Sacred Heart Catholic Church 12704 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795 (909) 899-1049 + Fax (909) 899-3229 March 27 , 2016 Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord Domingo de Pascua La Resurrección del Señor Rev. Edward J. Molumby, S.T. Very Rev. Benedict Nwachukwu -Udaku VF, Pastor, Ext. 132 Email: [email protected] Rev. Julian Okoroanyanwu Parochial Vicar, Ext. 141 Email: [email protected] Deacon Ed Clark Parish Deacon , Ext 286; [email protected] Alwyn Anfone Seminarian, Ext 116 [email protected] Baptisms/Bautizos Classes are required for parents and godparents before the Baptism is Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM scheduled. We recommend three months preparation. You may contact Friday: 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM the Front Office at ext. 113 or ext. 115 or see our website for more information. (909) 899-1049 Los padres y padrinos deben tomar clases de preparación antes del For General Information call ext. 113 or 115 bautismo. Se recomienda que tengan tres meses de preparación. Puede For Emergencies ONLY requiring a priest comunicarse con la oficina, ext. 113 o ext. 115 o ver nuestra pagina de during non-office hours call (909) 503-5588. internet para más información. Weddings/Bodas In order to schedule a wedding, a prenuptial meeting with a priest is MASS SCHEDULE in English required. One of the parties must be a committed member of Sacred Mon– Sat: 7:30 AM Wed: 6:15 PM Heart Parish. To schedule the appointment call extension 133. Minimum Saturday: 5:00 PM six months preparation required. Sunday: 7:00 AM, 10:30 AM (w/ American Sign Language), Para planear una boda, se requiere una junta prenupcial con el 12:30 PM, 5:00 PM sacerdote. Una persona de la pareja debe ser un miembro de la parroquia de Sagrado Corazón. Para pedir una cita llame extensión 133. Preparación de seis meses mínimo es requerida. Quinceañeras HORARIO DE MISAS en Español Para reservar una Quinceañera o para mas información debe asistir a Martes: 6:15 PM una reunión informativa en la oficina parroquial a las 10:00 am el ultimo Domingo: 8:30 am (con Lengua de Signos) y 7:00 PM domingo de cada mes. Padres y Quinceañera solamente. Se requiere 6 meses de preparación. Mass Intentions Anyone may request a Mass intention for a person who is living, a CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES person who is deceased, members of a given family, a special intention, Saturday at 3:30 p.m. (English/Spanish) or a birthday. Mass intentions are filled on a first come first serve basis. or call ext.133 for an appointment The offering is $10 per Mass (maximum of four intentions). Must be in Sábado 3:30 p.m. (Ingles/Español) person. o llame x133 para hacer una cita. Funerals/Funerales If you would like to make arrangements for a funeral please contact Holy Hour - Every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Come before the parish office x 115 Si desea hacer arreglos para un funeral, por favor póngase en contacto the Blessed Sacrament, join us to pray for all families, our parish family and con la oficina parroquial extensión 115. for vocations. Hora Santa - Todos los Jueves de 6:30 p.m. a las 7:30 p.m. Venga ante el Sacred Heart Parish School Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, únase a nosotros para pedir por todas las Grades: K-8th familias, nuestra familia parroquial y por las vocaciones. OFFICE HOURS: Reservation Chapel - with the Blessed Sacrament is open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entrance is on the West side of the building. La Capilla - del Santísimo Sacramento esta abierta entre semana de 7 a.m. a 5 p.m. La entrada esta al oeste del edificio. School Info: (909) 899-1049 x400 FAX: (909) 899-0413 School Web Site: Trenna Meins, Principal Mary Carr, School Secretary For School Day Care call ext. 407 & 660 Please pray for all unborn babies and their families: Saturday, March 26 Easter Sunday 8:00pm + Norman Lemelle r/b Nguyen Family Simeon Aureus (Birthday) r/b Paul Aureus Mel and Perla Intico (Special Intention) r/b Agnes and Mike Rosales Sunday, March 27 Easter Sunday 7:00am + Adelia Luciano r/b Kathryn Cramm + Consuelo Cuevas r/b Maria Ibarra Melissa Taylor (Special Intention) r/b Melissa Taylor 8:30am + Rogelio & Hilaria Perez r/b Virginia Perez Gabriel Ramirez (Birthday) r/b Edubijes Ramirez Jose Cruz Ramirez (Birthday) r/b Edubijes Ramirez 9:00am + Edward & Rosa Bennett (Anniv.) r/b Bennett Family + James