotiate their way beyond immigration debate before poverty and gangs and life as a the U.S. Supreme Court April street thug. “Everybody does that. Ev18, 2016 to keep in mind how their decisions on DACA and erybody joins a network. EvDAPA will affect his legions erybody is in a union—I don’t care whether you call it the of migrant farmworkers. Meanwhile, FLOC is chamber of commerce, the counpartnering with the Toledo- try club, the Kiwanis,” said Lucas County Public Li- Velásquez. “People join groups brary to host a historic pho- to network, to coordinate the tography exhibit in the Gal- necessary relationships to overlery at Main Library, 325 come obstacles in their lives. Michigan St. FLOC was es- That’s really living—and those tablished in the mid-1960s are the vehicles that human in order to give migrant beings use, and the poor have farmworkers a voice and has got to learn how to do that. This grown into a powerful labor is what FLOC teaches. Whether union representing more they’re farmworkers or urban than 20,000 workers in the people, they’ve got to orgaMidwest and North Caro- nize to help them navigate the obstacles in their lives.” lina. The photo display will track “It’s an event that’s building up to the 50th anniver- Velásquez as a young man who marched alongside legendary sary,” said Velásquez. “A Fair Share of the Har- civil rights activist César vest: A Photographic His- Chávez to the days where he tory of the Farm Labor Or- led pickets and marches and ganizing Committee” will boycotts of his own making on give visitors a chance to walk behalf of the migrant in the shoes of migrant work- farmworkers he grew up workers as they fought for fair ing alongside. “What that photo display working conditions in boycotts against the Campbell’s represents is the process of inSoup and the Mt. Olive stitution-building. Yeah, we Pickle Co. The exhibit runs strike. Yeah, we boycotted. But from April 5 to May 5, 2016. to build an organized group of An opening reception is people, negotiate the things scheduled April 5, 6-8 p.m. that are obstacles in your life, “I think it’s good, because it’s better to do it together than I think the message that it do it alone,” Velásquez em- phasized. To RSVP for the opening reception, call 419.259.5256. For more information, visit or call 419.259.5200. 2017 represents the golden anniversary of FLOC’s efforts to organize migrant farmworkers and give them a voice in the fields. There will be a constitutional convention next year, which is held every four years. 400 to 500 delegates from all over the country will attend. Votes held at that convention will guide the work of FLOC leaders in the years ahead, just as the last convention is guiding current efforts. “One of the resolutions was to take on the competitive production of cucumbers in North Carolina. That’s why we took on the Mt. Olive pickle company,” explained Velásquez. “It was competing with cucumbers in Ohio. If they buy them cheaper down there, it puts pressure on us losing production here in Ohio, so that’s why we organized the Mt. Olive pickle company. The workers here said we had to take on the competition. Who knows what the next convention will call us to do. That’s my job— to carry out those resolutions. Everything I do—even this urban organizing that I do now—has to do with resolutions that were passed at that convention.” Some of the other tie-ins have to do with immigration and racial profiling, which led FLOC to take on negotiations with the Toledo police department, and sue the U.S. Border Patrol. “This Homies program was not just an afterthought. I had to get permission from the members to do what I do. Otherwise, I can’t do it,” he explained. NEXT WEEK: The future of FLOC. Argentina recuerda 40 años del último golpe militar (Continuación de p.2) militares y de inteligencia de esa época. Los organismos de derechos humanos desistieron de participar del acto oficial. “Tenemos memoria y verdad, no nos dejamos engañar porque nos tiren flores al río. Los desaparecidos son nuestros, no de estos mentirosos e hipócritas. Ese es nuestro espacio y donde están nuestros muertos”, afirmó Susana González, de 58 años, que tiene a su novio Alejandro desaparecido desde 1978. Durante la marcha también se lanzaron insultos contra el presidente Mauricio Macri por los despidos masivos de empleados públicos y las medidas económicas que adoptó, en particular el acuerdo con el grupo de acreedores estadounidenses por la deuda impaga desde 2001. Las consignas más duras fueron lanzadas por militantes de organizaciones políticas y sociales afines al anterior gobierno de Cristina Fernández (2007-2015). En un mensaje difundido por redes sociales, Macri propuso “trabajar juntos para fortalecer la convivencia pacífica entre los argentinos, juntos digamos nunca más a la división de los argentinos, juntos por una argentina unida y en paz”. Tras solidarizarse con los gobiernos de centro-izquierda de la región por considerar que sin víctimas de “golpes