Iglesia San Vicente de Paúl Our Parish Mission Following Jesus and centered in the Eucharist, we worship God and serve others. Siguiendo a Jesús y enfocados en la Eucaristía, adoramos a Dios y servimos al prójimo. Sunday Masses in English Misas Dominicales en Español Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30 AM; 5:00 PM Sábado: 6:30 PM; Domingo: 1:00 PM Daily Masses Misas Diarias en Inglés 7:00 AM: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 AM: Monday through Saturday Holy Day Masses 6:30 PM Vigil: 7:00 AM; 8:30 AM: 6:30 PM Bilingual Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 3:30 PM Sacrament of Baptism Pre-baptismal classes for Parents & Godparents Baptisms monthly. Call the Office for information and requirements. Sacrament of Marriage Please contact a Priest at least six months prior to anticipated Wedding. Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Mondays after 8:30 AM Mass Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition Monday 9:00 AM through Thursday 7:00 PM 7:00 AM: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves 8:30 AM: Lunes a Sábado Misas de Obligación en Español 6:30 PM Bilingüe Sacramento de Penitencia Sábados a las 3:30 PM Sacramento de Bautismo Clases pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos Llame a la Oficina para requisitos e información. Sacramento de Matrimonio Favor de ponerse en contacto con un Sacerdote por lo menos seis meses antes de la boda. Quinceañeras en Grupo Una vez por mes. Llame a la Oficina tres meses antes. Exposición y Adoración al Santísimo Lunes 9:00 AM a Jueves 7:00 PM Page Two March 27, 2016 NEW LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST EASTER 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Each year we celebrate the new life that Christ brings to us in the power of His resurrec on from the dead. Easter is the great mystery of faith that Jesus Christ suffered, died, and rose on the third day. He has conquered sin and death for us. He has freely done this out of obedience to His heavenly Father and out of love for each of us. He has brought His divine light into our world; a world o en troubled and dark. He brings us hope, new graces, renewed confidence, deeper faith and greater love for Him and our neighbor. Today’s great and solemn feast is a reminder that the Risen Jesus is always with us to draw us into the love of God the Father who is rich in mercy. As we prepare for the next ALPHA COURSE in the parish, we see another opportunity to proclaim the power of Christ and His invita on to new life and to the renewed joy of discipleship. This me of year we are especially thankful that God has enriched our church with new members who are ini ated through the Sacraments of Bap sm, Confirma on and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil Mass. With them, we give thanks and praise to God for His goodness and kindness. And each of us, more deeply aware of the graced power of Jesus in our lives, rejoice in Him, who gives us life! Have a Blessed Easter Season! Father Jerome T. Karcher Pastor THANKS TO SO MANY…… Thank you to so many parishioners and staff members who have made our Lenten and Easter liturgies and devotions so meaningful and prayerful. Special thanks to Mary Kay Lamarre, Director for Liturgy, as well as to the various choir directors - Grant Sevdayan, Kim Switzer, Ryan Newton, Javier de Santiago, Jorge Ordiano and all the cantors and choir members. Also thanks to the Ministers of Hospitality and Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors and Altar Servers; and the Church Liturgical Environment Committee! And of course thanks to every parish member for their active engagement in the life of the church. St. Vincent de Paul Church Congratulations Sister Micaela! Sacred Heart Sisters’ Profession of Vows Saturday, April 2 at 10:30 AM The Sisters of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart invite you to witness the Renewal of Vows of Sister Micaela Ramirez, a parishioner of St. Vincent de Paul Church, and the Perpetual Profession of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience of Sister Laura Bradford on Saturday April 2, 2016 at 10:30 AM at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. Please share our joy by attending the Mass and Reception. If you would like to offer help for the reception, please contact: [email protected]. For more information about the Sisters visit: www.sacredheartsisters.com Divine Mercy Novena Divine Mercy Sunday - April 3 Join us on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 2:00 PM, in the Church for a bilingual service: • 2:15 PM Procession • 3:00 PM Novena in Church • 3:20 PM Reception (tacos) in Parish Hall In preparation for the