Bennett r/b Bennett Family + Dolores Juarez Islas r/b Sus Hijos 10:30am + Manuela Torres r/b Her Daughter + Enriqueta Soller (Birthday) r/b Bueno/Hensley Fam. + Tomas Viduya r/b Calleja Family 11:00am + Albert Golfo r/b Nilda and Kids + Ninita de los Santos r/b Nilda & Virgilio de los Santos + Brent Tapalla r/b Nilda and Kids 12:30pm + Juan Echiverri Sr. r/b Rene Echiverri + Rosa Gamboa r/b Marie Soto + Alfonso Calotes r/b Nilda and Kids Monday, March 28 Monday within the Octave of Easter 7:30am + Roberto Beltran Sr. (Anniv.) r/b Dineros Family Tuesday, March 29 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 7:30am Tech Sgt. Ronnie Agustin (Birth.) r/b Jeannie Solis 6:15pm + Daniel Quiroz (Anniv.) r/b Fernando Quiroz Wednesday, March 30 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter 7:30am r/b The Family John Nguyen (Birthday) 6:15pm r/b Agnes Rosales Michael Rosales (Birthday) Thursday, March 31 Thursday within the Octave of Easter 7:30am r/b Self Deck Family Intentions Friday, April 1 Friday within the Octave of Easter 7:30am Ang Family (Special Intention) r/b Alex Ang 7:30pm + Dr. Ferdinand Bumagat r/b Priscilla Torralba Jocelyn Bautista Livelo r/b Wendy Bautista + r/bGatdula Family + Lino Phillip Neri III Saturday, April 2 Saturday within the Octave of Easter 7:30 am + Olivia Esparza r/b Gonzalez Family Sunday-March 27, 2016 9:30AM 10:00AM 3:30PM 5:30PM Sacred Heart Singers Quinceañera Mtg. Sunday 5pm Choir Practice Carlos Ramirez Choir 6:00AM 6:50AM 2:00PM 3:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM AA Meeting Rosary Special Event Divine Mercy Liturgical Mtg. & Trainings SPN. Cristo Rey ACTS Women’s Planning Horvath Cardenas Church Horvath Monday-March 28, 2016 Conf. Rm. Chapel Cardenas Chapel Church JPII John XXIII Tuesday-March 29, 2016 6:00AM 6:50AM 8:00AM 3:00PM 5:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM AA Meetings Rosary Bible Study Divine Mercy Chaplet Life Teen Choir Practice Taller de Oracion y Vida Encuentro Matrimonial ACTS Men’s Planning Matrimonios Sgrd. Crzn. AA Meeting Conf Rm Chapel JP II Chapel Horvath Con. Rm. John XXIII JPII Chapel Library ♥ Baby Michael Medrano ♥ Baby Cervantes Please also pray for women who are considering abortion. That they come to understand the sanctity of human life. May God give them the grace and strength to accept the gift He has given them in the life of their baby. Please pray for all our sick relatives and friends: Brigitte Hurley Matthew Ryan Guadalupe Franco Miguel Villanueva Jorge Zaldivar Serrano Mariana Serrano Marie Whittman Cynthia Covington Ciara Langil Bob Reyes Sara Webster *Minerva Gaona *Carlos Lopez *Jose Manuel Carillo “It is a good and wholesome thing to pray for the dead” (2 Maccabees 12:45-46) Walter “Cliff” Owens Maria De La Cruz Ortega Alfonso Sanchez Loretta Singletary Yolanda Diaz Livir Garcia Sebastian Hernandez Juan Enriquez Barrera Raul Juvenal Leyva Gilbert Gonzales Marta Isela Enriquez Maurilio Gonzalez Justina Arellano Guadalupe Ruiz Livia Garcia Lap Nguyen Kimberly Groth Cynthia Dacquisto Estela Barrios Rusty Stephens Baby Bautista Fermina T Lim +Valentina Vargas +Dr. Ferdinand Bumagat +David Joe Aldaco Please pray for all our relatives and friends serving in the military: Joseph Linares (N) John Portillo (A) Carissa Deck (AF) Amy Deck (A) Kristin Queen (AF) Addison Queen (AF) Sean Queen (AF) Church Wednesday-March 30, 2016 6:00AM AA Meeting 6:50AM Rosary 9:30AM Oracion y Vida 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:00PM EDGE 7:00PM Cristo Rey 7:30PM Sacred Heart Singers Conf. Rm. Chapel Cardenas Chapel Horvath John XXIII Church Thursday-March 31, 2016 AA Meeting Rosary Divine Mercy SPN. Wedding Rehearsal Holy Hour CMFP Study Group Bellota Rehearsal Holy Spirit Prayer Group Conf. Rm Chapel Chapel Church Church Cardenas Church Library Friday –April 1, 2016 6:00AM AA Meeting 6:50AM Rosary 9:00AM 24 Hour Adoration Richard Reyes Jimmy Valdivia Donna Ambos Joe Quintana Albert Cruz Sandra Gonzalez Adela Quiroz Join us to pray for all who recently died: 7:45PM J&C Choir Practice 6:00AM 6:50AM 3:00PM 5:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM ♥ Baby Samad ♥ Baby Blanco Conf. Rm. Chapel Chapel Carlos E Rodriguez (M) Kevin Chavez (N) Stephen Abarca (A) Brianna C Hernandez (A) Anthony Scheidemantla (A) Jacob Anthony Quintanilla (A) Marco A Rivera (A) Zedrix P Santos (A) 3:00AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 5:00PM Aneles de Maria 7:00PM Estudio Biblico 7:00PM