destituyentes” encabezados por grandes corporaciones, de Almeida cerró la jornada clamando por “los 30.000 detenidos desaparecidos presentes, ahora y siempre”. April 1, 2016 Reported Event Briefs: ‘First Friday’, “Tales of the Maya Skies,” and Immigration By La Prensa Staff • The “First Friday” series at the Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center will next focus on predatory lending practices. That session will start at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 1, 2016, at the center, 1225 Broadway. Sue Cuevas, president/ CEO at Nueva Esperanza Community Credit Union, will give a presentation on what families should know when a mortgage broker or lender persuades a borrower to enter into a loan that has unreasonably high interest rates and fees, and dos not service the borrower’s best interests. Complementary food and beverages are served during each “First Friday” event. • The Latino Student Union (LSU) and Latino Alumni Affiliate, both from the University of Toledo, are co-sponsoring “Tales of the Maya Skies,” on Saturday, April 9, 10 to 11:45 a.m., at UT’s Ritter Planetarium. The film tells the story of the “seventh wonder of the modern world,” México’s Chichén Itzá. “Tales of the Maya Skies,” deals with all the contributions made by the ancient Maya civilization. The digital, full-dome planetarium show was produced by Chabot Space and Science Center. Narrated by Latin Grammy Award winner Lila Downs, “Tales of the Maya Skies” transports the view to the jungles of Mexico, presenting the rich history and culture of the ancient Mayans. Using the latest three dimensional laser scanning and advanced graphic techniques, the film weaves together the richness of Maya culture, stories, science and contributions to our way of life. The free program will include refreshments, but space is limited, so preregistration is required by visiting the Latino Alumni Affiliate website: foundation/home/ Events_Alumni.aspx. • Catholic Charities will host an immigration presentation following the noon Sunday Mass on April 10, 2016 at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, 738 S. St. Clair St. The agenda calls for updates on Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) with a case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. Arguments are scheduled to be heard on April 18, with a decision expected to be issued from justices in June. There will also be a presentation on deportation priorities. Lawyers from Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE) will provide the updates, while there will also be free food and children’s activities during the meeting. Other event sponsors include the Toledo Catholic Diocese, Adelante, Welcome Toledo-Lucas County, and En Camino Real Restaurant. Editor’s Note: Have an event? Email summary to [email protected] The 40th Cleveland International Film Festival takes place Wednesday, March 30th, through Sunday, April 10th, 2016. More than 400 films will screen at Tower City Cinemas and eight neighborhood locations. Tickets are available at the Film Festival Box Office at Tower City Cinemas, by calling 1-877-304-FILM, or online at 1 de abril, 2016 La Prensa Page 13 A Credit Score is More Than a Random Number A credit score can seem like a mysterious number that has considerable impact on your ability to borrow money, but it is important to take time to know your credit score, understand how it is derived and how to build and protect it. Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about credit scores to better prepare you for financial success: · What is a credit score? A credit score is a number used to represent a person’s relative creditworthiness. A mathematical model is used to generate a three-digit number or score that can be used as a predictor of the probability a consumer will pay back their loan on time. The higher the number, the higher the probability that the loan will be repaid on time. · What factors determine a credit score? According to FICO® model(s), one of the methods used to determine credit scores, your score is determined by five factors of differing importance: o Payment history accounts for 35 percent of your score. This is determined by how often you pay your payments on time. Late payments may lead to a lower credit score. o The total amount of debt you owe represents 30 percent of your score. Less is more in terms of a higher credit score. o Payment history is 15 percent of the credit score calculation. The longer record you have of making timely payments, the higher your score will be. o New credit commitments account for 10 percent of your score. Taking on several new debts in a short period of time can lower your number. o And lastly, 10 percent of your credit score is derived from the types of credit used. Having experience repaying several types of loan commitments, like a combination of a car loan and a credit card, will help boost your score. · What is considered a “good” credit score? “This is