Feast of The Divine Mercy, the Lord asked Sister Faustina to make a novena of prayer from Good Friday to the following Saturday. “I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fount of My Mercy, that they may draw therefrom strength and refreshment and whatever grace they have need of in the hardships of life, and especially at the hour of death” (Diary 1209). A pamphlet of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy may be obtained in the pamphlet rack in the Church and in the Parish Office for those interested in making the novena beginning on Good Friday. Sunday Offering Total in Cash Plate Recordable Contributions: Total in Sunday Envelopes/Checks Online Giving Total Sunday Offerings: March 13, 2016 Total Budgeted Sunday Offering $ 6,714.60 $ $ $ $ —$ 10,860.50 5,500.00 23,075.10 24,000.00 924.90 [Average Sunday Collection to Date: $24,580.00] Catholic Home Missions Appeal Collection $ 3,900.00 Time & Talent “Always seek to do good to one another and to all.” 1Thess 5:15 Please visit our website: www.svdphb.org March 27, 2016 Page Three Thank you to all of those who have served as Altar Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ministers of Hospitality, Music Ministers and parking lot ministry during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday. Your service is most appreciated especially during this time. And thanks goes also to all of those who climbed ladders, hauled flowers, ironed banners, moved furniture and all the other jobs that are part of creating the Easter environment. Your hard work has been appreciated by many this week. May all of you who have served be blessed throughout the Easter season. Parish Rummage Sale SAVE THE DATE Friday and Saturday - June 24 - 25 Start cleaning out that garage, closet or attic for the many treasures we can use to benefit the Rummage Sale on Donations will be accepted starting Monday, June 20 through Wednesday, June 23 From 8:30 AM - 5 PM For more information or to VOLUNTEER, please call Kathy Faith at 714.531.3356 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Church Becoming Catholic The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby new members join the Catholic Church, designed specifically for the following: 1. For adults who have never been baptized and who want to inquire about the Catholic faith. 2. For adults who have been baptized in another Christian tradition (Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etc.) who want to inquire about the Catholic faith. 3. For baptized Catholic adults who have not completed the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation and need more faith formation. If you fit into any of these categories or have a friend or relative who does, please contact Elsa Lusk at the Parish Office: 714-842-3000 x12 or send an email at [email protected]. The RCIA process of becoming Catholic meets on Wednesday nights from 7 PM to 8 PM in Meeting Room 8. You can enter at any time during the year. All those interested in becoming Catholic must experience a full liturgical year in the church; therefore, it is good to enter the journey as soon as possible. If you are a baptized Catholic and you only need the Sacrament of Confirmation, you may join the Adult Confirmation process which is a short preparation of only six months. For more information contact Elsa Lusk at the number above. Pagina 4 March 27, 2016 VIDA NUEVA EN JESUCRISTO PASCUA DE 2016 Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Cada año, celebramos la nueva vida que Cristo nos trae gracias al poder de Su resurrección de entre los muertos. La Pascua es el gran misterio de nuestra fe, que Cristo sufrió, murió y resucitó al tercer día. Venció al pecado y la muerte, por nosotros. Y lo hizo por su propia voluntad, obedeciendo a Su Padre celes al y por el amor que ene por cada uno de nosotros. Nos ha traído Su luz divina a nuestro mundo -- un mundo confuso y oscuro. Él nos trae la esperanza, la nueva gracia, una confianza renovada, una fe más profunda y mayor amor por Él y al prójimo. El solemne y maravillosa fiesta que celebramos hoy es un recordatorio de que Jesús Resucitado está siempre con nosotros para atraernos hacia el amor de Dios Padre, que es rico en misericordia. Durante esta época del año estamos especialmente agradecidos por el hecho que Dios ha enriquecido nuestra iglesia a través de los nuevos miembros, quienes recibieron su iniciación católica a través de los Sacramentos del Bau smo, la Confirmación y la Eucaris a durante la Misa de Vigilia Pascual. Junto con ellos, le damos gracias y adoramos a Dios por Su bondad y su generosidad. Y cada uno de nosotros, comprendiendo ahora mejor el poder de la gracia de Jesús en nuestras vidas, ¡nos regocijamos