Coro de Carlos Practica 7:00PM ACTS Group Core Mtg. Chapel JPII Library Conf. Rm. Cardenas 7:30PM Healing Mass Church 9:00PM Women’s Fellowship Set up John XXIII Saturday-April 2, 2016 7:00AM 8:30AM 9:00AM 10:00AM 2:30PM 6:00PM 6:30PM Women’s Fellowship Social Justice Meeting Alter Servers Training Social Justice Citizen Class Marriage Enrichment Rn. “Pinoys Got Talent” Life Teen Youth Mins. John XXIII Cardenas Chapel Library JPII JPII Horvath Page 3 Our Site with Fr. Ben / Nuestro Enfoque de la Fe con Fr. Ben March 27, 2016 THE STORY OF THE EMPTY TOMB LA HISTORIA DE LA TUMBA VACÍA “Behold, I will open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people; and I will bring you home into the land of Israel…And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live” (Ezekiel 37: 12-14) "Yo, Yavé, voy a abrir sus tumbas. Pueblo mío, los haré salir de sus tumbas y los llevare de nuevo a la tierra de Israel...Infundiré mi Espíritu en ustedes y volverán a vivir" (Ezequiel 37: 12-14) Beloved brothers and sisters, in the words of Psalm 118: 24 “Today is the day the Lord has made we rejoice and are glad.” On this day, all Christians all over the world rejoice because our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ has victoriously defeated sin and death through his passion, death and resurrection. In our spiritual life, we follow the Lord Jesus to the different spiritual and evangelical locations that made present his salvific ministry from the infant narrative to his teaching ministry and from his passion story to his death on the cross and his resurrection. At his birth, we embrace the Lord as a child in the serenity of crib where we, like the three Wise kings, humble ourselves to adore Him as the new born King (Matthew 2: 11). In his public ministry, we follow the Blessed Lord to the mountains, to the hills, to the seashore, on the road and at homes where he touched the lives of many, who were spiritually sick, physically infirmed, economically disadvantaged, and socially annihilated from their communities and those who needed answers to their various day to day needs and life challenging problems. In profound appreciation of the public ministry of Jesus, people remarked: “He has done all things well: he even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak” (Mark 7: 37). On a similar note, during the Holy Week, Jesus took us to the upper room (Holy Thursday), to the Cross (Good Friday), and to the tomb (Easter Vigil and Easter day). The story of the empty tomb becomes an evangelical setting as we contemplate the glorious Easter message. In John’s Gospel chapter 20: 1-10, we meditatively read the story of the empty tomb as experienced by Mary Magdalene, Peter and John. The story of the empty tomb puts the resurrection into a context for the early Church and for all Christians as the first apostle Peter later testified: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; how he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him…they put him to death by hanging him on a tree; but God raised him on the third day and made him manifest; not to all the people but to us who were chosen, by God as witnesses, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead (Acts 10: 38-41). The story of the empty tomb validates the biblical witnesses of the resurrection and the faith of the Church. It resonates in us what it means to be followers of Christ. Christ rose from the dead and is calling us out from the different tombs we have been subjected to by the evil one who came to kill, to destroy, and to steal (John 10:10). Just as God promised in the book of prophet Ezekiel, he will open our graves and raise us from our graves, Jesus is calling us out as a Church to come out from our graves as he has defeated our ancient enemy the devil. In the empty tomb and the invitation to rise and embrace a new life, we reflectively locate the meaning of the Church (the people of God) which in Greek is ekklesia-which means “a called out assembly or congregation.” Therefore, it is the Easter event that gives the Church her true identity and mission. As we celebrate this victory of Jesus, we are reminded that we have been called out of darkness and sin. As a “called out assembly,” let us strive to become the face of our merciful Father (Pope Francis); fill the lives of people with hope (Bishop Barnes); and be the best version of ourselves (Matthew Kelly). May we encounter the Risen Lord like Mary Magdalene and allow him to teach