one of the most common questions that I get asked,” said Tasha Jacobs, Mortgage Lender at First Federal Bank. “A credit score of 640 or higher usually allows you to qualify for most loan products, but a credit score of 680 is typically viewed as a ‘good’ credit score.” · What can make a credit score higher? “While the calculations for a credit score seem complex, there are several simple things you can do to increase your score,” said Jacobs. “Keep any revolving debt, like credit cards, below 50 percent of the credit limit. Make payments on time, and try not to have your credit report pulled excessively.” · How can you find out your credit score? To view a free credit report, visit or call 877-322-8228. It is always a good idea to review your credit report annually, even if you are not currently seeking a loan. This will prevent any surprises when you are ready to apply for credit. If you want to learn more about how credit scores play a role when it comes to financing your dreams, you can set up a meeting with Tasha Jacobs at (419) 537-9312 or by email at [email protected]. Nearly 100 companies offering employment positions at Career and Internship Fair at Lourdes University, April 1st The Collegiate Employ-Net Career and Internship Fair takes place on Friday, April 1, 2016, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Franciscan Center of Lourdes University, 6832 Convent Blvd., in Sylvania. Collegiate Employ-Net is a consortium of 20 colleges and universities in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. This year’s Career and Internship Fair has 94 confirmed companies and organizations registered at this point! Some of the newest companies include: the City of Toledo Water Treatment Plant, Camp Courageous, Directions Credit Union, Family Services of NW Ohio, Imagination Station, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Secret Service. Job seekers who possess certificates, associate or bachelor degrees are encouraged to attend the Career and Internship Fair. Individuals can network with professionals and learn more about employment and open positions at these organizations. There is no cost for job seekers to attend. Participants are asked to bring updated copies of their resume and are asked to arrive in professional attire. For more information, contact Andrea Domachowski, Director of Lourdes University’s Career Services Department at 419-824-3704 or email [email protected]. Employers wishing to participate are encouraged to visit or The 2016 sponsors include: APS Medical Billing, The Mennel Milling Company, and Custom Deco, LLC. If your company is interested in sponsoring, register at the above link. The list of participating employers offering openings also includes: • Anne Grady Services • Renhill Group • Fulton County Health Center • Kelly Services • Clean Team Inc. • Signature Bank, N.A. • Northwestern Mutual • Belle Tire • Christian Home Care LLC • Senior Helpers of Northwest Ohio • Arnolds Home Improvement • Advance Staffing Solutions • Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores • Formel D USA, Inc. • Wood Haven Health Care • Western and Southern Life • Home Care by Black Stone • SSIHM • Toddler Tech Child Care Center • Speedway LLC • Surace Smith Group of Ohio - American Income Life • NAMSA • Renhill HR on Demand • Genesis Health Care • Walgreens • Velocity The Greatest Phone • Ohio Department of Transportation • Carrols Corporation • Colonial Life/Ed Clunk Agency • Village of Ottawa Hills Police Department • Mount Carmel Health System Collegiate Employ-Net is a consortium of two- and four-year colleges and universities located in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. The consortium represents approximately 75,000 students and provides a valuable link between employers and potential employees. Annual events include a professional networking seminar, an internship academy for businesses and organizations and an annual career fair for area students and graduates. For more information, visit Rooted in the Catholic Franciscan tradition, Lourdes University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, and offers baccalaureate degrees in more than 30 academic majors as well as graduate degrees in business, education, nursing, organizational leadership, social work, and theology. Community outreach programs include the Appold Planetarium, the Center for Science Education & the Environment, and Lifelong Learning. A member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Lourdes students can also compete in a variety of men’s and women’s sports. Named a “Best in the Midwest” college by the Princeton Review, Lourdes University is a nationally accredited, veteran and transfer-friendly institution offering a variety of student scholarships. Visit: or call 419-885-3211. Page 14 Pa13e 12 La Prensa—Classified HEALTHCARE Unison Behavioral Health Group, Inc. With over 40 years of experience, Unison Behavioral Health Group is the community’s recognized and preferred leader in caring for the integrated mental health and substance abuse needs of adults, children and adolescents. We are looking to fill the following positions in both child & adult programs. Advance Practice Registered Nurses -Psych Care Managers Children’s Partial Hospitalization Therapists Clinical Therapist/Diagnostic Assessors Psychiatrists Qualified Health Home Specialists April 1, 2016 Drivers: $3,000.