en Aquel que nos da vida! ¡Les deseo una Pascua llena de bendiciones! Padre Jerome T. Karcher Párroco ESTOY MUY AGRADECIDO CON TODOS USTEDES… Gracias a todos los feligreses y al personal de la parroquia que contribuyeron para que nuestras Liturgias de Cuaresma y Pascua mantuvieran la devoción y piedad que merecen. Quiero agradecer especialmente a Mary Kay Lamarre, Director de Liturgia, así como a los directores de los diferentes coros, Javier de San ago, Jorge Ordiano, Grant Sevdayan, Kim Switzer y Ryan Newton, y a todos los miembros de los coros. También quiero agradecer a los Ministros de Hospitalidad, a los Ministros de la Sagrada Comunión, a los Lectores y Monaguillos, así como al Comité del Ambiente Litúrgico. ¡Y gracias a todos los feligreses! Oficina Cerrada Lunes, 28 de Marzo! St. Vincent de Paul Church Devoción a La Divina Misericordia Domingo 3 de abril, después de la misa de la 1 de la tarde. Únase a nosotros a rezar la Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia el Domingo, 3 de abril de 2016 a las 2 PM, en la iglesia para un servicio bilingüe: Una promesa del Señor tomada del Diario que escribió Santa Faustina. Todas las almas que adoren Mi misericordia y propaguen la devoción invitando a otras almas a confiar en Mi misericordia no experimentarán terror en la hora de la muerte. • 2:15 PM Procession • 3:00 PM Novena en la Iglesia • 3:20 PM Recepción (tacos) Salon Parroquial Bodas Comunitarias / Convalidación: Bendición del matrimonio en la Iglesia Invitación al banquete del Señor!! La Iglesia San Vicente de Paul, invita a las parejas que viven en unión libre o que están casadas por lo civil y que les gustaría que su matrimonio sea bendecido a que participen en una ceremonia de Convalidación matrimonial en la Iglesia Católica. La iglesia ofrecerá la convalidación y bendición de matrimonios por la Iglesia Católica el día 18 de junio del 2016 a las 12 PM. Convalidación proviene de una palabra en Latín que significa" afirmar o "fortalecer" La convalidación no es simplemente una renovación de votos realizados anteriormente, sino es un nuevo acto de consentimiento de cada uno de los cónyuges. Esta convalidación de Matrimonio es celebrada en la Misa. Su matrimonio se eleva a sacramento y será registrado en el libro de Sacramentos de la Iglesia. Si están interesados, les pedimos que se pongan en contacto con el Padre Sergio Ramos y hagan una cita antes del 25 de abril llamando a la oficina parroquial al 714- 842-3000 x 13. CLASES DE ALFABETIZACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN Les queremos informar a la comunidad de San Vicente de Paul, que estamos ofreciendo clases gratuitas para aprender a leer y escribir. El programa cuenta con maestros especializados en el proceso de enseñanza pedagógica. Las clases son ofrecidas en los días viernes. Para más información, comuníquese con la señora Magaly Bernal en la oficina parroquial al 714-842-3000 ext. 26 o por email: [email protected]. Únase al Coro de Niños de San Vicente De Paul Aprendizaje de notas musicales, música religiosa y mucho mas. Pueden obtener una aplicación en la Oficina Parroquial o vía email. Solamente $10 dólares por mes. Para mayor información llamar a Sra. Victoria Sevdayan (SVDP-CC Director): 310-212-3479 o 310 480-6786 o por email: [email protected]. March 27, 2016 Page Five Faith Formation Information St. Vincent de Paul Church Youth Ministry & Teen Confirmation Sessions will not meet this week. Happy Easter! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liturgy of the Word for Children April 3 & 17 Sundays, during the 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM Masses For Children in Grades 1-4 Volunteers needed for Faith Formation Faith formation sessions have increased from 12 sessions to 22, which means we need more volunteers! ♦ Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I (Ages 3-6) We need Classroom Assistants to monitor our children during class. We currently need assistants Tuesday 3:15 PM and Sunday 11:30 AM. ♦ ♦ Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II (Ages 6-9) We need Classroom Assistants to monitor our children during class. We currently need assistants Monday 5:00 PM, Wednesday 5:00PM and Tuesday 5:00 PM. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level III (Ages 9-12) We need Classroom Assistants to monitor our children during class. We currently need assistants Tuesday 5:00 PM, and Wednesday 5:00 PM. 3/27/16 & 3/30/16 NO Disciple Groups No Disciple Groups in observance of Easter Week. 3/27/16 NO Life Night In observance of Easter 4/03/16 “Required Confirmation Life Night” Sunday 6:00-8:00 PM | Meeting in Parish Hall The life night on this Sunday is required for all teens in confirmation. All life nights are open to any teen in high school. 