us to ease our fears as the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. May we allow the Easter joy to permeate our lives and actions. Happy Easter my beloved Sacred Heart Family! Alleluia! Fr.Ben Queridos hermanos y hermanas, en las palabras del Salmo 118: 24 "Este es el día que ha hecho el Señor: gocemos y alegrémonos en él." Este día, todos los cristianos del mundo se regocijan porque Nuestro Santísimo Señor Jesucristo ha vencido victoriosamente el pecado y la muerte a través de su pasión, muerte y resurrección. En nuestra vida espiritual, seguimos al Señor Jesús en sus diferentes ubicaciones espirituales y evangélicas que hicieron presentes su ministerio salvífico; de su niñez a su ministerio de enseñanza, y de la historia de su pasión a su muerte en la cruz y resurrección. En su nacimiento, acogemos al Señor como un niño en la serenidad de la cuna en donde nosotros, como los Tres Reyes Magos, nos humillamos para adorarlo como el Rey recién nacido (Mateo 2:11). En su ministerio público, seguimos al Santísimo Señor a los montes, colinas, la playa, los caminos y a las casas donde tocó las vidas de muchos; enfermos de cuerpo y espíritu, aquellos en desventaja económica, y socialmente aniquilados por sus comunidades, y a los que necesitaban respuestas a sus diversas necesidades de la vida diaria y a los desafiantes problemas de la vida. En profunda apreciación del ministerio público de Jesús, la gente decía: "Todo lo ha hecho bien; los sordos oyen y los mudos hablan"(San Marcos 7:37). De una manera similar, durante esta Semana Santa, Jesús nos llevó al aposento alto (Jueves Santo), a la Cruz (Viernes Santo)'y a la tumba (la Vigilia de Pascua y el día de Pascua). La historia de la tumba vacía se convierte en un escenario evangélico al contemplar el glorioso mensaje de Pascua. En el Evangelio de San Juan capítulo 20: 1-10, meditamos sobre la historia de la tumba vacía según lo experimentaron María Magdalena, Pedro y Juan. La narrativa de la tumba vacía pone la resurrección en contexto para la Iglesia Antigua y para todos los cristianos, según declaró después el primer apóstol Pedro: "Dios consagró a Jesús de Nazaret con el Espíritu Santo, comunicándole su poder. Este pasó haciendo el bien y sanando a cuantos estaban dominados por el diablo, porque Dios estaba con él...lo mataron colgándolo de un madero; pero Dios lo resucitó al tercer día y le concedió que se dejara ver no por todo el pueblo, sino por los testigos que Dios había escogido de antemano, por nosotros que comimos y bebimos con él después que resucitó de entre los muertos" (Hechos de los Apóstoles 10: 38-41). La historia de la tumba vacía da validez a los testigos bíblicos de la resurrección y a la fe de la Iglesia. Nos muestra lo que significa ser seguidores de Cristo. Cristo resucitó de entre los muertos y nos está llamando a que salgamos de las distintas tumbas a las que nos ha sometido el maligno que vino a matar, a destruir y a robar (Juan 10: 10). Tal y como Dios prometió en el libro del profeta Ezequiel, que abrirá nuestros sepulcros y nos hará subir de nuestras sepulturas, Jesús nos está llamando, como Iglesia, a que salgamos de nuestras tumbas, ya que ha vencido a nuestro antiguo enemigo el demonio. En el sepulcro vacío y la invitación a salir y acoger una nueva vida, ubicamos en reflexión, el significado de la Iglesia (el pueblo de Dios) que en griego 'ekklesia' significa " una asamblea o congregación que ha sido llamada." Por lo tanto, es el evento de la Pascua que le da a la Iglesia su propia identidad y misión. Al celebrar esta victoria de Jesús, recordamos que hemos sido sacados de la obscuridad y el pecado. Como una "asamblea que ha sido llamada," esforcémonos convirtámonos en el rostro de nuestro Padre misericordioso (Papa Francisco); llenemos de esperanza las vidas de las personas (Obispo Barnes); y ser nuestra mejor versión (Matthew Kelly). Podremos encontrarnos al Señor Resucitado como María Magdalena, y permitamos que nos enseñe y calme nuestros temores como los dos discípulos en el Camino de Emaús. Permitamos que la alegría de la Pascua impregne nuestras vidas y acciones. ¡¡¡Feliz Pascua mi querida familia del Sagrado Corazón!!! ¡¡¡Aleluya!!! Padre Ben Page 4 Easter Sunday Sacred Heart ‘s ACTS Ministry April 7th-April 10th 2016 Cursillo House 1233 Kingsley Ave Pomona, Ca. You are invited to spend a spirit –filled weekend intended to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bring us to a closer relationship with our