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! Freeman’s Lawn and Landscaping Romulus Michigan - 734-284-6013 We are looking to fill the following positions: Lawn and Landscaping Crew Leaders, General Laborers, Irrigation and Fertilization Techs Please call to schedule an appointment or email your résumé to [email protected] Dedicated, Regional, OTR, Flatbed & Point to Point Lanes! Great Pay, (New hires min 800.00/wk)! CDL-A 1yr. Exp.: 1-855-314-1138 Janitorial Work Monday – Friday Must be available between 4 PM – 2 AM Sweeping, mopping, dusting, cleaning RR’s in Toledo, Maumee, Perrysburg, Sylvania areas No felony convictions some sites require drug testing and own transportation $9.15 - $9.70/hr to start with some benefits. Apply in person Monday – Thursday 9 AM - 2 PM Toledo Building Services 2121 Adams Street 419-241-3101 In addition to a competitive compensation and benefits package, we offer flexible scheduling options. Join our team! Website: Email: [email protected] Equal Opportunity Employer PLA CE YOUR CLASSIFIED PLACE AD IN LA PRENSA (419) 870-6565 • (440) 320-8221 With a commitment to improving the human condition, The University of Toledo and University Medical Center are seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Client Services Associate Leave of Absence Advisor Pharmacist- Anticoagulation Clinic Director, Patient Financial Services Lab Supervisor, Microbiology Early Learning Center, Summer Temps Academic Advisor Data Operations Specialist Department Administrator – Pediatrics Genetics Counselor Genetics Counselor Assistant Assistant Director, Financial Aid-HSC Staff Nurse Staff Nurse – Senior Behavioral Health Staff Nurse First Assistant Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Expressive Therapist Social Worker Nurse Practitioner, Cardiothoracic The University of Toledo offers an excellent salary and benefit package, which includes the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and State Teachers Retirement System for faculty with employer contribution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacation time, tuition to UT is waived for employees and their eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paid holidays. Camp Health Officer Wanted: Health Officer for a very small camp for children who are blind or have low vision. RN, LPN, EMT, First Responder preferred, training may be available. Job includes a rustic canoeing/camping trip on the Manistee River. Major duties include medication distribution to campers and staff, first aid, managing emergencies, and documentation. Pay commensurate with level of certification and experience. For a complete listing of our openings and desired qualifications or to apply, please proceed to our website at Camp Office Assistant We ask that applications and required documents be submitted electronically. UT and UTMC are EO/AA employers and educators M/F/D/V Wanted: Office Assistant for a very small camp for children who are blind or have low vision. Must have high school diploma and be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s license and good driving record. Added plus if Lifeguard Certified or willing to obtain lifeguard training (provided). Major responsibilities include managing office files, including employee and camper records, handling camper registrations, and other duties as assigned, such as procuring supplies. Pay commensurate with level of certification and experience. Female Camp Counselor Wanted: Female Camp Counselor for a very small camp for children who are blind or have low vision. Must have high school diploma and be at least 18 years old. Valid driver’s license a plus. Added plus if Lifeguard Certified or willing to obtain lifeguard training (provided). Major responsibilities include supervising campers through all aspects of camp life, from getting up in the morning through evening and nighttime needs. Assist with programming when requested, supervise campers on field trips, and focus on helping campers learn skills of independence and still have fun at camp! Persons with and without visual disabilities are encouraged to apply. Pay commensurate with level of certification and experience. For more information, e-mail Gwen Botting, Executive Director, Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind or call 616-755-2221 or go to Applications can be found on the website. Now hiring great people for great jobs! Hot job: Quality Inspection $10.00 -$12.00/HR 12 hours shifts. Must pass background check and drug screen Call us between 8am-5pm, M-F at 419-262-3027 