4/10/16 & 4/13/16 Disciple Groups Sunday 3:00-4:30 PM | Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM Meeting in Rooms A & B 4/10/16 – Life Night – XLT: Beloved Sunday 6:00-9:00 PM | Meeting in Rooms A & B Join us for a night of worship, message, and Adoration. All teens are invited ♦ EDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY (Grades 6-8) We need adult/teen leaders to help engage youth in small group discussions. EDGE meets at Monday at 6:30 PM. We provide training for all of our programs! Par cipa ng in the above-men oned programs does not only help our children, but it also enriches and benefits the souls of the volunteers. For more information, please the Faith Formation Office at 714-842-3000, ext. 24, or e-mail [email protected]. Rosary for Peace Contemplate the Mysteries. Every Monday at 6 PM in the Church before the Exposed Blessed Sacrament **************** Vespers with music follows making a lovely holy hour. Prayer begets Divine Mercy. Come often. Learn Peace. Live Peace. Jesus Is Peace. Children are most welcome. First Friday Mass and Movie Night – “Batman vs Superman” Friday, April 1, Mass @ 8 PM Movie to Follow Meet at SVDP then carpool offsite Join us for a night of Mass/Adoration and then head out to see “Batman vs. Superman.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coffee Talk Thursday, April 14, @7 PM | Meeting in Room C Discussion Topic: “The Great Risk of Love” All young adults are invited to join us for an evening of engaging discussion and coffee. (Hot Tea and Coco provided as well)! Parish Office Closed Monday after Easter March 28, 2016 March 27, 2016 Page Six St. Vincent de Paul Church First Friday Mass & Adoration April 1st | 7-8 PM St. Vincent de Paul Parish Trip to Eastern Europe Join Fr. Jerome Karcher May, 2017 Tentative Schedule: Krakow, Poland; Prague, Czech Republic; Budapest, Hungary Includes visits to the Divine Mercy Shrine, Auschwitz, the Jasna Gora Paulite Monastery (home of the Black Madonna), and the home of St. John Paul II. Three nights in each city for a leisurely trip! Approximate cost $3,700 per person, pending rate changes. Limited to 40 travelers. Contact Karen Srajer at the Parish Office if you are interested. 714-842-3000, ext. 11 or [email protected] Join us for The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation Thursdays 7 PM – 9 PM April 7 – September 15. This is a fascinating 24-part/week Bible study that will take you on a journey through the entire Bible. Go deep into each period of salvation history and discover the amazing story woven throughout all of Scripture. Using a unique color-coded system, you will learn the major people, places, and events of the Bible, and see how they all come together to reveal the remarkable story of our faith. Register Today! Contact Patty Ledezma at 714-842-3000 x25 or [email protected] AttentionAllGolfers! SavetheDate ThursdayMay19th 22ndAnnualSt.VincentdePaulGolfTournamentGolf Contests-Dinner-Drawings!!!!! Continue the Easter Celebration by attending our evening First Friday Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, accompanied by contemporary piano and vocalist and the liturgies will be completed by 9:30 PM. Join us and see what a difference a quiet evening with the Lord can make to your weekend. Job Opportunity | Pianist Accompany the contemporary ensemble at the 8:30 AM Mass at Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Huntington Beach (www.svdphb.org). Primarily comping from guitar chord lead sheets. Male voice is a huge plus! Preferred to complement existing voices, to assist in leading men of choir and for insta-triadic harmonization. Improvisation important! Knowledge of sound reinforcement equipment a plus since we individually mic voices and instruments. Rehearsal at 7:30 PM Thursdays. Opportunities to sub at other Masses and special services. Send resume to: [email protected] St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA SPRING SESSION 2016 Beginning: Week of April 9th - 4th Saturday 11:00 AM | Sunday 1:30 PM Wednesday 7:30 PM or Thursday 9:15 AM There is no charge for the program and all materials are provided. Donations are accepted. Each meeting lasts 2-2.5 hours. To register online, go to www.spcomv.com. For more information, please contact Fr. Ed Broom, OMV at St. Peter Chanel, Mary Martorana at [email protected] or Veronica Ayson at (562) 924-7591. DACA and Immigration From January 2016 to June 2017 Catholic Charities will be offering free workshop assistance for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) applications. DACA provides work permits, social security numbers and protection from deportation for some undocumented individuals