Lord. If you are over the age of 21isn’t it time to say “ Here I am Lord”? For more information please contact : March 27, 2016 PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER POSTION Sacred Heart Church is looking for an individual to fill the position of Parish Business Manager. This person will oversee the physical, financial and personnel resources of the parish. Following are some of the qualifications required for this position: ♦ Must be a self-starter; well organized; perform multiple tasks simultaneously and work with a sense of urgency. ♦ Must have knowledge of accounting principles and practices. ♦ Must have supervisory experience. ♦ Must have a working knowledge of and a strong commitment to the mission of the Diocese and Catholic Church; be in full communion with the Church ♦ Proficiency in computer technology to include wordprocessing, spreadsheets and power point. Bachelors’ degree in business or public administration or equivalent experience. 5 years administrative management experience in a business and financial environment. Proven success as a first-line manager in a medium to large firm, Catholic Parish or similar organization . Those interested in the position should submit their resume with a cover letter to the parish office or email to [email protected]. Carlos (909) 229-6738 or Blanca (626) 482-5477 Please join us on April10th, 17th & April 24th at 12:30pm For Sacred Heart’s Children’s Full Initiation Masses Come and welcome the Elect to the Catholic faith. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Parish Office will Be Closed Easter Monday March 28,2016 Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Page 5 Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 Divine Mercy Novena Schedule DAY & TIME Day 3 March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday 3:00PM INTENTIONS & SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES For all devout and faithful souls. Chaplet/Prayers (In Hall, behind the Church) HOSTING PARISHES San Secondo D’ Asti 250 N. Turner Avenue Guasti, 91743 Day 4 March 28, 2016 Easter Monday, 7:00 PM For those who do not believe in God and those who do not yet know Him. Narrative, Recitation of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, Testimony, and Confession St. Peter and St. Paul 9135 Banyan St. Alta Loma 91737 Day 5 March 29, 2016 Easter Tuesday, 7:00 PM For the souls of our separated brethren. Chaplet/Testimony/Talk (Bi-lingual) Our Lady of Lourdes 10191 Central Ave. Montclair, 91763 Day 6 March 30, 2016 Easter Wednesday, 7:00PM For the meek and humble souls and the souls of the children. Holy Mass/Chaplet/Confession (Bi-lingual) St. Joseph 877 Campus Avenue Upland, CA 91768 Day 7 March 31, 2016 Easter Thursday,7:00 PM For the souls who especially venerate and glorify Jesus’ mercy. Holy Mass/Chaplet/Relic of St. Faustina St. Anthony 2110 N. San Antonio Ave. Upland, 91784 Day 8 April 1, 2016 Easter Friday, 7:00 PM For the souls who are detained in purgatory. Holy Mass/Chaplet/Confession St. John XXlll 222 East Easton St. Rialto, 92376 Day 9 April 2 ,2016 Easter Saturday 3:30 PM Confession 5:00 PM Holy Mass Feast of Mercy April 3, 2016 Divine Mercy Sunday12:30 PM For the souls who have become lukewarm. Confession/Vigil Mass in the Church/Chaplet & Talk in Hall St. Paul the Apostle 14085 Peyton Drive Chino Hills, CA 91709 For the Universal Church Holy Mass presided by Bishop Rutilio/ Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/ Eucharistic Procession/ Benediction (Bi-lingual) Sacred Heart 12704 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga 91739 All are invited to join and participate at the 7:30AM woman's mass celebration. Saturday April 2nd Following mass , JOIN US, in St. John XXIII hall for light refreshments & fellowship. African Descent Ministry invites our Sacred Heart family to a Mother’s Day Dinner & Dance Fundraiser (All proceeds will go to the church) May 7th from 6:00pm-9:30pm in the JPII hall Tickets are $20 on sale now in the parish office. Please contact Betty at (909) 730-3988 or Stella (909)695-9544 Page 6 Youth & Young Adult Ministry March 27, 2016 Con 1A April 4 Next Life Night: “The Battlefield” Con 2 April 6 Sat. April 2nd 5-8p Comm Prep April 7 Con 1B April 11 Announcements! Next Edge Night: “Marry Me” Wed. Mar. 30th 6-8p + Teens, if you have missed more than ONE class, you will have to attend Bible Study on Tuesdays to make up each absence. + Confirmation 2 Sponsor and Candidate Retreat