to come in for an interview and orientation. PLA CE YOUR PLACE CLASSIFIED AD IN LA PRENSA (419) 870-6565 • (440) 320-8221 La Prensa—Classified/Real Estate 1 de abril, 2016 SANCHEZ ROOFING House Cleaning Service Serving East & West Cleveland Preventive maintenance; roof repairs; rubber roofing; re-roof shingles; 30 years exp; roof coatings; roof leaks; power washing; Se habla español! Call Pete Sánchez 419-787-9612! Page 15 NORTHGATE APARTMENTS 610 STICKNEY AVENUE Now Accepting Applications for 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes. Senior Community for Persons 55 years and older. Rent Based on Income. Our Activity and Service Coordinators are on site. Heat included. Chauffeured transportation to nearby shopping and banks available. Call (419) 729-7118 for details. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY/ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER • Residential • Commercial SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO Contact Luis: 216-832-1437 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 Looking for Cleaning help in Southfield, MI $450/week Mon-Sat Spanish/English speaking Text or call 248-514-7963 We make our own corn tortillas but provide all of your Mexican Food Products. Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority And Lorain County Elderly Housing Corporation Affordable Housing Available For Elderly, Persons with Disabilities, and Families Efficiency to 6 Bedroom Units Eligible Applicants pay 30% of their adjusted income toward rent REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The Lucas County Land Bank is seeking qualified and responsible general contractors and residential construction managers for comprehensive, turn-key residential renovation projects in targeted neighborhoods in Lucas County. Contractors must have demonstrated experience and capacity in residential home renovation, with direct knowledge of local building codes and FHA-renovation standards. The Land Bank encourages participation of local/MBE/WBE/EDGE businesses and businesses that are signatory with local building trades unions. To respond, contractors must return a completed Request for Qualifications application by Monday, April 18, 2016 at 4:30 PM to the Land Bank’s office, One Government Center, Suite 580, Toledo, OH 43604. Applications may be downloaded at or picked-up at our office. The Land Bank is a quasi-governmental organization whose mission is to return vacant and abandoned properties to long-term productive use. Since its founding in 2010, the Land Bank has returned more than 1,600 individual abandoned properties to the private market through homeownership, side lot, and demolition programs. Applications processed online at You may also visit our offices and utilize one of our kiosks located at: 1600 Kansas Avenue, Lorain, OH 44052 440.288.1600 • TDD/TTY 800.750.0750 Autoridad de Vivienda Metropolitana de Lorain Y La Corporación de Vivienda para Los Ancianos Del Condado de Lorain Vivienda Accesible Disponible Para Ancianos, Personas con Discapacidades y Familias Eficiencia hasta dormitorios de 6 cuartos Los solicitantes elegibles pagan el 30% de su ingreso ajustado para el alquiler Aplicaciones procesada en línea en También puede visitar nuestras oficinas y utilizar uno de nuestros quioscos ubicados en: 1600 Kansas Avenue, Lorain, OH 44052 440.288.1600 • TDD/TTY 800.750.0750 • 419-870-6565 Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-241-8284 LA PRENSA SALES: LORAIN/CLEVELAND 440-320-8221 April/abril 1, 2016 La Prensa Página 16 LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa April/abril 1, 2016 Página 16 Strategic Financial Consulting INCOME TAX SERVICE SERVICIO DE INCOME TAX • • • Obtención de número ITIN o Nuestra pre-certificación de documentos que cualifican, autorizada por el IRS, agilizan el proceso. o ¿No tiene número de Seguro Social? ¡No hay problema! o Incluye Traducciones Preparación de Impuestos Electrónico Revisión gratuita de sus declaraciones de impuestos de años anteriores o Todavía puede presentar 2012-2013-2014 o Usted puede calificar para un reembolso. ¿Sabia que todavía puede presentar los impuestos, incluso si usted es indocumentado? ¡Reciba lo máximo de su reembolso de Income Tax con o sin un número de Seguro Social! • • • Maria Guel Processing ITIN’s o Our IRS-authorized precertification of qualifying documents speeds process o No Social Security Number? No Problem! o Includes Translations Electronic Processing of Tax Returns Free review of your previous years’ tax returns o You can still file 2012-2013-2014 o You may qualify for a refund Did you know: Even if you are not documented, you can still file? Get the maximum refund – with or without a social security number! Professional Service, and Guaranteed! ¡Servicio Profesional y Garantizado! ¡Abierto todo el año para servirle! 3237 West Sylvania, Suite 200 (419) 407 – 4141 Open all year to serve you
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