Shaun Hutson Slugs

Shaun Hutson
Title: Slugs
Author: Shaun Hutson
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 208
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0751514187
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.1 MB
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They slime, they ooze, they kill..... a novel of mid shattering horror, and a new breed of slime
ridden, oozing slugs lurking in the waist-high grass, developing a taste for new things..... for
blood, for flesh.. human flesh! (fic)
Insightful reviews
Ignacio Senao f: Lectura rápida, adictiva, directa y fácil de seguir. Si John Carpenter escribiera
un libro, sería muy parecido a este.
Babosas asesinas, con dientes y una longitud impropia. ¡Tapemos todos los agujeros de casa
para que no entren!
Karen: As usual with The Godfather of Gore, this is not for the fainthearted. It is a typical
creature-feature, but when Sean Hutson does nature gone bad, then you know things are going
to get bloody!
A hunky hero, and layers of gruesome, intermingled with some strong sex scenes, very much
one for fans of Mr. Hutson.
Rae: Felt the urge to throw up, especially since some of the death scene were graphic, and
since i have a phobia of the damned things. This was really enjoyable, since now common slugs
don't scare me so much and the ones in the book make me even more terrified to step out the
front door into the garden.
In other words i am now to carry at least a few packets of salt everywhere i go just in case...
David Gómez: Nunca me imaginé que podría gozar tanto con una novela protagonizada por
babosas asesinas; incluso puse en duda que unos bichos tan lentos realmente pudieran ser
asesinos.Me lo he pasado genial con Slugs de Shaun Hutson, novela publicada originariamente
en 1982 y que Tyrannosaurus Books ha rescatado para deleite de los lectores de terror y bajo l.
a. magnífica traducción de Javier Martos. No suelo decir nada de las traducciones, pero creo
que aquí se nota desde los angeles primera página el cariño, el cuidado y los angeles
profesionalidad que ha tenido Javier con un texto que fluye solo sin que nos clavemos ni un
instante. SEGUIR LEYENDO los angeles reseña completa
Julius Downes: nice fast moving read.
David: Shaun Hutson has produced a few splendidly Gory stuff, and in addition a few bang
ordinary writing... Unfortunately, slugs is simply approximately beneficial of 3 stars. yet merely
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