brought to the country before age 16 and having resided in the U.S. since June 2007. Contact our office at 714-347-9606 for more information about DACA. Catholic Charities Immigration Services also offers low cost assistance with Citizenship and other Immigration Services. Call 714-347-9610 or come in to 1800 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705. We also have opened an office in Capistrano Beach that will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 AM-5 PM. Call 949 281-1709 to make an appointment. March 27, 2016 Page Seven Weekly Calendar - Calendario Semanal Postures for Mass Entering the Church: Bow Please arrive on time for the Mass! It is a sign of mutual respect! Upon entering or leaving the pew, the proper posture is a bow toward the Altar. The Altar represents Christ. Since our Tabernacle is located in the Blessed Sacrament Tower Chapel, only a bow is needed when entering the pew or crossing in front of the Altar. The genuflection is reserved as a sign of reverence for the Eucharist which is why the priest genuflects at the Altar during Mass after the Consecration. After the Consecration, a genuflection would be appropriate when entering or leaving the pew. St. Vincent de Paul Church Monday, March 28: No Faith Formation Classes this week 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Rosary for Peace-Church Evening Prayer & Benediction-Church Tuesday, March 29: No Faith Formation Classes this week 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Bible Lecture Series-Rooms 1-2 Divine Mercy –Room 7 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 10 AM Choir Rehearsal-Church Neocatecumenado Grupo 2-Salones 8, C Wednesday, March 30: No Faith Formation Classes this week 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Men’s Bible Study-Parish Hall Adult Catechism Group-Room 1 Vietnamese Prayer Group-Room 4 Korean Bible Study-Room 8 Becoming Catholic-Room 8 Neocatecumenado Grupo 3 Salónes 1-2 Thursday, March 31: Readings For The Week Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Weekly Mass Intentions March 28 through April 3 Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Thur. Fri. Sat. 8:30 AM Novena Intentions & Celina Garcia † 7:00 AM Peace for Lien Family 8:30 AM Maria Zamora 8:30 AM Bill Adams † 7:00 AM John & Miriam Son 7:00 AM All Souls Lien’s Family & Jerry Bourne † 8:30 AM Perry LaBelle † 8:30 AM Deceased Gallagher Family 8:30 AM Rachel & Michael Kramer Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. 5:00 PM Msrg. John Urell 7:00 AM All Souls Lien’s Family 10:00 AM Louis Hy Tran † 1:00 PM Maria Herrera † 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Bible Lecture Series-Parish Hall Rosary Prayer Group-Room 1 Legion of Mary-Rooms 3-4 Formacion en la Fe-Salónes 1-4,7-8,A-C Contemporary Choir –Church Friday, April 1: 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM Clases de Alfabetización-Salones 7-8 Cenáculo de Oración-Salón 4 First Friday Mass-Church Saturday, April 2 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Our Lady of Fatima– Room 3 Formacion en la Fe-Salónes 1-4,7-8,A-C Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Training-Rooms 7-8 Children’s Choir-Room 2 Coro de las 6:30 PM-Salon 2 Neocatecumenado Grupos 1-3-Salones 8, A-C Sunday, April 3: 10:00 & 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4 Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4 Youth Ministry - Life Night- Rooms A-B Second Sunday of Easter (or Sunday of Divine Mercy) Once I was dead, but now I am alive forever and ever. — Revelation 1:18a Weekend Mass Intentions 6:30 PM Refugio Rios † 8:30 AM Jeanette Meilak † 11:30 AM PRO PROPULO 5:00 PM Dai Nguyen † Pray for Those Who Are Ill Mireille Dedeaux, Cliff Stone, Paul Bredgier & Family, Gary Conrad, Gerard Baird, Doris Defraine, Simone Kennedy, Juliana Mamana, Ned Ucker, Joyce & Anthony Srajer, Yvonne Guevara, Gloria Torrefranca, Linda Anello, Carroll Naphin, Margarita Torrez, Denise Filipek, Bernadette Kennedy, Sharon Malone, Mark Hulick, Dora Twigg, Tom Brahan, Fr. Joe Pallo, Jim Manion, Linda Osborn, Robert Clark, Buck Family, Allee Abajian, Jim & Joann Wallace, Pat Pratte, Charlie Keane, Richard Morae, Sandra Martinez, Donna Randall, Luz Arreola, Veronica Ornelas, Betty & Ski Waseilewski, Hector Avalos, Doug Bowman. Prayer Line—Jill: 714-847-1759 Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church M.O.M.’s Group (Model of Motherhood) Join us for prayer, bible study and great conversation along the way. Tuesday Mornings ~ 10:30 to 12:30 in Room 3 If you have any questions, please contact the M.O.M’s Group Coordinator, Gigi Reynolds, at (714) 987-0029 or [email protected]
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