will be on April 9th, 11:00 -3:00PM *FIRST HOLY COMMUNION WILL BE ON SATURDAY, MAY 7TH* **THE RITE OF CONFIRMATION WILL BE ON FRIDAY, JUNE 3RD** BIBLE STUDY EVERY TUESDAY 3:30-4:30 pm IN HORVATH YOUTH CENTER YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday-Thursday 1-5pm Melissa Taylor: Youth Minister Melissa. [email protected] 909-803-1421 Andre Dineros: YM. Admin. Assistant Andre. [email protected] 909-803-1422 Chika Anyanwu: Confirmation Coordinator [email protected] 909-803-1423 Page 7 Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 L a Oficina Parroquial estará CERRADA Lunes de Pascua Marzo 28, 2016 CADA VIERNES A LAS 7:OO PM Biblioteca del centro ministerio Acompañen nos todos los jueves para la Hora Santa empezando a las 6:30pm. Misas de Iniciación para niños del Sagrado Corazón Acompáñenos a dar la bienvenida a los nuevos elegidos a la Fe Católica los días 10, 17 y 24 de Abril a las 12:30 PM. Ángeles De Maria Los invitan a la Coronación de la reina Cindy y las princesas Amy y Heidi. Para su participación en el ministerio. El 1 de abril A las 6pm en el Salón Juan Pablo II Para mas información llamen a Esther (909) 544-6399 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Lc 24:13-35 Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8:2, 5-9; Lc 24:35-48 Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118 (117):1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118 (117):1, 14-21; Mc 16:9-15 Hch 5:12-16; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Ap 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Page 8 Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 Love to help? Our Religious Ed office is looking for volunteers. If interested please stop by our office to get more informa on. REMINDER There will be no Religious Ed from March 28-April 1st. Classes will resume Monday April 4th. Have a wonderful Easter break. Religious Ed Office Hours Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm Friday 9am-5pm Sacred Heart Parish School March 27 March 28-April 3 School will resume Apr.4th Easter Sunday Easter Break Page 9 Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 This Jubilee Year of Mercy, Sacred Heart Family is coming together to perform the Corporal Works of Mercy and to live life as Jesus has taught us. Throughout this year we pray that we will be able to fill our hearts with the joy of helping and loving one another. To help clothe the naked and feed the hungry within our local community, we will be scheduling time in the soup kitchen and collecting clothes for Mary’s Mercy Center in San Bernardino. To help shelter the homeless we will be working alongside St. Anthony’s Transition to Home Ministry and assisting the homeless transition from living on the streets to an apartment. We will help furnish the apartment and provide moving labor and the vehicles for the move-in. We will continue our outreach ministries of collecting clothes to clothe the naked of our Mecca, Tijuana & Nogales communities. We are very excited that these opportunities are at our fingertips and we pray that we can all come together as the Sacred Heart Family that we are. Stay connected with us through our Year of Mercy page on our website or through our Year of Mercy widget on our App. We will be posting how you can help! Este jubileo de la Misericordia, la familia de Sagrado Corazón se esta uniendo para participar en las obras corporales de la Misericordia para vivir una vida como Jesús nos a enseñado. Le oramos a Dios que se nos pueda llenar el corazón con gozo por ayudar y amar a uno a otro. Para vestir al desnudo y dar de comer al hambriento dentro nuestra comunidad local estaremos ayudando en la cocina y colectando ropa para los necesitados de Mary’s Mercy Center en San Bernardino. Para posar al necesitado estaremos trabajando con el ministerio de St. Anthony en Upland, Transition to Home para facilitar la transición de vivir en la calle a un apartamento. Ayudaremos en donar muebles para el apartamento, el labor de mudar y los vehículos para la movida. Seguiremos también colectando ropa para nuestra comunidades de Mecca, Tijuana y Nogales. Les pedimos que se mantengan en comunicaciones con nosotros para como pueden ayudar vía nuestra Year of Mercy pagina en nuestra pagina web o por nuestro app. Page 10 Diocesan Events / Eventos Diocesanos Proceeds support Catholic Charities HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM. Services provided to prevent homelessness or assist those currently homeless often include: casework and advocacy, rental assistance, motel vouchers, hygiene kits, groceries, clothing, medical care, utilities assistance and transportation. Let’s Dance 2016 will help raise awareness and funds for these vital programs. Buy your tickets at , go to “Events”. You will see the Events page for Let’s Dance 2016 to purchase one ticket for $50 or two for $90. Food served and no host bar. Dress in your favorite 60’s, 70’s or 80’s fashion (optional). Date/Time: Friday, April 29, 2016 7pm7pm-midnight Location: Chaffey College Chino Community Center— Center—5890 College Park Ave., Chino CA 91710 March 27, 2016 Seminary Open House Saturday April 9th 1-4pm At St. John’s Seminary 5012 Seminary Road Camarillo Ca 93012 Please join us in caring for those in need in our dioceses. This is a perfect opportunity while we focus on the Year of Mercy. For Information please contact Kelly Schlegal, Lead of Catholic Charities West End, at 909909-896896-6351 or via email at [email protected] Catholic Daughters of the Americas Annual Card Party & Luncheon Saturday: April 2,2016 Time: 11:30am Where: St. Anthony’s 2110 N. San Antonio Ave. Upland, Ca 91784 Tickets: $15.00 per person Porceeds go to our Court’s Scholarship Program R.S.V.P. Please –No tickets will be sold at the door. You are invited to our next Restoring Me Healing Retreat For Adult Survivors of Abuse Healing through the gift of Faith Saturday, April 2, 2016 At Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral 2525 N. Arrowhead Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92405 From 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Registration: 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.) Diocese of San Bernardino - 1201 E. Highland Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92404 To RSVP or for more information please call (909) 475-5129 Or email [email protected] Donation: $15 (Includes continental breakfast, lunch, and materials) Page 11 Gratitude Page March 27, 2016 Social Ministerio Justice Justicia Ministry Social Sacred Heart Parish appreciates the work that the Ministry of Social Justice is doing. Last Saturday, 12 participants finished the first cycle of the citizenship classes. More than 30 people benefited from this program. The new cycle of classes will begin on April 2nd . In February, the Ministry of Social Justice organized the citizenship workshop series where they helped 50 new prospects towards citizenship by processing their application for free. Sacred Heart is transforming lives through its Ministry of Social Justice and through the work of its coordinator Sandra Gonzalez and her tireless team of collaborators. Thank you. La Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón agradece el trabajo que el Ministerio de Justicia Social está haciendo. El pasado Sábado, 12 participantes finalizaron el primer ciclo de clases de ciudadanía, donde más de 30 personas se beneficiaron de este programa. El nuevo ciclo de clases empezará el 2 de Abril. También en el pasado mes de Febrero el Ministerio de Justicia Social organizó el taller de ciudadanía, donde se le ayudó a 50 nuevos prospectos a ciudadanos a tramitar su solicitud gratuitamente. La Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón está transformando vidas a través de su Ministerio de Justicia Social, gracias al trabajo de su coordinadora Sandra González y a su incansable equipo de colaboradores. Gracias. PA R I S H S T A F F “Ser ving God through Ser ving Others” ADMINISTRATIVE Debbie Fanzo, Director of Community Life ext. 111 e-mail: [email protected] Rosa Talamantes, Dir. of Hispanic Ministry & Multi-Cultural Cord. ext. 145 e-mail: [email protected] Blanca Marrufo, Adm. Assistant to the Pastor ext. 133 e-mail: [email protected] Vivian Huizar, Office Assistant/Sacramental Records ext. 113 e-mail: [email protected] Gladys Giron, Office Assistant/Bulletin Editor ext. 115 e-mail: [email protected] Aileen Arrezola, Bookkeeper ext. 114 e-mail: [email protected] Judith Minjarez, Office Assistant ext. 115 e-mail: [email protected] LITURGICAL Mary Dias, Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries ext. 701 e-mail: [email protected] Thomas Haynes, Audio Visual Coordinator ext. 252 e-mail: [email protected] Regina Eskridge, Liturgy Ast./Cord. of Neighborhood Comm. ext. 131 [email protected] FAITH FORMATION/YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Fornelli, CCM e-mail: [email protected] Maria Trujillo, RE Administrative Assistant e-mail: [email protected] Monica Hernandez, RE Administrative Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Melissa Taylor, Youth Minister e-mail: [email protected] Chika Anyanwu, Coordinator of Confirmation and Young Adults e-mail: [email protected] Andre Dineros, Y/M Administrative Assistant e-mail: [email protected] FACILITIES Carlos Sanchez, Facility Manager e-mail: [email protected] Salvador Marquez, Lawn Care Maria Mejia, Rectory Housekeeper/Cook Francisco Valenzuela, Maintenance ext. 150 ext. 152 ext.151 ext. 121 ext. 123 ext. 122 ext. 552 ext. 118 ext. 115 ext. 118 PARISH MINISTRIES (Telephone or Extension) ACTS Martin Vargas (909)239-5634 Adoration Lucy Castellana (626)675-0572 African Descent Ministry Philomina Nwarueze (909)743-9419 Altar Linens Judy Oziminski (909)484-7350 Altar Server Rene Echiverri (909)904-1611 Arts / Environment Veronica Assal (909)899-1049 Audio / Visual Thomas Haynes Children’s Liturgy Cecilia Fornelli ext. 150 Children’s Performing Arts Teresa Ortega (714)883-5177 Church Cleaning Alejandro & Ana Castro (909)519-7663 Coffee & Donut Ministry Mary Orduño (909)561-2950 ext. 244 Communion to Homebound Eric Batoon email: evbjrw@hotmail Chito Peralta 909-615-1533/Heidi Molina 909-576-6267 Cursillos In Christianity Divine Mercy Ministry Kathyrn Cramm (909)477-9338 /Anne Magodoro (909)518-7637 Divorce/Separated Support Ministry Julia Raymond (909)945-9233 EDGE (Middle School) Melissa Taylor (909)803-1421 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Lydia Hanna (909)721-6440 Faith on Fire Leona O’Brien (909) 232-6851 Festival Chairman Joe Kuskie ext. # 291 Filipino Ministry Jojo Lazo (937)701-7472 Finance Council Tony Morales (909)528-3259 Food Pantry Maria Brown (626)274-9068 Guadalupano’s (bilingual) Rod Morales (909)489-3933 Grief Ministry Olga Rios (909)702-2951 Health Ministry Rose Morales (626)216-3496 Jail Ministry Greg Estrella [email protected] Knights of Columbus Jim Hernandez (951)897-9973 Lectors Robert Covington (909)350-3277 LifeTeen (High School) Melissa Taylor (909)803-1421 Light of Jesus Family Ministry Lester Pasimio (626)643-0012 Little Lambs Cecilia Fornelli ext. # 150 Lumen Christi Young Adults Chika Anyanwu (909)803-1423 Marriage Encounter Peddy & Linda Ascio (909)730-1524 Marriage Enrichment Shawn & Bern Judson (909)463-9689 Marriage Preparation Paul & Nancy Camarillo (909)239-7095 (909)472-8682 Mary’s Hands Circle (Crafting Ministry) Gina Kunakorn Men’s Fellowship Alex Alexander (909)697-5834 Multi Cultural Fellowship Carmela Giliberto (909)256-9675 Music Jowie Witongco, Raul Cancio, Marlene Scarlett, Matthew Braun Parent Life John Paul Dizon 909-565-2727 Parish School Board Teddy Rawson (909)899-1049 Pastoral Council Dave Hutson (909) 823-0146 Prayer Group– Holy Spirit Linda Elliott (909)880-8885 Purgatorial Prayer Ministry Alicia Santacruz (909)578-7658 Respect Life Gracie Vargas (909) 238-6399 RCIA (English) Mary Ann Andel (909)987-9312 Security Ministry Tim Wyant (909)899-1049 Senior Ministry Julia Raymond (909)945-9233 Stewardship Committee Michael Rios (909)899-1049 Tribunal Advocates Dcn. Ed Clark ext. 286 Ushers / Greeters Andy Morales (909)600-9593 MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES Women’s Fellowship Ve’Lores Thomspon (909)463-6204 Adoración de 24 Horas Lucy Castellana (626)675-0572 Ángeles de María (Las Niñas) Esther Velásquez (909)941-0739 Despensa de Comida Maria Brown (626)274-9068 Duelo - Ministerio Teresa Jimenez (Interim) (909)899-1049 Educación Religiosa y RICA Cecilia Fornelli ext. 150 Encuentro Matrimonial Jesus y Livier Garcia (909)899-6000 Estudio Bíblico Joseph Moctezuma (909)282-2142 Eucaristía - Ministros Lydia Hanna (909)721-6440 Grupo de Oración-Cristo Rey David Arias (951)217-2675 Justicia Social Sandra Gonzalez (909)921-3163 Lectores Luis Torres (909)854-6670 Matrimonios del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y María Jason y Lorena Tinoco (909)957-2153 Ministerio de Comunión a los Enfermos Patricia Hassin (909)232-0041 Monaguillos Nidia Vargas (559)331-5173 Movimiento Familiar Guillermo y Carmen Navarro (909)463-6372 Música Joaquín Vázquez, Carlos Urrutia, José Ramírez, y Carlos Ramírez Planificación Natural de la Familia Gerardo y Lupe Valvaneda (909)899-3955 Preparación Bautismal/Quinceañeras Rosa Talamantes ext. 145 Preparación Matrimonial Francisco & Vicki Bellota ext. 282 Respeto a la Vida Mirza Andrade (909)641-3675
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